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Category Archives: Biotechnology
The 9th ARDD: Longevity Biotechnology Is Gaining Prominence And Credibility In The Pharmaceutical Industry – Forbes
Posted: August 14, 2022 at 1:50 am
9th ARDD: Mindjourney AI-generated image depicting a convention of scientists at the University of ... [+] Copenhagen
About eighteen years ago, when I was still a computer scientist, very few credible scientists, and entrepreneurs were interested in aging research or longevity. There were very few conferences and meetings on the topic of longevity. Venture capitalists and pharmaceutical companies were also not too keen in investing in drugs intended to increase healthy productive lifespan. The first significant conference on aging I helped organize was 2008 GTCBios New Applications of Aging Research in San Diego and it was very small less than 80 people showed up. That was one of the first high-level academia meets industry conferences. It was very difficult to find credible startup companies and there were very few credible scientists. At that conference Michael West (now at AgeX), the founder of Geron, presented his vision for BioTime (now Lineage Cell Therapeutics), Michael Rose and his team presented their work on long-lived flies, Lenny Guarente of MIT and Olivier Boss of Sirtris (later acquired by GSK) presented on sirtuin biology. So 4-5 startup companies focusing on longevity in total.
But in eighteen years, since I transitioned from IT to biotech, all of that has changed. Now, not only are there multiple conferences and meetings on longevity and aging research around the world, there is also growing interest from venture capitalists and biotechnology companies to pursue the noble cause of prolonging healthy human lifespan. Four out of the top thirty pharmaceutical companies supported by Insilico Medicine have prioritized aging research in their early-stage R&D efforts, and the more visionary and agile pharmaceutical companies have made significant progress in addressing cellular senescence. Conferences and meetings allow key opinion leaders and industry veterans to share ideas and technologies, compare research ideas, and inspire the next generation of scientists. These are just a few reasons why it is important to have conferences and meetings regularly. With coronavirus lockdowns finally coming to a halt, people are beginning to ditch virtual meetings for in-person interactions. This has led to a surge in events and conferences around the world, and scientists are finally able to meet in-person to share ideas and have open discussions. From a longevity point of view, the industry now has multiple conferences and meetings around the world, especially when compared to eighteen years ago. This years in person GRC Systems Aging conference was a major success.
AI-generated Midjourney representation of a group of scientists convening at the University of ... [+] Copenhagen
But One of the largest conferences on longevity will take place this year at the University of Copenhagen from August 29 to September 2. It is called the 9th Aging Research and Drug Discovery (ARDD) Meeting.
The ARDD meeting will feature well-known scientists and researchers from some of the biggest biotechnology companies in the world, as well as leading experts from the top academic institutions. The conference will include a longevity medicine workshop, discussions on various topics like the power of artificial intelligence, and aging of specific organs, and much, much more.
The first ARDD meeting took place in 2014, the year I founded Insilico Medicine. It started when I brought together a group of aging researchers and pharmaceutical company executives at the Aging Forum as part of the Miptec/BaselLife conference in Basel, Switzerland. The first ARDD meeting was highly successful because a lot of companies that were going to the BaselLife conference also participated in the ARDD meeting. We co-organized it with Bhupinder Bhullar or Novartis, and Brian Kennedy of the Buck Institute for several years and it was pretty successful with the many big pharmaceutical companies and startups presenting their cutting-edge research. High-level of academic speakers, interesting program, and the proximity to Roche and Novartis as well as the Basel Life conference ensured steady participation from Big Pharma and brought credibility to the conference.
But it was not until Morten Scheibye-Knudsen took over the conference and moved it to Copenhagen that the conference took off and became the largest event in aging research in the biopharmaceutical industry globally. During COVID-19 in 2020 and 2021, we arranged hybrid ARDD events, with social distancing and masks in place, and also so that people could join the event virtually. Specifically in 2021, over 160 scientists participated in the hybrid event with more than 2,000 dialing-in virtually. Within a span of 9 years, the ARDD has become the largest conference in the world on aging research and longevity. The conference costs a lot of money to arrange and we hire programmers to record the conference so that people are able to follow on YouTube. Videos from the 8th ARRD meeting can be viewed here. All the lectures from ARDD 2021 are also available online.
Group picture and statistics from the 8th Aging Research and Drug Discovery (ARDD) meeting organized ... [+] by the University of Copenhagen, Insilico Medicine, and Columbia University in 2021
This year, the ARDD is expecting over 400 people on-site, making 9th ARRD meeting one of the largest conferences in the world on longevity.
What to Expect from the 9th ARDD Meeting
Day 1: The event will begin on August 29 with a Longevity Medicine Workshop. This workshop will be the first in history to bring together health care providers involved in longevity to discuss the status quo and the future of the field, as well as related challenges, perspectives, and actionable items. The workshop is organized by Dr. Evelyne Bischof of Human Longevity Inc., with Dr. Sebastien Thuault, chief editor of Nature Aging, helping as co-organizer. Evelyn is an expert in internal medicine and oncology. Early in her career, she spent time practicing medicine and performing translational research in Switzerland, US, and China. She is the author of over 40 peer-reviewed papers. Sebastian is the launch editor of Nature Aging. He obtained his PhD from the University of Bristol and performed postdoctoral research in neuroscience at Columbia University. He joined Nature Research in 2011 and served as a senior editor at Nature Neuroscience until 2019. Following this, he transitioned to Nature Communications to steer the Neuroscience and Psychology team. In 2018, he worked as a publishing manager focusing on the proposal to launch Nature Aging and took over direction of the journal in March 2020.
Some of the other talented scientists who will be involved in this workshop include Tornado Therapeutics CEO Joan Mannick, Human Longevity CEO Wei-Wu He, Gameto CEO Dina Radenkovic, and Hevolution Foundation CEO Mehmood Khan, to name a few. I have written about Dina and Joan as part of my Women in Longevity series and also recently covered the Hevolution Foundation.
The scientists taking part in this workshop will speak on such topics as what is needed to translate geroscience into the clinic, longevity medicine therapeutics, and longevity medicine diagnostics and innovations.
Another workshop that will also take place this day is called the Emerging Tech Workshop. In this first-of-its kind workshop, we will explore the interplay between technologies that are transforming the future of biotechnology, drug discovery and aging research. This hands-on workshop will take you through the realms of blockchain, artificial intelligence, and rapid prototyping with robotics. You will also experience the power of AI and robotics to accelerate, enhance and scale scientific experiments. The Emerging Tech Workshop will be organized by Maximilan Unfried of VitaDAO. Michael Petr of, Tim Peterson, co-founder of Healthspan Technologies and BIOIO, and Garri Zmudze, general partner at LongeVC will be there to lead the workshop.
The first day will also be divided into three lecture tracks, each focused on a specific area of aging research. These lecture tracks will also include time for strategic debates and open discussions.
Day 2: August 30 will begin with a talk on drugging the nutrient-sensing network by Dr. Linda Partridge of the Max Planck Institute for Biology of Aging. This will be followed by a series of talks on topics including chemical interventions in aging promoting healthspan, an update on geroscience approached to treat age-related diseases, and regulation of stem cell biology by interferons independent of antiviral function. Some of the speakers include Gordon Lithgow, Tyler Golato, Carles Canto, and Vishwa Dixit. The day will end with a talk on quantifying aging and rejuvenation by Judith Campisi of the Buck Institute. In total, there are 18 lectures scheduled just in the first day giving you an idea of what to expect next! Participants will also be able to set-up posters on this day.
Day 3: On the third day of the conference, delegates will learn about genome stability and aging, and genome maintenance mechanisms in aging by Dr. Bjorn Schumacher and Morten, respectively. These will be followed by more sessions on human biological aging. We will also learn about aging through the lens of reproductive longevity. This will also be the only time when a venture capital panel will be present to talk about investing in longevity biotechnology. Alexandra Bause, co-founder of Apollo Health Ventures, will be there to guide folks on how to get more involved in investing in longevity. Alexandra is leading the venture creation programs that aim at founding new biotech startups targeting the aging process at a molecular level. She is also a trained pharmacist with expertise in pharmaceutics and pharmacology. Before joining Apollo, Alexandra worked with The Boston Consulting Group, specializing in biopharma strategy so if you want to start your journey as a longevity investor, you simply cannot afford to miss this one!
Day 4: The fourth day will start with new methods of target identification, biomarkers, and muscle stem cells in age and disease. We will be joined by Anders Malarstig, director at Pfizer, as well. Anders is a medical researcher and manager with experience in clinical and experimental human genetics, epidemiology and vascular biology. He is also an expert in population research and functional genomics strategies to inform drug development from preclinical phase to phase III.
Following more lectures on telomeres and circadian clocks, we will conclude the day with discussing what reprogramming, parabiosis, and autophagy have in common. Some of the speakers include Joris Deelen, Nir Barzilai, Sarah Mitchell, and Sara Hagg.
Day 5: The last day of the event will kick-off with a poster award ceremony, followed by presentations on bringing geroscience into clinical practice, predicting mortality in old age, and quantifying age and rejuvenation. The final presentation will be made by Vera Gorbunova on the topic of mechanisms of longevity and epigenome stability. The event will wrap up after this however, this is not all, theres way more!
The ARDD is Completely Non-Profit and has several unique features:
Inspire Longevity High School Students Engaging in Longevity Research
To help nurture the next generation of biogerontologists from the very early years, we are piloting the Student Ambassador Program called "Inspire Longevity". Becoming a student ambassador for the ARDD Meeting is an excellent way for students to meet with leading academic and industrial researchers and practitioners in the fields of aging and drug discovery. The student ambassador program is also an excellent way of interacting with other students from all over the world and enjoy the ARDD sessions together. PandaOmics is a platform that allows researchers a unique opportunity to both explore the unknown of OMICs data and interpret it in the context of all the scientific data generated by the scientific community. This platform will not only be showcased at ARDD 2022, but students and scientists will get a chance to explore how it works through a detailed demonstration.
Interview with the members of Inspire Longevity program - high school students planning their ... [+] careers in longevity biotechnology
The student ambassador program will be coordinated by Andrea Olsen, Zachary Harpaz, and Nina Khera. Andrea is an aspiring neurobiologist and a former intern at Insilico Medicine, while Zachary is passionate about applying AI and computer science in ways that can impact the world. Nina is currently working on a startup called Biotein, that has raised $65,000 to increase access to tools to prevent aging-related diseases. These teenagers already have impressive CVs and will be happy to guide applicants through the Inspire Longevity program.
The two primary sources of funding for ARDD are corporate sponsorship and ticket sales for the event. Sponsorship is important to make the conferences more accessible and affordable. The finances are managed by the University of Copenhagen. The funding is distributed in three broad categories: academic speakers expense (travel expenses and overnight accommodation), on-site costs (catering, etc), and venue costs. ARDD is a non-profit with a sole aim of bringing the longevity field to the forefront of scientific research.
Supporting Ukrainian Scientists
Mindjourney AI-generated post-war recovery of Ukraine
Due to the ongoing war in Ukraine, Ukrainian scientists and researchers are invited to participate in the ARDD 2022 for free. If they cannot travel physically to the venue, they can dial-in for free and join virtually.
A screenshot of the Zoom interview with Professors Morten Scheibye-Knudsen, MD, PhD and Daniela ... [+] Bakula, MD, PhD
What To Expect from the 9th ARDD in 2022: Interview with Dr. Morten Scheibye-Knudsen and Dr. Daniela Bakula
Alex: Since you two took over the ARDD as the executive chairs and took charge of the program and organization the conference transformed into the worlds largest event in aging research in the biopharmaceutical industry. In your opinion, what were the main factors for such spectacular success?
Morten: I think we were very fortunate to be able to get leading scientist to join the meetings. We have always focused on having stellar academic speakers, including great speakers from a bit outside the field. With a great academic lineup, companies are interested in the event and this then also brings in venture capitalists.
Alex: What should we expect to see at ARDD this year? What are the hottest topics?
Daniela: I think the growing clinical focus is a very hot topic in the field. But for clinical trials to happen we need good biomarkers, so called biological clocks, and this is also a very hot topic that will be discussed by the leaders in the field. We also have the best basic scientists in the world giving us the latest on the breakthroughs in aging research that will shape the field in the coming years. I am also extremely excited about all the companies joining and the growing interest from VCs.
Alex: Most of the speakers will be on site this year. But there will be many delegates dialing in from all over the world. How would you recommend watching the lectures?
Morten: The event is streamed via a University of Copenhagen service. When you register, you will receive a link that will get you to the streaming website. BUT, if you have the possibility of coming to Copenhagen, then watching them in person is a whole other experience.
Alex: You are spending enormous amount of time and energy every week for 50 weeks in a row to get the best speakers, get the conference funded, and ensure that the people interested in aging are aware of this conference. Do you think the resulting event is worth this effort?
Daniela: This is a lot of work but also very exciting and rewarding. We hope that with this event we can contribute to foster new collaborations by bringing people from different areas and perspectives together. Also seeing that we provide a valuable knowledge and networking platform for young people with an interest in aging research makes the conference worth the effort.
Alex: Last year, around 25% of all delegates were from biopharmaceutical companies, what should we expect this year?
Morten: We currently have about 40% non-academic so the proportion of people from the industry has grown over the last years. This perhaps reflects the increasing commercial interest we have in this field.
Alex: One of the crown jewels of the pharmaceutical industry in Denmark is Novo Nordisk. In fact, it is majority-owned by a non-profit foundation. But Novo Nordisk never supported the ARDD even after it turned into the worlds largest event in its field and moved to Copenhagen. Do you know why are they ignoring it?
Morten: I think Novo Nordisk is still opening their eyes towards aging as a pharmacological target. Every year we have more and more speakers from big pharma so the field is definitely becoming very interesting for these companies and we actually do have many participants from Novo, Pfizer, Roche, and others. Hopefully we can get their support in the future.
Morten Scheibye-Knudsen, MD, PhD
Morten Scheibye-Knudsen, MD, PhD, executive chair, Aging Research and Drug Discovery (ARDD) meeting. ... [+] 8th ARDD, September, 2021
Morten Scheibye-Knudsen did his medical training at the University of Copenhagen including a short scholarship investigating mitochondrial physiology. During medical school he founded his first company,, which has grown to be the largest provider of volunteers for clinical trials in Denmark. After medical school he worked as a medical doctor in Denmark and Greenland before moving to basic science as a post doctoral fellow at the National Institute on Aging, NIH, in Baltimore. Here, he utilized computational and wet lab science to investigate how DNA damage contributes to the complex phenotypes seen in premature and normal aging. In 2016 he returned to Copenhagen as an assistant professor to start his own research program focusing on aging. In 2018, he received tenure and was promoted to associate professor. His team (~20 people) utilizes computational science, animal models, gene editing, and high-throughput approaches such as high-content microscopy and omics investigations to understand the molecular basis of aging and age-associated phenotypes. Lab generated data is routinely analyzed through AI-assisted pipelines such as novel cellular senescence classifiers and fully automated animal tracking ( He has published his research in some of the best journals in the world including Cell, Cell Metabolism, New England Journal of Medicine and many others. In addition to his core research, he has been lecturing at Johns Hopkins School of Public Health for 8 years; He is a chief editor at Frontiers in Aging running the Aging Interventions section; He is an advisor to Deep Longevity, the Longevity Vision Fund and Vitexia; He has given invited presentations at top institutions (NIH, MIT, Harvard, NUS, Karolinska and others); and received several awards for his research. In addition, he has been organizing the Aging Research and Drug Discovery meeting.
Daniela Bakula, PhD
Daniela Bakula, PhD, co-chair of the Aging Research and Drug Discovery (ARDD) conference in ... [+] Copenhagen
Daniela Bakula graduated in Biology from the University of Tbingen, Germany in 2012. She obtained her PhD with the highest honors in 2017 from the University of Tbingen within the International Max-Planck Research School From Molecules to Organisms. Her PhD work focused on molecular mechanisms regulating autophagy and was awarded with highly competitive dissertation prizes. Daniela Bakula moved to Denmark in 2016, where she did her postdoc in the lab of Morten Scheibye-Knudsen at the Center for Healthy Aging, University of Copenhagen before transitioning into an assistant professorship. Her work focuses on understanding how DNA damage may impact aging. Based on her work she received a DFG fellowship as well as a Lundbeck foundation fellowship and several other grants to fund her research. She is an associate editor with Frontiers in Aging and is co-organizing ARDD since 2020.
AI-generated Midjourney representation of a group of scientists convening at the University of ... [+] Copenhagen
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The 9th ARDD: Longevity Biotechnology Is Gaining Prominence And Credibility In The Pharmaceutical Industry - Forbes
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University of Rwanda to introduce master’s programme in biotechnology – The New Times
Posted: August 14, 2022 at 1:50 am
Officials at the University of Rwanda (UR) have said they are ready to roll out a masters degree in biotechnology, the field of study that could boost treatment of deadly diseases in the future.
This was highlighted in Kigali on Friday, August 12 at the end of weeklong deliberations about the implementation of the biotech programme, in which dozens of academics from Rwanda and foreign universities, policy makers, scientists and development partners took part.
The first cohort of candidates for the master's degree could begin their studies inearly 2023,The New Timeshas learnt.
Rwanda needs experts in biotechnology more than ever as the country embarks on developing its capacity invaccine manufacturingand genetic engineering, the officials said.
Locally trained scientists and biotech engineers could drive research in medical treatments, agriculture, foodprocessing and waste management, among other sectors.
The UR already has a bachelors programme in biotechnology. But it only offers basic skills, which are limited in terms of research and manufacturing, the officials said.
When it comes to manufacturing of vaccines or developing a nationwide industry in food processing, these are no longer fields which can be run by someone with a bachelor's degree, because they have just the foundational skills," Dr. Ignace Gatare, the Principal of UR's College of Science and Technology, toldThe New Times.
"So, with the current move to produce vaccines locally, and you have heard about the manufacturing of seeds which are resistant to climate change, it is necessary to train another highly skilled pool of professionals and that happens only at masters and PhD levels.
He added that the PhD programme would start once masters is deemed successful.
At least 834,000 (about Rwf880 million), as part of the European Unions7 million funding for capacity buildingin vaccines production in Rwanda, has been earmarked for the program to start operations.
The programme, which awaits the university senate approval, will enrol a cohort of 20-30 students, Gatare said, and could even start later this year, if everything goes according to plan.
Incorporated in three UR colleges, the programme will be hosted at the College of Science and Technology in Kigali.
According to the officials, parastatals, such as the Rwanda Biomedical Centre, Rwanda Food and Drugs Authority and Rwanda Agriculture and Animal Resources Board, will be some of the beneficiaries of the biotech programme.
Players in the Rwandan health sector have welcomed the initiative saying it would not only improve treatment of diseases but also boost research in emerging diseases.
In the 1990s, most of the diseases we treated were malaria, typhoid, meningitis and others, which are no longer prevalent, said Dr. Jean Nyirinkwaya, a long-time investor in the local health industry.
But today, there are other emerging diseases, affecting the heart, kidneys and which require better treatment or transplantation. Theres also need to carry out more research to understand why some of these diseases affect people in different categories. The masters programme in biotechnology comes at the right time.
See the original post here:
University of Rwanda to introduce master's programme in biotechnology - The New Times
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Red Biotechnology Market Size, Scope, Growth Opportunities, Trends by Manufacturers And Forecast to 2029 This Is Ardee – This Is Ardee
Posted: July 27, 2022 at 3:06 am
New Jersey, United States This Red Biotechnology Market research works as the best evaluation tool to track the progress of the industry and keep an eye on the competitors growth strategies. It further helps to keep you ahead of your business competitors. This report depicts a few potential problems and gives solutions to them by doing comprehensive research on the market scenario. Valuable information is provided here about a particular market segment according to product type, application, region type, and end user. By referring to this comprehensive Red Biotechnology market analysis report, it becomes possible for organizations to monitor the efficiency of sales, determine the quality of services offered by competitors, estimate the competition level in the market and understand the communication channels followed by competitors in the market.
This Red Biotechnology Market research report covers career outlooks, regional marketplaces, and an overview of the expectations of a number of end-use sectors. With the help of relevant market data, key organizations are able to obtain a competitive benefit over the competitors in the market and attain the best results for business growth. Furthermore, this Red Biotechnology market analysis report emphasizes doing a comparison between several various geographical markets in key regions such as North America, Europe, Middle East, Africa, Latin America, and Asia Pacific. It aims at covering complex structures to classifications to an easy-to-follow overview of different business sectors.
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For Prepare TOC Our Analyst deep Researched the Following Things:
Report Overview:It includes major players of the Red Biotechnology market covered in the research study, research scope, market segments by type, market segments by application, years considered for the research study, and objectives of the report.
Global Growth Trends:This section focuses on industry trends where market drivers and top market trends are shed light upon. It also provides growth rates of key producers operating in the Red Biotechnology market. Furthermore, it offers production and capacity analysis where marketing pricing trends, capacity, production, and production value of the Red Biotechnology market are discussed.
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Market Size by Type:This section concentrates on product type segments where production value market share, price, and production market share by product type are discussed.
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Production by Region:Here, the production value growth rate, production growth rate, import and export, and key players of each regional market are provided.
Consumption by Region:This section provides information on the consumption in each regional market studied in the report. The consumption is discussed on the basis of country, application, and product type.
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Market Forecast by Production:The production and production value forecasts included in this section are for the Red Biotechnology market as well as for key regional markets.
Market Forecast by Consumption:The consumption and consumption value forecasts included in this section are for the Red Biotechnology market as well as for key regional markets.
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Red Biotechnology Market Size, Scope, Growth Opportunities, Trends by Manufacturers And Forecast to 2029 This Is Ardee - This Is Ardee
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Part 1: Carey Gillam Reporter turned organic propagandist who twists science in her campaign to discredit biotechnology and conventional agriculture…
Posted: July 27, 2022 at 3:06 am
With links to the Church of Scientology, anti-vaccine glyphosate litigator Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Organic Consumers Association, US Right to Know, and Environmental Working Group, this former Reuters reporter has spearheaded the effort by organic promoters to discredit GMOs, glyphosate, and other agri-technological tools positioned to feed a growing global population and address climate change. Heres her story and why she does it.
Corey Booker has a new-found campaign: Capitalizing on public concerns about the weedkiller glyphosate (also sold under a now-expired patent by Monsanto as Roundup), claimed by its critics to cause cancer. Last Tuesday (June 19), the New Jersey Senator, head of the Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry, participated in a webinar highlighting its alleged dangers.
The event was organized by a group called Farmers Footprint, which promotes regenerative and organic agriculture. If you believe the host, this panel was crafted to put dialogue over consensus and allow for the nuance and present all the different perspectives on how glyphosate affects planetary health.
That would have been a constructive conversation to have. Thats the opposite of what happened. To say that the webcast was rigged would be an understatement. No farmers, soil expert or independent regulators were invited. No epidemiologists or toxicologists. Just activists, including someone who goes under the name Glyphosate Girl. And, of course, Booker. And in case you werent sure about where the host stood on the glyphosate controversy, if you scrolled down on the event page at the hosts site, there was this:
The glyphosate attack seminar traces to an article by Carey Gillam in the UK The Guardian earlier in July. The piece reported on the routine release of years-old Centers for Disease Control data, which Gillam claimed (although the figure is not cited in the CDC release) found that 80% of Americans had traces of glyphosate in their urine.
Gillams piece was quickly disseminated by the usual leftwing channels but also became a favorite of the far right, from the Gospel News Networkto The Epoch Times, which makes the case that the government is untrustworthy. Shes beloved by activists, particularly those reflexively critical of Big Agriculture and advocates of organic farming. She was drafted by Farmers Footprint to moderate and guide the webinar.
The event went as would be expected. Glyphosate is a hidden killer. The agricultural industry conspires to hide the facts. The US EPA and other global agencies that have determined the herbicides is safe as used are part of a global conspiracy.
Booker bit. Three days later, he released a statement co-signed by eight Democratic senators, urging the US Fish and Wildlife Service to sharply restrict the use of glyphosate and other long-approved pesticides on National Wildlife Refuges without even suggesting what safer alternatives could be substituted. (There arent any.)
The original report and the seminar were panned by independent scientists. Why? Isnt the presence of a weedkiller in the human body something to be concerned about?
On the surface yes, but the article doesnt really address that threat, which turns out to be minimal to non-existent. Scientists were particularly critical by such exaggerations as disturbing and tied to cancer claims that most independent scientists would reject as hyperbolic or outright incorrect.
As independent scientists Geoffrey Kabat and Kevin Folta wrote in separate articles on the GLP, the numbers as reported by the CDC underscore the relative safety of glyphosate not its possible harmfulness. Micro-traces at infinitesimally small levels in the parts per billion (equivalentto 1 drop of impurity in 500 barrels of water or 1 cent out of $10 million) are no cause for concern. The human body always has potentially harmful substances but at levels too low to be actually harmful. For example, human tissues and blood normally contain small amounts of various radioactive isotopes, which are harmless at the levels at which they occur. Any lab could identify thousands of purportedly toxic chemicals
Specifically, our kidneys are designed to eliminate potential toxins. The presence of micro-traces of any of thousands of toxins in our urine, including glyphosate, is a reassuring sign that our body is functioning properly. The level of glyphosate found in this study is detectablebut negligible and harmless, as regulatory agencies worldwide have determined.
While science was not on the agenda, the article and panel did provide a star turn for Gillam. In her current position, she partners with the Environmental Working Group, an organic-industry funded activist and litigation-focused organization in producing a blog called The New Lede. She refers to herself on her LinkdedIn page as a modern-day Rachel Carson for her groundbreaking work in exposing decades of corporate secrets and deceptive tactics by powerful pesticide companies, including the global giant Monsanto.
In fact, Gillam has had a rocky professional history. Scientists call her a one-woman science wrecking ball who misunderstands chemical risk and systematically exaggerates the dangers of a weedkiller that the global regulatory community has unanimously determined is safe as used, both to human health and the environment. Well have more on glyphosate, the article, Gillams history, and The New Lede as we go along.
If you are not familiar with the global conversation surrounding glyphosate, it has become a touchstone in the debate over the future of farming. The weedkillers proponentsupwards of 98% of the worlds farmers and every major independent regulatory or oversight agency in the world, (19 of them), subscribe to the science that the weedkiller is safeboth in the environment and as it shows up in micro-traces in food.
One UN sub-agency, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), singularly strayed from the consensus and issued a hazard analysis, which does not evaluate real-life exposure [all 19 of the other agencies did a risk analysis, which evaluates the actual likelihood of getting cancer under real-life conditions; for an explanation, read this]. It concluded that the weedkiller poses a theoretical hazard to everyday applicators who apply it over many years or decades but drew no conclusion as to its trace risks in food.
[View hyperlinked GLP infographic to review the findings by the global agencies].
Nineteen of the 20 independent agencies reviewed IARCs hazard data in 23 studies and found its findings incomplete and its research methods shoddy or inadequate. As Health Canada recently noted (2019) after reviewing claims that glyphosate causes health problems:
No pesticide regulatory authority in the world currently considers glyphosate to be a cancer risk to humans at the levels at which humans are currently exposed.
That hasnt stopped the debate over the weedkiller from percolating in the media and in legislative halls, pitting the global regulatory and science community against activist groups who target synthetic agricultural chemicals (many of which are safer with less consequences to the environment, flora and fauna then organic alternatives). Risk in chemicals is challenging for most people to assess, which is why extremist activists like EWG and Gillam view targeting pesticides as the public-relations Achilles heel of mainstream agriculture as they seek to promote organic and regenerative farming.
Contradicting what the discussion on Gillams webcast suggested, exposure to glyphosate traces in our urine is not unusual almost any common toxic chemical shows up in parts per billion. As the chart below illustrates, Vitamin D is potentially hundreds of times more threatening. Glyphosate is less toxic than table salt. The caffeine in your morning cup of Joe is 22 times more toxic than the weedkillerbut like glyphosate, toxic caffeine is excreted from our bodies, harmlessly. Thank you, kidneys!
Since ancient times, it has been known that the dose makes the poison. Chemical risk comes down to how much we are exposed to and how long. And as Dr. Kabat reported in his article, the state-of-the art National Cancer Institutes Agricultural Health Study, which tracked farm workers exposed to glyphosate over decades, showed no association of glyphosate with any of more than twenty types of cancer.
So, despite the noise created by Gillam and activist groups, no reputable oversight or assessment agency in the worldnot oneconsiders trace levels of glyphosate as noted in our urine at the levels cited by the CDC as potentially harmful.
A recent similar urine analysis report, drawing on the same CDC database, on another herbicide conducted by a group called the Heartland Study was exposed in this article by Cornell microbiologist Dr. Kathleen Hefferon. It had similar methodological flaws and serious academic ethical breaches. The analysis was led by glyphosate litigation consultant Charles Benbrook [Read GLP profile of Benbrook]. Benbrook, an economist with no formal background in toxicology, is known in legal circles as an anti-chemical consultant for hire when organic clients want removed from the market).
The CDC report would have been a footnote in a mountain of mostly useless data until it was weaponized by Carey Gillam.Besides her skewed analysis that ran in The Guardian, she placed it at her partner organizations accompanied: on EWGs site (which exaggerated the data, claiming CDC found 87%); and on vaccine denier Robert F. Kennedys Childrens Health Defense e-mag, The Defender, for which Gillam writes regularly and has a dedicated column page. (The Defender is committed to defending children from getting life-saving routine vaccines, including COVID vaccines.)
Carey Gillam has been the most visible and relentless critic of agricultural chemicals for a decade. What is her background? What follows is a more accurate primer on her background.[Read GLP backgrounder of one of Gillams books here]
Gillam has a history as a longtime Monsanto antagonist and critic of conventional agriculture. She was affiliated with Reuters for 17 years, much of it covering food and farming in the Midwest. According to Freedom of Information documents, she left under a cloud after being confronted by her editor in 2015, after years of complaints from independent scientists about her lack of editorial balance and her embrace of anti-GMO conspiracy propaganda. Her anti-GMO activist friends were well aware that editors at Reuters had challenged her for apparently compromising journalistic standards and ethics.
When contacted by the GLP, Gillam denied being forced out under pressure from Reuters management, claiming she has paperwork to support her claim, but she refused to share it.Shortly after leaving Reuters, Gillam was named research director at US Right to Know, where the constraints of objective journalism that she reportedly challenged were no longer in place.
Tomorrow, we will examine Carey Gillams work as a frontperson for the anti-GMO industry and the web of pro-organic corporations and activist groups that profit from her advocacy.
Jon Entineis the foundingexecutivedirectorof theGenetic Literacy Project, and winner of 19 major journalism awards. He has written extensively in the popular and academic press on media ethics, corporate social responsibility, sustainability, and agricultural and population genetics. You can follow him on Twitter@JonEntine.The GLP discloses all major contributors and conflicts of interest, and outlines its donor policy on itstransparency page.
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Part 1: Carey Gillam Reporter turned organic propagandist who twists science in her campaign to discredit biotechnology and conventional agriculture...
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Blue Biotechnology Market Outlook by Industry Revenue, Regions and Top Key Players 2022-2030 This Is Ardee – This Is Ardee
Posted: July 27, 2022 at 3:06 am
Key CompaniesCovered in theBlue Biotechnology MarketResearch areAker Biomarine, Cellgen Biologicals Pvt Ltd., Donald Danforth Plant Science Center, Geomarine Biotechnologies, Glycomar, Marinova, Nurture Aqua Technology Pvt., New England Biolabs, Pices, Pml Application Ltd., Sea Run Holdings, Inc., Shell Marine Products, Sanosil Biotech, and Samudra Biopharma Private Limited.and other key market players.
The report covers the analysis and forecast of the blue biotechnology market on global as well as regional level. The study provides historic data of 2016 along with the forecast for the period between 2017 and 2025 based on revenue (US$ Mn).
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The study provides a detailed view of the blue biotechnology market, by segmenting it based on by product type, by application, by end- user and regional demand. Robust growth of drug discovery in the past several years propels the growth for the blue biotechnologys market. Growing usage of algae along with other bacteria for producing a new drug is another prime factor driving the market demand. Additionally, extensive use of blue biotechnologys in end-user industries such as pharmaceutical, research organization, healthcare, and others boosts the demand of this market.
Regional segmentation includes the current and forecast demand for North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East and Africa and Latin America. The segmentation also includes by product type, by application and end- user in all regions. These include different business strategies adopted by the leading players and their recent developments.
A comprehensive analysis of the market dynamics that is inclusive of market drivers, restraints, and opportunities is part of the report. Additionally, the report includes potential opportunities in the blue biotechnology market at the global and regional levels. Market dynamics are the factors which impact the market growth, so their analysis helps understand the ongoing trends of the global market. Therefore, the report provides the forecast of the global market for the period from 2017 to 2025, along with offering an inclusive study of the blue biotechnology market.
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The report provides the size of the blue biotechnology market in 2017 and the forecast for the next eight years up to 2025. The size of the global blue biotechnology market is provided in terms of revenue. Market revenue is defined in US$ Mn. The market dynamics prevalent in North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East and Africa and Latin America has been taken into account in estimating the growth of the global market.
Market estimates for this study have been based on revenue being derived through regional pricing trends. The blue biotechnology market has been analyzed based on expected demand. Bottom-up approach is done to estimate the global revenue of the blue biotechnology market, split into regions. Based on product type, application, and end- user, the individual revenues from all the regions is summed up to achieve the global revenue for blue biotechnology. Companies were considered for the market share analysis, based on their innovation, end- user and revenue generation. In the absence of specific data related to the sales of blue biotechnology several privately held companies, calculated assumptions have been made in view of the companys penetration and regional presence.
The global blue biotechnology market has been segmented into:
Global Blue Biotechnology Market: By Product Type Pharma Biofuels Food Enzymes Biopolymers Others
Global Blue Biotechnology Market: By Application Vaccine development Drug finding Genomics Others
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Global Blue Biotechnology Market: By End- User Pharmaceutical companies Biotechnology companies Research organization Healthcare centre Others
Global Blue Biotechnology Market: By Geography North Americao U.S.o Canadao Mexico Europeo U.K.o Franceo Germanyo Italyo Rest of Europe Asia Pacifico Indiao Chinao Japano Rest of Asia Pacific Middle East and Africao South Africao Rest of Middle East and Africa Latin Americao Brazilo Rest of Latin America
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STRM.BIO Receives $2.1 Million SBIR Grant to Advance Extracellular Vesicle Technology for Non-Viral, In Vivo Delivery of Gene Therapies – PR Newswire
Posted: July 27, 2022 at 3:06 am
BOSTON, July 26, 2022 /PRNewswire/ --STRM.BIO, a pre-clinical, VC-backed biotechnology company that is leveraging extracellular vesicles (EVs) to deliver gene therapies and developing new therapeutics for rare blood diseases, announced today it has been awarded a Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) grant for approximately $2,100,000 from the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS) at the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The award will allow the company to further advance its proprietary EV technology for use as a novel non-viral gene therapy delivery platform.
The specific objective of this NIH funding opportunity is to support the development and evaluation of innovative approaches to deliver genome editing machinery into somatic cells, with the goal of enabling the use of genome editing therapeutics to treat human disease. STRM.BIO has developed a proprietary, large capacity EV-based system for in vivo nucleic acid and protein delivery that specifically targets hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) in bone marrow, is amenable to large scale commercial manufacture, and presents with low immunogenicity which confers unique potential for repeat dosing.
"It is critical to the future of the field that the next generation of gene therapies be delivered as simple injections in standard clinical settings," said Jonathan Thon, CEO and Founder of STRM.BIO. "Current ex vivo approaches, in which a patient's cells are edited in culture and then transplanted, are not a sustainable model. Patients undergo harsh conditioning before receiving an ex vivo gene therapy treatment, which often has severe side effects and can be fatal. These treatments also require specialized facilities and training and are too expensive to be supported by payers as a routine option. Our EV-based delivery system has the potential to efficiently deliver gene editors safely to the bone marrow following intravenous injectionspecifically the long-term HSCs in the bone marrow we all strive to target for durable gene correction. This is big. This precision targeting creates promising new options to treat rare blood diseases and represents a paradigm shift over HSC transplant."
This SBIR award will enable the company to optimize procedures for loading their proprietary EVs with cargo, further characterize the biodistribution and delivery pattern of cargo-loaded EVs, and verify feasibility of STRM.BIO EVs for in vivo cargo delivery in a pre-clinical model of human genetic hematologic disease. With this grant, the company aims to expand pre-clinical proof-of-concept support for the use of this novel system as a non-viral, in vivo genome editor delivery system for the treatment of inherited hematologic diseases.
Based in Boston, MA, STRM.BIO is a pre-clinical, VC-backed biotechnology company that is leveraging extracellular vesicles (EVs) to deliver gene therapy in a better way: simpler, safer, practical. Our work will open the door to the future of medicine for patients living with rare diseases worldwide. STRM.BIO is committed to bringing gene therapy to life. Please visit strm.bioand follow us on Twitter @STRMbio and on LinkedInto meet our growing team of partners and collaborators and stay up to date on our progress.
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How biotechnology will transform the food and agriculture system – Genetic Literacy Project
Posted: July 3, 2022 at 1:49 am
There is no area of human activity more basic to society than a sustainable agricultural, food, and natural resource system. With projections that global population will grow to as much as 10 billion by 2050 (Pew Research Center 2022), there is increasing concern as to how this system should be transformed to feed this population sustainably.
Serious questions need to be addressed; for example: What will constitute a healthy diet? Will natural resources and ecosystems be compromisedor even destroyedin efforts to provide such a diet? Will the food system reduce or increase hunger and poverty? And will the system enhance or decrease equity and access to food for a healthy and productive global population? These and other critical questions challenge all who participate in the food and agriculture system (FAS), and more broadly everyone is involved at some level, from daily consumption to innovative scientific research.
Follow the latest news and policy debates on agricultural biotech and biomedicine? Subscribe to our newsletter.
An article by the CROPPS Research Community emphasizes the need for a deeper understanding of the biology of plants and their responses to a changing climate, among other factors. The vision and work of the Center for Research on Programmable Plant Systems (CROPPS) focus on understanding the deep biology of plants to create an Internet of Living Things. The vision depends on transdisciplinary collaborationbiotechnology and synthetic biology, robotics and automation, sensing and automation, and computingto enable a digital dialogue with plant systems.
This is an excerpt. Read the original post here
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Sana Biotechnology Congratulates Senior Vice President and Head of T Cell Therapeutics, Terry Fry, MD, on Additional Role at the University of…
Posted: July 3, 2022 at 1:49 am
SEATTLE, May 12, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Sana Biotechnology, Inc. ( SANA), a company focused on creating and delivering engineered cells as medicines, today announced that its Senior Vice President and Head of T Cell Therapeutics, Terry Fry, M.D. will become an executive director at the prestigious University of Colorado Gates Institute. Dr. Fry, a world-renowned expert in chimeric antigen receptor T cell (CAR T) therapies, has devoted part of his time to the University of Colorado as a clinical professor of pediatric oncology since joining Sana. He continues to work in his current Sana role without change while serving as the Institutes Executive Director.
Terry is a leader in the cell and gene therapy space, particularly in developing CAR T therapies for cancer patients. We are proud of Terry and his appointment at the University of Colorado Gates Institute, as his close collaboration with academia will continue to be extremely valuable to the field and to Sana as we explore diverse scientific tools to modify genes and use cells as medicines to change the outcome of many human diseases, said Steve Harr, Sanas President and Chief Executive Officer. Terrys appointment further underscores the high caliber of talent that we have throughout the Sana organization and adds to the number of our team leading institutes in top academic centers.
Dr. Fry added, Bringing innovative therapies to patients remains my first priority, and I am optimistic about the pipeline we are progressing at Sana. My continued involvement in the academic arena fuels greater understanding into novel territories in gene and cell therapy with the goal of bridging and leveraging new insights across industry and academia to propel the field forward.
Yesterday, the University of Colorado announced the creation of the Gates Institute, a state-of-the-art facility that will focus on rapidly translating laboratory findings into regenerative, cellular, and gene therapies for patients. Working in partnership with CU Anschutz, the Gates Institute, fueled by a philanthropic investment from the Gates Frontiers Fund, and an investment by CU Anschutz, is expected to grow to $200 million over the next five years. The institute will build on the success of the Gates Center for Regenerative Medicine and Gates Biomanufacturing Facility, which have conducted groundbreaking stem cell research for cancer and rare diseases, pioneering new therapies in recent years. Dr. Fry will become its Executive Director.
About Sana
Sana Biotechnology, Inc. is focused on creating and delivering engineered cells as medicines for patients. We share a vision of repairing and controlling genes, replacing missing or damaged cells, and making our therapies broadly available to patients. We are a passionate group of people working together to create an enduring company that changes how the world treats disease. Sana has operations in Seattle, Cambridge, South San Francisco, and Rochester.
Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements
This press release contains forward-looking statements about Sana Biotechnology, Inc. (the Company, we, us, or our) within the meaning of the federal securities laws, including those related to the companys vision, progress, and business plans, the scope of Dr. Frys employment with Sana, and the potential value to the Company of Dr. Frys collaboration with academia. All statements other than statements of historical facts contained in this press release, including, among others, statements regarding the Companys strategy, expectations, cash runway and future financial condition, future operations, and prospects, are forward-looking statements. In some cases, you can identify forward-looking statements by terminology such as aim, anticipate, assume, believe, contemplate, continue, could, design, due, estimate, expect, goal, intend, may, objective, plan, positioned, potential, predict, seek, should, target, will, would and other similar expressions that are predictions of or indicate future events and future trends, or the negative of these terms or other comparable terminology. The Company has based these forward-looking statements largely on its current expectations, estimates, forecasts and projections about future events and financial trends that it believes may affect its financial condition, results of operations, business strategy and financial needs. In light of the significant uncertainties in these forward-looking statements, you should not rely upon forward-looking statements as predictions of future events. These statements are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause the actual results to vary materially, including, among others, the risks inherent in drug development such as those associated with the initiation, cost, timing, progress and results of the Companys current and future research and development programs, preclinical and clinical trials, as well as the economic, market and social disruptions due to the ongoing COVID-19 public health crisis. For a detailed discussion of the risk factors that could affect the Companys actual results, please refer to the risk factors identified in the Companys SEC reports, including but not limited to its Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q dated May 10, 2022. Except as required by law, the Company undertakes no obligation to update publicly any forward-looking statements for any reason.
Investor Relations & Media:Nicole Keith[emailprotected][emailprotected]
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Sana Biotechnology Congratulates Senior Vice President and Head of T Cell Therapeutics, Terry Fry, MD, on Additional Role at the University of...
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Tiziana Life Sciences to Present at the 2022 Biotechnology Innovation Organization Annual Convention to Discuss Recent Updates to Ongoing Clinical…
Posted: June 13, 2022 at 2:19 am
Tiziana Life Sciences Plc
NEW YORK, June 06, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Tiziana Life Sciences Ltd (NASDAQ: TLSA) ("Tiziana" or the "Company"), a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company enabling breakthrough immunotherapies via novel routes of administration today announced that its Chief Executive Officer and Chief Scientific Officer, Kunwar Shailubhai, Ph.D., will present at the Biotechnology Innovation Organization (BIO) Annual Convention taking place at the San Diego Convention Center, Monday June 13 - Thursday, June 16, 2022. His presentation will be primarily focused on the recent clinical updates on nasal administration of foralumab, a fully human anti-CD3 monoclonal antibody, for treatment of patients with secondary progressive multiple sclerosis. He will also provide an update on the initiation of Phase 1b trial with first-ever oral capsules of foralumab for treatment of patients with mild-to-moderately active Crohns Disease. Company management will also be participating in one-on-one meetings throughout the conference.
Presentation Information
Presenter: Kunwar Shailubhai, Ph.D., Chief Executive Officer and Chief Scientific Officer, Tiziana Life SciencesTitle: Enabling Breakthrough Immunotherapies via Novel Routes of Drug Delivery
Day: Tuesday, June 14thTime: 2:00- 2:15 pm PDTLocation: Theater 1
To register for the conference and schedule a one-on-one meeting with Tiziana Life Sciences management, please visit
Dr. Shailubhai will also attend the BioNJ 29th Annual Dinner Meeting and Innovation Celebration, gathering and honoring members of New Jerseys life science ecosystem, on Thursday, June 9, 2022 at 4:45 pm EDT. This meeting, taking place at the Hilton in East Brunswick New Jersey, was originally planned for February, and was postponed due to the surge of the Omicron variant.
About BIO and the BIO International ConventionThe Biotechnology Innovation Organization (BIO) is the world's largest biotechnology organization, providing advocacy, business development and communications services for more than 1,200 members worldwide. Our mission is to be the champion of biotechnology and the advocate for our member organizationsboth large and small. BIO members are involved in the research and development of innovative healthcare, agricultural, industrial and environmental biotechnology technologies. Corporate members range from entrepreneurial companies developing a first product to Fortune 100 multinationals. We also represent state and regional biotech associations, service providers to the industry and academic centers. Currently there are over 3,000+ international and domestic companies registered to attend BIO 2022 across the biotech industry.
Story continues
About BioNJFounded in 1994, BioNJ, the New Jersey partner of BIO, has been hard at work in its mission to enhance the climate for life sciences in the State. As the representative of an industry that has the potential to change the course of human health, make our environment cleaner and the foods we eat safer and healthier, BioNJ is single-minded in its commitment to the growth and prosperity of this industry within the state of New Jersey.
About Tiziana Life SciencesTiziana Life Sciences is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company developing breakthrough therapies using transformational drug delivery technologies to enable alternative routes of immunotherapy. Tizianas innovative intranasal, oral and inhalation approaches in development have the potential to provide an improvement in efficacy as well as safety and tolerability compared to intravenous (IV) delivery. Tizianas two lead candidates, intranasal foralumab, the only fully human anti-CD3 mAb, and milciclib, a pan-CDK inhibitor, have both demonstrated a favorable safety profile and clinical response in patients in studies to date. Tizianas technology for alternative routes of immunotherapy has been patented with several applications pending and is expected to allow for broad pipeline applications.
For further information please contact:
Tiziana Life Sciences:Hana Malik, Business Development and Investor Relations Manager +44 (0) 207 495
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Investors:Irina KofflerLifeSci AdvisorsTel: (646)
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FG Urged to Adopt Biotechnology in Agriculture to Save Economy – Economic Confidential
Posted: June 13, 2022 at 2:19 am
Real Life Global Humanitarian Affairs Foundation has urged the federal government to utilise biotechnology for increased yields through genetic modified seeds and prevent importation of food products.
According to Daily Trust report, Engr Akinsola Akinsoji, the National Coordinator of Real Life, stated that the increased rate of insecurity had deterred farmers from accessing their farmlands, but that biotech could help to secure food security in the country.
Akinsoji added that with South Africa earning over $600m from genetic modified seeds in 20 years, it could be replicated in Nigeria and help widen the governments revenue.
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He said, For some reasons we are yet to adopt technology in our farms even as modernised farming is yet to kick-start in large scale, but without the adoption of technology, we will not be able to feed Nigerians. We all know what happened when the border was shut against rice.
He further said the use of the modified cowpea seed in the country was slow due to opposition by producers of pesticides, but pointed out that larger economic value would increase revenue base if farmers and government adopted biotech.
On whether farmers can afford it, he stated that the seeds were readily available to the farmers and that they didnt have to spend much money on it.
The government has already established the National Biotechnology Development Agency (NABDA) and they are working assiduously to make sure that the technology is made simple for every Nigerian. Our work is to break it down to the people. Farmers do not have the economic power and understanding, so we get training from the agencies and take it to them in their local languages.
Source: Daily Trust
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FG Urged to Adopt Biotechnology in Agriculture to Save Economy - Economic Confidential
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