Environmental Defense Fund: Sustainable farming, feeding growing population require biotechnology – Genetic Literacy Project

Posted: June 21, 2017 at 10:44 am

It is critical that humanity meet the food needs of a growing population and relieve the increasing pressures on natural systems. Environmental Defense Fund supports the coexistence of diverse farming systems to ensure a sustainable future for farmers, society, and our environment. Achieving these goals will require a comprehensive strategy that draws on a wide range of approaches and technologies, including biotechnology.

EDF recognizes the use of biotechnology as a legitimate deployment of science in the search for effective solutions, and also recognizes that past deployment of some biotechnology products has caused legitimate concerns. For that reason, we will support or oppose specific biotechnology products or processes based on transparent assessments of their health, environmental, social, and economic risks and benefits.The risks and benefits of biotechnology products will often vary by organism, geography and other variables, and need to be assessed at relevant temporal and spatial scales.

The GLP aggregated and excerpted this blog/article to reflect the diversity of news, opinion, and analysis. Read full, original post:Our position on biotechnology

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Environmental Defense Fund: Sustainable farming, feeding growing population require biotechnology - Genetic Literacy Project

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