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Category Archives: South Carolina Stem Cells
Practical Problems with Embryonic Stem Cells –
Posted: March 17, 2019 at 5:43 pm
While some researchers still claim that embryonic stem cells (ESCs) offer the best hope for treating many debilitating diseases, there is now a great deal of evidence contrary to that theory. Use of stem cells obtained by destroying human embryos is not only unethical but presents many practical obstacles as well.
"Major roadblocks remain before human embryonic stem cells could be transplanted into humans to cure diseases or replace injured body parts, a research pioneer said Thursday night. University of Wisconsin scientist James Thomson said obstacles include learning how to grow the cells into all types of organs and tissue and then making sure cancer and other defects are not introduced during the transplantation. 'I don't want to sound too pessimistic because this is all doable, but it's going to be very hard,' Thomson told the Wisconsin Newspaper Association's annual convention at the Kalahari Resort in this Wisconsin Dells town. 'Ultimately, those transplation therapies should work but it's likely to take a long time.'....Thomson cautioned such breakthroughs are likely decades away."
-Associated Press reporter Ryan J. Foley "Stem cell pioneer warns of roadblocks before cures," San Jose Mercury News Online, posted on Feb. 8, 2007,
"Although embryonic stem cells have the broadest differentiation potential, their use for cellular therapeutics is excluded for several reasons: the uncontrollable development of teratomas in a syngeneic transplantation model, imprinting-related developmental abnormalities, and ethical issues."
-Gesine Kgler et al., "A New Human Somatic Stem Cell from Placental Cord Blood with Intrinsic Pluripotent Differentiation Potential," Journal of Experimental Medicine, Vol. 200, No. 2 (July 19, 2004), p. 123.
From a major foundation promoting research in pancreatic islet cells and other avenues for curing juvenile diabetes:
"Is the use of embryonic stem cells close to being used to provide a supply of islet cells for transplantation into humans?
"No. The field of embryonic stem cells faces enormous hurtles to overcome before these cells can be used in humans. The two key challenges to overcome are making the stem cells differentiate into specific viable cells consistently, and controlling against unchecked cell division once transplanted. Solid data of stable, functioning islet cells from embryonic stems cells in animals has not been seen."
-"Q & A," Autoimmune Disease Research Foundation,, accessed July 2004.
"'I think the chance of doing repairs to Alzheimer's brains by putting in stem cells is small,' said stem cell researcher Michael Shelanski, co-director of the Taub Institute for Research on Alzheimer's Disease and the Aging Brain at the Columbia University Medical Center in New York, echoing many other experts. 'I personally think we're going to get other therapies for Alzheimer's a lot sooner.'...
"[G]iven the lack of any serious suggestion that stem cells themselves have practical potential to treat Alzheimer's, the Reagan-inspired tidal wave of enthusiasm stands as an example of how easily a modest line of scientific inquiry can grow in the public mind to mythological proportions.
"It is a distortion that some admit is not being aggressively corrected by scientists.
"'To start with, people need a fairy tale,' said Ronald D.G. McKay, a stem cell researcher at the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. 'Maybe that's unfair, but they need a story line that's relatively simple to understand.'"
-Rick Weiss, "Stem Cells an Unlikely Therapy for Alzheimer's," Washington Post, June 10, 2004, p. A3.
"ES [embryonic stem] cells and their derivatives carry the same likelihood of immune rejection as a transplanted organ because, like all cells, they carry the surface proteins, or antigens, by which the immune system recognizes invaders. Hundreds of combinations of different types of antigens are possible, meaning that hundreds of thousands of ES cell lines might be needed to establish a bank of cells with immune matches for most potential patients. Creating that many lines could require millions of discarded embryos from IVF clinics."
-R. Lanza and N. Rosenthal, "The Stem Cell Challenge," Scientific American, June 2004, pp. 92-99 at p. 94. [Editor's note: A recent study found that only 11,000 frozen embryos are available for research use from all the fertility clinics in the U.S., and that destroying all these embryos for their stem cells might produce a total of 275 cell lines. See Fertility and Sterility, May 2003, pp. 1063-9 at p. 1068.]
"Embryonic stem cells have too many limitations, including immune rejection and the potential to form tumors, to ever achieve acceptance in our lifetime. By that time, umbilical cord blood stem cells will have been shown to be a true 'gift from the gods.'"
-Dr. Roger Markwald, Professor and Chair of Cell Biology and Anatomy at the Medical University of South Carolina, quoted in "CureSource Issues Statement on Umbilical Cord Blood Stem Cells vs. Embryonic Stem Cells," BusinessWire, May 12, 2004, also at
"'We're not against stem-cell research of any kind,' said [Tulane University research professor Brian] Butcher. 'But we think there are advantages to using adult stem cells. For example, with embryonic stem cells, a significant number become cancer cells, so the cure could be worse than the disease. And they can be very difficult to grow, while adult stem cells are easy to grow.'"
-Heather Heilman, "Great Transformations," The Tulanian (Spring 2004 issue), at
"There are still many hurdles to clear before embryonic stem cells can be used therapeutically. For example, because undifferentiated embryonic stem cells can form tumors after transplantation in histocompatible animals, it is important to determine an appropriate state of differentiation before transplantation. Differentiation protocols for many cell types have yet to be established. Targeting the differentiated cells to the appropriate organ and the appropriate part of the organ is also a challenge."
-E. Phimister and J. Drazen, "Two Fillips for Human Embryonic Stem Cells," New England Journal of Medicine, Vol. 350 (March 25, 2004), pp. 1351-2 at 1351.
Harvard researchers, trying to create human embryonic stem cell lines that are more clinically useful than those now available, find that their new cell lines are already genetically abnormal:
"After prolonged culture, we observed karyotypic changes involving trisomy of chromosome 12..., as well as other changes... These karyotypic abnormalities are accompanied by a proliferative advantage and a noticeable shortening in the population doubling time. Chromosomal abnormalities are commonplace in human embryonal carcinoma cell lines and in mouse embryonic stem-cell lines and have recently been reported in human embryonic stem-cell lines."
-C. Cowan et al., "Derivation of Embryonic Stem-Cell Lines from Human Blastocysts," New England Journal of Medicine, Vol. 350 (March 25, 2004), pp. 1353-6 at 1355.
"[Johns Hopkins University] biologist Michael Shamblott said...major scientific hurdles await anybody wishing to offer a treatment, let alone a cure, based on cells culled from embryos.
"Among the major obstacles is the difficulty of getting embryonic stem cells master cells that generate every tissue in the human body to become exactly the type of cell one wants... Scientists...haven't been able to guarantee purity cells, for instance, that are destined to become muscle cells and nothing else...
"Transplanting a mixed population of cells could cause the growth of unwanted tissues. The worst case could see stem cells morphing into teratomas, particularly gruesome tumors that can contain hair, teeth and other body parts.
"Another issue is timing... Stem cells pass through many intermediate stages before they become intermediate cells such as motor neurons or pancreatic or heart cells. Deciding when to transplant remains an open question, and the answer might differ from disease to disease.
"...In tackling Lou Gehrig's disease, [Johns Hopkins neurologist Dr. Jeffrey] Rothstein figured that cells that haven't committed themselves to becoming motor neurons would stand the best chance, once implanted, of reaching out and connecting with the cells that surround them. What he found, however, is that these immature cells didn't develop much once transplanted into lab animals."
-Jonathan Bor, "Stem Cells: A long road ahead," Baltimore Sun, March 8, 2004, p. 12A.
"Tony Blau, a stem-cell researcher at the University of Washington, said it is 'extremely laborious' to keep embryonic cells growing, well-nourished and stable in the lab so they don't die or turn into a cell type with less potential. Researchers need to know how to channel the stem cells to create a specific kind of cell, how to test whether they're pure, and how to develop drugs that could serve as a sort of antidote in case infused stem cells started creating something dangerous, such as cancer.
"Big companies, Blau said, want to know that their drugs will be almost completely stable, standard, pure and consistent, because they can behave differently if they aren't. Stem cells never will achieve that kind of standardization, Blau said, because living cells are more complex than chemically synthesized drugs."
-Luke Timmerman, "Stem-cell research still an embryonic business," Seattle Times, Business & Technology section, February 22, 2004, at
"[W]ithin the ESC research community, realism has overtaken early euphoria as scientists realize the difficulty of harnessing ESCs safely and effectively for clinical applications. After earlier papers in 2000 and 2001 identified some possibilities, research continued to highlight the tasks that lie ahead in steering cell differentiation and avoiding side effects, such as immune rejection and tumorigenesis."
-Philip Hunter, "Differentiating Hope from Embryonic Stem Cells," The Scientist, Vol. 17, Issue 34 (December 15, 2003), at
"Long-term culture of mouse ES [embryonic stem] cells can lead to a decrease in pluripotency and the gain of distinct chromosomal abnormalities. Here we show that similar chromosomal changes, which resemble those observed in hEC [human embryonal carcinoma] cells from testicular cancer, can occur in hES [human embryonic stem] cells.... The occurrence and potential detrimental effects of such karyotopic changes will need to be considered in the development of hES cell-based transplantation therapies."
-J. Draper et al., "Recurrent gain of chromosomes 17q and 12 in cultured human embryonic stem cells," Nature Biotechnology, Vol. 22 (2003), pp. 53-4.
"James A. Thompson of the University of Wisconsin, Madison, and his colleagues managed to isolate and culture the first human embryonic stem cells in 1997. Five years later, big scientific questions remain. [Harvard embryonic stem cell researcher Doug] Melton and his colleagues, for instance, don't yet know how to instruct the totipotent stem cells to become the specific cells missing in a diabetic person, the pancreatic beta cell.
"'Normally, if you take an embryonic stem cell, it will make all kinds of things, sort of willy-nilly,' says Melton."
-J. Mitchell, "Stem Cells 101," PBS Scientific American Frontiers, May 28, 2002,
"Unlike stem cells isolated from the embryo, [adult stem cells] do not carry the same risks of cancer or uncontrollable growth after transplant, and they can be isolated from patients requiring treatment, thus avoiding all problems of immune rejection and the need for immune suppressive drugs that carry their own risks.
"...Embryonic stem cells are promoted on grounds that they are developmentally more flexible than adult stem cells. But too much flexibility may not be desirable. Transplant of embryonic cells into the brains of Parkinson's patients turned into an irredeemable nightmare because the cells grew uncontrollably. Embryonic stem cells also show genetic instability and carry considerable risks of cancer... When injected under the skin of certain mice, they grow into teratomas, tumors consisting of a jumble of tissue types, from gut to skin to teeth, and the same happens when injected into the brain."
-Dr. Mae-Wan Ho and Prof. Joe Cummins on behalf of the Institute of Science in Society (ISIS), "Hushing Up Adult Stem Cells," ISIS report, February 11, 2002, at
"'I even hear from patients whose fathers have lung cancer,' said Dr. Hogan, a professor at Vanderbilt School of Medicine. 'They have a whole slew of problems they think can be treated. They think stem cells are going to cure their loved ones of everything.'
"If it ever happens, it will not happen soon, scientists say. In fact, although they worked with mouse embryonic stem cells for 20 years and made some progress, researchers have not used these cells to cure a single mouse of a disease...
"Scientists say the theory behind stem cells is correct: the cells, in principle, can become any specialized cell of the body. But between theory and therapy lie a host of research obstacles...the obstacles are so serious that scientists say they foresee years, if not decades, of concerted work on basic science before they can even think of trying to treat a patient."
-Gina Kolata, "A Thick Line Between Theory and Therapy, as Shown with Mice," New York Times, December 18, 2001, p. F3.
"Mice cloned from embryonic stem cells may look identical, but many of them actually differ from one another by harboring unique genetic abnormalities, scientists have learned...
"The work also shows for the first time that embryonic stem cells...are surprisingly genetically unstable, at least in mice. If the same is true for human embryonic stem cells, researchers said, then scientists may face unexpected challenges as they try to turn the controversial cells into treatments for various degenerative conditions."
-Rick Weiss, "Clone Study Casts Doubt on Stem Cells," Washington Post, July 6, 2001, p. A1.
"ES cells have plenty of limitations... For one, murine ES cells have a disturbing ability to form tumors, and researchers aren't yet sure how to counteract that. And so far reports of pure cell populations derived from either human or mouse ES cells are few and far between fewer than those from adult stem cells."
-Gretchen Vogel, "Can Adult Stem Cells Suffice?", Science, Vol. 292 (June 8, 2001), pp. 1820-1822 at 1822.
"Rarely have specific growth factors or culture conditions led to establishment of cultures containing a single cell type.... [T]he possibility arises that transplantation of differentiated human ES cell derivatives into human recipients may result in the formation of ES cell-derived tumors... Irrespective of the persistence of stem cells, the possibility for malignant transformation of the derivatives will also need to be addressed."
-J. S. Odorico et al, "Multilineage differentiation from human embryonic stem cell lines," Stem Cells Vol. 19 (2001), pp. 193-204 at 198 and 200, at
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Practical Problems with Embryonic Stem Cells -
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Stem Cell Greenville South Carolina 29601
Posted: January 11, 2019 at 9:50 pm
Stem cell treatment has become a popular debate in the international medical scene. This extremely controversial treatment has gotten blended viewpoints from different stakeholders in the health care industry and has likewise attracted the interest of political leaders, spiritual leaders and the basic population at large. Stem cell therapy is thought about an innovative treatment for people dealing with a vast array of degenerative conditions. Some typical questions regarding this treatment are answered listed below.
Stem cells can be referred to as blank state or non-specialized cells that have the ability to become specialized cells in the body such as bone, muscle, nerve or organ cells. This means that these special cells can be used to regenerate or establish a vast array of damaged cells and tissues in the body. Stem cell therapy is therefore a treatment that aims at accomplishing tissue regrowth and can be utilized to treat health conditions and illnesses such as osteoarthritis, degenerative disc illness, spinal cord injury, muscular degeneration, motor neuron illness, ALS, Parkinsons, heart disease and much more.
Stem cells can be extracted from a young embryo after conception. These stem cells are commonly referred to as embryonic stem cells. After the stem cells are drawn out from the embryo, the embryo is terminated. This is essentially one of the significant causes of controversy in the field of stem cell studio. Many individuals suggest that termination of an embryo is unethical and inappropriate.
Stem cells can still be acquired through other ways as they can be found in the blood, bone marrow and umbilical cords of adult people. Normal body cells can also be reverse-engineered to become stem cells that have restricted capabilities.
Being a treatment that is still under research, stem cell treatment has not been completely accepted as a practical treatment option for the above mentioned health conditions and health problems. A great deal of studio is currently being performed by scientists and medical professionals in various parts of the world to make this treatment feasible and efficient. There are nevertheless different constraints imposed by governments on research involving embryonic stem cells.
Presently, there havent been numerous case studies carried out for this form of treatment. However, with the few case studies that have actually been carried out, one of the significant issues that has actually been raised is the boost in a clients risk of establishing cancer. Cancer is caused by the rapid reproduction of cells that tend not to die so quickly. Stem cells have actually been connected with similar growth aspects that might result in formation of tumors and other malignant cells in patients.
New studio has actually however shown guarantee as scientists aim at establishing stem cells that do not form into growths in later treatment stages. These stem cells can therefore successfully change into other types of specialized cells. This therapy is therefore worth investigating into as lots of clients can gain from this innovative treatment.
Need a stem cell provider close to Greenville SC 29601
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Stem Cell Greenville South Carolina 29601
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Stem Cell North Myrtle Beach South Carolina 29582
Posted: January 8, 2019 at 4:43 pm
Stem cell treatment has become a popular dispute in the international medical scene. This extremely questionable therapy has gotten combined opinions from different stakeholders in the healthcare industry and has likewise brought in the attention of politicians, spiritual leaders and the basic population at large. Stem cell therapy is considered an innovative treatment for individuals experiencing a vast array of degenerative conditions. Some typical concerns regarding this treatment are answered listed below.
Stem cells can be referred to as blank state or non-specialized cells that have the capability to become customized cells in the body such as bone, muscle, nerve or organ cells. This suggests that these special cells can be utilized to regenerate or establish a vast array of damaged cells and tissues in the body. Stem cell treatment is therefore a treatment that targets at attaining tissue regrowth and can be used to treat health conditions and health problems such as osteoarthritis, degenerative disc illness, spine injury, muscular degeneration, motor neuron illness, ALS, Parkinsons, heart problem and a lot more.
Stem cells can be drawn out from a young embryo after conception. These stem cells are commonly described as embryonic stem cells. After the stem cells are extracted from the embryo, the embryo is ended. This is generally among the significant causes of debate in the field of stem cell research study. Many people suggest that termination of an embryo is dishonest and inappropriate.
Stem cells can still be obtained through other means as they can be discovered in the blood, bone marrow and umbilical cords of adult people. Normal body cells can also be reverse-engineered to become stem cells that have actually limited abilities.
Being a treatment that is still under research study, stem cell treatment has actually not been totally accepted as a viable treatment option for the above mentioned health conditions and health problems. A great deal of research study is currently being carried out by scientists and medical professionals in various parts of the world to make this treatment sensible and efficient. There are nevertheless different limitations imposed by federal governments on research including embryonic stem cells.
Currently, there havent been lots of case studies performed for this kind of treatment. However, with the few case studies that have actually been carried out, one of the major issues that has been raised is the boost in a patients danger of developing cancer. Cancer is brought on by the rapid multiplication of cells that have a tendency not to pass away so quickly. Stem cells have been related to similar development factors that may lead to formation of tumors and other malignant cells in clients.
New studio has actually however revealed promise as scientists aim at establishing stem cells that do not form into tumors in later treatment stages. These stem cells can for that reason effectively change into other types of specialized cells. This treatment is for that reason worth researching into as numerous clients can gain from this advanced treatment.
The best stem cell doctor close to North Myrtle Beach SC 29582
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Stem Cell North Myrtle Beach South Carolina 29582
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Stem Cell Seneca South Carolina 29678
Posted: September 25, 2018 at 10:44 pm
Stem cell treatment has actually become a popular debate in the worldwide medical scene. This highly questionable treatment has gotten combined opinions from numerous stakeholders in the health care industry and has also attracted the attention of politicians, religious leaders and the general population at large. Stem cell treatment is thought about an advanced treatment for individuals struggling with a vast array of degenerative conditions. Some common concerns regarding this treatment are answered listed below.
Stem cells can be referred to as blank state or non-specialized cells that have the ability to become specialized cells in the body such as bone, muscle, nerve or organ cells. This indicates that these unique cells can be used to restore or develop a wide variety of damaged cells and tissues in the body. Stem cell therapy is therefore a treatment that targets at attaining tissue regrowth and can be used to cure health conditions and illnesses such as osteoarthritis, degenerative disc illness, spine injury, muscular degeneration, motor nerve cell disease, ALS, Parkinsons, heart disease and a lot more.
Stem cells can be drawn out from a young embryo after conception. These stem cells are commonly referred to as embryonic stem cells. After the stem cells are drawn out from the embryo, the embryo is ended. This is basically among the major causes of debate in the field of stem cell research. Many individuals say that termination of an embryo is dishonest and undesirable.
Stem cells can still be obtained through other methods as they can be found in the blood, bone marrow and umbilical cords of adult people. Typical body cells can likewise be reverse-engineered to become stem cells that have limited abilities.
Being a treatment that is still under studio, stem cell treatment has actually not been completely accepted as a sensible treatment option for the above pointed out health conditions and illnesses. A great deal of research study is currently being performed by scientists and medical experts in various parts of the world to make this treatment viable and effective. There are nevertheless numerous restrictions imposed by federal governments on studio involving embryonic stem cells.
Currently, there have not been lots of case studies carried out for this form of treatment. Nevertheless, with the few case studies that have actually been performed, among the major issues that has been raised is the boost in a patients danger of developing cancer. Cancer is triggered by the rapid multiplication of cells that tend not to pass away so quickly. Stem cells have actually been connected with comparable development elements that might lead to formation of tumors and other malignant cells in patients.
New studio has actually however revealed pledge as researchers target at developing stem cells that do not form into growths in later treatment phases. These stem cells can therefore successfully transform into other types of specialized cells. This treatment is for that reason worth researching into as many patients can benefit from this advanced treatment.
stem cell provider near Seneca SC 29678
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Jim DeMint – Wikipedia
Posted: September 25, 2018 at 7:41 am
Jim DeMintPresident of the Heritage FoundationIn officeApril 4, 2013 May 2, 2017Preceded byEdwin FeulnerSucceeded byEdwin Feulner (Acting)United States Senatorfrom South CarolinaIn officeJanuary 3, 2005 January 2, 2013Preceded byErnest HollingsSucceeded byTim ScottMember of the U.S. House of Representativesfrom South Carolina's 4th districtIn officeJanuary 3, 1999 January 3, 2005Preceded byBob InglisSucceeded byBob InglisPersonal detailsBornJames Warren DeMint (1951-09-02) September 2, 1951 (age67)Greenville, South Carolina, U.S.Political partyRepublicanSpouse(s)Debbie HendersonChildren4EducationUniversity of Tennessee, Knoxville (BA)Clemson University (MBA)
James Warren DeMint (born September 2, 1951) is an American writer and retired politician who served as a United States Senator from South Carolina from 2005 to 2013. He is a member of the Republican Party and a leading figure in the Tea Party movement.[1][2][3] He previously served as the United States Representative for South Carolina's 4th congressional district from 1999 to 2005. DeMint resigned from the Senate on January 1, 2013 to become president of The Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank.[4] On May 2, 2017, the board of trustees at Heritage removed DeMint as president of the organization.[5][6]
In June 2017, DeMint became a senior advisor to Citizens for Self-Governance, an organization that supports a convention to propose amendments to the United States Constitution for the purpose of reducing federal government spending and power.[7] Also in 2017, DeMint became the founding chairman of the Conservative Partnership Institute, which focuses on the professional development of conservative staffers and elected officials.
DeMint was born in Greenville, South Carolina, one of four children. His parents, Betty W. (ne Rawlings) and Thomas Eugene DeMint,[8] divorced when he was five years old. Following the divorce, Betty DeMint operated a dance studio out of the family's home.[9][10]
DeMint was educated at Christ Church Episcopal School and Wade Hampton High School in Greenville. DeMint played drums for a cover band called Salt & Pepper.[11] He received a bachelor's degree in 1973 from the University of Tennessee,[12] where he was a part of the Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity, and received an MBA in 1981 from Clemson University.[12] DeMint's wife, Debbie, is one of three children of the late Greenville advertising entrepreneur and South Carolina Republican figure James Marvin Henderson, Sr.[13]
DeMint joined his father-in-laws advertising firm in Greenville in 1981, working in the field of market research.[12][14] In 1983, he founded The DeMint Group, a research firm with businesses, schools, colleges, and hospitals as clients.[14] DeMints first involvement in politics began in 1992, when he was hired by Republican Representative Bob Inglis in his campaign for South Carolinas Fourth Congressional District. Inglis defeated three-term incumbent Democrat Liz J. Patterson, and DeMint performed message-testing and marketing for Inglis through two more successful elections.[15] In 1998, Inglis ran for the U.S. Senate, and DeMint left his firm to run for Inglis old seat.[12][15]
DeMint was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1999 and served South Carolinas Fourth Congressional District until 2005, when he was elected to the U.S. Senate.[16] His peers elected him to be president of his GOP freshman class.[17][18] DeMint pledged to serve only three terms in the House, and in 2003 he announced his run for the Senate seat of outgoing Democrat Ernest Hollings in the 2004 election cycle.[14]
The Washington Post and The Christian Post have described DeMint as a "staunch conservative", based on his actions during his time in the House.[19][20] He broke rank with his party and powerful state interests several times: DeMint was one of 34 Republicans to oppose President Bushs No Child Left Behind program and one of 25 to oppose Medicare Part D.[17] He sought to replace No Child Left Behind with a state-based block-grant program for schools.[14] DeMint also worked to privatize Social Security by allowing the creation of individual investment accounts in the federal program. In 2003, DeMint sponsored legislation to allow people under the age of 55 to set aside 3 percent to 8 percent of their Social Security withholding income in personal investment accounts.[14] DeMint was also the only South Carolina House member to vote for normalizing trade relations with China, arguing in favor of free trade between the countries. He also provided a crucial swing vote on a free trade bill regarding Caribbean countries. His votes led South Carolinas influential textile industry to heavily oppose him in his subsequent House and Senate races.[21][22]
In November 2004, DeMint defeated Inez Tenenbaum, South Carolina's education superintendent, to fill Ernest Hollings' vacated seat in the 109th United States Congress.[23] For his first term, he was appointed to the Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee, the Environment and Public Works Committee, the Joint Economic Committee, and the Special Committee on Aging.[24] In 2006, DeMint began leading the Senate Steering Committee.[25] DeMint also served as a member of the Committee on Foreign Relations and the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation.[26][27] In 2008, DeMint formed the Senate Conservatives Fund, a political action committee with the intention of supporting conservative candidates that may have otherwise been overlooked by the national party.[28]
As a member of the 111th United States Congress, DeMint joined the United States Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs.[29] In 2009, DeMint was one of two Senators who voted against Hillary Clinton's appointment to Secretary of State, and the next year he introduced legislation to completely repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, commonly referred to as Obamacare.[30][31] Later in 2010, he introduced another piece of legislation titled the Regulations from the Executive in Need of Scrutiny, which aimed to require congressional approval of any major regulation change made by a federal agency.[32] At the end of his first term, DeMint was appointed to the Senate Impeachment Trial Committee regarding the impeachment of federal judge Thomas Porteous.[33]
DeMint was reelected in 2010, at which time he became the highest-ranking elected official associated with the Tea Party.[34] During the first year of his second term, DeMint released a letter signed by over 30 other Senate Republicans asking the supercommittee tasked with balancing the federal budget to do so within the next ten years, and without creating any net tax increases.[35] In 2012, DeMint resigned his seat in order to become president of the Heritage Foundation.[36]
Jim DeMint is a member of the Republican Party[37] and is aligned with the Tea Party movement.[38] In 2011, DeMint was identified by Salon as one of the most conservative members of the Senate.[37][38][39] He founded the Senate Conservatives Fund, a political action committee (PAC), which supports conservative, small government, Tea Partyallied Republican politicians in primary challenges and general elections.[40][41] In 2013, the PAC endorsed a strategy to defund the Affordable Care Act that culminated in the 2013 shutdown of the federal government.[42]
Throughout his political career, DeMint has favored a type of tax reform that would replace the federal income tax with a national sales tax and, in addition, abolish the Internal Revenue Service.[43] He has supported many changes to federal spending, such as prioritizing a balanced budget amendment instead of increasing the national debt limit.[44] As a senator, DeMint proposed a two-year earmark ban to prevent members of Congress from spending federal money on projects in their home states.[41] In 2008, presidential candidates John McCain, Hillary Clinton, and Barack Obama co-sponsored DeMint's earmark reform proposal, although it ultimately failed to pass in the Senate.[45] In March 2010, DeMint's earmark reform plans were again defeated.[46] In November of the same year, DeMint, along with nine other senators including Rand Paul and Marco Rubio, proposed another moratorium on earmarks which was adopted by Senate Republicans.[47][48]
DeMint has also been a proponent of free trade agreements, advocated for the privatization of Social Security benefits, and in 2009 authored the "Health Care Freedom Plan", which proposed giving tax credits to those who are unable to afford health insurance.[43][49][50]
DeMint was opposed to the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 and the bailouts during the automotive industry crisis of 20082010. He also led a group of Senators in opposing government loans to corporations.[51][52] He supports a high level of government accountability through the auditing federal agencies.[51]
In October 2009, after the Honduran Army, on orders from the Honduran Supreme Court, removed Manuel Zelaya as President, DeMint visited the country to gather information.[53] The trip was approved by Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell but opposed by Foreign Relations Committee Chairman John Kerry. DeMint supported the new government, while the Obama administration favored Zelaya's return to the presidency.[53]
In late 2009, DeMint criticized Barack Obama for waiting eight months into his first term as president before nominating a new head of the Transportation Security Administration.[54] After the attempted bombing of Northwest Flight 253 in December 2009, DeMint stated that President Obama had not put enough focus on terrorism while in office.[54]
In 1999, DeMint voted against the NATO intervention during the Kosovo war.[51] DeMint voted to authorize military force in Iraq in 2002.[51] In 2011, DeMint voted in favor of Rand Paul's resolution opposing military involvement in Libya.[38][51] He favored preventing Iran from developing nuclear weapons over a policy of containment after their development.[55]
DeMint has also expressed concern about various United Nations treaties, such as the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the Law of the Sea Treaty.[56][57] DeMint favors legal immigration and opposes granting amnesty to illegal immigrants.[58] He has expressed opposition to the Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act of 2013 on the basis that granting amnesty to illegal immigrants may cost American taxpayers trillions of dollars.[59][60][61]
DeMint identifies as pro-life, opposing abortion except when the mother's life is in danger[62][63] and opposing research from stem cells derived from human embryos.[64][65] He supports school prayer and introduced legislation to allow schools to display banners including references to God.[62]
DeMint is firmly opposed to same-sex marriage. In his book Now or Never: Saving America from Economic Collapse, DeMint states:
Does government have the right to reshape cultural mores by redefining religious institutions to sanction behavior that is considered immoral by all the world's religions? In America, people should have a right to live with whomever they want, but redefining marriage to promote behavior that is deemed costly and destructive is not the proper role of government.[66]
DeMint also argues that same-sex marriage infringes upon religious liberty:
We just cannot have, particularly the federal government, redefining marriage or telling us what is right or wrong. And if we help America understand that, folks, we're not trying to get the government to do it our way or your way; what we're asking for is the freedom to allow people to live out their faith and values and their lives the way they want. And we believe that our side will win because I'm convinced that most Americans want to have decent moral lives and share our same values. But if the government continues to press in the wrong direction, it begins to change our culture.[67]
DeMint has repeatedly voted for a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage.[68] He has also voted to ban same-sex adoption in Washington, D.C.[68] DeMint drew considerable criticism by saying that openly gay teachers should be banned from teaching in public schools.[69]
The Human Rights Campaign gives DeMint a score of 0% on gay rights.[70]
DeMint voted against the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, in December 2009,[71] and he voted against the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010.[72]
He voted in favor of declaring English the official language of the US government.[58]
DeMint served as an informal advisor to Fourth District congressman Bob Inglis from 1993 to 1999.[73] When Inglis kept his promise to serve only three terms and gave up his seat to run for the Senate against Fritz Hollings, DeMint entered the Republican primary for the district, which includes Greenville and Spartanburg. The district is considered the most Republican in the state, and it was understood that whoever won the primary would be heavily favored to be the district's next congressman.
DeMint finished second in the primary behind State Senator and fellow Greenville resident Michael Fair, even though he didn't carry a single county in the district.[74] In the runoff, DeMint defeated Fair by only 2,030 votes.[75] He then defeated Democratic State Senator Glenn Reese with 57 percent of the vote to Reese's 40 percentto date, the only time since 1992 that a Democrat has crossed the 40 percent mark in this district since Inglis recaptured it for the Republicans in 1992.[76] DeMint faced no major-party opposition in 2000, and defeated an underfunded Democrat in 2002.
DeMint declared his candidacy for the Senate on December 12, 2002, after Hollings announced that he would retire after the 2004 elections. DeMint was supposedly the White House's preferred candidate in the Republican primary.
In the Republican primary on June 8, 2004, DeMint placed a distant second, 18 percentage points behind former governor David Beasley and just barely ahead of Thomas Ravenel. Ravenel endorsed DeMint in the following runoff. DeMint won the runoff handily, however.
DeMint then faced Democratic state education superintendent Inez Tenenbaum in the November general election. DeMint led Tenenbaum through much of the campaign and ultimately defeated her by 9.6 percentage points. DeMint's win meant that South Carolina was represented by two Republican Senators for the first time since Reconstruction, when Thomas J. Robertson and John J. Patterson served together as Senators.
DeMint stirred controversy during debates with Tenenbaum when he stated his belief that openly gay people should not be allowed to teach in public schools. When questioned by reporters, DeMint also stated that single mothers who live with their boyfriends should similarly be excluded from being educators.[77][78] He later apologized for making the remarks, saying they were "distracting from the main issues of the debate." He also noted that these were opinions based on his personal values, not issues he would or could deal with as a member of Congress.[79] In a 2008 interview, he said that while government does not have the right to restrict homosexuality, it also should not encourage it through legalizing same-sex marriage, due to the "costly secondhand consequences" to society from the prevalence of certain diseases among homosexuals.[80]
DeMint won re-nomination in the Republican Party primary. Democratic Party opponent Alvin Greene won an upset primary victory over Vic Rawl, who was heavily favored. Due to various electoral discrepancies, Greene received scrutiny from Democratic Party officials, with some calling for Greene to withdraw or be replaced.[81] DeMint consistently led Greene by more than 30 points throughout the campaign and won reelection by a landslide.
Prior to the 2010 elections, DeMint founded the Senate Conservatives Fund (SCF), a political action committee that is "dedicated to electing strong conservatives to the United States Senate" and that is associated with the Tea Party movement.[82][83][84] As of February 2011, DeMint continued to serve as Chair of SCF, which states that it raised $9.1 million toward the 2010 U.S. Senate elections and which endorsed successful first-time Senate candidates Pat Toomey, Rand Paul, Mike Lee, Ron Johnson, Marco Rubio .[85] DeMint also supported Joe Miller of Alaska through the SCF. Miller was an attorney and former federal magistrate and the Tea Party's candidate opposing Lisa Murkowski the incumbent senator in the Alaska primary. Miller won in a close election, however Murkowski ran as a write in candidate and won the election by 39.1% to Miller's 35.1% and by a popular vote of 101,091 to 90,839 respectively.
On October 1, 2010, DeMint, in comments that echoed what he had said in 2004, told a rally of his supporters that openly homosexual and unmarried sexually active people should not be teachers.[86] In response, the National Organization for Women, the National Education Association, the gay rights group Human Rights Campaign, GOProud (a GOP group), and the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force asked for Demints apology.[77][87]
On December 6, 2012, DeMint announced he would resign from the Senate before the 113th Congress convened in January 2013 to become president of The Heritage Foundation.[4][88]
On December 17, 2012, South Carolina governor Nikki Haley announced that she would name Congressman Tim Scott to fill the vacated seat.[89] A special election was held on November 4, 2014, to fill the remainder of the term. On April 4, 2013, DeMint started his first full day as president of the Heritage Foundation.[90] The Washington Post reported that DeMint's predecessor at the Heritage Foundation, Ed Feulner, was paid a base salary of $477,097 in 2010 (compared to a senator's salary of $174,000) and that year DeMint was one of the poorest members of the Senate, with an estimated wealth of $40,501.[91]
On May 2, 2017, DeMint submitted his resignation after a unanimous vote by the Foundation's board of trustees.[6]
In June 2017, DeMint became a senior advisor to Citizens for Self-Governance, a group which is seeking to call a convention to propose amendments to the United States Constitution in order to reduce federal government spending and power. According to DeMint, "The Tea Party needs a new mission. They realize that all the work they did in 2010 has not resulted in all the things they hoped for. Many of them are turning to Article V." The proposed constitutional convention would impose fiscal restraint on Washington D.C., reduce the federal government's authority over states, and impose term limits on federal officials.[7]
In 2017, DeMint founded the Conservative Partnership Institute, of which he serves as chairman.[92][93] The stated purpose of the CPI is the professional development of conservative staffers and elected officials.[92]
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Stem Cell Florence South Carolina 29506
Posted: September 20, 2018 at 3:42 am
Stem cell treatment has actually ended up being a popular argument in the international medical scene. This highly questionable treatment has received mixed viewpoints from numerous stakeholders in the healthcare market and has likewise drawn in the attention of politicians, religious leaders and the general population at large. Stem cell treatment is thought about an advanced treatment for people suffering from a large range of degenerative conditions. Some typical questions regarding this therapy are answered below.
Stem cells can be described as blank state or non-specialized cells that have the ability to become specialized cells in the body such as bone, muscle, nerve or organ cells. This suggests that these special cells can be used to regrow or establish a vast array of broken cells and tissues in the body. Stem cell treatment is therefore a treatment that targets at attaining tissue regrowth and can be used to cure health conditions and health problems such as osteoarthritis, degenerative disc disease, spine injury, muscular degeneration, motor neuron illness, ALS, Parkinsons, heart disease and many more.
Stem cells can be extracted from a young embryo after conception. These stem cells are frequently referred to as embryonic stem cells. After the stem cells are drawn out from the embryo, the embryo is terminated. This is basically among the significant causes of controversy in the field of stem cell studio. Lots of people suggest that termination of an embryo is dishonest and unacceptable.
Stem cells can still be gotten through other means as they can be discovered in the blood, bone marrow and umbilical cords of adult human beings. Normal body cells can also be reverse-engineered to become stem cells that have limited abilities.
Being a treatment that is still under research, stem cell therapy has not been totally accepted as a feasible treatment alternative for the above pointed out health conditions and health problems. A lot of research is presently being carried out by researchers and medical specialists in numerous parts of the world to make this treatment practical and reliable. There are nevertheless various restrictions imposed by federal governments on research including embryonic stem cells.
Presently, there have not been many case studies carried out for this form of treatment. Nevertheless, with the few case studies that have been conducted, among the major concerns that has been raised is the boost in a clients danger of establishing cancer. Cancer is caused by the fast reproduction of cells that have a tendency not to die so quickly. Stem cells have actually been related to similar growth elements that might cause development of growths and other malignant cells in clients.
New studio has however shown pledge as scientists aim at establishing stem cells that do not form into tumors in later treatment phases. These stem cells can therefore efficiently transform into other types of specialized cells. This therapy is therefore worth researching into as lots of clients can take advantage of this advanced treatment.
Need a stem cell therapy close to Florence SC 29506
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Stem Cell North Charleston South Carolina 29405
Posted: July 27, 2018 at 6:45 am
Stem cell treatment has become a popular dispute in the worldwide medical scene. This extremely controversial treatment has received mixed opinions from various stakeholders in the health care market and has likewise drawn in the attention of politicians, religious leaders and the general population at large. Stem cell therapy is considered a revolutionary treatment for people suffering from a wide variety of degenerative conditions. Some common questions regarding this treatment are responded to below.
Stem cells can be described as blank state or non-specialized cells that have the capability to become customized cells in the body such as bone, muscle, nerve or organ cells. This means that these unique cells can be used to restore or establish a wide range of damaged cells and tissues in the body. Stem cell therapy is therefore a treatment that targets at accomplishing tissue regrowth and can be used to cure health conditions and diseases such as osteoarthritis, degenerative disc disease, spinal cord injury, muscular degeneration, motor nerve cell illness, ALS, Parkinsons, cardiovascular disease and much more.
Stem cells can be drawn out from a young embryo after conception. These stem cells are commonly described as embryonic stem cells. After the stem cells are drawn out from the embryo, the embryo is terminated. This is basically one of the significant causes of controversy in the field of stem cell research study. Many people say that termination of an embryo is dishonest and undesirable.
Stem cells can still be obtained through other methods as they can be found in the blood, bone marrow and umbilical cords of adult humans. Normal body cells can also be reverse-engineered to become stem cells that have limited abilities.
Being a treatment that is still under research, stem cell treatment has actually not been completely accepted as a practical treatment option for the above discussed health conditions and diseases. A lot of studio is presently being performed by researchers and medical specialists in various parts of the world to make this treatment viable and effective. There are however various restrictions enforced by governments on studio involving embryonic stem cells.
Currently, there have not been many case studies performed for this type of treatment. Nevertheless, with the few case studies that have been carried out, one of the major concerns that has been raised is the increase in a patients danger of establishing cancer. Cancer is brought on by the fast reproduction of cells that tend not to die so easily. Stem cells have been associated with similar development elements that might cause development of tumors and other cancerous cells in clients.
New studio has nevertheless revealed pledge as researchers target at establishing stem cells that do not form into tumors in later treatment stages. These stem cells can for that reason efficiently change into other types of specialized cells. This treatment is therefore worth investigating into as numerous clients can benefit from this advanced treatment.
The best stem cell therapy in North Charleston SC 29405
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Cell Biology and Anatomy – University of South Carolina
Posted: July 14, 2018 at 1:42 am
Our faculty members work on research teams within the School of Medicine, the University of South Carolina system and beyond. These relationships give us access tobest-in-class technology and diverse areas of research.The partnerships have proved effective; our students and faculty have won numerous awards to support their research.
Cardiovascular Development and Congenital Birth Defects
Despite advances in our understanding of cardiovascular development, congenital defects in this system remain the leading forms of birth defects in humans. Studies are aimed at elucidating the underlying cellular and molecular mechanisms of cardiovascular development to enable better methods of detecting and treating congenital defects in this system. A variety of cutting-edge cell culture and animal models are being used in conjunction with microscopic, biochemical and molecular analyses.
Heart Disease and Heart Failure
Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the United States and includes a number of conditions such as atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction (heart attack), hypertension, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and others. Studies in the department are aimed at advancing our understanding of the cellular and molecular mechanisms of heart disease and how these translate to alterations in organ function. This research requires an integrated approach across multiple disciplines and departmental faculty have formed numerous collaborations with researchers within the University of South Carolina and at other institutions. The ultimate goal of this area of research is to develop better strategies for treatment of heart disease.
Vascular Biology and Heart Disease
Normal function of blood vessels is critical to delivery of oxygen, nutrients and other materials to tissues of the body. Diseases of the vasculature, including atherosclerosis and aneurysms, are common, particularly in South Carolina. Research in the department is focused on elucidating the mechanisms of vascular diseases and development of more effective detection and treatment strategies for these diseases. This research includes innovative in vitro and animal models as well as examination of patient specimens. This research is performed in collaboration with investigators in the College of Engineering and Computer Science and well as clinical faculty in the Department of Surgery.
Reproductive Biology
Reproductive biology research in the department is focused on developmental processes of the male and female reproductive systems during postnatal development and control mechanisms in adulthood. These studies aim to understand mechanisms of infertility, endocrine disruption by environmental contaminants and the basic science of hypothalamic, anterior pituitary gland and gonadal function.
Biomedical Engineering
Biomedical Engineering is a rapidly growing, interdisciplinary field which involves application of engineering concepts and analytical approaches to a wide range of health-related problems, from predicting blood flow patterns in tumors to design of orthopedic devices, such as knee and hip joint replacements. The field draws on tools and conceptual frameworks, such as fluid mechanics and signal processing, from a wide spectrum of traditional engineering disciplines, including chemical engineering, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and computer science. A number of faculty at the School of Medicine apply biomedical engineering approaches to a broad variety of medical problems and issues, which include developing new ways to repair abdominal hernias, understanding how fluid flow affects heart valve development and creating mathematical models to predict atherosclerotic plaque rupture.USC Biomedical Engineering
Regenerative Medicine
Regenerative Medicine is a rapidly evolving field that encompasses a variety of disciplines aimed at replacing, repairing or regenerating human tissues or organs to restore or establish normal function. Millions of people suffer from a vast assortment of diseases and complications that are now treated with new regenerative medicine therapies. The goal of research from a group of faculty at the School of Medicine is to develop biocompatible tissues and treatments for numerous diseases and pathologies. Heart valves, cartilage, bone, cornea and wound healing are examples of the tissues and diseases these labs study. Furthermore, many have incorporated the use of stem cells, which provide the necessary cellular component to create these in vitro constructs. As a result, the development of biocompatible tissues using the hosts owns cells have the potential to alleviate the problem of the shortage of organs available for donation.
Human Anatomy and Physiology for Biomedical Engineers (BMEN 345)
This is a systems-based course providing undergraduates in the biomedical engineering program a foundation in human anatomy and physiology. The course provides an introduction to the inter-relationships between tissue/organ structure and physiology and discussion of changes in tissue/organ structure that occur with common pathological conditions. The course also demonstrates how engineering approaches can promote understanding of these relationships. Recent biomedical engineering advances and their relation to underlying anatomy and physiology are discussed. The course includes lecture and laboratory instruction.
Advanced Female Reproductive Biology (MCBA 763)
This course is primarily a literature based course designed for graduate students with research interests in women's reproductive biology. Topics covered include the menstrual cycle of women and estrous cycles of various animals, hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis, ovarian steroidogenesis, pregnancy and gonadal development. Specific disease topics covered are tailored to the student's interest may include infertility, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, endometriosis and fibroids.
Cardiovascular System: Development to Disease (BMEN 589)
This course is designed for graduate students who have an interest in the cardiovascular system. The course largely relies on primary scientific literature. Topics covered in the course include basic cardiovascular development and physiology as well as congenital cardiovascular defects and specific pathologies of the cardiovascular system including myocardial infarction, hypertension, atherosclerosis, valve disorders and others. Discussions are also included that center around detection and treatment of cardiovascular diseases.
Medical Embryology and Gross Anatomy (D601)
The primary goal of Medical Embryology and Gross Anatomy (MEGA) is to provide students with a basic understanding of the gross anatomy, embryology and radiologic imaging of the entire human body. This course prepares students to apply anatomy and embryology concepts to the clinical sciences and to apply radiologic imaging toward the diagnosis of clinical disorders. MEGA is an intense, integrated, 16-week regionally-based curriculum with dissections, peer teaching and learning, as well as self-directed active learning forming the basis for the laboratory. Additional lectures in embryology and imaging provide a clinical foundation for the remainder of the student's medical education.
Medical Microscopic Anatomy (MCBA D602)
The structure of cells, tissues and organs is studied and the functional significance of their morphological features is presented. Laboratory materials offer firsthand observations of structures in humans, non-human primates and other mammalian tissues through the study of digitized static labeled images and digitized images that are virtual slides when viewed using your laptop computer as a "virtual microscope." Students are expected to learn to "read" images in order to identify specific structures, cells, tissues and organs and to integrate basic concepts and principles of microscopic anatomy and histophysiology as they pertain to clinical medicine. Learning experiences are intended to foster critical thinking skills about contemporary topics that correlate basic science studies with clinical problems. The course provides the structural basis to understand principles to be learned in biochemistry, physiology, pathology and internal medicine.
Human Anatomy and Physiology for Biomedical Engineers (BMEN 723)
This is a core course for the Biomedical Engineering graduate programs, focused on human anatomy and physiology from an engineering perspective. The human body is taught from a systems-based approach with anatomy and physiology being integrated with engineering principles.
Anatomy for Health Sciences (BMSC 740)
This is an intensive cadaver-based human anatomy course taken by graduate students in health and biomedical-related areas including the Physician Assistant program at the School of Medicine. The primary goal of this course is to provide students with a broad appreciation of anatomy and the inter-relation of human structure with physiology and pathology. In addition to lecture and laboratory instruction, the course includes radiological and ultrasound imaging of anatomical structures.
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Transplantation of Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells into the …
Posted: October 14, 2017 at 1:50 am
Animal and surgical procedures
Mongolian gerbils of both genders aged 36months with healthy external ears were used for this study. The animals were born and raised in low-noise environment [median sound level was 40dB sound pressure level (SPL)] at the Animal Research Facility of the Medical University of South Carolina. All aspects of the animal research were conducted in accordance with the guidelines of the local Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee.
Animals were anesthetized with pentobarbital sodium (50mg/kg) and given atropine (0.2mg/kg) to reduce respiratory secretions. Body temperature was maintained between 37C and 38C using a heating pad. Sterile procedures were used to open the bulla and place about 2040l of a 1mM ouabain (Sigma, O-3125) solution in normal saline in the RW niche. After 30min, the ouabain solution was removed by wicking with a small piece of filter paper. The surface of the bulla was fully closed with dental cement, and the incisions were closed with sutures. Postsurgical discomfort was treated with buprenorphine if necessary. The animals allowed to recover for 13days after ouabain exposure before transplantation were designated as the early post-injury (EPI) transplant group, whereas animals allowed to recover for 7days or longer were designated as the late post-injury (LPI) transplant group.
Approaches used for ESC transplantation and the state of differentiation of ESCs after RA neural induction. A Surgical approach to expose the round window (RW) niche of the gerbil cochlea for ESC transplantation. The basilar membrane comprises the translucent zone and is visible through the RW membrane. The bony osseous spiral lamina, the wall of Rosenthals canal (RC), and the central modiolus are located in the opaque zone. Scale bar=500m. B Schematic diagram illustrating three delivery routes of ESCs into: (1) Rosenthals canal, (2) perilymph of scala tympani (ST), (3) and endolymph of scala media (SM). The photograph was modified from a radial paraffin section of the basal turn from a normal young gerbil. Sa stapedial arteria, Sp.L spiral ligament, SV scala vestibuli. Scale bar=100m. C The majority of the cultured ESCs stained for nestin (green). Nuclei were countstained with bis-benzimide (blue). Scale bar=20m.
Surviving ESCs 34weeks after transplant
To suppress rejection of mouse ESCs, gerbils were given daily injection of cyclosporine A (15mg kg1 day1 s.c., Sandoz Pharmaceutical Corp., NJ) starting 1day before surgery and terminating the day before sacrifice. The same dose was given to all animals in this study.
Mouse ESCs were prepared for transplantation from (1) wild-type D3 cells, (2) D3 cells engineered to express enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP), or (3) D3 cells modified to over-express bcl2 (D.I. Gottlieb, Washington University, St. Louis, MO). The D3 cell line was isolated from day4 129/Sv blastocysts (Doetschman et al. 1985). The details for EGFP expression and bcl2 gene modification have been described previously (Adams et al. 2003; Wei et al. 2005). The ESC lines were maintained at low passage (<20) with normal karyotype. Cells were passaged, and neural differentiation was induced using the 4/4+ RA induction protocol (Bain et al. 1995; Bain and Gottlieb 1998). Briefly, undifferentiated cells were maintained in T25 flasks in ES cell growth media (ESGM) consisting of Dulbeccos modified Eagle media (with l-glutamine, without pyruvate, Gibco 11965-043) supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum, 10% new born calf serum, 8.5g/ml guanosine, 8g/ml adenosine, 7.3g/ml cytidine, 7.3g/ml uridine, 2.4g/ml thymidine, 1,000U/ml of leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF, Gibco 13275-011), and 104M -mercaptoethanol.
For neural lineage induction, cells were harvested from the growth flasks by trypsinization with 0.25% trypsin and ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) in Hankss salt solution (Gibco, 15050) for 10min. One quarter of the cells from a T25 flask were seeded into a standard 100-mm bacterial Petri dish in ESC induction medium (ESIM). The ESIM is similar to ESGM, but without LIF and -mercaptoethanol. After 2days, the cell aggregates and the media were removed from the dish, and cells were allowed to settle for 10min in a 15-ml centrifuge tube. The medium was then aspirated and replaced with fresh ESIM. Cells were then returned to the culture dish for an additional 2days. The culture medium was replaced with ESIM containing 5107M RA (all-trans RA, Sigma R-2625), and cells were cultured for an additional 4days before harvesting for transplant. The state of ESC differentiation after RA 4/4+ neural induction was in agreement with the results of previous studies (Meyer et al. 2005; Wei et al. 2005). Although there was heterogeneity among the cell types generated by this protocol, a great majority (76.23.5%) of the cultured ESCs were positive for neuronal precursor and/or immature neuron markers such as nestin (Fig.1C).
The methods for recording the compound action potential (CAP) response, distortion product otoacoustic emissions (DPOAEs), and endocochlear potential (EP) were similar to those previously described (Lang et al. 2005, 2006). Physiological data were obtained from ESC-implanted ears and a group of untreated ears. The animals were anesthetized as described above and fitted to a head holder in a sound- and vibration-isolated booth. The pinna and surrounding tissue were removed and bulla opened widely. The CAP electrode was placed on the bony rim of the RW niche and an acoustic assembly, including a probe-tube microphone (B&K 4134, Bruel and Kjaer, Norcross, GA) and driver (Beyer DT-48, Beyerdynamic, Farmingdale, NY), was sealed to the bony ear canal with closed-cell foam. Tone pips were calculated in the frequency domain using Tucker Davis Technologies (Alachua, FL) equipment and software. CAP thresholds were obtained visually with an oscilloscope online at half-octave frequencies from 0.5 to 20kHz with tone pips of 1.8-ms total duration with cos2 rise/fall times of 0.55ms. DPOAEs were measured with an Ariel board (Ariel, Canbury, NJ) and CUBeDISP software (Etymotic Research, ELK grove Village, IL). DPOAEs were obtained with an opened bulla after removing the pinna and underlying tissue. The intensity levels of both primaries were fixed at 50dB SPL. Primary tones were swept from f2=4 to 20kHz with f1/f2 ratio of 1.2 and a resolution of 10 points per octave.
EPs were measured with a micropipette filled with 0.2M KCl yielding an impedance of approximately 2030M. The output of the micropipette was tied to an electrometer (World Precision Instruments FD 223) for direct recording of the potential. EP was defined as the voltage difference between scala media and a pool of isotonic saline on the neck muscles. The micropipette was introduced into the scala media via 30- to 50-m holes drilled through the otic capsule of the three cochlear turns. We first measured the EP in the apical turn (T3), followed by the middle turn (T2) and basal turn (T1). This procedure minimizes the trauma of inserting the micropipette into one turn and causing a reduction of the EP in other turns (Schmiedt et al. 2002; Lang et al. 2002).
The inner ears were fixed for 68h with 4% paraformaldehyde and then decalcified with EDTA. Tissues were embedded in PARAPLAST@ for paraffin sectioning. Deparaffinized and rehydrated sections were immersed in blocking solution for 20min and then incubated overnight at 4C with a primary antibody diluted in phosphate-buffered saline (pH7.4). The primary antibodies used in this study were rabbit anti-GFP (1:200, A11122) or mouse anti-GFP (1:100, A11120) (Molecular Probes, Eugene, OR), rat monoclonal antibody to mouse-specific brain membrane (1:50, M2, Developmental Studies Hybridoma Bank, Iowa City, IA), rabbit anti-bcl2 (1:200, sc492) (Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA), anti-mouse CD45R (1:200, sc19597; Santa Cruz), mouse anti-neurofilament 200 (1:200, Clone N52, N0142; Sigma, Atlanta, GA) and mouse anti-glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP; 1:200, MAB360; Chemicon, Temecula, CA). An antigen retrieval treatment was used for immunostaining with mouse brain membrane-specific antibody M2.
The antibodies employed in this study have been widely used and are well characterized. The rabbit anti-GFP polyclonal antiserum was raised against GFP isolated directly from the jellyfish, Aequorea victoria, and has been used for detection of native GFP, GFP variants, and most GFP fusion proteins (Chalfie et al. 1994; Senut et al. 2004). No staining was seen when rabbit anti-GFP antibody was applied to tissues from ears injected with wild-type D3 ESCs. The rat monoclonal antibody M2 was raised against a mouse-specific glial and neuronal cell membrane glycoprotein (Lagenaur and Schachner 1981). The M2 antibody recognizes a 45-kDa band in Western blots and has been used widely as a marker to identify mouse neural cells in host tissues after xenogeneic transplantation (Eriksson et al. 2003; Gates et al. 1998). Anti-bcl2 reacts with bcl2 of mouse, rat, and human origin by Western blotting, immunoprecipitation, and immunohistochemistry and does not cross-react with other apoptosis-associated proteins (Thomas-Mudge et al. 2004; Weisleder et al. 2004). This antibody recognizes a single band around 29kDa in Western blots (manufacturers technical information from Santa Cruz). CD45R (RA3-6B2) is a rat monoclonal IgG2a antibody raised against an extracelluar domain of the transmembrane glycoprotein CD45 and is expressed broadly among hematopoietic cells including macrophages and microglia (Bhave et al. 1998). Monoclonal anti-neurofilament 200 reacts with a single 200-kDa band in both alkaline phosphatase dephosphorylated and untreated preparations of rat spinal cord (manufacturers technical information from Sigma) and specifically stains nerve fibers in the inner ear (Lang et al. 2006; Wise et al. 2005). The GFAP monoclonal antibody recognizes a 50-kDa band by immunoblotting (manufacturers technical information from Chemicon) and has been used extensively to label astrocytes and neoplastic cells of glial lineage in the central nervous system (McLendon and Bigner 1994; Kasischke et al. 2006; Ward et al. 2004). Control staining for all primary antibodies included omission or substitution with similar dilutions of non-immune serum of the appropriate species. No specific staining was detected in any of the control experiments.
Secondary antibodies were biotinylated, and binding was detected with fluorescent (FITC)-conjugated avidin D (1:100; Vector, Burlingame, CA). The procedure for detection of a second antigen with double labeling was the same as for the first antigen but substituting Texas red conjugated avidin D (1:100; Vector) for visualization. Nuclei were counterstained with propidium iodide or bis-benzimide.
The sections were examined with either a Zeiss LSM5 Pascal confocal microscope (Carl Zeiss Inc., Jena, Germany) or a Zeiss Axioplan microscope equipped with a 100-W mercury light source. The captured images were processed using Image Pro Plus software (Media Cybernetics, MD), Zeiss LSM Image Browser Version 3,2,0,70 (Carl Zeiss Inc.) and Adobe Photoshop CS.
Five to six sections approximately 50m apart from each other from the mid-modiolar region were used for cell counts. The observed sections included all three cochlear turns and five vestibular organs. The surviving ESCs were identified by direct fluorescent microscopy for GFP or labeling with M2 antibody in combination with the nuclear marker bis-benzimide. All data are reported as meanSEM. Statistical comparisons of the number of surviving ESCs in EPI model compared to in the LPI model as well as the percentage of GFAP-positive ESCs in RC versus the perilymphatic space were obtained using the Students t test (SPSS, Chicago, IL). A value of p<0.05 was considered statistically significant.
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Research | Lupus Foundation of America
Posted: September 28, 2017 at 8:47 pm
The LFA believes expanding stem cell research will accelerate the pace of discovery on the potential therapeutic benefits of stem cells and help basic and clinical researchers learn how stem cells can be used to develop life-saving treatments.
Stem cells possess the potential to develop into many different types of cells in the body. They serve as a repair system for the body. Mesenchymal stem cells are found in mature tissues that have already developed. The body uses these cells to replace other cells that die off throughout the normal course of life. As they are not from fetal tissue, these stem cells do not have the same ethical concerns or restrictions that embryonic stem cells do. Current research in lupus focuses on mesenchymal stem cells.
Mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) are derived from bone marrow, umbilical cords or other tissues and are anti-inflammatory. These anti-inflammatory cells have unique properties that make them attractive as therapy for autoimmune diseases. Unlike with other stem cells, MSCs lack the properties that enable the immune system to detect them as being foreign. Therefore:
MSCs have been studied in inflammatory bowel disease, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and scleroderma. In these studies, MSC treatment has been found to be effective and only minimal side effects reported.
Pioneering researchers from China have studied MSC treatment in over 200 people with lupus who had been unresponsive to standard lupus therapies. Preliminary results show that:
While the findings are groundbreaking, there was no control group in these early studies. This means that every participant received the stem cell treatment plus standard lupus therapies. A controlled trial is necessary to ensure that individuals who receive the MSC therapy plus standard lupus therapies do indeed respond better than closely matched participants who only receive standard therapy.
This first-of-its-kind phase II clinical trial of mesenchymal stem cells for the treatment of moderate to severe lupus could help lower medication dosage, diminish the long-term effects of lupus, stop damage to vital organs, and save lives. The trial is led by Drs. Gary Gilkeson and Diane Kamen from the Medical University of South Carolina and will be conducted at six research institutions around the country.
Stem cell therapy holds promise as a safe and effective alternative for people with lupus who do not benefit from the current treatments available. Mesenchymal stem cell research has provided hope to people with formerly incurable and devastating conditions, including Parkinsons disease, leukemia, heart diseases, multiple sclerosis, juvenile diabetes and osteoarthritis, as well as 80 other diseases.
Previous research using this type of therapy for lupus and other diseases reported minimal side effects. Like every potential new therapy, this treatment must be tested. We remain hopeful this procedure will prove successful and be included in the arsenal of treatments for lupus.
Only one drug is available that was developed specifically to treat lupus. It took more than 50 years for a new drug to be approved for lupus and it does not work for everyone. We need treatments for lupus, and this study provides hope for the future.
We are rallying support for this promising research so it will get the attention and research funding it deserves from public and private sources.
Previous research on mesenchymal stem cells has been promisingbut more testing is needed. Thats why we need your support. We are asking donors to consider supporting this effort with a special contribution. Our goal is to raise $500,000. The funding will enable researchers to treat initial participants. Ultimately, the study will be expanded through potential funding from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and other sources.
To learn more about this study and determine if you are eligible to participate, visit the MSCs in SLE Trial page on
The LFA thus far has awarded 11 grants to advance basic and clinical adult stem cell research as a treatment for lupus. Learn more about all the investigators we have funded for stem cell research.
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Research | Lupus Foundation of America
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