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Category Archives: Cell Therapy

Using Stem Cell Therapy to Repair Damaged Tissue from Shoulder Impingement Syndrome – Video

Posted: March 5, 2015 at 8:47 pm

Using Stem Cell Therapy to Repair Damaged Tissue from Shoulder Impingement Syndrome
Board Certified Orthopedic Surgeon, Dr. Wade McKenna discusses how Stemnexa stem cell therapy and amniotic tissue product can aid in healing frayed shoulder ...

By: Riordan-McKenna Institute

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Using Stem Cell Therapy to Repair Damaged Tissue from Shoulder Impingement Syndrome - Video

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Stem Cell Therapy in Heart Failure – Video

Posted: March 5, 2015 at 8:47 pm

Stem Cell Therapy in Heart Failure
Prof. G Feitosa for World Heart Failure Congress 2014.

By: World Heart Failure Congress

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A Stem Cell-Based Therapy for Retinitis Pigmentosa – Video

Posted: March 5, 2015 at 7:40 am

A Stem Cell-Based Therapy for Retinitis Pigmentosa
Visit: Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is a genetic disease that gradually destroys the light sensing nerve cells, called photoreceptors, loc...

By: University of California Television (UCTV)

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A Stem Cell-Based Therapy for Retinitis Pigmentosa - Video

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Knee arthritis one year after stem cell therapy by Harry Adelson, N.D. – Video

Posted: March 5, 2015 at 7:40 am

Knee arthritis one year after stem cell therapy by Harry Adelson, N.D.
Frank describes his outcome one year after stem cell therapy for his arthritic knee by Harry Adelson, N.D.

By: Harry Adelson, N.D.

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Knee arthritis one year after stem cell therapy by Harry Adelson, N.D. - Video

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Glen Wysoki at The STEM CELL ORTHOPEDIC INSTITUTE of Texas – Video

Posted: March 5, 2015 at 7:40 am

Video Testimonial from Glen Wysoki, treated at The STEM CELL THERAPY INSTITUTE of Texas

By: David Hirsch

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Glen Wysoki at The STEM CELL ORTHOPEDIC INSTITUTE of Texas - Video

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Stem Cell Therapy | Simple way to regrow cartilage – Video

Posted: March 5, 2015 at 7:40 am

Stem Cell Therapy | Simple way to regrow cartilage Pioneering simple new technique to re-grow damaged cartilage Jo Willey writing in the UK Express reported researchers from the University of Texas Health...

By: Nathan Wei

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Stem Cell Therapy | Simple way to regrow cartilage - Video

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Stem Cell Therapy in Osteo Arthritis Knee – Video

Posted: March 5, 2015 at 7:40 am

Stem Cell Therapy in Osteo Arthritis Knee
stem cell india, stem cell therapy india, stem cell in india, stem cell therapy in india, india stem cell, india stem cell therapy, Osteo Arthritis Knee.

By: Stem Cell India

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Stem Cell Therapy in Osteo Arthritis Knee - Video

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Riordan-McKenna Institute of Regenerative Orthopedics and Stem Cell Therapy Announces Open House in Southlake, Texas …

Posted: March 5, 2015 at 7:40 am

Southlake, Texas (PRWEB) March 05, 2015

RMI specializes in Stemnexa non-surgical treatment of acute and chronic orthopedic conditions such as meniscal tears, ACL injuries, rotator cuff injuries, runners knee, tennis elbow, and joint pain due to degenerative conditions like osteoarthritis. Stemnexa may also be administered during orthopedic surgeries to promote better post-surgical outcomes.

Stemnexa combines the latest, patented scientific advances in nearly pain-free bone marrow harvesting with two complimentary cellular technologies: Bone Marrow Aspirate Concentrate (BMAC) and *AlphaGEMS amniotic tissue product.

BMAC contains a patients own mesenchymal stem cells (MSC,) hematopoietic stem cells (CD34+), growth factors and other progenitor cells. AlphaGEMS is composed of collagens and other structural proteins, which provide a biologic matrix that supports angiogenesis, tissue growth and new collagen during tissue regeneration and repair.

*AlphaGEMS product is harvested from donated amniotic sac tissue after normal healthy births. For more information about AlphaGEMS, please visit:

Find out more about RMI in the February edition of Society Life Magazine.

Riordan-McKenna Institute

Riordan Medical Institute

801 E. Southlake Blvd. Southlake, Texas 76092

Tel: (817) 776-8155 Toll Free: (877) 899-7836 Fax: (817) 776-8154

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Riordan-McKenna Institute of Regenerative Orthopedics and Stem Cell Therapy Announces Open House in Southlake, Texas ...

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Behind the scenes of the world's first commercial stem-cell therapy

Posted: March 4, 2015 at 12:44 am


Biologist Graziella Pellegrini has worked on stem-cell therapy at four different Italian institutions, including a hospital run by priests.

Last month saw a major landmark for regenerative medicine: the first time that a stem-cell therapy beside the use of cells extracted from umbilical cords had been cleared for sale by any regulatory agency in the world. The European Commission approved Holoclar for use in cases of blindness caused by burning. The achievement is all the more remarkable because Holoclar was developed by a small laboratory in Italy, a country better known for its lack of support for life sciences and for its recent tolerance of an unproven stem-cell concoction, marketed by the Stamina Foundation, that claimed to be a panacea for many diseases. Nature talked to Graziella Pellegrini from the University of Modena about how she and her colleagues overcame the many obstacles to take the therapy from bench to bedside.

The surface of the cornea the transparent tissue that sits in front of the iris is constantly renewed in a healthy eye, to keep it smooth and clear. New corneal cells are generated from a niche of stem cells in the limbus, an area between the cornea and the white of the eye. But if the limbus is destroyed by burning, then the white of the eye grows over the cornea and becomes criss-crossed with blood vessels. This causes chronic pain and inflammation, as well as blindness.

I had seen patients who had starting seeing again after 20 years of blindness: how could I stop?

Holoclar treatment can help to reverse these symptoms by adding new stem cells to seed the regrowth of a transparent cornea. But there must be enough surviving limbus in one eye to allow 1 or 2 square millimetres of tissue to be extracted. This tissue is then cultivated on a support made from modified human fibrin (a biodegradable blood protein) under stringent clinical conditions until at least 3,000 stem cells have been generated. The culture, still on its fibrin scaffold, is transplanted into the injured eye, which has been scraped clear of the invading white, and from there stem cells seed the regrowth of a transparent cornea, free of blood vessels, within a year.

Only around 1,000 people annually in the whole of Europe will be eligible: burns victims who have become blind but whose eyes have not been too extensively destroyed.

It is always very hard to find research money in Italy. We had to uproot many times. I first started working on the concept of the therapy, with my colleague Michele De Luca, in 1990 when we were post-docs at the University of Genova studying the fundamental biology of epithelial cells the cells that form the sheets lining organs, and also the skin. In 1996, we moved to Rome to the Institute Dermopatico Immaculate, a hospital run by priests who were highly committed to research and who offered us wonderful facilities and access to patients. But in the end they did not want to support our eye work through to the clinic. So in 2002, we moved to the Veneto Eye Bank Foundation in Venice, which had an epithelial stem-cell laboratory. Then in 2008 we moved again, to the Centre for Regenerative Medicine Stefano Ferrari, which had been newly created at the University of Modena specifically to incubate such types of advanced therapy.

Italy is not supportive of biomedical research. Things might have been easier if we had not had to struggle so much. But I am Italian, and the best way to stimulate me to find a solution is to tell me I cant do something. And despite the problems, research into advanced therapies does have a history here. One of the worlds first gene-therapy trials on children with an immunodeficiency disorder was carried out in Milan.

We published the results of our first two patients both successes in 19971. That was proof of principle that the therapy could work. Our major clinical paper, on 112 patients, was published in 20102. Around 77% of the transplants were fully successful, and a further 13% partially successful.

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Behind the scenes of the world's first commercial stem-cell therapy

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'Miraculous' stem cell treatment may reverse symptoms of multiple sclerosis

Posted: March 3, 2015 at 8:43 am

A new stem cell treatment that reboots the entire immune system is enabling multiple sclerosis sufferers to walk, run and even dance again, in results branded "miraculous" by doctors.

Patients who have been wheelchair-bound for 10 years have regained the use of their legs in the ground-breaking therapy, while others who were blind can now see again. The treatment is the first to reverse the symptoms of MS, which is incurable, and affects about 100,000 people in Britain.

The two dozen patients who are taking part in the trials at the Royal Hallamshire Hospital, Sheffield, and Kings College Hospital, London, have effectively had their immune systems "rebooted". Although it is unclear what causes MS, some doctors believe that it is the immune system itself that attacks the brain and spinal cord, leading to inflammation pain, disability and, in severe cases, death.

In the new treatment, specialists use a high dose of chemotherapy to knock out the immune system before rebuilding it with stem cells taken from the patient's own blood. "Since we started treating patients three years ago, some of the results we have seen have been miraculous," Prof Basil Sharrack, a consultant neurologist at Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, told The Sunday Times.

"This is not a word I would use lightly, but we have seen profound neurological improvements." Holly Drewry, 25, of Sheffield, was wheelchair bound after the birth of her daughter Isla, now two. But she claims the new treatment has transformed her life.

"It worked wonders," she said. "I remember being in the hospital... after three weeks, I called my mum and said: 'I can stand'. We were all crying. I can run a little bit, I can dance. I love dancing, it is silly but I do. " However, specialists warn that patients need to be fit to benefit from the new treatment. "This is not a treatment that is suitable for everybody because it is very aggressive and patients need to be quite fit to withstand the effects of the chemotherapy," warned Prof Sharrack.

The research was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association.

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'Miraculous' stem cell treatment may reverse symptoms of multiple sclerosis

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