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Category Archives: Cell Therapy

Stem Cell Therapy + PRP Therapy Helps Pelvic Pain Patient – Video

Posted: January 30, 2015 at 9:40 pm

Stem Cell Therapy + PRP Therapy Helps Pelvic Pain Patient
Stem Cell ARTS Actual Patient Testimonial--Julie Mariano "I had some abdominal surgery a few years ago and woke up with extreme back pain. It was a complete mystery how it happened and it still...

By: StemCell ARTS

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Stem Cell Therapy + PRP Therapy Helps Pelvic Pain Patient - Video

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13 ABC: Advancements in stem cell therapy – 1/27/15 – Video

Posted: January 30, 2015 at 9:40 pm

13 ABC: Advancements in stem cell therapy - 1/27/15
ProMedica Physician Roger Kruse, MD, discusses use of stem cell therapy in orthopedic care.

By: ProMedica In The News

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13 ABC: Advancements in stem cell therapy - 1/27/15 - Video

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Gordie Howe's stem cell therapy raises concerns among medical experts

Posted: January 30, 2015 at 9:40 pm

Sheryl Ubelacker, The Canadian Press Published Thursday, January 29, 2015 6:49AM EST

TORONTO -- Gordie Howe's son says the hockey legend's stroke symptoms have improved since his treatment with stem cells at a Mexican clinic in early December and he wants him to repeat the procedure.

But regenerative medicine experts say there's no scientific evidence such therapies work, and in some cases they can be seriously harmful or even deadly.

The 86-year-old Howe suffered two disabling strokes late last year. In December, the family took him to a Tijuana clinic where he received stem cell injections as part of a clinical trial being run under a licensing agreement with Stemedica Cell Technologies of San Diego, Calif.

The experimental treatment involved injecting neural stem cells into Howe's spinal canal, along with intravenous infusions of mesenchymal stem cells, which are found in bone marrow, fat and umbilical cord blood.

Marty Howe said his father can walk again, his speech is improving and he is regaining some of the weight he lost following the strokes.

"After his stem cell treatment, the doctor told us it was kind of an awakening of the body, and it was all that," he told The Canadian Press while in Calgary for a hockey promotion event Tuesday. "They call it the miracle of stem cells and it was nothing less than a miracle."

However, experts in the field question whether stem cells are responsible for Howe's improvement and caution that most so-called stem cell therapies have not gone through rigorous scientific trials, nor have they been approved as treatments by Health Canada or the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Mick Bhatia, director of McMaster University's Stem Cell and Cancer Research Institute, said there are many unknowns in Howe's case, such as how many stem cells were administered, were tests done to see whether they migrated to the targeted area of the body, and did they take up residence where they might have some effect or simply disappear?

"Is this a transient effect, or is it really a perceived or somewhat of a placebo effect and is there something really happening? Scientifically and biologically that is important," Bhatia said Wednesday from Hamilton.

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Gordie Howe's stem cell therapy raises concerns among medical experts

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Stem Cell Therapy + PRP Helps Shoulder Injury and Whiplash Patient – Denise Lawson – Video

Posted: January 29, 2015 at 11:45 am

Stem Cell Therapy + PRP Helps Shoulder Injury and Whiplash Patient - Denise Lawson
Denise Lawson experienced two motor vehicle accidents in 2001 that left her with neck pain, headaches, and sporadic episodes of weakness on the left side of her body. Over time, Denise developed...

By: StemCell ARTS

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Stem Cell Therapy + PRP Helps Shoulder Injury and Whiplash Patient - Denise Lawson - Video

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Gordie Howe's stem cell therapy raises concerns among experts

Posted: January 29, 2015 at 11:45 am

TORONTO - Gordie Howe's son says the hockey legend's stroke symptoms have improved since his treatment with stem cells at a Mexican clinic in early December and he wants him to repeat the procedure.

But regenerative medicine experts say there's no scientific evidence such therapies work, and in some cases they can be seriously harmful or even deadly.

The 86-year-old Howe suffered two disabling strokes late last year. In December, the family took him to a Tijuana clinic where he received stem cell injections as part of a clinical trial being run under a licensing agreement with Stemedica Cell Technologies of San Diego, Calif.

The experimental treatment involved injecting neural stem cells into Howe's spinal canal, along with intravenous infusions of mesenchymal stem cells, which are found in bone marrow, fat and umbilical cord blood.

Marty Howe said his father can walk again, his speech is improving and he is regaining some of the weight he lost following the strokes.

"After his stem cell treatment, the doctor told us it was kind of an awakening of the body, and it was all that," he told The Canadian Press while in Calgary for a hockey promotion event Tuesday. "They call it the miracle of stem cells and it was nothing less than a miracle."

However, experts in the field question whether stem cells are responsible for Howe's improvement and caution that most so-called stem cell therapies have not gone through rigorous scientific trials, nor have they been approved as treatments by Health Canada or the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Mick Bhatia, director of McMaster University's Stem Cell and Cancer Research Institute, said there are many unknowns in Howe's case, such as how many stem cells were administered, were tests done to see whether they migrated to the targeted area of the body, and did they take up residence where they might have some effect or simply disappear?

"Is this a transient effect, or is it really a perceived or somewhat of a placebo effect and is there something really happening? Scientifically and biologically that is important," Bhatia said Wednesday from Hamilton.

And because Howe received adult stem cells produced from donor cells, he may have needed to take drugs to prevent an immune reaction as well as anti-inflammatory medications, he said.

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Stem Cell Therapy Treatment for Limb Girdle Muscular Dystrophy by Dr.PV Mahajan – Video

Posted: January 28, 2015 at 5:43 am

Stem Cell Therapy Treatment for Limb Girdle Muscular Dystrophy by Dr.PV Mahajan
Patient testimonial of Limb Girdle Muscular Dystrophy treated by StemRx Bioscience Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

By: StemRx BioScience

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Stem Cell Therapy Treatment for Limb Girdle Muscular Dystrophy by Dr.PV Mahajan - Video

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Dr. Raj at Beverly Hills Orthopedic Institute Now Offering Stem Cell Procedures for Over Twenty Painful Conditions

Posted: January 28, 2015 at 5:43 am

Beverly Hills, California (PRWEB) January 28, 2015

The top orthopedic doctor in Los Angeles and Beverly Hills, Dr. Raj is now offering stem cell procedures for over twenty painful conditions, with new ones including spinal arthritis and degenerative disc disease. The procedures are performed at Beverly Hills Orthopedic Institute and are excellent for offering pain relief and helping patients avoid potentially risky surgery. Call (310) 247-0466 for more information and scheduling.

Stem Cell Therapy is now mainstream and Dr. Raj has been a pioneer with it for all types of musculoskeletal indications. This includes procedures for degenerative and rheumatoid arthritis, tendonitis, ligament injury, fractures, soft tissue injuries, wound healing and more.

He has performed the procedure on patients who have sports injuries to assist with faster healing and a quicker return to the field, along with those trying to avoid surgery such as a joint replacement or rotator cuff repair. The procedures are outpatient and involve minimal risk to patients.

New indications at Beverly Hills Orthopedic Institute include stem cell therapy for spinal arthritis and degenerative disc disease. These are usually very frustrating conditions, as surgery for them can be a roll of the dice. Dr. George Graf, a Double Board Certified pain management doctor in Los Angeles, offers the procedures of the spine.

The procedures are performed either with bone marrow derived stem cells or amniotic derived. The amniotic derived stem cells are processed at an FDA regulated lab and do not involve any fetal or embryonic cells.

For more information and scheduling, call (310) 247-0466.

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Dr. Raj at Beverly Hills Orthopedic Institute Now Offering Stem Cell Procedures for Over Twenty Painful Conditions

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"She's Happy" RMG's next Stem Cell Miracle – Video

Posted: January 22, 2015 at 11:43 pm

"She #39;s Happy" RMG #39;s next Stem Cell Miracle
Meet Mary Taylor, she was blind for four years from wet and dry Macular Degeneration. Her son Richard, was a previous patient of Regenerative Medical Group, as he received treatment for his...

By: iManifestart

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"She's Happy" RMG's next Stem Cell Miracle - Video

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BPA Exposure May Change Stem Cells, Lower Sperm Production

Posted: January 22, 2015 at 11:40 pm

Chemicals that mimic estrogen hamper development of the stem cells responsible for making sperm in mice

The study is the first to suggest that low, brief exposures to bisphenol-A early in life can alter the stem cells responsible for producing sperm later in life. Credit: anyaivanova/Thinkstock

BPA and other estrogenic compounds hamper development of the stem cells responsible for producing sperm in mice, which suggests such exposure could contribute to declining sperm counts in men, according to a new study.

The study, published online today in PLoS Genetics, is the first to suggest that low, brief exposures to bisphenol-A, or other estrogens such as those used in birth control but found as water contaminants, early in life can alter the stem cells responsible for producing sperm later in life.

Exposure to estrogens is not simply affecting sperm being produced now, but impacting the stem cell population, and that will affect sperm produced throughout the lifetime, said Patricia Hunt, a geneticist at Washington State University who led the study.

BPA is a ubiquitous chemical found in most people and used to make polycarbonate plastic and found in some food cans and paper receipts. People also are exposed to synthetic estrogens used in birth control as they are commonly foundcontaminating water, even after treatment.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration banned BPA from baby bottles in 2012 but maintains that BPA currently used in food containers and packaging is safe. And this week the European Food Safety Authority announced in a new assessment there is no consumer health risk from bisphenol-A exposure.

However, Hunts study adds to evidence that low doses of the compound may harm us.

Hunt and colleagues exposed some newborn mice to BPA and some newborn mice to a synthetic estrogen used in birth control pills and hormone therapy.

These exposurescomparable to human exposures to the compoundscaused permanent alterations to the stem cells responsible for sperm production, the authors wrote.

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BPA Exposure May Change Stem Cells, Lower Sperm Production

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Growing Bone in Space: UCLA and CASIS Announce Pioneering Collaborative Study to Test Therapy for Bone Loss on the …

Posted: January 22, 2015 at 11:40 pm

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Newswise UCLA has received grant funding from the Center for the Advancement of Science in Space (CASIS) to lead a research mission that will send rodents to the International Space Station (ISS). The mission will allow astronauts on the space station and scientists on Earth to test a potential new therapy for accelerating bone growth in humans.

The research will be led by Dr. Chia Soo, a UCLA professor of plastic and reconstructive surgery and orthopaedic surgery, who is member of the Eli and Edythe Broad Center of Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell Research. Soo is also research director for UCLA Operation Mend, which provides medical care for wounded warriors. The study will test the ability of a bone-forming molecule called NELL-1 to direct stem cells to induce bone formation and prevent bone degeneration.

Other members of the UCLA research team are Dr. Kang Ting, a professor in dentistry who discovered NELL-1 and is leading efforts to translate NELL-1 therapy to humans, Dr. Ben Wu, a professor of bioengineering who modified the NELL-1 molecule to make useful for treating osteoporosis, and Dr. Jin Hee Kwak, an assistant professor of dentistry who will manage daily operations.

Based on results of previous studies supported by the NIH, the UCLA-ISS team will begin ground operations in early 2015. They hope that the study will provide new insights into the prevention of bone loss or osteoporosis as well as the regeneration of massive bone defects that can occur in wounded military personnel. Osteoporosis is a significant public health problem commonly associated with skeletal disuse conditions such as immobilization, stroke, cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, spinal cord injury and jaw resorption after tooth loss.

NELL-1 holds tremendous hope, not only for preventing bone loss but one day even restoring healthy bone, Ting said. For patients who are bed-bound and suffering from bone loss, it could be life-changing.

The UCLA team will oversee the ground operations of the mission in tandem with a flight operation coordinated by CASIS and NASA.

A group of 40 rodents will be sent to the International Space Station U.S. National Laboratory onboard the SpaceX Dragon capsule, where they will live for two months in a microgravity environment during the first ever test of NELL-1 in space, said Dr. Julie Robinson, NASAs chief scientist for the International Space Station program at the Johnson Space Center.

CASIS is proud to work alongside UCLA in an effort to promote the station as a viable platform for bone loss inquiry, said Warren Bates, director of portfolio management for CASIS. Through investigations like this, we hope to make profound discoveries and enable the development of therapies to counteract bone loss ailments common in humans.

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