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Category Archives: Cell Therapy

Cerebral Palsy Before and After Stem Cell Therapy Comparison – Video

Posted: March 3, 2013 at 4:42 pm

Cerebral Palsy Before and After Stem Cell Therapy Comparison
Cerebral Palsy Before and After Stem Cell Therapy Comparison video Stem Cell Therapy done at Dr Alok Sharma NeuroGen Brain and Spine Institute Surana Sethia Hospital Sion-Trombay Rd, Suman Ngr Opp Corporate Park, Chembur, Mumbai -- 71. Tel : 022 - 25283706, 022 - 25281610, Mob : +91 9920 200 400

By: neurogenbsi

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Cerebral Palsy Before and After Stem Cell Therapy Comparison - Video

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Stem Cell Therapy for Autism Part 2 – Video

Posted: March 3, 2013 at 4:42 pm

Stem Cell Therapy for Autism Part 2
He is a known case of Autism with history of full term caesarean section delivery and cried immediately after birth with near normal motor milestones. But as he was put in school, there were regular complaints of him being hyperactive. He was then diagnosed to have Autism. He was shifted to special school then. Neurologically, he has near normal tone, reflexes and muscle power. On examination: he has hyperactivity. He has aggressive behaviour with episodes of violence and beating others. He has repetitive speech (echolalia), but it is need based. He has social isolation. He is bowel bladder trained. He is independent in most ADL. Functionally, he needs supervision in most ADL. On FIM he scores 106. After Stem Cell Therapy Psychology assessment: 1) Now his duration of expressing his anger has reduced (ie) previously he would get angry and it would continue for half an hour to 20 minutes. Now it has reduced to 10 minutes. 2) Now his level of understanding and tolerance level has increased (ie) before he would get upset even before his parents spoke whereas now he listens to them and follows commands. 3) Now he has started writing (ie) now he can copy from the book and he can do so for a duration of ½ hour to 1 hour which wasn #39;t possible at all before. 4) Previously he had obsessive features like washing his hands repetitively but now it has reduced. 5) Previously he would disturb others in the classroom by shouting or sitting next to them but now he doesn #39;t disturb others ...

By: neurogenbsi

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Stem Cell Therapy for Autism Part 2 - Video

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Stem Cell Therapy for Autism Part 1 – Video

Posted: March 3, 2013 at 4:42 pm

Stem Cell Therapy for Autism Part 1
He is a known case of Autism with history of full term caesarean section delivery and cried immediately after birth with near normal motor milestones. But as he was put in school, there were regular complaints of him being hyperactive. He was then diagnosed to have Autism. He was shifted to special school then. Neurologically, he has near normal tone, reflexes and muscle power. On examination: he has hyperactivity. He has aggressive behaviour with episodes of violence and beating others. He has repetitive speech (echolalia), but it is need based. He has social isolation. He is bowel bladder trained. He is independent in most ADL. Functionally, he needs supervision in most ADL. On FIM he scores 106. After Stem Cell Therapy 1. Angry spells are short lasting than before. Earlier, if he used to be upset for half hour at a stretch, now he calms down in 2 minutes. 2. Did not ask for toothpaste for second time which he used to do daily. 3. He does not insist on bathing 2-3 times a day like before. Now, he takes bath once a day. 4. Visits washroom once in 2-3 hours and then washes his hand normally and leaves the washroom. Earlier, he used to go to washroom every hourly and wash his hand, spill water on his clothes and arms. 5. Eye contact attention span improved. 6. Sitting tolerance improved and attends for 30 mins session. 7. Listening skills and observation skills on demand improved. 8. Screaming behavior reduces when given paper tearing activity. 9. His parents feel his ...

By: neurogenbsi

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Stem Cell Therapy for Autism Part 1 - Video

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Stem Cell Therapy for Autism Part 1 Tamil – Video

Posted: March 3, 2013 at 4:42 pm

Stem Cell Therapy for Autism Part 1 Tamil
He is a known case of Autism with history of full term caesarean section delivery and cried immediately after birth with near normal motor milestones. But as he was put in school, there were regular complaints of him being hyperactive. He was then diagnosed to have Autism. He was shifted to special school then. Neurologically, he has near normal tone, reflexes and muscle power. On examination: he has hyperactivity. He has aggressive behaviour with episodes of violence and beating others. He has repetitive speech (echolalia), but it is need based. He has social isolation. He is bowel bladder trained. He is independent in most ADL. Functionally, he needs supervision in most ADL. On FIM he scores 106. After Stem Cell Therapy 1. Angry spells are short lasting than before. Earlier, if he used to be upset for half hour at a stretch, now he calms down in 2 minutes. 2. Did not ask for toothpaste for second time which he used to do daily. 3. He does not insist on bathing 2-3 times a day like before. Now, he takes bath once a day. 4. Visits washroom once in 2-3 hours and then washes his hand normally and leaves the washroom. Earlier, he used to go to washroom every hourly and wash his hand, spill water on his clothes and arms. 5. Eye contact attention span improved. 6. Sitting tolerance improved and attends for 30 mins session. 7. Listening skills and observation skills on demand improved. 8. Screaming behavior reduces when given paper tearing activity. 9. His parents feel his ...

By: neurogenbsi

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FRC’s Dr. David Prentice Congratulates Kansas Senate for Passing Ethical Stem Cell Therapy Bill

Posted: March 2, 2013 at 1:43 am

WASHINGTON, March 1, 2013 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ --Family Research Council (FRC) Senior Fellow Dr. David Prentice, a native Kansan, congratulated the Kansas state senate for passing S.B. 199, a bill that would establish the Midwest Stem Cell Therapy Center, a regional hub to advance and deliver adult and cord blood stem cell therapies to patients and serving as a resource for adult and cord blood stem cells for therapies. The Center would also inform professionals and the public about such therapies.


Dr. Prentice, a cell biologist who was selected by George W. Bush's Council on Bioethics to write a comprehensive review of adult stem cell research in 2004, testified before the Kansas Senate Committee on Public Health and Welfare in support of S.B. 199 on Feb. 25. Dr. Prentice additionally serves as adjunct professor of molecular genetics at the John Paul II Institute at the Catholic University of America, and formerly served as professor of life sciences at Indiana State University and adjunct professor of medical and molecular genetic at Indiana University School of Medicine.

The bill will now go to the Kansas House of Representatives for consideration.

In his testimony Dr. Prentice said:

"There are significant opportunities right now for Kansas to benefit from the establishment of a center of excellence specializing in the application of adult stem cell therapies for certain diseases, as well as educating physicians as well as the public about the advantages and availability of stem cell treatments.

"Kansas is moving forward as a potential leader in the area of adult and cord blood stem cell therapies. Estimates are that KU Med has done over 1,000 adult stem cell transplants, from bone marrow as well as a growing number from umbilical cord blood. These include stem cell transplants for various cancers and leukemias, but also initiating clinical trials to treat heart damage. Much more is possible.

"Kansas is well-positioned to become a leader in this area, and a global resource. The potential benefits for patients are incalculable. I urge you to support S.B. 199."

To read Dr. Prentice's testimony, click here:

SOURCE Family Research Council

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FRC's Dr. David Prentice Congratulates Kansas Senate for Passing Ethical Stem Cell Therapy Bill

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Discgenics Successfully Completes Pilot Efficacy Study of Injectable Discosphere™ Cell Therapy

Posted: February 28, 2013 at 9:45 pm

SALT LAKE CITY, Feb. 28, 2013 /PRNewswire/ --Discgenics announces the successful completion of an animal study demonstrating safety and efficacy of its novel therapy for reducing back pain caused by degenerative disc disease. This product, known as Injectable Discosphere Cell Therapy (IDCT), features Discgenics' patented, allogeneic, human disc-derived stem cell technology. The study showed that after one injection of IDCT in degenerated discs there was a restoration of disc height and tissue architecture, while noting no inflammatory response.

Discgenics CEO Flagg Flanagan said, " We are very encouraged by the results of the small animal pilot study as it shows the initial safety and efficacy of IDCT, which is produced from adult human disc-derived stem cells.We are optimistic that these early results will be indicative of our therapy's performance in further animal studies and will accelerate us toward human clinical studies and, ultimately, to an FDA cleared product.We believe this technology will revolutionize the way back pain is treated." Discgenics is currently conducting further studies of safety and efficacy in multiple animal species to support future scientific publications and for use in gaining regulatory clearance.

About Discgenics, Inc.

Discgenics is a privately funded spinal therapeutics company that is utilizing adult human disc stem cells within a tissue engineering approach to treat patients debilitated by degenerative disc disease. News and other information on the company are available at:

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Discgenics Successfully Completes Pilot Efficacy Study of Injectable Discosphere™ Cell Therapy

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Research supports promise of cell therapy for bowel disease

Posted: February 28, 2013 at 9:45 pm

Public release date: 28-Feb-2013 [ | E-mail | Share ]

Contact: Karen Richardson 336-716-4453 Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center

WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. Feb. 28, 2013 Researchers at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center and colleagues have identified a special population of adult stem cells in bone marrow that have the natural ability to migrate to the intestine and produce intestinal cells, suggesting their potential to restore healthy tissue in patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).

Up to 1 million Americans have IBD, which is characterized by frequent diarrhea and abdominal pain. IBD actually refers to two conditions ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease in which the intestines become red and swollen and develop ulcers, probably as the result of the body having an immune response to its own tissue.

While there is currently no cure for IBD, there are drug therapies aimed at reducing inflammation and preventing the immune response. Because these therapies aren't always effective, scientists hope to use stem cells to develop an injectable cell therapy to treat IBD.

The research findings are reported online in the FASEB Journal (the journal of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology) by senior researcher Graca Almeida-Porada, M.D., Ph.D., professor of regenerative medicine at Wake Forest Baptist's Institute for Regenerative Medicine, and colleagues.

The new research complements a 2012 report by Almeida-Porada's team that identified stem cells in cord blood that are involved in blood vessel formation and also have the ability to migrate to the intestine.

"We've identified two populations of human cells that migrate to the intestine one involved in blood vessel formation and the other that can replenish intestinal cells and modulates inflammation," said Almeida-Porada. "Our hope is that a mixture of these cells could be used as an injectable therapy to treat IBD."

The cells would theoretically induce tissue recovery by contributing to a pool of cells within the intestine. The lining of the intestine has one of the highest cellular turnover rates in the body, with all cell types being renewed weekly from this pool of cells, located in an area of the intestine known as the crypt.

In the current study, the team used cell markers to identify a population of stem cells in human bone marrow with the highest potential to migrate to the intestine and thrive. The cells express high levels of a receptor (ephrin type B) that is involved in tissue repair and wound closure.

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Research supports promise of cell therapy for bowel disease

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Duke doctor: Stem cell therapy might help heart disease patients

Posted: February 27, 2013 at 1:44 pm

Durham, N.C. People with heart disease have more treatment options than ever. However, sometimes nothing gets rid of continued chest pain known as angina. Researchers say they are looking at a special stem cell therapy to help those patients.

Danny Darden, 49, has heart disease and frequent chest pain despite two years worth of every treatment, surgery and medication available to stop it.

If I walk around the block, I give out and have chest pains, he said.

Duke cardiologist Dr. Tom Povsic included Darden in a phase 3 trial looking for benefits of a special stem cell therapy to stimulate the growth of new vessels feeding blood to the heart.

In certain patients, the arteries can no longer be fixed, or bypass surgery can't be used to fix the arteries. And in those patients, novel therapies are sorely needed, Povsic said. So, the stem cells in this particular case are obtained from the patient themselves.

The cells, originating in the bone marrow, are stimulated and released into the blood stream, extracted and then administered directly into the heart through a special catheter.

Last week, I was injected with the stem cells, Darden said. I'm excited to be in it, because I feel it's going to work, and even if it (doesnt) work for me, it's going to work for other people.

The study is blind, meaning Darden may have received a fake infusion. Participants are followed for two years. A smaller previous study showed promising results.

The benefit that was seen in the early study far exceeds what was seen with many medicines that are approved for angina relief, Povsic said.

Researchers say if the stem cell therapy benefits are confirmed in patients with angina, it could also be studied in patients dealing with stroke, heart attack or heart failure.

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Duke doctor: Stem cell therapy might help heart disease patients

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Stem Cell Therapy Bio1103 Group 29 AM – Video

Posted: February 26, 2013 at 7:46 am

Stem Cell Therapy Bio1103 Group 29 AM
Peyton Manning and Stem Cell Research

By: megmitchell93

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Stem Cell Therapy Bio1103 Group 29 AM - Video

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Group 52AM- Stem Cell Therapy – Video

Posted: February 26, 2013 at 7:46 am

Group 52AM- Stem Cell Therapy
Group 52 (BIOL1103/11:00AM) clearly illustrates the topic of Stem Cell Therapy through a class project based on a member of their own group who is considering Stem Cell Therapy.

By: Savannah Kelley

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Group 52AM- Stem Cell Therapy - Video

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