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Category Archives: Cell Therapy

Dr Saw Khay Yong Stem Cell Therapy for the Musculoskeletal System – Video

Posted: November 13, 2014 at 6:44 am

Dr Saw Khay Yong Stem Cell Therapy for the Musculoskeletal System

By: Admin KLSMC

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Stem Cells as Therapies | California's Stem Cell Agency

Posted: November 12, 2014 at 11:41 am

En Espaol

Stem cells have the potential to treat a wide range of diseases, including diabetes, neurodegenerative diseases, spinal cord injury, and heart disease. Learn why these cells are such a powerful tool for treating disease as well as what the current hurdles are before new therapies can become available.

The most common way of thinking about stem cells treating disease is through a stem cell transplant. Embryonic stem cells are differentiated into the necessary cell type, then those mature cells replace tissue that is damaged by disease or injury. This type of treatment could be used to replace neurons damaged by spinal cord injury, stroke, Alzheimers disease, Parkinsons disease, or other neurological problems. Cells grown to produce insulin could treat people with diabetes and heart muscle cells could repair damage after a heart attack. This list could conceivably include any tissue that is injured or diseased.

These are all exciting areas of research, but embryonic stem cell-based therapies go well beyond cell transplants. What researchers learn from studying how embryonic stem cells develop into heart muscle cells, for example, could provide clues about what factors may be able to directly induce the heart muscle to repair itself. The cells could be used to study disease, identify new drugs, or screen drugs for toxic side effects. Any of these would have a significant impact on human health without transplanting a single cell.

In theory, theres no disease that is exempt from a possible treatment that comes out of stem cell research. Given that researchers may be able to study all cell types via embryonic stem cells, they have the potential to make breakthroughs in any disease.

CIRM has created disease pages for many of the major diseases being targeted by stem cell scientists. You can find those disease pages here.

You can also sort our complete list of CIRM awards to see what we've funded in different disease areas.

The first trials for embryonic stem cells have only just begun. Results from those won't be available for many years, once the necessary clinical trials are completed showing that the therapies are safe and that the work in treating disease. The only stem cell-based therapy currently in use is in bone marrow transplantation. Blood-forming stem cells in the bone marrow were the first stem cells to be identified and they are now the first to be used in the clinic.

The blood-forming stem cell is the component of bone marrow that is therapeutic in a bone marrow transplant. With the isolation of pure blood-forming stem cells it is now possible to transfer just the cells that are needed to replace the bone marrow. The cells migrate to appropriate bone marrow where they self-renew and rebuild the entire blood system.

Transplants of blood-forming stem cells have been used successfully in cancer treatments, and research suggests that they will be useful in treating autoimmune diseases and in helping people tolerate transplanted organs.

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Family's desperate bet on a diabetes cure

Posted: November 11, 2014 at 11:43 am

The day Olivia Cox was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes at age 16, her mother vowed to find a cure.

"I said to her, "there's someone walking this Earth who has been cured of diabetes, and I'm going to find him," Ruth Cox said.

Cox's search started with a call to Harvard University and ended with a family trip to Lima, Peru. It was at a clinic there that now 18-year-old Olivia and her father, Jeff, 54, who also has diabetes, received an infusion of stem cells designed to wipe out diabetes in their bodies or, at the very least, lessen its impact. The treatment illegal in the United States cost $70,000 for both father and daughter. Two months later, the Niskayuna family is waiting for a transformation and wondering if, in their desperation for a cure, they were snookered by false promises.

Because stem cells can be programmed to become anything from heart muscle to toenails, stem cell therapy can hypothetically be used to treat anything, from baldness to Lou Gehrig's Disease. But the study of regenerative medicine is still nascent in the United States, where it is restricted to procedures that use the patient's own cells, and it has been primarily used in treating cancer a procedure that saved Ruth Cox 13 years ago, when she had breast cancer.

Stem cell treatment using donor cells is more common elsewhere in the world, but with varying results and none that could be described as a cure. An executive order from President Barack Obama opened up funding for stem cell research and there are now more than 4,000 clinical trials under way, some on animals and some recruiting people with various ailments.

The American Diabetes Association strongly supports stem cell research, according to a statement posted on its website, which reads in part:

"Scientists from across the United States and throughout the world, including those involved with the American Diabetes Association believe that stem cell research, especially embryonic stem cell research, holds great promise in the search for a cure and better treatments for diabetes."

Jeff Cox, diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes when he was 11, has suffered none of the complications that often come with the disease neuropathy, loss of vision and heart disease. But Cox said living with diabetes is hell. He pricks his finger at least a dozen times a day to check his blood sugar level, because it is a more precise reading than the glucose monitor he wears. He also wears a pump that he programs to inject him with insulin automatically based on his diet and exercise each day. All the therapies used to treat diabetes are designed to intervene where the pancreas has gone awry.

In Type 1 diabetes, the pancreas doesn't produce insulin due to an autoimmune attack against the beta cell that produces insulin the hormone that converts glucose into energy our bodies need to survive. The Coxes didn't want their daughter to face a lifetime of managing her diabetes. They wanted a cure, and they were willing to take a risk to find it.

In order to treat diabetes with stem cell therapy, pancreatic stem cells isolated from umbilical cord blood that are programmed to produce insulin, plus autologous mesenchymal stem cells from the patient's bone marrow, are injected. Once in the pancreas, the cells are supposed to replicate themselves, gradually replacing the non-insulin producing cells in the host's pancreas. The treatment is conducted in Peru, China, Russia and India and elsewhere, but Zubin Master, a bioethicist at Albany Medical College, said the risks of traveling abroad for stem cell therapy range from paying for an expensive treatment that doesn't work, to cancer and death.

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Family's desperate bet on a diabetes cure

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Parkinson's stem cell therapy works in rats

Posted: November 10, 2014 at 5:41 am

Dopamine-making neurons derived from human embryonic stem cells.

A rat model of Parkinson's disease has been successfully treated with neurons derived from human embryonic stem cells, according to a study led by Swedish scientists. Its a promising sign for scientists at The Scripps Research Institute and Scripps Health who hope to perform similar therapy on Parkinsons patients, using artificial embryonic stem cells.

In rats and people, neurons that make the neurotransmitter dopamine are essential for normal movement. The cells are destroyed in Parkinson's, leading to the difficulty in movement that characterizes the disease.

Researchers transplanted dopamine-producing cells grown from human embryonic stem cells into the brains of rats whose own dopamine-making neurons had been destroyed. The rats were immune-suppressed so they would not reject the cells. Within five months, the transplanted cells boosted dopamine production to normal levels, restoring normal movement in the rats.

The study was published Thursday in the journal Cell Stem Cell. The senior author was Malin Parmar of Lund University in Lund, Sweden.

The results support the Scripps approach of using the artificial embryonic stem cells, called induced pluripotent stem cells, said Jeanne Loring, who heads the Center for Regenerative Medicine at The Scripps Research Institute in La Jolla. Loring is part of a group called Summit 4 Stem Cell that's raising funds to treat eight Parkinson's patients with their own IPS cells.

Particularly significant is the study's comparison of the effects of dopamine-making neurons derived from fetal cells to that of embryonic stem cells, Loring said by email.

"In the 1980s and 1990s, there were several clinical trials that showed that grafts of fetal brain containing the precursors of dopamine neurons could reverse the effects of Parkinson's disease in some patients," Loring said. "We, and the others developing stem cell therapies, based our plans on the results of those studies, but no one had ever directly compared fetal tissue and human pluripotent stem cell-derived dopamine neurons in an animal model of PD."

Induced pluripotent stem cells appear to have much the same capacity as human embryonic stem cells to generate different tissues and organs.

There has been uncertainty about how similar they are to each other, specifically whether the IPS process produces mutations. But recent studies have found the cell types are extremely similar, including a study also published in Cell Stem Cell on Thursday. That study compared IPS cells with embryonic stem cells produced by SCNT, or somatic cell nuclear transfer, the same process used to create Dolly the sheep.

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BioEden the specialist tooth stem cell bank announce record sales up 45%

Posted: November 10, 2014 at 5:41 am

(PRWEB UK) 9 November 2014

Every day stem cell treatments are in the news, often bringing the last hope for many patients with serious conditions that have defied traditional medicine.

BioEden's Group CEO Tony Veverka says, 'the increase in popularity in banking a persons own cells is as a result of two main things; 1. The likelihood of needing stem cell therapy is high, and 2. You need a stem cell match - your own cells are the perfect match'.

BioEden's tooth stem cell banking service is the only way you can access your own cells without the need for medical intervention. More and more parents are choosing to bank their children's stem cells as the baby tooth is shed naturally. However, stem cells can be banked from a healthy adult molar, that perhaps is being removed for orthodontic reasons.

Obtaining stem cells from other sources such as bone marrow is not only invasive but costly. Taking the decision to bank ones own cells is a sensible consideration, and costs from just 295.

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BioEden the specialist tooth stem cell bank announce record sales up 45%

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David C P. Chen, MD., MHP – Stem Cell Therapy Q&A1 – Video

Posted: November 8, 2014 at 5:41 am

David C P. Chen, MD., MHP - Stem Cell Therapy Q A1
David C P. Chen, MD., MHP - Stem Cell Therapy Q A1.

By: advanced anti aging center

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Researchers create stem cell model of Parkinsons disease in a dish

Posted: November 8, 2014 at 5:40 am

Published November 07, 2014

A team of stem cell scientists has identified the biological mechanisms of Parkinsons disease and recreated a model of the disease in a dish.

Researchers at The New York Stem Cell Foundation (NYSCF) Research Institute studied a pair of identical twins one with Parkinsons and one without as well as another unrelated Parkinsons patient and four healthy control subjects to observe key characteristics of the disease. After comparing the individuals biological factors, they noticed differences in the patients neurons ability to produce dopamine. Dopamine production is deficient in Parkinsons disease.

"The unique scenario of identical twins, one with this disease and one without, allowed our scientists an unprecedented look into the mechanisms of Parkinson's disease," Susan L. Solomon, NYSCF chief executive officer, said in a news release. "Advanced stem cell research techniques allow us to push the boundaries of science and see what actually goes wrong at the cellular level, step by step during the disease process."

Parkinsons disease affects an estimated 500,000 people in the United States, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The average age of onset is 60, and the risk of developing it increases with age. Symptoms of Parkinsons include tremor, shaking in the hands, arms, legs, jaw or head; impaired balance or postural instability; slowness of movement; and stiffness of the limbs and trunk.

There is currently no cure for Parkinsons.

While the disease is moderately hereditary, scientists have yet to fully understand the mechanisms of inheritance. The researchers note the DNA mutations that produce the enzyme glucocerebrosidase (GBA) have been linked to a five-fold increased risk of developing Parkinsons, but only 30 percent of people with this mutation have been shown to get the disease by age 80. This suggests that genetic and non-genetic factors cause Parkinsons. In studying the identical twins, scientists were able to analyze these mechanisms.

The scientists made induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells from skin samples from both twins to generate a cellular model of Parkinsons in a dish, recreating the outstanding features of the disease specifically the dopamine and a-synuclein deficiency.

Scientists saw that the neurons from the twin affected by Parkinsons produced less dopamine and had higher levels of an enzyme called monomine oxidase B (MAO-B), as well as a poorer ability to connect with each other, compared to the twin that did not have the disease.

The findings suggest a possible therapy for Parkinsons: treating neurons with molecules that reduce the activity of MAO-B and GBA, while normalizing -synuclein and dopamine levels.

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Researchers create stem cell model of Parkinsons disease in a dish

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Cell Therapy Blog: Cell Therapy Conferences 2014

Posted: November 3, 2014 at 7:44 am

JANUARY 2014 State of the Industry Briefing at EBD's Biotech Showcase Jan 13. San Francisco, CA EBD's Biotech Showcase: Regenerative Medicine Industry Track Jan 13-15. San Francisco, CA ECI's Conference on Scale-Up and Manufacturing of Cell-Based Therapies Jan 6-9. San Diego, CA International Conference on Cell Therapy for Cardiovascular Disease Jan 22-24. New York, NY Phacilitate's Cell and Gene Therapy Forum Jan 27-29. Washington, DC FEBRUARY 2014 RRY's New York Stem Cell Summit Feb 18. New York, NY STEMSO's International Stem Cell Society Conference Feb 19-22. Freeport, Grand Bahama BMT Tandem Meetings Feb 26-Mar.Grapevine (Dallas), TX MARCH 2014 Danish Stem Cell Symposium Mar 7-8. Hillerd, Denmark ISBioTech Spring Mtg - Cellular Therapies Track Mar 10-12. Washington, DC AAT's Advanced Therapies Summit Mar 12-13. Turin, Italy ISSCR/SBE International Conference on Stem Cell Engineering Mar 16-19. Coronado, CA Congress on Stem Cell and Cell Therapies Mar 2023. Koceli, Turkey FDA and the Changing Paradigm for HCT/P Regulation Mar 24-26. Bethesda, MD BIRAXs' UK-Israel Regenerative Medicine Conference Mar 25-26. Haifa, Israel ARM's RegenMed Investor Day Mar 26. New York, NY. Regenerative Medicine Workshop at Hilton Head Mar 26-29 . Hilton Head, SC Cancer Immunotherapy: A Long-Awaited Reality Mar 27. NYC, NY. FDA Workshop: Synergizing Efforts in Standards Development for Cellular Therapies and Regenerative Medicine Public Mar 31. Silver Spring, MD.

APRIL 2014 Select Biosciences' Clinical Translation of Stem Cells Apr 21-22. Palm Springs, AZ ISCT Annual Meeting Apr 23-26. Paris, France GTCBio's Stem Cell Summit Apr 23-25. Boston, MA ARMs Annual Dinner & Legislative Fly-In Apr 28-9. Washington, DC.

MAY 2014 GeneExpression Systems' Stem Cells and Cell Signaling Mtg on Assays to Regenerative Medicine, Tissue Engineering and Therapeutics May 5-6. Waltham-Boston, MA Regenerative Medicine Foundation Symposium May 5-7. San Francisco, CA CHIsAdoptive T Cell Therapy:New Targets and Strategies for Immune Driven Diseases (part of the Tenth Annual PEGS: the essential protein engineering summit) May 7-8. Boston, MA ASGCT - American Society of Gene and Cell Therapy Mtg May 21-24. Washington, DC Terrapinn's World Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine Congress May 20-22. London, UK JUNE 2014 PDA Europe: Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products Jun 3-4. Madrid, Spain The Orthobiologic Institute's PRP and Regenerative Medicine Symposium Jun 6-7. Los Angeles, CA Israstem Jun 10-11. Ramat, Gan. Israel TERMIS EU Mtg Jun 10-14. Genova, Italy ISSCR - International Society for Stem Cell Research Mtg Jun 18-21. Vancouver, BC, Canada Cell Tracking Symposium June 20. London, ON

BIO International Convention(with BPI BioProcess Theater) Jun 23-26. San Diego, CA ARM Networking Reception @BIO June 24. San Diego, CA OMIC'sCell Science and Stem Cell Research Jun 24-26. Valencia, Spain JULY 2014 The Business of Regenerative Medicine: New Therapies, New Models July 14-16. Toronto, ON Regenerative Medicine Essentials: The Fundamentals to the Future. July 21-25.Winston-Salem, NC

AUGUST 2014 CHI'sCell Therapy Bioproduction (part of the Bioprocessing Summit) Aug 18-22. Boston, MA Rejuvenation Biotechnology: Emerging Regenerative Medicine Solutions for the Diseases of Aging conference Aug 21-23. Santa Clara, CA.

SEPTEMBER 2014 Terrapinn's Stem Cells USA and Regenerative Medicine Congress Sep 15-16. Boston, MA IBC's Cell Therapy Bioprocessing Sep 15-16. Arlington, VA TERMIS Asia Pacific Mtg Sep 24-17. Daegu, S. Korea

OCTOBER 2014 Cancer Immunotherapy 2014 Oct. 6. New York City, NY ARM's Stem Cell Meeting on the Mesa Oct 7-9. La Jolla, CA Fraunhofer Life Science Symposium"Medicinal Stem Cell Products Oct 9-10. Leipzig, Germany Translational Regenerative Medicine Congress Oct 21-22. Leipzig, Germany CCRM-SCN Till and McCulloch Meetings Oct 27-29. Ottawa, ON, Canada OMICS' International Conference and Exhibition on Cell and Gene Therapy Oct 27-29. Las Vegas, NV

NOVEMBER 2014 ISSCR/SSCS Global Controls in Stem Cells Nov 5-7, 2014. Singapore Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer Annual Meeting Nov 6-9. National Harbor, MD International Conference on Stem Cells and Cancer (ICSCC-2014): Proliferation, Differentiation and Apoptosis Nov 8-10. New Delhi, India IFATS Annual Mtg Nov 13-16. Amsterdam, NL BIT's World Congress of Regenerative Medicine & Stem Cells (RMSC2014) Nov 13-16.Haikou, China Commercial Translation of Regenerative Medicine Nov/Dec ??. London, UK DECEMBER 2014 Cell Therapy Manufacturing Dec 3-4. Brussels, Belgium World Stem Cell Summit Dec 3-5. San Antonio, TX TERMIS Americas Mtg Dec 13-16. Washington, DC If I've missed an event you'd like to see added, please email me at lbuckler [at] celltherapygroup [dot] com.

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Posted: November 3, 2014 at 7:42 am

PURTIER INTRODUCTION IN CHINESE Please contact Pearly @ +65 9338 9541 / +65 9189 7351 for more details.

By: Purtier30

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Adler Footcare – Stem Cell Therapy – Video

Posted: November 1, 2014 at 4:40 am

Adler Footcare - Stem Cell Therapy
Backed by years of research, thousands of happy patients, and faster healing time is the latest in ethical stem cell treatments for foot pain offered at Adle...

By: Adler Footcare

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