Biotechnology at UMBC

Posted: October 26, 2016 at 10:43 am

UMBC Biotechnology Graduate Programs

The Masters in Professional Studies in Biotechnology prepares science professionals to fill management and leadership roles in biotechnology-related companies or agencies.

UMBCs Biotechnology curriculum is intended to address changes in the needs of the biotechology industry through experiential learning, by providing advanced instruction in the life sciences, in addition to coursework in regulatory affairs, leadership, management, and financial management in a life science-oriented business.

Global challenges in human health, food security, sustainable industrial production and environmental protection continues to fuel the biosciences industry, creating new opportunities within the four primary sub sectors:

UMBC's Biotechnology Graduate Program and its strong academic programs in the life sciences are led by a distinguished faculty of nearly fifty members spanning the departments of:

This established academic and research expertise in the biosciences provides a foundation for programs in biotechnology management and biochemical regulatory engineering.

Over the past decade the industry has added nearly 111,000 new, high-paying jobs or 7.4 percent to its employment base, according to the latest Battelle/BIO report.

Economic output of the bioscience industry has expanded significantly with 17 percent growth for the biosciences since 2007, nearly twice the national private sector nominal output growth.

UMBC Division of Professional Studies 1000 Hilltop Circle, Sherman Hall East 4th Floor, Baltimore, MD 21250 410-455-2336

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Biotechnology at UMBC

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