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Category Archives: Biotechnology

Medical Biotechnology, MS : College of Nursing and Health …

Posted: July 12, 2018 at 12:49 am

The Professional Science Masters (PSM) degree in Medical Biotechnology combines graduate level science study with advanced business learning. This graduate degree program is for individuals with a bachelor's degree in the biomedical sciences who wish to advance their science and laboratory skills, specifically in biotechnology, but also want the business skills usually taught through an MBA program. The course may be completed in 12 - 18 months.

Since advanced cross-training between science and business occurs, students will take courses from both the College of Nursing and Health Sciences and the School of Business. Business courses focus on the foundation of professional skills, such as marketing, management, and entrepreneurship, giving students greater employment opportunity in the biotech field. Because of the interdisciplinary aspect of the PSM degree, students feel they are earning both a biotechnology and business graduate degree.

Biotechnology is a rapidly growing field where science experts study living organisms in order to produce diagnostic initiatives and pharmaceutical products to help impact and improve human health. Because of the rapid growth, the job opportunities within this field are endless. Now, more than ever, PSM graduates are in high demand because of the fusion of skills acquired upon completion of the degree. This is extremely important because employers are seeking candidates that have the science and lab expertise, but who can also perform well in business situations - such as pitching a new product to a potential client.

Here is a sample of companies and government agencies who normally hire PSM Biotechnology graduates:

Being located in Miami-Dade County, our masters degree in biotechnology is perfect for individuals seeking to work within the biotech and pharmaceutical industry. Miami provides many job opportunities because biotech companies are very prevalent in the South Florida market. Program Director Dr. Graham Shaw works directly with students to ensure the best placement for the required paid internship completed during their studies. Through these hands-on internships, students progress in their scientific expertise as well as develop their business and professional skills in the pharmaceutical business environment.

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Medical Biotechnology, MS : College of Nursing and Health ...

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What Is Biotechnology Used For? |

Posted: July 12, 2018 at 12:49 am

Some of the earliest human uses of biotechnology were the domestication of animals and cultivation of crops for consumption. Other early uses of biotechnology were in specialized breeding programs of food staples by farmers that resulted in crops with high yields that could sustain the larger populations necessary for human society to thrive after the Neolithic Revolution. Biotechnology relating to food and drink also includes leavening yeast for bread and fermentation practices for beer and wine.

In 1928, Alexander Fleming accidentally discovered the mold culture that would eventually became the basis for the antibiotic penicillin. This organism's contribution to human health through its application in the treatment of infections is an example of biotechnology in action. Penicillin and its subsequent drug classes have been in use since 1940.

Modern biotechnology seeks to affect various aspects of human life by creating new types of fuel, improving agricultural practices, and fighting infectious disease. As a result, biotechnology is closely related to the fields of biomedical engineering and bioengineering.

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What Is Biotechnology Used For? |

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Biotechnology Conferences | Biotechnology Events | Congress …

Posted: July 12, 2018 at 12:49 am

Sessions and Tracks

Track 01: Current Scenario in Biotechnology

It binds cellular and bio molecular processes to develop technologies and products that help develop our future. We have already used the microorganisms in olden days to make beneficial products. Modern biotechnology transports step forward the usage of technologies to war draining and for rare diseases, diminish our environmental defects, food for hungry, and safer and more efficient industrial manufacturing processes.

Biotechnology Conferences | Biotechnology Meetings | Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Conferences | Biotechnology Symposia | Biotechnology Workshops

5th Synthetic Biology and Advanced Biomaterials Congress - September 19 - 20, 2018 Tokyo, Japan | International Biotechnology and Health Care Convention - October 5 - 6, 2018 Osaka, Japan | 22nd World Biotechnology Congress - November 19 - 20, 2018 Bangkok, Thailand | 2nd Stem Cell, Cell and Gene Therapy Congress - November 9 - 10, 2018 Atlanta, Georgia, USA | 11th Tissue Engineering & Regenerative Medicine Congress - October 18 - 20, 2018 Rome, Italy | 5th International Conference on Cellular Materials - 24 Oct 2018 - 26 Oct 2018 ; Bad Staffelstein, Germany | 2nd Annual Microbiome Discovery and Development Congress - 07 Jun 2018 - 08 Jun 2018 ; Berlin, Germany | 2nd International Probiotics, Nutrition & Microbiome Conference - 10 Oct 2018 - 12 Oct 2018 ; Amsterdam, Netherlands | 5th International Synthetic & Systems Biology Summer School - 25 Jul 2018 - 29 Jul 2018 ; Certosa di Pontignano (Siena) Tuscany, Italy | 1st International Congress of Green Biotechnology - 01 Nov 2018 - 02 Nov 2018 ; Taroudant, Morocco.


Massachusetts Biotechnology Council | Biospace | | American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering | Association of Biomolecular Resource Facilities | Biomedical Engineering Society | International Association of Nanotechnology | Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society | Biotechnology Innovation Organization


Spanish Society of Biotechnology, The Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland, Russian Medical Society, Society for Engineering in Agriculture, Society of Microbial Ecology and Disease, Manchester University Pharmaceutical Society, Italian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, Society for Chemical Engineering Biotechnology, Romanian Society of Medical Mycology and Mycotoxicology, New Zealand


Korean Society of Food Science And Technology, Pharmaceutical Society of Singapore, Korean Society of Gene and Cell Therapy, Pharmaceutical Society of Singapore, Indian Society of Nano science And Nanotechnology, Tanta Pharmaceutical Scientific Society (TPSS), Iran Society for Cell Biology, Israel Societies for Experimental Biology, Society for Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology (SIMB), Malaysian Pharmaceutical Society

Track 02: Biomedical Engineering and Metabolic Engineering

Biomedical engineering deals with the biology and provides valuable solution for problem solving technique. It exposes the answer for problem arises in health care instruments. It predominant towards the diagnostic clinical devices which also involves in therapeutic proceedings. Metabolic engineering optimized study of genetically factors and metabolic structure of cells. It also helps to determine the regulatory process to increase the count of benefiter cells. Its aim is to use organisms to produce desirable substances on an industrial scale in a in effect manner.

Biotechnology Conferences | Biotechnology Meetings | Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Congress| Biotechnology Symposia | Biotechnology Workshops

5th International Synthetic Biology Conference - September 19 - 20, 2018 Tokyo, Japan | International Biotechnology and Health Care Conference - October 5 - 6, 2018 Osaka, Japan | 22nd global Biotechnology Conference - November 19 - 20, 2018 Bangkok, Thailand | 2nd International Stem Cell & gene Therapy Congress - November 9 - 10, 2018 Atlanta, Georgia, USA | 11th Tissue Engineering & Regenerative Medicine Congress - October 18 - 20, 2018 Rome, Italy | 5th International Conference on Biomaterials & regenerative medicine conference - 24 to 26 Oct 2018 ; Bad Staffelstein, Germany | 2nd Annual Micro biome Discovery and Development Congress - 07 Jun 2018 - 08 Jun 2018 ; Berlin, Germany


Massachusetts Biotechnology Council | Biospace | | American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering | Association of Biomolecular Resource Facilities | Biomedical Engineering Society | International Association of Nanotechnology | Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society | Biotechnology Innovation Organization


Spanish Society of Biotechnology, The Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland, Russian Medical Society, Society for Engineering in Agriculture, Society of Microbial Ecology and Disease, Manchester University Pharmaceutical Society, Italian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, Society for Chemical Engineering Biotechnology, Romanian Society of Medical Mycology and Mycotoxicology, New Zealand


Korean Society of Food Science And Technology, Pharmaceutical Society of Singapore, Korean Society of Gene and Cell Therapy, Pharmaceutical Society of Singapore, Indian Society of Nano science And Nanotechnology,

Track 03: Biosensors

Biosensor is trending technology in life science field an analytical device to measure a analyte that combines biological components and physicochemical components. These are the biological sensible elements. The Bioreceptors are driven into antibody-antigen interaction, Artificial binding Proteins, Enzymatic interaction, Affinity binding receptors, and Nucleic acid interaction. The biological transducers are also involved in sensing such as electrochemical and Ion channel switch.

Biotechnology Conferences | Biotechnology Meetings | Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Conferences | Biotechnology Symposia | Biotechnology Workshops

International conference on Cell Therapy ; September 27-28, 2017, Chicago, Illinois, USA; global Summit on Cell Signaling and immunotherapy. September 27-28, 2017, Chicago, Illinois, USA; 8th International Expo on Cell & Stem Cell Research 20-22 March, 2017 Orlando, Florida, USA; 3rd International Conference on Tissue Preservation and Bio banking August 23-24, 2017 San Francisco, California, USA global summit on Stem Cell and Bio banking October 23-24, 2017 Osaka, Japan; 3rd International Conference on Biotechnology and Agriculture Engineering Mar 28-30, 2017, Osaka, Japan; 8th world Food Engineering and Biotechnology conference on April 24-26, 2017 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; International Biotechnology Conference, May 1-3, 2017, San Diego, USA.


Massachusetts Biotechnology Council | Biospace | | American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering | Association of Biomolecular Resource Facilities | Biomedical Engineering Society | International Association of Nanotechnology | Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society | Biotechnology Innovation Organization


Spanish Society of Biotechnology, The Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland, Russian Medical Society, Society for Engineering in Agriculture, Society of Microbial Ecology and Disease, Italian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, Society for Chemical Engineering Biotechnology, Romanian Society of Medical Mycology and Mycotoxicology, New Zealand


Korean Society of Food Science And Technology, Pharmaceutical Society of Singapore, Korean Society of Gene and Cell Therapy, Pharmaceutical Society of Singapore, Indian Society of Nano science And Nanotechnology, Tanta Pharmaceutical Scientific Society (TPSS), Iran Society for Cell Biology, Israel Societies for Experimental Biology, Society for Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology (SIMB), Malaysian Pharmaceutical Society

Track 04: Biophysics

It is a method of study which applies the approach of physics to study biological process and physical phenomena implies in a human body. It also defines from organism and molecular population in the body. Bridging the distance between the density of life and the simplicity of physical laws is the task of biophysics. The pattern of bio systems and examining them with math and physics is a powerful way to gain insights.

Biotechnology Conferences | Biotechnology Meetings | Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Conferences | Biotechnology Symposia | Biotechnology Workshops

International conference on Cell Therapy September 27-28, 2017, Chicago, Illinois, USA; global summit on Cell Signaling and Cancer Therapy September 27-28, 2017, Chicago, Illinois, USA; 8th International Congress and Expo on Cell & Stem Cell Research March 20-22, 2017 Orlando, Florida, USA; 3rd global Conference & Exhibition on Tissue Preservation and Bio banking August 23-24, 2017 San Francisco, California, USA; 9th global Convention on Stem Cell and Bio banking October 23-24, 2017 Osaka, Japan


Massachusetts Biotechnology Council | Biospace| American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering | Association of Biomolecular Resource Facilities | Biomedical Engineering Society | International Association of Nanotechnology | Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society | Biotechnology Innovation Organization


Spanish Society of Biotechnology, The Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland, Russian Medical Society, Society for Engineering in Agriculture, Society of Microbial Ecology and Disease, Manchester University Pharmaceutical Society, Italian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, Society for Chemical Engineering Biotechnology, Romanian Society of Medical Mycology and Mycotoxicology, New Zealand


Korean Society of Food Science And Technology, Pharmaceutical Society of Singapore, Korean Society of Gene and Cell Therapy, Pharmaceutical Society of Singapore, Indian Society of Nano science And Nanotechnology, Tanta Pharmaceutical Scientific Society (TPSS), Iran Society for Cell Biology, Israel Societies for Experimental Biology, Society for Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology (SIMB), Malaysian Pharmaceutical Society

Track 05: Plant Biotechnology and Tissue culture

It defines the plant behaviours and gene modification towards plant. It is the combined use of biochemistry, microbiology and genetic engineering in order to realize technological application of the abilities of micro-organism, cultured tissue cells. It is a huge field that involves producing new products in a larger faster way, conflicting from the conventional way of doing the same. It can be separated into numerous systems dependent on what each of these contains. Tissue culture is a technique is a vast field that develops the production of new variety of plant in sterile condition on a nutrient medium where this application is also develops in Animal tissue culture. It is a process of cells can be separated and develops in the tissue are being happened.

Biotechnology Conferences | Biotechnology Meetings | Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Conferences | Biotechnology Symposia | Biotechnology Workshops

5th Synthetic Biology and Advanced Biomaterials Congress - September 19 - 20, 2018 Tokyo, Japan | International Biotechnology and Health Care Convention - October 5 - 6, 2018 Osaka, Japan | 22nd World Biotechnology Congress - November 19 - 20, 2018 Bangkok, Thailand | 2nd Stem Cell, Cell and Gene Therapy Congress - November 9 - 10, 2018 Atlanta, Georgia, USA | 11th Tissue Engineering & Regenerative Medicine Congress - October 18 - 20, 2018 Rome, Italy | 5th International Conference on Cellular Materials - 24 Oct 2018 - 26 Oct 2018 ; Bad Staffelstein, Germany | 2nd Annual Microbiome Discovery and Development Congress - 07 Jun 2018 - 08 Jun 2018 ; Berlin, Germany | 2nd International Probiotics, Nutrition & Microbiome Conference - 10 Oct 2018 - 12 Oct 2018 ; Amsterdam, Netherlands | 5th International Synthetic & Systems Biology Summer School - 25 Jul 2018 - 29 Jul 2018 ; Certosa di Pontignano (Siena) Tuscany, Italy | 1st International Congress of Green Biotechnology - 01 Nov 2018 - 02 Nov 2018 ; Taroudant, Morocco.


Massachusetts Biotechnology Council | Biospace | | American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering | Association of Biomolecular Resource Facilities | Biomedical Engineering Society | International Association of Nanotechnology | Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society | Biotechnology Innovation Organization


Spanish Society of Biotechnology, The Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland, Russian Medical Society, Society for Engineering in Agriculture, Society of Microbial Ecology and Disease, Manchester University Pharmaceutical Society, Italian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, Society for Chemical Engineering Biotechnology, Romanian Society of Medical Mycology and Mycotoxicology, New Zealand


Korean Society of Food Science And Technology, Pharmaceutical Society of Singapore, Korean Society of Gene and Cell Therapy, Pharmaceutical Society of Singapore, Indian Society of Nano science And Nanotechnology, Tanta Pharmaceutical Scientific Society (TPSS), Iran Society for Cell Biology, Israel Societies for Experimental Biology, Society for Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology (SIMB), Malaysian Pharmaceutical Society

Track 06: Agricultural Biotechnology

This is also known as agricultural technology. .It is purely depends on Agriculture where science can exhibits its involvement such as genetic engineering, molecular techniques etc. It is a collection of scientific techniques used to improve plants, animals and microorganisms. The understanding of DNA, scientists have established clarifies to rise agriculturalproductivity and trait are transferred from a certain species of Yield to an completely different species. Thesetransgenic crops possess desirable characteristics in terms of flavour, colour of flowers, growth rate, size of harvested products and resistance to diseases and pests.

Biotechnology Conferences | Biotechnology Meetings | Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Conferences | Biotechnology Symposia | Biotechnology Workshops

5th Synthetic Biology and Advanced Biomaterials Congress - September 19 - 20, 2018 Tokyo, Japan | International Biotechnology and Health Care Convention - October 5 - 6, 2018 Osaka, Japan | 22nd World Biotechnology Congress - November 19 - 20, 2018 Bangkok, Thailand | 2nd Stem Cell, Cell and Gene Therapy Congress - November 9 - 10, 2018 Atlanta, Georgia, USA | 11th Tissue Engineering & Regenerative Medicine Congress - October 18 - 20, 2018 Rome, Italy | 5th International Conference on Cellular Materials - 24 Oct 2018 - 26 Oct 2018 ; Bad Staffelstein, Germany | 2nd Annual Microbiome Discovery and Development Congress - 07 Jun 2018 - 08 Jun 2018 ; Berlin, Germany | 2nd International Probiotics, Nutrition & Microbiome Conference - 10 Oct 2018 - 12 Oct 2018 ; Amsterdam, Netherlands | 5th International Synthetic & Systems Biology Summer School - 25 Jul 2018 - 29 Jul 2018 ; Certosa di Pontignano (Siena) Tuscany, Italy | 1st International Congress of Green Biotechnology - 01 Nov 2018 - 02 Nov 2018 ; Taroudant, Morocco.


Massachusetts Biotechnology Council | Biospace | | American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering | Association of Biomolecular Resource Facilities | Biomedical Engineering Society | International Association of Nanotechnology | Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society | Biotechnology Innovation Organization


Spanish Society of Biotechnology, The Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland, Russian Medical Society, Society for Engineering in Agriculture, Society of Microbial Ecology and Disease, Manchester University Pharmaceutical Society, Italian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, Society for Chemical Engineering Biotechnology, Romanian Society of Medical Mycology and Mycotoxicology, New Zealand


Korean Society of Food Science And Technology, Pharmaceutical Society of Singapore, Korean Society of Gene and Cell Therapy, Pharmaceutical Society of Singapore, Indian Society of Nano science And Nanotechnology, Tanta Pharmaceutical Scientific Society (TPSS), Iran Society for Cell Biology, Israel Societies for Experimental Biology, Society for Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology (SIMB), Malaysian Pharmaceutical Society

Track 07: Aquaculture and Marine Biotechnology

It involves in the nurturing of aquatic animals or the cultivation of aquatic plants for food. With the growing demand for fish products,biotechnologycan help in the development of high quality, economical produce; it helps to reducing pressure on natural populations.Marine Biotechnology are also known as blue biotechnology which determines the development of aquatic system with help of science where biological changes turns to best outcomes such as Primary and Secondary metabolites are being acquired.

Biotechnology Conferences | Biotechnology Meetings | Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Conferences | Biotechnology Symposia | Biotechnology Workshops

5th Synthetic Biology and Advanced Biomaterials Congress - September 19 - 20, 2018 Tokyo, Japan | International Biotechnology and Health Care Convention - October 5 - 6, 2018 Osaka, Japan | 22nd World Biotechnology Congress - November 19 - 20, 2018 Bangkok, Thailand | 2nd Stem Cell, Cell and Gene Therapy Congress - November 9 - 10, 2018 Atlanta, Georgia, USA | 11th Tissue Engineering & Regenerative Medicine Congress - October 18 - 20, 2018 Rome, Italy | 5th International Conference on Cellular Materials - 24 Oct 2018 - 26 Oct 2018 ; Bad Staffelstein, Germany | 2nd Annual Microbiome Discovery and Development Congress - 07 Jun 2018 - 08 Jun 2018 ; Berlin, Germany | 2nd International Probiotics, Nutrition & Microbiome Conference - 10 Oct 2018 - 12 Oct 2018 ; Amsterdam, Netherlands | 5th International Synthetic & Systems Biology Summer School - 25 Jul 2018 - 29 Jul 2018 ; Certosa di Pontignano (Siena) Tuscany, Italy | 1st International Congress of Green Biotechnology - 01 Nov 2018 - 02 Nov 2018 ; Taroudant, Morocco.


Massachusetts Biotechnology Council | Biospace | | American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering | Association of Biomolecular Resource Facilities | Biomedical Engineering Society | International Association of Nanotechnology | Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society | Biotechnology Innovation Organization


Spanish Society of Biotechnology, The Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland, Russian Medical Society, Society for Engineering in Agriculture, Society of Microbial Ecology and Disease, Manchester University Pharmaceutical Society, Italian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, Society for Chemical Engineering Biotechnology, Romanian Society of Medical Mycology and Mycotoxicology, New Zealand


Korean Society of Food Science And Technology, Pharmaceutical Society of Singapore, Korean Society of Gene and Cell Therapy, Pharmaceutical Society of Singapore, Indian Society of Nano science And Nanotechnology, Tanta Pharmaceutical Scientific Society (TPSS), Iran Society for Cell Biology, Israel Societies for Experimental Biology, Society for Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology (SIMB), Malaysian Pharmaceutical Society

Track 08: Biochemistry and Pharmaceutical Technology

Biochemistry is the study of chemical process which happens in the living organism. Biochemistry is related molecular biology by whichgeneticinformationencodedinDNAis able to result in the processes of life. Pharmaceutical Technology which also determines the principles of biotechnology are applied to the development of drugs. Most therapeutic drugs in the current market are bio formulations, such as antibodies, nucleic acid and vaccines. It used to understanding the principles underlying health and disease, the fundamental molecular mechanisms governing the function of related biomolecules, synthesis and purification of the molecules determining shelf life, stability, toxicity and immunogenicity, drug delivery systems and clinical trials of the product.

Biotechnology Conferences | Biotechnology Meetings | Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Conferences | Biotechnology Symposia | Biotechnology Workshops

5th Synthetic Biology and Advanced Biomaterials Congress - September 19 - 20, 2018 Tokyo, Japan | International Biotechnology and Health Care Convention - October 5 - 6, 2018 Osaka, Japan | 22nd World Biotechnology Congress - November 19 - 20, 2018 Bangkok, Thailand | 2nd Stem Cell, Cell and Gene Therapy Congress - November 9 - 10, 2018 Atlanta, Georgia, USA | 11th Tissue Engineering & Regenerative Medicine Congress - October 18 - 20, 2018 Rome, Italy | 5th International Conference on Cellular Materials - 24 Oct 2018 - 26 Oct 2018 ; Bad Staffelstein, Germany | 2nd Annual Microbiome Discovery and Development Congress - 07 Jun 2018 - 08 Jun 2018 ; Berlin, Germany | 2nd International Probiotics, Nutrition & Microbiome Conference - 10 Oct 2018 - 12 Oct 2018 ; Amsterdam, Netherlands | 5th International Synthetic & Systems Biology Summer School - 25 Jul 2018 - 29 Jul 2018 ; Certosa di Pontignano (Siena) Tuscany, Italy | 1st International Congress of Green Biotechnology - 01 Nov 2018 - 02 Nov 2018 ; Taroudant, Morocco.


Massachusetts Biotechnology Council | Biospace | | American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering | Association of Biomolecular Resource Facilities | Biomedical Engineering Society | International Association of Nanotechnology | Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society | Biotechnology Innovation Organization

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Biotechnology, MS

Posted: July 12, 2018 at 12:49 am

Home Academics College of Science and Mathematics Biology Department Graduate Programs Biotechnology, MS

Degree Requirements | Admission Requirements | Transfer Credit Policy | Costs and Financial Aid

This MS program in biotechnology and biomedical science trains students in the theory and laboratory techniques used in biotechnology and biomedical science-two high technology areas of expanding national and local importance. The program provides a firm foundation in the principles underlying modern biotechnology techniques, and integrates this theoretical understanding with intensive training in a variety of laboratory skills and in computer applications to biotechnology.

The curriculum of the program consists of required courses in biology and biophysics, a required two-semester research experimentation course, and elective courses in biology, chemistry, and physics. Work in these courses is particularly appropriate for students with interests in the emerging fields of biotechnology, molecular genetics, tissue culture, and computerized laboratory technology.

Thirty credits are required for the master of science degree in biotechnology and biomedical science.

Each degree candidate is assigned to a three-member advising committee, which will be responsible for insuring that the student fulfills all requirements of the program and the Office of Graduate Studies.

All students must complete the following courses for a total of 9 credits:

All students must complete at least four of the following courses for a minimum of 12 credits:

Students must complete the remainder of credits (9 credits) by taking elective courses chosen from the following list. At least two must be biology courses.

Students wishing to substitute any other courses for those on this list of electives must have prior approval from their Academic Advising Committee and the graduate program director in biology.

Each student prepares a written report on his or her research work and must also take an oral examination, which will not necessarily be limited to the topic of the report. The student must submit an outline of the report to his or her advising committee before taking the oral examination.

Students may choose either an internship option or a thesis option, which will enable them to pursue a thesis research project in the laboratory of a faculty member. Thesis students have the option of taking 4 additional research credits, as Biol 699. This, in combination with two semesters of Biol 696, will allow for a maximum of 10 credits toward research.

Note: These degree requirements are subject to change as developments in the field affect the program's curriculum. Please contact the director of graduate programs in biology for the most current information.

Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL official test score) is required for international applicants. For more information regarding minimal TOEFL scores go to Graduate Admissions.The stated interests of a prospective student must coincide to an acceptable degree with the faculty specialties represented in the program. The Biology Graduate Committee in conjunction with the Director of Graduate Programs in Biology is responsible for reviewing applications and for recommending candidates to the dean of graduate studies.

Applicants who have completed appropriate graduate course work at other accredited institutions may transfer the equivalent of six credits toward UMass Boston graduate degree requirements from courses in which the applicant received a grade of B or higher, provided these are courses that have not been used to fulfill requirements for another degree,andwere completed no more than seven years before the applicant's matriculation of UMass Boston.Transfer credit is subject to the final approval of the graduate program director and the dean of graduate studies.

As a public university, the costs of attending UMass Boston are moderate, especially for students who qualify as residents of Massachusetts. Financial aid is available in the form of grants, loans, and a limited number of assistantships that provide a stipend and remission of tuition.

For information about financial assistance please see the graduate assistance page, or write or call:

Office of Financial Aid ServicesUniversity of Massachusetts Boston100 Morrissey Blvd.Boston, MA 02125617.287.6300

Please consult the frequently asked questions (FAQs) at the bottom of the preceding Graduate Programs home page.

Faculty in the School for the Environment and Computer Science and Chemistry Departments also participate in this program.

Please note:All information on this website is subject to change.This website is neither a contract nor an offer to make a contract.

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Biotechnology, MS

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Planet Biotechnology, Inc.

Posted: July 5, 2018 at 11:46 pm

Biodefense Since 2002 Planet Biotechnology has placed special emphasis on developing antibody therapeutics for emerging diseases, and biodefense countermeasures to known bio-warfare agents, including toxins, viruses and bacteria. With support from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), we have developed an immunoadhesin for treatment and prevention of anthrax (PBI-220) and have tested it successfully in anthrax-infected monkeys as a therapeutic with an 80% survival rate when treatment is started after disease symptoms appear. We have conducted a pre-IND meeting with FDA and are seeking funding for the clinical testing of PBI-220.

Emerging Diseases Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) is a recently emerged disease caused by the MERS coronavirus (MERS-CoV) endemic to the Arabian Peninsula. It has already appeared in seven Middle Eastern countries and has traveled to European countries and South Korea as well. MERS-CoV causes a pneumonia-like disease that has a fatality rate approaching 40%. We have created and produced in green plants an immunoadhesin (DPP4-Fc) that has improved binding to MERS-CoV and have shown that it prevents the virus from infecting human lung cells in culture. In June 2015 we were awarded a Phase II SBIR grant from NIAID to support development of this candidate immunoadhesin. We will be testing DPP4-Fc in animal models of MERS-CoV based on our encouraging in vitro data.

Protein expression and purification services We have considerable experience expressing human and chimeric IgA and IgG antibodies, immunoadhesins, nanobodies, and other proteins. Planet Biotechnology is a DARPA contractor (contract no. HR001113D-0004) for production of recombinant proteins in Nicotiana benthamiana.

Our proprietary codon optimization method enables unprecedentedly high expression levels of recombinant proteins in both transiently and stably transformed tobacco plants. We have achieved expression of IgG1 at levels up to 3 grams/kg of plant biomass after vacuum-assisted agroinfiltration. These high levels of expression, along with our proprietary purification methods, result in high product yield and purity. We have research quantities of the following proteins available:

To find out more about our proteins and services, please email us

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Planet Biotechnology, Inc.

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biotechnology | Definition, Examples, & Applications …

Posted: July 3, 2018 at 8:43 am

Biotechnology, the use of biology to solve problems and make useful products. The most prominent area of biotechnology is the production of therapeutic proteins and other drugs through genetic engineering.

People have been harnessing biological processes to improve their quality of life for some 10,000 years, beginning with the first agricultural communities. Approximately 6,000 years ago, humans began to tap the biological processes of microorganisms in order to make bread, alcoholic beverages, and cheese and to preserve dairy products. But such processes are not what is meant today by biotechnology, a term first widely applied to the molecular and cellular technologies that began to emerge in the 1960s and 70s. A fledgling biotech industry began to coalesce in the mid- to late 1970s, led by Genentech, a pharmaceutical company established in 1976 by Robert A. Swanson and Herbert W. Boyer to commercialize the recombinant DNA technology pioneered by Boyer and Stanley N. Cohen. Early companies such as Genentech, Amgen, Biogen, Cetus, and Genex began by manufacturing genetically engineered substances primarily for medical and environmental uses.

For more than a decade, the biotechnology industry was dominated by recombinant DNA technology, or genetic engineering. This technique consists of splicing the gene for a useful protein (often a human protein) into production cellssuch as yeast, bacteria, or mammalian cells in culturewhich then begin to produce the protein in volume. In the process of splicing a gene into a production cell, a new organism is created. At first, biotechnology investors and researchers were uncertain about whether the courts would permit them to acquire patents on organisms; after all, patents were not allowed on new organisms that happened to be discovered and identified in nature. But, in 1980, the U.S. Supreme Court, in the case of Diamond v. Chakrabarty, resolved the matter by ruling that a live human-made microorganism is patentable subject matter. This decision spawned a wave of new biotechnology firms and the infant industrys first investment boom. In 1982 recombinant insulin became the first product made through genetic engineering to secure approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Since then, dozens of genetically engineered protein medications have been commercialized around the world, including recombinant versions of growth hormone, clotting factors, proteins for stimulating the production of red and white blood cells, interferons, and clot-dissolving agents.

In the early years, the main achievement of biotechnology was the ability to produce naturally occurring therapeutic molecules in larger quantities than could be derived from conventional sources such as plasma, animal organs, and human cadavers. Recombinant proteins are also less likely to be contaminated with pathogens or to provoke allergic reactions. Today, biotechnology researchers seek to discover the root molecular causes of disease and to intervene precisely at that level. Sometimes this means producing therapeutic proteins that augment the bodys own supplies or that make up for genetic deficiencies, as in the first generation of biotech medications. (Gene therapyinsertion of genes encoding a needed protein into a patients body or cellsis a related approach.) But the biotechnology industry has also expanded its research into the development of traditional pharmaceuticals and monoclonal antibodies that stop the progress of a disease. Such steps are uncovered through painstaking study of genes (genomics), the proteins that they encode (proteomics), and the larger biological pathways in which they act.

In addition to the tools mentioned above, biotechnology also involves merging biological information with computer technology (bioinformatics), exploring the use of microscopic equipment that can enter the human body (nanotechnology), and possibly applying techniques of stem cell research and cloning to replace dead or defective cells and tissues (regenerative medicine). Companies and academic laboratories integrate these disparate technologies in an effort to analyze downward into molecules and also to synthesize upward from molecular biology toward chemical pathways, tissues, and organs.

In addition to being used in health care, biotechnology has proved helpful in refining industrial processes through the discovery and production of biological enzymes that spark chemical reactions (catalysts); for environmental cleanup, with enzymes that digest contaminants into harmless chemicals and then die after consuming the available food supply; and in agricultural production through genetic engineering.

Agricultural applications of biotechnology have proved the most controversial. Some activists and consumer groups have called for bans on genetically modified organisms (GMOs) or for labeling laws to inform consumers of the growing presence of GMOs in the food supply. In the United States, the introduction of GMOs into agriculture began in 1993, when the FDA approved bovine somatotropin (BST), a growth hormone that boosts milk production in dairy cows. The next year, the FDA approved the first genetically modified whole food, a tomato engineered for a longer shelf life. Since then, regulatory approval in the United States, Europe, and elsewhere has been won by dozens of agricultural GMOs, including crops that produce their own pesticides and crops that survive the application of specific herbicides used to kill weeds. Studies by the United Nations, the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, the European Union, the American Medical Association, U.S. regulatory agencies, and other organizations have found GMO foods to be safe, but skeptics contend that it is still too early to judge the long-term health and ecological effects of such crops. In the late 20th and early 21st centuries, the land area planted in genetically modified crops increased dramatically, from 1.7 million hectares (4.2 million acres) in 1996 to 160 million hectares (395 million acres) by 2011.

Overall, the revenues of U.S. and European biotechnology industries roughly doubled over the five-year period from 1996 through 2000. Rapid growth continued into the 21st century, fueled by the introduction of new products, particularly in health care.

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Comprehensive Biotechnology – 2nd Edition

Posted: June 29, 2018 at 5:43 pm


Volume Editors

Section Editors

General Preface

Nomenclature Guidelines

Permission Acknowledgments

1.01. Introduction

1.02. Amino Acid Metabolism


1.02.1. Introduction

1.02.2. General Properties, Classification, and Structure of Amino Acids

1.02.3. Biosynthesis of Amino Acids

1.02.4. Catabolism of Amino Acids

1.02.5. Important Biomolecules Synthesized from Amino Acids

1.03. Enzyme Biocatalysis


1.03.1. Introduction to Enzymes

1.03.2. Enzyme Kinetics

1.03.3. Enzyme Engineering

1.03.4. Enzyme Production

1.03.5. Immobilized Enzymes

1.03.6. Enzyme Applications

1.03.7. Conclusions

1.04. Immobilized Biocatalysts

1.04.1. Introduction: Definitions and Scope

1.04.2. Applications of Immobilized Enzymes

1.04.3. Methods of Enzyme Immobilization

1.04.4. Properties of Immobilized Enzymes

1.04.5. Evaluation of Enzyme Immobilization

1.04.6. Heterogeneous Biocatalysis

1.04.7. Future Prospects for Immobilized Biocatalysts

1.05. Lipids, Fatty Acids


1.05.1. Introduction

1.05.2. Structure of Fatty Acids

1.05.3. Nomenclature

1.05.4. Form in the Cell

1.05.5. What Do Lipids Do?

1.05.6. Biosynthesis of Fatty Acids and Lipids

1.05.7. Biochemistry of Lipid Accumulation

1.06. DNA Cloning in Plasmid Vectors


1.06.1. Introduction

1.06.2. Cloning Vectors: Replication Origins and Partition Regions

1.06.3. Cloning Vectors: Selection Markers

1.06.4. Preparing DNA Fragments for Ligation

1.06.5. Ligation Systems

1.06.6. Methods of Bacterial and Yeast Transformation

1.06.7. Exploitation of Bacteriophage Packaging for DNA Cloning in Plasmid Vectors

1.06.8. Screening of Plasmid Clones in Bacteria for the Desired Recombinant Plasmids

1.06.9. Vector-Implemented Systems for the Direct Selection of Recombinant Plasmids

1.06.10. Direct Selection of Recombinant Plasmids Involving Restriction Enzyme Digestion of the Ligation Mixture

1.06.11. Particular Features of Oligonucleotides Cloning

1.06.12. Particular Features of Cloning of PCR Amplicons

1.06.13. Introduction of Deletions into Plasmids

1.06.14. Instability of Recombinant Plasmids

1.06.15. DNA Cloning Using Site-Specific Recombination

1.06.16. DNA Cloning Using Homologous (General) Recombination

1.06.17. Employment of Transposons for In Vivo Cloning and Manipulation of Large Plasmids

1.06.18. Conclusion

1.07. Structure and Biosynthesis of Glycoprotein Carbohydrates



1.07.1. Introduction

1.07.2. Monosaccharide Structure

1.07.3. Oligosaccharide Structure

1.07.4. Biosynthesis of Glycoproteins

1.07.5. Glycosylation of Therapeutic Glycoproteins

1.08. Nucleotide Metabolism


1.08.1. Introduction

1.08.2. Synthesis of Phosphoribosyl Diphosphate (PRPP)

1.08.3. Purine Biosynthesis

1.08.4. Pyrimidine Biosynthesis

1.08.5. Nucleoside Triphosphate Formation

1.08.6. Deoxyribonucleotide Biosynthesis

1.08.7. Nucleotide Salvage

1.08.8. Purine and Pyrimidine Catabolism

1.08.9. Regulation of Gene Expression in Bacterial Nucleotide Synthesis

1.08.10. Exploitation of the Knowledge of Nucleotide Metabolism in Biotechnology

1.09. Organic Acids


1.09.1. Introduction

1.09.2. Citric Acid

1.09.3. Gluconic Acid

1.09.4. Lactic Acid

1.09.5. Itaconic Acid

1.09.6. Other Acids

1.10. Peptides and Glycopeptides


1.10.1. Introduction

1.10.2. Peptide Hormones

1.10.3. Neuropeptides

1.10.4. Antibacterial Peptides

1.10.5. Glycosylation Is a Common and Important Post-Translational Modification of Peptides

1.10.6. Common Glycosidic Linkages

1.10.7. Peptide Synthesis

1.10.8. Glycopeptide Synthesis

1.10.9. Peptides and Glycopeptides as Models of Proteins and Glycoproteins

1.10.10. Application of Synthetic Peptides and Glycopeptides for the Treatment of Disease

See the article here:
Comprehensive Biotechnology - 2nd Edition

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Biotechnology Career | Jobs, Salary, Courses & Colleges in …

Posted: June 28, 2018 at 11:41 am

Biotechnology is one of the most progressive and beneficial scientific advances of the last quarter century. An interdisciplinary field that includes mathematics, physics, chemistry, engineering and others, it combines various- technologies to either create a new product or modify an existing one to suit our needs.

Its widespread application across multiple industries like food, pharmaceutical, chemical, bio-products, textiles, medicine, nutrition, environmental conservation and animal sciences makes a career in biotechnology one of the fastest growing fields with ample opportunities for qualified professionals.

Biotechnology combines the theoretical (genetics, molecular biology, biochemistry, embryology and cell biology), and the practical (chemical engineering, information technology and robotics)scientific aptitude, a keen interest in the biological sciences, problem solving skills. An analytical mind is essential for successful career in biotechnology.

The candidate should be methodical and patient by nature, able to work neatly and accurately and have a flair for laboratory work. The ability to work independently is another important aspect. The knowledge of computers is a must.

10 + 2 science stream graduates can opt for a B.Tech (Biotechnology) or an integrated M. Tech (Biotechnology); science stream graduates from any field (engineering, medicine etc.) can opt for a M. Tech (Biotechnology).

IIT Delhi and Kharagpur offer admission into a five year integrated M.Tech through a Joint Entrance Examination.

The Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi conducts an all-India entrance examination for their Msc Biotechnology program.

Any candidate with an undergraduate degree from a 10+2+3 system with at least 55% marks in:

Is eligible to apply for the JNU Msc(Biotechnology) as well as others.

The Department of Biotechnology (DBT) also offers postgraduate courses in selected institutions, and through four prominent research institutes, further provides a two-year support for post doctoral programs; the objective is to prepare long term biotech professionals and scientists for frontier research and advance research methodologies.

Two other institutes, backed by the DBT, provide a one-year MD/MS training in medical biotech. The cover fields such as:

SRM University offers B.Tech in Biotechnology, Genetic Engineering, and Bioinformatics. They also offer an M.Tech in Biotechnology and Biomedical Engineering.

Applications Forms Now Available

Affordable and intelligent R&D partnering with Chinese and American corporate bodies has great scope in mining Indias biotech potential and co-developing tech; India has a global market worth a $91 billion. Thats why so many global pharma companies are flocking to India for their own R&D initiatives.

A bio-technologist may find jobs in various quarters. Biotechnology jobs in India can be found in the following fields:

While government institutes and organizations, such as Department of Biotechnology (DBT), several agriculture, dairy and horticulture institutes may offer job opportunities to Biotechnology professionals, one can expect the best salary in private sector.

Drug companies in biotechnology like Dabur, Ranbaxy, Hindustan Lever and Dr Reddy's Labs that have their R & D units offer Biotechnology professionals with handsome pay-packages. There are also ample opportunities available to bio-technologists in the food processing industry, chemical industry and the textile industry.

Some industries employ bio-technologists in their marketing divisions to develop business in sectors where their products would be required.

The major companies, hiring bio-technologists, include Hindustan Lever, Thapar Group, Indo American Hybrid Seeds, Bincon India Ltd., IDPL and Hindustan Antibiotics.

The Government of India provides large-scale employment to most bio-technologists in its research laboratories. Those employed as researchers in government sector can have a starting salary of Rs. 9000 per month along with government perks/allowances.

Private sector pharmaceutical companies generally offer salary between Rs. 12,000- Rs. 20,000 per month to an entry-level postgraduate. A skilled and experienced bio-technologist can get salaries far beyond his expectations.

Indian Institute Of Technology

Indian Institute Of Technology

Vellore Institute Of Technology

Indian Institute Of Technology, Guwahati

National Institute Of Technology, Warangal

PSG College Of Technology

National Institute Of Technology, Durgapur

Manipal Institute Of Technology

BMS College of Engineering

Chaitanya Bharathi Institute of Technology

PES Institute of Technology

SASTRA University

National Institute of Technology, Raipur

GITAM University

Karunya University

Note: Selection through All India Combined Entrance Test

Courses Offered : B.Tech in Biotechnology, Genetic Engineering, and Bioinformatics. M.Tech in Biotechnology and Biomedical Engineering

Biotechnology Career | Jobs, Salary, Courses & Colleges in ...

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Biotechnology Conferences | Biotechnology Conferences 2018 …

Posted: June 18, 2018 at 5:46 pm

Sessions and Tracks

Track 1:Pharmaceutical Biotechnology and Drug Design

Pharmaceutical Biotechnology is the science that covers all technologies required for producing, manufacturing and registration of biological drugs. Pharmaceutical companies use biotechnology for manufacturing drugs, pharmacogenomics, gene therapy, and genetic testing. Biotech companies make biotechnology products by manipulating and modifying organisms, usually at molecular level. Pharmaceutical Biotechnology is an increasingly important area of science and technology. It contributes in design and delivery of new therapeutic drugs, diagnostic agents for medical tests, and in gene therapy for correcting the medical symptoms of hereditary diseases. The Pharmaceutical Biotechnology is widely spread, ranging from many ethical issues to changes in healthcare practices and a significant contribution to the development of national economy. Euro Biotechnology 2018 will focus on Biopharmaceuticals Discovery, Biopharmaceutical Regulations and Validations, Biologics and Biosimilars and Clinical Research/Clinical trials, Biotechnology Conferences.

Related: Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Conferences | Molecular Biology Conferences | Biotechnology Conferences 2018 | Biotechnology Conferences | Biotechnology Conferences 2018 USA | Biotechnology Conferences| Biopharmaceutical Conferences | Biotechnology Conferences.

7th World Congress on Mass Spectrometry June 20-22, 2018 Rome, Italy ; 23rd International Pharmaceutical BiotechnologyConferences December 10-11, 2018 Rome, Italy ; 18th World Pharma Congress October 18-20, 2018 Warsaw, Poland ;16th International Conference and Exhibition on Pharmaceutical Formulations July 26-27, 2018 Rome, Italy ; 17th Annual Congress on Pharmaceutics & Drug Delivery Systems September 20-22, 2018 Prague, Czech Republic;16th Annual European Pharma Congress May 20-21, 2019 Zurich, Switzerland ; Pharma Serialisation Summit June 19-21, 2018 Zurich, Switzerland ; European Congress on Pharma August 13-14 , 2018 Paris, France ; Pharma R&D March 04-06, 2019 Paris, France ; 6th Asia Pacific Biotechnology Conferences August 15-16, 2018 Singapore; 22nd World Congress on Biotechnology July 10-11, 2018 Bangkok, Thailand; 18th European Conferences on Biotechnology July 1 - 4, 2018 Geneva, Switzerland,Biotechnology Conferences.

Related Societies:


Spanish Society of Biotechnology, The Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland, Russian Medical Society, Society for Engineering in Agriculture, Society of Microbial Ecology and Disease, Manchester University Pharmaceutical Society, Italian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, Society for Chemical Engineering Biotechnology, Romanian Society of Medical Mycology and Mycotoxicology, New Zealand Plant Protection Society, International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering, Pharmaceutical Society of Australia,Biotechnology Conferences.

USA:Mexican Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Society for Biological Engineering, National Society of Agriculture, The Protein Society, Pharmaceutical Marketing Society,Biotechnology Conferences.


Korean Society of Food Science And Technology, Pharmaceutical Society of Singapore, Korean Society of Gene and Cell Therapy, Pharmaceutical Society of Singapore, Indian Society of Nano science And Nanotechnology, Tanta Pharmaceutical Scientific Society (TPSS), Iran Society for Cell Biology, Israel Societies for Experimental Biology, Society for Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology (SIMB), Malaysian Pharmaceutical Society, Japanese Society for Quantitative Biology, Society for Biotechnology,Biotechnology Conferences.

Track 2 : Microbial Biotechnology

Microbial biotechnology, enabled by genome studies, will lead to breakthroughs such as improved vaccines and better disease-diagnostic tools, improved microbial agents for biological control of plant and animal pests, modifications of plant and animal pathogens for reduced virulence, development of new industrial catalysts and fermentation organisms, and development of new microbial agents for bioremediation of soil and water contaminated by agricultural runoff,Biotechnology Conferences.

Related: Microbial | Biotechnology Conferences | Molecular Biology Conferences | Biotechnology Conferences 2018 | Biotechnology Conferences | Biotechnology Conferences 2018 USA | Biotechnology Conferences| Biopharmaceutical Conferences |Biotechnology Conferences.

Annual Industrial Biotechnology and Bioprocessing Congress September 17-18, 2018 San Diego, California, USA; 3th International Conference on Microbial Interactions & Microbial Ecology July 19-20, 2018 Rome, Italy; Applied Microbiology October 15-16, 2018 Ottawa, Canada and Microbial Biotechnology October 15-16, 2018 Ottawa, Canada ; 12th World Congress on Biotechnology June 28-29, 2018 Amsterdam, Netherlands and 12th World Congress on Microbiology June 28-29, 2018 Amsterdam, Netherlands ; European Congress on Pharma August 13-14 , 2018 Paris, France ; Pharma R&D March 04-06, 2019 Paris, France ; 6thAsia Pacific Biotechnology ConferencesAugust 15-16, 2018 Singapore; 22ndWorld Congress on BiotechnologyJuly 10-11, 2018Bangkok,Thailand;18thEuropean Conferences on BiotechnologyJuly 1 - 4, 2018 Geneva, Switzerland,Biotechnology Conferences; 5th World Congress on Microbial Biotechnology September 17-18, 2018 Lisbon, Portugal,

Related Societies:


Spanish Society of Biotechnology, The Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland, Russian Medical Society, Society for Engineering in Agriculture, Society of Microbial Ecology and Disease, Manchester University Pharmaceutical Society, Italian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, Society for Chemical Engineering Biotechnology, Romanian Society of Medical Mycology and Mycotoxicology, New Zealand Plant Protection Society, International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering, Pharmaceutical Society of Australia,Biotechnology Conferences.


Mexican Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Society for Biological Engineering, National Society of Agriculture, The Protein Society, Pharmaceutical Marketing Society,Biotechnology Conferences.


Korean Society of Food Science And Technology, Pharmaceutical Society of Singapore, Korean Society of Gene and Cell Therapy, Pharmaceutical Society of Singapore, Indian Society of Nano science And Nanotechnology, Tanta Pharmaceutical Scientific Society (TPSS), Iran Society for Cell Biology, Israel Societies for Experimental Biology, Society for Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology (SIMB), Malaysian Pharmaceutical Society, Japanese Society for Quantitative Biology, Society for Biotechnology,Biotechnology Conferences.

Track 3: Nano Biotechnology

Nano Biotechnology is a discipline in which tools from nanotechnology are developed and applied to study biological phenomena. Nano biotechnology, bio nanotechnology, and Nano biology are terms that refer to the intersection of nanotechnology and biology. Bio nanotechnology and Nano biotechnology serve as blanket terms for various related technologies. The most important objectives that are frequently found in Nano biology involve applying Nano tools to relevant medical/biological problems and refining these applications. Developing new tools, such as peptide Nano sheets, for medical and biological purposes is another primary objective in nanotechnology,Biotechnology Conferences.

Related : Nano Biotechnology Conferences | Molecular Biology Conferences | Nano Biology Conferences | Biotechnology Conferences 2018 | Biotechnology Conferences | Biotechnology Conferences 2018 USA | Biotechnology Conferences|Biotechnology Conferences.

8th International Conference and Expo on Nanosciences Nov 26-28,2018 Barcelona, Spain; 24th World Nano Conference May 07-08, 2018 Rome, Italy; World Congress on Nano medicine September 17-19, 2018 Abu Dhabi, UAE; World Congress on Nanotechnology in Healthcare September 17-19, 2018 Abu Dhabi, UAE; Advanced Nanotechnology October 04-05 2018 Moscow, Russia; 8th International Conference and Expo on Nanotechnology Nov 26-28,2018 Barcelona, Spain ; International Conference On Nanomedicine And Nanobiotechnology September 26-28, 2018 Rome ; Nanotech & Nanobiotechnology July 12-13, 2018 Paris, France ; 4th International Conference On Nanobiotechnology April 9 - 11, 2019 Rome, Italy, 18thEuropean Congress on BiotechnologyJuly 1 - 4, 2018 Geneva, Switzerland,Biotechnology Conferences.

Related Societies:


Spanish Society of Biotechnology, The Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland, Russian Medical Society, Society for Engineering in Agriculture, Society of Microbial Ecology and Disease, Manchester University Pharmaceutical Society, Italian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, Society for Chemical Engineering Biotechnology, Romanian Society of Medical Mycology and Mycotoxicology, New Zealand Plant Protection Society, International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering, Pharmaceutical Society of Australia,Biotechnology Conferences.


Mexican Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Society for Biological Engineering, National Society of Agriculture, The Protein Society, Pharmaceutical Marketing Society,Biotechnology Conferences.


Korean Society of Food Science And Technology, Pharmaceutical Society of Singapore, Korean Society of Gene and Cell Therapy, Pharmaceutical Society of Singapore, Indian Society of Nano science And Nanotechnology, Tanta Pharmaceutical Scientific Society (TPSS), Iran Society for Cell Biology, Israel Societies for Experimental Biology, Society for Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology (SIMB), Malaysian Pharmaceutical Society, Japanese Society for Quantitative Biology, Society for Biotechnology,Biotechnology Conferences.

Track 4: Stem Cell Biotechnology and Regenerative Medicine

Stem cell biotechnology is a field of biotechnology that develops tools and therapeutics through modification and engineering of stem cells. Stem cell biotechnology is important in regenerative medicine. Regenerative medicine is an Inter disciplinary branch that tends to repair or regenerate damaged cells or tissues to regain or restore their normal function,Biotechnology Conferences.

Related: Stem cell Conferences | Regenerative Medicine Conference | Biotechnology Conference | | Biotechnology Conferences 2018 | Biotechnology Conferences | Biotechnology Conferences 2018 USA | Biotechnology Conferences|Biotechnology Conferences.

12th Annual Conference on Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine June 04-06, 2018 Prague, Czech Republic ; 10th Annual Conference on Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine October 08-09, 2018 Zurich, Switzerland ; World Congress and Expo on Cell & Stem Cell Research September 13-15, 2018 Paris, France ; 11th Annual Conference on Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine October 15-16, 2018 Helsinki, Finland ; International Conference On Cell and Stem Cell Research August 17-18, 2018 Singapore ; Modeling Cell-Cell Interactions Governing Tissue Repair and Disease August 19 - 24, 2018 ; Stem Cell Conference Basel 2018 August 29-31, 2018 Basel, Switzerland; 6th Asia Pacific Biotechnology Conferences August 15-16, 2018 Singapore; 22nd World Congress on Biotechnology July 10-11, 2018 Bangkok, Thailand, 18thEuropean BiotechnologyConferencesJuly 1 - 4, 2018 Geneva, Switzerland,Biotechnology Conferences.

Related Societies:


Spanish Society of Biotechnology, The Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland, Russian Medical Society, Society for Engineering in Agriculture, Society of Microbial Ecology and Disease, Manchester University Pharmaceutical Society, Italian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, Society for Chemical Engineering Biotechnology, Romanian Society of Medical Mycology and Mycotoxicology, New Zealand Plant Protection Society, International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering, Pharmaceutical Society of Australia.,Biotechnology Conferences.


Mexican Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Society for Biological Engineering, National Society of Agriculture, The Protein Society, Pharmaceutical Marketing Society,Biotechnology Conferences.


Korean Society of Food Science And Technology, Pharmaceutical Society of Singapore, Korean Society of Gene and Cell Therapy, Pharmaceutical Society of Singapore, Indian Society of Nano science And Nanotechnology, Tanta Pharmaceutical Scientific Society (TPSS), Iran Society for Cell Biology, Israel Societies for Experimental Biology, Society for Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology (SIMB), Malaysian Pharmaceutical Society, Japanese Society for Quantitative Biology, Society for Biotechnology,Biotechnology Conferences.

Track 5: Medical Biotechnology

Medical Biotechnology is the use of living cells and cell materials to research and produce pharmaceutical and diagnostic products that help treat and prevent human diseases. leading to the development of several innovative techniques for preventing, diagnosing, and treating diseases,Biotechnology Conferences.

Related: Medical Biotechnology Conferences | Biotechnology Conference | Regenerative conferences | Biotechnology Conferences 2018 | Biotechnology Conferences | Biotechnology Conferences 2018 USA | Biotechnology Conferences|Biotechnology Conferences.

11th International Conference on Tissue Engineering & Regenerative Medicine October 18-20, 2018 Rome, Italy; 12th World Conference on Human Genomics and Genomic MedicineApril 22-23, 2019 Abu Dhabi, UAE; 4th International Conference on Advances in Biotechnology and Bioscience November 15-17, 2018 Frankfurt, Germany ; 11th International Conference on Tissue Engineering & Regenerative Medicine October 18-20, 2018 Rome, Italy ; Medical Biotechnology May 24-25, 2018 Ghent, Belgium ; 6th Asia Pacific Biotechnology Conferences August 15-16, 2018 Singapore; 22nd World Congress on Biotechnology July 10-11, 2018 Bangkok, Thailand,18th European BiotechnologyConferences July 1 - 4, 2018 Geneva, Switzerland,Biotechnology Conferences.

Related Societies:


Spanish Society of Biotechnology, The Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland, Russian Medical Society, Society for Engineering in Agriculture, Society of Microbial Ecology and Disease, Manchester University Pharmaceutical Society, Italian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, Society for Chemical Engineering Biotechnology, Romanian Society of Medical Mycology and Mycotoxicology, New Zealand Plant Protection Society, International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering, Pharmaceutical Society of Australia,Biotechnology Conferences.


Mexican Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Society for Biological Engineering, National Society of Agriculture, The Protein Society, Pharmaceutical Marketing Society,Biotechnology Conferences.


Korean Society of Food Science And Technology, Pharmaceutical Society of Singapore, Korean Society of Gene and Cell Therapy, Pharmaceutical Society of Singapore, Indian Society of Nano science And Nanotechnology, Tanta Pharmaceutical Scientific Society (TPSS), Iran Society for Cell Biology, Israel Societies for Experimental Biology, Society for Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology (SIMB), Malaysian Pharmaceutical Society, Japanese Society for Quantitative Biology, Society for Biotechnology.

Track 6: Oncolytic Biotechnology

Oncolytic Biotechnology is the study of oncolytic virus, the virus that preferentially infects and kills cancer cells. As the infected cancer cells are destroyed by oncolysis, they release new infectious virus particles or virions to help destroy the remaining tumour. Oncolytic viruses are thought not only to cause direct destruction of the tumour cells, but also to stimulate host anti-tumour immune responses,Biotechnology Conferences.

Related: Cancer Biotechnology Conferences | Biotechnology Conference | Regenerative conferences | Biotechnology Conferences 2018 | Biotechnology Conferences | Biotechnology Conferences 2018 USA | Biotechnology Conferences|Biotechnology Conferences.

11th International Virology and Microbiology July 27-28, 2018 Vancouver, Canada ; 11th World Congress on Virology and Infectious Diseases May 17-18, 2018 Tokyo, Japan ; 2nd International Conference on Cancer Biology, Therapeutics and Drug Discovery & Delivery October 03-04, 2018 Los Angeles, California, USA ; Beatson International Cancer Conference July 01- 04, 2018 Glasgow, Scotland ; 36th World Cancer Conference October 11-13, 2018 Zurich, Switzerland; 6th Asia Pacific Biotechnology Conferences August 15-16, 2018 Singapore; 22nd World Congress on Biotechnology July 10-11, 2018 Bangkok, Thailand, 18thEuropean BiotechnologyConferences July 1 - 4, 2018 Geneva, Switzerland,Biotechnology Conferences.

Related Societies:


Spanish Society of Biotechnology, The Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland, Russian Medical Society, Society for Engineering in Agriculture, Society of Microbial Ecology and Disease, Manchester University Pharmaceutical Society, Italian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, Society for Chemical Engineering Biotechnology, Romanian Society of Medical Mycology and Mycotoxicology, New Zealand Plant Protection Society, International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering, Pharmaceutical Society of Australia,Biotechnology Conferences.


Mexican Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Society for Biological Engineering, National Society of Agriculture, The Protein Society, Pharmaceutical Marketing Society,Biotechnology Conferences.


Korean Society of Food Science And Technology, Pharmaceutical Society of Singapore, Korean Society of Gene and Cell Therapy, Pharmaceutical Society of Singapore, Indian Society of Nano science And Nanotechnology, Tanta Pharmaceutical Scientific Society (TPSS), Iran Society for Cell Biology, Israel Societies for Experimental Biology, Society for Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology (SIMB), Malaysian Pharmaceutical Society, Japanese Society for Quantitative Biology, Society for Biotechnology,Biotechnology Conferences.

Track 7: Molecular Biotechnology and Genetics

Molecular biotechnology is the use of laboratory techniques to study and modify nucleic acids and proteins for applications in areas such as human and animal health, agriculture, and the environment. Molecular biotechnology results from the convergence of many areas of research, such as molecular biology, microbiology, biochemistry, immunology, genetics, and cell biology. It is an exciting field fueled by the ability to transfer genetic information between organisms with the goal of understanding important biological processes or creating a useful product. The tools of molecular biotechnology can be applied to develop and improve drugs, vaccines, therapies, and diagnostic tests that will improve human and animal health. Molecular biotechnology has applications in plant and animal agriculture, aquaculture, chemical and textile manufacturing, forestry, and food processing.

Related: Molecular Biotechnology Conferences | Biotechnology Conference | Regenerative conferences | Biotechnology Conferences 2018 | Biotechnology Conferences | Biotechnology Conferences 2018 USA | Biotechnology Conferences|Biotechnology Conferences.

Biochemistry & Molecular Biology October 11-12, 2018 Amsterdam, Netherlands ; International Conference on Molecular Biology and Medicine August 27-28, 2018 Dubai, UAE ; World Congress on Advanced Structural and Molecular Biology 2018 August 22-23, 2018 Rome, Italy ; World Congress on Plant Science and Molecular Biology September 12-13, 2018 Singapore ; 6th Annual Congress on Medicine of Molecules September 17-18, 2018 Abu Dhabi, UAE; 10th Annual Conference on Stem Cell October 08-09, 2018 Zurich, Switzerland; 10th Annual Conference on Stem Cell Regenerative Medicine October 08-09, 2018 Zurich, Switzerland; 6th Asia Pacific Biotechnology Conferences August 15-16, 2018 Singapore; 22nd World Congress on Biotechnology July 10-11, 2018 Bangkok, Thailand, 18thEuropean BiotechnologyConferencesJuly 1 - 4, 2018 Geneva, Switzerland,Biotechnology Conferences.

Related Societies:


Spanish Society of Biotechnology, The Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland, Russian Medical Society, Society for Engineering in Agriculture, Society of Microbial Ecology and Disease, Manchester University Pharmaceutical Society, Italian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, Society for Chemical Engineering Biotechnology, Romanian Society of Medical Mycology and Mycotoxicology, New Zealand Plant Protection Society, International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering, Pharmaceutical Society of Australia,Biotechnology Conferences.


Mexican Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Society for Biological Engineering, National Society of Agriculture, The Protein Society, Pharmaceutical Marketing Society,,Biotechnology Conferences.


Korean Society of Food Science And Technology, Pharmaceutical Society of Singapore, Korean Society of Gene and Cell Therapy, Pharmaceutical Society of Singapore, Indian Society of Nano science And Nanotechnology, Tanta Pharmaceutical Scientific Society (TPSS), Iran Society for Cell Biology, Israel Societies for Experimental Biology, Society for Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology (SIMB), Malaysian Pharmaceutical Society, Japanese Society for Quantitative Biology, Society for Biotechnology,Biotechnology Conferences.

Track 8: Environmental Biotechnology

Environment biotechnology is applied and used to study the natural environment. Environmental biotechnology could also imply that one try to harness biological process for commercial uses and exploitation. It is "the development, use and regulation of biological systems for remediation of contaminated environment and for environment-friendly processes (green manufacturing technologies and sustainable development). Environmental biotechnology can simply be described as the optimal use of nature, in the form of plants, animals, bacteria, fungi and algae, to produce renewable energy, food and nutrients in a synergistic integrated cycle of profit making processes where the waste of each process becomes the feedstock for another process.

Related: Environmental Biotechnology Conferences | Plant Biotechnology Conferences | Agricultural Biotechnology Conferences | Biotechnology Conferences 2018 | Biotechnology Conferences | Biotechnology Conferences 2018 USA | Biotechnology Conferences|Biotechnology Conferences.

36th International Conference on Environmental Chemistry & Water Resource Management September 24-25, 2018 Chicago, Illinois, USA; 20th International Conference on Environmental Biotechnology and Bioremediation January 15 - 16, 2018 Zurich, Switzerland; International Society for Environmental Biotechnology June 25-28, 2018 Chania, Greece; 10th Annual Conference on Stem Cell Regenerative Medicine October 08-09, 2018 Zurich, Switzerland; 6th Annual Congress on Biology, 6th Annual Congress on Medicine of Molecules September 17-18, 2018 Abu Dhabi, UAE; 8th International Conference and Expo on Nanosciences Nov 26-28,2018 Barcelona, Spain; 6th Asia Pacific Biotechnology Conferences August 15-16, 2018 Singapore; 22nd World Congress on Biotechnology July 10-11, 2018 Bangkok, Thailand, 18thEuropean BiotechnologyConferences July 1 - 4, 2018 Geneva, Switzerland,Biotechnology Conferences.

Related Societies:


Spanish Society of Biotechnology, The Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland, Russian Medical Society, Society for Engineering in Agriculture, Society of Microbial Ecology and Disease, Manchester University Pharmaceutical Society, Italian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, Society for Chemical Engineering Biotechnology, Romanian Society of Medical Mycology and Mycotoxicology, New Zealand Plant Protection Society, International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering, Pharmaceutical Society of Australia,Biotechnology Conferences.


Mexican Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Society for Biological Engineering, National Society of Agriculture, The Protein Society, Pharmaceutical Marketing Society,Biotechnology Conferences.


Korean Society of Food Science And Technology, Pharmaceutical Society of Singapore, Korean Society of Gene and Cell Therapy, Pharmaceutical Society of Singapore, Indian Society of Nano science And Nanotechnology, Tanta Pharmaceutical Scientific Society (TPSS), Iran Society for Cell Biology, Israel Societies for Experimental Biology, Society for Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology (SIMB), Malaysian Pharmaceutical Society, Japanese Society for Quantitative Biology, Society for Biotechnology,Biotechnology Conferences.

Track 9: Plant and Forest Biotechnology

Plant Biotechnology is a set of techniques used to adapt plants for specific needs or opportunities. Situations that combine multiple needs and opportunities are common, it is prominent in the field of medicine interfacing biotechnology and bioinformatics, the molecular characterization of medicinal plants; molecular farming; and result from chemistry, nanotechnology, pharmacology, agriculture, Biomass and biofuels as well. Plant Biotechnology is the technology which is used for getting modern product with high yield and at faster rate. Biotechnology is being used as a tool to grow trees with special characteristics. When used responsibly, society and the environment can benefit from advanced tree breeding technologies.

Related Conferences: Biotechnology Conferences | Plant Biotechnology | Agricultural Biotechnology | Biotechnology Conferences 2018 | Biotechnology Conferences | Biotechnology Conferences 2018 USA | Biotechnology Conferences|Biotechnology Conferences.

World congress on Plant Pathology & Plant Biotechnology September 24- 25, 2018 Dallas, USA; Agriculture & Horticulture April 08-09, 2019 Prague, Czech Republic; 6th Global Summit on Plant Science October 29-30, 2018 Valencia, Spain; International Association For Plant Biotechnology ConferencesAugust 19-24, 2018 Dublin, Ireland ; Plant Metabolic Engineering Jun 15-16, 2019 Lucca (Barga), Italy. 6th Asia Pacific Biotechnology Conferences August 15-16, 2018 Singapore; 22nd World Congress on Biotechnology July 10-11, 2018 Bangkok, Thailand, 18thEuropean Congress on BiotechnologyJuly 1 - 4, 2018 Geneva, Switzerland,Biotechnology Conferences.

Related Societies:


Spanish Society of Biotechnology, The Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland, Russian Medical Society, Society for Engineering in Agriculture, Society of Microbial Ecology and Disease, Manchester University Pharmaceutical Society, Italian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, Society for Chemical Engineering Biotechnology, Romanian Society of Medical Mycology and Mycotoxicology, New Zealand Plant Protection Society, International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering, Pharmaceutical Society of Australia,Biotechnology Conferences.


Mexican Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Society for Biological Engineering, National Society of Agriculture, The Protein Society, Pharmaceutical Marketing Society,Biotechnology Conferences.


Korean Society of Food Science And Technology, Pharmaceutical Society of Singapore, Korean Society of Gene and Cell Therapy, Pharmaceutical Society of Singapore, Indian Society of Nano science And Nanotechnology, Tanta Pharmaceutical Scientific Society (TPSS), Iran Society for Cell Biology, Israel Societies for Experimental Biology, Society for Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology (SIMB), Malaysian Pharmaceutical Society, Japanese Society for Quantitative Biology, Society for Biotechnology.,Biotechnology Conferences.

Track 10: Food and Feed Biotechnology

See the rest here:
Biotechnology Conferences | Biotechnology Conferences 2018 ...

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Plant Biology Conferences 2019 | Plant Biotechnology …

Posted: June 18, 2018 at 5:46 pm

Past Conference Information

GlobalConference onPlant ScienceandMolecular Biology2017Report:

Magnus Grouptakes a great pride in declaring the GlobalConference on Plant Science and Molecular Biology (GPMB 2017) which was held in Valencia, Spain, during September 11-13, 2017.

Plant Science Conference 2017witnessed an amalgamation of outstanding speakers who enlightened the crowd with their knowledge and confabulated on various new-fangled topics related to the field of Plant Science and Molecular Biology. The extremely well-known conference hosted by Magnus Group was marked with the attendance of young and brilliant researchers, business delegates and talented student communities representing diverse countries around the world.

For GPMB 2017 Final Program:Click Here

The theme of the conference is Accentuate Innovations and Emerging Novel Research in Plant Sciences. The meeting captivated a vicinity of utilitarian discussions on novel subjects like Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, Plant Biotechnology, Plant Pathology: Mechanisms Of Disease, Applications In Plant Sciences And Plant Research, to mention a few. The three days event implanted a firm relation of upcoming strategies in the field of Plant Science and Molecular Biology with the scientific community. The conceptual and pertinent knowledge shared, will correspondingly foster organizational collaborations to nurture scientific accelerations.

For GPMB 2017 Gallery:Click Here

GPMB 2017Organizing Committee

Prof. Ammann Klaus, University of Bern, Switzerland

Prof. Leif Sundheim, Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research, Norway

Prof. Cornelia Butler Flora, Kansas State University, USA

Dr. Monica Ruffini Castiglione, University of Pisa, Italy

Dr. Samir C. Debnath, St. Johns Research and Development Centre, Canada

The Organizing Committee would like to thank the moderatorsDr. Victoria A Piunova, IBM Almaden Research Center, United States, Dr. Selcuk Aslan, Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology, Germany and Dr. Susan Yvonne Jaconis, CSIRO Agriculture, Australia for their contributions which ensued in smooth functioning of the conference.

The highlights of the conference were the keynote forum by prominent scientists,Prof. Klaus Ammann, University of Bern, Switzerland; Prof. Cornelia Butler Flora, Kansas State University, USA; Dr. Monica Ruffini Castiglione, University of Pisa, Italy; Prof. Leif Sundheim, Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research, Norway; Dr. Samir C. Debnath, St. Johns Research and Development Centre, Canada; Dr. Goutam Gupta, Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA; Dr. Elena Rakosy-Tican, Babes-Bolyai University, Romania; Dr. Ivica Djalovic, Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Serbia; gave their fruitful contributions in the form of very informative presentations and made the conference a top notch one.

Magnus Groupis privileged to thank the Organizing Committee Members, Keynote speakers, Session chairs on transcribing the sessions, in a varied and variegate manner to make this conference a desirable artifact.

Speakers of GPMB 2017

Day 1: Speakers

Antonova Galina Feodosievna, VN Sukachev Institute of Forest Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Federation

Cezary Piotr Sempruch, Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities, Poland

Ivan Paponov, Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research, Norway

Malgorzata Adamiec, Adam Mickiewicz University, Institute of Experimental Biology, Poland

Michael Handford, Universidad de Chile, Chile

Natalia Repkina, Institute of Biology Karelian Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia

Elide Formentin, University of Padova, Italy

Magdalena Opalinska, University of Wroclaw, Poland

Moses Kwame Aidoo, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel

Yuke He, Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, China

Sameera Omar Bafeel, King Abdulaziz University, Science college, Saudi Arabia

Joerg Fettke, University of Potsdam, Germany

Siti Nor Akmar Abdullah, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia

Alberto Guillen Bas, University of Valencia, Spain

Carmen Quinonero Lopez, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Laura Fattorini, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy

Meltem Bayraktar, Ahi Evran University, Turkey

Victoria Cristea, Babes-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Selcuk Aslan, Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology, Germany

Sofia Kourmpetli, Cranfield Soil and AgriFoodInstitute, UK

Seanna Hewitt, Washington State University, USA

Javier Terol Alcayde, Centro de Genomica, IVIA , Spain

Susan Yvonne Jaconis, CSIRO Agriculture, Australia

Magdalena Szechynska-Hebda, Institute of Plant Physiology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Australia

Acga Cheng, University of Malaya, Malaysia

Henrik Toft Simonsen, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark

Yeyun Xin, China National Hybrid Rice Research and Development Center, China

Sandhya Mehrotra, Birla Institute of Technology and Science Pilani, India

Gustavo Souza, Federal University of Pernambuco Bioscience Center, Brazil

Rachel Swee-Suak Ko, Academia Sinica, ABRC/BCST, Taiwan, Province of China

Yougasphree Naidoo, School of Life Sciences, South africa

Julian Witjaksono, The Assessment Institute for Agricultural Technology of Souhteast Sulawesi, Indonesia

Day-1 Posters

Lingling Shang, The Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences, Laval University, Canada

Nahaa Miqad Alotaibi, Swansea University, United Kingdom

Layla Al Hijab, West of England Universtiy, United Kingdom

Tomasz Goral, Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute NRI, Poland

Mikhail Oliveira Leastro, Instituto Biologico de Sao Paulo, Brazil

Michael Handford, Universidad de Chile, Chile

Polzella Antonella, University of Molise, Italy

Wisniewska Halina, Institute of Plant Genetics Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland

Costel Sarbu, Babes-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Benjamin Dubois, Walloon Agricultural Research Center (CRA-W), Belgium

Sandra Cichorz, Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute - NRI, Poland

Elzbieta Kochanska-Czembor, Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute, Poland

Woo Taek Kim, Yonsei University, Republic of Korea

Prashanth Tamizhselvan, Masaryk University, CEITEC MU, Czech Republic

Yun Hee Kim, Gyeongsang National University, Republic of Korea

Nada Bezic, University of Split, Croatia

Havrlentova Michaela, Research Institute for Plant Productio, Slovakia

Seok Keun Cho, Yonsei University, Republic of Korea

Prasanna Angel Deva, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel

Kebede Mesfin Haile, Kangwon National University, Korea

Lidia Kowalska, Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute, Poland

Motyleva Svetlana Mikhailivna, FSBSI ARHIBAN, Russian Federation

Paulina Drozdz, Forest Research Institute, Poland

Chul Han An, Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Republic of Korea

Jurga Jankauskiene, Nature Research Centre, Lithuania

Day 2: Speakers

Victoria A Piunova, IBM Almaden Research Center, United States

Miroslava Cuperlovic-Culf, National Research Council Canada, Canada

Paola Leonetti, IPSP-CNR, Italy

Giulia Chitarrini, Fondazione Edmund Mach, Italy

Antonio Domenech-Carbo, University of Valencia, Spain

Nurshafika Mohd Sakeh, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia

Adel Saleh Hussein Al-Abed, National Center for Agricultural Research and Extension, Jordan

Manju Sharma, Amity Institute of Biotechnology, India

Sergio Molinari, IPSP-CNR, Italy

Jaroslava Ovesna, Crop Research institute, czech Rpublic

John B. Carrigan, RebelBio SOSV, Ireland

Bardouki Haido, VIORYL S.A., Greece

Natalia Tomas Marques, Universidade do Algarve, Portugal

Azza M. Salama, Cairo University, Egypt

Chang-Yoon JI, University of Science & Technology, Korea

Kgabo Martha Pofu, Agricultural Research Council, South Africa

Siegfried Zerche, Leibniz-Institute of Vegetable- & Ornamental Crops, Germany

Piergiorgio Stevanato, University of Padova, Italy

Seong Wook Yang, Yonsei University, Republic of Korea

Alexander Hahn, Max Planck Institute for Biophysic, Germany

Klaus Harter, University of Tuebingen, Center for Plant Molecular Biology, Germany

Laigeng Li, Institute of Plant Physiology and Ecology, China

Thomas C Mueller, University of Tennessee, United States

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