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Category Archives: Alaska Stem Cells

BioTime, Inc. (BTX) Reaches $3.13 After 4.00% Down Move, Brady (BRC) Covered By 1 Bullish Analysts Last Week –

Posted: May 31, 2017 at 8:45 pm

May 30, 2017 - By Maria Brooks

Among 5 analysts covering Brady Corporation (NYSE:BRC), 1 have Buy rating, 2 Sell and 2 Hold. Therefore 20% are positive. Brady Corporation had 10 analyst reports since September 11, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. On Tuesday, November 3 the stock rating was initiated by Suntrust Robinson with Reduce. The firm earned Neutral rating on Friday, September 11 by Bank of America. SunTrust initiated the stock with Reduce rating in Tuesday, November 3 report. Bank of America maintained the stock with Underperform rating in Thursday, September 17 report. Northcoast upgraded it to Buy rating and $45 target in Wednesday, February 15 report. The firm has Underperform rating by Bank of America given on Tuesday, September 15. The firm has Neutral rating by SunTrust given on Tuesday, September 13. See Brady Corp (NYSE:BRC) latest ratings:

15/02/2017 Broker: Northcoast Old Rating: Neutral New Rating: Buy New Target: $45 Upgrade

The stock of BioTime, Inc. (NYSEMKT:BTX) is a huge mover today! About 83,299 shares traded. BioTime, Inc. (NYSEMKT:BTX) has risen 22.71% since May 30, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 6.01% the S&P500.The move comes after 5 months negative chart setup for the $343.87M company. It was reported on May, 30 by We have $3.00 PT which if reached, will make NYSEMKT:BTX worth $13.75 million less.

Investors sentiment decreased to 2.65 in 2016 Q4. Its down 0.02, from 2.67 in 2016Q3. It dived, as 4 investors sold BioTime, Inc. shares while 13 reduced holdings. 12 funds opened positions while 33 raised stakes. 40.36 million shares or 3.11% more from 39.14 million shares in 2016Q3 were reported. Goldman Sachs Gp holds 0% in BioTime, Inc. (NYSEMKT:BTX) or 16,294 shares. Susquehanna Grp Ltd Liability Partnership has invested 0% of its portfolio in BioTime, Inc. (NYSEMKT:BTX). Blackrock Invest Mngmt Ltd Co stated it has 278,470 shares. Fifth Third Commercial Bank invested 0% in BioTime, Inc. (NYSEMKT:BTX). Swiss Bancorp holds 0% or 93,186 shares. Blackrock Institutional Tru Na invested in 0% or 2.05 million shares. Metropolitan Life Ins Ny stated it has 0% of its portfolio in BioTime, Inc. (NYSEMKT:BTX). Family Mgmt holds 115,000 shares. Blackrock Advsrs Lc holds 35,939 shares or 0% of its portfolio. Manatuck Hill Prtnrs Ltd Co invested in 1.29% or 730,350 shares. Moreover, Prelude Management Limited Liability has 0% invested in BioTime, Inc. (NYSEMKT:BTX). Carroll Financial Assoc holds 17,000 shares. Citadel Advsrs Ltd Liability Corp holds 54,453 shares or 0% of its portfolio. State Common Retirement Fund reported 0% stake. Jane Street Grp Limited Liability Company invested in 77,605 shares.

Since February 15, 2017, it had 2 buys, and 0 selling transactions for $6.01 million activity. 2.22 million shares were bought by BROADWOOD PARTNERS L.P., worth $6.00M. 2,000 shares were bought by ANDREWS DEBORAH J, worth $6,410 on Tuesday, May 16.

BioTime, Inc. is a clinical-stage biotechnology firm focused on developing and commercializing products addressing degenerative diseases. The company has market cap of $343.87 million. The Companys clinical programs are based on two platform technologies: pluripotent stem cells and cell/drug delivery platform technologies. It has a 3.22 P/E ratio. The foundation of its cell delivery platform is its HyStem cell and drug delivery matrix technology.

Investors sentiment decreased to 1.04 in 2016 Q4. Its down 0.21, from 1.25 in 2016Q3. It dived, as 19 investors sold Brady Corp shares while 57 reduced holdings. 21 funds opened positions while 58 raised stakes. 37.78 million shares or 1.76% more from 37.13 million shares in 2016Q3 were reported. State Of Alaska Department Of Revenue has invested 0.02% of its portfolio in Brady Corp (NYSE:BRC). Voya Investment Mngmt Ltd Llc has invested 0.01% of its portfolio in Brady Corp (NYSE:BRC). 38,098 are owned by State Of Tennessee Treasury Department. Hsbc Hldgs Public Limited holds 14,087 shares or 0% of its portfolio. Boston Advsr Limited Liability Corp holds 0.01% or 16,535 shares in its portfolio. Bessemer Grp, a New Jersey-based fund reported 46,100 shares. Wells Fargo Mn holds 0.01% or 646,907 shares in its portfolio. Blackrock Japan Limited has 624 shares for 0% of their portfolio. D E Shaw & holds 254,479 shares. 33,787 are owned by International Grp Incorporated Inc. 7,700 are held by Pacad Invest Limited. Smith Asset Mngmt Gru Ltd Partnership owns 49,120 shares. The New York-based Metropolitan Life Insurance Com Ny has invested 0.01% in Brady Corp (NYSE:BRC). Swiss Natl Bank accumulated 76,800 shares. Rhumbline Advisers has invested 0.01% in Brady Corp (NYSE:BRC).

Since December 9, 2016, it had 0 buys, and 4 selling transactions for $1.15 million activity. RICHARDSON BRADLEY C sold $177,060 worth of stock or 4,540 shares. On Thursday, December 15 HARRIS FRANK W sold $76,500 worth of Brady Corp (NYSE:BRC) or 2,000 shares. Curran Bentley sold 20,803 shares worth $825,639.

About 77,423 shares traded. Brady Corp (NYSE:BRC) has risen 24.08% since May 30, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 7.38% the S&P500.

Brady Corporation is a manufacturer and supplier of identification solutions and workplace safety products that identify and protect premises, products and people. The company has market cap of $1.91 billion. The Firm has two divisions: Identification Solutions and Workplace Safety (WPS). It has a 19.72 P/E ratio. The IDS segment includes identification and healthcare products, and the WPS segment includes workplace safety and compliance products.

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BioTime, Inc. (BTX) Reaches $3.13 After 4.00% Down Move, Brady (BRC) Covered By 1 Bullish Analysts Last Week -

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Stem Cell Therapy – Northwest Pain Relief Centers

Posted: May 29, 2017 at 4:51 pm

Stem Cell Therapy

At Northwest Pain Relief Center, non-invasive medical procedures are the mainstay of our practice. Using the most up-to-date techniques, our staff treats patients as whole people. We provide a comprehensive diagnostic assessment in order to design a customized strategy for relief from medical concerns with patients in Washington and Alaska. Stem cell research has advanced to a point that, at Northwest Pain Relief Center, stem cell therapy is part of our array of treatments, designed to help our patients attain their wellness goals and achieve a higher quality of life.

Until recently, treatment options for people with osteoarthritis of the knee were limited. Steroid injections, joint replacement surgery, and physical therapy were often the only treatment options. Now, throughout Washington and Alaska, stem cell therapy injectionsfor knee osteoarthritis are available, at Northwest Pain Relief Center. Stem cell therapy also has applications for treating Achilles tendonitis, rotator cuff tendonitis, and degenerative arthritis.

Stem cell injections work with the bodys natural ability to heal itself. Unlike treatments that simply address the symptoms, stem cell therapy actually promotes repair of the body, restoring degenerated tissue. Stem cell therapy injections also contain hyaluronan, which eases pain and restores mobility by lubricating joints and tendons. This therapy fits well with Northwest Pain Relief Centers integrated approach to wellness, addressing the source of issues, rather than just treating the symptoms.

At Northwest Pain Relief Center, non-invasive medical procedures are the mainstay of our practice. Using the most up to date techniques, our staff treats patients as whole people, providing a comprehensive diagnostic assessment in order to design a customized strategy for relief from medical concerns in Washington and Alaska. Stem cell research, for example, has advanced to a point that, at Northwest Pain Relief Center, stem cell injections as part of our array of treatments, designed to help our patients attain their wellness goals and achieve a higher quality of life.

For instance, until recently, treatment options for people with osteoarthritis of the knee were limited. Steroid injections, joint replacement surgery, and physical therapy were often the only treatment options. Now, in Washington and Alaska, stem cell injections for knee osteoarthritis are available, at Northwest Pain Relief Center. Stem cell therapy also has applications for treating Achilles tendonitis, rotator cuff tendonitis, and degenerative arthritis.

Stem cell injections work with the bodys natural ability to heal itself. Unlike treatments that simply address the symptoms, stem cell therapy actually promotes repair of the body, restoring degenerated tissue. Stem cell injections also contain hyaluronan, which eases pain and restores mobility by lubricating joints and tendons. This therapy fits well with Northwest Pain Relief Centers integrated approach to wellness, addressing the source of issues, rather than just treating the symptoms.

We treat a range of conditions including spondylolisthesis, spinal arthritis, intervetebral disc degeneration, spinal stenosis and herniated discs. Even those with little or no cartilage around their knee have benefited from Regenerative Musculoskeletal Medicines procedures.

Regenerative Musculoskeletal Medicine offers a non-invasive alternative to surgery and steroid injections for this problem. We also treat the underlying issues that cause the pain using either Regenerative Musculoskeletal Medicines advanced form of Platelet rich plasma (PRP) therapy or stem cell therapy.

Quite a number of people suffering from ITB syndrome do not want to risk the side effects that come with steroid injections, while others do not want to resort to surgery. If you are in this category, you can visit Regenerative Musculoskeletal Medicine for a non-invasive alternative to treat ITB syndrome.

Those suffering from meniscus tear are increasingly becoming aware of the implications of removing the meniscus though surgical operation, they also prefer not to risk the side effects that come with steroid injections.

Our in-office, same-day procedures will alleviate your hip pain regardless of the cause. We treat a range of conditions including avascular necrosis, hip arthritis, sacroiliac joint dysfunction, labral tears, tendonitis and complications from a prior injury to the hip joint.

If you are suffering from labrum tear, you can visit us for a painless alternative to cortisone injections and/or surgery. After undergoing our procedure it will take you a very short time to recover. Regenerative Musculoskeletal Medicines procedure for labrum tears includes a combination of stem cell therapy and PRXP treatment.

Regenerative Musculoskeletal Medicine surgeons utilize your bodys own cells to rebuild and strengthen the damaged tissues. And with just as little as one visit you can be on the road to living a life free of pain.

Regenerative Musculoskeletal Medicine treatment for rotator cuff tears involve both Regenerative Musculoskeletal Medicines complex form of platelet rich plasma (PRP) therapy and stem cell therapy, which has been fortified and enhanced with cytokines and additional natural growth factors.

Our revolutionary platelet rich plasma (PRP) and stem cell procedures treat all the damages and underlying conditions that cause you pain. The surgeons use your bodys own bone marrow, fat and cells which reside in your blood to rebuild and strengthen the damaged tissue.

Many patients with tennis elbow run away from surgery and steroid injections. At Regenerative Musculoskeletal Medicine, we offer an effective, non-invasive alternative to steroid injections and surgery. Our procedures treat all the underlying damages that cause the elbow pain. We use stem cell therapy and our advanced form of PRP plus other regenerative procedures.

At Regenerative Musculoskeletal Medicine we offer these alternative procedures to ensure that your treatment is painless. We utilize mesenchymal stem cells which prepare the ability for the stem cells to their work and shematopoietic stem cells which are the drivers of tissue regeneration. This innovative treatment method has already been proven effective in clinical studies.

Distal biceps tendon tear typically occurs as a result of sudden injury and is not a result of other medical conditions. The tear can occur during heavy lifting without bending the elbows. In a situation where the elbow joints are forcefully straightened the distal tendon gets separated from the bicep.

If you have wrist pain that has been bothering you for some time, then you are at the right place. At Regenerative Musculoskeletal Medicine our healthcare providers offer same-day in-office procedures to alleviate your hand and wrist pain whether it results from wrist arthritis, carpel tunnel syndrome, tendonitis or hand arthritis.

Temporary carpal tunnel syndrome can be treated using the conservative treatments. But these treatments are sometimes not effective in relieving the pain. Such case may require PRP treatment and stem cell therapy which has been applied successfully.

With just one visit to our providers you can be on the road to living a pain free life. Our doctors utilize your bodys own cells, which reside in your blood, bone marrow, and fat, to rebuild and strengthen damaged tissue.

At Regenerative Northwest Pain Relief Centers we have introduced a new regenerative technique for the treatment of plantar fasciitis. We treat the stressed connective tissue with an injection of the patients own PRP and stem cells. Our procedure regenerates damaged tissue while reducing pain.

Call Northwest Pain Relief Center Today

If youre seeking stem cell therapyin either Washington or Alaska, Northwest Pain Relief Center can help, offering non-invasive physical medicine treatments, including stem cell injections and physical therapy, in both Washington and Alaska.For your FREE consultation, call us today at 855-959-7246

Or visit our Locations page to find our clinic nearest you!

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‘Killing Leuk:’ Kelly Marre’s book signing April 8 – Mat-Su Valley Frontiersman

Posted: April 2, 2017 at 4:46 am

WASILLA I always say my story begins with Logan, Kelly Marre says.

Her first born son, Logan passed away at the age of 11 in 1998 after fighting acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). Nineteen years later, Marre carries his memory everywhere. As an active member in the volunteer community, particularly focusing her efforts on Leukemia and bone marrow registries, Marre states she tries to do everything with purpose.

When God took Logan, it did not compromise my faith. I could have been bitter and cursed his name from a mountaintop. But I didnt. Look around everything is beautiful. Logans story almost 19 years after his death lives on (Sharing her story and her sons) It brings people hope and that is my purpose, Marre says.

Kelly, too, is battling leukemia. Now 22 months into remission, Marre has survived thus far and has a story to share.

Saturday, April 8, from 11am to 2pm is Kelly Marres book signing event. Titled, Killing Leuk, the book chronicles her journey through the stages of Acute myeloid leukemia (AML).

The book-singing event will be inside the new Little Millers Caf off the Palmer-Wasilla Highway. Guests can stroll into the cozy lounge and casually waft through the afternoon with Marre as she sells and signs books and welcomes meaningful conversations. She invites anyone who wants talk about overcoming the challenges of pain and suffering, hoping to a brighter future.

Marres goal is to donate $1 for every book sold. If they all sell that would mean 4,000 books to raise $4,000 to donate to her charities of choice: The Ronald McDonald Foundation, Be the Match (bone marrow registry), the Make-a-Wish Foundation, and the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.

Nineteen years after her son Logans death, Marres book details her dealings with loss, illness, high hopes and setbacks, hope, strength, and ultimately inspiration; how she kept fighting through every strained step, every clump of hair fallen, each relapse. All with the love and support through faith, friends, family, and the heartbeat of the community.

Logan was pretty famous in our community, Marre said.

If you look back in the Frontiersman archives, you will find stories surrounding Marres family and the impact it had on the community; a living, breathing story arc of love and loss, whirling a dramatic wind of positive momentum, all around.

You know what, we all have stories; we all have circumstances, and we all have pain and weve all had suffering, she said. Its what we do with that its our journey. We were given a journey and its all how we walk that journey that can make our break us.

Both Logan and Kelly were unable to find matches for bone marrow transplants. Both, however, received cord blood units from donated umbilical cords.

The umbilical cord is rich, rich in stem cells. Unfortunately in Alaska we dont have that opportunity and Im trying to change that, Marre said. Thats why I get involved with the be the match bone marrow registry drive. We need to find matches for everybody.

Anyone interested in visiting Kelly Marre is welcome to do stop by this Saturday. It appears Marre and her sons stories have already given people hope. Theres always room for more.

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'Killing Leuk:' Kelly Marre's book signing April 8 - Mat-Su Valley Frontiersman

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Trump’s budget cuts drastically into science and health programs – PBS NewsHour

Posted: March 18, 2017 at 5:46 am

NASAs budget for STEM education falls under the knife in the White Houses budget proposal for 2018. Photo by Hero Images/via Getty Images

The White Houses budget proposal for 2018, released Thursday, seeks cuts in science and health agencies across the board. Congress has final approval on this request from the president. Some budgetary wallets would be lightened more than others. Here is the breakdown.

Environmental Protection Agency: 31 percent cut 2017: $8.2 billion 2018: $5.7 billion

Mary Workman holds a Jar of undrinkable water that came from her well in October 1973. This photo is part of the Documerica Project (1971-1977), wherein EPA hired freelance photographers to capture images relating to environmental problems, EPA activities, and everyday life in the 1970s. Photo by Erik Calonius

The Environmental Protection Agency gets hit with the largest reduction in terms percentage for an agency or department. The move eliminates more than 50 programs, including infrastructure assistance to Alaska Native Villages and the Mexico Border as well as Energy Star, which sets efficiency standards for consumer products. While the budget promises to finance high priority infrastructure investments that protect human health, it would also slash $330 million for Superfund cleanup programs, which remove pollution from some of the nations most contaminated land. The proposal also eliminates funding for the regional restoration efforts across the nation. Those projects keep human runoff from contaminating waterways like the Great Lakes and Chesapeake Bay. As some expected, the Clean Power Plan is discontinued. The EPAs grants and research divisions lose about half their funding. Overall, the proposed budget would clear out 3,200 jobs.

National Institutes of Health: 19 percent cut 2017: $31.7 billion 2018: $25.9 billion

Red blood cells infected with malaria. Photo by Rick Fairhurst and Jordan Zuspann, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health

The federal agency responsible for funding the training of doctors and scientists as well as developing treatments for cancer, Alzheimers disease, obesity, mental health disorders and a range of other maladies would face a $5.8 billion cut under the proposed budget. The budget calls for a major reorganization of the NIHs institutes and centers. The move would close the Fogarty International Center, which creates partnerships between American and international research centers. The NIH budget has has been stagnant for years and has failed to keep pace with inflation since 2003. The NIH employs 5,200 scientists at its various campuses and its grants support 300,000 researchers at 2,500 universities and organizations in every state. The Department of Health and Human Services, which encompasses the NIH, faces the largest monetary cut $15.1 billion of all the departments and agencies mentioned the White House budget proposal. However, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, which handles some but not all national programs geared toward tackling the opioid epidemic, would witness a $500 million increase above 2016 enacted levels.

U.S Department of Agriculture: 21 percent cut 2017: $22.6 billion 2018: $17.9 billion

Farms and workers in the Pajaro Valley benifit from the Pajaro Valley Water Management Agency (PVWMA) sanitized wastewater is used by growers as is or in blends with salty ground (well) water to reduce the salt content for agriculture use, in Watsonville, CA, on Thursday, August 27, 2015. Photo and caption by U.S. Department of Agriculture

The agricultural departments programs for wastewater management and food aid for the impoverished living in foreign countries hits the chopping block in the proposed budget. The Water and Wastewater loan and grant program $500 million provides funds for water infrastructure in rural communities. The White House budget stated these services can be replaced by private sector financing or through EPA support. The McGovern-Dole International Food for Education, which claimed to have fed 3 million children and their families overseas in 2015, loses its $200 million support. Wildfire preparedness would receive full support to the tune of $2.4 billion, but the National Forest System would lose an unspecified amount. Food stamps would not be cut, though the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) would see a $200 million reduction.

Department of Energy: 6 percent cut 2017: $29.7 billion 2018: $28.0 billion

Heavy seas engulf Rhode Islands Block Island wind farm, the first U.S. offshore wind warm. Photo by

The Department of Energys Office of Science loses $900 million under the proposed budget for projects directed toward innovations in energy efficiency and infrastructure. For instance, the Advanced Technology Vehicle Manufacturing Program, which has provided support to companies like Tesla, gets axed. The office backs research at 300 universities and 10 national labs. The Yucca Mountain nuclear waste facility would receive $120 million.

NASA: 1 percent cut 2017: $19.2 billion 2018: $19.1 billion

A NASA staff member describes the Global Precipitation Measurement Mission at the 2014 USA Science and Engineering Festival in Washington D.C. Photo by NASA/Aubrey Gemignani

While a 1 percent cut represents the smallest slash among the field of science agencies, NASA would shutters its $115 million Office of Education. So long to space camp and a long list of classroom projects geared toward engaging students in science, technology, engineering and math. NASAs Earth Science branch faces a $102 million reduction, with most cuts targeting climate change research. Robotic satellite refueling missions lose $88 million, but the budgets for deep space exploration, including for the the Orion crew vehicle and Space Launch System, remain well-funded.

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: 1 percent cut 2017: $5.8 billion 2018: $5.6 billion

A school of anthias (Pseudanthias bartlettorum) and a school of white tip sharks at Jarvis Island. Photo by Kelvin Gorospe/NOAA/NMFS/Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center Blog

NOAA, part of the Department of Commerce, sees a relatively small reduction of $250 million for grants and programs that target coastal and marine management, research and education. The budget maintains funding for national weather surveillance, including for polar and environmental satellites already in the process of construction. But the proposal appears to cut funds for two Polar Follow On satellites, dues to launch in 2024 and 2026.

Chemical Safety Board: 100 percent cut 2017: $12.4 million 2018: $0

The Chemical Safety Board is nations independent overseer for chemical spills. Its charged with investigating chemical spills and accidents at fixed industrial facilities. The board doesnt hand out penalties, but makes recommendations to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), industry organizations and labor groups. The budget document does not expand on why the White House is seeking the cuts.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Unclear

The budget listed no specifics for the CDC, except for $500 million to help the public health agency respond to state emergencies like last years Zika outbreak in Florida.

Editors note: This story has been updated to add the number of people supported by the NIH and to include the potential cuts to the Chemical Safety Board.

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Trump's budget cuts drastically into science and health programs - PBS NewsHour

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Asian community plays key role in healthcare – Northwest Asian Weekly

Posted: February 19, 2017 at 4:45 am

The vibrant and growing Asian community in the Northwest has a major impact on the excellent healthcare system that benefits everyone in the region. As healthcare professionals delivering high quality patient care, or as patients receiving care, Asians are part of the fabric of local communities.

Although blood donations from the Asian community are increasing, they are still low compared to other ethnic communities in the region, said Dr. Yanyun Wu, chief medical officer at Bloodworks Northwest. The best local blood supply we can have needs to fully reflect the ethnic diversity of all the communities we serve. In some circumstances, the best patient outcomes are achieved when donated blood and patients needing it share similar ethnic background.

There are many options for donating blood. Giving whole blood takes less than an hour, and after it is processed into its components red cells, platelets, and plasma it can be used to help up to three patients. New moms can also donate umbilical cord blood after the birth of their baby. Stem cells in cord blood are used to treat many forms of cancer.

Bloodworks N supports more than 90 hospitals in Washington, Oregon, and Alaska, and the demand for blood components is continuous. Patients in hospitals undergoing surgeries, emergency rooms treating traumatic injuries, people receiving treatments for cancer, and surgeons performing organ transplants all depend on a stable blood supply.

All blood types are needed! Donors are welcome at any of Bloodworks Northwests 12 donor centers, or check online for community blood drives close to where you live or work. Information about locations and times can be found at

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Asian community plays key role in healthcare - Northwest Asian Weekly

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Cord Blood Banking Cost | Cord Blood and Tissue Banking Prices

Posted: January 4, 2017 at 7:42 pm

We also offer special discounts for multiple births, military families, medical professionals and more.Please call 800.786.7235 for details. Annual Storage



(Includes initial processing fee, 1st year of storage and additional 20 years of storage)


Standard (HES)


Down payment is due at enrollment. *Actual monthly payment will be slightly lower than what is being shown. Cannot be combined with other offers or discounts. Add $50 to down payment for medical courier service from Alaska, Hawaii and Puerto Rico. After the first year annual storage fees will apply, $150 for cord blood and $150 for cord tissue. A monthly service fee is included in the monthly payment.

Down payment is due at enrollment. *Actual monthly payment will be slightly lower than what is being shown. Cannot be combined with other offers or discounts. Add $50 to down payment for medical courier service from Alaska, Hawaii and Puerto Rico. After the second year annual storage fees will apply, $150 for cord blood and $150 for cord tissue. A monthly service fee is included in the monthly payment.

*Fee schedule subject to change without notice. If a client has received a kit and discontinues services prior to collection, there is no cancellation fee if the kit is returned within two weeks from cancellation notice. Additional courier service fee applies for Alaska, Hawaii and Puerto Rico. Applies to 1-year plan and promotional plan only. After the first year, an annual storage fee will apply. Cryo-Cell guarantees to match any written offer for product determined to be similar at Cryo-Cells sole discretion. ** Promotional Plan cannot be combined with any other promotional offers, coupons or financing.

In order to preserve more types and quantity of umbilical cord stem cells and to maximize possible future health options, Cryo-Cells umbilical cord tissue service provides expectant families with the opportunity to cryogenically store their newborns umbilical cord tissue cells contained within substantially intact cord tissue. Should umbilical cord tissue cells be considered for potential utilization in a future therapeutic application, further laboratory processing may be necessary. Regarding umbilical cord tissue, all private blood banks activities for New York State residents are limited to collection, processing, and long-term storage of umbilical cord tissue stem cells. The possession of a New York State license for such collection, processing and long-term storage does not indicate approval or endorsement of possible future uses or future suitability of these cells.

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Cord Blood Banking Cost | Cord Blood and Tissue Banking Prices

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GK-12 : STEM Activities and Resources for K-12 Teachers …

Posted: November 29, 2016 at 8:41 am

For All Grades (K-12) From AAAS

BEN (BiosciEdNet) Digital Library Portal for Teaching and Learning in the Biological Sciences Teaching and learning resources for undergraduate and graduate students from collaborating organizations in the biological sciences

Science NetLinks Standards-based lesson plans for teachers that incorporate reviewed Internet resources and that are searchable by Project 2061 Benchmarks

Science Update A daily, 60-second feature radio show covering the latest discoveries in science, technology and medicine since 1988. Science Update answers listeners science questions, phoned in to our toll-free answer line, 1-800-WHY-ISIT (949-4748), or submitted to our online form. A weeks worth of Science Update news briefs is available for download as the Science Update Podcast

The Secret Lives of Wild Animals Fascinating website for children (and the kid in all of us) that features special creature camsvideos from the animals viewpoint. Modern technologies like global tracking systems and ultraminiaturized sensors now provide researchers with intimate glimpses of rarely seen behaviors of wild animals

Practical Uses of Math and Science (PUMAS) A collection of one-page examples of how math and science topics taught in K-12 classes can be used in interesting settings. The examples are written primarily by scientists and engineers.

Treasures in the Sea A new resource book, available online, provides teachers of students in grades 3-6 with scientific information and engaging, hands-on activities related to marine conservation. These resources will help students understand life cycles, critical habitats, cultural and economic connections and the urgency of marine wildlife conservation and management. Produced by the American Museum of Natural History Center for Biodiversity and Conservation; the Bahamas National Trust; and the Bahamas Ministry of Education, Youth, Sports and Culture. Funded in part by NSF.

Idaho State UniversityPhysical and life sciences, and robotics activities for grades 5-12

Kent State Geoscience activities and lesson plans developed by Fellows, and links to and reviews of activities from the Digital Library for Earth System Education (DLESE)

Michigan State UniversityLessons in general science, biology, ecology, earth science, chemistry, and physics. Arranged by grade level.

North Carolina State University Hands-on lessons with engineering applications

Penn State University Multi-day standards-aligned instructional modules using the theme of advanced transportation technologies. Topics, for grades 6-12, include air bags, fuel cells, hybrid electric vehicles, and memory metals

University of Colorado Lessons and activities on the Digital Library Collection that use engineering as a vehicle for hands-on integration of science and math learning. Engineering GK-12 programs are encouraged to utilize this mechanism to publish and disseminate curriculum

University of Montana Ecological inquiries for K-12 and natural history guide for teachers and students

Ohio State University Science investigations for grades 3-5

St. Josephs University Natural science units for grades K-5

University of Alaska Activities focused on earth, life, and physical sciences developed by GK12 fellows

University of South Carolina Inquiry-based engineering, science and math activities for elementary and middle school classroom

University of South Florida Lessons, experiments, and modules (genetic engineering, biosensors, robotics, nanotechnology) based on Sunshine State Standards for grades 3-5

Colorado School of Mines Hands-on middle school mathematics and science activities with connections to engineering

Cornell University Resources for science projects developed by graduate and undergraduate students in collaboration with middle and high school teachers

Emory Problem-based lessons for middle and high school science and math

Illinois State University Biology, chemistry, and math lessons

Texas A&M Curriculum materials that support students in grades 6-12 in their use of spatial thinking, GIS, and remote sensing

University of Alaska Activities focused on earth, life, and physical sciences developed by GK12 fellows

University of Arkansas Math and science lessons for middle school students (primarily grades 6 & 7)

University of Central Florida Inquiry-based and geared for upper middle and lower high school students

University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Inquiries involving water; and geology units featuring visualization of earthquakes and plate tectonics

California State University Northridge Mathematics activities for middle school and high school studetns

Cornell University Resources for science projects developed by graduate and undergraduate students in collaboration with middle and high school teachers

Emory Problem-based lessons for middle and high school science and math

Illinois State University Biology, chemistry, and math lessons

Texas A&M Curriculum materials that support students in grades 6-12 in their use of spatial thinking, GIS, and remote sensing

University of Central Florida Inquiry-based and geared for upper middle and lower high school students

University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Chemistry units featuring visualization and models; American history units; and geology units featuring visualization of earthquakes and plate tectonics

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Stem Cell Treatment – Anchorage Alaska Spine & Pain Clinic

Posted: September 12, 2016 at 3:43 am

What is Stem Cell Therapy?

Stem Cell Therapy utilizes the patients own stem cells to replace dying cells and regenerate damaged tissue to eliminate pain. These cells are obtained from the patients own bone marrow or fat tissues through a sterile closed surgical process. The cells are isolated in a centrifuge and injected into the pain site to begin healing. The cells are collected and injected on the same day using specialized imaging technology to ensure the most effective treatment.

Stem Cell Therapy accelerates the bodys own natural healing processes and is effective for treating pain. When the body is injured, adult stem cells are dispatched to the area of the injury to regenerate healthy cells, but this isnt always enough. Stem Cell Therapy collects concentrated amounts of stem cells from healthy areas of the body, and injects the cells directly into the area of injury. Stem Cell Therapy is effective for many types of tissue including cartilage, tendons, ligaments, bone, and fibrous connective tissue. Stem Cell Therapy reduces pain and promotes healing without the need for pain medications or steroid injections.

Dr. Johnson and his compassionate staff at AA Spine & Pain Clinic believe that no one should have to live in pain. We will take the time to educate our patients about their conditions and their available treatment options so they can make the best decisions about their care. Each patient will receive individualized treatment based on their specific needs to ensure the best possible outcome.

You may be considering stem cell therapy if you suffer from ongoing pain from an injury or if you are currently managing pain through medication or injection therapy. Stem Cell Therapy is a relatively new procedure and is not yet covered by most insurances. We want to provide the best treatment options for your pain, and will review your specific situation and treatment options with you.

Each Stem Cell Therapy procedure is performed in our medical office and usually takes less than an hour to complete. It does not require surgery, general anesthesia, or hospital stays. Most people find they can return to work the day after receiving Stem Cell Therapy, but strenuous physical exercise should be avoided for several weeks afterwards to promote healing and to prevent injury.

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Stem and Branches | Radical Botany

Posted: November 3, 2015 at 6:49 am

As they presented the herb to me they told me to drop it on the earth and when it hit the earth it took root and flowered. You could see a ray of light coming up from the flower, reaching the heavens, and all the creatures of the universe saw the light. Black Elk (in DeMaille, The Sixth Grandfather)

Apical Meristem Cell tissue - the God force

Ok, being the total plant nerd that I am; I get very excited about teaching about parts of the plant. I mean it blows my mindthat all you have to do is cut a branch, place it in water, and watch it grow roots. How does that happen? What would happen if humans could do the same and just grow new parts? (clue: stem cells)

And, a second amazing fact about stems and branches is that you can grafta branch of one plant on to another plant and promote new and interesting growth and fruit. Pure magic! (More on grafting later).

What is happening here? It all goes back to the most magical part of a plant-the meristem cell. You know, the God-particle magical cell that stores all the DNA of the plant and allows parts of the plant to regenerate, accept cells from other plants, and grow itself from an injured part.

Let me explain in more detail. (Now dont get bored with all this plant physiology facts, in the end it all is just amazing and your knowledge of living with, growing and ingesting plants will grow exponentially!)

Meristem tissue in most plants consists of undifferentiated meristematic cells. With the apical meristem cells the tissue either heading downward and becoming roots or heading upwards and becoming stem, branch, leaves and flower are considered to be indeterminate or undifferentiated, in that they do not possess any defined end fate. The meristem cells remember that they are going to grow into a tree, a shrub, a wildflower etc, but allow a variety of changes to happen to the tissue. Where ever these cells appear in the plant, there can be new growth, including growing new parts. These types of cells seem to store the DNA of any part of the plant. The apical meristem, or growing tip, is a completely undifferentiated meristematic tissue found in the buds and growing tips of roots in plants. Its main function is to begin growth of new cells in young seedlings at the tips of roots and shoots (forming buds, among other things). Meristem cells cause the plant growth to take place in a very organized yet adaptive process. Now, meristem cells can become differentiated after they divide enough times and reach a node or internode. As the plant grows upward driven by apical meristem cells the tissue begins to organize itself into stem, branch, leaves and flower. These cells divide rapidly and are found in zones of the plant where much growth can take place. That is why you can graft one part of a plant to another part of the plant if it is in the right zone or node and if the two plants share the same type of DNA. Plants must be closely related for grafting to be successful.

For tissues to knit successfully, the cambium layers (full of fast dividing meristem cells) and rootstock must be brought into firm contact. The cambium a continuous narrow band of thin-walled, regenerative cells just below the bark or rind grows to form a bridge or union between the two parts in days. The same cells are found at the joint of a branch which allows it to grow new roots at the cut. Now, not all plants can grow roots from a branch. You need to study each plant for its particular characteristics.


The stem begin its journey with the seed opening up and a dicot or monocot leaf revealing itself.

A monocot (a flowering plant that produces an embryo seed with single cotyledons) will produce only one leaf. A dicot will produce two embryonic seed leaves or cotyledon. The cotyledon is a seed leaf the first to appear as the seed sprouts. It appears at the same time that root tissue appears.

Next a shoot appears (new stem) and sends out growth. The apical meristem cell structure is leading the way. We assume that the stem is heading upward toward light but a contradiction to this rule would be stems that spread downward or sideways like potatoes, tulip bulbs and other tubers. A strawberry plant will create a stolon or sideways stem to propagate new growth. A vine has a long trailing stem that grows along the ground or along anything it can attach to.

The three major internal parts of a stem are the xylem, phloem, and cambium. The xylem and phloem are the major components of a plants vascular system. A cambium is a lateral meristem that produces secondary tissues by cell division. The cambium area is located just under the epithelial (outer most area of the stem) and is very active in cell growth. It is this area that is tapped into when attempting grafting.

Stem tissue is actually organized into pipe-like vascular bundles held together by pith and cortex tissues. These tissues are used for pipelines of fluid transport, connecting leaves, stems and roots. They also serve as a supportive structure for the stem. The stem is also made up of other substances that allow it to remain flexible so that it will not break easily. Depending on what kind of plant is growing, a great tree or a wildflower, the stem may become a thick trunk with layers of vascular cambium, cork and hard bark or a more herbaceous plant. The trunk of a tree is its main stem. And, yes plants can have more than one stem. The stem that branches is called a branch.

Stems may be long, with great distances between leaves and buds (branches of trees, runners on strawberries), or compressed, with short distances between buds or leaves (fruit spurs, crowns of strawberry plants, dandelions). All stems must have buds or leaves present to be classified as stem tissue.

An area of the stem where leaves are located is called a node. Nodes are areas of great cellular activity and growth, where auxiliary buds develop into leaves or flowers. The area between nodes is called the internode. Nodes are protected when pruning back a plant. Destruction of the nodes can result in long non-fruiting branches.


Although typical stems are above-ground trunks and branches, there are modified stems which can be found above and below the ground. The above-ground modified stems include crowns, stolons, and spurs and the below-ground stems are bulbs, corms, rhizomes, and tubers.



Taking cuttings from native plants to propagate them is especially helpful in preserving what is left of many species. There is no digging or destroying plants. Forest communities are not damaged.

The process of removing a plant part then having that part grow into a genetically exact replica of the original plant is called cutting propagation. It is a plant cloning technique. The plant part that is removed is called a cutting. Plants can be propagated from root cuttings, leaf cuttings, stem cuttings, etc.

Some amazing Cascadian bioregion native plants that root from branches are: Pacific Willow (Salix lucida), Hookers Willow (Salix hookeriana), Pacific Ninebarks (Physocarpus capitatus), and Snowbush (Ceanothus velutinus). All are great attractors of important pollinators and Snowbush will fix nitrogen in the soil.

The first peoples of Cascadia built summer fishing and hunting huts along marshes and streams by placing freshly cut Willow in circles. The Willow would root and grow into a shelter and hunting blind. Today, some wonderful garden trellis have been e
rected using live Willow.



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Stem and Branches | Radical Botany

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Cloning – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Posted: October 19, 2015 at 5:45 pm

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