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Category Archives: HCG Diet
A cancer no one really talks about – The Week
Posted: May 2, 2022 at 2:16 am
John Smith is a healthy 56-year-old with no family history of cancer. Other than the occasional social drinking, he followed a healthy lifestyle, with regular exercise and a balanced diet. He never smoked.
This [prostate cancer] was not something alarming to me as I had other members in the family who had it, like my paternal uncle who has been living with prostate cancer for more than 15 years without any treatment- Salil N.S. senior law officer, South Western Railway headquarters
Symptoms- Problems with urination like difficulty starting urination, slow or interrupted urinary stream, frequent urination, especially at night, difficulty emptying the bladder, painful or burning urination, blood in the urine or semen and painful ejaculation.
Screening- The two most commonly used tests to screen for prostate cancer are PSA test and the digital rectal exam. Cancer that is detected early, when it is still confined to the prostate gland, has the best chance for successful treatment.
Prostate cancer screening should be done only after discussions with ones doctors of the uncertainties, risks and potential benefits of screening- Dr James L. Gulley chief of genitourinary malignancies branch and director of medical oncology service, National Cancer Institute, US
Surgery- Novel surgical technologies such as laparoscopic and robotic surgeries to remove the prostate gland can potentially offer faster recovery and less complications.
Lately, he started getting up at night to urinate. He did not make much of it. But when he started noticing blood in the urine, he consulted a urologist. Following the prostate examination, which showed a hard nodule, the urologist ordered a blood prostate specific antigen test (PSA) test. The blood test revealed that his PSA level was very high. After an ultrasound, the urologist recommended a prostate biopsy.
A week later, Smith and his wife were sitting in the urologists office listening to alien terms like Gleason score, radical prostatectomy, radiation and hormonal blockade. The only word Smith heard and registered was prostate cancer.
Prostate cancer is a disease in which malignant cells develop in the prostate gland. The prostate is a small walnut-shaped gland that is a part of the male reproductive system. It produces some of the fluid that is a part of the semen that transports sperm during ejaculation. It is located just below the bladder and in front of the rectum. Testosterone, the male hormone, acts like a food for prostate cancer, explains Dr Jatin Bhatia, consultant-radiation oncology, Jupiter Hospital, Pune. Testosterone gets converted into various chemical forms, and the form that acts as a feeder for prostate cancer increases. Meanwhile, the other forms decrease.
Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer in men worldwide and the fourth most common cancer overall, after breast, lung and colorectal cancers. According to the World Health Organization, there were about 1.41 million newly diagnosed cases of prostate cancer in 2020.
Prostate cancer is less prevalent in Asia. It is more common in North America, northwestern Europe, Australia and on the Caribbean islands. While more intensive prostate cancer screening in many of the developed countries could probably be the reason, lifestyle factors such as diet and exercise could also play a role. For instance, while Asian Americans have a lower risk of prostate cancer compared to white Americans, their risk is greater compared to men of similar ethnic backgrounds living in Asia.
In India, one in every 10,000 men is diagnosed with prostate cancer, says Dr Ramakrishna Vangara, consultant-radiation oncologist, Manipal Hospitals, Vijayawada. According to data from national cancer registries, prostate is the second leading site of cancer among men in cities like Delhi, Kolkata and Pune and the third leading site of cancer in cities like Bengaluru and Mumbai. With the increase in life expectancy, the incidence of prostate cancer has gone up phenomenally, says Dr P.P. Singh, senior consultant and head of department of urology, PSRI Hospital, New Delhi.
Despite the increase in numbers, prostate cancer remains one of the least talked about cancers, at least in India. Hence, there remains a great deal of misinformation about the disease and sometimes the symptoms are attributed to something else, says Dr Ramesh Kinha, vice president and head of lab operations at Medall Healthcare in Chennai.
The exact aetiology of prostate cancer is unclear. Prostate cancer is caused when the DNA of a normal prostate cell starts to change. These gene changes can cause the cells to grow out of control and form tumours. Certain well-established risk factors for prostate cancer include advancing age, family history and certain genetic mutations.
As we know, any cancer is from chronic inflammation. Inflammation could be caused by prostatitis. It could be even related to viral infections, says Dr B.S. Ajaikumar, chairman and CEO, HCG Group of Hospitals, Bengaluru. Over a period of time, these can cause prostate cancer. It can also be ethnic-based. It is also an ageing process.
All men are at risk for prostate cancer, and the risk increases with age. About one in eight men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer during their lifetime in the US. Prostate cancer is rare in men younger than 40. About 60 per cent of cases are diagnosed in men 65 or older. The average age of men at the time of diagnosis is 66.
Prostate cancer can run in families. Having a first-degree relative (father, brother) with prostate cancer more than doubles a mans risk of developing this cancer. The risk is also higher if several family members have had a diagnosis. That is one reason why Salil N.S., 52, a senior law officer at South Western Railway headquarters in Hubli, was not shocked when he was diagnosed. This was not something alarming to me as I had other members in the family who had it, like my paternal uncle who has been living with prostate cancer for more than 15 years without any treatment, he says. The only difference was that he was diagnosed after the age of 65, whereas my diagnosis was before I turned 51.
Several inherited gene mutations can also raise prostate cancer risk. Inherited mutations of the BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes, which are linked to an increased risk of breast and ovarian cancers, can also increase prostate cancer risk in men. Salil had a genetic profiling done, which indicated some mutations that could be the cause for his disease. Men with Lynch syndrome also have an increased risk for prostate cancer. Other contributing factors may include obesity, diet, hormones, smoking and alcohol consumption.
In general, prostate cancer grows very slowly and often does not cause any symptoms in its early stages. Symptoms of prostate cancer include problems with urination like difficulty starting urination, slow or interrupted urinary stream, frequent urination, especially at night, difficulty emptying the bladder, painful or burning urination, blood in the urine or semen and painful ejaculation. Symptoms of a more advanced prostate cancer that has spread outside of the prostate gland may include pain in the hips, back, pelvis, chest or other areas if the cancer has spread to bones, swelling or weakness or numbness in the legs or feet, weight loss, fatigue and loss of bladder or bowel control.
Prostate cancer often does not have any warning signs or symptoms. That is why screening and early detection are important. Cancer that is detected early, when it is still confined to the prostate gland, has the best chance for successful treatment.
The two most commonly used tests to screen for prostate cancer are PSA test and the digital rectal exam (DRE). Prostate-specific antigen test is a blood test that measures PSA levels in a persons blood. The possibility for a cancer diagnosis increases as the PSA level goes up. Prostate cancer is commonly detected by elevated levels of prostate-specific antigen (PSA >4 ng/mL), says Dr Kirti Chadha, chief scientific officer and consultant onco-pathologist at Metropolis Healthcare, Mumbai. Men with a PSA level between 4 and 10 have about a 25 per cent chance of having prostate cancer. The chances of having prostate cancer are over 50 per cent if the PSA level is more than 10. But PSA levels alone cannot determine a cancer diagnosis. The PSA level could also be elevated due to other conditions that affect the prostate.
While screening can identify cancer early, the benefits may not always outweigh the risks. Both the PSA and DRE tests can yield false negative (a person may actually have cancer) and false positive test results (a person may not actually have cancer) and can often lead to unnecessary tests, like a biopsy of the prostate, as well as cause anxiety and confusion.
Screening can also lead to over-diagnosis and treatment. Since prostate cancer grows very slowly, some men with prostate cancer would never have had symptoms from their cancer nor would they die from it. Treatment of cancer that would never have caused a problem can lead to unnecessary complications from treatment like surgery and radiation, such as urinary incontinence, bowel problems and erectile dysfunction that can ruin a persons quality of life, with no added benefit.
The US National Cancer Institute does not have screening recommendations for prostate cancer. Prostate cancer screening should be done only after discussions with ones doctors of the uncertainties, risks and potential benefits of screening, says Dr James L. Gulley, chief of genitourinary malignancies branch and director of medical oncology service, National Cancer Institute, US.
If the PSA and DRE tests are abnormal, a prostate biopsy is often recommended. Prostate cancer is assigned a grade if the biopsy results show cancerous cells. The higher the grade the greater risk that the cancer is more likely to be aggressive and spread quickly.
A Gleason score is the most common scale used to determine the grade of prostate cancer cells. The score ranges from 2 to 10. A Gleason score of 6 or less indicates a low-grade prostate cancer; a score of 7 indicates an intermediate-grade cancer; and scores from 8 to 10 indicate high-grade cancer.
Once prostate cancer is diagnosed, other tests such as bone scan, ultrasound, CT scan, MRI or PET scans are done to determine if the cancer cells have spread to other parts of the body. This will help determine the stage of the cancer. Stage I means the cancer is confined to the prostate, while stage IV indicates the cancer may have spread to other areas of the body.
Treatment options depend on several factors, including the patients age, Gleason score, stage of the cancer, how aggressive the cancer is, whether it is confined to the prostate or has spread to other parts of the body, overall health of the person, as well as the potential benefits vs side effects of the treatment.
We experience an unprecedented era of rapid new developments in the field of prostate cancer therapeutics, including radiopharmaceuticals/'theranostics' (using one radioactive drug to diagnose and another to deliver therapy), targeted therapies for selected patients (eg, PARP inhibitors) and novel immunotherapy strategies, says Dr Petros Grivas, professor and clinical director, genitourinary cancers program, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle. The advent of novel imaging, for eg Prostate Specific Membrane Antigen (PSMA) Imaging or fluciclovine/axumin PET, represents another great opportunity for more accurate prostate cancer staging. However, the clinical utility, impact and practical implications on decision making need to be better defined in clinical trials.
Early stage, low-grade prostate cancer, especially in older men, may need minimal or even no treatment. Doctors may recommend active surveillance or watchful waiting. Active surveillance involves closely monitoring the prostate cancer by performing PSA tests and prostate biopsies regularly and opting for treatment if the cancer grows or causes symptoms. In watchful waiting, fewer tests are done. The patient is treated only if he has any symptoms. This is usually recommended for older patients with low-grade tumour.
But prostate cancer in younger patients and cancer that is aggressive need multidisciplinary treatments. A radical prostatectomy involves removing the prostate gland as well as some surrounding tissue and a few lymph nodes, an option for cancer that is confined to the prostate. Jitendra Yadav, 58, from Mumbai did a PSA test as part of his executive health check-up. Thanks to that, his cancer was detected early. Also, the cancer was localised to prostate with no spread elsewhere in the body, recalls Dr Shrikanth Atluri, uro-oncologist and robotic surgeon, Sir H.N. Reliance Foundation Hospital, Mumbai. He was treated with robotic radical prostatectomy where the entire prostate was removed by surgery. Yadav has been disease free for seven years.
Novel surgical technologies such as laparoscopic and robotic surgeries to remove the prostate gland can potentially offer faster recovery and less complications. According to Dr Ashwin Tamhankar, consultant, uro-oncology and robotic surgery, Apollo Hospitals Navi Mumbai, surgeons prefer robotic surgery because it gives the advantage of better precision, control, 3D vision, negligible blood loss, quick recovery and early discharge.
Another treatment option is radiation therapy, which uses high energy rays to kill the cancer. There are various types of radiation therapy approaches like external beam radiation therapy, wherein a patient lies on a table, and a machine moves around the body, directing radiation at the cancer cells; brachytherapy (internal radiation therapy) involving small radioactive seeds or pellets that are surgically placed into or next to the tumour to destroy the cancer cells; and proton beam radiation therapya type of high-energy, external radiation therapy that uses streams of protons to kill tumour cells. There have been rapid advances in radiation therapy, like the CyberKnife device, which results in less damage to surrounding tissues when compared to conventional radiotherapy.
Apart from chemotherapy and immunotherapy, there are other therapies like cryotherapy, which uses extremely cold temperature to freeze and kill cancer cells, and hormone therapy that uses medications or surgery to reduce the levels of male hormones, called androgens, that fuel the growth of cancer cells in the body. There is also targeted drug therapy that uses drugs to target specific proteins that control the growth of the cancer cells. Bisphosphonate therapy has drugs, such as clodronate or zoledronate, that reduce bone disease when cancer has spread to the bones and reduce the risk of fractures. High-intensity focused ultrasound uses high-energy ultrasonic beams to kill cancer cells. And, photodynamic therapy uses a drug and a certain type of laser light to kill cancer cells.
Since Salils cancer had spread to the lymph nodes, he had a combination of therapies at HCG Bengaluru. His PSA levels were brought under control with hormone therapy. Initially, surgery was being planned, he says. However, the decision was left to an interdisciplinary medical board. As the disease had responded well to hormonal treatment, the medical board advised to go for radiotherapy through CyberKnife. His treatment lasted six weeks. There is no significant weakness or other problems related to this radiation therapy, says Salil. It is a painless outpatient process. I was at the hospital alone during the treatment; no bystanders were needed. The PSMA PET scan was repeated after the treatment. The results were heartening. However, Salil is still on hormonal therapy. The treatment, particularly the hormonal therapy, has adverse effects on sexual life. Apart from that, life goes on as normal, says Salil.
Novel treatments and technologies are changing the landscape of prostate cancer management. PARP inhibitors, such as Olaparib and rucaparib, are found to be highly effective in patients with genetic mutations such as BRCA1 and 2.
PSMA PET scans are one of the most exciting recent developments in prostate cancer, says Dr Rahul Tendulkar, clinical director and residency program director for the department of radiation oncology, Cleveland Clinic, US. By detecting early recurrences while they are small in size and number, we can offer patients treatment with stereotactic body radiation therapy and hopefully eradicate their visible disease.
Ramlal Sahu, 85, from Nagpur was suffering from frequent urination, difficulty in passing urine, back pain and pain in his left leg because of which he was unable to walk. He was admitted in a critical condition to HCG NCHRI Cancer Centre, Nagpur, and was diagnosed with prostate cancer. Sahu had multiple comorbidities such as diabetes and hypertension and he also suffered from cardiac-related issues, which prevented him from being a candidate for chemotherapy.
We started him on targeted therapy and tested for genetic mutations and he tested positive, says Dr Nikhil Pande, medical oncologist, HCG NCHRI Cancer Centre, Nagpur. He is now on second-line treatment with Olaparib, a form of targeted therapy and is doing well.
Chadha is thankful for scientific advances. The glands location on the neck of the urethra by the bladder means that whole-gland treatments like radical prostatectomy or radiation therapy often leave men with incontinence and erectile dysfunction, she says. However, developments in MRI are enabling more targeted treatments to the prostate without damaging surrounding structures.
Researchers are now testing the use of artificial intelligence to recognise suspicious areas in a prostate MRI that should be biopsied, says Chadha. AI tools also help pathologists who arent prostate cancer experts to accurately assess prostate cancer grade, she says.
Can prostate cancer be prevented? There is no absolute way to prevent prostate cancer. Risk factors such as age, genetics and family history cannot be modified. While several drugs and supplements are being studied, there isnt enough evidence to make conclusive recommendations on prostate cancer prevention.
Maintaining a healthy weight, staying physically active, eating a balanced diet and avoiding smoking are all factors that could improve your overall health and lower your risk of prostate cancer.
Some studies have suggested that high consumption of dairy products may increase the risk of prostate cancer. Limiting dairy products and calcium intake could be beneficial.
A couple of studies have suggested that men with a higher frequency of ejaculation may have a lower risk.
Since prostate cancer tends to grow slowly, most men diagnosed with prostate cancer will live a long, normal life and do not die from it. The 10-year survival rate is about 98 per cent. Many of the elderly men detected with prostate cancer die with prostate cancer rather than because of it, says Bhatia.
There are hundreds of clinical trials in different phases related to prostate cancer treatment that are in progress around the world. These trials will help the medical community better understand how to diagnose, treat and prevent prostate cancer and improve patient outcomes.
While significant strides have been made in treating localised and advanced prostate cancer, understanding the disparities in prostate cancer outcomes by age, stage, race and ethnicity is crucial to decreasing global incidence of prostate cancer, especially in developing countries says Dr Shilpa Gupta, director of genitourinary oncology program, Cleveland Clinic.
Some names have been changed.
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The Dangers of HCG Injections – Women’s Health
Posted: January 20, 2022 at 2:45 am
Shoot up, slim down: That's the premise behind HCG injections, hormone-containing syringes that stick dieters to help them lose weightand they're becoming increasingly popular.
Proponents claim regular injection of human chorionic gonadotropina hormone that women produce during pregnancy and that is sometimes prescribed as a fertility treatmentspeeds metabolism and breaks down the body's stored fat, allowing dieters to get by on 500 calories a day without the hunger and health risks that accompany other starvation diets.
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False. Being on the HCG dietjust like any seriously low-cal dietlowers your metabolism and results in serious muscle loss, saysPamela Peeke, M.D.,M.P.H., senior science advisor at Elements Behavioral Health and author ofThe Hunger Fix. And while starving yourself for a week may yield short-term weight loss, over the long haul, you are more likely to gain weight from trying the HCG diet than anything.
The Food and Drug Administration states that HCG does not aid in weight loss, and a 1995 meta-analysis published in the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology (yes, this is the fad diet that just keeps coming back!) concluded that "there is no scientific evidence that HCG is effective in the treatment of obesity; it does not bring about weightloss or fat-redistribution, nor does it reduce hunger or induce a feeling of well-being." Researchers believe that when dieters do happen to lose weight on the HCG diet, it's most likely from a combination of calorie restriction and placebo effect.
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Whether HCG makes you lose or gain weight is one thing, but more concerning is what else it could do to your body. HCG is a hormone, and once you start manipulating your body's delicate hormonal balance, wide-ranging effects can occur, says Peeke. "HCG injections have been associatedwithheadaches, blood clots, leg cramps, temporary hair thinning, constipation, and breast tenderness." The FDA has received at least one recent report of an HCG dieter developing a pulmonary embolism, a potentially fatal blood clot in the lung.
Think that's bad? There's more. When you get an HCG shot from anyone other than a licensed physician, you don't know what you're really being injected with. The FDA does not approve over-the-counter use of HCG, meaning that the ingredients are not regulatedand any shots or serums sold online are offered illegally. The FDA does allow physicians to administer HCG injections for off-label uses, but giving it to a patient definitely enters into an ethically murky area as FDA labeling for approved HCG products requires the following statement:
"HCG has not been demonstrated to be effective adjunctive therapy in the treatment of obesity. There is no substantial evidence that it increases weight loss beyond that resulting from caloric restriction, that it causes a more attractive or 'normal' distribution of fat, or that it decreases the hunger and discomfort associated with calorie-restricted diets."
The bottom line: "Avoid falling for a fad, especially one that is expensive and fraught with side effects and serious health risks," says Peeke. Our suggestion? Stick with these science-backed ways to lose weight.
RELATED: 8 Surprising Ways You're Slowing Your Metabolism
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Diet & Nutrition plan for a Head and Neck Cancer Patient – APN News
Posted: January 20, 2022 at 2:45 am
Published on January 17, 2022
By Ms. Shumshum Chowdhury, Dept of Nutrition and Dietetics, HCG EKO Cancer Centre, Kolkata
A healthy diet is an essential part of a head and neck cancer patients journey before, during, and after the treatment. Following a healthy diet can help prevent weight loss, lack of appetite, and other side effects of head and neck cancer treatment.
Cancer dietitians work with patients and families to personalize nutrition therapies that help in responding better to the treatment. A patient is prescribed a specific diet plan after nutritional screening and assessment. It is always important to get enough nutrition during the treatment. A dietitian must always explore new diet challenges on a day-to-day basis.
This will help in keeping the weight stable and maintaining muscles strength. Here is a focus on the diet of head and neck cancer patients.
Diet before treatment
Post diagnosis of cancer, the patient is advised to go on high calorie and high protein diet before surgery. At least 30Kcal-35Kcal per kg per day and 1.2g to 1.5g per kg per day intake is required. If a patient is malnourished, then ideal body weight to be considered, and, if the oral intake does not meet the total calorie intake, then nutritional supplements are advised.
Nutrition dense breakfast: Serving 2. Total calorie 190Kcal and total protein 12.2g Ingredients: 1/4 cup oats, 2 egg white, oil -2ml, mixed herbs, garlic, turmeric powder, pink salt. Method: Heat the kadai put 2 ml oil, add 2 cloves of garlic then add two egg white and saut for 1 min. Then add oats and dry roast for 2 min, add water 1/2cup, turmeric powder, salt and mixed herbs and cook for 2 minutes. Ready to serve. (Egg white can be replaced by homemade cheese curd.
Diet during treatment
The diet followed by the patient during the treatment is to be monitored closely since two barriers of treatment are crossed by the patient during this phase. The first phase is during the surgery and then the post-surgery part. A liquid diet comprising of 35Kcal per kg per day and 1.5g per kg per day to be consumed.
Post recovery from surgery patients can follow a semi-solid or soft diet. Diet pattern varies from patient to patient. Some patients observe their intake patterns and customize the diet as per their requirements or else dietitians must be consulted for a proper diet plan based on the treatment plans. After 3 to 5 cycles of radiation therapy nasal gastric tube is recommended with the same post-surgery calorie requirement.
Patients must maintain a food diary from 1st day of radiation so the calorie intake can be monitored. If a patient is taking radiation therapy orally, then blending high calorie and high protein is recommended.
Calorie dense Soup: Serving 2. Total calorie 235 Kcal and total protein 6 g Ingredients: 1 Carrot, 1 Beet, 1Sweet Potato, 100g Pumpkin, Olive Oil -5ml/ Butter-5gm, turmeric powder, pink salt, and cream. Method: Boil all the vegetables and mash it to make a smooth paste. Then add turmeric powder, butter, cream, and salt. Boil it for 5 min and serve at room temperature.
Diet after treatment
This is the phase where patients are allowed to consume a bland to low spicy diet according to their acceptance. Now patients are encouraged to increase their food intake. They are prescribed a well-balanced diet consisting of energy 25Kcal-30Kcal per kg per day and protein 1.0g-1.3g per kg per day. Fruits, vegetables, lean protein, high fiber grains, and whole pulses to be included in the diet.
After the initial recovery, they must improve long-term health so that their years ahead can be satisfactory as a survivor.
Antioxidant Smoothie: Serving 1. Total calorie 113 Kcal and total protein 2 g Ingredients: 1 Apple, 1 Banana, 1tsp chia seed, 1 tsp roasted crushed flaxseed, 2-4pcs roasted crushed almond,1 cup coconut milk. Mix all the ingredients.
After the treatment is completed, if the patient suffers from any sort of co-morbidities, they require special intervention and monitoring. During this journey, their diet changes as per their biochemical and hematological report. A six to eight meal diet plan is advised for patients who suffer from anorexia and nausea. This pattern is followed to regain and maintain the body weight and BMI back to normal and to strengthen the bodys immunity. A well-balanced and high protein diet is required to regain a normal BMI.
It is always important to prioritize the patients preference before tailoring a diet plan. Only then the nutritional intervention can give the best result. It should always be ensured that a nutritional assessment is part of all comprehensive treatment plans for patients with head and neck cancer.
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Avoid Dangerous HCG Diet Products | FDA
Posted: December 10, 2021 at 1:53 am
Anyone who has ever been on a diet knows there are sensible ways to lose weight, including eating a balanced diet and exercising.
There are also reckless ways to shed pounds, such as fads and diet aids that promise rapid weight loss but often recommend potentially dangerous practices. Those include HCG weight-loss products that are marketed along with advice for users to follow a severely restrictive diet.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is advising consumers to avoid human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) weight-loss products. These products are typically sold in the form of oral drops, pellets and sprays, and can be found online, at weight loss clinics and in some retail stores.
HCG is a hormone produced by the placenta during pregnancy.
Products marketed for weight loss that claim to contain HCG are typically marketed in connection with a very low-calorie diet, usually one that limits calories to 500 per day. Many of these popular HCG products claim to reset your metabolism, change abnormal eating patterns, and shave 20 to 30 pounds in 30 to 40 days.
These products are marketed with incredible claims, and people think that if they're losing weight, HCG must be working, said Carolyn Becker, director of the Office of Unapproved Drugs and Labeling Compliance in the FDAs Center for Drug Evaluation and Research. But the data simply do not support this; any loss is from severe calorie restriction. Not from the HCG.
The FDA has approved HCG as a prescription drug for the treatment of female infertility and for other medical conditions. HCG is not approved for use without a prescription for any purpose. It is not approved for weight loss.
In fact, the prescription drug label notes there is no substantial evidence that it increases weight loss beyond that resulting from caloric restriction, that it causes a more attractive or normal distribution of fat, or that it decreases the hunger and discomfort associated with calorie-restricted diets.
Living on 500 calories a day is not only unhealthy but also dangerous. People on such restrictive diets are at increased risk for side effects, including gallstone formation, an imbalance of the electrolytes that keep the bodys muscles and nerves functioning properly, and an irregular heartbeat. Such restrictive diets can be dangerous, even potentially fatal.
Very low-calorie diets are sometimes prescribed by health care professionals for people who are moderately to extremely obese as part of medical treatment to lessen health conditions caused by obesity, such as high blood pressure. But even then, strict and constant medical supervision is needed to ensure that side effects are not life-threatening.Without medical oversight, people on very low-calorie diets may not be getting enough vitamins, minerals and most important protein. If you want to lose weight, do it gradually and reduce the calories you eat every day.
If you have HCG products for weight loss, quit using it, throw it out, and stop following the dieting instructions. Talk to your health care professional about a safe and healthy weight loss plan for you.
Health care professionals and patients should report adverse events or side effects related to the use of these products to the FDAs MedWatch Safety Information and Adverse Event Reporting Program:
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Avoid Dangerous HCG Diet Products | FDA
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Breast Cancer symptoms, prevention, and treatment – NewsPatrolling
Posted: October 16, 2021 at 2:56 am
Breast cancer is the most common cancer diagnosed among women in India. Breast cancer occurs in both sex but in male it accounts for less than 1% of all cases of breast cancer. It is treatable if diagnosed early. Localized cancer can generally be treated before it spreads outside the breast. But once the cancer begins to spread, treatment becomes more complicated. Early detection, better approach to treatment and better understanding of the disease has led to increased survival rates and decreased death rate.
Breast cancer usually begins either in your glands that make milk known as lobular carcinoma or the ducts that carry it to the nipple called ductal carcinoma. It can grow larger in your breast and spread to nearby lymph nodes or through your bloodstream to other organs.
The most common symptom of breast cancer is growth of a lump which is a painless, hard mass that has irregular edges. They can even be painful. It is always important to have breast mass, lump, or breast change checked by a specialist.
Other symptoms to watch out are:
Lump or thickening of breast
Change in size shape or appearance of breast
Changes to the skin, indrawing of nipple or ulceration of skin
Redness or roughness of skin over breast
Nipple discharge that can be bloody or clear
These changes may be noticed while performing monthly breast self-exams. By performing breast self-exams, you will become familiar with the normal monthly changes in your breasts.
Risk factors include:
Increasing age
Personal history of breast cancer
Personal history of breast condition like LCIS or Atypical hyperplasia
Family history
Inherited genes
Radiation exposure
Early menarche
Age at first childbirth childbirth after 30yrs have increased risk breast cancer
Post-menopausal hormone therapy
Alcohol consumption
There is no definite way to prevent breast cancer. But there are things that can help in lowering the risk such as changing risk factors that can be controlled by making certain changes in daily life to help reduce risk of breast cancer
Breast self-examination for breast awareness women may become familiar with their breast. If there is new change, lump or unusual sign doctor consultation should be taken promptly.
Clinical breast examination
Breast screening by mammography in women above 50yrs
Limitation of alcohol consumption
Daily exercise of at least 30 mins
Limit use of post-menopausal hormone therapy risk and benefit should be discussed with doctor in women who experience bothersome sign and symptoms of menopause.
BMI maintain a healthy weight, reduction in calorie intake and increase in exercise reduces the risk
Healthy diet extra virgin olive oil and mixed nuts Mediterranean diet like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes reduce the risk of breast cancer
Breast cancer is diagnosed during a physical exam, by a self-examining the breasts, mammography, ultrasound testing, and biopsy. Women should begin annual breast screening between 40-44 years of age. Women aged 45 and older should have a screening mammogram every year.
Treatment depends on several factors, including the type and stage of cancer, persons sensitivity to hormones, age, overall health of the individual and other medical conditions. Treatment generally follows within a few weeks after the diagnosis. Breast cancer diagnosis and treatment are best achieved by a team of experts. The specialist needs to evaluate the advantages and limitations of each type of treatment for each patient to develop the best approach.
Chemotherapy, Neoadjuvant chemotherapy, Radiotherapy, Mastectomy, Conservative breast cancer surgery, Adjuvant systemic therapy and Hormone therapy are certain options used to treat breast cancer.
A variety of things influence breast cancer risk including family history and other known risk factors. Screening can help catch it early and the earlier its diagnosed, the more treatable it is. The longer it takes to diagnose a breast cancer, the more difficult treatment becomes.
BY: Dr. Amitesh Anand, Surgical Oncologist, HCG Abdur Razzaque Ansari Cancer Hospital Ranchi
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Breast Cancer symptoms, prevention, and treatment - NewsPatrolling
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The Right Way to Use HCG For Weight Loss (Not the HCG Diet)
Posted: October 5, 2021 at 7:33 pm
This guide is part 2 in a series I am writing about how to properly and effectively use weight loss medications (including dosing, duration of therapy and titration). Part 1 contains information and dosing on Victoza which you can read about here.
HCG is often misused and misunderstood by patients, especially when it comes to weight loss.
HCG can be used as part of a weight loss regimen to help you lose weight, but it's almost always coupled with a very low-calorie diet which can actually be harmful to your metabolism long-term.
Learn how to use HCG in this guide:
*Note: Information in this article should not be considered medical advice nor can I offer medical advice to you. This information is provided as an educational resource.
It's important that we set the record straight on the difference between HCG the hormone and the HCG Diet.
HCG is actually just a hormone known as human chorionic gonadotropin.
It is naturally secreted in high amounts during pregnancy.
In fact, the amounts that pregnant women are subjected to is much higher than any dose that most people use for weight loss (including in the HCG diet).
HCG the hormone itself has some special properties (1) (which we will discuss below) that make it a valuable tool when and if you are trying to lose weight.
The problem that HCG gets a bad name because the name itself is often associated with the HCG diet.
Which is why we need to spend some time to separate these two ideas.
I'm sure you are familiar with the HCG diet, but if you aren't I would read this post which outlines in more detail why it is often harmful.
The HCG diet is a combination of a sustained very low-calorie diet which is coupled with HCG injections (or drops) throughout the weight loss phase.
The problem with the HCG diet is the duration of the calorie restriction, NOT the HCG hormone itself.
The prolonged calorie restriction in the HCG diet often causes metabolic damage and thyroid changes which almost always result in regaining any weight that was lost during the diet.
Despite this known side effect many people still decide to use the HCG diet, presumably for the temporary weight loss that results.
The problem is that each time you do the HCG diet you damage your metabolism more and more.
So the first time you use the HCG diet you may lose 20+ pounds, the second time you may only lose 5-10 and the third you may not lose any at all.
Each consecutive time you use it you will see your results diminish.
And this process occurs because of the calorie restriction.
This side effect is NOT from the HCG shots or injections!
You could couple a 500 calorie diet with any hormone (such as testosterone, progesterone or thyroid hormone) and you would end up in the same place.
But don't make the mistake of blaming HCG on the damage to your metabolism when it's the fault of the calorie restriction.
If this concept is new to you, or it doesn't make sense I would encourage you to read this article which outlines more information on how calories influence your weight and how to determine if you are eating enough.
It's important to realize that HCG is simply a hormone and because it is a hormone it has special benefits that we can utilize.
And if we combine HCG with proper dietary therapies, supplements, weight loss medications and so on we can actually gain all of the benefits from HCG without any of the downsides.
So let's talk about some of the benefits:
Like any hormone or medication, there are potential side effects and benefits you should consider when using it.
It's helpful to erase in your mind how you currently think about HCG and start over with a blank slate.
In this slate I want you to simply think about HCG as a potential weight loss hormone that, if used correctly, can be added to various different diets and therapies.
Once you've changed how you think about HCG a new world of opportunities and possibilities are available to you.
HCG can now be combined with other weight loss therapies such as Victoza, LDN and so on.
It can be combined with ANY diet including the ketogenic diet, the AIP diet and so on.
It can complement certain supplements that also augment weight loss such as fish oil, berberine, CLA, and alpha lipoic acid.
Suddenly HCG becomes a helpful tool that you can use on your journey to weight loss.
But how does HCG Work? How does it help with weight loss?
It can actually help in several ways...
Potential positive benefits of using HCG:
Because HCG is a hormone it also may have negative side effects that can pop up based on dosing or the sensitivity of the individual.
Potential side effects of using HCG:
HCG is usually very well tolerated and most people do not experience negative side effects.
But some people may experience these side effects and it may be an indication that they are using too much.
If you experience side effects they can usually be eliminated by simply reducing your dose.
The goal is to use the least amount of hormone possible for the largest amount of benefit.
Hormone therapies often suffer from a concept known as diminishing returns.
Diminishing returns is the idea that a given therapy will diminish in value with increasing dose.
So if 100 IU's works for you it doesn't mean that 200 IU's will work twice as well or that 400 IU's will work 4x as well.
HCG is often very helpful for certain women who are trying to lose weight.
Much of this benefit may stem from HCG and its ability to help regulate estrogen and progesterone levels.
The imbalance of estrogen to progesterone may be responsible, at least in part, for weight gain in certain areas of the body (think breasts, butt, thighs and so on).
This distribution of fat differs from other hormone imbalances such as insulin resistance which tends to promote weight gain in the abdominal cavity or surrounding the organs (so-called visceral fat) (5).
The problem with fat mediated by estrogen and progesterone is that it can be very difficult to treat and typically doesn't respond to conventional exercise and diet routines.
Even if these women tend to lose weight, if they don't improve their estrogen/progesterone balance they may end up with an abnormal fat distribution such as very little fat on the abdomen but excess fat on the arms/thighs and so on.
Women who fit this category may benefit from the episodic use of HCG as a complementary therapy to other weight loss therapies.
I've included a list of potential patients who may benefit more than others from the use of HCG based on my own personal experience and based on various clinical studies.
Which women should consider using HCG?
Whenever you can individualize weight loss therapies such as weight loss medication the results tend to be much better than a blanket or one-size-fits-all regimen.
But even when following these guidelines HCG may only promote weight loss in up to 70% of individuals who use it.
HCG also has many benefits for men and may be the reason that men do so well on the conventional HCG diet when compared to women.
HCG looks similar to another hormone known as LH or luteinizing hormone (7).
Because HCG looks similar to LH (at least to cellular receptors) it may sit on and activate LH receptors and lead to a normalization or natural boost to testosterone levels in men.
Because testosterone is so important (for both men and women, but especially in men) at promoting the male physique(8) the use of HCG may stimulate weight loss in men through this mechanism alone.
HCG should also be considered an integral part of normal testosterone replacement therapy which should include bio-identical testosterone, HCG to retard testicular atrophy and an estrogen blocker.
For this reason, men tend to benefit greatly from the periodic use of HCG especially during weight loss.
It should be noted, though, that HCG should not be used in place of testosterone or for extended periods of time.
Part of realizing the weight loss benefits of HCG is ensuring that you use it correctly.
The "standard" way of using HCG is to combine it with a calorie restricted diet and to use it daily.
It may be better to use smaller doses less frequently and combined with other therapies which also aid in weight loss.
Using it in this way promotes more sustained weight loss and limits any potential negative side effects associated with the hormone.
Whenever we talk about a weight loss medication or therapy we should always discuss how potent or how efficacious that therapy actually is.
It's one thing to say that a medication or hormone is effective at weight loss, but it's more important to understand just how effective it is.
For instance:
Would you be more interested in a weight loss therapy that worked 90% of the time but only helped you lose 1-2 pounds or would you be more interested in a weight loss therapy that worked 60% of the time but helped you lose 15-20 pounds?
The truth is that not all weight loss therapies will work for all people, and even if they do work in some people the efficacy will vary from person to person.
So 10 people could use the same therapy and experience various degrees of weight loss despite using it in the exact same way.
This doesn't mean that the therapy is flawed, but it does mean that you should do your best to personalize your regimen.
HCG is more useful as a side therapy for weight loss that should be combined with more powerful weight loss medications such as Victoza and Liothyronine.
In this way, it's not the most powerful weight loss medications but it can often help boost weight loss results by 5-15 pounds (depending on the person).
HCG is a hormone which may help to promote other hormone functions in both men and women.
It gets a bad name because of its association with the HCG diet, but after reading this hopefully, you can make a distinction between HCG the hormone and the HCG diet.
HCG the hormone is beneficial when used correctly, and the HCG is almost always harmful.
If you are considering using HCG make sure that you obtain a written prescription from a physician and make sure that you personalize dosing to your body.
It should be noted that proper use of HCG (as discussed here) should NOT result in any harm or long-term damage to your metabolism.
But now I want to hear from you:
Have you used HCG successfully in the past?
Did the HCG diet harm your metabolism?
Have you used HCG in the way that I've described here?
Leave your comments below!
If you have other questions or comments about using HCG in this way please leave them below and I will do my best to answer them.
References (Click to Expand)
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The Right Way to Use HCG For Weight Loss (Not the HCG Diet)
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156 HCG Diet Recipes & Food List For Maximum Weight Loss …
Posted: October 5, 2021 at 7:33 pm
Dr. Simeons findings made him passionate about the growing obesity problem. More and more, he saw the need for a weight loss solution that actually worked. Yearning to treat the increasing problem of obesity, Dr. Simeons remembered something he had observed during his time in India. It was there Dr. Simeons discovered how the HCG hormone helped disperse bad fat from around the hip and stomach region in several young male subjects.
Knowing he was onto something big, Dr. Simeons accelerated his research. His findings indicated the HCG hormone stimulated bad stored fat. This caused the body to move the stored fat. Once stored fat was being moved by the body from its location, Dr. Simeons realized a restricted calorie diet would then force the fatalready in motionfor fuel, leading to rapid weight loss. As he experimented with the hormone, he saw weight immediately dropping from his patients! Additionally, the hormone decreased his patients appetites. This caused their stored fat to vanish.
Eventually, though more research and testing, Dr. Simeons developed a diet protocol to maximize the weight-loss potential of the HCG hormone. He created a list of approved foods, and the HCG Diet was born.
The HCG Diet has come a long way since Dr. Simeons discovery in the 1950s. After spending decades being tested and refined, the HCG Diet is ready for the public. The result is nothing less than miraculous. People who have struggled with obesity for an entire lifetime are now losing weight they never thought theyd be able to shed.
The HCG diet is real. It comes from a lifetime of extensive research. Follow the protocol and discover how your body can return to its proper weight within a mere few weeks.
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25 Fad Diets That Did Not Stand the Test of Time – Parade Magazine
Posted: August 31, 2021 at 1:54 am
For almost as long as people have been eating food, dietsor at the very least, specific methods of eatinghave been popular. Women especially fall on the receiving end of many cultural expectations about weight and shape. While supple curves were once considered a highly-desired trait, thought to be significant of fertility and riches, the last two hundred years have seen a decided preference for slim and trim body types.
For every sensible eater who counts calories and exercises more, there are a dozen who want to lose weight quickly and are willing to go to extremes to achieve that goal. Below are the most dangerous, previously trendy or just overall goofy fad diets of modern history. Let many serve as a warning that, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
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Perhaps the most notorious fad diet is also the oldest. With no known date of origin, people in search of weight lossand especially womenhave made jokes about swallowing tapeworm eggs for over two hundred years. While this parasite, which takes up residence in the hosts intestines, may indeed lead to rapid weight loss, it can also cause organ failure and even death. Luckily, the actual use of the tapeworm diet today seems to be mostly anecdotal. Though that doesnt keep the kids from mentioning it on TikTok, however!
Created by fundamentalist minister Sylvester Graham, the eponymous diet consisted of mainly overcooked vegetables with no spices or dressings. Flour-based baked goods were verboten, as were salt, pepper and butter. According to Graham, the more enjoyable food was, the more likely it was to overexcite the digestive organs. In an age where cholera was running unchecked with no known cause, Grahams claims to health were viral. Graham was also concerned with minimizing sexual lust and deviance, and his very bland diet would supposedly fit the bill.
Horace Fletcher, a nutritionist with no formal education, rocked America with his diet idea to chew every bite of food 100 times to lessen hunger and save money on groceries every month. It is a known fact that people who eat slowly gain less weight, and studies have shown that chewing up to 35 times per mouthful can lower food consumption by 12%. Even so, all that excessive chewing was just thatexcessive.
Before the public associated cigarettes with lung cancer, heart disease and bad breath, smoking was considered rather glamorous. Ads for Lucky Strike cigarettes in the 1920s urged women to Reach for a Lucky instead of a sweet. Basically, instead of putting something yummy in your mouth, youd smoke a cigarette instead. While smoking cessation is associated with weight gain, doctors do not recommend nicotine as a weight-loss drug nowadays due to its many negative side effects.
The Hollywood Diet was probably the first celebrity-endorsed weight loss plan. Based on the (mistaken) belief that grapefruit had excellent fat-burning properties, adherents would eat half a grapefruit three times a day before every meal. Although it now may sound like the height of silliness, sex symbol Marilyn Monroe swore that the diet kept her waist trimperhaps because grapefruit is still a nutritious choice as part of a healthy diet.
Related: The 5 Best Diets to Help Manage Your Weight After 50
Surely youve heard about how Beyonce got into perfect shape for Dreamgirls by gulping a concoction of hot water, lemon juice, cayenne pepper and maple syrup? This diet, which has had staying power, began in the 1940s when Stanley Burroughs came up with what he called The Master Cleanse. Obviously, any kind of liquid- or partial-liquid diet will make you drop pounds (temporarily)but with few calories and almost no nutritional value, many health experts would argue that this diet is unsafe.
Like so many deceptive fad diets over the years, this very particular diet lured women in with the premise that they could eat as much as they wanted as long as they consumed nothing but cabbage soup. At least three bowls of cabbage soup were to be consumed daily on this diet, although some variations allowed for the addition of lean poultry. People did lose weight on this regime, but excessive flatulence was a significant problem for participants.
Nowadays, you might grab a SlimFast if you want a meal replacement shake. In 1961, however, there was Sego: a compound made of baby formula mixed with different flavors like chocolate malt, vanilla and banana. Advertisements bragged that Sego shakes could help dieters through the Temptation Hours. At only 225 calories a pop, its understandable why this once trendy diet did not last long.
Helen Gurley Brown, the eventual editor of Cosmo, touted a diet that would make women feel sexy and young. It consisted of an egg apiece for breakfast and lunch, washed down with black coffee and a glass of white wine. Dinner was a steak and what was left of the bottle of wine. Lacking many necessary nutrients, this fad diet was left in the 60s.
Related: Thinking About Going Low-Carb? Here Are 6 Diets to Choose From
While most fad diets are aimed squarely at women, this one targeted men looking to slim down and up their macho quotient. Ideally, participants would consume manly proteins like steak and lobster, along with large amounts of booze. It was, if you squinted right, a predecessor of modern low-carb diets.
It sounds like the ultimate dieting hack: If youre sleeping you cant be hungry, right? It made sense to medical doctors in the 70sthe height of diet pill maniawho prescribed handfuls of sedatives to homemakers so that they could sleep off their cravings. Elvis was a fan of this form of weight loss, which is no longer practiced.
Who doesnt love cookies? That was the basis of a creative diet plan by Dr. Sanford Siegal, who concocted prescription-only low-fat cookies that claimed to have a proprietary hunger controlling formula. The cookies were costly ($179.99 for a months supply), and participants were limited to just 500-700 calories of other food per day. While people successfully lost weight and this calorie-restrictive fad diet is still around, the calorie intake falls below most accepted recommendations for healthy weight loss and has understandably waned in popularity.
Dr. Herman Tarnower of Scarsdale, NY, created a sensation with the Scarsdale Diet in the late 1970sthe heyday of the fad diet. Tarnowers plan suggested a minimal calorie consumption for all dieters, regardless of sex, size or age, along with a diet rich in protein that also eliminates many healthy foods like nuts, avocado, sweet potatoes and whole grains. It was meant to be followed for two weeks at a time, which also encouraged yo-yo dieting.
This diet, which consists of eating nothing but fruit for 42 days (an updated version of the diet recommends 35 days), has been referred to as among the most dangerous plans of all time due to the inevitable loss of lean body mass and potassium. It also negatively impacted participants blood sugar. The new version of this diet is similarly considered a fad diet that unnecessarily restricts calories.
Consume a few of these delicious treats, and enjoy a marked decrease in hunger! The Ayds candies actually developed quite a following, but due to their unfortunate name, they fell off the market amidst the AIDS crisis of the 1980s.
Related: What Is the Optavia Diet and What Can You Eat on It?
Oprah endorsed this diet plan, also called the Optifast Plan, in which dieters consumed no solid food. Just specific (and expensive) shakes were ingested. Oprah claimed that she lost 67 pounds on this planevery one of which she gained back, plus some, as soon as she started eating regular food again (which she attributes to her metabolism being shot by the end). Unfortunately, this story of rapid weight loss and subsequent weight gain was ubiquitous among liquid dieters, and this fad did not last long.
Hating on fat was faddish in the diet industry at the end of the last century. Low-fat food like SnackWells cookies was all the rage. However, what people didnt realize was that fat wasnt the enemy, especially when low fat foods were stuffed full of added sugars to make them taste better. Mark this one up to a massive misunderstanding about the way that weight loss works.
Could your blood type influence how you digest food and what nutrients you need? Peter DAdamo, a naturopath, thought so. The idea was that certain foods contained lectins that conflicted with a persons blood type, causing inflammation and even cancer. For example, people with Type O blood were said to digest meat well, while other types werent. Unfortunately, there was no actual medical validity to these claims. Also, the typed diets were each missing crucial nutrients.
Who can forget Jared Fogel, who rose to fame with his claims of losing 245 pounds by eating two meals a day at Subway? Although the sandwich chain embraced Fogel, placing cardboard stand-ups of him in lobbies and using him to promote their healthier offerings, Subway claims that they never endorsed their eponymous diet and encouraged customers to eat balanced meals.
Celebs like Jennifer Aniston swore by this once trendy diet, in which participants ate about fourteen jars of baby food a day. Since there is an extreme calorie deficit, this diet definitely causes weight loss. However, since baby food nutrition is formulated for infants and not for adults, it also causes nutritional deficits.
Raw foodists claim that food loses life force when cooked. As the diet name suggests, raw foodists espouse eating nothing but raw whole foods. Not only is this diet incredibly restrictive, but it also has no bearing in actual science.
Related: New Research Finds That the Mediterranean Diet May Protect Against Alzheimers
Folks who have undergone fertility treatments are familiar with hCG, human chorionic gonadotropin. It can help a pregnancy stick, but a few years ago, people would inject themselves with a daily shot of this hormone and consume 500-800 calories a day. Not only were the calorie goals overly restrictive, leading to malnutrition, but the FDA eventually banned hCG for weight loss, citing a number of negative side effects.
Another fad diet that didnt last long, the Five-Bite diet was actually endorsed by a physicianDr. Alwin Lewis, of Burbank, California. The diet is simple: You can eat anything you want, but only five bites of it at lunch and another five at dinner. No breakfast. This diet leads to a massive, unhealthy and unsustainable calorie deficit for participants. As with any diets recommending limited intake of nutritious foods and severe calorie restriction, this is diet does not stand up to scientific studyand often leads to weight regain.
A concerning lifestyle trend, this diet espouses consuming nothing but sunlight, fresh air and, for some, tea. Breatharians have died from this fad diet, and no medical doctors and mainstream sources recommend this form of dieting. While intermittent fasting does have science to back it up, abstaining from all food and water does not.
Astoundingly dangerous, the Cotton Ball diet was one of the first fad dieting trends popularized by social media. Participants dipped up to five cotton balls in a juice of their choice and then consumed them in the hopes of making their stomachs feel full. Since cotton balls are not meant to be eaten, this diet has had dire consequences, including bowel obstruction.
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As you can see, fad diets are far from a thing of the past. With the prevalence of social media, it is actually easier than ever to be influenced into diets backed by little scientific evidence. Luckily, the internet has a silver lining: It is easier than ever to research types of diets and find the eating plan that can help you reach your happy weight!
Next up, Are We Finally Starting to See The End of Dieting Culture?
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Scope of Endocrine Testing Market Size, Status and Top Key Vendors (Abbott, Agilent, Bio Rad, Roche, Quest Diagnostics, QIAGEN) | Forecast to 2028 …
Posted: August 31, 2021 at 1:54 am
Global Endocrine Testing Market Synopsis:
An excellent Endocrine Testing marketing report is a well-known source of information that presents a telescopic view of the current market trends, situations, opportunities and status. The market analysis report focuses on global leading industry players providing information such as company profiles, product picture and specification, capacity, production, price, cost, revenue and contact information. Upstream raw materials and equipment and downstream demand analysis is also carried out in this business document. The geometric data brought together to generate Endocrine Testing report is mostly denoted with the graphs, tables and charts which make this report more user-friendly.
The Global Endocrine Testing Market to account from USD 9,067.33 Million in 2020 to USD 14,321.57 Million by 2028 growing at a CAGR of 5.88% in the forecast period of 2021 to 2028.
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According to the market report analysis, endocrine system basically comprises of the endocrine glands such as the pituitary, thyroid, pancreas, adrenal among others. The endocrine testing is basically conducted to find out the levels of various hormones, check function of endocrine glands, cause of an endocrinological problem or an earlier diagnosis.
The major key factors driving the growth of the Global Endocrine Testing Market are growing prevalence of endocrine disorders and other diseases such as obesity, diabetes, thyroid disease and others, sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy diet and increasing aged population. In addition, the high cost of advanced endocrine testing products might restrain the overall growth of the market. The heavy investment and advancements in product technologies is estimated to generate new opportunities within the forecast period.
Geographically, an influential Endocrine Testing marketing report is categorized into various regions, including sales, proceeds, market share and expansion rate (percent) in the following areas, North America, Asia-Pacific, South America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, The Middle East and Africa. What is more, the feasibility of new investment projects are assessed and overall research conclusions offered. Moreover, Endocrine Testing report gives idea to the clients about the market drivers and restraints with the help of SWOT analysis and also provides all the CAGR projections for the historic year 2019, base year 2020, and forecast period of 2021-2028.
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Global Key Players:
1 Abbott
2 DH Tech. Dev. Pte. Ltd
3 Biomedical Technologies Limited
4 Agilent
5 Beckman Coulter, Inc
6 bioMrieux SA
7 Bio Rad Laboratories Inc
8 DiaSorin
9 F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd
10 Laboratory Corporation of America Holdings
11 Quest Diagnostics Incorporated
12 Hologic, Inc
13 Ortho Clinical Diagnostics
15 American Chemistry Council, Inc
Global Endocrine Testing Market Segmentation:
Test Segmentation:
1 Thyroid Test2 Insulin Test3 Dehydroepiandrosterone Sulfate (DHEAS)4 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Test5 Human Chorionic Honadotropin (HCG)6 Follicle Stimulating (FSH)7 Prolactin Test8 Luteinizing Hormone9 Progesterone Test10 Others
Technology Segmentation:
1 Immunoassay2 Monoclonal and Polyclonal Antibody Technologies3 Clinical Chemistry Technologies4 Tandem Mass Spectroscopy5 Sensor Technology6 Others
End-User Segmentation:
1 Hospitals2 Clinical Laboratories3 Others
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Report contents include
1 Analysis of the Endocrine Testing Market including revenues, future growth, market outlook2 Historical data and forecast3 Regional analysis including growth estimates4 Analyses the end user markets including growth estimates5 Profiles on Endocrine Testing including products, sales/revenues, and market position6 Endocrine Testing Market structure, market drivers and restraints
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Dont ignore those stomach woes – The New Indian Express
Posted: August 18, 2021 at 1:52 am
Express News Service
BENGALURU:Almost everyone has experienced pain in the stomach at some point of time or the other. Whether from eating too much junk food or acquiring virus, we all know what it is like to suddenly be affected with stomach problems. Its also understood that not all stomach pain is the same. Stomach is an important part of the human body and is significantly linked to overall health and disease.
Stomach pain could be a sign of a wide range of health issues, and this could also be due to multiple reasons and can be the cause of concern if it continues. It could be due to a simple infection or development of cancerous cell in the stomach. Hence such pain should never be neglected.
Stomach cancer mostly affects the elderly and two-thirds of those who have it are over the age of 65. It is an abnormal growth of cells that begins in the stomach and spread to other organs of the body like the liver, lungs, and bones. Since stomach cancer usually doesnt cause any early symptoms, it often goes undiagnosed until it spreads to other parts of the body. Weight loss and continued abdominal pain are the most common symptoms at initial diagnosis.
Stomach cancer typically begins as precancerous that can develop into cancer slowly over time. Though some of these changes are evident in diagnostic procedures such as endoscopy, they usually dont cause any symptoms until the cancer progresses. The symptoms include:
Although genetic predisposition can impact the risk of developing stomach cancer, certain lifestyle factors also play a key role. One may be more likely to be diagnosed with stomach cancer if you consume a lot of processed foods and meat and are obese. Lifestyle changes like losing weight, avoiding large meals, reducing the intake of salty and processed foods, following a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins and avoiding tobacco use can help in decreasing the risk of stomach cancer.
TreatmentTreatment depends upon the stage of tumour and fitness of the patient to undergo surgical procedure. Treatment can be broadly categorised into curative and palliative. Curative treatment intends to eradicate the disease. To get the best results in advanced tumours, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and surgery are combined in an approach called multimodal treatment. Depending upon the extent of tumour, chemotherapy can be given before surgery or after surgery.
Suffering from indigestion or heartburn after a meal doesnt mean you have cancer. But if symptoms persist or gets worse, it is better to consult your health care professional and get checked immediately.
(The writer is a consultant surgical oncology, HCG Cancer Hospital Bengaluru)
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Dont ignore those stomach woes - The New Indian Express
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