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Category Archives: Alaska Stem Cells
Boy Without Cheekbones: Experimental Stem Cell Surgery for …
Posted: October 11, 2015 at 12:46 pm
Brad Guilkey, 15, was born without cheekbones and, for him, a typical sporting activity such as basketball carries tremendous risks.
Brad suffers from Treacher Collins syndrome, a rare genetic disorder in which the bones and other tissues in the face don't develop.
So, for Brad, a shot to the face during a game of basketball could crush his eyeball. His mother, Christine Guilkey, said the lack of bone meant the lack of vital protection.
But the Cincinnati teen has undergone groundbreaking experimental surgery that is allowing him to grow new cheekbones, a procedure that could help others who have lost bone as a result of similar genetic conditions or traumatic injuries.
From a medical standpoint, the results were miraculous.
"Lo and behold, the bone has come back to life," said Dr. Jesse Taylor of the Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center. "I've been really pleasantly surprised by the results of this."
Brad now has solid bone in his cheeks, and said on "Good Morning America" today that he's happy with the results.
Taylor said the surgery could have significant implications for millions of people.
"Certainly, as we're engaged in conflicts abroad, more and more young men and women come back with really severe facial disfigurement from a lack of bone," he said.
People with Treacher Collins syndrome typically have eyes that slant downward, as well as absent, small or unusually formed ears, according to the National Institutes of Health. They have sparse eyelashes and some even have eye abnormalities that can lead to vision loss.
The disorder affects about 1 in 50,000 people, according to the National Institutes of Health.
Many reconstructive surgeries that use implanted material often have high failure rates because the recipients' bodies reject the donor material. In Brad's case, though, there is no rejection risk because the his own cell's are growing in the cadaver bone.
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Stem Cell Therapy Alaska | Stem Cell Treatments
Posted: October 9, 2015 at 4:45 am
Alaska Stem Cell Therapy Worldstemcells.comis one of the leadingstem cell therapy and treatmentproviders for residents ofAlaskaand across the nation. Our cutting edge technology and compassionate staff truly set us apart from the competition. We are a US based company that understands your needs and concerns when looking for a stem cell treatment center. Our treatment center is located in Cancun, Mexico.
Getting Started With Your Stem Cell Therapy and Treatments Here at World Stem Cells LLC we try to make the process ofreceiving stem cell transplantsas easy as possible. We will help you figure out what your needs are and help you reach your goals as fast as possible. Follow the steps below on what to do.
Option 1 1.) Go to any page on our website and fill out the contact form. 2.) Fill in the required information and select the condition you would like to treat with stem cell therapy. 3.) Be sure to include any special information in the comments section. 4.)Click the submit button and we will contact you in a timely manner. 5.) Thats it, youre done!!!
Option 2
Call 800-234-1693 and speak with a representative regarding your stem cell therapy needs and requirements.
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Alaska Stem Cell Therapy and Treatment | Stem Cell Treatments
Posted: October 9, 2015 at 4:45 am
Alaska Stem Cell Therapy is one of the leading stem cell therapy and treatment providers for residents of Alaska and across the nation. Our cutting edge technology and compassionate staff truly set us apart from the competition. We are a US based company that understands your needs and concerns when looking for a stem cell treatment center. Our treatment center is located in Cancun, Mexico.
Conditions we treat include but not limited to:
Getting Started With Your Stem Cell Therapy and Treatments Here at World Stem Cells LLC we try to make the process of receiving stem cell transplants as easy as possible. We will help you figure out what your needs are and help you reach your goals as fast as possible. Follow the steps below on what to do.
Option 1 1.) Go to any page on our website and fill out the contact form. 2.) Fill in the required information and select the condition you would like to treat with stem cell therapy. 3.) Be sure to include any special information in the comments section. 4.) Click the submit button and we will contact you in a timely manner. 5.) Thats it, youre done!!!
Option 2
Call 800-234-1693 and speak with a representative regarding your stem cell therapy needs and requirements.
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Texas Gov. Rick Perry Received Experimental Stem Cell …
Posted: September 18, 2015 at 11:45 am
Texas Gov. Rick Perry, a potential presidential candidate, underwent spinal fusion surgery in early July that included an injection of his own stem cells, a therapy that is unapproved by the FDA and costs tens of thousands of dollars.
While the Texas governor supports adult stem cell research, he is an opponent of embryonic stem cell research, a position held by the social conservative base.
As first reported by the Texas Tribune, Perry's surgery included "the innovative use of his own adult stem cells" and any cost not covered by health insurance was paid for by Perry, according to his spokesman Mark Miner.
The stem cell treatment was the doctor's first attempt at the surgery ever, and the lab responsible for culturing Perry's stem cells is a branch of a South Korean company that has become known for commercialized dog cloning, "regenerative" beauty products, and accusations of conducting "stem cell tourism."
According to the Texas Tribune, Dr. Stanley Jones, a Houston orthopedic surgeon and personal friend of Perry, removed two teaspoons of fatty tissue from the governor's hip and placed it in a culture, waiting several weeks before the stem cells expanded. Jones later injected the stem cells into the governor's spine and into his blood stream to help speed up the healing process.
On the day of his surgery, Perry tweeted, "Little procedure went as advertised. Blessed to be married to the world's best nurse. Thanks for all the prayers!!"
Perry has been a strong proponent of adult stem cell research, even urging the Texas Medical Board to consider enhancing the state's position on adult stem cell research. In his 2009 State of the State address, Perry called for greater investment in the adult stem cell industry.
"Let's get Texas in on the ground floor and invest in adult stem cell research, the one area of that field that is actually proven to expedite cures," Perry said. "Expertise in this emerging and increasingly promising field will not only bring healing to the suffering and create jobs for Texans, it will also establish an appropriate firewall protecting the unborn from exploitation."
However, Perry opposes any form of embryonic stem cell research, a position that resonates with the social conservatives in the GOP. Perry's 2010 gubernatorial campaign website touts his support for banning embryonic stem cell research, a position held by a majority of the social conservative base.
"Gov. Perry supports a ban on human cloning and has vowed to veto any legislation that provides state dollars for embryonic stem cell research," the website reads. "He has been a strong advocate of utilizing adult stem cells in their place. Adult stem cell research can provide much-needed solutions for Texans suffering from various tissue and organ disorders while protecting the unborn from exploitation. They are also proven more effective in research than embryonic stem cells."
The Family Research Council, which opposes embryonic stem cell research, said Perry's use of adult stem cell therapy will reinforce the success of adult stem cells and will show embryonic stem cell therapy is not needed.
"We're actually very pleased that Gov. Perry would make public the fact that he used his own adult stem cells as part of this surgery to assist the healing process," Dr. David Prentice, senior fellow for life sciences at the Family Research Council, told ABC News. "People see that you don't need or want embryonic stem cells. You want, instead, those cells that work. Adult stem cells are ethical, but they're successful and they're working for thousands of patients right now, including, apparently, Gov. Perry."
But the Genetics Policy Institute, a public interest organization that supports all forms of stem cell research, warned that Perry should use his experimental therapy as an educational moment about consumer fraud in the stem cell field.
"As a public figure that availed himself of an experimental treatment, it behooves him to release to the public enough details about it to know that the treatment was legitimate," Bernard Siegel, executive director of the Genetics Policy Institute, told ABC News. "He needs to be aware of the consumer fraud that's out there and people who are desperate patients being lured to clinics, many of them abroad, that are selling snake oil and using the label stem cell to bring people in."
Last week, a federal judge threw out a lawsuit challenging the use of federal funding for embryonic stem cell research.
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Beneficial use of stem cells and telomere science is to …
Posted: July 2, 2015 at 12:51 am
Stem cells hold a lot of potential to help the humans discover cures for different ailments that are responsible for the death of thousands every year.
With the passage of time, medical science is making great advances to come up with better treatment methods that have the capability of providing better results. The human body is designed to have limited age, and after the passage of this age it becomes to deteriorate and lose its youthful power and energy.
Scientists have been conducting different experiments on animals and humans to understand why do we age and how to stop this aging process some studies suggest that our cells are programmed to live only for a limited period of time and others believe that our cells have a limited division capability and after a certain period of time they can no longer replicate themselves and the individual starts to age.
But recently researchers have been able to increase the lifespan of lab rats by using a different combination of stem cell treatments. Stem cells are undistinguished cells in our body that have the potential to take form of different cells and perform different functions in the body, scientists have been able to replicate the stem cell to perform different functions of body to simulate better cell growth and help the mice to live longer.
Stem cells can be a very viable, cheap and safe method of treatment because stem cells are the part of the body and replicate the function of body they do not carry any contra-indications that may cause complications in the future but rather use the bodys natural healing and replicating power to cure the ailment that is present inside the host. Stem cells are widely used for organ regeneration, where a part or the entire organ has been lost due to some disease, doctors have been able to repair damage by injecting stem cells in the body. Several studies have been conducted where researchers have been able to cure blindness in old mice.
Cancer is one of the most evasive type of disease that affects millions of people around the world, it disrupts the balance of the body that may result in death but stem cell treatment has shown a lot of promise in this area and can help the doctors remove the faulty cells that have mutated using the stem cells therapy. Stem cells therapy is also widely used in dealing with sports related injuries, there have been hundreds of examples of athletes who have completed recovered without requiring any surgery by using stem cell treatment. Stem cells hold a lot of potential to help the humans discover cures for different ailments that are responsible for the death of thousands every year.
Distributed by NetJumps International
Media Contact Company Name: BioStem Technologies Contact Person: Jason Email: Phone: (954) 380-8342 Country: United States Website:
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Are Stem Cells Involved in Cancer? [Stem Cell Information]
Posted: June 14, 2015 at 1:48 am
Charles A. Goldthwaite, Jr., PhD.
Data from 2007 suggest that approximately 1.4 million men and women in the U.S. population are likely to be diagnosed with cancer, and approximately 566,000 American adults are likely to die from cancer in 2008.1 Data collected between 1996 and 2004 indicate that the overall 5-year survival rate for cancers from all sites, relative to the expected survival from a comparable set of people without cancer, is 65.3%.1 However, survival and recurrence rates following diagnosis vary greatly as a function of cancer type and the stage of development at diagnosis. For example, in 2000, the relative survival rate five years following diagnosis of melanoma (skin cancer) was greater than 90%; that of cancers of the brain and nervous system was 35%. Once a cancer has metastasized (or spread to secondary sites via the blood or lymph system), however, the survival rate usually declines dramatically. For example, when melanoma is diagnosed at the localized stage, 99% of people will survive more than five years, compared to 65% of those diagnosed with melanoma that has metastasized regionally and 15% of those whose melanoma has spread to distant sites.2
The term "cancer" describes a group of diseases that are characterized by uncontrolled cellular growth, cellular invasion into adjacent tissues, and the potential to metastasize if not treated at a sufficiently early stage. These cellular aberrations arise from accumulated genetic modifications, either via changes in the underlying genetic sequence or from epigenetic alterations (e.g., modifications to gene activation- or DNA-related proteins that do not affect the genetic sequence itself).3,4 Cancers may form tumors in solid organs, such as the lung, brain, or liver, or be present as malignancies in tissues such as the blood or lymph. Tumors and other structures that result from aberrant cell growth, contain heterogeneous cell populations with diverse biological characteristics and potentials. As such, a researcher sequencing all of the genes from tumor specimens of two individuals diagnosed with the same type of lung cancer will identify some consistencies along with many differences. In fact, cancerous tissues are sufficiently heterogeneous that the researcher will likely identify differences in the genetic profiles between several tissue samples from the same specimen. While some groupings of genes allow scientists to classify organ-or tissue-specific cancers into subcategories that may ultimately inform treatment and provide predictive information, the remarkable complexity of cancer biology continues to confound treatment efforts.
Once a cancer has been diagnosed, treatments vary according to cancer type and severity. Surgery, radiation therapy, and systemic treatments such as chemotherapy or hormonal therapy represent traditional approaches designed to remove or kill rapidly-dividing cancer cells. These methods have limitations in clinical use. For example, cancer surgeons may be unable to remove all of the tumor tissue due to its location or extent of spreading. Radiation and chemotherapy, on the other hand, are non-specific strategieswhile targeting rapidly-dividing cells, these treatments often destroy healthy tissue as well. Recently, several agents that target specific proteins implicated in cancer-associated molecular pathways have been developed for clinical use. These include trastuzumab, a monoclonal antibody that targets the protein HER2 in breast cancer,5 gefitinib and erlotnib, which target epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) in lung cancer,6 imatinib, which targets the BCR-ABL tyrosine kinase in chronic myelogenous leukemia,7 the monoclonal antibodies bevacizumab, which targets vascular endothelial growth factor in colorectal and lung cancer,8 and cetuximab and panitumumab, which target EGFR in colorectal cancer.8 These agents have shown that a targeted approach can be successful, although they are effective only in patients who feature select subclasses of these respective cancers.
All of these treatments are most successful when a cancer is localized; most fail in the metastatic setting.911 This article will discuss the CSC hypothesis and its supporting evidence and provide some perspectives on how CSCs could impact the development of future cancer therapy.
A consensus panel convened by the American Association of Cancer Research has defined a CSC as "a cell within a tumor that possesses the capacity to self-renew and to cause the heterogeneous lineages of cancer cells that comprise the tumor."12 It should be noted that this definition does not indicate the source of these cellsthese tumor-forming cells could hypothetically originate from stem, progenitor, or differentiated cells.13 As such, the terms "tumor-initiating cell" or "cancer-initiating cell" are sometimes used instead of "cancer stem cell" to avoid confusion. Tumors originate from the transformation of normal cells through the accumulation of genetic modifications, but it has not been established unequivocally that stem cells are the origin of all CSCs. The CSC hypothesis therefore does not imply that cancer is always caused by stem cells or that the potential application of stem cells to treat conditions such as heart disease or diabetes, as discussed in other chapters of this report, will result in tumor formation. Rather, tumor-initiating cells possess stem-like characteristics to a degree sufficient to warrant the comparison with stem cells; the observed experimental and clinical behaviors of metastatic cancer cells are highly reminiscent of the classical properties of stem cells.9
The CSC hypothesis suggests that the malignancies associated with cancer originate from a small population of stem-like, tumor-initiating cells. Although cancer researchers first isolated CSCs in 1994,14 the concept dates to the mid-19th century. In 1855, German pathologist Rudolf Virchow proposed that cancers arise from the activation of dormant, embryonic-like cells present in mature tissue.15 Virchow argued that cancer does not simply appear spontaneously; rather, cancerous cells, like their non-cancerous counterparts, must originate from other living cells. One hundred and fifty years after Virchow's observation, Lapidot and colleagues provided the first solid evidence to support the CSC hypothesis when they used cell-surface protein markers to identify a relatively rare population of stemlike cells in acute myeloid leukemia (AML).14 Present in the peripheral blood of persons with leukemia at approximately 1:250,000 cells, these cells could initiate human AML when transplanted into mice with compromised immune systems. Subsequent analysis of populations of leukemia-initiating cells from various AML subtypes indicated that the cells were relatively immature in terms of differentiation.16 In other words, the cells were "stem-like"more closely related to primitive blood-forming (hematopoietic) stem cells than to more mature, committed blood cells.
The identification of leukemia-inducing cells has fostered an intense effort to isolate and characterize CSCs in solid tumors. Stem cell-like populations have since been characterized using cell-surface protein markers in tumors of the breast,17 colon,18 brain,19 pancreas,20,21 and prostate.22,23 However, identifying markers that unequivocally characterize a population of CSCs remains challenging, even when there is evidence that putative CSCs exist in a given solid tumor type. For example, in hepatocellular carcinoma, cellular analysis suggests the presence of stem-like cells.24 Definitive markers have yet to be identified to characterize t
hese putative CSCs, although several potential candidates have been proposed recently.25,26 In other cancers in which CSCs have yet to be identified, researchers are beginning to link established stem-cell markers with malignant cancer cells. For instance, the proteins Nanog, nucleostemin, and musashi1, which are highly expressed in embryonic stem cells and are critical to maintaining those cells' pluripotency, are also highly expressed in malignant cervical epithelial cells.27 While this finding does not indicate the existence of cervical cancer CSCs, it suggests that these proteins may play roles in cervical carcinogenesis and progression.
Given the similarities between tumor-initiating cells and stem cells, researchers have sought to determine whether CSCs arise from stem cells, progenitor cells, or differentiated cells present in adult tissue. Of course, different malignancies may present different answers to this question. The issue is currently under debate,9,12 and this section will review several theories about the cellular precursors of cancer cells (see Fig. 9.1).
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prp stem cell hair treatment for rs 3000 per session …
Posted: June 8, 2015 at 2:43 am
prp stem cell hair treatment for rs 3000 per session
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body: prp stem cell treatment for hair rs 3000/sessionAre u having bald head of grade 1,2,3,4,5 good results can be achieved with prp for malesfemales with less density of hair can increse the density we request the client to google it about prp 99% results shown and proved p ...
body: prp stem cell treatment for hair rs 3000/sessionAre u having bald head of grade 1,2,3,4,5 good results can be achieved with prp for malesfemales with less density of hair can increse the density we request the client to google it about prp 99% results shown and proved p ...
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body: prp stem cell treatment for hair rs 3000/sessionAre u having bald head of grade 1,2,3,4,5 good results can be achieved with prp for malesfemales with less density of hair can increse the density we request the client to google it about prp 99% results shown and proved p ...
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Orthopedic Stem Cell Use Soared in 2012 | Orthopedics This …
Posted: April 18, 2015 at 8:47 am
US Navy Aircraft / Source: Wikimedia Robin Young Fri, January 25th, 2013 Print this article
When 2012 began, an estimated 1 million U.S. patients had been treated with stem cells over the course of the previous 15 years. By the end of 2012, Orthopedics This Week estimates that that number of patients treated rose by an astonishing 100,000!
Physician users now number in the thousands. Indeed, it is harder to find physicians who have NOT used stem cells than those that have.
Who is using stem cells? Where are they getting the cells? For which indications are cells being used? What is appearing in peer review literature?
Answering those questions is, in effect, the curriculum for this years New York Stem Cell Summit February 19th.
As we have analysed the remarkable uptake of stem cell treatments in orthopedics, we are left wonderingis this, in effect, the next generation platelet rich plasma (PRP)?
Spine surgeons, ophthalmologists and wound care specialists are currently the most frequent users of stem cell therapies in the United States. Coming up fast, however, are oncologists, cosmetic surgeons and pain management specialists.
Spine surgeons and sports medicine specialists are the two groups weve observed, exhibiting strong adoption patterns and pushing this remarkable uptake in stem cell usage. One common attribute weve noticed is that users of stem cell therapies are also current (and former) users of Infuse and various allograft products.
So, as a foundation for bringing stem cells into their practice, these physicians are almost universally well trained and well experienced in the use of either allograft or recombinant products as adjuncts to surgery which serve to augment the patients own ability to grow either bone or soft tissue.
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Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine | Brown University
Posted: February 24, 2015 at 1:49 pm
Pre College Catalog Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine
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There's a lot of controversy surrounding embryonic stem cells, but did you know that there are many types of stem cells in the body and that some are already being used to treat diseases? In this course, you'll learn about what stem cells are, what they do, and their importance to research and medicine. Youll even learn how to culture mammalian cells. Discover how stems cells allow a single fertilized egg to develop to into a complex human being, how they are used by doctors to help restore the immune system of cancer patients and how technological advances are helping scientists harness the power of stem cells to learn about and treat disease.
Stem cells have the remarkable ability to become any one of the 200+ cell types found in humans. This course will explore what makes stem cells unique, how they function normally in the body to create and maintain specialized organs and how they are being used in regenerative medicine. We will cover the basic cell, molecular and developmental biological principles required to understand exactly what these incredible cells are.
We will examine what stem cells do in different organ systems, how they keep us healthy, and how they can be harvested and manipulated to become different types of cells, which can be used in research and medicine. We will also learn about the phenomenal new discovery of induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells. In iPS cells, scientists can reprogram adult cell types to become stem cells outside of the body by adding a specific set of genes. We will learn how researchers and physicians are using innovative technologies to unlock stem cells potential to treat a variety of human diseases and injuries such as blindness, diabetes, heart disease and sports injuries.
To complement classroom lectures, discussions and activities, this course will have a daily laboratory component. Students will learn the basic skills required for mammalian tissue culture. We will grow different types of cells, use biochemical techniques to alter their cellular identities and use fluorescent microscopy along with other visualization methods to observe these changes.
Upon completion of this course students will extend their knowledge from general high school biology to include an introduction to the more specialized areas of cell, molecular and developmental biology, which will be helpful when taking college courses. They will also acquire basic molecular biological laboratory skills. This will not only allow them a deeper understanding of stem cells, but it will help them distinguish between what stem cells can and cannot do in a medical context. Students will also be exposed to current applications of stem cell technology and new innovations that they will see develop in the near future.
A general high school biology class is required.
* Please Note: This course has a Supplemental Fee of $300.00
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Adipose Derived Orthopedic Stem Cell – Tyler, TX Health …
Posted: December 16, 2014 at 4:49 am
Adipose Derived Orthopedic Stem Cell
Most people have heard about "stem" cells.
Those are cells in your body that can grow into any other cell that your body needs.
Most people think that only babies have them but in the last 4 years they have discovered that we all have a plentiful supply of these types of cells in the fat of our bodies.
We have now learned how to harvest those cells from your fat, activate them and then put them back in your knees, hips, and shoulders to help repair cartilage and ligaments.
So call Executive Health to come in for a free consultation to see if you are one of the lucky people that this might help.
We already have people who are walking around with no pain.
By the way, you ladies, we also have a stem cell face lift that can make your face look about 20 years younger.
Francene has already had the procedure and she looks great!
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