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Science, business and the humanities: CP Snow’s ‘Two Cultures’ sixty years on – TheArticle

Posted: October 5, 2021 at 8:10 pm

CP Snow was a Cambridge scientist, a civil servant, and a novelist. He was, therefore, well placed to observe the gap between science, on one hand, and the arts and humanities on the other hand. He named it the two cultures divide, and his observations on it, in which he lamented the divides growing extent, formed the substance of his much-discussed Rede Lecture for 1959, subsequently published as a book.

His principal anxiety was that, whereas scientists can take a knowledgeable interest in the arts and humanities, the reverse is rarely true, and this is a problem because almost everyone in government in his day, whether politicians or civil servants, tended to be arts and humanities graduates, with little understanding of science but complete control of science policy and most of its funding.

The problem Snow identified had grown out of the extraordinarily rapid expansion of scientific knowledge in the period less than a century before he delivered his lecture, while the fundamentals of elite education, predicated on the classics and humanities, had not changed much. At the date of his lecture, science subjects were still looked down upon as bangs and smells, and were lumped together with engineering and technology as the domain of nerds with dirty fingernails and rows of pens in their top pockets, a far cry from the languid cravat-wearing aesthete with a volume of Shelley in one hand and a cigarette-holder in the other.

The real problem was that the depth and complexity of science had quickly resulted in a proliferation of specialisms, sometimes not fully accessible even to specialists in neighbouring areas of the same science. Competence in any area of, say, physics required a training and possession of mathematical abilities beyond the reach of most. This is even more true today. When Snow delivered his lecture, the Standard Model of the atom was still being formulated and the development of instruments of investigation was rudimentary in comparison to now, unsurprising given that when Snow wrote it was not much more than thirty years since quantum theory had been given, what might be called, its official imprimatur at the Solvay Conference of 1927.

In one very important respect, however, Snows two cultures division was incorrect. There was, in fact, not a division between two cultures but instead a three-way split, a triangle of cultures, though the third vertex of the triangle was so far beneath notice at the time Snow wrote that rather as one would expect from an Oxbridge don of the day it did not occur to him to include it. This third vertex is business. If the humanities student looked down his nose at the science student, neither of them even noticed the student of accountancy or commerce at the College of Further Education out in the suburbs.

This was the lingering attitude of snobbery about trade that had its origin in the far distant past in the classical Greek disdain for anything banausic, for buying and selling and taking an interest in money. Pythagoras said that people fell into three classes, mirroring those at the Games: competitors, spectators, and those who came to hawk their wares under the stands. He likened philosophers to spectators; in Greek to spectate is theorein, the source of our theory. Plato was disgusted by the sophists who offered to teach, for a fee, how to make a bad argument beat a good argument.

Statue of Plato, Athens (Alamy)

The unnoticed third vertex in Snows account has since risen into great importance in the triangle. Indeed, there has been a remarkable transformation in the respectability of business; successful businessmen and women are admired, the importance of business to the national economy is fully recognised, the wealth of top business people has risen hugely and given them significant influence in society and politics. Things had long been different in the US; there, money-making from business had been admired and encouraged at least since the years following the Civil War. In the unrestrained conditions of the expanding frontier and its abundant resources, together with a flow of both skilled and cheap labour through immigration, business millionaires became Americas aristocracy. That was still not the case in Snows Britain at the time he wrote. In the following decades it has become so; and it has radically changed the cultures divide he described.

It is still the case that few people can say what the Second Law of Thermodynamics is, which was Snows challenge to those who complained that scientists do not read poetry. But business entrepreneurs were not slow to recognise and profit from the scientific and technological advances which have transformed the world over the last half-century. It has made many of them rich, and they fuel the digital revolution by their energetic desire to see faster, smaller, more powerful, more capable technologies operative in many areas of activity. Meanwhile science genetics, biochemistry, neuroscience, particle physics, cosmology has continued to race ahead and astonish, with its applications via technology already outstripping our ability to manage its impacts (think of the potential downsides, along with the upsides, of artificial intelligence, genetic engineering, brain-chip interfaces, military robots, and the like).

The alliance between science and business and the prominence of both explains why the two areas of greatest pull in higher education are STEM subjects science, technology, engineering and mathematics and business studies. Between them they are the culturally dominant elements of the triangle, when in Snows day this role had been occupied by the humanities. In consequence, the humanities are withering. Parents and school advisers, together with the facts of life about what todays economies need in the way of skilled workforces, between them push and pull students into STEM or business studies in large and increasing numbers. In some universities the study of modern languages, literature, history and philosophy has vanished altogether; classics vanished from almost all universities long ago. The forces at work are Darwinian, and understandable.

You might cite the immortal words of Mandy Rice-Davies, He would say that, wouldnt he, in response to what I as a lifelong student of the humanities, and founder of a university college called New College of the Humanities (now part of Northeastern University) am about to say here. But note the concluding sentence of the preceding paragraph: I acknowledge the Darwinian imperatives, and do not propose to argue for a reassertion of the situation prevailing in Snows day. But allow me to recount an anecdote that explains why concentrating just on two vertices of the triangle at the expense of the third humanities is a mistake; as follows.

When Ronald Reagan was President he proposed that the US should develop an anti-ballistic missile system based on satellites in earth orbit the so-called Star Wars initiative so that an attack on the US by the Soviet Union could be interdicted in space. It eventually transpired that the suggestion was merely a propaganda device to turn the screws on the Soviet Union; there was, it seems, no real prospect of such a system being created. In the anxious debate that the suggestion prompted, however, one withering contribution was made by the physicist Steven Weinberg (pictured below, centre), who had won the Nobel prize for his contribution to showing how the weak nuclear force, responsible for radioactive decay in atomic nuclei, can be combined with the electromagnetic force that governs interactions between charged particles, thus yielding the electroweak force. He said (I paraphrase): It does not bother me that the President doesnt know any physics, but it does bother me that he doesnt know any history or philosophy, because if he did he would not dream of increasing tensions in the Cold War in this way.

Queen Beatrix with Christian de Duve and Steven Weinberg (centre)(Alamy)

This is a telling remark. History and philosophy and one might add literature, languages, the arts give us the insights, the overview, the understanding of human nature and the human condition, and with them the experiential and ethical dimensions of both individual and social existence, that provide context for how we use science, how we do business, how we direct public policy, and most importantly, why we do what we do in these respects. Weinbergs point concerned the larger human and social context, exactly the subject matter of historical and philosophical reflection.

The lessons learned in study of the humanities can be richly suggestive. Consider history: the Bronze Age Collapse around 1200 BCE was in significant part the result of disruption of supply chains, destroying economies and the political structures based on them. The French Revolution had, as a major cause, the social and economic injustices felt by those at the wrong end of a too great rich-poor gap. Personality politics rarely end well, from Caesar to Ceausescu. And so on. All three examples carry hints for very present discontents in our world.

Consider philosophy: ideas, beliefs, ideologies are the springs that vitalise society. Examining them and their implications, challenging them, exploring what is really at stake in this -ism or that, postulating fresh ways of thinking and seeing, are essential to a civilisations health. Think of what happens when an orthodoxy is imposed by force, and only one set of ideas is permitted and no discussion allowed, as in Kims North Korea. Think of the stagnation of any society under the heel of a monolithic ideology; history offers plenty of examples.

Consider literature: the stories we tell in novels, plays, poems, the cinema, are a million windows into human experience and feeling, extending our capacity if we are attentive to understand and sympathise with the variety in human motivation and to become acquainted with choices, perceptions, attitudes, ways of life, that we would not otherwise encounter. The same applies to learning languages, to appreciating the arts, to becoming receptive and perceptive as a result of being transported over the landscapes of human experience by all these expressive, communicative enterprises.

To become a research scientist, a chemical engineer, a financial advisor, one needs training. The complexities of science and business demand specialisation. A training is essential if one is to be successful in most of these fields. Therefore, training is important. But training is not education, and as the foregoing remarks show, what the humanities offer is education: the nourishing, equipping and expanding of mind and its capacities.

Oddly enough, a survey of what a complex modern economy requires shows that many of its arenas require precisely the sensibility that the arts and humanities offer to develop. They include journalism, politics, law, the civil service, creative industries, publishing, advertising, arts promotion and management, events, entertainment, human resources, education, performance, museology and curating, design, the tourism and hospitality industries, many aspects of retail, and more the list is long.

And this is to leave aside one enormously important point that most thinking about training and education ignores, with the result that the idea of education for its own sake has so significantly diminished. This is that people are not only their careers; they are not only infantry on the economic battlefield. They are also spouses, parents, voters, travellers, lovers, gardeners, readers, neighbours, dreamers, consumers, tennis players, cinema-goers, and much else again life is many things, and being awake to its variety and its possibilities requires much more equipment than just a training for a specific career.

My idea in founding the New College of the Humanities was to make a statement about two things: the importance of the humanities, and the fact that they can and should be combined with a full acknowledgment of the importance in our time of the other two vertices of the triangle, STEM and business. So I made it a requirement that throughout their undergraduate studies in the humanities my students take, for an additional diploma, courses in science literacy so that they would have an intelligent laypersons overview of the main developments in science and basic business studies, equipping them to understand entrepreneurship, the essentials of marketing, how to read a balance sheet, what is required in the world of work, and general financial literacy. In a world now so dependent on digital technologies, literacy and competence in these is a necessity too.

The thought was that the demand for appropriate preparation for life after formal education should not entirely displace the opportunity to explore ideas, the past and literature, but that what the humanities offer should be recognised as of great value in itself, and can readily be combined with practical considerations. Education and training do not have to be mutually exclusive. My design was to provide the opportunity for the humanities intellectual maturation and fertilisation, with an adjunct of practical knowledge, to overcome the false dichotomy of the two.

It is a principle of education viewed as the cultivation of a well-furnished and highly able mind that the beneficiary of it should develop a rich sense of context and connection. Someone interested in, say, medieval monasticism or Presocratic philosophy might relish the study of it for its own sake and find it absorbingly interesting, but might also see surprising relevances to his own life and times. This explains how, in the 18th and 19th centuries, Britain governed an empire by teaching Greek and Latin classics to those sent out to run it. For when you read and discuss the classics you read history, philosophy and literature, and through them you read about and discuss government, military affairs, ideas of justice and morality, statesmen and the way they handled problems, successes and disasters and what prompted either, subtleties of human nature, celebrations of virtue and condemnations of vice, poems of love and of mourning, the absurdity of certain beliefs, the nobility of certain ambitions and much besides of relevance to both the social and individual scales of life.

Of course, much of this might have gone over most of the heads of lazy and self-interested boys at their public schools we see an example of this vividly in our own day, alas but enough stuck so that the administration of empire was not always and everywhere a prejudiced and exploitative disaster. In any case, the point is that the aim of imparting the benefits of an education in the humanities might succeed often enough that the candles of civilisation will continue be carried, alight, over the floodwaters of time. Even if almost every educational institution should shed its commitment to the humanities, salvation would reside in that almost.

There might be another spin of the triangles orientation which changes which vertex is uppermost. Suppose most productive activity is taken over by artificial intelligence systems, with the result that more than enough wealth is generated to allow most of the population a comfortable national wage without having to work for a living. Then the arts and humanities will be at a premium, the practice and study of them the main avocation of many, the value of intellectual and educational attainment as great as the value of money-wealth is now. It is far from an impossibility that this might happen. It would be good if a flourishing tradition of the humanities were to survive into such a time.

CP Snow wished to see the two cultures divide closed, or at least narrowed. I say that that the three vertices of the triangle should be kept connected, because to lose the perspectives offered by the humanities would render our society technocratic and banausic merely, a fate it is already not far from. Snows anxiety was that science would be mishandled by uncomprehending humanists, whereas today the anxiety is very different; it is that technology and the imperatives of bottom lines will determine all our choices for us.

Perhaps one can sum up the matter by saying that whereas science and technology is about capability, and business is about profit and cost, the humanities are about value. That is a vertex of the triangle we cannot afford to lose.

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Science, business and the humanities: CP Snow's 'Two Cultures' sixty years on - TheArticle

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Gene Therapy and Genetic Engineering – MU School of Medicine

Posted: August 31, 2021 at 2:26 am


The cells of a human being or other organism have parts called genes that control the chemical reactions in the cell that make it grow and function and ultimately determine the growth and function of the organism. An organism inherits some genes from each parent and thus the parents pass on certain traits to their offspring.

Gene therapy and genetic engineering are two closely related technologies that involve altering the genetic material of organisms.The distinction between the two is based on purpose.Gene therapy seeks to alter genes to correct genetic defects and thus prevent or cure genetic diseases.Genetic engineering aims to modify the genes to enhance the capabilities of the organism beyond what is normal.

Ethical controversy surrounds possible use of the both of these technologies in plants, nonhuman animals, and humans. Particularly with genetic engineering, for instance, one wonders whether it would be proper to tinker with human genes to make people able to outperform the greatest Olympic athletes or much smarter than Einstein.

If genetic engineering is meant in a very broad sense to include any intentional genetic alteration, then it includes gene therapy. Thus one hears of therapeutic genetic engineering (gene therapy) and negative genetic engineering (gene therapy), in contrast with enhancement genetic engineering and positive genetic engineering (what we call simply genetic engineering).

We use the phrase genetic engineering more narrowly for the kind of alteration that aims at enhancement rather than therapy. We use the term gene therapy for efforts to bring people up to normalcy and genetic engineering or enhancement genetic engineering for efforts to enhancement peoples capabilities beyond normalcy.

Two fundamental kinds of cell are somatic cells and reproductive cells. Most of the cells in our bodies are somatic cells that make up organs like skin, liver, heart, lungs, etc., and these cells vary from one another. Changing the genetic material in these cells is not passed along to a persons offspring. Reproductive cells are sperm cells, egg cells, and cells from very early embryos. Changes in the genetic make-up of reproductive cells would be passed along to the persons offspring. Those reproductive cell changes could result in different genetics in the offsprings somatic cells than otherwise would have occurred because the genetic makeup of somatic cells is directly linked to that of the germ cells from which they are derived.

Two problems must be confronted when changing genes. The first is what kind of change to make to the gene. The second is how to incorporate that change in all the other cells that are must be changed to achieve a desired effect.

There are several options for what kind of change to make to the gene. DNA in the gene could be replaced by other DNA from outside (called homologous replacement). Or the gene could be forced to mutate (change structure selective reverse mutation.) Or a gene could just be added. Or one could use a chemical to simply turn off a gene and prevent it from acting.

There are also several options for how to spread the genetic change to all the cells that need to be changed. If the altered cell is a reproductive cell, then a few such cells could be changed and the change would reach the other somatic cells as those somatic cells were created as the organism develops. But if the change were made to a somatic cell, changing all the other relevant somatic cells individually like the first would be impractical due to the sheer number of such cells. The cells of a major organ such as the heart or liver are too numerous to change one-by-one. Instead, to reach such somatic cells a common approach is to use a carrier, or vector, which is a molecule or organism. A virus, for example, could be used as a vector. The virus would be an innocuous one or changed so as not to cause disease. It would be injected with the genetic material and then as it reproduces and infects the target cells it would introduce the new genetic material. It would need to be a very specific virus that would infect heart cells, for instance, without infecting and changing all the other cells of the body. Fat particles and chemicals have also been used as vectors because they can penetrate the cell membrane and move into the cell nucleus with the new genetic material.

Gene therapy is often viewed as morally unobjectionable, though caution is urged. The main arguments in its favor are that it offers the potential to cure some diseases or disorders in those who have the problem and to prevent diseases in those whose genes predisposed them to those problems. If done on reproductive cells, gene therapy could keep children from carrying such genes (for unfavorable genetic diseases and disorders) that the children got from their patients.

Genetic engineering to enhance organisms has already been used extensively in agriculture, primarily in genetically modified (GM) crops (also known as GMO --genetically modified organisms). For example, crops and stock animals have been engineered so they are resistant to herbicides and pesticides, which means farmers can then use those chemicals to control weeds and insects on those crops without risking harming those plants. In the future genetic enhancement could be used to create crops with greater yields of nutritional value and selective breeding of farm stock, race horses, and show animals.

Genetically engineered bacteria and other microorganisms are currently used to produce human insulin, human growth hormone, a protein used in blood clotting, and other pharmaceuticals, and the number of such compounds could increase in the future.

Enhancing humans is still in the future, but the basic argument in favor of doing so is that it could make life better in significant ways by enhancing certain characteristics of people. We value intelligence, beauty, strength, endurance, and certain personality characteristics and behavioral tendencies, and if these traits were found to be due to a genetic component we could enhance people by giving them such features. Advocates of genetic engineering point out that many people try to improve themselves in these ways already by diet, exercise, education, cosmetics, and even plastic surgery. People try to do these things for themselves, and parents try to provide these things for their children. If exercising to improve strength, agility, and overall fitness is a worthwhile goal, and if someone is praised for pursuing education to increase their mental capabilities, then why would it not be worthwhile to accomplish this through genetics?

Advocates of genetic engineering also see enhancement as a matter of basic reproductive freedom. We already feel free to pick a mate partly on the basis of the possibility of providing desirable children. We think nothing is wrong with choosing a mate whom we hope might provide smart, attractive kids over some other mate who would provide less desirable children. Choosing a mate for the type of kids one might get is a matter of basic reproductive freedom and we have the freedom to pick the best genes we can for our children. Why, the argument goes, should we have less freedom to give our children the best genes we can through genetic enhancement?

Those who advocate making significant modification of humans through technology such as genetic engineering are sometimes called transhumanists.

Three arguments sometimes raised against gene therapy are that it is technically too dangerous, that it discriminates or invites discrimination against persons with disabilities, and that it may be becoming increasingly irrelevant in some cases.

The danger objection points out that a few recent attempts at gene therapy in clinical trials have made headlines because of the tragic deaths of some of the people participating in the trials. It is not fully known to what extent this was due to the gene therapy itself, as opposed to pre-existing conditions or improper research techniques, but in the light of such events some critics have called for a stop to gene therapy until more is known. We just do not know enough about how gene therapy works and what could go wrong. Specific worries are that

The discrimination objection is as follows. Some people who are physically, mentally, or emotionally impaired are so as the result of genetic factors they have inherited. Such impairment can result in disablement in our society. People with disabilities are often discriminated against by having fewer opportunities than other people. Be removing genetic disorders, and resulting impairment, it is true that gene therapy could contribute to removing one of the sources of discrimination and inequality in society. But the implicit assumption being made, the objection claims, is that people impaired through genetic factors need to be treated and made normal. The objection sees gene therapy as a form of discrimination against impaired people and persons with disabilities.

The irrelevance objection is that gene therapy on reproductive cells may in some cases already be superseded by in-vitro fertilization and selection of embryos. If a genetic disorder is such that can be detected in an early embryo, and not all embryos from the parent couple would have it, then have parents produce multiple embryos through in-vitro fertilization and implant only those free from the disorder. In such a case gene therapy would be unnecessary and irrelevant.

Ethicists have generally been even more concerned about possible problems with and implications of enhancement genetic engineering than they have been about gene therapy. First, there are worries similar to those about gene therapy that not enough is known and there may be unforeseen dangerous consequences. These worries may be even more serious given that the attempts are made not just toward normalcy but into strange new territory where humans have never gone before. We just do not know what freakish creatures might result from experiments gone awry.

Following are some other important objections:

Gene therapy is becoming a reality as you read this. Genetic engineering for enhancement is still a ways off. Plenty of debate is sure to occur over both issues.

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Gene Therapy and Genetic Engineering - MU School of Medicine

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Genetic engineering of animals: Ethical issues, including …

Posted: August 31, 2021 at 2:26 am

Can Vet J. 2011 May; 52(5): 544550.

Canadian Council on Animal Care, 1510-130 Albert Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1P 5G4 (Ormandy, Dale, Griffin); The University of British Columbia, Animal Welfare Program, 2357 Main Mall, Vancouver, British Columbia V6T 1Z4 (Ormandy)

The genetic engineering of animals has increased significantly in recent years, and the use of this technology brings with it ethical issues, some of which relate to animal welfare defined by the World Organisation for Animal Health as the state of the animalhow an animal is coping with the conditions in which it lives (1). These issues need to be considered by all stakeholders, including veterinarians, to ensure that all parties are aware of the ethical issues at stake and can make a valid contribution to the current debate regarding the creation and use of genetically engineered animals. In addition, it is important to try to reflect societal values within scientific practice and emerging technology, especially publicly funded efforts that aim to provide societal benefits, but that may be deemed ethically contentious. As a result of the extra challenges that genetically engineered animals bring, governing bodies have started to develop relevant policies, often calling for increased vigilance and monitoring of potential animal welfare impacts (2). Veterinarians can play an important role in carrying out such monitoring, especially in the research setting when new genetically engineered animal strains are being developed.

Several terms are used to describe genetically engineered animals: genetically modified, genetically altered, genetically manipulated, transgenic, and biotechnology-derived, amongst others. In the early stages of genetic engineering, the primary technology used was transgenesis, literally meaning the transfer of genetic material from one organism to another. However, with advances in the field, new technology emerged that did not necessarily require transgenesis: recent applications allow for the creation of genetically engineered animals via the deletion of genes, or the manipulation of genes already present. To reflect this progress and to include those animals that are not strictly transgenic, the umbrella term genetically engineered has been adopted into the guidelines developed by the Canadian Council on Animal Care (CCAC). For clarity, in the new CCAC guidelines on: genetically-engineered animals used in science (currently in preparation) the CCAC offers the following definition of a genetically engineered animal: an animal that has had a change in its nuclear or mitochondrial DNA (addition, deletion, or substitution of some part of the animals genetic material or insertion of foreign DNA) achieved through a deliberate human technological intervention. Those animals that have undergone induced mutations (for example, by chemicals or radiation as distinct from spontaneous mutations that naturally occur in populations) and cloned animals are also considered to be genetically engineered due to the direct intervention and planning involved in creation of these animals.

Cloning is the replication of certain cell types from a parent cell, or the replication of a certain part of the cell or DNA to propagate a particular desirable genetic trait. There are 3 types of cloning: DNA cloning, therapeutic cloning, and reproductive cloning (3). For the purposes of this paper, the term cloning is used to refer to reproductive cloning, as this is the most likely to lead to animal welfare issues. Reproductive cloning is used if the intention is to generate an animal that has the same nuclear DNA as another currently, or previously existing animal. The process used to generate this type of cloned animal is called somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) (4).

During the development of the CCAC guidelines on: genetically- engineered animals used in science, some key ethical issues, including animal welfare concerns, were identified: 1) invasiveness of procedures; 2) large numbers of animals required; 3) unanticipated welfare concerns; and 4) how to establish ethical limits to genetic engineering (see Ethical issues of genetic engineering). The different applications of genetically engineered animals are presented first to provide context for the discussion.

Genetic engineering technology has numerous applications involving companion, wild, and farm animals, and animal models used in scientific research. The majority of genetically engineered animals are still in the research phase, rather than actually in use for their intended applications, or commercially available.

By inserting genes from sea anemone and jellyfish, zebrafish have been genetically engineered to express fluorescent proteins hence the commonly termed GloFish. GloFish began to be marketed in the United States in 2003 as ornamental pet fish; however, their sale sparked controversial ethical debates in California the only US state to prohibit the sale of GloFish as pets (5). In addition to the insertion of foreign genes, gene knock-out techniques are also being used to create designer companion animals. For example, in the creation of hypoallergenic cats some companies use genetic engineering techniques to remove the gene that codes for the major cat allergen Fel d1: (

Companion species have also been derived by cloning. The first cloned cat, CC, was created in 2002 (6). At the time, the ability to clone mammals was a coveted prize, and after just a few years scientists created the first cloned dog, Snuppy (7).

With the exception of a couple of isolated cases, the genetically engineered pet industry is yet to move forward. However, it remains feasible that genetically engineered pets could become part of day-to-day life for practicing veterinarians, and there is evidence that clients have started to enquire about genetic engineering services, in particular the cloning of deceased pets (5).

The primary application of genetic engineering to wild species involves cloning. This technology could be applied to either extinct or endangered species; for example, there have been plans to clone the extinct thylacine and the woolly mammoth (5). Holt et al (8) point out that, As many conservationists are still suspicious of reproductive technologies, it is unlikely that cloning techniques would be easily accepted. Individuals involved in field conservation often harbour suspicions that hi-tech approaches, backed by high profile publicity would divert funding away from their own efforts. However, cloning may prove to be an important tool to be used alongside other forms of assisted reproduction to help retain genetic diversity in small populations of endangered species.

As reviewed by Laible (9), there is an assorted range of agricultural livestock applications [for genetic engineering] aimed at improving animal productivity; food quality and disease resistance; and environmental sustainability. Productivity of farm animal species can be increased using genetic engineering. Examples include transgenic pigs and sheep that have been genetically altered to express higher levels of growth hormone (9).

Genetically engineered farm animals can be created to enhance food quality (9). For example, pigs have been genetically engineered to express the 12 fatty acid desaturase gene (from spinach) for higher levels of omega-3, and goats have been genetically engineered to express human lysozyme in their milk. Such advances may add to the nutritional value of animal-based products.

Farm species may be genetically engineered to create disease-resistant animals (9). Specific examples include conferring immunity to offspring via antibody expression in the milk of the mother; disruption of the virus entry mechanism (which is applicable to diseases such as pseudorabies); resistance to prion diseases; parasite control (especially in sheep); and mastitis resistance (particularly in cattle).

Genetic engineering has also been applied with the aim of reducing agricultural pollution. The best-known example is the EnviropigTM; a pig that is genetically engineered to produce an enzyme that breaks down dietary phosphorus (phytase), thus limiting the amount of phosphorus released in its manure (9).

Despite resistance to the commercialization of genetically engineered animals for food production, primarily due to lack of support from the public (10), a recent debate over genetically engineered AquAdvantageTM Atlantic salmon may result in these animals being introduced into commercial production (11).

Effort has also been made to generate genetically engineered farm species such as cows, goats, and sheep that express medically important proteins in their milk. According to Dyck et al (12), transgenic animal bioreactors represent a powerful tool to address the growing need for therapeutic recombinant proteins. In 2006, ATryn became the first therapeutic protein produced by genetically engineered animals to be approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of the United States. This product is used as a prophylactic treatment for patients that have hereditary antithrombin deficiency and are undergoing surgical procedures.

Biomedical applications of genetically engineered animals are numerous, and include understanding of gene function, modeling of human disease to either understand disease mechanisms or to aid drug development, and xenotransplantation.

Through the addition, removal, or alteration of genes, scientists can pinpoint what a gene does by observing the biological systems that are affected. While some genetic alterations have no obvious effect, others may produce different phenotypes that can be used by researchers to understand the function of the affected genes. Genetic engineering has enabled the creation of human disease models that were previously unavailable. Animal models of human disease are valuable resources for understanding how and why a particular disease develops, and what can be done to halt or reverse the process. As a result, efforts have focused on developing new genetically engineered animal models of conditions such as Alzheimers disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), Parkinsons disease, and cancer. However, as Wells (13) points out: these [genetically engineered animal] models do not always accurately reflect the human condition, and care must be taken to understand the limitation of such models.

The use of genetically engineered animals has also become routine within the pharmaceutical industry, for drug discovery, drug development, and risk assessment. As discussed by Rudmann and Durham (14): Transgenic and knock out mouse models are extremely useful in drug discovery, especially when defining potential therapeutic targets for modifying immune and inflammatory responsesSpecific areas for which [genetically engineered animal models] may be useful are in screening for drug induced immunotoxicity, genotoxicity, and carcinogenicity, and in understanding toxicity related drug metabolizing enzyme systems.

Perhaps the most controversial use of genetically engineered animals in science is to develop the basic research on xenotrans-plantation that is, the transplant of cells, tissues, or whole organs from animal donors into human recipients. In relation to organ transplants, scientists have developed a genetically engineered pig with the aim of reducing rejection of pig organs by human recipients (15). This particular application of genetic engineering is currently at the basic research stage, but it shows great promise in alleviating the long waiting lists for organ transplants, as the number of people needing transplants currently far outweighs the number of donated organs. However, as a direct result of public consultation, a moratorium is currently in place preventing pig organ transplantation from entering a clinical trial phase until the public is assured that the potential disease transfer from pigs to humans can be satisfactorily managed (16). According to Health Canada, xenotransplantation is currently not prohibited in Canada. However, the live cells and organs from animal sources are considered to be therapeutic products (drugs or medical devices)No clinical trial involving xenotransplantation has yet been approved by Health Canada (see for details).

Ethical issues, including concerns for animal welfare, can arise at all stages in the generation and life span of an individual genetically engineered animal. The following sections detail some of the issues that have arisen during the peer-driven guidelines development process and associated impact analysis consultations carried out by the CCAC. The CCAC works to an accepted ethic of animal use in science, which includes the principles of the Three Rs (Reduction of animal numbers, Refinement of practices and husbandry to minimize pain and distress, and Replacement of animals with non-animal alternatives wherever possible) (17). Together the Three Rs aim to minimize any pain and distress experienced by the animals used, and as such, they are considered the principles of humane experimental technique. However, despite the steps taken to minimize pain and distress, there is evidence of public concerns that go beyond the Three Rs and animal welfare regarding the creation and use of genetically engineered animals (18).

The generation of a new genetically engineered line of animals often involves the sacrifice of some animals and surgical procedures (for example, vasectomy, surgical embryo transfer) on others. These procedures are not unique to genetically engineered animals, but they are typically required for their production.

During the creation of new genetically engineered animals (particularly mammalian species) oocyte and blastocyst donor females may be induced to superovulate via intraperitoneal or subcutaneous injection of hormones; genetically engineered embryos may be surgically implanted to female recipients; males may be surgically vasectomized under general anesthesia and then used to induce pseudopregnancy in female embryo recipients; and all offspring need to be genotyped, which is typically performed by taking tissue samples, sometimes using tail biopsies or ear notching (19). However, progress is being made to refine the genetic engineering techniques that are applied to mammals (mice in particular) so that less invasive methods are feasible. For example, typical genetic engineering procedures require surgery on the recipient female so that genetically engineered embryos can be implanted and can grow to full term; however, a technique called non-surgical embryo transfer (NSET) acts in a similar way to artificial insemination, and removes the need for invasive surgery (20). Other refinements include a method referred to as deathless transgenesis, which involves the introduction of DNA into the sperm cells of live males and removes the need to euthanize females in order to obtain germ line transmission of a genetic alteration; and the use of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for genotyping, which requires less tissue than Southern Blot Analysis (20).

Many of the embryos that undergo genetic engineering procedures do not survive, and of those that do survive only a small proportion (between 1% to 30%) carry the genetic alteration of interest (19). This means that large numbers of animals are produced to obtain genetically engineered animals that are of scientific value, and this contradicts efforts to minimize animal use. In addition, the advancement of genetic engineering technologies in recent years has lead to a rapid increase in the number and varieties of genetically engineered animals, particularly mice (21). Although the technology is continually being refined, current genetic engineering techniques remain relatively inefficient, with many surplus animals being exposed to harmful procedures. One key refinement and reduction effort is the preservation of genetically engineered animal lines through the freezing of embryos or sperm (cryopreservation), which is particularly important for those lines with the potential to experience pain and distress (22).

As mentioned, the number of research projects creating and/or using genetically engineered animals worldwide has increased in the past decade (21). In Canada, the CCACs annual data on the numbers of animals used in science show an increase in Category D procedures (procedures with the potential to cause moderate to severe pain and distress) at present the creation of a new genetically engineered animal line is a Category D procedure (23). The data also show an increase in the use of mice (24), which are currently the most commonly used species for genetic engineering, making up over 90% of the genetically engineered animals used in research and testing (21). This rise in animal use challenges the Three Rs principle of Reduction (17). It has been reasoned that once created, the use of genetically engineered animals will reduce the total number of animals used in any given experiment by providing novel and more accurate animal models, especially in applications such as toxicity testing (25). However, the greater variety of available applications, and the large numbers of animals required for the creation and maintenance of new genetically engineered strains indicate that there is still progress to be made in implementation of the Three Rs principle of Reduction in relation to the creation and use of genetically engineered animals (21).

Little data has been collected on the net welfare impacts to genetically engineered animals or to those animals required for their creation, and genetic engineering techniques have been described as both unpredictable and inefficient (19). The latter is due, in part, to the limitations in controlling the integration site of foreign DNA, which is inherent in some genetic engineering techniques (such as pro-nuclear microinjection). In such cases, scientists may generate several independent lines of genetically engineered animals that differ only in the integration site (26), thereby further increasing the numbers of animals involved. This conflicts with efforts to adhere to the principles of the Three Rs, specifically Reduction. With other, more refined techniques that allow greater control of DNA integration (for example, gene targeting), unexpected outcomes are attributed to the unpredictable interaction of the introduced DNA with host genes. These interactions also vary with the genetic background of the animal, as has frequently been observed in genetically engineered mice (27). Interfering with the genome by inserting or removing fragments of DNA may result in alteration of the animals normal genetic homeostasis, which can be manifested in the behavior and well-being of the animals in unpredictable ways. For example, many of the early transgenic livestock studies produced animals with a range of unexpected side effects including lameness, susceptibility to stress, and reduced fertility (9).

A significant limitation of current cloning technology is the prospect that cloned offspring may suffer some degree of abnormality. Studies have revealed that cloned mammals may suffer from developmental abnormalities, including extended gestation; large birth weight; inadequate placental formation; and histological effects in organs and tissues (for example, kidneys, brain, cardiovascular system, and muscle). One annotated review highlights 11 different original research articles that documented the production of cloned animals with abnormalities occurring in the developing embryo, and suffering for the newborn animal and the surrogate mother (28).

Genetically engineered animals, even those with the same gene manipulation, can exhibit a variety of phenotypes; some causing no welfare issues, and some causing negative welfare impacts. It is often difficult to predict the effects a particular genetic modification can have on an individual animal, so genetically engineered animals must be monitored closely to mitigate any unanticipated welfare concerns as they arise. For newly created genetically engineered animals, the level of monitoring needs to be greater than that for regular animals due to the lack of predictability. Once a genetically engineered animal line is established and the welfare concerns are known, it may be possible to reduce the levels of monitoring if the animals are not exhibiting a phenotype that has negative welfare impacts. To aid this monitoring process, some authors have called for the implementation of a genetically engineered animal passport that accompanies an individual animal and alerts animal care staff to the particular welfare needs of that animal (29). This passport document is also important if the intention is to breed from the genetically engineered animal in question, so the appropriate care and husbandry can be in place for the offspring.

With progress in genetic engineering techniques, new methods (30,31) may substantially reduce the unpredictability of the location of gene insertion. As a result, genetic engineering procedures may become less of a welfare concern over time.

As pointed out by Lassen et al (32), Until recently the main limits [to genetic engineering] were technical: what it is possible to do. Now scientists are faced with ethical limits as well: what it is acceptable to do (emphasis theirs). Questions regarding whether it is acceptable to make new transgenic animals go beyond consideration of the Three Rs, animal health, and animal welfare, and prompt the discussion of concepts such as intrinsic value, integrity, and naturalness (33).

When discussing the nature of an animal, it may be useful to consider the Aristotelian concept of telos, which describes the essence and purpose of a creature (34). Philosopher Bernard Rollin applied this concept to animal ethics as follows: Though [telos] is partially metaphysical (in defining a way of looking at the world), and partially empirical (in that it can and will be deepened and refined by increasing empirical knowledge), it is at root a moral notion, both because it is morally motivated and because it contains the notion of what about an animal we ought to at least try to respect and accommodate (emphasis Rollins) (34). Rollin has also argued that as long as we are careful to accommodate the animals interests when we alter an animals telos, it is morally permissible. He writes, given a telos, we should respect the interests which flow from it. This principle does not logically entail that we cannot modify the telos and thereby generate different or alternative interests (34).

Views such as those put forward by Rollin have been argued against on the grounds that health and welfare (or animal interests) may not be the only things to consider when establishing ethical limits. Some authors have made the case that genetic engineering requires us to expand our existing notions of animal ethics to include concepts of the intrinsic value of animals (35), or of animal integrity or dignity (33). Veerhoog argues that, we misuse the word telos when we say that human beings can change the telos of an animal or create a new telos that is to say animals have intrinsic value, which is separate from their value to humans. It is often on these grounds that people will argue that genetic engineering of animals is morally wrong. For example, in a case study of public opinion on issues related to genetic engineering, participants raised concerns about the nature of animals and how this is affected (negatively) by genetic engineering (18).

An alternative view put forward by Schicktanz (36) argues that it is the human-animal relationship that may be damaged by genetic engineering due to the increasingly imbalanced distribution of power between humans and animals. This imbalance is termed asymmetry and it is raised alongside ambivalence as a concern regarding modern human-animal relationships. By using genetically engineered animals as a case study, Schicktanz (36) argues that genetic engineering presents a troubling shift for all human-animal relationships.

Opinions regarding whether limits can, or should, be placed on genetic engineering are often dependent on peoples broader worldview. For some, the genetic engineering of animals may not put their moral principles at risk. For example, this could perhaps be because genetic engineering is seen as a logical continuation of selective breeding, a practice that humans have been carrying out for years; or because human life is deemed more important than animal life. So if genetic engineering creates animals that help us to develop new human medicine then, ethically speaking, we may actually have a moral obligation to create and use them; or because of an expectation that genetic engineering of animals can help reduce experimental animal numbers, thus implementing the accepted Three Rs framework.

For others, the genetic engineering of animals may put their moral principles at risk. For example costs may always be seen to outweigh benefits because the ultimate cost is the violation of species integrity and disregard for the inherent value of animals. Some may view telos as something that cannot or should not be altered, and therefore altering the telos of an animal would be morally wrong. Some may see genetic engineering as exaggerating the imbalance of power between humans and animals, whilst others may fear that the release of genetically engineered animals will upset the natural balance of the ecosystem. In addition, there may be those who feel strongly opposed to certain applications of genetic engineering, but more accepting of others. For example, recent evidence suggests that people may be more accepting of biomedical applications than those relating to food production (37).

Such underlying complexity of views regarding genetic engineering makes the setting of ethical limits difficult to achieve, or indeed, even discuss. However, progress needs to be made on this important issue, especially for those genetically engineered species that are intended for life outside the research laboratory, where there may be less careful oversight of animal welfare. Consequently, limits to genetic engineering need to be established using the full breadth of public and expert opinion. This highlights the importance for veterinarians, as animal health experts, to be involved in the discussion.

Genetic engineering also brings with it concerns over intellectual property, and patenting of created animals and/or the techniques used to create them. Preserving intellectual property can breed a culture of confidentiality within the scientific community, which in turn limits data and animal sharing. Such limits to data and animal sharing may create situations in which there is unnecessary duplication of genetically engineered animal lines, thereby challenging the principle of Reduction. Indeed, this was a concern that was identified in a recent workshop on the creation and use of genetically engineered animals in science (20).

It should be noted that no matter what the application of genetically engineered animals, there are restrictions on the methods of their disposal once they have been euthanized. The reason for this is to restrict the entry of genetically engineered animal carcasses into the natural ecosystem until the long-term effects and risks are better understood. Environment Canada ( and Health Canada ( offer specific guidelines in this regard.

As genetically engineered animals begin to enter the commercial realm, it will become increasingly important for veterinarians to inform themselves about any special care and management required by these animals. As animal health professionals, veterinarians can also make important contributions to policy discussions related to the oversight of genetic engineering as it is applied to animals, and to regulatory proceedings for the commercial use of genetically engineered animals.

It is likely that public acceptance of genetically engineered animal products will be an important step in determining when and what types of genetically engineered animals will appear on the commercial market, especially those animals used for food production. Veterinarians may also be called on to inform the public about genetic engineering techniques and any potential impacts to animal welfare and food safety. Consequently, for the discussion regarding genetically engineered animals to progress effectively, veterinarians need to be aware of the current context in which genetically engineered animals are created and used, and to be aware of the manner in which genetic engineering technology and the animals derived from it may be used in the future.

Genetic engineering techniques can be applied to a range of animal species, and although many genetically engineered animals are still in the research phase, there are a variety of intended applications for their use. Although genetic engineering may provide substantial benefits in areas such as biomedical science and food production, the creation and use of genetically engineered animals not only challenge the Three Rs principles, but may also raise ethical issues that go beyond considerations of animal health, animal welfare, and the Three Rs, opening up issues relating to animal integrity and/or dignity. Consequently, even if animal welfare can be satisfactorily safeguarded, intrinsic ethical concerns about the genetic engineering of animals may be cause enough to restrict certain types of genetically engineered animals from reaching their intended commercial application. Given the complexity of views regarding genetic engineering, it is valuable to involve all stakeholders in discussions about the applications of this technology.

The authors thank the members of the Canadian Veterinary Medicine Association Animal Welfare Committee for their comments on the draft, and Dr. C. Schuppli for her insight on how the issues discussed may affect veterinarians.

Use of this article is limited to a single copy for personal study. Anyone interested in obtaining reprints should contact the CVMA office (gro.vmca-amvc@nothguorbh) for additional copies or permission to use this material elsewhere.

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Calling Through the DNA Wire: A Newly Discovered Genetic Switch – SciTechDaily

Posted: August 31, 2021 at 2:26 am

Illustration. Credit: Yuval Robichek, Weizmann Institute of Science

Proteins communicating through the DNA molecule constitute a newly discovered genetic switch.

Proteins can communicate through DNA, conducting a long-distance dialogue that serves as a kind of genetic switch, according to Weizmann Institute of Science researchers. They found that the binding of proteins to one site of a DNA molecule can physically affect another binding site at a distant location, and that this peer effect activates certain genes. This effect had previously been observed in artificial systems, but the Weizmann study is the first to show it takes place in the DNA of living organisms.

A team headed by Dr. Hagen Hofmann of the Chemical and Structural Biology Department made this discovery while studying a peculiar phenomenon in the soil bacteria Bacillus subtilis. A small minority of these bacteria demonstrate a unique skill: an ability to enrich their genomes by taking up bacterial gene segments scattered in the soil around them. This ability depends on a protein called ComK, a transcription factor, which binds to the DNA to activate the genes that make the scavenging possible. However, it was unknown how exactly this activation works.

(l-r) Dr. Nadav Elad, Dr. Haim Rozenberg, Dr. Gabriel Rosenblum, Jakub Jungwirth and Dr. Hagen Hofmann. Twisting a rope from one end. Credit: Weizmann Institute of Science

Staff Scientist Dr. Gabriel Rosenblum led this study, in which the researchers explored the bacterial DNA using advanced biophysical tools single-molecule FRET and cryogenic electron microscopy. In particular, they focused on the two sites on the DNA molecule to which ComK proteins bind.

They found that when two ComK molecules bind to one of the sites, it sets off a signal that facilitates the binding of two additional ComK molecules at the second site. The signal can travel between the sites because physical changes triggered by the original proteins binding create tension that is transmitted along the DNA, something like twisting a rope from one end. Once all four molecules are bound to the DNA, a threshold is passed, switching on the bacteriums gene scavenging ability.

We were surprised to discover that DNA, in addition to containing the genetic code, acts like a communication cable, transmitting information over a relatively long distance from one protein binding site to another, Rosenblum says.

A 3D reconstruction from single particles of bacterial DNA (gray) and ComK proteins (red), imaged by cryogenic electron microscopy, viewed from the front (left) and at a 90 degrees rotation. ComK molecules bound to two sites communicate through the DNA segment between them. Credit: Weizmann Institute of Science

By manipulating the bacterial DNA and monitoring the effects of these manipulations, the scientists clarified the details of the long-distance communication within the DNA. They found that for communication or cooperation between two sites to occur, these sites must be located at a particular distance from one another, and they must face the same direction on the DNA helix. Any deviation from these two conditions for example, increasing the distance weakened the communication. The sequence of genetic letters running between the two sites was found to have little effect on this communication, whereas a break in the DNA interrupted it completely, providing further evidence that this communication occurs through a physical connection.

Knowing these details may help design molecular switches of desired strengths for a variety of applications. The latter may include genetically engineering bacteria to clean up environmental pollution or synthesizing enzymes to be used as drugs.

Long-distance communication within a DNA molecule is a new type of regulatory mechanism one that opens up previously unavailable methods for designing the genetic circuits of the future, Hofmann says.

Reference: Allostery through DNA drives phenotype switching by Gabriel Rosenblum, Nadav Elad, Haim Rozenberg, Felix Wiggers, Jakub Jungwirth and Hagen Hofmann, 20 May 2021, Nature Communications.DOI: 10.1038/s41467-021-23148-2

The research team included Dr. Nadav Elad of Weizmanns Chemical Research Support Department; Dr. Haim Rozenberg and Dr. Felix Wiggers of the Chemical and Structural Biology Department; and Jakub Jungwirth of the Chemical and Biological Physics Department.

Dr. Hagen Hofmann is the incumbent of the Corinne S. Koshland Career Development Chair in Perpetuity.

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Calling Through the DNA Wire: A Newly Discovered Genetic Switch - SciTechDaily

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The Fourth Industrial Revolution is here: Panel will show how it can (and will) help your business –

Posted: August 31, 2021 at 2:26 am

A GPS system that suggests the fastest route to a destination. A voice-activated virtual assistant, such as Siri by Apple. Personalized recommendations for Netflix by Netflix. And the ability of Facebook to recognize your face and tag you in a friends photo.

These types of technology now are so frequent in our daily lives that many dont think twice about them. But heres the true reality: These unprecedented advances in autonomous technology, sustainability, robotics and analytics are disrupting traditional business models.

These advances are part of what is now being called the Fourth Industrial Revolution, or 4IR, a period in which the lines between the physical, digital and biological spheres are being blurred. It is a fusion of advances in artificial intelligence, robotics, the Internet of Things, 3D printing, genetic engineering, quantum computing and other technologies.

All of this and more will be discussed in an upcoming panel discussion sponsored by Middlesex County.

Leading Locally in the Fourth Industrial Revolution: The Future of Automation will be presented from 8-11 a.m. Sept. 9 at Middlesex College in Edison.

Register for the event here.

The panel includes:

The panel, the second in the countys three-part business series, will discuss how 4IR is behind the many products and services that are fast becoming indispensable to modern life.

Most specifically, the panel will discuss:

The 4IR figures to have important and lasting effects on the future of business. Embracing 4IR likely will help companies deliver results and hold greater resilience, especially during uncertain times.

Opportunities include:

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NIH awards nearly $2M to Huebsch for study | The Source – Washington University in St. Louis Newsroom

Posted: August 31, 2021 at 2:26 am

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is the most common cause of sudden death in young people. The genetically inherited condition causes the heart muscle to enlarge, making it difficult for the muscle to relax between beats and often creating an irregular heartbeat.

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is caused by genetic mutations in the sarcomere, a protein apparatus that cardiomyocytes use to contract as the heart pumps blood. However, not all individuals with sarcomere mutations develop hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, even if they harbor similar mutations. This suggests that non-genetic factors may trigger the disease in patients who have genetic mutations.

Nathaniel Huebsch, assistant professor of biomedical engineering at the McKelvey School of Engineering at Washington University in St. Louis, will research the role that blood pressure plays in triggering symptoms in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy with a nearly $2 million five-year grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH). He and his team will use a heart tissue model engineered from human-induced pluripotent stem cells to identify molecular mechanisms that sensitize heart muscle to the mechanical load imparted by hypertension.

Read more on the engineering website.

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GM foods: Our suspicion and fear may be a thing of the past – Irish Examiner

Posted: August 31, 2021 at 2:26 am

On a cold December day in Norwich, England, Cathie Martin met me at a laboratory inside the John Innes Centre, where she works.

A plant biologist, Professor Martin has spent almost two decades studying tomatoes, and I had travelled to see her because of a particular one she created a lustrous, dark purple variety that is unusually high in antioxidants, with twice the amount found in blueberries.

At 66, Martin has silver-white hair, a strong chin, and sharp eyes that give her a slightly elfin look. She has long been interested in how plants produce beneficial nutrients.

The purple tomato is the first she designed to have more anthocyanin, a naturally occurring anti-inflammatory compound.

All higher plants have a mechanism for making anthocyanins, Martin explained when we met. A tomato plant makes them as well, in the leaves. We just put in a switch that turns on anthocyanin production in the fruit.

Martin noted that, while there are other tomato varieties that look purple, they have anthocyanins only in the skin, so the health benefits are slight.

People say, oh, there are purple tomatoes already, but they dont have these kind of levels, she said.

The difference is significant. When cancer-prone mice were given Martins purple tomatoes as part of their diet, they lived 30% longer than mice fed the same quantity of ordinary tomatoes. They were also less susceptible to inflammatory bowel disease.

After the publication of Martins first paper showing the anti-cancer benefit of her tomatoes, in the academic journal Nature Biotechnology in 2008, newspapers and television stations began calling.

The coverage, she recalled. Days and days and days and days of it.

She considered making the tomato available in shops or offering it online as a juice. However, because the plant contained a pair of genes from a snapdragon thats what spurs the tomatoes to produce more anthocyanin it would be classified as a genetically modified organism (GMO).

That designation brings with it a host of obligations, not just in Britain but many other countries.

In 2018, the Irish Government announced the prohibition/restriction of the commercial cultivation of genetically modified crops.

Then minister for climate action and environment Denis Naughten said that it was a very significant development and that it was critically important that Ireland takes whatever steps are necessary to maintain our GMO cultivation-free status, which is a key element of our international reputation as a green, sustainable food producer.

In the US, Prof Martin had envisioned making the juice on a small scale, but just to go through the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval process would cost $1m (850,000). Adding US Department of Agriculture (USDA) approval could push that amount even higher. (Tomato juice is known as a GM product and is regulated by the FDA. However, because a tomato has seeds that can germinate, it is also regulated by the USDA.)

I thought, 'this is ridiculous', Martin told me.

She eventually did put together the required documentation, but the process, and subsequent revisions, took almost six years.

Our 'business model is that we have this tiny company which has no employees, Martin said with a laugh.

Of course, the FDA is used to the bigger organisations [global agricultural conglomerates such as DowDuPont or Syngenta] so this is where you get a bit of a problem.

When they say, oh, we want a bit more data on this, its easy for a corporation. For me its me that has to do it. And I cant just throw money at it.

Martin admitted that, as an academic, she hadnt been as focused on getting the tomato to market as she might have been. (Her colleague Jonathan Jones, a plant biologist, eventually stepped in to assist.)

However, the process has also been slow because the purple tomato, if approved, would be one of only a very few GMO fruits or vegetables sold directly to consumers. The others include Rainbow papayas, which were modified to resist ringspot virus; a variety of sweetcorn; some russet potatoes; and Arctic apples, which were developed in Canada and resist browning.

It also might be the first genetically modified anything that people actually want.

Since their introduction in the mid-1990s, GMOs have remained wildly unpopular with consumers, who see them as dubious tools of Big Ag, with potentially sinister impacts on both people and the environment.

The purple tomato could perhaps change that. Unlike commercial GMO crops such as soy and canola Martins tomato wasnt designed for profit and would be grown in small batches rather than on millions of acres: essentially the opposite of industrial agriculture.

The additional genes it contains (from the snapdragon, itself a relative of the tomato plant) act only to boost production of anthocyanin, a nutrient that tomatoes already make.

More importantly, the fruits anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties, which seem considerable, are things that many of us actively want. Nonetheless, the future of the purple tomato is far from certain.

Theres just so much baggage around anything genetically modified, Martin said. Im not trying to make money. Im worried about peoples health. But in peoples minds its all Dr Frankenstein and trying to rule the world.

In the three decades since GMO crops were introduced, only a tiny number have been developed and approved for sale, almost all of them products made by large agrochemical companies such as Monsanto.

However, within those categories, GMOs have taken over much of the market. Roughly 94% of soybeans grown in the US are genetically modified, as is more than 90% of all corn, rapeseed (canola), and sugarbeet, together covering roughly 170m acres of cropland.

At the same time, resistance to GMO foods has only become more entrenched. The market for products certified to be non-GMO has increased more than 70-fold since 2010, from roughly 350m that year to 26bn by 2018.

There are now more than 55,000 products carrying the Non-GMO Project Verified label on their packaging.

For many of us, the rejection of GMOs is instinctive. Our distrust might also stem from the way GMOs were introduced.

When the agribusiness giant Monsanto released its first GMO crop in 1996 a herbicide-resistant soybean the company was in need of cash.

By adding a gene from a bacterium, it hoped to create crops that were resistant to glyphosate, the active ingredient in its trademark herbicide, RoundUp, enabling farmers to spray weeds liberally without also killing the soy plant something that wasnt possible with traditional herbicides. Commercially, the idea succeeded.

By 2003, RoundUp Ready corn and soy seeds dominated the market, and Monsanto had become the largest producer of genetically engineered seeds, responsible for more than 90% of GMO crops planted globally.

However, the companys rollout also alarmed and antagonised farmers, who were required to sign restrictive contracts to use the patented seeds and whom Monsanto aggressively prosecuted.

At one point, the company had a 75-person team dedicated solely to investigating farmers suspected of saving seed a traditional practice in which seeds from one years crop are saved for planting the following year and prosecuting them on charges of intellectual property infringement.

Environmental groups were also concerned because of the skyrocketing use of RoundUp and the abrupt decline in agricultural diversity.

A perfect storm

It was kind of a perfect storm, says Mark Lynas, an environmental writer and activist who protested against GMOs for over a decade.

You had this company that had made Agent Orange [the defoliant herbicide which is estimated to have sickened or disabled millions who came in contact with it when it was used by the US military during the Vietnam War] and PCBs [an environmental toxin that the US EPA banned in 1979] that was now using GMOs to intensify the worst forms of monoculture farming. I just remember feeling like we had to stop this thing.

Once public sentiment was set, it proved hard to shift, even when more beneficial products began to emerge.

One of these, Golden Rice, was made in 1999 by two university researchers hoping to combat vitamin A deficiency, a simple but devastating ailment that causes blindness in millions of people in Africa and Asia every year and can also be fatal.

However, the project foundered after protests by anti-GMO activists in Europe and the US, which in turn alarmed governments and populations in developing countries.

Lynas, who publicly disavowed his opposition to GMOs in 2013, says:

Probably the angriest Ive ever felt was when anti-GMO groups destroyed fields of Golden Rice growing in the Philippines. To see a crop that had such obvious life-saving potential ruined it would be like anti-vaxxer groups invading a laboratory and destroying a million vials of Covid vaccine.

In recent years, many environmental groups have also quietly walked back their opposition as evidence has mounted that existing GMOs are both safe to eat and not inherently bad for the environment.

The introduction of Bt corn, which contains a gene from Bacillus thuringiensis, a naturally insect-resistant bacterium that organic farmers routinely spray on crops, dropped the crops insecticide use by 35%.

A pest-resistant Bt eggplant has become popular in Bangladesh, where farmers have also embraced flood-tolerant scuba rice, engineered to survive being submerged for up to 14 days rather than just three.

Each year, Bangladesh and India lose roughly 4m tons of rice to flooding enough to feed 30m people and waste a corresponding volume of pesticides and herbicides, which then enter the groundwater.

However, in most of the rest of the world, such benefits can seem remote compared with what we think of as eating naturally. Thats especially true because, for many of us, GMOs and the harms of industrial agriculture (monocultures, overuse of pesticides and herbicides) remain inextricably linked.

Because of the way that GMOs were introduced to the public as a corporate product, focused on profit the whole technology got tarred, Lynas says. In peoples minds, its genetic engineering equals monoculture equals the broken food system. But it doesnt have to be that way.

Plant geneticists tend not to be overly concerned about the risks of GMOs, as long as the modifications are made with some care. As a 2016 report by the US National Academy of Sciences found, GMOs were generally safe, although it allowed that minor impacts were theoretically possible.

Fred Gould, a professor of agriculture who was chairman of the committee that prepared the 600-page report, noted that genetic changes that alter a metabolic pathway the cellular process that transforms biochemical elements into a particular nutrient or compound, like the anthocyanins in Martins tomato were especially important to study because they could cause cascading effects.

However, to me, Gould emphasised that many genetic modifications to food are trivial and extremely unlikely to have any measurable effect on people.

Weve been changing all these things already with conventional breeding, and so far were doing all right, Gould said. Making the same change with genetic engineering theres really no difference.

Almost everything we grow and eat today has had its DNA altered extensively. For millenniums, farmers, discovering that one version of a plant usually a random genetic mutant was hardier, or sweeter, or had smaller seeds, would cross it with another that, say, produced more fruit, in the hopes of getting both benefits.

However, the process was slow. Simply changing the colour of a tomato from red to yellow while preserving its other traits could take years of crossbreeding. And tomatoes are one of the easiest cases. Introducing even a minor change to a cherry through crossbreeding, I was told, could take up to 150 years.

To those who worry about GMOs, that slowness is reassuring. Yet the way nature alters things is also profoundly haphazard. Sometimes a plant will acquire one trait at the expense of another. Sometimes it actually becomes worse.

The same is true for agricultural crossbreeding. Not only is there no way to control which genes are kept and which are lost, the process also tends to introduce unwanted changes.

Commercial berry growers spent decades trying to create a domesticated version of the black raspberry through crossbreeding, but never succeeded: The thornless berries either tasted worse or produced almost no fruit, or they developed other problems.

Its also why meeting the needs of modern agriculture growing produce that can be shipped long distances and hold up in the shop and at home for more than a few days can result in tomatoes that taste like cardboard, or strawberries that arent as sweet as they used to be.

With conventional breeding, youre basically just shuffling the genetic deck, agricultural executive Tom Adams told me.

Youre never going to carry over only the gene you want.

In recent years, genetic engineering tools such as Crispr have offered a way around this imprecision, making it possible to identify which genes control which traits things such as colour, hardiness, sweetness and to change only those.

Its far more precise, says Andrew Allan, a plant biologist at the University of Auckland. Instead of rolling the dice, youre changing only the thing you want to change. And you can do it in one generation instead of 10 or 20.

From a regulatory perspective, Allan pointed out, all GMOs are treated the same, regardless of the modification and regardless of the scale. The policy is partly a holdover from the early days of genetic engineering, when less was known about the process and its effects. However, it has persisted, in part, because of powerful anti-GMO campaigning.

Eric Ward, co-chief executive of agricultural technology company AgBiome, described the situation as stuck in a closed loop.

He went on: People think, Well, if youve got this really strict regulatory system, then it must be really dangerous'. So it becomes self-reinforcing.

A few days before travelling to Norwich, I joined Martin at the Royal Society in London for the Future Food conference, a series of talks on genetic engineering in agriculture. There I met Haven Baker, a founder of a company called Pairwise, which was started to create fruits and vegetables that are genetically edited but not GMO.

I dont think we can change peoples minds about GMOs, Baker said. But gene editing is a clean slate. And maybe then GMOs will be able to follow.

Why crop scientists want to improve berries

In his talk, Baker noted that there were hundreds of kinds of berries in the world. However, among those we commonly call berries, we eat just four strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and blackberries.

Theres a reason the other varieties rarely reach us. Sometimes the fruit rots within days after picking (salmonberries), or the plant puts out fruit for only a few weeks in summer (cloudberries).

Sometimes the plant doesnt produce much fruit at all or is too thorny or sprawling for the fruit to be picked without a vast amount of labour.

Black raspberries, one fruit that Pairwise hopes to bring to market, used to be widely grown in North America until a virus decimated them. (The red raspberries we eat now originally came from Turkey.)

The revived version, which will be in field trials in 2024, has been engineered to be thornless and seedless, while retaining the fruits signature jammy flavour.

More recently, the company began a similar project with vegetables.

Very few of us eat the recommended daily allowance of fruit and vegetables, and teenagers eat even less. In an entire year, the average person consumes just a few heads of broccoli.

So how do we change that? Baker asked. People already know that theyre supposed to be eating vegetables. They just arent doing it. But if we can use gene editing to make broccoli slightly less bitter, maybe people and especially kids will eat more of it, and therefore be getting more fibre and more vitamins, which might make a difference in their long-term health.

A new, small-scale, beginning for GMO foods

There are some signs that the future of small-scale, bespoke GMO produce may already have begun.

In late April, Martin told me that the USDA had recently updated its regulations to allow more GMO plants to be grown outside, without a three-year field trial or in tightly contained greenhouses (the exceptions are plants or organisms with the potential to be a pest, pathogen or weed).

In the wake of this change, Martin and Jones are planning to make the purple tomato available first to home gardeners, who could grow it from seed as soon as next spring well before the commercially grown tomato reaches grocery stores. USDA approval is expected by December.

Theyre currently testing six varieties to find the most flavourful.

When we first developed the purple tomato, it was home gardeners who were most interested in it, Martin noted. With home gardening, its an opt-in system. Its up to you whether you want to grow it.

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GM foods: Our suspicion and fear may be a thing of the past - Irish Examiner

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NeuExcell Therapeutics Raises Over $ 10 Million Series Before Round To Continue Growth For The Company | State –

Posted: August 31, 2021 at 2:26 am

State College, Pennsylvania., August 30, 2021 / PRNewswire / -NeuExcell Therapeutics (, A gene therapy company focused on neurodegenerative diseases has announced a Series Pre-A funding round of over $ 10 million. The round was led by Co-Win Ventures and was attended by other institutional investors Yuan Bio, Oriza Seed, Tsingyuan and Inno Angel.

We are honored to join this very reputable group of investors, he said. Peter Tombros, Chairman of the Board of Directors of NeuExcell Therapeutics. Investor experience and support will enable us to leverage our unique neuroregenerative gene therapy platform across multiple neurodegenerative indications. This funding strength validates our strategy and biotechnology. Further examine our science in the industry.

Professor Gong Chen, co-founder and chief scientific advisor of the company, said: There is an urgent need for breakthrough therapies like us.

I think this is a great opportunity to invest in experienced leadership, he said. Xin Huang, Managing Partner of Co-Win Ventures. NeuExcells unique technology has the potential to act as a platform for treating many neurodegenerative diseases, providing hope for breakthrough new therapies for patients who do not have the right choices today.

With the end of this successful pre-A round, we welcome him. Xin Huang Jonathan Sun attended the board meeting.

About NeuExcellTherapeutics

NeuExcell is a privately held early stage genetic engineering company headquartered in Pennsylvania, USA When Shanghai, China.. Its mission is to improve the lives of patients suffering from neurodegenerative diseases and damage to the central nervous system. Based on Professor Gong Chens scientific research, we have developed a potentially destructive nerve repair technique through the conversion of astrocytes to neurons. In vivo By introducing neural transcription factors through adeno-associated virus (AAV) -based gene therapy. NeuExcells pipeline covers major neurodegenerative diseases such as stroke, Huntingtons disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), Alzheimers disease, Parkinsons disease, traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury, and glioma. increase.

Founded in 2009, Co-Win Ventures is an early stage investor in healthcare and TMT with a focus on equality, transparency, sharing and innovation. Co-Wins business network China When USA..Total AUM is about US $ 1 billion, Co-Win aims to be a reliable partner for great entrepreneurs to build breakthrough technologies and businesses. Co-Win Ventures has helped more than 140 portfolio companies, including leading leaders in their respective sub-sectors, including Cytek, Connect, Thrive (acquired by Nasdaq-listed company EXAS), Taimei Technology, Genecast, Sinovation and Augta. ..

Source NeuExcellTherapeutics

NeuExcell Therapeutics Raises Over $ 10 Million Series Before Round To Continue Growth For The Company | State

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COVID variants: we spoke to the experts designing a single vaccine to defeat them all – The Conversation UK

Posted: August 31, 2021 at 2:26 am

SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for COVID-19, has turned the world upside down. Experts have predicted that it will claim the lives of between 9-18 million worldwide. This is in addition to destroying the livelihoods, mental health and education of countless others. The pandemic will probably wreak havoc for many years to come, despite the remarkable speed of vaccine development. This is not helped by the emergence of new variants sweeping the world, which pose a serious threat to the success of vaccination and upcoming treatments.

It is difficult to predict the future pattern of SARS-CoV-2. Many scientists believe it will continue to circulate in pockets around the globe, meaning that it will become endemic in the same way as flu. In this context the number of infections remains relatively constant with occasional flare-ups that run the danger of turning into a pandemic. A lot depends on how widely the population around the world can be vaccinated and how long immunity lasts after natural infection or vaccination.

Long term, the best solution would be to develop a universal vaccine one that would help protect against all current variants of the coronavirus and any others that arise in the future. Without it, the world runs the risk of recurrent pandemics.

Given the difficulties encountered in creating a universal flu vaccine, this may seem a tall order. But a number of scientists believe it is possible based on the rapid development of the SARS-CoV-2 vaccines.

This story is part of Conversation InsightsThe Insights team generates long-form journalism and is working with academics from different backgrounds who have been engaged in projects to tackle societal and scientific challenges.

COVID-19 is in fact the third major infectious disease outbreak to have been triggered in the last two decades by a new coronavirus jumping from animals into humans, the other two being Sars and Mers.

To get a sense of how far a pan-coronavirus vaccine has progressed we spoke to a number of key players in the field. We are both experts in this area but come at it from very different angles Lara Marksis a historian of medicine with an interest in biotechnology and vaccines, while Ankur Mutreja has experience in tracking outbreaks and developing vaccines for infectious diseases. From our conversations, there appear to be a number of encouraging vaccine candidates on the horizon it is even possible that one could be developed for use in humans within 12 months.

One of the first people we spoke to was Richard Hatchett, the CEO of the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (Cepi). Set up in 2017, Cepi is a global partnership between public, private, philanthropic and civil society organisations that aims to compress the development of vaccines against emerging infectious diseases into 100 days a third of the time achieved with the first COVID-19 vaccines.

Envisaging equitable access to vaccines for all countries, in January 2021, Cepi announced it would raise and invest US$3.5 billion in vaccine research and development to strengthen global preparedness to pandemics, of which US$200 million has been put aside to develop a universal coronavirus vaccine. Such a vaccine would offer protection against a broad range of coronaviruses, regardless of their variants. This would reduce the need to modify the vaccine on a regular basis.

Hatchett described these vaccines as the holy grail. But he argued it may take years of investment. He said: If you want to grow a tree, the best thing to have done is to have planted it 20 years ago. And if you didnt do that, then the next best thing is to plant it today.

When asked about what the best vaccine would be going forward to deal with SARS-CoV-2, Hatchett replied:

We do not actually know specifically yet. This is really our first engagement with this virus, obviously, and weve watched it expand and unfold over time Were still gathering data and gaining experience on this. I think we need to have some humility about what we know currently and what we can know. We just have to be vigilant.

None of the scientists we interviewed were surprised to see SARS-CoV-2 mutating. All viruses mutate. They often undergo random genetic changes because the virus replication machinery is not perfect. It is a bit like a game of telephone where children repeat what they thought they heard, making mistakes all along the way so that the final message is very different from the original one. Whenever a virus develops one or more mutations it is considered a variant of the original virus.

The mutation process helps viruses to adapt and survive any onslaught from the hosts immune system, vaccination or drug treatment and natural competition. Viruses change faster when under such pressures.

Scientists have been monitoring the genetic variations in SARS-CoV-2 since the start of the pandemic. They do this by sequencing the total RNA (genome) of the virus collected from patient samples. The genome is the complete set of genetic instructions an organism needs to function and thrive.

Scientists in China managed to sequence the first SARS-CoV-2 genome just one week after the first patient was hospitalised with unusual pneumonia in Wuhan. First drafted on January 5 2020, the sequence revealed the virus to be a close relative of SARS-CoV-1, a human coronavirus which caused an outbreak of a severe respiratory disease SARS that first appeared in China in 2002 and then spread to many other countries. It also resembled a SARS-like coronavirus found in bats.

Comprising a single-strand of RNA, the SARS-CoV-2 genome turned out to be the longest genome of any known RNA virus. With the aid of sequencing scientists were quickly able to pinpoint the genes that carry the instructions for the spike protein, the part of the virus that helps it to invade human cells. This became an important target for the development of COVID-19 vaccine.

Initial genome sequencing data suggested that SARS-CoV-2 mutated much slower than most other RNA viruses, being half the rate of the virus responsible for flu and a quarter of that found for HIV. But its mutation rate has gathered speed over time, helped by the large reservoir of people it has infected and selection pressures.

Not all mutations are bad news. In some cases, they weaken the virus with the variant disappearing without a trace. But in other cases, they enable the virus to enter a hosts cells more easily or to escape the immune system more effectively, making it more difficult to prevent and treat.

So far, five new variants of concern have emerged with SARS-CoV-2. The first (alpha) was detected in south-east England in September 2020. Others were found shortly thereafter in South Africa (beta), Brazil (gamma), India (delta) and Peru (lambda). What is troubling about these new variants is that they are more transmissible, making them spread faster, which increases the likelihood of re-infection and a resurgence in cases. Every SARS-CoV-2 virus out there today is a variation of the original and new variants will continue to appear.

Preliminary research suggests that the first-generation of vaccines offer some protection against the new variants, helping to reduce severe disease and hospitalisation. However, they will probably become less effective over time as the virus mutates further and the immunity that people have gained, either through vaccination or natural infection, wanes.

In terms of a universal coronavirus vaccine, the ultimate question, Hatchett believes, is whether there are any weak spots that are conserved across coronaviruses as a viral family to which you can develop immune responses that effectively protect you.

The key issue in creating a universal vaccine is how broad a coverage the vaccine should offer. This was also pointed out to us by Andrew Ward at the Scripps Research Institute in California. As he put it:

Should it be SARS-CoV-2 and variants? Should it be SARS-1 and SARS-2? Should it be all sarbecocoviruses [a subgroup of SARS viruses of which SARS-CoV-1 and 2 are notable members] or SARS-like viruses? Thats unknown. We know that SARS viruses exist in bats and pangolins and theyve never been as big of a problem as now. But its one of those things, that if its not really a problem do we go after it and try to proactively get vaccine programmes deployed and get people either vaccinated or stockpile vaccines?

Creating a universal vaccine is itself highly challenging. For example, scientists have tried for years but not yet succeeded in developing a universal vaccine for flu. Nor have they yet managed to create one for HIV. In part, this is because the surface proteins found on these viruses frequently change their appearance. This makes it difficult for our immune system to recognise the virus.

But scientists have made enormous advances in recent years in understanding the interaction between the immune system and viruses that cause flu and HIV. They are now deploying this knowledge to build a universal vaccine for coronaviruses, which do not change as fast.

One of the reasons for optimism with a universal coronavirus vaccine is the successful development of the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine. Made in record time, the foundation for the vaccine was laid many years ago. Until the 1980s most vaccines were developed by modifying a virus or bacteria to make it no longer dangerous.This was achieved by weakening or inactivating the pathogen so that it could be injected safely to stimulate an immune response. While highly successful for protecting against a host diseases like measles, polio, rabies and chickenpox, this approach didnt prove effective in all diseases.

By the 1980s vaccine production stood on the cusp of change helped by the emergence of biotechnology. Where this was first successfully applied was in the development of a vaccine against hepatitis B, which is estimated to cause more deaths worldwide than TB, HIV or malaria.

The first hepatitis B vaccine was developed by Maurice Hilleman at Merck. Approved in 1981, it was the first vaccine to protect against cancer. Chronic hepatitis B is a major cause of liver cancer. In fact, it is second only to tobacco as a human carcinogen. What was novel about the hepatitis B vaccine was that instead of using the whole hepatitis B virus, which was difficult to grow in the laboratory, it used only a coat surface particle of the virus. This was a major breakthrough for vaccine technology.

Another vaccine that uses virus particles is the one against the human papillomavirus (HPV) which causes cervical cancer, a disease that globally kills 260,000 women every year. First licensed in 2005, the HPV vaccine took years to develop. It consists of tiny proteins that look like the outside of four types of real HPV produced in yeast.

Vaccine technology underwent a further revolution following the outbreak of the swine flu pandemic that swept the world for 19 months from January 2009. The pandemic killed between 151,700 and 575,400 people worldwide. Caused by an H1N1 influenza virus, the episode was an important reminder of the speed that pandemics can strike and the chaos they can sow. It was also a salutary lesson for companies who developed hundreds of millions of licensed vaccine doses to counter the pandemic. Although achieved within just six months, a historical record, this was not fast enough by then the peak of infections had passed.

Part of the delay was because of the time it took to grow enough of the virus in eggs or cultured mammalian cells. Another method, using genetic engineering to produce the virus, proved much faster, but was hampered by regulatory hurdles. Determined to accelerate vaccine availability for future pandemics, from 2011, vaccine experts put in place a new strategy that took advantage of advances in genomics and the open sharing of electronic sequence data. Coupled with a new ability to synthesise genes, these tools gave scientists the power to design genome segments from a virus to prepare vaccines to train the body to recognise and target a real virus if it invaded.

Critically, the new synthetic approach moved vaccine development away from the time-consuming process of isolating and shipping viruses between different sites and then growing them at scale. All that was needed was to download the relevant sequence data from the internet and synthesise the right genes to generate relevant viral components to start vaccine development. Speed was not the only advantage the new method offered. It also reduced any potential biohazard risks involved in manufacturing the vaccine.

Attention was also paid to making the testing process more efficient. Usually the slowest part of vaccine development, such testing often takes years to complete. Tests are first conducted in animals, to assess the safety, the strength of the immune response stimulated and protective efficacy of the vaccine candidate. Once this is done it is tested in humans.

Human trials are run in three phases, each with increasing numbers of people and escalating costs. One means to reduce the time needed and cut costs was to take advantage of new biomarkers. These provided a means to measure both normal and pathological processes as well as responses to a drug. Such biomarkers made it possible to determine the toxicity and efficacy of a candidate much earlier in the clinical trial process and to run multiple trials in parallel without compromising on safety.

In 2011, a group of scientists from the companies Novartis and Synthetic Genomics, as well as the Craig Venter Institute (a non-profit research organisation) proved they could develop a vaccine candidate in a matter of days.

Their approach was first successfully put to the test in March 2013 when Chinese health officials reported a novel strain of avian influenza had infected three people. Within just a week of gaining access to the viruss genome sequence, the Novartis team, headed by Rino Rappoli, managed to create a fully synthetic RNA-based vaccine ready for pre-clinical testing, which proved safe and elicited a good immune response.

Marking the switch from what Rappouli calls analogue vaccines to digital vaccines, the 2013 work provided a template for when COVID-19 was declared a pandemic on March 11, 2020. The first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine candidate, developed by Moderna, was ready for phase I testing in humans by March 16 2020. Many other vaccine candidates soon entered the pipeline thereafter.

What also helped propel the first COVID-19 vaccines forward was the explosion in knowledge about the atomic structure of proteins found on the surface of viruses and antibodies that bound to them. According to Ward this was greatly helped by advances in cryo-electron microscopy which as he says opened up the door for HIV and other pathogens. With the technique, Ward and his colleagues discovered that coronaviruses gained entry and fused with human cells with the help of a small loop of amino acids, called S-2P, on the top of their spike proteins. This laid an important foundation for creating the COVID-19 vaccines.

Another critical development was the discovery of broadly neutralising antibodies (bNAbs). First isolated in the early 1990s in the serum of people living with HIV-1, these antibodies only appear in some people after years of infection. Such antibodies have the advantage that they can neutralise multiple diverse strains of the virus in one stroke.

Finding the bNAbs critically opened up a new avenue for vaccine design. In particular, it offered the possibility of creating a universal vaccine against flu and also a vaccine for HIV which so far has been difficult to do because it mutates so fast. Several groups had already made progress in this field before COVID-19 struck, which they quickly turned towards coronaviruses. Their goal was to create a vaccine to stimulate the production of bNAbs targeting the receptor binding domain (RBD) located on the coronavirus spike protein.

One approach, outlined to us by Barton Haynes, an immunologist at Duke University, involves attaching little bits of the RBD, from multiple coronaviruses, to a protein nanoparticle for use as a vaccine candidate. Promisingly this was shown in monkeys to not only block SARS-CoV-2 and its new concerning variants but also SARS-CoV-1 and a group of bat coronaviruses which could spill over to humans in the future.

Another potential vaccine was described to us by Pamela Bjorkman, a structural immunologist at the Caltech. Her team developed it based on a virus particle platform first devised at Oxford University, in 2016. She said:

My lab really does structural biology, which means that we look at the 3D structures of the targets of the immune system, which are usually spikes that come out of the virus. So coronaviruses have the famous spikes, and so does HIV and flu.

One of the things weve been trying to do [for a vaccine] is to make a nanoparticle, which is a small, little thing that looks like a miniature soccer ball. And attach pieces of the spike to that using a very easy technology that was developed at Oxford University.

Their vaccine presents many different RBD fragments, from a variety of animal coronaviruses, grafted onto small proteins attached to a nanoparticle scaffolding. Tests in mice showed a single dose of the vaccine could neutralise multiple human and animal coronaviruses, including ones not included in the vaccine design.

According to our interview with Jonathan Heeney, a comparative pathologist at the the University of Cambridge, his group has also developed a promising broad coverage coronavirus vaccine. Based on detailed screening of the viruss structure they have synthesised DNA constructs to plug into conventional vaccine platforms and the latest mRNA vaccine technology.

The vector is specially designed not to trigger unintentional hyper-inflammatory responses, which can sometimes be life threatening. In animal studies, their candidate provided protection against a variety of sarbecoviruses, which cover SARS-CoV-1, SARS-CoV-2 and many bat coronaviruses.

All three outlined approaches have yet to be tested in humans. The Cambridge one is set to enter phase 1 trials in the autumn and the one at Duke University is nearing that milestone too. Both the Cambridge and Caltech candidates have the attraction that they can be produced as a heat-stable and freeze-dried powder. This will make their storage and distribution much easier than the current mRNA vaccines (Moderna and Pfizer). It will also make production much cheaper, which is vital to ensuring equitable access to the vaccine across the world and bringing the pandemic under control.

While scientists have the tools to develop a pan-coronavirus vaccine within a year, its creation would not be the end of the story. Growing population density, human mobility and ecological change means that the world will continue to face the threat of new pandemics.

Meeting this challenge will require a high degree of outbreak vigilance, political will and international cooperation as well as continued investment in vaccine development well beyond the end of the COVID-19 pandemic. As the WHO put it in September 2020, a global pandemic requires a world effort to end it - none of us will be safe until everyone is safe.

Access to vaccines is also only one arm of what is needed to combat pandemics. What SARS-CoV-2 has also taught us is the importance of rapid frontline genomic sequencing on the ground to swiftly detect newly emerging threats. As Hatchett argues, the key to radically reducing epidemic and pandemic risk to the world is through earlier detection, earlier sequencing, and earlier more tailored public health responses.

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COVID variants: we spoke to the experts designing a single vaccine to defeat them all - The Conversation UK

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Environmentalists Argue That To Save The Planet, We Must Play God – The Federalist

Posted: August 31, 2021 at 2:26 am

To solve the myriad challenges to the natural order that humankind has created over the years, Elizabeth Kolbert believes if there is to be an answer to the problem of control, its going to be more control.

In Under a White Sky: The Nature of the Future, Kolbert, a Pulitzer Prize-winning staff writer at The New Yorker, travels the world in search of crises we have created and are now fixing, however haltingly. Similarly, journalist Nathaniel Rich limns a portrait of ecological challenges in Second Nature: Scenes from a World Remade. Both authors apply sensitive, searching scrutiny to major and minor ecological issues and, through their reporting, attempt to forge a path forward for humanity to humbly but effectively overcome harms inflicted on the natural world.

Rich traverses the treacherous ground of human-created natural disasters, including the poisoning of groundwaters in West Virginia by a DuPont Teflon plant, the accidental venting of millions of cubic feet of natural gas from a Southern California Gas facility in northern Los Angeles, and the erosive effect on the Louisiana coastline of oil and gas extraction.

He also explores the hard work of individuals striving to use technology to help humans transcend our natural boundariesor, if you like, our human-created problemssuch as Nate Park, a product developer at Hampton Foods cultivating slaughter-free chickens and eggs. Then theres Auden Schendler, who leads sustainability efforts at the Aspen Skiing Company and forged an unlikely partnership with Bill Koch to capture methane from a coal mine and thereby power the entire resort, and Shin Kubota, a Japanese marine biologist whose jellyfish research seeks to turn back time and achieve nothing less than immortality.

Meanwhile, Kolbert dives deep into the water world along the southern American coastline. Every 90 minutes, Louisiana loses a football fields worth of land, and every few minutes, another tennis courts worth disappears. The levees, first built by the French in the early 18th century, have simultaneously saved and threatened New Orleans, flushing floodwaters away from populated areas into spillways that generate new hydrological problems.

This vast system, built to keep southern Louisiana dry, Kolbert observes, is the very reason the region is disintegrating, coming apart like an old shoe. Nevertheless, the states Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority has plowed ahead. It plans a $1.4 billion diversion project that will channel the mighty Mississippi into what amounts to a brand-new river that would rank as the twelfth largest in the United States, measured by waterflow.

Rich, who chronicles the fight against this master plan by the Save Louisiana Coalition of, fishermen and environmental activists, labels it an ecological monsterthe product of human engineering, compromise, brute force. In fact, the delta has become so heavily engineered hydrologists now refer to it as a coupled human and natural system.

Similarly, Rich, who lives in New Orleans, documents the citys halting recovery from the depredations of Katrina, particularly in the Lower Ninth Ward. He observes the invasion of the Lower Ninth by hitherto unseen species of flora and fauna in the wake of the hurricanes massive depopulation resembled something of a Frankensteins monster, a hybrid of human and natural components.

Mayor Mitch Landrieus ambitious Nuisance Lot Maintenance Pilot Program aimed to mow or otherwise clear vacant properties to deprive invasive species of a congenial habitat. But that effort faltered, as Chinese tallow trees, great egrets, falcons, and even alligators replaced their human predecessors.

The extinction and endangerment of species present another thorny challenge. One way to make sense of the biodiversity crisis, Kolbert muses, would simply be to accept it. The history of life has, after all, been punctuated by extinction events, both big and very, very big.

But while asteroid landings, volcanic eruptions, and other natural phenomena have terrorized and devastated species since time immemorial, humanity feels differently when we contribute to those extinctions. People are reluctant to be the asteroid, Kolbert notes. Instead, we seem to fancy becoming those who breathe life into Lazarus, not only preserving endangered species but even reviving extinct ones.

In a section entitled As Gods, Rich examines the de-extinction movement championed by Stewart Brand, the conservationist best known for inaugurating the Whole Earth Catalog (motto: We are as gods and might as well get good at it) decades ago. At a Harvard Medical School symposium called Bringing Back the Passenger Pigeon, Brands wife Ryan Phelan, a life sciences entrepreneur awed by a demonstration of genome-editing technology, noted that de-extinction went from concept to potential reality right before our eyes. Various teams are hard at work re-creating the California grizzly bear, the Tasmanian tiger, and the Carolina parakeet, among many other species.

Kolbert profiles the late Ruth Gates, a celebrated marine biologist whose lifes work entailed reinvigorating the population of wild coral through assisted evolution and other extraordinary means. Im a realist, Gates told Kolbert. I cannot continue to hope that our planet is not going to change radically. It already is changed. Her methods included raising coral in controlled, stressful environments and releasing them into the wild to forge sturdier, climate-resistant populations.

Our project, Gates proclaimed, is acknowledging that a future is coming where nature is no longer fully natural. Rich believes that moment has already arrived: What we still, in a flourish of misplaced nostalgia, call the natural world is gone, if ever it existed. Gatess colleague Madeleine Van Oppen regards assisted evolution as buying time or filling that gap, being a bridge between now and the day when were really holding down climate change or, hopefully, reversing it.

Similar lessons apply to genetic engineering, which weve been practicing for decades but appears in recent years to have taken a quantum leap with the advent of technologies like CRISPR. Kolbert details successful efforts to detoxify the cane toad, an invasive species wreaking havoc on Australian biodiversity. Mark Tizard, who led the project, sought to restore balance to an environment upended by the toad invasion.

The classic thing people say with molecular biology is: Are you playing God? he explained to Kolbert. Well, no. We are using our understanding of biological processes to see if we can benefit a system that is in trauma. Rich echoes this medical metaphor, noting that environmentalists have accepted that a threatened ecosystem requires steady interventive care, as might any patient in critical condition.

Yet with CRISPR we seem to be treading ever farther into no mans land. In a world of synthetic gene drives, Kolbert writes, the border between the human and the natural, between the laboratory and the wild, already deeply blurred, all but dissolves. As we play an increasingly intensive role in accelerating genetic change, not only do people determine the conditions under which evolution is taking place, people canagain, in principledetermine the outcome.

At the same time, arent technologies like CRISPR simply a technological advancement on techniques humans have employed for millennia to better our world? Ben Novak, a de-extinction researcher, told Rich that people grow up with this idea that the nature they see is natural, but theres been no real natural element to the earth the entire time human beings have been around.

How we think about hubris represents another challenge. On the one hand, its the height of arrogance to imagine that humanity, having intervened substantially in the natural order, can sit back and let it heal itself. Its just absolute hubris and so arrogant to think that we can survive without everything else, Paul Hardisty, the head of Australias National Sea Simulator, which strives ambitiously to nurture and harden the entire Great Barrier Reef, told Kolbert.

On the other hand, believing that we can solve every problem, including the ones we create, is no less conceited. Wasnt it just another kind of hubris, Kolbert wonders, to imagine all-of-reef-scale interventions? By the logic of immovable objects and unstoppable forces, wont we eventually create an environmental problem that we wont be able to solve?

Perhaps the clearest, and subtlest, articulation of appropriate balance comes from Brand, who noted that, contrary to humanitys attempts for thousands of years to batter nature into submission, we are now engaged in a whole different approach: more humble and more adroit. The skill were learning is how to nuance nature. Humility, nuance, and determination appear to be the sharpest tools in our small, but technologically advanced, kit.

Climate change represents another opportunity for scientific breakthroughs that arguably cast humans in the role of gods, and hopefully not in a Greek tragedy. With global temperatures on track for a 1.5-2-degree-Celsius rise in the coming decades, curbing carbon emissions seems to some to have become more urgent. With the worlds heaviest emitters in the developing world unlikely to take dramatic action, researchers have cast an increasingly wider net to ensnare more radical alternatives. Several competing teams have sought to capture carbon in the air, convert it to rock, and sequester it deep underground.

In the chapter from which her book takes its name, then, Kolbert explores the promising and terrifying field of solar geoengineering, an ambitious form of global tinkering premised on the idea of throw[ing] a gazillion reflective particles into the stratosphere, and less sunlight will reach the planet. White skies would supplant blue ones as tiny fragments of diamond, salt, or other minerals would absorb heat and lower global temperatures dramatically. The risks of agricultural damage and air pollution are significant, and we would be remaking the world in an unprecedented fashion, but we may soon have no alternative.

Harvards Dan Schrag, a prominent environmentalist, reckons that such engineering efforts may be the best chance of survival for most of the earths natural ecosystemsalthough perhaps they should no longer be called natural if such engineering systems are ever deployed. Indeed, we entered a hybrid natural-human world thousands of years ago, and the only way to preserve that world requires further, carefully calibrated interventions.

Both books would have benefitted from a reckoning with either (or both) religious philosophy and historical lessons about how humanity has interacted with our environment. But the contemporary vignettes that Kolbert and Rich sketch of a natural world confronting problems large and smalland the efforts humankind is making to ameliorate themspur reflection and, one hopes, a resolve on our part to steward our world with determination and humility.

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Environmentalists Argue That To Save The Planet, We Must Play God - The Federalist

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