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Category Archives: Cell Therapy

Stem Cell Therapy for Achilles Tendon Repair – Dr. Wade McKenna – Video

Posted: March 12, 2015 at 9:40 pm

Stem Cell Therapy for Achilles Tendon Repair - Dr. Wade McKenna
Dr. McKenna discusses non-surgical treatment of acute and chronic tendon problems using bone marrow stem cells augmented with amniotic tissue. He cites an ex...

By: Riordan-McKenna Institute

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Miracle stem cell therapy reverses multiple sclerosis – Video

Posted: March 12, 2015 at 9:40 pm

Miracle stem cell therapy reverses multiple sclerosis
Latest research on stem cell therapy in curing MS.

By: Dulci Hill

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Stem Cell Therapy Network – Video

Posted: March 12, 2015 at 9:40 pm

Stem Cell Therapy Network
Stem Cell Therapy Network connects patients and providers through a global Stem Cell Therapy Network using our Patient Advocate System, Medical Tourism and Personal Injury Network. We have...

By: Stem Cell Therapy Network

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Repairing the cerebral cortex: It can be done

Posted: March 11, 2015 at 3:49 pm

A team led by Afsaneh Gaillard (Inserm Unit 1084, Experimental and Clinical Neurosciences Laboratory, University of Poitiers), in collaboration with the Institute of Interdisciplinary Research in Human and Molecular Biology (IRIBHM) in Brussels, has just taken an important step in the area of cell therapy: repairing the cerebral cortex of the adult mouse using a graft of cortical neurons derived from embryonic stem cells. These results have just been published in Neuron.

The cerebral cortex is one of the most complex structures in our brain. It is composed of about a hundred types of neurons organised into 6 layers and numerous distinct neuroanatomical and functional areas.

Brain injuries, whether caused by trauma or neurodegeneration, lead to cell death accompanied by considerable functional impairment. In order to overcome the limited ability of the neurons of the adult nervous system to regenerate spontaneously, cell replacement strategies employing embryonic tissue transplantation show attractive potential.

A major challenge in repairing the brain is obtaining cortical neurons from the appropriate layer and area in order to restore the damaged cortical pathways in a specific manner.

The results obtained by Afsaneh Gaillard's team and that Pierre Vanderhaeghen at the Institute of Interdisciplinary Research in Human and Molecular Biology show, for the first time, using mice, that pluripotent stem cells differentiated into cortical neurons make it possible to reestablish damaged adult cortical circuits, both neuroanatomically and functionally.

These results also suggest that damaged circuits can be restored only by using neurons of the same type as the damaged area.

This study constitutes an important step in the development of cell therapy as applied to the cerebral cortex.

This approach is still at the experimental stage (laboratory mice only). Much research will be needed before there is any clinical application in humans. Nonetheless, for the researchers, "The success of our cell engineering experiments, which make it possible to produce nerve cells in a controlled and unlimited manner, and to transplant them, is a world first. These studies open up new approaches for repairing the damaged brain, particularly following stroke or brain trauma," they explain.

Story Source:

The above story is based on materials provided by INSERM (Institut national de la sant et de la recherche mdicale). Note: Materials may be edited for content and length.

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Media portray unrealistic timelines for stem cell therapies

Posted: March 11, 2015 at 3:47 pm

A new study by University of Alberta law researchers reveals sometimes overly optimistic news coverage of clinical translation of stem cell therapies--and as spokespeople, scientists need to be mindful of harnessing public expectations.

"As the dominant voice in respect to timelines for stem cell therapies, the scientists quoted in these stories need to be more aware of the importance of communicating realistic timelines to the press," said researcher Kalina Kamenova, who co-authored the study with professor Timothy Caulfield in the University of Alberta's Health Law Institute, based in the Faculty of Law.

Their analysis of media coverage showed that most news reports were highly optimistic about the future of stem cell therapies and forecasted unrealistic timelines for clinical use. The study, published in the latest issue of Science Translational Medicine, examined 307 news reports covering translational stem cell research in major daily newspapers in Canada, the United States and the United Kingdom between 2010 and 2013.

While the field of stem cell research holds tremendous promise, "it has also been surrounded by tremendous hype, and we wanted to quantify that in some degree," Caulfield said. "Pop culture representations have an impact on how the public perceives the readiness of stem cell research, and that in turn feeds into stem cell tourism, marketing of unproven therapies and even the public's trust in research. We wanted to provide findings that would help inform the issue."

Their study found that 69 per cent of all news stories citing timelines predicted that therapies would be available within five to 10 years or even sooner. At the same time, the press overlooked challenges and failures in therapy translation, such as the discontinuation of the first FDA-approved clinical trial of an embryonic stem cell-derived therapy for spinal cord injuries in 2011. The biotech company conducting the trial was a leader in embryonic stem cell therapies and its decision to stop its work on stem cells was considered a significant setback for the field.

As well, ethical concerns about the use of human embryonic stem cells were displaced from the forefront of news coverage, while the clinical translation of stem cell therapies and new discoveries, such as hockey star Gordie Howe's recent treatment, grabbed the headlines instead.

"Our findings showed that many scientists have often provided either by implication or direct quotes, authoritative statements regarding unrealistic timelines for stem cell therapies and media hype can foster unrealistic public expectations about clinical translation and increased patient demand for unproven stem cell therapies," Caulfield noted.

While stem cell therapy research is progressing and has seen a dramatic increase in the past decade of clinical trials for treatments, the vast majority of these studies are still in the safety-testing stage and involve a limited number of participants, Kamenova noted.

"The approval process for new treatments is long and complicated, and only a few of all drugs that enter pre-clinical testing are approved for human clinical trials. It takes on average 12 years to get a new drug from the lab to the market, and additional 11 to 14 years of post-market surveillance," she added.

The science world is under pressure to come up with cures for what ails us, but "care needs to be taken by the media and the research community so that advances in research and therapy are portrayed in a realistic manner," Caulfield said.

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Hello Doctor – Information about Stem Cell Therapy – [Ep 76] – Video

Posted: March 8, 2015 at 5:41 pm

Hello Doctor - Information about Stem Cell Therapy - [Ep 76]
Subscribe to Vendhar TV Social media links Facebook: Twitter: Google+ :http://goo....

By: Vendhar TV

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Stem Cell Therapy Cream – Video

Posted: March 7, 2015 at 4:41 pm

Stem Cell Therapy Cream

By: Travis Milton

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Stem cell therapy in AKI Dr Mohamed Kamal – Video

Posted: March 6, 2015 at 12:44 pm

Stem cell therapy in AKI Dr Mohamed Kamal
Stem cell therapy in AKI Dr Mohamed Kamal.

By: HusseinSheashaa

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Exhibit reveals power of stem cells

Posted: March 6, 2015 at 12:44 pm

A MAJOR inter-active exhibition demonstrating the power of stem cells is under way in the North-East.

Newcastles Centre for Life is hosting a unique hands-on showcase for all demonstrating the power of our bodys master cells.

The Super Cells: The Power Of Stem Cells exhibition which runs until April 19 - uses interactive displays to help explain everything from where disease comes from, to how a lizard grows a new tail.

The Cell Therapy Catapult, a national body which promotes stem cell research, commissioned the exhibit as part of a global public education programme which will have the exhibit displayed in key locations around the world to demonstrate the continuing revolution in biotechnology.

Keith Thompson, CEO of the Cell Therapy Catapult, said: Were proud not only to help fund the building of this fantastic exhibit, but also help bring it to the UK where families can learn how cells have the potential to provide new treatments to help cure diseases and conditions as diverse as blindness, diabetes and cancer.

Were delighted that the Centre for Life in Newcastle is hosting this exhibit to help people understand how this important area of science will help the health and wealth of the country for generations to come.

The exhibition was conceived and built by Canadas Stem Cell Network and the Sherbrooke Museum of Nature and Science. The planning and production spanned nearly two years, and included consideration of what children are taught in school as well as their natural curiosity.

Animations, touch-screen displays, videos and stunning images are part of the colourful exhibit. Each of the four sections has a specific area of focus, whether introducing the concept of a cell, to explaining how stem cells form the body from fertilisation to birth and beyond, to showing where stem cells live in the bodys tissues and organs

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Florida panther receives Stem Cell Therapy – Video

Posted: March 5, 2015 at 8:50 pm

Florida panther receives Stem Cell Therapy
Florida Panther Gets Stem Cell Therapy at Newman Veterinary Centers in Florida.

By: dowsley9481

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