Algone | Stem Cell Therapy

Posted: September 22, 2017 at 3:48 am

Why is Algone Different from other Regenerative Medicine Clinics?

Algone is Alaskas ONLY Regenexx affiliate. What is Regenexx? Regenexxwas founded in 2005 by Christopher Centeno, MD and John Schultz, MD. They were the first physicians in the United States to use culture expanded stem cells in patients through an IRB approved study from 2005-2007 and since then have optimized their procedures for the best possible outcome. Regenexxs procedures are unlike any other Regenerative Medicine processing company and are now patented because of how unique they are.

In 2012, Regenexx developed the Regenexx network, which is a medical provider network that features handpicked physicians who receive extensive training. With about 25 sites in the United states, Regenexx is VERY picky on who they choose to perform their procedures. Algones very own, Matthew R. Peterson, MD was the first in Alaska to be chosen and we now have Steven P. Johnson, MD and Nichelle C. Renk, MD as Regenexx Network Providers.

Regenexx is the longest running, most experienced, best published orthopedic stem cell therapy in the United States


What are stem cells?

Stem cells are undifferentiated cells that have the ability to produce a wide variety of specialized cells with distinct functions in the body. Stem cells can potentially be used to treat chronic pain by producing site-specific healing cells in damaged tissue.

How to doctors get stem cells?

Physicians at Algone only use mesenchymal stem cells, which are adult stem cells from the patients own tissue. These cells can be obtained in one of two ways. The first involves a procedure similar to liposuction, as stem cells are gathered from fat tissue around the waist. The second procedure uses a needle to obtain a small amount of liquid bone marrow from the pelvic or breast bone in a process called bone marrow aspiration.

Is bone marrow aspiration the same as a bone marrow biopsy?

No, bone marrow aspiration is the removal of a small amount of tissue in liquid form, while a bone marrow biopsy removes actual marrow.

Most patients are familiar with the painful procedure required for a bone marrow biopsy. In contrast, a bone marrow aspiration is a quick procedure that utilizes a local anesthetic to numb the site before a needle is inserted. The majority of patients report the procedure results in little or no discomfort.

How are the stem cells used?

After obtaining the mesenchymal stem cells, physicians at Algone isolate the cells in the clinics lab using a proprietary separation technique. The regenerative stem cells are then injected into the target area to produce specialized cells and jumpstart the bodys secondary healing process.

What pain can be treated with this procedure?

Stem cell therapy is a potential treatment option for a wide variety of chronic pain issues. Common conditions include arthritis, ligament and tendon tears, osteonecrosis and bursitis.

Why should I consider stem cell therapy?

Stem cell therapy is a swift treatment option that has the potential to provide patients with relief from chronic pain. The procedure takes less than a day and offers an affordable alternative for patients who may be contemplating surgery or joint replacement. Not only is the procedure quick, but many patients resume normal activities immediately following the treatment, avoiding a lengthy rehabilitation period.

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Algone | Stem Cell Therapy

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