NJSBA magazine explores biotechnology and genetics – Yahoo News

Posted: August 6, 2017 at 5:42 am

The August issue of the New Jersey State Bar Association's bi-monthly magazine, New Jersey Lawyer, focuses on the evolving topic of biotechnology, genetics and the law.

"Although a very specialized area, biotechnology law crosses many legal disciplines, including litigation, licensing, intellectual property, patents, agriculture, business, venture capitalism, antitrust, biosecurity and bioethics," said Angela Foster and David Opderbeck, who served as special editors for the issue.

"The use of biotechnology has raised a number of legal, ethical and social issues, including who owns genetically modified organisms (GMOs), whether genetically modified foods are safe to eat, and who controls a person's genetic information. This issue explores contemporary biotechnology issues impacting the legal community."

A dozen articles explore the topic in the award-winning magazine, beginning with a look at whether organs-on-chips are patentable in an article by Douglas Bucklin. Richard Catalina Jr.'s article on the Biologics Price Competition and Innovation Act follows.

Nancy Del Pizzo's article looks at the open source model in biotechnology, while Foster explores the truth and fiction behind genetically modified food. Jonathan Lourie reviews strategic licenses and collaborations.

Reproduction is the topic of two articles, one analyzing assisted reproductive technology, written by Alan Milstein, and one penned by Kimberly Mutcherson on regulating the right to procreate.

Opderbeck's contribution focuses on synthetic biology and biosecurity, while Anjana Patel and Patricia Wagner discuss biotech mergers, acquisitions and antitrust issues and Marina Sigareva and Ryan O'Donnell look at global strategies for protecting biotech inventions.

The edition closes with articles on the Patent Trial and Appeal Board's influence on the biotech and pharma industries, written by Nichole Valeyko and Maegan Fuller, and the privacy implications for biotechnology by Wagner.

The October edition of New Jersey Lawyer will explore pro bono issues.

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NJSBA magazine explores biotechnology and genetics - Yahoo News

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