Argentina: Promotion of modern biotechnology and nanotechnology – Lexology

Posted: September 25, 2022 at 2:30 am

In brief

By National Law No. 27,685 ("Law"), published on 16 September 2022, Law No. 26,270 was amended, expanding throughout the entire national territory the promotion regime for the development and production of modern biotechnology and nanotechnology. The regime will be in force up to 31 December 2034.

The Law set forth the following tax benefits: (i) the accelerated amortization of the capital goods, special equipment, and parts or elements forming those new goods, which were acquired for the project; (ii) the anticipated refund for the VAT corresponding to the goods acquired for the project; and (iii) the granting of a tax credit bond equivalent to 50% of expenses paid for hiring investigative and development services from institutions that are part of the national public system of science, technology and innovation. The tax credit bond will be valid for 10 years and it will only be transferable once.

In focus

The Law includes the concept of nanotechnology in the definition of "Modern Biotechnology", which means every technological application based on rational knowledge and scientific principles that derive from biology, biochemistry, microbiology, bioinformatics, molecular biology and genetic engineering, or that uses live organisms or parts of them, either for the production of goods and services, or for the substantial improvement of products and productive processes.

The Law set forth the following tax benefits:

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Argentina: Promotion of modern biotechnology and nanotechnology - Lexology

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