
Posted: September 9, 2016 at 7:45 pm

BIO is undertaking an aggressive effort to promote the value of biopharmaceutical innovations and ensure that all patients have access to the drugs they need. A vital component of this campaign is holding insurers and their allies accountable for standing in the way of that access. For months, weve blown the whistle on their discriminatory practices, high cost-sharing and cost-shifting, and their blatant falsehoods on whats driving their premium increases, and today, were introducing a ReadMore>

Last week, the Washington Post published an article titled Alzheimers Drug Trial Sparks Optimism which highlighted new findings from a paper published in Nature. They shared exciting news of positive early trial results for a potential new Alzheimers treatment. Overall this is the best news that weve had in my 25 years doing Alzheimers clinical research and it brings new hope for patients and families most affected by the disease, said one of the studys ReadMore>

Before innovative therapies can start helping patients, successful matches between investors and entrepreneurs seeking to develop new medicines must occur. Without access to capital, potentially lifesaving drugs will exist only as ideas. Every fall investors looking for good prospects in the biotech sector gather at the BIO Investor Forum in San Franciscothe birthplace of biotechnology and home to over 1,600 life sciences companies. Many of these companies and others from around the country come to ReadMore>

Casey Whitaker, Communications Coordinator, Animal Agriculture Alliance | 09/08/2016

I have always been a perfectionist when it comes to my work, so its no surprise I found my passion in an industry that also strives for perfection. Animal agriculture never stops reaching for the highest quality of animal care, environmental stewardship and food safety possible. The industry strives for perfection, but also knows that perfection is hard to come by in agriculture because farmers, ranchers, veterinarians and all those involved in the farm-to-fork process ReadMore>

Hans Sauer, Deputy General Counsel, Intellectual Property, Legal, BIO | 09/07/2016

The topic of inter partes reviews (IPRs) has dominated conversation in patent circles for the last several years (see our archive for some of our past articles on the subject). As uncertainty grows in the biopharma community about IPR procedures and the future of innovation, BIO will make IPRs a major topic of discussion at our upcoming IP and Diagnostics Symposium (BIO IPDX) as well as BIOs IP Counsels Committee Meeting in November. An administrative ReadMore>

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