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Category Archives: Epigenetics
2019 Epigenetics Conference GRC
Posted: January 13, 2019 at 11:49 am
The epigenetics field stands on a strong foundation based on analysis of deviations from genetic rules. In recent years, we have witnessed an ever-growing interest in the mechanisms underlying epigenetic phenomena, along with novel approaches to study them. At our 2019 GRC on Epigenetics, we will cover fundamental aspects of epigenetic memory and inheritance, genome evolution, and the regulatory impact of repetitive elements, as well as our current understanding of the principles of nuclear organization and gene regulation. These topics will include environmental influences and novel biophysical and quantitative approaches, and will feature different model systems and experimental strategies.
This biennial GRC conference, which was launched in 1995, is highly valued by the Epigenetics field. The meeting gathers leaders and trainees in the field and is renowned for presentations of exciting new findings pre-publication and dynamic and fruitful discussions throughout the conference. The relaxed environment fosters informal interactions between established leaders in the field and the younger generation of students and postdocs.
The traditional GRC format will be preceded by a 2-day Gordon Research Seminar (GRS), a new conference for young scientists. The GRS is organized and attended by graduate students and postdocs, with established researchers invited only as keynote speakers, panel participants, or in an advisory role.
We look forward to a "breadth-taking" meeting, and look forward to your participation!
The topics, speakers, and discussion leaders for the conference sessions are displayed below. The conference chair is currently developing their detailed program, which will include the complete meeting schedule, as well as the talk titles for all speakers. The detailed program will be available by March 21, 2019. Please check back for updates.
Nuclear Organization
Discussion Leaders
Transposable Elements and Epigenome Evolution
Discussion Leaders
RNA-Mediated Epi-Regulation
Discussion Leaders
Programming the Next Generation(s)
Discussion Leaders
Reprogramming During Development
Discussion Leaders
Epigenetic Memory and Maintenance
Discussion Leaders
Biophysics and Mathematical Models
Discussion Leaders
Environmental Influences
Discussion Leaders
Epigenetics and Disease
Discussion Leaders
Power Hour
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2019 Epigenetics Conference GRC
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Epigenetics – Alex Jones
Posted: January 2, 2019 at 9:43 am
What Is Epigenetics?
Epigenetics is an emerging field of science that studies alterations in gene expression caused by factors other than changes in the DNA sequence. Epigenetics: The Death of the Genetic Theory of Disease Transmission (paperback, 592 pages) is the result of decades of research, and its findings could be as critical to our understanding of human health as Pasteur's research in bacteriology. Reading this book will change how you view the relationships between nutrition, genetics and disease. Take control of your health and learn how you can break free from the profit driven modern medical industry.
Dr. Joel "Doc" Wallach has dedicated his life work to identifying connections between nutritional deficiencies and a range of maladies generally thought to be hereditary, including cystic fibrosis and muscular dystrophy. This nexus between nutrition and the genetics of disease and birth defects has been observed in both human and animal pathology and is the central theme of Epigenetics. Wallach has teamed with noted scholars and researchers Dr. Ma Lan and Dr. Gerhard N. Schrauzer to present their far-reaching and enlightening perspectives on disease prevention and cures.
Epigenetics dispels misinformation from the dogma propagated by our current medical institutions and explains why many established doctors are resistant to change. This book is of vital importance to anyone who wants real knowledge about how the human body functions and how to apply that knowledge to our nutritional needs. Epigenetics lays the foundation to healthier, happier lives; for ourselves and for generations to come.
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Epigenetics - Alex Jones
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Epigenetics 1st Edition –
Posted: September 17, 2018 at 7:44 pm
The historical accounts of the rise of epigenetics as a field of study, combined with the inclusion of cutting-edging epigenetics research in various biological processes and model organisms, provide the reader with a clear sense of what epigenetics research is about, where it came from, where it is now, and where it is headed. It will prove to be the book that everyone with an interest in epigenetics would want to have and read. Cell; As a whole, Epigenetics is an impressive volume. The contributors provide an accurate survey of the field, from where it began, through where it is today, to where it is heading. Their accounts help set the stage for deepening our understanding of epigenetic phenomena and mechanisms. And the volume will undoubtedly prove to be very useful for students and researchers alike. --Science;Overall, Epigenetics is a scholarly work, eminently readable and a welcome resource for anyone looking for an introduction to this new and vibrant field.--BioEssays; Beautifully illustrated, this book is a rich source of information for a diverse pool of readers, ranging from graduate students making their first steps in a new field of knowledge to more experienced scientists whose research has led them to unfamiliar grounds. What makes; Epigenetics; a truly remarkable and, I believe, a long-lasting achievement is the clear and accessible overview of the major concepts and mechanisms that lay in the foundation of contemporary chromatin research. New details of how specific enzymes and proteins shape chromatin structure and composition may emerge, but the general principles that define how chromatin impacts on many cellular processes are likely to hold true; Genetical Research;In addition to the cutting-edge epigenetic research that is highlighted in this book by eminent scientists in the field, the summaries at the beginning of each chapter, and the multiple tables and colourful illustrations used throughout the book will prove useful in guiding the reader through a discussion of complex biological processes. Undoubtedly, some of these illustrations will be widely used by students and teacher of epigenetics. It is evident that the importance of epigenetics has become widely recognized and this book will be an excellent read for beginners as well as experts in this field; --Nature Cell Biology; What is epigenetics? Asking that question will likely return a number of answers that are all some variation of 'heredity that is not due to changes in DNA sequence.' In other words, epigenetics is not genetics. That seems a definition as indistinct as U.S. Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart's statement, 'I know it when I see it,' about obscenity. The recent volume, Epigenetics, provides well-needed clarity by setting down the fundamental concepts and principles of this emerging science... With the publication of Epigenetics, this fascinating scientific field no longer needs to be defined by what it is not. --The Quarterly Review of Biology
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Epigenetics Research | Icahn School of Medicine
Posted: September 9, 2018 at 4:44 pm
Epigenetics is the study of external or environmental factors that turn genes 'on' and 'off' and affect how cells 'read' genes.
Very little is known about the role of non-coding and regulatory DNA sequences for normal human brain development, or about their role in changes in the young or old brain, in diseases ranging from autism to Alzheimer's disease. Gaining first insights into these mechanisms is one of the major goals of our team of scientists focused on the neuro-epigenome.
The human genome is comprised of approximately six billion base pairs, the basic building blocks of genetic coding, amounting to a vast amount of genetic information. We are unlikely to gain a deeper understanding of uniquely human brain functions, including cognitive abilities and psychiatric and neurological diseases, merely by studying DNA sequences on a linear genome. This is because less than 1.5% of the genome is directly associated with protein encoding genes, and the majority of genetic polymorphisms and DNA variants conferring risk for neurological and psychiatric disease are positioned outside the portions of DNA encoding amino acids. Much of the remaining 98.5% of the genome is believed to play an important role in coordinating the regulation of gene expression networks. But gaining deeper insights into these mechanisms has been a challenge.
Our research in epigenetics is focused on a number of different areas.
We are developing novel epigenetic therapies for mood and psychosis spectrum disorders, such as depression and schizophrenia. This is the major focus of theDivision of Psychiatric Epigenomics,led bySchahram Akbarian, MD, PhD. Researchers are studying novel types of drugs that could alter the chemistry of brain nucleosomes in animal models of psychiatric disease. One family of molecules of particular interest are the enzymes that add or remove methyl-groups from lysine and arginine residues of the histone proteins. There are an estimated 100 lysine and arginine residue-specific histone methyltransferase and demethylase enzymes encoded in the human genome, many of which are assumed to play a critical role in maintaining neuronal health and function. These families of molecules are expected to provide plenty of targets for drug discovery and ultimately lead to better treatment options for neurological and psychiatric disease.
The Division of Psychiatric Epigenomics is studying nucleosomal organization and molecular composition in the nuclei of human brain nerve cell specimens collected postmortem in an effort to understand epigenetic changes during the course of normal development and aging across the lifespan, as well as epigenetic changes occurring in chronic psychiatric disease. While it is known that the overwhelming majority of nerve cells in the human brain stop multiplying via cell divisionduring prenatal development, extremely little is known about changes inside the nuclei of nerve cells during the subsequent periods of development, maturation, and aging. It remains a mystery how the genome in nerve cells is maintained as we grow, mature, and age, and how the molecular machinery inside our nerve cells is able to adapt to the myriad of environmental influences we are exposed to during our lives. Understanding how epigenetics is important for brain function in healthy brains, as well as those affected by disease, is a central research focus for us.
Scientists involved:Schahram Akbarian,Emily Bernstein,Patrizia Casaccia, Fatemah Haghighi,Yasmin Hurd,Paul Kenny,Javier Gonzalez-Maeso,Eric J. Nestler,Scott J. Russo,Anne Schaefer,Li Shen
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Epigenetics | Abcam
Posted: August 1, 2018 at 4:49 pm
Epigenetics | Abcam
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Home Epigenetics and Nuclear Signaling
See how we can help you with your epigenetics research. Take a look at our latest webinars, protocols, and guidescovering a range of epigenetic areas including DNA methylation, RNA modifications, histone modifications and non-coding RNAs.
Articles and webinars on the newest DNA methylation techniques, and products for your experiments.
Explore the unexplored. See our rangeof antibodies and resources for RNA modifications, their readers, writers, and erasers.
Popular protocols for applications such as chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP), RIP, and CLIP.
Keep up-to-date with recent advances in epigenetics, including product and research information.
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Epigenetics | Abcam
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Epigenetics: DNA Methylation, Chromatin Modification …
Posted: August 1, 2018 at 4:49 pm
Epigenetics describes changes that are stable, but potentially reversible alterations in gene expression, that occur without permanent changes in DNA sequence and can still be passed on from generation to generation. Epigenetically controlled genes are activated or repressed without any change in DNA. Three central epigenetic mechanisms that play an essential role in gene regulation have been extensively studied by researches, including DNA methylation, histone modification, and RNA regulation. Our combined comprehensive Epigenetics portfolio offer high quality products to perform the techniques being utilized to study all the three central epigenetic mechanisms.
Quantitative detection of histone modifications is important to a better understanding of epigenetic regulation of cellular processes in normal or cancer tissues. The most widely used techniques to study how histone modifications and other DNA binding proteins, such as transcription factors, influence gene expression is called chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) combined with qualitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR). ChIP involves chemically crosslinking proteins to DNA sequences, which is followed by immunoprecipitation of the crosslinked complexes by using antibodies and beads to pull down the modified histone or other proteins of interest. Below are some selected products for your research in histone modification. The most commonly studied and best understood histone modifications are acetylation, phosphorylation, methylation, and ubiquitination. Histone modifications regulate DNA transcription, repair, recombination, and replication, and can alter local chromatin architecture. We offer a wide range of kits for analyzing complex histone modifications patterns.
Histone Modification Assays
Methylated DNA Enrichment, Isolation, Visualization and Quantification
Whole genome amplification (WGA)
Transcriptome Amplification
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Epigenetics: Fundamentals, History, and Examples | What is …
Posted: July 9, 2018 at 2:44 pm
What is Epigenetics?
Epigenetics is the study of heritable changes in gene expression (active versus inactive genes) that do not involve changes to the underlying DNA sequence a change in phenotype without a change in genotype which in turn affects how cells read the genes. Epigenetic change is a regular and natural occurrence but can also be influenced by several factors including age, the environment/lifestyle, and disease state. Epigenetic modifications can manifest as commonly as the manner in which cells terminally differentiate to end up as skin cells, liver cells, brain cells, etc. Or, epigenetic change can have more damaging effects that can result in diseases like cancer. At least three systems including DNA methylation, histone modification and non-coding RNA (ncRNA)-associated gene silencing are currently considered to initiate and sustain epigenetic change. New and ongoing research is continuously uncovering the role of epigeneticsin a variety of human disorders and fatal diseases.
The Evolving Landscape of Epigenetic Research: A Brief History
What began as broad research focused on combining genetics and developmental biology by well-respected scientists including Conrad H. Waddington and Ernst Hadorn during the mid-twentieth century has evolved into the field we currently refer to as epigenetics. The term epigenetics, which was coined by Waddington in 1942, was derived from the Greek word epigenesis which originally described the influence of genetic processes on development. During the 1990s there became a renewed interest in genetic assimilation. This led to elucidation of the molecular basis of Conrad Waddingtons observations in which environmental stress caused genetic assimilation of certain phenotypic characteristics in Drosophila fruit flies. Since then, research efforts have been focused on unraveling the epigenetic mechanisms related to these types of changes.
Currently, DNA methylation is one of the most broadly studied and well-characterized epigenetic modifications dating back to studies done by Griffith and Mahler in 1969 which suggested that DNA methylation may be important in long term memory function. Other major modifications include chromatin remodeling, histone modifications, and non-coding RNA mechanisms. The renewed interest in epigenetics has led to new findings about the relationship between epigenetic changes and a host of disorders including various cancers, mental retardation associated disorders, immune disorders, neuropsychiatric disorders and pediatric disorders.
Epigenetics and the Environment: How Lifestyle Can Influence Epigenetic Change from One Generation to the Next
The field of epigenetics is quickly growing and with it the understanding that both the environment and individual lifestyle can also directly interact with the genome to influence epigenetic change. These changes may be reflected at various stages throughout a persons life and even in later generations. For example, human epidemiological studies have provided evidence that prenatal and early postnatal environmental factors influence the adult risk of developing various chronic diseases and behavioral disorders. Studies have shown that children born during the period of the Dutch famine from 1944-1945 have increased rates of coronary heart disease and obesity after maternal exposure to famine during early pregnancy compared to those not exposed to famine. Less DNA methylation of the insulin-like growth factor II (IGF2) gene, a well-characterized epigenetic locus, was found to be associated with this exposure. Likewise, adults that were prenatally exposed to famine conditions have also been reported to have significantly higher incidence of schizophrenia.
Research has also shown that a mothers exposure to pollution could impact her childs asthma susceptibilityand her intake of vitamin D could change DNA methylationthat influences placenta functioning. It doesnt stop at the mother, however, as further studies support that the father has a hand in his childs health and epigenetic marks as well. Read:A Childs Mental Fitness Could Be Epigenetically Influenced by Dads Diet.
How Lifestyle Can Affect Individual Epigenetics and Health
Although our epigenetic marks are more stable during adulthood, they are still thought to be dynamic and modifiable by lifestyle choices and environmental influence. It is becoming more apparent that epigenetic effects occur not just in the womb, but over the full course of a human life span, and that epigenetic changes could be reversed. There are numerous examples of epigenetics that show how different lifestyle choices and environmental exposures can alter marks on top of DNA and play a role in determining health outcomes.
The environment is being investigated as a powerful influence on epigenetic tags and disease susceptibility. Pollution has become a significant focus in this research area as scientists are finding that air pollution could alter methyl tags on DNA and increase ones risk for neurodegenerative disease. Interestingly, B vitamins may protect against harmful epigenetic effects of pollution and may be able to combat the harmful effects that particular matter has on the body.
Diet has also been shown to modify epigenetic tags in significant ways. The field of nutriepigenomics explores how food and epigenetics work together to influence health and wellbeing. For example, a study found that a high fat, low carb diet could open up chromatin and improve mental ability via HDAC inhibitors. Other studies have found that certain compounds within the foods we consume could protect again cancer by adjusting methyl marks on oncogenes or tumor suppressor genes. Ultimately, an epigenetic diet may guide people toward the optimal food regimen as scientific studies reveal the underlying mechanisms and impact that different foods have on the epigenome and health.
Explore these topics in epigenetics:
An accumulation of genetic and epigenetic errors can transform a normal cell into an invasive or metastatic tumor cell.
Cancer. Cancer was the first human disease to be linked to epigenetics. Studies performed by Feinberg and Vogelstein in 1983, using primary human tumor tissues, found that genes of colorectal cancer cells were substantially hypomethylated compared with normal tissues. DNA hypomethylation can activate oncogenes and initiate chromosome instability, whereas DNA hypermethylation initiates silencing of tumor suppressor genes. An accumulation of genetic and epigenetic errors can transform a normal cell into an invasive or metastatic tumor cell. Additionally, DNA methylation patterns may cause abnormal expression of cancer-associated genes. Global histone modification patterns are also found to correlate with cancers such as prostate, breast, and pancreatic cancer. Subsequently, epigenetic changes can be used as biomarkers for the molecular diagnosis of early cancer.
Mental Retardation Disorders. Epigenetic changes are also linked to several disorders that result in intellectual disabilities such as ATR-X, Fragile X, Rett, Beckwith-Weidman (BWS), Prader-Willi and Angelman syndromes. For example, the imprint disorders Prader-Willi syndrome and Angelman syndrome, display an abnormal phenotype as a result of the absence of the paternal or maternal copy of a gene, respectively. In these imprint disorders, there is a genetic deletion in chromosome 15 in a majority of patients. The same gene on the corresponding chromosome cannot compensate for the deletion because it has been turned off by methylation, an epigenetic modification. Genetic deletions inherited from the father result in Prader-Willi syndrome, and those inherited from the mother, Angelman syndrome.
Immunity & Related Disorders. There are several pieces of evidence showing that loss of epigenetic control over complex immune processes contributes to autoimmune disease. Abnormal DNA methylation has been observed in patients with lupus whose T cells exhibit decreased DNA methyltransferase activity and hypomethylated DNA. Disregulation of this pathway apparently leads to overexpression of methylation-sensitive genes such as the leukocyte function-associated factor (LFA1), which causes lupus-like autoimmunity. Interestingly, LFA1 expression is also required for the development of arthritis, which raises the possibility that altered DNA methylation patterns may contribute to other diseases displaying idiopathic autoimmunity. Epigenetic research has also shown that there is joint-specific DNA methylation and transcriptome signatures in rheumatoid arthritis, which could help explain why some targeted therapies for arthritis could alleviate pain in the knees but not the hips.
Neuropsychiatric Disorders. Epigenetic errors also play a role in the causation of complex adult psychiatric, autistic, and neurodegenerative disorders. Several reports have associated schizophrenia and mood disorders with DNA rearrangements that include the DNMT genes. DNMT1 is selectively overexpressed in gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)-ergic interneurons of schizophrenic brains, whereas hypermethylation has been shown to repress expression of Reelin (a protein required for normal neurotransmission, memory formation and synaptic plasticity) in brain tissue from patients with schizophrenia and patients with bipolar illness and psychosis. A role for aberrant methylation mediated by folate levels has been suggested as a factor in Alzheimers disease; also some preliminary evidence supports a model that incorporates both genetic and epigenetic contributions in the causation of autism. Autism has been linked to the region on chromosome 15 that is responsible for Prader-Willi syndrome and Angelman syndrome. Findings at autopsy of brain tissue from patients with autism have revealed a deficiency in MECP2 expression that appears to account for reduced expression of several relevant genes.
Pediatric Syndromes. In addition to epigenetic alterations, specific mutations affecting components of the epigenetic pathway have been identified that are responsible for several syndromes: DNMT3B in ICF (immunodeficiency, centromeric instability and facial anomalies) syndrome, MECP2 in Rett syndrome, ATRX in ATR-X syndrome (a-thalassemia/mental retardation syndrome, X-linked), and DNA repeats in facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy. In Rett syndrome, for example, MECP2 encodes a protein that binds to methylated DNA; mutations in this protein cause abnormal gene expression patterns within the first year of life. Girls with Rett syndrome display reduced brain growth, loss of developmental milestones and profound mental disabilities. Similarly, the ATR-X syndrome also includes severe developmental deficiencies due to loss of ATRX, a protein involved in maintaining the condensed, inactive state of DNA. Together, this constellation of clinical pediatric syndromes is associated with alterations in genes and chromosomal regions necessary for proper neurologic and physical development.
The increased knowledge of epigenetics, combined with rise of technologies such as CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing and next-generation sequencing in recent years, allows us to better understand the interplay between epigenetic change, gene regulation, and human diseases, and will lead to the development of new approaches for molecular diagnosis and targeted treatments across the clinical spectrum.
Ready to learn about the first epigenetic mechanism? Read on: DNA Methylation
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Global Epigenetics Market – Top Trends, Drivers, and Forecasts by Technavio – Business Wire (press release)
Posted: September 3, 2017 at 3:44 pm
LONDON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Technavios latest market research report on the global epigenetics market provides an analysis of the most important trends expected to impact the market outlook from 2017-2021. Technavio defines an emerging trend as a factor that has the potential to significantly impact the market and contribute to its growth or decline.
According to Amber Chourasia, a lead analyst at Technavio for lab equipment research, The global epigenetics market is expected to grow at a CAGR of over 13% through 2021, owing to factors such as the increasing importance of life science. It has claimed a prominent position in the research of developmental and disease processes. There has been a surge in the use of epigenetic changes in cancer research to study tumor biology and to produce therapeutic drugs.
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The top three emerging market trends driving the global epigenetics market according to Technavio research analysts are:
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Technavios sample reports are free of charge and contain multiple sections of the report including the market size and forecast, drivers, challenges, trends, and more.
Increasing use of epigenetics as a tool to understand development and disease
Novel epigenetic techniques allow researchers to directly analyze the patterns of epigenetic modifications and relate them with the occurrence of phenotype. It allows comparison of epigenetic changes between normal and diseased samples. This can aid in the evaluation of public health as epigenetic changes are directly influenced by environment and internal biological system.
Many new methods are being employed in the field of epigenetics such as ChIP and next-generation sequencing (NGS). ChIP allows the interaction of DNA and protein, and NGS allows to understand the gene sequence, which is altered due to epigenetic changes. Hence, increasing application of epigenetics for diagnosis and cancer prevention with the help of technologies such as DNA methylation and epigenetics therapy respectively will contribute to cancer control.
Increasing demand for personalized medicine
The demand for personalized medicine is increasing and is expected to grow in future with a CAGR of more than 10%. The development of whole genome technology, companion diagnostics, and the growing number of retail clinics are some reasons for its growth. This will, in turn, increase the demand for diagnostics such as epigenetic analysis to diagnose diseases of individuals and chart out customized treatment plans according to an individual's diagnostic response. Personalized medicine results in the better treatment of patients as epigenetic analysis allow understanding which medicine will have better effects and which will not because every biological system has different genomes, which react differently to a particular medicine.
The epigenetics market is contingent on the demand for personalized medicine, which is increasing with the growing healthcare expenditure, the increasing need for effective diagnostic procedures for cancer, and the increasing use of biomarkers for diagnostics, says Amber.
Rise in investment in R&D
The global expenditure on R&D has shown consistent growth in the last 10 years. It rose from USD 522 billion in 1996 to approximately USD 1.3 trillion in 2009. With the economies of developing countries growing faster than that of developed countries, several institutes and research facilities are being set up in the developing countries. The rise in the number of testing and research facilities, particularly in the field of biotechnology and pharmaceuticals, will lead to a rise in demand for epigenetic analysis for diagnosis of diseases and development of therapeutic drugs.
The increase in R&D translates to an expansion of facilities in fields like clinical research and pharmaceutical research, which are all primary users of epigenetics as they require epigenetic equipment for diagnosing epigenetic alterations and providing drugs against it. Thus, the growth in these areas will lead to a rise in demand for epigenetic equipment during the forecast period.
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With over 500 specialized analysts, Technavios report library consists of more than 10,000 reports and counting, covering 800 technologies, spanning across 50 countries. Their client base consists of enterprises of all sizes, including more than 100 Fortune 500 companies. This growing client base relies on Technavios comprehensive coverage, extensive research, and actionable market insights to identify opportunities in existing and potential markets and assess their competitive positions within changing market scenarios.
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Global Epigenetics Market - Top Trends, Drivers, and Forecasts by Technavio - Business Wire (press release)
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Artificial Catalysts For Epigenetics Without Enzymes – Asian Scientist Magazine
Posted: August 28, 2017 at 10:42 pm
AsianScientist (Aug. 28, 2017) - Researchers at the University of Tokyo have developed an artificial catalyst system that can selectively modify protein-DNA complexes in cells. Their work is published in Chem.
In cells, DNA is bound to proteins known as histones, forming higher-ordered structures called nucleosomes. Enzymescellular catalystscarry out various chemical modifications such as acetylation on histones. Histone acetylation is an important epigenetic mark that regulates gene expression in living cells. Various genetic disorders, including certain types of cancer, are linked to abnormalities in the regulation of histone acetylation.
In this study, a research group led by Professor Motomu Kanai at the University of Tokyo, have performed histone acetylation synthetically without using enzymes, instead relying on an artificial catalyst system composed of chromatin-binding catalysts and acetyl donors.
The group found that the biochemical properties of nucleosomes were modified by synthetic histone acetylation, resulting in gene transcription. In addition, by changing the acetyl donor to a malonic acid donor, the catalyst system could also carry out malonylation, hinting at broader possibilities for promoting other types of chemical modifications on histones.
The artificial catalyst system holds promise for catalysis medicine, an emerging approach in which enzymes functions are substituted by chemical reactions promoted by non-biological entities. The system can also be used to probe the underlying functions of biochemical processes in living cells, making it a useful tool for treating diseases and advancing medicine in the future.
This is the first step toward achieving catalysis medicine, the new medical concept that we are pursuing, and we will continue our efforts to develop better catalysts, said Assistant Professor Shigehiro Kawashima of the University of Tokyo who co-authored the paper.
Life originates from a network of molecules and chemical reactions. We will apply the power of chemistry to contribute to life science and health care, added Assistant Professor Kenzo Yamatsugu of the University of Tokyo who also contributed to the work.
The article can be found at: Ishiguro et al. (2017) Synthetic Chromatin Acylation by an Artificial Catalyst System.
Source: University of Tokyo; Photo: Shutterstock.Disclaimer: This article does not necessarily reflect the views of AsianScientist or its staff.
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Artificial Catalysts For Epigenetics Without Enzymes - Asian Scientist Magazine
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Pregnant Moms’ Exposure to Pollution May Epigenetically Increase Child’s Asthma Susceptibility –
Posted: August 27, 2017 at 1:47 pm
Exposure to environmental pollution, such as diesel exhaust or concentrated urban air particles, during pregnancy could increase a childs risk of developing asthma via epigenetic mechanisms. Recent research in the Journal of Physiology Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology suggests that this allergic susceptibility might even be epigenetically passed down for several generations.
Asthma forms as a result of the complex interaction between someones genes, epigenetic marks, and the environment. Epigenetics, the study of how chemical tags impact the expression of genes, is coming more into focus as researchers attempt to understand this widespread respiratory condition and its origins.
Previous research has uncovered an association betweeninhaling diesel exhaust fumes and notable epigenetic changes which can affect around 400 genes. Other studies link birth season and allergy risk and uncover new gene targets for creating drugs to combat allergic diseases and reduce allergic responses.
In this study, researchers from Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, along with Bringham and Womens Hospital, expanded on their prior observations that maternal particle or allergen exposure can be connected to increased asthma onset risk in the immediate progeny, known as the F1 generation. Interestingly, their new research supports the notion that it actually extends all the way to the third generation (F3), even though the effect is not as strong.
Using a mouse model, they found that pregnant mothers exposed to pollutants increased the risk of asthma in their children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. The scientists assessed key immune cells known as dendritic cells from within the mices lungs, since these special cells are thought to be critical in early-life onset of asthma and maternal transmission of asthma risk.
All three generations of offspring exposed to diesel exhaust had an abnormal boost in dendritic cells, used as a common marker for allergy. Descendants of pollutant-exposed mothers also had increased levels of interleukin proteins that are linked to immune system regulation.
They assessed the pattern of DNA methylation, a common epigenetic mechanism defined as the addition of a methyl mark which often suppresses the expression of genes, in dendritic cells of each generation. After purifying the dendritic cells and isolating the DNA, the researchers used enhanced reduced representation bisulfite sequencing (eRRBS).
Our methylome analysis suggests that the transmission is associated with aberrant DNA methylation, the team reported. Increased asthma susceptibility after a single maternal exposure to [diesel exhaust particles] or [concentrated urban air particles] transmits risk to F1, F2, and, to a lesser extent, F3 generations. This was associated with altered methylation of promoters of genes associated with lung development, IL-4 signaling, and chromatin dynamics.
Transgenerational epigenetic inheritance is a highly debated topic that certainly requires more research. An effect must be observed in generations that were not exposed to the triggering stimulus in this case, pollution in order to qualify as transgenerational. Recent research has suggested that mothers exposed to lead may influence DNA methylation patterns of her children and grandchildren. Other studies, however, show that nutrition memory does not epigenetically persist to great grandchildren.
To further substantiate the epigenetic effect the group observed, the researchers treated a subset of immediate offspring with a DNMT inhibitor, which inhibits the epigenetic enzyme that catalyzes DNA methylation. This drug can modify DNA methylation in the epigenome and could potentially reduce the transmission of asthma susceptibility. Indeed, they found that injecting the F1 generation with a DNMT inhibitor called decitabine for three days immediately before mating was able to attenuate the asthma risk in grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
Expanding our knowledge of epigenetic origins of asthma may lead to novel prevention and treatment strategies. Not only is asthma an inflammatory disease but it is an epigenetic disease as well, explained corresponding researcher Alexey Fedulov. According to him, This approach may allow entirely new therapeutic strategies.
Source: Gregory, D.J. et al. (2017). Transgenerational transmission of asthma risk after exposure to environmental particles during pregnancy. American Journal of Physiology Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology, 313(2): L395-L405.
Reference: The American Physiological Society. Environmental Pollution Exposure during Pregnancy Increases Asthma Risk for Three Generations. The American Physiological Society Press Release. 17 May 2017. Web.
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Pregnant Moms' Exposure to Pollution May Epigenetically Increase Child's Asthma Susceptibility -
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