Biotechnology, MS

Posted: July 12, 2018 at 12:49 am

Home Academics College of Science and Mathematics Biology Department Graduate Programs Biotechnology, MS

Degree Requirements | Admission Requirements | Transfer Credit Policy | Costs and Financial Aid

This MS program in biotechnology and biomedical science trains students in the theory and laboratory techniques used in biotechnology and biomedical science-two high technology areas of expanding national and local importance. The program provides a firm foundation in the principles underlying modern biotechnology techniques, and integrates this theoretical understanding with intensive training in a variety of laboratory skills and in computer applications to biotechnology.

The curriculum of the program consists of required courses in biology and biophysics, a required two-semester research experimentation course, and elective courses in biology, chemistry, and physics. Work in these courses is particularly appropriate for students with interests in the emerging fields of biotechnology, molecular genetics, tissue culture, and computerized laboratory technology.

Thirty credits are required for the master of science degree in biotechnology and biomedical science.

Each degree candidate is assigned to a three-member advising committee, which will be responsible for insuring that the student fulfills all requirements of the program and the Office of Graduate Studies.

All students must complete the following courses for a total of 9 credits:

All students must complete at least four of the following courses for a minimum of 12 credits:

Students must complete the remainder of credits (9 credits) by taking elective courses chosen from the following list. At least two must be biology courses.

Students wishing to substitute any other courses for those on this list of electives must have prior approval from their Academic Advising Committee and the graduate program director in biology.

Each student prepares a written report on his or her research work and must also take an oral examination, which will not necessarily be limited to the topic of the report. The student must submit an outline of the report to his or her advising committee before taking the oral examination.

Students may choose either an internship option or a thesis option, which will enable them to pursue a thesis research project in the laboratory of a faculty member. Thesis students have the option of taking 4 additional research credits, as Biol 699. This, in combination with two semesters of Biol 696, will allow for a maximum of 10 credits toward research.

Note: These degree requirements are subject to change as developments in the field affect the program's curriculum. Please contact the director of graduate programs in biology for the most current information.

Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL official test score) is required for international applicants. For more information regarding minimal TOEFL scores go to Graduate Admissions.The stated interests of a prospective student must coincide to an acceptable degree with the faculty specialties represented in the program. The Biology Graduate Committee in conjunction with the Director of Graduate Programs in Biology is responsible for reviewing applications and for recommending candidates to the dean of graduate studies.

Applicants who have completed appropriate graduate course work at other accredited institutions may transfer the equivalent of six credits toward UMass Boston graduate degree requirements from courses in which the applicant received a grade of B or higher, provided these are courses that have not been used to fulfill requirements for another degree,andwere completed no more than seven years before the applicant's matriculation of UMass Boston.Transfer credit is subject to the final approval of the graduate program director and the dean of graduate studies.

As a public university, the costs of attending UMass Boston are moderate, especially for students who qualify as residents of Massachusetts. Financial aid is available in the form of grants, loans, and a limited number of assistantships that provide a stipend and remission of tuition.

For information about financial assistance please see the graduate assistance page, or write or call:

Office of Financial Aid ServicesUniversity of Massachusetts Boston100 Morrissey Blvd.Boston, MA 02125617.287.6300

Please consult the frequently asked questions (FAQs) at the bottom of the preceding Graduate Programs home page.

Faculty in the School for the Environment and Computer Science and Chemistry Departments also participate in this program.

Please note:All information on this website is subject to change.This website is neither a contract nor an offer to make a contract.

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Biotechnology, MS

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