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Category Archives: Biotechnology

Biotechnology investing for the social good making money and a difference – Stockhead

Posted: September 25, 2022 at 2:30 am

There are many foundations and charities which aim to tackle health conditions through funding medical research to develop better treatment options, improve patient outcomes and quality of life.

People often bequest money in their will to these organisations, donate after a loved one has been struck down by a particular illness or at funerals ask for donations to a an organisation in lieu of traditional flowers.

And while these organisations do great work, what about considering investing directly in medical companies for the greater good? Biotechnology investing is one sector which stands out for not only potential to deliver quality returns but also contribute positively to society.

Australias biotech representative body AusBiotech CEO Lorraine Chiroiu told Stockhead many of us unfortunately have a personal connection to catastrophic disease and, motivated by our experiences, are seeking avenues to put our philanthropic and investment dollars where we can make a meaningful and sustainable difference.

AusBiotech is receiving increasing enquiries from people who want to gift, bequeath or invest in a way that gives the best chance of new medical treatments and cures making their way to people experiencing disease, she said.

For example, we recently received a call from a father whose only son had passed away from cancer. Nobly, he wanted to make a purposeful investment into a company working to provide treatment for the disease that took his son in the hope that other families wouldnt have to go through the same suffering as his family.

Indeed many biotech companies have been founded by grieving family or friends that are passionate about finding a cure for a disease that took their loved one too soon.

Chiroiu said biotechnology companies are the vehicles that move medical research along the translation and commercialisation pathway to patients.

Companies operating in the life science and medtech sectors are in a unique position where business foundations are often influenced by a strong value-driven purpose one that offers positive social impact as the company develops life-saving and life-enhancing technologies.

Focusing clearly on patient impact, social good is codified into biotech companies DNA and are a great avenue for ethical investors to consider diversifying their portfolio.

She said we are living in an age of profound acceleration in medicinal discoveries and healthcare options, as well as a time that the Covid-19 pandemic has brought biotechnology especially in the form of vaccines into sharp focus.

As we emerge from the pandemic, the chronic health challenges and increasing burdens of disease associated with ageing populations around the world has many of us wondering how we can help move medical research from the bench to the bedside the answer is via business, she said

Australias biotech industry is on a strong growth trajectory, through substantially increasing numbers of organisations. Figures released by AusBiotech show the sector has grown 43% since 2019 and 60% since 2017.

Amid a thriving and expanding biotech industry in Australia, feeding the need for commercialisation, clinical development and growth is key and the diversity of investment sources remains a pressing issue, Chiroiu said.

Capital is the lifeblood of these companies and in response to this increasing need, AusBiotech has bolstered its investment program with a goal that Australian and overseas investors increasingly see Australian life sciences research and small-to-medium enterprises as viable and attractive investment options.

Global X head of investment strategy Blair Hannon told Stockhead biotechnology investing is well positioned to tick the boxes of environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations of both institutional and retail investors.

For environmentally minded investors, the biotech industry has a low carbon footprint as most work is research-driven and not energy-intensive and as such, adding biotech exposure can help lower the average carbon footprint of a portfolio, Hannon said.

The biotech industry is highly regulated as measured by the S&P Biotechnology Select Industry Index and is free of any violators of the UN Global Compact (UNGC), which is a widely-followed benchmark of corporate good behaviour.

Hannon said alongside many other sectors, biotechs are striving towards ESG targets. Whilst a diversified biotech ETF such as its S&P Biotech ETF (ASX:CURE) is not explicitly tracking an ESG framework, Hannon noted many biotech companies within the fund focus on social good as their technology aims to aid people from all walks of life with disease treatments or even eradication.

Prescient Therapeutics (ASX:PTX)CEO and managing director Steven Yatomi-Clarke told Stockhead bringing life-changing therapies to patients is an incredibly challenging undertaking that requires resources and resilience.

PTX is at the forefront of game-changing personalised cancer treatments with a strong pipeline of promising therapies. The company has a growing list of collaborations with leading cancer organisations globally including Peter McCallum Cancer Centre, University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Yale, Oxford and UPenn.

Companies brave enough to take on this challenge call on investors to fund the research and development at least, until they become profitable, he said.

But at Prescient, when we accept a dollar from an investor, we are focussed on growing that into more than one dollar.

He said in the last two years, Prescient has spent around $8m of shareholder funds, but through consistent delivery of milestones and progress, the company has translated this $8m into over $100m of shareholder value.

So shareholders have enjoyed a handsome financial return, but additionally, they can be satisfied in knowing that their investment has resulted in incredibly exciting progress to create therapies that we believe are going to change lives.

AusBiotech is aiming to educate potential investors in life sciences companies about the unique ecosystem, through in-person events such as its AusBioInvest 2022 in Perth in October as well as plain English resources including The Guide to Life Sciences Investing,

At Stockhead, we tell it like it is. While Prescient Therapeutics is a Stockhead advertiser, it did not sponsor this article.

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Biotechnology investing for the social good making money and a difference - Stockhead

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Global White Biotechnology Market Report 2022: Increasing demand for Biofuels and Green Chemicals Drives Growth – – Oil City…

Posted: September 25, 2022 at 2:30 am

DUBLIN--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Sep 22, 2022--

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Global White Biotechnology Market Report 2022: Increasing demand for Biofuels and Green Chemicals Drives Growth - - Oil City...

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Anyong Biotechnology’s Locally Sourced ‘Sant Silver Perch Essence’ Fulfilling Increasing Demand in The APAC Wellness Industry – PR Newswire APAC – PR…

Posted: September 25, 2022 at 2:30 am

KAOHSIUNG, Taiwan, Sept. 19, 2022 /PRNewswire/ --Taiwan-based Anyong Biotechnology, has created a locally-sourced Sant Silver Perch Essence out of ecologically farmed, certified, and traceable silver perch in major markets such as Taiwan, the United States, Singapore, and Malaysia. As consumers' demands have for the product in the health and wellness industry are increasing, Anyong Biotechnology has developed a product from the nutrition-filled sea bass essence to maximize the benefits of sea bass on the human body.

The company has found its own golden ratio after consistent experimentation in the laboratory, which is not just on sea bass soup, but also extracted from various parts of the sea bass to create the incredible, bio-beneficial Silver Perch Essence.

Anyong Biotechnology's 'Sant Silver Perch Essence' is safe, scalable and in-demand

The global wellness economy was valued at $4.9 trillion in 2019 and is projected to have a 9.9% average annual growth, with the wellness economy predicted to reach nearly $7.0 trillion in 2025.

The Sant Silver Perch Essence has been confirmed by research to have incredible nutritional value with a higher absorption efficiency rate. It contains 18 kinds of amino acids and small molecule peptides which can be directly absorbed into the small intestine. It can also be used as a fast and effective supplement for all kinds of people from pregnant and breastfeeding mothers who require sufficient nutrition during pregnancy and postnatal nourishment, as well as patients who are recovering from an operation. The Silver Perch Essence is equally beneficial to sports players, office workers, and those who face difficulties in absorbing nutrients and vitamins.

Anyong Biotechnology has selected the Sant Silver Perch Essence with its production and sales history while ensuring that the source is non-toxic and safe to pass. The fish fingerlings are farmed from the Gaoping area with the cooperations and collaborations with high-quality local operators as well as young farmers. The result is a complete process of quality control from production, feed, and breeding which is used to enhance the resistance of aquatic products with probiotics. Furthermore, it has also been tested for no drug residues to ensure safety.

Development through an award-winning technology

Sticking with their principles of serving fresh food, Anyong Biotechnology uses a technology called CAS which enables a long-term storage of freshness for perch. This process was initially impossible with just conventional quick freezing.

Anyong Biotechnology combines CAS's rapid freezing and fresh-keeping technology with the technological advantages of its parent group Topco, and uses biotechnology procedures to extract the nutritional essence of fish meat, fish bones, and fish scales, and decompose them into small molecular peptides and amino groups.

The Ministry of Health and Welfare has recognized the Sant Silver Perch Essence for relieving physical fatigue resulting in Anyong Biotechnology winning the Gold Award of European Quality Evaluation Award for five consecutive years. The company has also won the "Healthy Fresh Sea Bass Essence", Taiwan's first Gold Award-winning sea bass essence product.

About Anyong Biotechnology

Anyong Biotechnology mission is to provide the highest level of aquatic food processing technology with a more stringent production environment, more advanced production facilities, and better-trained staff to serve clients seeking an aquatic food processing contractor at home or abroad, so as to contribute to the promotion of food quality and safety.

The company delivers a framework for food safety that incorporates everything from development and manufacturing to supply and distribution. Anyong Biotechnology's state-of-the-art fishery and seafood processing plant maintains a strict inspection procedure via its food safety centers, which monitor safety from the origin to the dining table every step of the way.

For more information, please visit

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Serene Sia



Anyong Biotechnology's Locally Sourced 'Sant Silver Perch Essence' Fulfilling Increasing Demand in The APAC Wellness Industry - PR Newswire APAC - PR...

Posted in Biotechnology | Comments Off on Anyong Biotechnology’s Locally Sourced ‘Sant Silver Perch Essence’ Fulfilling Increasing Demand in The APAC Wellness Industry – PR Newswire APAC – PR…

Nautilus Biotechnology to Participate in the Capital One Spatial Biology & Proteomics Summit – GlobeNewswire

Posted: September 25, 2022 at 2:30 am

SEATTLE, Sept. 23, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Nautilus Biotechnology, Inc. (NASDAQ: NAUT; or Nautilus), a company pioneering a single-molecule protein analysis platform for quantifying the proteome, today announced the company will be participating in the upcoming Capital One Spatial Biology & Proteomics Summit taking place virtually on Wednesday, September 28, 2022.

Nautilus co-founder and CEO Sujal Patel is scheduled to participate in the following two executive panel discussions:

Interested parties may contact to register to attend the virtual event.

About Nautilus Biotechnology, Inc.With its corporate headquarters in Seattle and its research and development headquarters in the San Francisco Bay Area, Nautilus is a development stage life sciences company creating a platform technology for quantifying and unlocking the complexity of the proteome. Nautilus mission is to transform the field of proteomics by democratizing access to the proteome and enabling fundamental advancements across human health and medicine. To learn more about Nautilus, visit



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Nautilus Biotechnology to Participate in the Capital One Spatial Biology & Proteomics Summit - GlobeNewswire

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Fact Sheet –

Posted: September 16, 2022 at 2:53 am

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) today announced actions the department will take following theExecutive Ordersigned September 12, 2022 by President Biden launching a National Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing Initiative (NBBI).

This initiative will help drive research and development, improve access to quality federal data, grow domestic manufacturing capacity, expand market opportunities for biobased products, train a diverse and skilled workforce, streamline regulatory processes for products of biotechnology, advance biosafety and biosecurity to reduce risk, protect the U.S. biotechnology ecosystem, and build a thriving and secure global bioeconomy with partners and allies.

In its implementation of the Executive Order, HHS intends to leverage biotechnology and biomanufacturing in order to achieve medical breakthroughs, reduce the overall burden of disease, and improve health outcomes. HHS will lead the U.S. government in strategically advancing biosafety and biosecurity innovation as part of a growing bioeconomy, to ensure biotechnology research and development and biomanufacturing infrastructure break new ground while reducing risk.

Building on the departments successes at bolstering the resilience of the domestic public health supply chain and on continued collaboration and partnership with the American private sector, HHS welcomes a whole-of-government approach to secure U.S. leadership and stewardship of an equitable, safe, and secure bioeconomy. The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the departments ability to foster innovative biotechnological treatments, diagnostics, and vaccines swiftly and safely as well as HHS ability to facilitate a more flexible regulatory environment in such circumstances.

With the launch of NBBI, HHS will:

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Biotechnology to the fore as Biden evokes US Moon mission in renewed cancer fight – HT Tech

Posted: September 16, 2022 at 2:53 am

President Joe Biden on Monday invoked the national effort to land a man on the Moon 60 years ago in a speech touting his Cancer Moonshot initiative, which aims to slash cancer death rates across the United States by half.

President Joe Biden on Monday invoked the national effort to land a man on the Moon 60 years ago in a speech touting his Cancer Moonshot initiative, which aims to slash cancer death rates across the United States by half.

The Democrat was in Boston for an address deliberately echoing John F. Kennedy's famous 1962 "Moonshot speech" in which he called for landing an American on the lunar surface -- something achieved in 1969, after his assassination.

This time, Biden is pushing government-backed efforts to coordinate and fund treatment of cancer, search for cures and generally to prevent the disease through better public health.

Cancer remains the number two cause of death after heart disease and Biden said his Cancer Moonshot can halve death rates over the next 25 years.

"I know we can do this together, because I know this: there's nothing, nothing, nothing beyond our capacity or ability if we work together as the United States of America," he said.

Biden said that as in 1962, when the country was in the thick of the Cold War and domestic tensions were high over civil rights, the United States today is at an "inflection point."

And like Kennedy with his Moon program, Biden said he wanted to set "a national purpose that could rally the American people in a common cause."

- Backing from JFK's daughter -

Caroline Kennedy, daughter of the assassinated JFK and now US ambassador to Australia, said her father had defied the doubters in the 1960s, when "scientists weren't sure even that a Moon landing on the surface of the Moon was possible."

Kennedy, however, "understood the power of the idea" and saw the project as a way to unite the country. "No one embodies that spirit more than President Joe Biden," she said. "As president, he has restored the soul of America."

The battle against cancer is personal for Biden: his son Beau died of brain cancer in 2015 when Biden was vice president to Barack Obama.

Biden noted that cancer "does not discriminate..., it doesn't care if you're a Republican or Democrat."

"I give you my word as a Biden: this Cancer Moonshot is one of the reasons why I ran for president."

The linkage to the Moon program also sought to add to Democratic momentum ahead of November's midterm congressional elections where the Democrats face the possibility of a Republican sweep in Congress, severely complicating the last two years of Biden's first term.

- Change the trajectory -

Biden said his plan will push for cures and ways to manage cancer, turning "more cancers from death sentences into chronic diseases that people can live with."

"We know we can change the trajectory," he said.

The president said he was harnessing funding but also government expertise in high-tech research similar to the defense industry, where public-private partnerships drive innovations in weaponry and other military needs.

A new agency named Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health (ARPA-H) and the White House's new "cancer cabinet" will "increase funding to break log jams and to speed breakthroughs," while getting entrepreneurs support from cutting edge scientists with NASA, the Pentagon and the energy department.

The goal is to "use all the assets we have," Biden said, and this "may require unusual partnerships."

- Biotech boost -

Earlier, Biden signed an executive order meant to bolster the trailblazing US biotech sector's efforts to take on growing commercial rivals in China.

The order brings federal support for "areas that will define US biotechnology leadership and our economic competitiveness in the coming decades," a senior Biden administration official told reporters.

The official said that while US biotech research leads the world, the industrial applications are increasingly in the hands of other countries.

"Unless we translate biotechnology innovation into economic and societal benefits for all Americans, other countries, including and especially China, are aggressively investing in this sector," posing a "risk," the official said.

The White House says the US biotech industry is on the cutting edge of medical advances -- recently seen in the rapid development of vaccines, tests and therapeutics to help manage the Covid-19 pandemic -- but that the potential scope goes much further.

The official speaking to reporters cited studies suggesting that "before the end of the decade, engineering biology holds the potential to be used in manufacturing industry that accounts for more than one third of global output. That's equivalent to almost $30 trillion in terms of value."

Growing areas for biotech industry include new plastics and rubbers, jet fuel, and environmentally friendly fertilizers.

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Fragrance Creators Statement in Support of Executive Order on Advancing Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing Innovation for a Sustainable, Safe, and…

Posted: September 16, 2022 at 2:53 am

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WASHINGTON, Sept. 14, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Fragrance Creators Association (Fragrance Creators) issued the following statement from President & CEO Farah K. Ahmed acknowledging the Administration'sefforts to advance U.S. innovation:

"Fragrance Creators recognizes thenew Executive Order onAdvancing Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing Innovation for a Sustainable, Safe, and Secure American Bioeconomy, which aligns well with our industry's priorities related to biomanufacturing.The Associationhas met with the Administration, includingmeetings with theWhite HouseNational Economic Council, sharing solutions that empower the fragrance industry's ability to responsibly advance an adaptable and sustainable economywhile ensuring human, community, and environmental needs are prioritized and justly integrated, both here and around the world. Because the fragrance value chain's success is dependent on a healthy planet, we heavily invest and deeply understand the connection between nature and science.Supply chain resilienceparticularly in the space of biotechnology and biomanufacturingis of utmost importance, with biotechnology being a critical piece in protecting natural ingredient biodiversity. It is equally important to recognize there are many critical natural fragrance ingredients that must continue to be imported because they cannot be grown successfully in the U.S. Our members continually analyze supply chains to ensure natural materials are sourced responsibly so native ecosystems are preserved.

"As a multibillion-dollar industry and an integral part of the nation'scritical infrastructure, our members are proud of their current support and reliance on the skills and talents of our diverse American workforce.We commend the Administration for including a commitment to diversifying the biotechnology workforce further. Biotechnology is a rapidly evolving discipline, and we support streamlining regulations to ensure that products quickly and safely come to market.Fragrance Creators continues our active engagement with the Environmental Protection Agency and have advanced solutions to the backlog of approvals of newer, greener fragrance chemistries and we look forward to strengthening our partnership with the Administration to advance U.S. innovation in this area as well."


Fragrance Creators Association is the trade association representing the majority of fragrance manufacturing in North America. We also represent fragrance-related interests along the value chain. Fragrance Creators' 60+ member companies are diverse, including large-, medium-, and small-sized companies that create, manufacture, and use fragrances and scents for home care, personal care, home design, fine fragrance, and industrial and institutional products, as well as those that supply fragrance ingredients, including natural extracts and other raw materials that are used in perfumery and fragrance mixtures. Fragrance Creators established and administers the Congressional Fragrance Caucus, ensuring ongoing dialogue with members of Congress and staff. We are an active participant in IFRA and have a designated representative on the IFRA Board to help ensure the associations' membership is represented in global discussions and the North American perspective is considered in global fragrance positions and policies. Fragrance Creators also produces The Fragrance Conservatory, the comprehensive digital resource for high-quality information about Learn more about Fragrance Creators atfragrancecreators.orgfor people, perfume, and the planet.

Contact: Malory Todd


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Fragrance Creators Statement in Support of Executive Order on Advancing Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing Innovation for a Sustainable, Safe, and...

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Get in on Sana Biotechnology Inc.’s (SANA) buy-in window today! – SETE News

Posted: September 16, 2022 at 2:53 am

Sana Biotechnology Inc. (NASDAQ: SANA) stock fell -1.04% on Friday to $6.64 against a previous-day closing price of $6.71. With 1.49 million shares changed hands, the volume of the stock remained heavier than its average volume of 1.45 million shares. The 52-week range on SANA shows that it touched its highest point at $26.60 and its lowest point at $3.92 during that stretch. It currently has a 1-year price target of $13.33.

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Stock performance is one of the indicators that investors use to determine whether they will profit from a stock. The price performance of SANA was down-trending over the past week, with a drop of -3.21%, but this was down by -21.33% over a month. Three-month performance surged to 61.17% while six-month performance rose 15.68%. The stock lost -73.04% in the past year, while it has lost -57.11% so far this year. A look at the trailing 12-month EPS for SANA yields -1.61 with Next year EPS estimates of -2.37. For the next quarter, that number is -0.53. This implies an EPS growth rate of -37.80% for this year and -12.40% for next year.

At present, 187.63 million SANA shares are outstanding with a float of 168.88 million shares on hand for trading. On Jul 14, 2022, short shares totaled 22.35 million, which was 11.78% higher than short shares on Jun 14, 2022. In addition to Dr. Steven D. Harr M.D. as the firms Pres, CEO & Director, Dr. Richard C. Mulligan Ph.D. serves as its Exec. Vice Chairman & Head of SanaX.

Through their ownership of 85.43% of SANAs outstanding shares, institutional investors have majority control over the company. Other institutions hold 32.91% of SANA, in contrast to 27.48% held by mutual funds. Shares owned by individuals account for 14.37%. As the largest shareholder in SANA with 5.79% of the stake, Baillie Gifford & Co. holds 11,011,462 shares worth 11,011,462. A second-largest stockholder of SANA, Canada Pension Plan Investment Bo, holds 10,175,000 shares, controlling over 5.35% of the firms shares. SSgA Funds Management, Inc. is the third largest shareholder in SANA, holding 8,594,413 shares or 4.52% stake. With a 5.35% stake in SANA, the Canada Pension Plan is the largest stakeholder. A total of 10,175,000 shares are owned by the mutual fund manager. The SPDR S&P Biotech ETF, which owns about 3.60% of SANA stock, is the second-largest Mutual Fund holder. It holds 6,854,877 shares valued at 46.68 million. Scottish Mortgage Investment Trus holds 2.94% of the stake in SANA, owning 5,586,264 shares worth 38.04 million.

Reading analyst opinions is an effective way to decide where to invest, and there are several opinions available for SANA since 4 analysts follow the stock currently. There are 2 analysts who recommend BUY ratings, while 0 suggest SELL ratings. Of the remaining analysts, 2 believe that the stock is worth HOLDING, 0 give it an OVERWEIGHT rating, and 0 thinks that its UNDERWEIGHT. In the same way, a target price assigned to a stock can also reveal much about its potential. With SANA analysts setting a high price target of $18.00 and a low target of $7.00, the average target price over the next 12 months is $12.75. Based on these targets, SANA could surge 171.08% to reach the target high and rise by 5.42% to reach the target low. Reaching the average price target will result in a growth of 92.02% from current levels.

It is also common to use earnings estimates to evaluate a firms growth potential and to determine trading strategy. SANA will report FY 2022 earnings on 03/22/2023. Analysts have provided yearly estimates in a range of -$1.64 being high and -$2.30 being low. For SANA, this leads to a yearly average estimate of -$1.94. The earnings surprise of a firm occurs when the actual results change from the consensus earnings estimate. Sana Biotechnology Inc. surprised analysts by $0.04 when it reported -$0.47 EPS against a consensus estimate of -$0.51. The surprise factor in the prior quarter was $0.30. Based on analyst estimates, the high estimate for the next quarter is -$0.39 and the low estimate is -$0.53. The average estimate for the next quarter is thus -$0.48.

Insiders traded SANA stock several times over the past three months with 2 Buys and 0 Sells. In these transactions, 3,594 shares were bought while 0 shares were sold. The number of buy transactions has increased to 8 while that of sell transactions has risen to 3 over the past year. The total number of shares bought during that period was 103,683 while 60,333 shares were sold.

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Get in on Sana Biotechnology Inc.'s (SANA) buy-in window today! - SETE News

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Brain Navi Biotechnology Announced Partnership with Distributor, Medtreq Medical Equipment, to enter the Middle East and Egypt with NaoTrac…

Posted: September 16, 2022 at 2:53 am

HSINCHU, Sept. 11, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Brain Navi, the leading surgical robot manufacture in Taiwan, announced a strategic partnership with distributor, Medtreq Medical Equipment, to expand the distribution of the Surgical Navigation Robot, NaoTrac, throughout the region of GCC region, Jordan, Egypt plus other countries in the Middle East and Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore which will be covered by Medtreq branch in Philippines.

NaoTrac, a CE-certified and local government approval neurosurgical navigation robot from Brain Navi Biotechnology, is embedding dissimilar technology named SMART Technology which combining the machine vision and in-house algorithm to perform robot-assisted surgery, to streamline surgical procedures with real-time imaging and minimal invasive outcomes.

"We are always scouting for the new technology to help as many people as we can. We have many neurosurgeons coming from Riyadh and some other territories keening and willing to learn more about this technology, and the NaoTrac from Brain Navi is one of them. We are always happy to partner with an innovative technology company," said Sherif Bayoumy, the General Manager of Medtreq Medical Equipment.

The collaboration and partnership between Brain Navi and Medtreq enables greater innovative outcome in the Middle East neurosurgery, such as Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Jordan, and some of the other countries on progressing, to streamline the surgical procedure, improve the surgical accuracy and pass-on knowledge to shorten the learning curves. "We seek strategic partners that can accelerate Brain Navi's growth mission. This partnership is a significant step toward scaling our business and getting more robot-assisted neurosurgery into the world," said Jerry Chen, the CEO of Brian Navi Biotechnology. "The collaboration between Metreq and Brain Navi is looking positive because we share the same mission to innovate with technology to make the life bright. We truly believe that the collaboration between Brain Navi and Medtreq can maximum the value of both sides to bring the neurosurgery to the next level."

About Metreq Medical Equipment Bahrain

Medtreq Medical Equipment provides professional technical support and after-service to clients in the MENA region with a presence in Bahrain and GCC, Egypt, North Africa, Turkey, Europe, the United States (Medtreq Tenessee USA), and the Philippines, Singapore, Malaysia, and Indonesia. Medtreq is built on high values, principles, and social commitment to society and humanity.

About Brain Navi

Brain Navi Biotechnology is a leading Taiwanese surgical robotic company. We design and develop innovative navigation and robotic surgery technologies for surgeons to improve surgical accuracy. Brain Navi's exclusive Surface Mapping Auto-registration Technology (SMART) is a significant surgical robotic breakthrough that merges machine vision, robotics, and AI technology to achieve streamlined surgical procedures with real-time imaging and minimal invasive outcomes.

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SOURCE Brain Navi Biotechnology Co., Ltd.

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Brain Navi Biotechnology Announced Partnership with Distributor, Medtreq Medical Equipment, to enter the Middle East and Egypt with NaoTrac...

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Comprehensive Report on Biotechnology Algae Cultivation (Micro Algae) Market 2022 Trends, Growth Demand, Opportunities & Forecast To 2030 …

Posted: September 16, 2022 at 2:53 am

JCMRrecently broadcasted a new study in its database that highlights the in-depth market analysis with future prospects of Biotechnology Algae Cultivation (Micro Algae) market. The study covers significant data which makes the research document a handy resource for managers, industry executives and other key people get ready-to-access and self analyzed study along with graphs and tables to help understand market trends, drivers and market challenges. Some of the key players mentioned in this research are Cellana, DENSO, Ecoduna, Solix Biofuels, Sapphire Energy, Algenol Biofuels, LGem, Solazyme, Cyanotech, Seambiotic, Mialgae, Neoalgae

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COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by the most recently discovered novel corona virus. Largely unknown before the outbreak began in Wuhan (China) in December 2019, COVID-19 has moved from a regional crisis to a global pandemic in just a matter of a few weeks.

In addition, production and supply chain delays were also witnessed during the second quarter which poised a challenge to the Biotechnology Algae Cultivation (Micro Algae) market, since end-user industries were still not operating at their full capacity.

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What are the markets problems in Biotechnology Algae Cultivation (Micro Algae)?

Changing regulatory landscapes, operational barriers, and the emergence of alternative technologies are all impacting the Biotechnology Algae Cultivation (Micro Algae) industry.

What are the various types of segments covered in the Biotechnology Algae Cultivation (Micro Algae) Market?

By Type Euglenophyta (Euglenoids) Chrysophyta (Golden-Brown Algae and Diatoms) Pyrrophyta (Fire Algae) Chlorophyta (Green Algae) Rhodophyta (Red Algae) Paeophyta (Brown Algae) Xanthophyta (Yellow-Green Algae) OthersBy Application Food Fertilizer and Agar Pollution Control Energy Production

Who are the top key players in the Biotechnology Algae Cultivation (Micro Algae) market?

Cellana, DENSO, Ecoduna, Solix Biofuels, Sapphire Energy, Algenol Biofuels, LGem, Solazyme, Cyanotech, Seambiotic, Mialgae, Neoalgae

Which region is the most profitable for the Biotechnology Algae Cultivation (Micro Algae) market?

The emerging economies in the Asia Pacific region will be the lucrative markets for Biotechnology Algae Cultivation (Micro Algae) products. .

What is the current size of the Biotechnology Algae Cultivation (Micro Algae) market?

The current market size of global Biotechnology Algae Cultivation (Micro Algae) market is estimated to be USD XX in 2021.

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North America is the regions largest market for Biotechnology Algae Cultivation (Micro Algae).

North America includes countries such as the US, Canada, and Mexico. North America is the second-largest consumer and producer of electricity, after Asia Pacific. The US and Canada, which are among the largest consumers in this region as well as globally, constitute the largest share of the Biotechnology Algae Cultivation (Micro Algae) market.

Secondary Research:

This Biotechnology Algae Cultivation (Micro Algae) research study made extensive use of secondary sources, directories, and databases such as Hoovers, Bloomberg BusinessWeek, Factiva, and OneSource to identify and collect information useful for a technical, market-oriented, and commercial study of the global portable generator market. Other secondary sources included company annual reports, press releases, and investor presentations, white papers, certified publications, articles by recognized authors, manufacturer associations, trade directories, and databases.

Biotechnology Algae Cultivation (Micro Algae) Primary Research:

Various sources from both the supply and demand sides were interviewed during the Biotechnology Algae Cultivation (Micro Algae) primary research process to obtain qualitative and quantitative information for this report. Primary sources included industry experts from the core and related industries, as well as preferred suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, technology developers, researchers, and organizations from all segments of the value chain of this industry. To obtain and verify critical qualitative and quantitative information, in-depth interviews were conducted with a variety of primary respondents, including key industry participants, subject-matter experts, C-level executives of key market players, and industry consultants.

Estimation of Biotechnology Algae Cultivation (Micro Algae) Market Size

The total size of the Biotechnology Algae Cultivation (Micro Algae) market was estimated and validated using both top-down and bottom-up approaches. These methods were also widely used to estimate the size of various market sub segments. The following research methodologies were used to estimate market size:

Extensive secondary research was used to identify the industrys key players.

The revenues generated by the markets leading players in molecular diagnostics have been determined through primary and secondary research.

All percentage shares, splits, and breakdowns were calculated using secondary sources and confirmed using primary sources.

TABLE OF CONTENTS OF Biotechnology Algae Cultivation (Micro Algae) Market Report


1.1 Biotechnology Algae Cultivation (Micro Algae) study objectives1.2 Biotechnology Algae Cultivation (Micro Algae) definition1.3 Biotechnology Algae Cultivation (Micro Algae) inclusions & exclusions

1.4 Biotechnology Algae Cultivation (Micro Algae) market scope1.5 Biotechnology Algae Cultivation (Micro Algae) report years considered1.6 Biotechnology Algae Cultivation (Micro Algae) currency1.7 Biotechnology Algae Cultivation (Micro Algae) limitations1.8 Biotechnology Algae Cultivation (Micro Algae) industry stakeholders1.9 Biotechnology Algae Cultivation (Micro Algae) summary of changes

2 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 2.1 Biotechnology Algae Cultivation (Micro Algae) research data

2.2 Biotechnology Algae Cultivation (Micro Algae) market breakdown and data triangulation2.3 Biotechnology Algae Cultivation (Micro Algae) scope2.4 impact of covid-19 on Biotechnology Algae Cultivation (Micro Algae) industry2.5 Biotechnology Algae Cultivation (Micro Algae) market size estimation

3 Biotechnology Algae Cultivation (Micro Algae) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY

4 Biotechnology Algae Cultivation (Micro Algae) PREMIUM INSIGHTS

4.1 attractive opportunities in Biotechnology Algae Cultivation (Micro Algae) market4.2 Biotechnology Algae Cultivation (Micro Algae) market, by region 4.3 Biotechnology Algae Cultivation (Micro Algae) market in North America, by end user & country 4.4 Biotechnology Algae Cultivation (Micro Algae) market, by application 4.5 Biotechnology Algae Cultivation (Micro Algae) market, by end user

5 Biotechnology Algae Cultivation (Micro Algae) MARKET OVERVIEW 5.1 Biotechnology Algae Cultivation (Micro Algae) introduction5.2 covid-19 Biotechnology Algae Cultivation (Micro Algae) health assessment5.3 Biotechnology Algae Cultivation (Micro Algae) road to recovery

5.4 covid-19 Biotechnology Algae Cultivation (Micro Algae) economic assessment5.5 Biotechnology Algae Cultivation (Micro Algae) market dynamics

5.6 Biotechnology Algae Cultivation (Micro Algae) trends5.7 Biotechnology Algae Cultivation (Micro Algae) market map5.8 average pricing of Biotechnology Algae Cultivation (Micro Algae) 5.9 Biotechnology Algae Cultivation (Micro Algae) trade statistics5.8 Biotechnology Algae Cultivation (Micro Algae) value chain analysis5.9 Biotechnology Algae Cultivation (Micro Algae) technology analysis5.10 Biotechnology Algae Cultivation (Micro Algae) tariff and regulatory landscape

5.11 Biotechnology Algae Cultivation (Micro Algae): patent analysis5.14 Biotechnology Algae Cultivation (Micro Algae) porters five forces analysis

6 Biotechnology Algae Cultivation (Micro Algae) MARKET, BY APPLICATION

6.1 Biotechnology Algae Cultivation (Micro Algae) Introduction6.2 Biotechnology Algae Cultivation (Micro Algae) Emergency6.3 Biotechnology Algae Cultivation (Micro Algae) Prime/Continuous

7 Biotechnology Algae Cultivation (Micro Algae) MARKET, BY END USER 7.1 Biotechnology Algae Cultivation (Micro Algae) Introduction7.2 Biotechnology Algae Cultivation (Micro Algae) Residential7.3 Biotechnology Algae Cultivation (Micro Algae) Commercial7.4 Biotechnology Algae Cultivation (Micro Algae) Industrial


8.1 Biotechnology Algae Cultivation (Micro Algae) Introduction8.2 Biotechnology Algae Cultivation (Micro Algae) industry by North America8.3 Biotechnology Algae Cultivation (Micro Algae) industry by Asia Pacific 8.4 Biotechnology Algae Cultivation (Micro Algae) industry by Europe8.5 Biotechnology Algae Cultivation (Micro Algae) industry by Middle East & Africa8.6 Biotechnology Algae Cultivation (Micro Algae) industry by South America

9 Biotechnology Algae Cultivation (Micro Algae) COMPETITIVE LANDSCAPE 9.1 Biotechnology Algae Cultivation (Micro Algae) Key Players Strategies9.2 Biotechnology Algae Cultivation (Micro Algae) Market Share Analysis Of Top Five Players9.3 Biotechnology Algae Cultivation (Micro Algae) Market Evaluation Framework9.4 Revenue Analysis Of Top Five Biotechnology Algae Cultivation (Micro Algae) Market Players9.5 Biotechnology Algae Cultivation (Micro Algae) Company Evaluation Quadrant9.6 Biotechnology Algae Cultivation (Micro Algae) Competitive Leadership Mapping Of Start-Ups9.7 Biotechnology Algae Cultivation (Micro Algae) Competitive Scenario

10 Biotechnology Algae Cultivation (Micro Algae) COMPANY PROFILES 10.1 Biotechnology Algae Cultivation (Micro Algae) Major Players10.2 Biotechnology Algae Cultivation (Micro Algae) Startup/Sme Players

11 APPENDIX 11.1 Insights Of Biotechnology Algae Cultivation (Micro Algae) Industry Experts11.2 Biotechnology Algae Cultivation (Micro Algae) Discussion Guide11.3 Biotechnology Algae Cultivation (Micro Algae) Knowledge Store11.4 Biotechnology Algae Cultivation (Micro Algae) Available Customizations11.5 Biotechnology Algae Cultivation (Micro Algae) Related Reports11.6 Biotechnology Algae Cultivation (Micro Algae) Author Details

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Comprehensive Report on Biotechnology Algae Cultivation (Micro Algae) Market 2022 Trends, Growth Demand, Opportunities & Forecast To 2030 ...

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