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Category Archives: Oklahoma Stem Cells

Report: The judge in Oklahoma admits that part of the $ 572 million fee for J & J in the case of opioids was miscalculated – asume tech

Posted: October 24, 2019 at 2:44 am


A judge in Oklahoma admitted that a miscalculation has led to his charging excessive fees to one of the world's largest drug companies in a case involving opioids.

The Associated Press said Tuesday that Cleveland County, Oklahoma, District Judge Thad Balkman has acknowledged the failure to charge a $ 107,000 charge for $ 107 million, for a premium of $ 572 million Johnson & Johnson, headquartered in New Brunswick, New Jersey, would have to pay the state.

Balkman told J & J to pay the $ 572 million in August after finding that the drug maker in Oklahoma had created a "public nuisance" by helping to fuel the opioid crisis. J & J appealed the verdict last month, stating that Balkman had made a miscalculation of the $ 107 million charge.

In its Tuesday report, the Associated Press reported that J & J lawyers are seeking an additional reduction in the amount. With the 107,000 US dollars, a program for the treatment of opioid-dependent born babies should be developed.

Regardless, the Wall Street Journal on Tuesday reported that the country's top three drug distributors McKesson, AmerisourceBergen and Cardinal Health were talking about settling opiate disputes worth $ 18 billion. Citing the persons familiar with the discussions, the newspaper reported that the amount was paid out over a period of 18 years, while J & J itself was being discussed for contributing additional money.

J & J, the aforementioned distributors and several other companies are facing more than 2,000 litigation by state and local authorities that their marketing of opioid painkillers has contributed to the nationwide epidemic of drug additions. The cases are part of a multiple district litigation (MDL) hearing this month in the US District Court for the Northern District of Ohio.

One of MDL's best-known companies, Purdue Pharma, filed for more than $ 10 billion in bankruptcy last month, although several attorneys general have criticized this move. Other MDL companies include other opioid manufacturers and retailers such as Walgreens.

Photo: MedCity News

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Report: The judge in Oklahoma admits that part of the $ 572 million fee for J & J in the case of opioids was miscalculated - asume tech

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Are Pricey Fertility Treatments Helping Women Have Babies…Or Preying On Them? – Women’s Health

Posted: October 24, 2019 at 2:44 am

Lauren Citro, 32, has been trying to conceive for nearly six years.

Shes received fertility treatments at four clinics in three states.

In her effort to exhaust all options, shes sampled almost every intervention recommended: immunology testing, assisted hatching, supplements, acupuncture, intracytoplasmic sperm injection, testicular sperm extraction and the list goes on.

She trusted her doctorsand didnt want to drive herself crazy Googling things when fertility treatment is already a high-stress processbut the info she received from providers tended to be minimal and conflicting. Case in point: She went through whats known as an endometrial scratch that was described as highly recommended at her third clinic, only to find out it was entirely dismissed at a fourth place, because of the trauma it causes.

So Citro finally started doing some sleuthing online. Now, she asks a lot more questions. And as time goes on, and the more she hunts for evidence, the less shes willing to try different options. Our rationale used to be cant hurt, might help, Citro, a nurse in San Diego, says of the additional treatments she and her husband had during six IVF retrievals and four transfers (total cost: more than $100,000). But thats not necessarily the case. (She points to another example: a $7,000 testicular extraction of sperm that the results said had no impact on our outcome.)

About 10 percent of women in the U.S. struggle to conceive or stay pregnant, and nearly 2 percent of all births in the country are via in vitro fertilization (IVF), which costs upwards of $15,000. But beyond that, more than two-thirds of fertility clinic patients spend up to $10,000 per cycle on so-called optional extras or add-onsemerging techniques a clinic might offer on top of mainstream fertility treatment (i.e., IVF), supposedly to improve the odds even further and typically (almost always) for an additional cost. Add-ons, like the ones Citro tried, are rarely covered by insurancethough, in general, getting any part of your fertility treatment covered is still not the norm.

On some level, fertility treatment is like going to a Chinese restaurant and picking items from a dim sum cart, and it shouldnt be that way.

Many health-care providers are becoming increasingly worried that fertility extras come with costs far beyond monetary ones. Out of a group of routinely offered add-ons, 26 of 27 lacked rigorous, conclusive research to back their effectiveness for improving pregnancy or birth rates, found a recent investigation conducted by Oxford University and published in the British Medical Journal. Plus, the research IDd at least one of the procedures (preimplantation genetic screening, which well get to later) as potentially harmful.

On some level, fertility treatment is like going to a Chinese restaurant and picking items from a dim sum cart, and it shouldnt be that way, says Rachel Ashby, MD, an ob-gyn at Brigham and Womens Hospital Center for Infertility and Reproductive Surgery and an instructor at Harvard Medical School.

Piling on to the controversy is the fact that some experts believe there are flaws in the way U.S. fertility clinics are overseen. The U.S. requires fertility centers to report the basic details of each treatment cycleoutcomes, infertility diagnosis, number of embryos transferred, use of fresh or frozen embryos, donor or non-donor eggsto the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) each year.

So in that sense, the industry is highly regulated. While that sounds like a positive fact, there is no penalty if a clinic doesnt report to the CDC; its simply listed as non-reporting.

The American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) also offers practice guidelines and opinions on how clinics should operate, including whether certain add-ons should be used on all patients, but businesses are not required to follow these either.

Many experts in the field say that for a lot of interventions, the science isnt there yet. That doesnt mean it will never advance, or that add-ons unanimously deserve a shady rap. But until we know whether an add-on works for a certain patient groupand whether the potential benefit outweighs the risksome believe they should be offered sparingly, with the science (and its flaws) and the pros and cons laid out clearly and deliberately for every single patient. Unfortunately, that doesnt always happen.

Whew, thats a lot to unpack. The data is messy and unfinished. Clinic regulation is loose. Yet women remain hopeful. And how could they not when faced with the opportunity to do everything in their power to start a family? WH goes deep

The debate is a minefield, starting with the word add-on itself. These treatments are generally unproven, yes. Still, many healthcare providers and patients are so insistent about the value that they bristle at the mere suggestion that add-ons are frivolous.

Deborah Anderson-Bialis, a founder of FertilityIQ, a website that provides independent analysis of clinics and doctors, points out that proponents would much prefer the phrase options for treatment to add-ons, because the latter has a negative connotation and implies theyre unnecessary. Some medical publications use the term adjuvants instead of add-ons.

This year, the United Kingdoms fertility regulatory agency began rating nearly a dozen add-ons with a traffic light system, with green reserved for procedures shown to be effective and safe by at least one good-quality randomized clinical trial (the gold standard of research). Not one has received a green rating yet. And if youre wondering, the U.S. has far less regulation than the U.K., which may stem from Congresss 1996 ban on the use of federal funds for research related to the creation of embryos.

Heres a snapshot of the points of contention:

The most commonly advocated add-on in recent years is preimplantation genetic testing for an abnormality called aneuploidy, or PGT-A. Its also one of the most expensive ($3,000 to $8,000, depending on where you live). Some practices, particularly in competitive markets like New York, recommend it (and sometimes insist on it) for 100 percent of patients, according to Norbert Gleicher, MD, founder of New Yorks Center for Human Reproduction. But there is so far no evidence that it increases live birth rates, which is why insurance doesnt cover it. The U.K.s watchdog group has given the screening a red-light rating, as it risks damaging fragile embryos by removing cells to test for these abnormalities. Meanwhile, an ASRM committee analyzed the available studies and concluded there was insufficient evidence to recommend the routine use.

But this is where things start to get complicatedlike, really complicated. Proponents of PGT-A will point out that theres a potential upside with PGT-A in women who have miscarried (aneuploidy is thought to be the biggest cause of miscarriages). And while PGT-A did not improve the live birth rate in all subjects, women over 38 who had PGT-A screening were found to have a better chance of achieving a live birth and were significantly less likely to have a miscarriage, possibly because they avoid being implanted with an embryo thats genetically abnormal from the get-go, found a study in Human Reproduction. This may be reason enough for some women to choose it. That all being said, the study authors note that it remains to be seen whether the benefits outweigh the drawbacks of cost and invasiveness.

This is a tool we can use to lessen our patients suffering and also give them some peace of mind that the pregnancy thats created is genetically normal, argues Catha Fischer, MD, an ob-gyn at Reproductive Medicine Associates of New Jersey. Two sides to every coin, in a sense.

Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) is a common add-on.

This is when the single best-looking sperm (and it definitely is a beauty contest; its done by sight) is picked to be injected into the egg. (In conventional IVF, the egg is put in a petri dish with a bunch of sperm, and whichever one gets to it first is the winner.) For people who have no evidence of male-factor infertility, which is at least 50 percent of patients, the chances of getting pregnant are identical whether you pay the $1,000 to $2,500 for ICSI or not. Yet ICSI is being offered to people who arent, as doctors say, medically indicated for the issue. In fact, 66 percent of IVF cycles used ICSIand only 32 percent actually had male-factor infertility aloneper the latest CDC report.

Whats more, the British fertility regulatory authority warned that ICSI has slightly more risk than other fertility treatments; eggs may be damaged when theyre cleaned and injected with sperm. ICSI may also be associated with genetic and developmental disorders, though its not clear whether this is connected to the treatment itself or the infertility that prompted its use.

The add-on is so controversial that it has prompted experts to stand up and scream at each other at otherwise staid medical conferences, which Anderson-Bialis has witnessed. The method uses drugs to suppress the mothers immune system, based on the theory that her immune system goes out of control and mistakenly targets her pregnancy, possibly causing infertility, failed IVF, or miscarriage.

A little perspective here: Those are just a few examples of hot-button add-onsfrom a list of nearly 30. And not every supplemental fertility tool has such clear potential downsides. Most others just dont have verified positivesand cost a lot.

The yes mentality, explained

The fact that patients are embracing add-ons makes total sense: Youre determined to grow your family, and the fertility window is cracked open only so long, right? It can feel as if there simply isnt time to wait for conclusive research. And given the incredible expenses of fertility treatment, many women prefer to walk away knowing they gave it their absolute best shot.

We spent a lot of money because we wanted to feel like we did everything we could, says Citro, who notes that for months after her last cycle, it was difficult to talk about her long quest for parenthood without crying. Its an emotional roller coaster.

In these situations, many people are understandably searching for a sense of control, says psychologist Jessica Zucker, PhD, who specializes in womens reproductive and maternal mental health. When your body isnt doing what you wanted or expected it to do, all sorts of feelings can result from thisdisappointment most especially. But you have ownership over what youre willing to go through to try to conceive. So its a good idea to get familiar with your limits.

There is a mistaken notion that medical treatments are either futile or backed by large, well-controlled randomized studies."

These extras also glitter with a success halo. Its tempting to revel in positive stories in online communities and message boards and read into the content. But, says Dr. Ashby, anecdotes are two steps below voodoo in terms of value. There are more than 200you read that rightvariables that can impact an IVF cycle, according to Mandy Katz-Jaffe, PhD, scientific director of the fertility clinic network CCRM. So its not possible to pinpoint one single variable as responsible for the birth of a healthy baby.

However, when youre struggling with infertility, theres power and comfort in believing. Maybe Ill be the one person in 1,000 it works for, you imagine. Katie Coester, 37, of Washington, D.C., went to a clinic that didnt try to upsell, as she describes, and recommended only two add-ons: testing embryos for chromosome abnormality and endometrial scratching. (Her IVF was covered by insurance; the additions cost her some $2,000.) She also scoured message boards for possible ways to increase her odds, which is how she ended up doing acupuncture, watching funny movies (a small study done in Israel recommended laughter), and eating, er, pineapple core.

Coester had only one fallopian tube and was 31 when she started treatment. She had fairly quick successbut if she hadnt, she thinks she would have paid for anything and everything. You think, Ive come this far, says Coester, who is now a mother of two. Even with insurance coverage, we had to say, How far are we willing to push my body? What is the emotional toll were willing to take?

This brings us to the line the medical world is currently struggling to straddle: finding middle ground between forgoing ineffective and costly treatments and offering patients potentially helpful ones that just may not have a large randomized controlled trial behind them, says Zev Williams, MD, PhD, chief of reproductive endocrinology and infertility at the Columbia University Fertility Center.

There is a mistaken notion that medical treatments are either futile or backed by large, well-controlled randomized studies, says Dr. Williams. The reality is much more nuanced than thatthere is a large area in the middle where there is either preliminary or limited data showing benefit.

Karina Shreffler, PhD, a professor of human development and family science at Oklahoma State University, says the super-solid research studies are extremely expensive and difficult to secure funding for and also complicated to run. You need a large enough sample of diverse women receiving a specific kind of treatment (and a control group of similar women who dont receive the treatment). Even then, she says, youd be working within the challenge that only some women seek fertility treatment, and that theyre different from the women who dont (due to lack of finances, ethical reasons, and geography). So that poses additional considerations when it comes to interpreting the results.

Until the science catches up (if it does, that is), the Big Question remains: Why do clinics offer these treatments in infantile stages? First, many interventions in medicinenew cancer treatments, for instanceare instituted before theres a ton of research if there is even a slight inkling that they may help. Or, sadly, the more cynical take: Offering add-ons gives clinics a financial edge, many experts suggest. Because so few insurance companies pay for PGT-A, for example, private clinics and labs get the full fee, as opposed to insurance companies lower reimbursement rates, making the procedure a moneymaker for the fertility industry. These things are highly profitable, says Arthur Caplan, PhD, founding director of NYU Langones Division of Medical Ethics. Its We have desperate people here, and we can sell them anything.

If youre in the market for treatment, the bottom-line advice is to hitch your wagon to a health-care professional who is willing to take the time to educate youand to know you. If you meet with a doctor, and all youre getting is this is what you should do, then you need to find a new one, says Dr. Ashby. A praiseworthy provider will help you analyze and interpret conflicting fertility datawhich is tough to do as a laypersonand will also draw from their experience treating patients with cases similar to yours. (Dr. Fischer likes to tell patients, If youre thinking about Googling a question, just email me instead. I can shield you from worrying over misinformation or a misunderstanding.)

Grappling with infertility can suck the life out of you. But in the end, the best you can do is try to make an informed decision.

With all the new fertility and egg-freezing pop-ups, its critical to consider quality and experience over flashy marketing and trinkets. A doctors goal, always, should be to give every patient the very best chance of success and to practice patient-focused and evidence-based care, while also being transparent about the data behind medical recommendations, says Dr. Williams. More safeguarding suggestions: Consider a facility that is attached to a university, and seek out multiple opinions before green-lighting a procedure for yourself.

Citro, for one, needs a break from it allthe doctors, the studies, the clinics, the add-ons, the Googling. She hit pause for now but has not lost hope. After nearly six years of letting infertility dominate her life, she and her husband took a break from IVFand a vacation to Europe. We know well go back to treatment eventually, she says. We really hope that we end up with kids. Whatever happens, I want to look back and know that I made the very best decisions for me.

How to Prep for the Unknown Grappling with infertility can suck the life out of you. But in the end, the best you can do is try to make an informed decision. Go in with an investment plan of sorts (in your mind or on paper) that details what youre comfortable putting into the process monetarily and emotionally. Brainstorm in advance what youre willing to devote to thisthe money, the energy, the time off from work if you need, perhapsand what youre not, says psychologist Jessica Zucker, PhD. Maintain flexibility. Its okay if your expectations and limitations evolve or change over time. Try not to judge yourself at any stage of the process, she stresses. In the end, you got this, no matter what that means for you.

This article originally appeared in the October 2019 issue of Women's Health.

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Are Pricey Fertility Treatments Helping Women Have Babies...Or Preying On Them? - Women's Health

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Healing Chronic Pain and Inflammation With Plant-Based Foods – One Green Planet

Posted: October 2, 2019 at 4:51 am

Chronic pain is one of the most widely-recognized medical terms for the obvious reason that a majority of individuals suffer from some form of you guessed it chronic pain. This type of ailment differs from other types of pain as it usually negatively affects your daily life, making it difficult to accomplish normal tasks and it can eventually affect your mental health causing severe depression.

While chronic pain may stem from many different sources an injury, a disease or condition, or an unknown source one of the persistent and almost universal causes is chronic inflammation.

Youve most likely heard this term thrown about frequently in the health world lately. Inflammation is quickly becoming the leading cause of many health conditions outside of chronic pain including poor gut health, autoimmune diseases, mental health disorders, and even cancer.

When it comes to chronic pain, inflammation is generally pinned down as the underlying culprit.

The consequences of chronic inflammation in relation to chronic pain can be far-reaching including a build-up of scar tissue, decreased flexibility, hardening of arteries (which can lead to atherosclerosis), and even the acceleration of joint degeneration leading to arthritis. All of these factors may be causing a different type of pain that you would never associate with inflammation.

What can you do to help heal your body and reduce pain?

Try integrating plant-based foods into your diet! Recent studies have shown that a high intake of plant-based foods may be a leading intervention to help decrease the level of inflammation and help manage chronic pain. Plant-based foods are naturally rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents, as well as vitamins, minerals, and essential macronutrients.


Chronic pain also called chronic pain syndrome refers to pain which forgoes so-called normal types of pain, which occur after an injury heals or an illness runs its course. Chronic pain can draw out for months or even years, oftentimes without a specific known cause or trigger. If constant pain lasts longer than three to six months, your doctor will generally categorize it as chronic pain. Chronic pain syndrome is so prevalent in the states, that it is said to affect some 25 million Americans.

While pain is different for every person, chronic pain is generally experienced as joint pain, muscle aches, and burning pain. On top of that, chronic pain is also experienced in less obvious ways such as severe fatigue and sleep issues, mood problems depression, anxiety, irritability and even loss of stamina or flexibility, generally caused by a lack of activity due to the chronic pain.


Depending on the cause of chronic pain, there may be different things happening in your body. With that said, most chronic pain sufferers share a few things in common. First off, with chronic pain your body continues to send pain signals to your brain, even after an injury heals, meaning that the trauma or illness may have healed, but your body still believes its in pain. Secondly, most people suffering from chronic pain generally are also suffering from some sort of bodily inflammation, inflammation-related disorder, or chronic inflammatory issue.

Unfortunately, chronic pain can affect any part of your body. Yet, there are a few more common areas of issue including headaches, postsurgical pain, post-trauma pain, lower back pain, cancer pain, arthritis pain, neurogenic pain, caused by nerve damage and psychogenic pain unknown pain that is not caused by disease, injury, or nerve damage.


Causes of chronic pain vary depending on the person and their particular situation.

Possibly, its an injury that did not heal correctly or trauma from a surgical procedure. It could also be a lingering ghost pain from an illness that created a miscommunication between the brain and the nervous system, so that your body doesnt know its not in pain anymore. This type of ghost pain is continually worsened in a cycle as chronic pain changes the way neurons behave, making them hypersensitive to pain messages.

Basically, nerve cells are damaged by pain thereby making the pain worse.

With that said, there are a few common conditions that are known causes of chronic pain syndrome including back pain stemming from muscles strains, nerve compression, or arthritis of the spine osteoarthritis the wearing of the protective cartilage between bones fibromyalgia a neurological condition that causes pain and tenderness for unknown reasons advanced cancer in the body, and autoimmune diseases, in particular, rheumatoid arthritis inflammation of the joints and inflammatory bowel disease inflammation of the digestive tract.


There may be a handful of conditions that cause chronic pain, yet one of the most common triggers and instigators of pain is bodily inflammation.

What is inflammation?

You may be familiar with this word as its become a hot button term in the health world over the last few decades. While inflammation has gotten a bad rap, its actually an essential and normal bodily response. For instance, when you are injured or get infected, your body signals the immune system to send white blood cells to the affected areas to repair the injury or fight the infection. Basically, an inflammatory response is meant to keep you safe and healthy.

Unfortunately, sometimes the inflammatory response can go a little haywire, when your immune system gets turned on and stays on after the crisis has passed whether its due to diet, disease, condition, or injury. This leads to chronic inflammation, which is a condition that can cause a slew of health issues including an increase in the risk of heart disease, diabetes, certain cancers, and even Alzheimers disease, as well asdamage [to] healthy cells and organs and [causing] constant pain in muscles, tissues, and joints.

Hence the connection between chronic pain syndrome and chronic inflammation.


So, chronic inflammation is a key component in chronic pain. How can you combat inflammation?

First off, talk to your doctor about this as a possible cause or component of your pain. There are certain tests that your doctor can perform to check your inflammatory health. They may also have a special course of treatment particular to your exact situation.

With that said, diet plays a huge role in both causing and mitigating inflammation.

Per Dr. Fred Tabung a visiting researcher with the Department of Nutrition at Harvard in a Harvard Medical School article entitledCan Diet Heal Chronic Pain?a lot of chronic pain is the result of chronic inflammation, and the evidence is quite strong that your diet can contribute to increased systemic inflammation But your diet is also one of the best ways to reduce it. When it comes to reducing bodily inflammation, you cant get any better than plant-based foods. Most plant-based foods are naturally rich in anti-inflammatory properties, as well as antioxidants, polyphenols, and a variety of vitamins and minerals that boost health and protect your body from harm. Dr. Tabung explains that your diet can help support your immune system by having it turn on and turn off at the appropriate times [while] a poor diet can alter your immune system, so it acts abnormally, and can contribute to persistent low-grade inflammation.


Its not just Dr. Tabung promoting this idea of the diet-inflammation connection. In fact, there is a whole slew of studies that support this theory and, in particular, the theory of a plant-based diet decreasing inflammation and helping to mitigate the symptoms of chronic pain syndrome.

In a 2015 study published in Complementary Therapies in Medicine600 participants followed a vegan diet for three weeks which significantly reduced C-reactive protein, a key marker for acute and chronic inflammation. Another study in 2010, published inthe Journal of the American Dietetic Association, observed 79 rheumatoid arthritis patients who [performed] a vegetable fast for seven to 10 days, after which they were divided into two groups: one that followed by a vegan diet and another that followed a lacto-vegetarian diet a diet that includes dairy and eggs. While the lacto-vegetarians didnt see any change in pain, those that followed the vegan diet experienced significant improvement in tender and swollen joints, pain, duration of morning stiffness and grip strength.

Another study entitledChronic musculoskeletal pain and function improve with a plant-based diet published more recently in 2018 in Complementary Therapies in Medicinefollowed a small group of 20 participants in an eight-week diet intervention that focused primarily on plant-based foods in order to mitigate chronic musculoskeletal pain. While only 14 of the participants finished the study, the results found that the diet intervention resulted in decreased pain and improvement in quality of life.


Want to start eating for your pain? Before changing your diet, make sure to consult your doctor! Every human body is different and your doctor can help you tailor a new diet to meet your specific bodily demands, sensitivities, allergies, and needs. After you get the thumbs up from your doctor, you can move forward with a new diet! Switching to a primarily plant-based diet is a great place to start and yet there are a handful of specific plant-based foods that target and reduce pain. Here are a few that have been found to be particularly effective when fighting pain symptoms.

Sugarless Grape Jelly/One Green Planet

Grapes are one of the best plant-based indulgences to have in your kitchen. This is especially true for those looking to cut out all refined sugar. Even though grapes are high in natural sugar one cup has around 23 grams they also happen to be a great source of vitamin A, vitamin K, choline, potassium, and they are rich in resveratrol, a powerful compound that blocks the enzymes that contribute to tissue degeneration. In recent studies, its been found that resveratrol may protect against the kind of cartilage damage that causes back pain.

Adding grapes into your diet is also super easy and enjoyable! They can be snacked on raw, directly after being washed or you can include them in meals such as this Cinnamon Spiced Apple and Grape Salad or even create your own DIY jellies such as this Sugarless Grape Jelly or this 3-Ingredient Grape Chia Jelly. Just remember to use red grapes if your aim is to reduce pain!

Ginger Tea/One Green Planet

If youre a health nut like me, you most likely already keep ginger in some form in your kitchen. This diverse and aromatic ingredient is not only great for naturally kicking nausea and easing digestion, but it also has been shown to help fight chronic pain symptoms. In a University of Miami-based study observing patients suffering from chronic knee pain, almost two-thirds of patients reported less soreness upon standing after taking a ginger extract.

It doesnt hurt that ginger also happens to be delicious! When youre consuming ginger for its medicinal properties, its best to get the most potent version. While extracts and powder varieties can be easy, nothing is better than consuming ginger in its raw form. When youre just starting out, try integrating raw ginger into other flavor-filled recipes such as this Sweet Potato, Ginger, and Coconut Soup, this potent Ginger Tea, or this Basil Pineapple Ginger Smoothie.

Raw Turmeric Ginger Smoothie/One Green Planet

For those that have been addressing inflammation for some time, turmeric is a staple in your kitchen. This traditional Indian spice contains a powerful anti-inflammatory agent called curcumin. Curcumin gives turmeric its rich yellowish color and is a powerful antioxidant that is known to help fight inflammation in the body. One study actually found that turmeric counteracted rheumatoid arthritis as effectively than ibuprofen! Consuming turmeric from the raw root is the most potent way to get the benefits of curcumin such as in this Raw Turmeric Ginger Smoothie (plus, youll also get the pain-fighting agents of ginger!). With that said, the powder form is more affordable and will last longer in your pantry. In order to boost the benefits of the powdered form, mix your turmeric spice with freshly ground black pepper such as in this Vegetable Pilaf Bowl with Creamy Turmeric Dressing.

Spicy Garlic Edamame/One Green Planet

Soy fights pain via isoflavones, which are plant hormones with anti-inflammatory properties. In a study conducted by Oklahoma State University, it was discovered that consuming 40 grams of soy protein daily for three months slashed [osteoarthritis] patients use of pain medication in half. Plus, soy is a great source of protein for plant-based eaters! If you want to integrate this pain-fighting agent into your diet, start out with classic edamame such as in this Spicy Garlic Edamame recipe or try your hand at some tofu-based meatless recipes such as this Tofu Steaks recipe or this Chicken Thai Red Curry With Fried Rice recipe.

Latte Macchiato/One Green Planet

To be honest, this one surprised me! When it comes to the pain-fighting powers of caffeine, there are a few different layers to the so-called coffee onion. First off, caffeine has been shown to enhance the effects of common painkillers such as aspirin and acetaminophen. Secondly, studies have also shown that caffeine has pain-lowering powers of its own at least when it comes to the pain associated with exercise. A University of Georgia-based study revealed that moderate doses of caffeine equivalent to two cups of joe reduced post-workout pain by almost 50 percent. Plus, caffeine can help boost your workout efficacy as well, which produces a higher level of endorphins making you feel better.

Want to spice up your coffee-intake routine? Try some creative coffee-based recipes such as this Cold Brew Ice Cream, Latte Macchiato, or this energizing Mocha Granola!

We also highly recommend downloading ourFood Monster App, which is available foriPhone, and can also be found onInstagramandFacebook. The app has more than 15,000 plant-based, allergy-friendly recipes, and subscribers gain access to new recipes every day. Check it out!

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Healing Chronic Pain and Inflammation With Plant-Based Foods - One Green Planet

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VetStem Biopharma Shares the Success Story of Cheyenne Who Was Treated with VetStem Cell Therapy by Dr. Scott Reiners – PR Web

Posted: October 2, 2019 at 4:51 am


POWAY, Calif. (PRWEB) October 01, 2019

Cheyenne is a beautiful and strong Quarter Horse and a huge part of her owners riding program. Mimi, Cheyennes owner, owns and operates Rebels Run, which offers riding lessons and trail riding in Afton, Virginia. According to Mimi, Cheyenne was a favorite amongst students and trail riding guests. Mimi describes her as her go to horse. Thus, you can imagine the devastation when Cheyenne tore her meniscus.

Mimi stated that Cheyenne was in a lot of pain and one of her veterinarians thought she may need to be euthanized. Fortunately, Mimi and Cheyenne were referred to Dr. Scott Reiners of Mountain View Equine Hospital to potentially receive stem cell therapy. Dr. Reiners is a board-certified veterinary surgeon and has been providing VetStem Cell Therapy since 2007.

Upon examination, Dr. Reiners diagnosed Cheyenne with Osteochondritis Dissecans (OCD) in addition to a torn meniscus and Degenerative Joint Disease (DJD) in her right hind knee. He recommended moving forward with stem cell therapy and began the process by collecting fat from Cheyennes tailhead in a minimally invasive surgical procedure. The fat was packaged and shipped overnight to the VetStem laboratory in Poway, California. Once received, VetStem laboratory technicians processed the fat to extract Cheyennes stem and regenerative cells to create injectable stem cell doses. Cheyennes stem cell injections were shipped to Dr. Reiners who received and injected them within 48 hours of the initial fat collection.

Due to the severity of the injury, Cheyenne required a second treatment with stem cells approximately 4 months after the first round of injections. Fortunately, VetStem had additional stem cell doses stored for Cheyenne so there was no need for a second fat collection procedure.

Mimi reported that the stem cell therapy was successful. She stated, After meeting with Dr. Reiners, I knew this would work. And boy did it! Cheyenne is 20 years old and fit as a fiddle. It brings tears to my eyes and joy to my heart to see her canter in every night for her feed. She is happy and pain free. Thank you so much VetStem for your part in her recovery!

Stem cells are regenerative cells that can differentiate into many tissue types, reduce pain and inflammation, help to restore range of motion, and stimulate regeneration of tendon, ligament and joint tissues. In a clinical case series using VetStem Regenerative Cell Therapy in horses with tendon and ligament and joint injuries, it was found that VetStem Regenerative Cell Therapy helped these horses to return to full work or to the activity level that the owner desired.

About Scott Reiners, DVM, DACVS, DACVSMRDr. Reiners received his DVM from Kansas State University and completed his surgical residency at Oklahoma State University. He and his wife, Dr. Wynne DiGrassie, started Mountain View Equine Hospital in 2003. Dr. Reiners special interests include orthopedic surgery, fracture/tendon repair, laser surgery, shockwave therapy, and sport horse lameness and rehabilitation.

About VetStem Biopharma, Inc.VetStem Biopharma is a veterinarian-led Company that was formed in 2002 to bring regenerative medicine to the profession. This privately held biopharmaceutical enterprise, based near San Diego, California, currently offers veterinarians an autologous stem cell processing service (from patients own fat tissue) among other regenerative modalities. With a unique expertise acquired over the past 15 years and 17,000 treatments by veterinarians for joint, tendon or ligament issues, VetStem has made regenerative medicine applications a therapeutic reality. The VetStem team is focused on developing new clinically practical and affordable veterinary solutions that leverage the natural restorative abilities present in all living creatures. In addition to its own portfolio of patents, VetStem holds exclusive global veterinary licenses to a large portfolio of issued patents in the field of regenerative medicine.

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VetStem Biopharma Shares the Success Story of Cheyenne Who Was Treated with VetStem Cell Therapy by Dr. Scott Reiners - PR Web

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Oklahoma prisons locked down after outbreak of violence – ABC News

Posted: September 23, 2019 at 6:45 am

Weekend fights at six Oklahoma prisons that left one inmate dead and more than a dozen others injured were apparently coordinated and the result of race-based gang tension inside the facilities, the head of a prison workers association said Monday.

The first fight erupted Saturday at the Northeast Oklahoma Correctional Center in Vinita, in the northeast of the state. It was followed Sunday by fights at prisons in Hominy, Sayre, Fort Supply, Lawton and Stringtown, according to the state Department of Corrections.

The prisoner who died was at the medium-security Dick Conner Correctional Center in Hominy, about 90 miles (145 kilometers) northeast of Oklahoma City. More than a dozen inmates were taken to hospitals with injuries that aren't considered life-threatening.

"It has to be a coordinated effort," said Bobby Cleveland, director of the Oklahoma Corrections Professionals. "They even had fights at the minimum-security prison," he said, referring to the Fort Supply lockup.

All of Oklahoma's prisons remained locked down on Monday, with family visitation canceled and inmates mostly confined to their cells.

Prison officials were still investigating what caused the fights, but Cleveland said tension has been brewing for months among race-based gangs inside the state's prisons.

Four inmates were wounded last month after skirmishes erupted at a prison in northwestern Oklahoma, and dozens of inmates were involved in an altercation at a private prison earlier this year in Lawton, in the southwest of the state, that left nine inmates injured.

Eighteen members of a white supremacist Oklahoma prison gang were charged earlier this year with racketeering, drug conspiracy and kidnapping that resulted in at least six homicides over the past 14 years, according to a federal indictment.

Cleveland said inmates can use contraband cellphones to coordinate attacks, even among prisoners at other facilities.

Since 2011, prison officials in Oklahoma have seized more than 48,500 prohibited cellphones and asked federal lawmakers to authorize the use of cellphone signal jamming technology to help stem the problem.

The former director of Oklahoma's prison system frequently delivered dire warnings to the Legislature about overcrowded, crumbling facilities, staff shortages and steady increases in the number of inmates.

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Oklahoma City Stem Cell Seminar – Stem Cell Centers …

Posted: September 10, 2019 at 7:48 pm

1How much is the seminar?

This is a complimentary seminar. No cost and no obligation. The doctor will be reviewing the latest research on how stem cells are able to help revive and rejuvenate worn, damaged joints and tissues (such as knees, shoulders and hips). Please contact us if you have any questions!

2Is regenerative cell therapy safe?

Our Regenerative Cell Therapy is an extremely safe treatment option. We are committed to the highest standards of patient safety, and adheres to stringent FDA regulations.

3How much downtime should I expect after regenerative cell therapy?

Typically, there is no little to no downtime from regenerative cellular therapy.

4Is more than one treatment needed?

Not every person is the same. Obviously that possibility exists and thats why we take our patients through our advanced assessment so we can carefully determine if you are one of those special cases. It is important to understand that once a joint regenerates, there would be no need for further treatment unless a new injury occurred or over-time,that joint degenerated again. Many patients are experiencing major relief from our Regenerative Stem Cell Therapy after only ONE treatment!

5How much does it cost?

Every person is unique and would require a one on one consultation with the provider to see if you are a candidate. The good news is, we've made it a goal to never let price get in the way of your health. If together we find regenerative therapy is right for you, and will improve your quality of life, there are several flexible payment options available.

6What determines the outcome of my regenerative cell therapy?

Various factors will determine the outcome of your Regenerative Cell Therapy treatment, such as the extent of damage, disease and the location being treated. Most people respond well to this therapy option and experience relief from pain in just a short period of time. For instance, this therapy has been known provide full relief to patients after only one treatment.

7How are regenerative cells collected?

Our Regenerative Cell Treatment is a revolutionary breakthrough treatment option for people suffering from inflammation, reduced mobility, sports injuries, tissue and ligament damage, or chronic pain. Regenerative Cell Therapy is an injectable regenerative tissue matrix solution, that often times leaves the patient feeling relief after only ONE treatment. This cutting edge treatment takes the best components from all the current non-invasive treatment options and puts them into one. This Regenerative Cell Treatment is collected from mothers who have donated their placental tissue after delivering a child by c-section birth.

8Is there anything else I can do to increase the effectiveness of my therapy?

Yes! Our treatment plans are comprehensive. Not only will we provide you with the most cutting-edge treatment options, but we will also assist you through rehabilitation. Following the custom program created for your specific needs will thoroughly increase the effectiveness.

9How long does the repair process take?

Generally, the repair process begins immediately and the good news is that it can continue to repair for up to eight additional months from the date of the initial procedure.

10Can the procedure fail?

Like any other procedure there is no 100% guarantee. In certain cases, it is possible that you may need additional treatments or your stem cells do not have enough repair potential relative to the severity of your disease.

11If the regenerative cell therapy does not work can I still have surgery?

Yes. There is nothing about these procedures that would preclude you from having traditional surgery. We evaluate each case carefully, however, so if its possible to tell that the best course of action is truly conventional surgery we will advise you on that.

12Will insurance cover it

Unfortunately insurance and Medicare do not cover stem cell therapy (yet). We have made this treatment option extremely affordable because of this.

13How often does the procedure work?

Regenerative Cell Therapy has amazing results on a wide range of conditions. Most people generally feel significant, if not complete relief from this non-surgical procedure. In a recent study from an amniotic manufacturer, they found that in a group of over 60 participants the average pain scale went from an 8 to a 0 in just 5 weeks for all the participants!

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Stem Cell Therapy | Regenerative Medicine Treatment …

Posted: September 10, 2019 at 7:48 pm

What is stem cell therapy? Stem cell therapy uses cells harvested from different parts of a patients body, typically your fat cells or bone marrow, to treat painful conditions. What if there was a way to get the benefits of stem cells without the invasive, painful procedure of harvesting them from your body? In Tulsa, Oklahoma, we offer just the solution!

What is a Stem Cell?

A stem cell is an undifferentiated cell with the potential to replace dying cells and regenerate damaged tissue to heal your body from pain and symptoms associated with musculoskeletal disorders. Stem cells still have the capability of turning into multiple cells such as cartilage, tendon, skin, muscle, bone, and more.

Where Do Stem Cells Come From?

For stem cell therapy, samples come from adipose tissue or bone marrow. Because toxins are stored in your fat cells, we dont use these sources. Also, bone marrow collection is painful, and our patients are already in pain, so we dont use that method either.

On top of these drawbacks, stem cells in the patients body have aged and may be less effective at rapid healing.

We prefer regenerative medicine treatments containing mesenchymal stem cells.

Our doctor uses injections containing growth factors and mesenchymal stem cells. Our samples come from Whartons jelly, a birth tissue rich in youthful healing. These young, healthy cells have not aged with you and have proven to be effective in stimulating your bodys natural healing processes. Regenerative cellular tissue (sourced ethically from tissue banks and donors) has enormous therapeutic potential for cell regeneration, making the therapy useful for a variety of medical treatments to repair acute and chronic tissue damage.

Injections containing growth factors and stem cells for pain potentially resolve many chronic problems that occur due to old age and the overuse of muscles, bones, and ligaments. The therapeutic growth factors and regenerative cellular tissue in these treatments are excellent for reducing many musculoskeletal condition symptoms.

In Tulsa, Oklahoma, we use all-natural regenerative cell therapy to treat a range of chronic conditions and diseases that cause the following issues:

Our medical practice offers breakthrough treatments containing mesenchymal stem cells as all-natural healing alternatives to invasive surgeries and long-term, addictive, and pain-masking medications. Contact our medical clinic to schedule an initial consultation to explore how our regenerative medicine treatments can help you.

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Stem Cell Therapy for Knees and Orthopedics | Riordan …

Posted: March 13, 2019 at 7:45 am

Dont rely on pain management to mask injuries. Explore biologic therapies with a group committed to the most minimally invasive procedures that help the body heal naturally and effectively.

Neil Riordan, PA, PhD is one of the early pioneers and experts in applied stem cell research. Dr. Riordan founded publicly traded company Medistem Laboratories (later Medistem Inc.) which was acquired by Intrexon in 2013.

Dr. Riordan has published more than 70 scientific articles in international peer-reviewed journals. In the stem cell arena, his colleagues and he have published more than 20 articles on multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injury, heart failure, rheumatoid arthritis, Duchenne muscular dystrophy, autism, and Charcot-Marie-Tooth syndrome.

In addition to his scientific journal publications, Dr. Riordan has authored two books about mesenchymal stem cell therapy: Stem Cell Therapy: A Rising Tide: How Stem Cells Are Disrupting Medicine and Transforming Lives and MSC (Mesenchymal Stem Cells): Clinical Evidence Leading Medicines Next Frontier. Dr. Riordan has also written two scientific book chapters on the use of non-controversial stem cells from placenta and umbilical cord.

Learn more about Dr. Riordan

Board-Certified Orthopaedic Surgeon, Fellowship Trained in Adult Hip and Knee Reconstruction, and Orthopaedic Surgery. Also specializes in Total Joint Replacement, Revision Total Joint Arthroplasty, Computer Assisted Surgery, MAKOplasty, Minimally Invasive Joint Replacement and Arthroscopy, and Regenerative Medicine

Dr. Mittal is a native Texan who grew up in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. After attending Baylor University on a full academic scholarship, he attended one of the best medical schools in the United States, University of Texas Southwestern in Dallas. In medical school he cultivated his growing interest in Orthopaedic surgery, and subsequently accepted a much sought after Orthopaedic residency position at John Peter Smith Hospital in Fort Worth. His desire to perform total joint replacement surgery led him to the highly acclaimed fellowship program at Charlotte Orthopaedic Specialists (now OrthoCarolina) in Charlotte, North Carolina where thousands of joint replacements are performed each year.

In addition to his work at Riordan Medical Institute and The Orthopaedic Center in Tulsa, Oklahoma, Dr. Mittal was instrumental in the adoption of computer navigation and the MAKOplasty RIO Robotic Arm with Hillcrest Hospital where he continues to perform surgeries. He has quickly established himself as an innovator and advocate of advanced orthopaedic care with skills in computer navigation, MAKOplasty, mobile-bearing knee replacements and alternate bearing hip replacements. Dr. Mittal is different from other CAS & MAKOplasty users in his ability to use the navigation software and RIO robotic arm to truly customize the hip or knee prosthesis to fit the patient, in terms of sizing, alignment and ligament balancing.

Dr. Mittal has an avid interest in fitness training and sports. In his free time, he enjoys traveling and spending time with his family and friends.

Learn more about Dr. Mittal

Dr. Rudy Herrera is an ACGME fellowship-trained, board-certified interventional pain management physician. He obtained his medical degree from the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio. His residency occurred at the highly competitive Family Medicine program at John Peter Smith (JPS) Health Network in Fort Worth.

Following residency, Dr. Herrera was one of four selected into the Sports Medicine Fellowship program at JPS Health Network. He continued his training in interventional pain management in an ACGME accredited pain fellowship that was a joint venture between UT Southwestern Medical Center and JPS Health Network.

In addition to administering stem cell therapy for orthopedic conditions at RMI (spinal discs, knees, hips, and shoulders), Dr. Herrera specializes in the evaluation, treatment and prevention of complex pain syndromes: osteoarthritis, back and neck pain, cancer pain, pelvic and abdominal pain, chronic pain, complex regional pain syndrome (reflex sympathetic dystrophy), fibromyalgia, headaches, neuropathic pain, shingles, phantom limb pain, post herpetic neuralgia and sports related injuries.

Learn more about Dr. Herrera

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Banking Stem Cells in Oklahoma City at Oral Surgery …

Posted: March 7, 2019 at 8:47 am

With recent advancements in medicine and research, we are just on the cusp of fully understanding the incredible potential of stem cells. Diseases that were initially thought to be untreatable may now be readdressed because of newly developed stem cell therapies. If banking stem cells could help you preserve your medical future or the future of someone you love, would you take advantage of the opportunity? Many people dont realize that our teeth house an abundance of healthy stem cells, which makes extracted teeth an appealing option for collection. In most cases, third molars are the only teeth that are still healthy when they are removed, making wisdom teeth removal the perfect opportunity for harvesting.

Were excited to announce that Oral Surgery Specialists of Oklahoma has partnered with Stemodontics. This partnership allows us to help eligible wisdom teeth patients store the stem cells from their dental pulp, which would otherwise be tossed out as medical waste. You can learn more about the process of stem cell banking by watching the helpful videos weve provided, visiting the Stemodontics website, or asking your doctor if stem cell banking is right for you.

The vast majority of patients have heard of stem cells but dont completely understand their nature or their viability. Stem cells naturally occur in the body, and they are responsible for the repair and restoration of tissues. Whereas specialized cells in your body can only regenerate and repair the same kind of cells muscle tissue cells can only duplicate into new muscle tissue cells, for example stem cells can repair any type of cell your body needs. They hold incredible potential for medical discovery because theyre not limited to a single cell type. Stem cells can heal and restore muscles, bones, skin, nerves, and much more.

As more advancements are made in medicine and research, doctors are discovering new and better methods for harvesting stem cells without pain and storing them in a controlled environment outside the body. These advances help the stem cells remain viable and allow them to be replicated for future use. Today, doctors and researchers are harnessing the power of stem cells and applying them in a manner that helps our bodies heal from diseases and injuries once thought untreatable.

Banking stem cells is a valuable opportunity for preserving your medical future, especially doing so while your stem cells are still healthy. When we are young, the stem cells in our bodies are healthy and in large quantity. However, every time stem cells duplicate, they lose a bit of value, meaning that as we get older, stem cells decline in both quantity and quality. If stem cells are banked early, such as during wisdom teeth removal, it maximizes their viability for future medical treatment.

At Oral Surgery Specialists of Oklahoma, we believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to preserve their medical future by banking stem cells. There are limited opportunities for safe and painless collection, which makes wisdom teeth extractions the most appealing option for harvesting.

Signing up with Stemodontics is easy! You can complete the enrollment process at our office before your surgical appointment. Your doctor will answer any questions you have about the process for collection and storage, and a member of our team will assist you in completing the online enrollment process. Once complete, the Stemodontics state-of-the-art laboratory sends a collection kit to our practice for your upcoming extraction. Once the tooth has been removed and properly stored, the Oral Surgery Specialists of Oklahoma team will ship it to the lab for immediate processing and storage. When youre ready to use your stem cell sample, all you need to do is contact Stemodontics. We will ship your sample to your designated healthcare provider.

Secure your medical future or the medical future of your loved ones by acting today! Click here to learn more about stem cell banking services through Stemodontics and enroll today.

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Physical Medicine of Oklahoma – Pain Relief Treatment Options

Posted: February 9, 2019 at 7:42 am

Regenerative medicine deals with the process of restoring the normal function of the body by replacing, engineering or re-engineering human cells, tissues or organs.

Its a fact that your body has the innate ability to heal tissue that has been injured or is aging. This is accomplished when your bodys own stem cells perform the function theyre naturally designed to do, renew and repair cells, and differentiate into specialized cells. Healthy, young and effective stem cells have the ability to differentiate, or change into, the proper cell needed to heal an injury. Unfortunately, studies show that as we age the natural ability of our stem cells to renew and restore diminishes and our natural cells are far less effective than they were when we were young. We have many fewer healthy stem cells as our bodies age and we lose much of the ability to heal quickly and efficiently. So how can we introduce healthy, young, vibrant cells to your body to speed the healing process or combat the effects of aging?

At Physical Medicine of Oklahoma, weve helped countless patients get relief from both chronic and acute pain and return to the daily routine that they love and miss so much. We accomplish this through numerous treatment options including regenerative medicine treatments, which help your body restore damaged tissue. If you've reached the point that its time to address your pain, stop taking medication to mask the pain and actually heal your body, arrange an appointment today with Dr. Koenig and find out which treatment option is best suited to relieve your pain.

If your pain emanates from a recent injury without muscle or ligament damage, perhaps your body is misaligned, and chiropractic adjustments are just what you need to find the relief that you seek. If your pain symptoms are from a more serious issue, like arthritis or a damaged ligament or muscle, perhaps regenerative medicine is a more appropriate treatment option.

Our staff is trained to provide a wide range of medical services to patients suffering from injuries or illnesses that have affected the way they move, get around or perform tasks. Patients may seek medical treatment for any disability, disease or illness that has impaired the performance of their muscles, bones and joints.

We provide treatment to patients knowing that impairments of the musculoskeletal system can have a profound effect on not only the physical wellness of the patient, but also on the social, mental and emotional wellness. By helping to return the patient to optimum or near-optimum functioning, Physical Medicine of Oklahoma is here to help to improve the overall quality of life for our patients.

The main goal of our physical rehabilitation service is to restore normal range of motion, function, and decrease pain as efficiently as possible through a combination of highly specific hands-on manual therapy, stretching, and muscle activation exercises. We work to move beyond correcting symptoms such as pain and instead work to find a solution to eliminate pain.

Experiencing pain in one area of your body can cause inadvertent pain in other areas due to straining. Our rehab program helps to strengthen your body. It may include physical therapy, chiropractic care, spinal decompression or soft tissue mobilization.

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