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Category Archives: Stem Cell Research

Ten Problems with Embryonic Stem Cell Research | The …

Posted: March 15, 2019 at 4:44 am

Embryonic stem cells are the basic building blocks for some 260 types of cells in the body and can become anything: heart, muscle, brain, skin, blood. Researchers hope that by guiding stem cells in the laboratory into specific cell types, they can be used to treat diabetes, Parkinson's disease, heart disease, or other disorders. The primary clinical source is the aborted fetus and unused embryos currently housed in frozen storage at IVF facilities. A developed stem cell line comes from a single embryo, becoming a colony of cells that reproduces indefinitely. Consider now the following ten problems with Embryonic Stem Cell Research (ESCR).

1. The issue of who or what

As the nation sits embroiled over the battle of where to draw the line on ESCR, the real issue that truly divides us is whether embryonic stems represent a who or a what. In other words, are we talking about people or property?

Since Roe v. Wade we have not been willing or able as a nation to address the issue. As a result, those who oppose ESCR and those who support it will never reach an acceptable point of compromise. Still, in the midst of the flurry of all this biotechnology and all the problems it presents, there is some very good news that has been overlooked by almost everyone. Ready? Cloning proves scientifically that life begins at conceptiona position to which the author and most Christians philosophically already adhere.

Additionally, the insights provided by cloning technology destroy the scientific and legal basis of distinguishing a preembryo from an embryo, the popular distinction made at 14 days after conception. This is significant because this distinction determines the handling and treatment of human life less than 14 days old, which is so basic to all ESCR.

In short, our understanding of embryonic development as provided by cloning technology could force not only those who participate in ESCR specifically, but also those who participate in in-vitro fertilization (IVF) procedures generally, to recognize there is no real preembryoembryo distinction and that all human life begins at conception. Therefore, as a nation, we should rightly adjust the moral and legal treatment and status of all embryos to people not property from the point of conception.

2. The deliberate misuse of terminology in defining stem cells

Proponents of ESCR often use the term pluripotent. This word intends to imply that the ESC cannot make or reform the outer layer of the embryo called the trophoblast. The trophoblast is required for implantation of the embryo into the uterus. This is a distinction used by proponents of ESCR to imply a fully formed implantable embryo cannot and does not reform after the original embryo is sacrificed. This is significant because to isolate the stem cells, scientists peel away the trophoblast or skin of the embryo much like the peel of an orange. They then discharge the contents of the embryo into a petri dish.

At this stage of development, the stem cells that comprise almost the entire inner body of the early embryo look and function very similar to one another. Once put into the petri dish, the un-programmed cells can be manipulated to multiply and divide endlessly into specific cell types. The question regarding use of the term pluripotent is whether stem cells emptied into the petri dish can reform the trophoblast creating an implantable embryo of the originally sacrificed embryo?

The uncomfortable truth is, James Thomson, who led the effort that first isolated and grew embryonic stem cells in the laboratory says the trophoblast can reform under certain circumstances. That means even after months of continuous proliferation of the cells, implantable cloned human beings of the original embryo might be forming as the stem cells are grown in petri dishes. Therefore, use of the term pluripotent is scientifically inaccurate and deliberately misleading.

3. ESCR is related to human cloning

Understanding how ESCR and human cloning relate requires delineation between the two forms of human cloning: reproductive and therapeutic.

Reproductive cloning creates a later born twin from a single cell of another person by transplanting the DNA of the adult cell into a human egg whose nucleus has been removed. This process is somatic cell nuclear transfer. In this procedure, the resulting embryo is implanted in a woman and carried to birth. Proponents say that reproductive cloning is a logical extension of infertility treatments, hence the intimate link to IVF procedures.

By contrast, therapeutic cloning occurs when an adult undergoes a cloning procedure to duplicate his own cells in order to stave off personal disease, illness or the effects from sudden and serious injury. This procedure also begins by creating a clone of the adult through somatic cell transfer. In therapeutic cloning however, the embryos are allowed to live up to 14 days, at which time their trophoblasts are removed, as in standard ESCR, to harvest the highly prized stem cells for the donor's treatment.

In summary, therapeutic cloning begins with the same procedure as reproductive cloning. The goal of reproductive cloning is to produce a baby. The goal of therapeutic cloning is to produce embryonic stem cells for research and or treatment.

Additionally, whenever embryonic stem cell research results in the spontaneous reformation of the trophoblast around other stem cells, a fully implantable cloned life of the originally sacrificed embryo is created, however temporarily.

4. The current status of ESCR in the U.S. is unsettled at best

President Bush announced on August 9, 2001, that federal funds would not be used for ESCR that result in the future destruction of embryos. They can, however, be used to conduct research on the 64 stem cell lines that currently exist because "the life-and-death decision has already been made." However, scientists who work with some of these cells say many of the 64 lines are not yet developed and some may never pan out. Some researchers are uncertain about the quality of the cells and wonder if the limited number is enough. Proponents of this research are now focused on gaining more ground by passing legislation in Congress.

5. There is law that could apply to ESCR

Originally attached to the 1995 Health and Human Services (HHS) appropriations bill, the "Dickey Amendment" has prohibited federal funding of "any research in which a human embryo or embryos are destroyed, discarded or knowingly subjected to risk of injury or death." Unfortunately, there are no laws to protect preembryos (embryos under 14 days old) or that prohibit private individuals, research firms, or pharmaceutical companies from forming, manipulating, or destroying stem cells, human clones, or embryos.

6. Polls show that the American people do not approve using public money to destroy human embryos in medical research

7. ESCR puts us on the road to growing humans for body parts

The un-programmed cells of an early embryo are derailed from their natural course of development and coaxed through chemical manipulation to become very specific tissue types that will be used to treat the unhealthy or diseased tissue of those already born. Opponents of funding ESCR have argued vehemently against this stark utilitarian treatment of human life, unfortunately with little effect.

Regarding the justification that the embryos "left over" in IVF clinics (reportedly >300,000 in the US alone) will simply be discarded anyway, reflects a chilling absence of moral conscience. We do not consider it appropriate to take organs from dying patients or prisoners on death row before they have died in order to increase someone else's chances for healing or cure. Neither, then, should we consider any embryos "spare" so that we may destroy them for their stem cells.

How far down this road have we already come? Consider the story of Adam and Molly Nash. Molly was diagnosed with Fanconi anemiaa hereditary and always fatal disease. Doctors determined that the best hope for Molly was a cell transplant from a relative whose cells matched Molly's, but without anemia. So Molly's parents produced fifteen embryos by IVF, only one of which had the right genetic material. It was implanted in Mrs. Nash who gave birth to Adam. Adam's stem cells were taken from his umbilical cord and implanted in his sister. Despite all the success of the treatment and the medical justification, the fact remains that Adam was conceived, not just to be a son, but a medical treatment. Adam was a means valuable only insofar as he carried the right genetic material. If he hadn't, he would have been rejected like the other fourteen discarded embryos. The undeniable conclusion is that we are growing humans for body parts.

8. Contemporary moral issues often follow the flow of money

Stem cell research and human cloning are about transforming the mystery and majesty of life into a mere malleable and marketable commodity. In the short term, this is big business and offers great fame and fortune to the pioneers and biotech companies who master their secrets and harness the power of life through ESCR.

9. ESCR currently has major disadvantages

The promises of ESCR are right now nothing more than hoped for possibilities. Successful clinical trials for people are years away at best. Why? The reality is that the scientific evidence so far does not support public statements.

First, one minor complication is that use of human embryonic stem cells requires lifelong use of drugs to prevent rejection of the tissue. Second, another more serious disadvantage is that using embryonic stem cells can produce tumors from rapid growth when injected into adult patients. A third disadvantage reported in the March 8, 2001, New England Journal of Medicine was of tragic side effects from an experiment involving the insertion of fetal brain cells into the brains of Parkinson's disease patients. Results included uncontrollable movements: writhing, twisting, head jerking, arm-flailing, and constant chewing. Fourth, a recent report in the Journal Science reported that mice cloned from ESC were genetically defective. If human ESC are also genetically unstable, that could materially compromise efforts to transform cells extracted from embryos into successful medical therapies. Finally, the research may be hampered because many of the existing stem cell lines were grown with the necessary help of mouse cells. If any of this research is to turn into treatments, it will need approval from the FDA, which requires special safeguards to prevent transmission of animal diseases to people. It is unclear how many of these cell lines were developed with the safeguards in place. This leads to a host of problems related to transgenic issues.

10. The Success and Promise of Adult Stem Cell Research

In all fairness, adult stem cells have restricted differentiation potential and do not proliferate as well as ESC. On the other hand, while ESCR yields, at best, meager results, and has only far distant possibilities of successful clinical applications, current clinical applications of adult stem cells are abundant! They include treatments for the following: corneal restoration, brain tumors, breast cancer, ovarian cancer, liver disease, leukemia, lupus, arthritis, and heart disease. Thousands of patients are treated and cured using adult stem cells. Alternative sources for adult stem cells include: placenta, cord blood, bone marrow organ donors, and possibly fat cells.

For these ten reasons my conclusion is that more dollars should be invested in adult stem cell research and the macabre research associated with ESCR should be abandoned entirely.

* Dr. Hollowell has a Ph.D. in Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology.

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Stem Cell Basics III. |

Posted: March 15, 2019 at 4:44 am

Embryonic stem cells, as their name suggests, are derived from embryos. Most embryonic stem cells are derived from embryos that develop from eggs that have been fertilized in vitroin an in vitro fertilization clinicand then donated for research purposes with informed consent of the donors. They are not derived from eggs fertilized in a woman's body.

Growing cells in the laboratory is known as cell culture. Human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) aregenerated by transferringcells from a preimplantation-stage embryointo a plastic laboratory culture dish that contains a nutrient broth known as culture medium. The cells divide and spread over the surface of the dish. In the original protocol, the inner surface of the culture dish was coated with mouse embryonic skin cellsspecially treated so they will not divide. This coating layer of cells is called a feeder layer. The mouse cells in the bottom of the culture dish provide the cells a sticky surface to which they can attach. Also, the feeder cells release nutrients into the culture medium. Researchers have nowdevised ways to grow embryonic stem cells without mouse feeder cells. This is a significant scientific advance because of the risk that viruses or other macromolecules in the mouse cells may be transmitted to the human cells.

The process of generating an embryonic stem cell line is somewhat inefficient, so lines are not produced each time cells from the preimplantation-stage embryo are placed into a culture dish. However, if the plated cells survive, divide and multiply enough to crowd the dish, they are removed gently and plated into several fresh culture dishes. The process of re-plating or subculturing the cells is repeated many times and for many months. Each cycle of subculturing the cells is referred to as a passage. Once the cell line is established, the original cells yield millions of embryonic stem cells. Embryonic stem cells that have proliferated in cell culture for six or more months without differentiating, are pluripotent, and appear genetically normal are referred to as an embryonic stem cell line. At any stage in the process, batches of cells can be frozen and shipped to other laboratories for further culture and experimentation.

At various points during the process of generating embryonic stem cell lines, scientists test the cells to see whether they exhibit the fundamental properties that make them embryonic stem cells. This process is called characterization.

Scientists who study human embryonic stem cells have not yet agreed on a standard battery of tests that measure the cells' fundamental properties. However, laboratories that grow human embryonic stem cell lines use several kinds of tests, including:

As long as the embryonic stem cells in culture are grown under appropriate conditions, they can remain undifferentiated (unspecialized). But if cells are allowed to clump together to form embryoid bodies, they begin to differentiate spontaneously. They can form muscle cells, nerve cells, and many other cell types. Although spontaneous differentiation is a good indication that a culture of embryonic stem cells is healthy, the process is uncontrolled and therefore an inefficient strategy to produce cultures of specific cell types.

So, to generate cultures of specific types of differentiated cellsheart muscle cells, blood cells, or nerve cells, for examplescientists try to control the differentiation of embryonic stem cells. They change the chemical composition of the culture medium, alter the surface of the culture dish, or modify the cells by inserting specific genes. Through years of experimentation, scientists have established some basic protocols or "recipes" for the directed differentiation of embryonic stem cells into some specific cell types (Figure 1). (For additional examples of directed differentiation of embryonic stem cells, refer to the 2006 NIH stem cell report.)

Figure 1. Directed differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells. Click here for larger image. ( 2008 Terese Winslow)

If scientists can reliably direct the differentiation of embryonic stem cells into specific cell types, they may be able to use the resulting, differentiated cells to treat certain diseases in the future. Diseases that might be treated by transplanting cells generated from human embryonic stem cells include diabetes, traumatic spinal cord injury, Duchenne's muscular dystrophy, heart disease, and vision and hearing loss.

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Stem Cell Basics III. |

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Pros and Cons of Stem Cell Research – The Balance

Posted: March 13, 2019 at 7:43 am

Debates over the ethics of embryonic stem cell research have divided scientists, politicians, and religious groups for years.

However, promising developments in other areas of stem cell research have led to solutions that help bypass these ethical barriers and win more support from those against embryonic stem cell research; the newer methods don't require the destruction of blastocysts.

Many parties continue to have strong opinions that trigger ongoing debates about stem cell research, and the following pros and cons provide a snapshot of some the points on each side of the issue.

Medical benefits such as regenerating organ tissue and therapeutic cell cloning

May hold the answer to curing various diseases, including Alzheimer's, certain cancers and Parkinson's

Research potential for human cell growth and development to treat a variety of ailments

Possibility of use for embryonic treatment

Requires only a small number of cells because of the fast replication rate

The difficulty of obtaining stem cells and the long period of growth required before use

Unproven treatments often come with high rejection rates

Cost can be prohibitive for many patients

Ethical controversy over use of stem cells from lab-fertilized human eggs

Additional ethical issues regarding the creation of human tissues in a lab, such as cloning

The excitement about stem cell research is primarily due to the medical benefits in areas ofregenerative medicineand therapeutic cloning. Stem cells provide huge potential for finding treatments and cures to a vast array of medical issues:

Stem cell research presents problems like any form of research, but most opposition to stem cell research is philosophical and theological, focusing on questions of whether we should be taking science this far:

In 1998, the first published research paper on the topic reported that stem cells could be taken from human embryos. Subsequent research led to the ability to maintain undifferentiated stem cell lines (pluripotent cells) and techniques for differentiating them into cells specific to various tissues and organs.

The debates over the ethics of stem cell research began almost immediately in 1999, despite reports that stem cells cannot grow into complete organisms.

In 20002001, governments worldwide were beginning to draft proposals and guidelines to control stem cell research and the handling of embryonic tissues and reach universal policies. The Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) drafted a list of recommendations for stem cell research in 2001. In the U.S., the Clinton administration drafted guidelines for stem cell research in 2000. Australia, Germany, the United Kingdom, and other countries followed suit and formulated their own policies.

Debates over the ethics of studying embryonic stem cells continued for nearly a decade until the use of adult-derived stem cellsknown as induced pluripotent stem cells (IPSCs)became more prevalent and alleviated those concerns.

In the U.S. since 2011, federal funds can be used to study embryonic stem cells, but such funding cannot be used to destroy an embryo.

Use of adult-derived stem cellsknown as induced pluripotent stem cells (IPSCs)from blood, cord blood, skin, and other tissues has been demonstrated as effective in treating different diseases in animal models. Umbilical cord-derived stem cells obtained from the cord blood also have been isolated and used for various experimental treatments. Another option is uniparental stem cells. Although these cell lines are shorter-lived than embryonic cell lines, uniparental stem cells hold vast potential if enough research money can be directed that way: pro-life advocates do not technically consider them individual living beings.

Two recent developments from stem cell research involve the heart and the blood it pumps. In 2016, researchers in Scotland began working on the possibility of generating red blood cells from stem cells in order to create a large supply of blood for transfusions. A few years earlier, researchers in England began working on polymers derived from bacteria that can be used to repair damaged heart tissue.

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Pros and Cons of Stem Cell Research - The Balance

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Top Stem Cell Conferences | Stem Cell Research 2019 …

Posted: March 10, 2019 at 3:42 pm

Session and TracksTrack 1: Stem Cells Biology

Stem cells are defined as precursor cells that have the capability to self-renew and to come up with multiple mature cell types. Stem cells are an ongoing source of the differentiated cells that make up the tissues and organs of plants and animals. After collecting and culturing tissues is it possible to classify cells as per their operational concept. There are 2 major types of stem cells: Embryonic Stem Cells and Adult Stem Cells that is also known as tissue stem cells. This difficulty in characteristic stem cells in situ, without any manipulation, limits the understanding of their true nature. There is great interest in stem cells as a result of they have potential in the development of therapies for replacing defective or damaged cells ensuing from a variety of disorders and injuries, like Parkinson disease, heart disease, and diabetes.

Related Conferences:

25th Global Meet on Cancer Research & Oncology, May 20-21, 2019, Rome, Italy; 2nd World Congress on Advanced Cancer Science & Therapy, January 28-29, 2019, Dubai, UAE; 3rd Advances in Cell & Stem Cell Research Congress, September 25-26, 2019, Rome, Italy; 3rd International Conference on Nanostructures, Nanomaterials and Nanoengineering, October 21-22, 2019, Las Vegas, USA; 3rd World Congress on Advanced Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering, August 26-27, 2019, Madrid, Spain;

Hematopoietic Stem Cells are the immature cell that is developed into all types of blood cells, including red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets which are found in the peripheral blood and the bone marrow. These stem cells are also called blood stem cell. Studies have described two populations of Hematopoietic Stem Cells that are Long Term and Short Term. Long-Term Hematopoietic stem cells which are capable of self-renewal, while Short Term Hematopoietic stem cells do not have this capacity.

Related Conferences:

4th World Biotechnology Congress, May 20-21, 2019, London, UK; 6th World Congress on Microbial Biotechnology, June 17-18, 2019, Paris, France; Annual Congress on Advanced Tissue Science and Regenerative Medicine, April 15-16, 2019, Amsterdam, Netherlands; World Congress on Cell & Gene Therapy, September 25-26, 2019, Rome, Italy; World Congress on Novel Trends and Advances in Biotechnology, September 25-26, 2019, Rome, Italy;

Embryonic Stem Cells are developed when embryos formed during the blastocyst phase of embryological development. They can grow in all derivatives of the 3 primary germ layers i.e. ectoderm, endoderm and mesoderm. These include each of the more than 220 cell varieties within the adult body. Pluripotency distinguishes embryonic stem cells from adult stem cells found in adults; whereas embryonic stem cells can generate all cell types within the body, adult stem cells are multipotent and can produce only a restricted number of cell types. Embryonic stem cells are capable of propagating themselves indefinitely. This allows embryonic stem cells to be employed as useful tools for both research and regenerative medicine, because they can produce limitless numbers of themselves for continued research or clinical use.

Related Conferences:

25th Global Meet on Cancer Research & Oncology, May 20-21, 2019, Rome, Italy; 2nd World Congress on Advanced Cancer Science & Therapy, January 28-29, 2019, Dubai, UAE; 3rd Advances in Cell & Stem Cell Research Congress, September 25-26, 2019, Rome, Italy; 3rd International Conference on Nanostructures, Nanomaterials and Nanoengineering, October 21-22, 2019, Las Vegas, USA; 3rd World Congress on Advanced Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering, August 26-27, 2019, Madrid, Spain;

Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPSCs) are the adult stem cells derived from skin or blood cells which are reprogrammed to an embryonic stem cell maintaining the essential properties of introducing important genes and also to enables the development of an unlimited source of any type of human cell needed for the therapeutic purpose. Researchers have rapidly developed the techniques for generating iPSCs and by creating a new and powerful way to "de-differentiate" cells whose developmental fates.

Related Conferences:

4th World Biotechnology Congress, May 20-21, 2019, London, UK; 6th World Congress on Microbial Biotechnology, June 17-18, 2019, Paris, France; Annual Congress on Advanced Tissue Science and Regenerative Medicine, April 15-16, 2019, Amsterdam, Netherlands; World Congress on Cell & Gene Therapy, September 25-26, 2019, Rome, Italy; World Congress on Novel Trends and Advances in Biotechnology, September 25-26, 2019, Rome, Italy;

Though the concept of stem cell niche was prevailing in vertebrates, the first characterization of stem cell niche in vivo was figured out in drosophila germinal development. A stem-cell niche is an area of a tissue that provides a specific microenvironment, in which stem cells are present in an undifferentiated and self-renewable state. Cells of the stem-cell niche interact with the stem cells to take care of them or promote their differentiation. Characterization of these stem cell niches depends on the ability to identify stem cells in vivo in their normal setting. Through comparison of different stem cell systems, some themes emerge that indicate possible general characteristics of the relationship between stem cells and their supporting niche.

Related Conferences:

4th World Biotechnology Congress, May 20-21, 2019, London, UK; 6th World Congress on Microbial Biotechnology, June 17-18, 2019, Paris, France; Annual Congress on Advanced Tissue Science and Regenerative Medicine, April 15-16, 2019, Amsterdam, Netherlands; World Congress on Cell & Gene Therapy, September 25-26, 2019, Rome, Italy; World Congress on Novel Trends and Advances in Biotechnology, September 25-26, 2019, Rome, Italy;

Stem cell banking is the extraction, processing and storage of stem cells which can used for treatment when required. Stem cells have the amazing power to transform into any tissue or organ in the body. It is due to this unique characteristic that they have the potential to treat over 80 life threatening diseases, and provide numerous benefits to the baby, its siblings and the family. There are variety of sources from where stem cells can be banked, with the most common amongst them being the umbilical cord. Cord blood banking is that the extraction of stem cells from the umbilical cord. This is done during childbirth and is a fast, hassle free and painless procedure. While, the umbilical cord and cord blood are the foremost common sources of stem cells - the Placenta, amniotic sac and amniotic fluid are by far the richest sources, in terms of both - quantity and quality. Some other rich sources of stem cells are Placenta, Umbilical Cord, Amniotic Fluid, Dental Stem Cells, Menstrual Fluid, Adipose Tissue and Bone Marrow.

Related Conferences:

25th Global Meet on Cancer Research & Oncology, May 20-21, 2019, Rome, Italy; 2nd World Congress on Advanced Cancer Science & Therapy, January 28-29, 2019, Dubai, UAE; 3rd Advances in Cell & Stem Cell Research Congress, September 25-26, 2019, Rome, Italy; 3rd International Conference on Nanostructures, Nanomaterials and Nanoengineering, October 21-22, 2019, Las Vegas, USA; 3rd World Congress on Advanced Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering, August 26-27, 2019, Madrid, Spain;

A procedure in which a patient receives healthy blood-forming cells (stem cells) to replace their own, when stem cells or bone marrow are damaged or destroyed by disease, as well as some types of cancer, or by high doses of chemotherapy or radiation therapy used to treat cancer. The healthy stem cells may come from the blood or from a donors bone marrow or from the umbilical cord blood of a newborn baby. A stem cell transplant may be autologous (use of stem cells from your own bone marrow or blood), allogeneic use of stem cells from someone else, the donor could also be a relative or somebody who isn't associated with you) or syngeneic (use of stem cells from an identical twin). The stem cells within the bone marrow transform into red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. when these blood cells mature, they go into the peripheral blood (the blood that flows through the body). If the bone marrow is damaged or destroyed, it cant create normal blood cells. in a stem cell transplant, healthy stem cells are placed in your body to assist your bone marrow start to work properly. The new stem cells make healthy blood cells.

Related Conferences:

4th World Biotechnology Congress, May 20-21, 2019, London, UK; 6th World Congress on Microbial Biotechnology, June 17-18, 2019, Paris, France; Annual Congress on Advanced Tissue Science and Regenerative Medicine, April 15-16, 2019, Amsterdam, Netherlands; World Congress on Cell & Gene Therapy, September 25-26, 2019, Rome, Italy; World Congress on Novel Trends and Advances in Biotechnology, September 25-26, 2019, Rome, Italy;

Stem Cell Therapy is the treatment for various disorders which non-seriously life-threatening by using stem cells. These stem cells can be obtained from a lot of different sources and used to potentially treat more than 80 disorders which include neuromuscular, organ, chronic and degenerative disorders. Chronic disorders arise from degeneration or wear and tear of cartilage, muscle, bone, fat or the opposite organ, tissue or cell. This may occur owing to a spread of reasons, but it's usually the tactic spoken as aging, or 'getting old' that is the largest cause. Stem cell therapy is currently being researched for the treatment of various diseases. While research and clinical trials are in process with varying degrees of success, stem cell therapy holds the potential to offer a successful cure for these conditions.

Related Conferences:

4th World Biotechnology Congress, May 20-21, 2019, London, UK; 6th World Congress on Microbial Biotechnology, June 17-18, 2019, Paris, France; Annual Congress on Advanced Tissue Science and Regenerative Medicine, April 15-16, 2019, Amsterdam, Netherlands; World Congress on Cell & Gene Therapy, September 25-26, 2019, Rome, Italy; World Congress on Novel Trends and Advances in Biotechnology, September 25-26, 2019, Rome, Italy;

Cancer is defined as the abnormal growth of cells that possesses the ability to spread to other cells and tissues. Cancer is one of the major illness which it seemed to be more prevalent all over the world. Even though the death rate and peoples suffering from these diseases are in greater number in recent years. There are over 200 variety of types of cancer across the globe. The death rate increasing year-by-year due to this disease even in developed countries. Cancer Stem Cells (CSCs) are a small population of cells inside tumors with capabilities of self-renewal, differentiation, and tumorigenicity once transplanted into an animal host. The CSC hypothesis thus doesn't imply that cancer is always caused by stem cells or that the potential application of stem cells to treat conditions like cardiovascular disease or diabetes which is able to result in tumor formation. Rather, tumor-initiating cells possess stem-like characteristics to a degree sufficient to warrant the comparison with stem cells along with the observed experimental and clinical behaviors of metastatic cancer cells are extremely resembling the classical properties of stem cells

Related Conferences:

25th Global Meet on Cancer Research & Oncology, May 20-21, 2019, Rome, Italy; 2nd World Congress on Advanced Cancer Science & Therapy, January 28-29, 2019, Dubai, UAE; 3rd Advances in Cell & Stem Cell Research Congress, September 25-26, 2019, Rome, Italy; 3rd International Conference on Nanostructures, Nanomaterials and Nanoengineering, October 21-22, 2019, Las Vegas, USA; 3rd World Congress on Advanced Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering, August 26-27, 2019, Madrid, Spain;

As an organism grows and develops, carefully orchestrated chemical reactions activate and deactivate components of the genome at strategic times and in specific locations. Epigenetics is that the study of these chemical reactions and the factors that influence them. It is strongly believed that there are some signals at the epigenetic level that regulate the fate of the stem cells. Though all of the cells in our body contain the same genetic makeup. These genes are not necessarily active at all times, rather they are expressed at times when needed in a highly controlled fashion.

Related Conferences:

25th Global Meet on Cancer Research & Oncology, May 20-21, 2019, Rome, Italy; 2nd World Congress on Advanced Cancer Science & Therapy, January 28-29, 2019, Dubai, UAE; 3rd Advances in Cell & Stem Cell Research Congress, September 25-26, 2019, Rome, Italy; 3rd International Conference on Nanostructures, Nanomaterials and Nanoengineering, October 21-22, 2019, Las Vegas, USA; 3rd World Congress on Advanced Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering, August 26-27, 2019, Madrid, Spain;

Tissue Engineering is a scientific field centered on the advance of Tissue and Organ Substitutes by controlling their environment, biomechanical and biophysical parameters which include the utilization of a different or same scaffold for the arrangement of new tissue. These frameworks empower the In-vitro investigation of human physiology and physiopathology, while giving a rendezvous of biomedical instruments with potential materialness in toxicology, medicinal gadgets, tissue substitution, repair and Regenerative Medicine. Regeneration is that the progression of renewal, regeneration, and growth that makes it cells, organ regeneration to natural changes or events that cause damage or disturbance. This study is carried out as craniofacial tissue engineering, in-situ tissue regeneration, adipose-derived stem cells for tissue science which is also a breakthrough in cell culture technology. The study isn't stopped with the regeneration of tissue wherever it is further carried out in relation to cell signaling, morphogenetic proteins. Most of the neurological disorders occurred accidentally having a scope of recovery by replacement or repair of intervertebral discs repair, spinal fusion and plenty of more advancement.

Related Conferences:

4th World Biotechnology Congress, May 20-21, 2019, London, UK; 6th World Congress on Microbial Biotechnology, June 17-18, 2019, Paris, France; Annual Congress on Advanced Tissue Science and Regenerative Medicine, April 15-16, 2019, Amsterdam, Netherlands; World Congress on Cell & Gene Therapy, September 25-26, 2019, Rome, Italy; World Congress on Novel Trends and Advances in Biotechnology, September 25-26, 2019, Rome, Italy;

Regeneration Medicine is that the Survival of any living body essentially relying upon its capability to repair and recover injured or harmed tissues or potential organs amid its lifespan following injury, illness, or maturing. This will shape the system for recognizing novel clinical medicines which will enhance the mending and regenerative limit of individuals. The Regeneration process involves Cell Proliferation where most of the medical disorders occurred accidentally includes a scope of recovery by replacement or repair of intervertebral discs repair, spinal fusion and plenty of more advancements.

Related Conferences:

25th Global Meet on Cancer Research & Oncology, May 20-21, 2019, Rome, Italy; 2nd World Congress on Advanced Cancer Science & Therapy, January 28-29, 2019, Dubai, UAE; 3rd Advances in Cell & Stem Cell Research Congress, September 25-26, 2019, Rome, Italy; 3rd International Conference on Nanostructures, Nanomaterials and Nanoengineering, October 21-22, 2019, Las Vegas, USA; 3rd World Congress on Advanced Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering, August 26-27, 2019, Madrid, Spain;

Cell reprogramming is the process of reverting mature, specialized cells into induced pluripotent stem cells. Reprogramming also refers to the erasure and re-establishment of epigenetic marks during mammalian germ cell development. The discovery of Induced pluripotent stem cells emphasizes on reprograming of any adult differentiated cells into stem cells by genetic modification under precisely controlled laboratory conditions. Reprograming of cells is supposed to presage revolution in both, medical and biological research and allows modeling and analysis of human diseases and cell cytotoxicity by drugs. The technique is still in its growing phase and requires a great deal of extensive research and approval from authorities for further trials.

Related Conferences:

25th Global Meet on Cancer Research & Oncology, May 20-21, 2019, Rome, Italy; 2nd World Congress on Advanced Cancer Science & Therapy, January 28-29, 2019, Dubai, UAE; 3rd Advances in Cell & Stem Cell Research Congress, September 25-26, 2019, Rome, Italy; 3rd International Conference on Nanostructures, Nanomaterials and Nanoengineering, October 21-22, 2019, Las Vegas, USA; 3rd World Congress on Advanced Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering, August 26-27, 2019, Madrid, Spain;

Stem cell nanotechnology has emerged as a brand-new exciting field. Experimental and theoretical studies of interaction between nanostructures or nanomaterials and stem cells have made great advances. The importance of nanomaterials, nanostructures, and nanotechnology to the basic developments in stem cells-based therapies for injuries and degenerative diseases has been recognized. Apart from tracking the localization of stem cells, nanotechnology has improved targetability, half-life, and stability of stem cells by providing a suitable microenvironment. In particular nanomaterials have played a significant role in the isolation and proliferation or differentiation of stem cells and intracellular delivery of small and macromolecules within stem cells. In this field over the past few years, explore the application prospects, and discuss the issues, approaches and challenges, with the aim of rising application of nanotechnology in the stem cells research and development.

Related Conferences:

4th World Biotechnology Congress, May 20-21, 2019, London, UK; 6th World Congress on Microbial Biotechnology, June 17-18, 2019, Paris, France; Annual Congress on Advanced Tissue Science and Regenerative Medicine, April 15-16, 2019, Amsterdam, Netherlands; World Congress on Cell & Gene Therapy, September 25-26, 2019, Rome, Italy; World Congress on Novel Trends and Advances in Biotechnology, September 25-26, 2019, Rome, Italy;

Stem Cell Technologies will become a global biotechnology that manufactures, develops and sells product by providing the services to support academic and industrial scientists. Stem cells analysis and development team typically collaborates with educational institutes and industrial partners to manufacture, develop and distribute a specific product for a given analysis. A stem cell has helped several scientific communities and industries to develop technologies to achieving the world biotechnology market. The corporate makes a specialist in developing cell culture media, cell separation product, instruments and completely different reagents to be utilized in the cell, immunology, cancer, Regenerative medicine and cellular treatment analysis.

Related Conferences:

25th Global Meet on Cancer Research & Oncology, May 20-21, 2019, Rome, Italy; 2nd World Congress on Advanced Cancer Science & Therapy, January 28-29, 2019, Dubai, UAE; 3rd Advances in Cell & Stem Cell Research Congress, September 25-26, 2019, Rome, Italy; 3rd International Conference on Nanostructures, Nanomaterials and Nanoengineering, October 21-22, 2019, Las Vegas, USA; 3rd World Congress on Advanced Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering, August 26-27, 2019, Madrid, Spain;

There are many research advancements and applications and of Stem Cells. Stem cell research that can be applied to develop new therapies includes cell replacement therapy, development of drugs, using iPSC technology to generate stem cells from the patients skin or blood, using trans differentiation technology to convert a specialized cell type to a progenitor cell and many more. It also carries the immense potential for treating a number of human diseases such as to repair or regenerate blood vessels, treatment of eyesight, Diabetes, Neurodegenerative Disorders and Wound Healing etc.

Related Conferences:

4th World Biotechnology Congress, May 20-21, 2019, London, UK; 6th World Congress on Microbial Biotechnology, June 17-18, 2019, Paris, France; Annual Congress on Advanced Tissue Science and Regenerative Medicine, April 15-16, 2019, Amsterdam, Netherlands; World Congress on Cell & Gene Therapy, September 25-26, 2019, Rome, Italy; World Congress on Novel Trends and Advances in Biotechnology, September 25-26, 2019, Rome, Italy;

Carefully planned and ethically approved clinical trials resulting from a robust preclinical pathway are necessary to advance the field. This will require a programmatic approach that involves partnerships of clinicians, academics, industry, and regulatory authorities with a focus on understanding basic biology that informs a tight linkage between preclinical and clinical studies. Rather than suggesting that clinical trials are premature, such trials should be encouraged as part of multidisciplinary programs in regenerative medicine.

Related Conferences:

25th Global Meet on Cancer Research & Oncology, May 20-21, 2019, Rome, Italy; 2nd World Congress on Advanced Cancer Science & Therapy, January 28-29, 2019, Dubai, UAE; 3rd Advances in Cell & Stem Cell Research Congress, September 25-26, 2019, Rome, Italy; 3rd International Conference on Nanostructures, Nanomaterials and Nanoengineering, October 21-22, 2019, Las Vegas, USA; 3rd World Congress on Advanced Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering, August 26-27, 2019, Madrid, Spain;

The field of bioethics has addressed a broad swathe of human inquiry, ranging from debates over the boundaries of life, surrogacy, and the allocation of scarce health care resources to the right to refuse medical care for religious or cultural reasons. StemGen is a research database of international, regional and national normative instruments concerning the socio-ethical and legal aspects of stem cell research and related therapies. The regulation of stem cell research is an issue that has drawn much comment, criticism and even judicial arbitration in recent years along with the marketing status of Stem Cells, Cell therapy, Regenerative Medicine, Tissue Engineering and many more worldwide.

Related Conferences:

4th World Biotechnology Congress, May 20-21, 2019, London, UK; 6th World Congress on Microbial Biotechnology, June 17-18, 2019, Paris, France; Annual Congress on Advanced Tissue Science and Regenerative Medicine, April 15-16, 2019, Amsterdam, Netherlands; World Congress on Cell & Gene Therapy, September 25-26, 2019, Rome, Italy; World Congress on Novel Trends and Advances in Biotechnology, September 25-26, 2019, Rome, Italy;

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Stem Cell Research | NWABR.ORG

Posted: March 6, 2019 at 7:44 pm

This unit, which was designed by teachers in conjunction with scientists, ethicists, and curriculum developers, explores the scientific and ethical issues involved in stem cell research. The unit begins with an exploration of planaria as a model organism for stem cell research. Next, students identify stages in the development of human embryos and compare the types and potency of stem cells. Students learn about a variety of techniques used for obtaining stem cells and the scientific and ethical implications of those techniques. While exploring the ethics of stem cell research, students will develop an awareness of the many shades of gray that exist among positions of stakeholders in the debate. Students will be provided an opportunity to become familiar with policies and regulations for stem cell research that are currently in place in the United States, the issues regarding private and public funding, and the implications for treatment of disease and advancement of scientific knowledge.

The unit culminates with students developing a position on embryonic stem cell research through the use of a Decision-Making Framework. Two culminating assessments are offered: In the individual assessment, students write a letter to the President or the Presidents Bioethics Committee describing their position and recommendations; In the group assessment, students develop a proposal for NIH funding to research treatment for a chosen disease using either embryonic or 'adult' stem cells.

The complete Stem Cell Curriculum is now available free for download from the Lessons page.

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This unit, which was designed by teachers in conjunction with scientists, ethicists, and curriculum developers, explores the scientific and ethical issues involved in stem cell research. The unit begins with an exploration of planaria as a model organism for stem cell research. Next, students identify stages in the development of human embryos and compare the types and potency of stem cells. Students learn about a variety of techniques used for obtaining stem cells and the scientific and ethical implications of those techniques. While exploring the ethics of stem cell research, students will develop an awareness of the many shades of gray that exist among positions of stakeholders in the debate. Students will be provided an opportunity to become familiar with policies and regulations for stem cell research that are currently in place in the United States, the issues regarding private and public funding, and the implications for treatment of disease and advancement of scientific knowledge.

The unit culminates with students developing a position on embryonic stem cell research through the use of a Decision-Making Framework. Two culminating assessments are offered: In the individual assessment, students write a letter to the President or the Presidents Bioethics Committee describing their position and recommendations; In the group assessment, students develop a proposal for NIH funding to research treatment for a chosen disease using either embryonic or 'adult' stem cells.

The complete Stem Cell Curriculum is now available free for download. In order for us to measure how our curriculum resources are being used, we request that you please complete the brief information form before being directed to the download page. We will not share your contact information with anyone, although we may contact you in the future in order to determine how our materials are being used.

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Stem Cell Research | NWABR.ORG

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Stem cells: The secret to change | Science News for Students

Posted: December 12, 2018 at 8:42 am

Inside your body, red blood cells are constantly on the move. They deliver oxygen to every tissue in every part of your body. These blood cells also cart away waste. So their work is crucial to your survival. But all that squeezing through tiny vessels is tough on red blood cells. Thats why they last only about four months.

Where do their replacements come from? Stem cells.

These are a very special family of cells. When most other cells divide, the daughter cells look and act exactly like their parents. For example, a skin cell cant make anything but another skin cell. The same is true for cells in the intestine or liver.

Not stem cells. Stem cells can become many different types. That is how an embryo grows from a single fertilized egg into a fetus with trillions of specialized cells. They need to specialize to make up tissues that function very differently, including those in the brain, skin, muscle and other organs. Later in life, stem cells also can replace worn-out or damaged cells including red blood cells.

The remarkable abilities of stem cells make them very exciting to scientists. One day, experts hope to use stem cells to repair or replace many different kinds of tissues, whether injured in accidents or damaged by diseases. Such stem cell therapy would allow the body to heal itself. Scientists have found a way to put specialized cells to work repairing damage, too. Together, these cell-based therapies might one day make permanent disabilities a thing of the past.

One unusual type of stem cell offers special promise for such therapeutic uses. For the recent development of this cell type, Shinya Yamanaka shared the 2012 Nobel Prize in medicine.

Meet the family

Blood stem cells live inside your bones, in what is called marrow. There, they divide over and over. Some of the new cells remain stem cells. Others form red blood cells. Still others morph into any of the five types of white blood cells that will fight infections. Although blood stem cells can become any one of these specialized blood cells, they cannot become muscle, nerve or other types of cells. They are too specialized to do that.

Another type of stem cell is more generalized. These can mature into any type of cell in the body. Such stem cells are called pluripotent (PLU ree PO tint). The word means having many possibilities. And its not hard to understand why these cells have captured the imaginations of many scientists.

Until recently, all pluripotent cells came from embryos. Thats why scientists called them embryonic stem cells. After an egg is fertilized, it divides in two. These two cells split again, to become four cells, and so on. In the first few days of this embryos development, each of its cells is identical to all the others. Yet each cell has the potential to develop into any specialized cell type.

When the human embryo reaches three to five days old, its cells start to realize their potential. They specialize. Some will develop into muscle cells or bone cells. Others will form lung cells or maybe the cells lining the stomach. Once cells specialize, their many possibilities suddenly become limited.

By birth, almost all of a babys cells will have specialized. Each cell type will have its own distinctive shape and function. For example, muscle cells will be long and able to contract, or shorten. Red blood cells will be small and plate-shaped, so they can slip through blood vessels with ease.

Hidden among all of these specialized cells are pockets of adult stem cells. (Yes, even newborns have adult stem cells.) Unlike embryonic stem cells, adult stem cells cannot transform into any and every cell type. However, adult stem cells can replace several different types of specialized cells as they wear out. One type of adult stem cell is found in your marrow, making new blood cells. More types are found in other tissues, including the brain, heart and gut.

Among naturally occurring stem cells, the embryonic type is the most useful. Adult stem cells just arent as flexible. The adult type also is relatively rare and can be difficult to separate from the tissues in which it is found. Although more versatile, embryonic stem cells are both difficult to obtain and controversial. Thats because harvesting them requires destroying an embryo.

Fortunately, recent discoveries in stem cell research now offer scientists a third and potentially better option.

The search for answers

In 2006, Shinya Yamanaka discovered that specialized cells like those in skin could be converted back into stem cells. Working at Kyoto University in Japan, this doctor and scientist induced or persuaded mature cells to become stem cells. He did this by inserting a specific set of genes into the cells. After several weeks, the cells behaved just like embryonic cells. His new type of stem cells are called induced pluripotent stem cells, or iP stem cells (and sometimes iPS cells).

Yamanakas discovery represented a huge leap forward. The iP stem cells offer several advantages over both embryonic and adult stem cells. First, iP stem cells are able to become any cell type, just as embryonic stem cells can. Second, they can be made from any starting cell type. That means they are easy to obtain. Third, in the future, doctors would be able to treat patients with stem cells created from their own tissues. Such cells would perfectly match the others, genetically. That means the patients immune system (including all of its white blood cells) would not attack the introduced cells. (The body often mounts a life-threatening attack against transplanted organs that come from other people because they dont offer such a perfect match. To the body, they seem foreign and a potentially dangerous invader.)

Scientists the world over learned of the technique developed by Yamanaka (who now works at the Gladstone Institutes which is affiliated with the University of California, San Francisco). Many of these researchers adopted Yamanakas procedure to create their own induced pluripotent stem cells. For the first time, researchers had a tool that could allow them to make stem cells from people with rare genetic diseases. This helps scientists learn what makes certain cell types die. Experts can also expose small batches of these diseased cells to different medicines. This allows them to test literally thousands of drugs to find out which works best.

And in the future, many experts hope induced stem cells will be used to replace adult stem cells and the cells of tissues that are damaged or dying.

Therapies take patients and patience

Among those experts is Anne Cherry, a graduate student at Harvard University. Cherry is using induced stem cells to learn more about a very rare genetic disease called Pearson syndrome. A syndrome is a group of symptoms that occur together. One symptom of Pearson syndrome is that stem cells in bone marrow cannot make normal red blood cells. This condition typically leads to an early death.

Cherry has begun to study why these stem cells fail.

She started by taking skin cells from a girl with the disease. She placed the cells in a test tube and added genes to turn them into stem cells. Over several weeks, the cells began to make proteins for which the inserted genes had provided instructions. Proteins do most of the work inside cells. These proteins turned off the genes that made the cells act like skin cells. Before long, the proteins turned on the genes to make these cells behave like embryonic stem cells.

After about three months, Cherry had a big batch of the new induced stem cells. Those cells now live in Petri dishes in her lab, where they are kept at body temperature (37 Celsius, or 98.6 Fahrenheit). The scientist is now trying to coax the induced stem cells into becoming blood cells. After that, Cherry wants to find out how Pearson syndrome kills them.

Meanwhile, the patient who donated the skin cells remains unable to make blood cells on her own. So doctors must give her regular transfusions of blood from a donor. Though life-saving, transfusions come with risks, particularly for someone with a serious disease.

Cherry hopes to one day turn the girls induced stem cells into healthy new blood stem cells and then return them to the girls body. Doing so could eliminate the need for further transfusions. And since the cells would be the girls own, there would be no risk of her immune system reacting to them as though they were foreign.

Sight for sore eyes

At University of Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha, Iqbal Ahmad is working on using stem cells to restore sight to the blind. A neuroscientist someone who studies the brain and nervous system Ahmad has been focusing on people who lost sight when nerve cells in the eyes retina died from a disease called glaucoma (glaw KOH muh).

Located inside the back of the eye, the retina converts incoming light into electrical signals that are then sent to the brain. Ahmad is studying how to replace dead retina cells with new ones formed from induced pluripotent stem cells.

The neuroscientist starts by removing adult stem cells from the cornea, or the clear tissue that covers the front of the eye. These stem cells normally replace cells lost through the wear and tear of blinking. They cannot become nerve cells at least not on their own. Ahmad, however, can transform these cells into iP stem cells. Then, with prodding, he turns them into nerve cells.

To make the transformation, Ahmad places the cornea cells on one side of a Petri dish. He then places embryonic stem cells on the other side. A meshlike membrane separates the two types of cells so they cant mix. But even though they cant touch, they do communicate.

Cells constantly send out chemical signals to which other cells respond. When the embryonic stem cells speak, the eye cells listen. Their chemical messages persuade the eye cells to turn off the genes that tell them to be cornea cells. Over time, the eye cells become stem cells that can give rise to different types of cells, including nerve cells.

When Ahmads team implanted the nerve cells into the eyes of laboratory mice and rats, they migrated to the retina. There, they began replacing the nerve cells that had died from glaucoma. One day, the same procedure may restore vision to people who have lost their sight.

Another approach

In using a bodys own cells to repair injury or to treat disease, stem cells arent always the answer. Although stem cells offer tremendous advances in regenerating lost tissue, some medical treatments may work better without them. Thats thanks to the chemical communication going on between all cells all of the time. In some situations, highly specialized cells can act as a conductor, directing other cells to change their tune.

In 2008, while working at the University of Cambridge in England, veterinary neurologist Nick Jeffery began a project that used cells taken from the back of the nose. But Jeffery and his team were not out to create stem cells. Instead, the scientists used those nasal cells to repair damaged connections in the spinal cord.

The spinal cord is basically a rope of nerve cells that ferry signals to and from the brain and other parts of the body. Injuring the spinal cord can lead to paralysis, or the loss of sensation and the inability to move muscles.

Like Ahmad, some researchers are using stem cells to replace damaged nerve cells. But Jeffery, now at Iowa State University in Ames, doesnt think such techniques are always necessary to aid recovery from spinal injuries. Stem cell transplantation, points out Jefferys colleague, neuroscientist Robin Franklin, is to replace a missing cell type. In a spinal injury, the nerve cells arent missing. Theyre just cut off.

Nerve cells contain long, wirelike projections called axons that relay signals to the next cell. When the spine is injured, these axons can become severed, or cut. Damaging an axon is like snipping a wire the signal stops flowing. So the Cambridge scientists set out to see if they could restore those signals.

Jeffery and his fellow scientists work with dogs that have experienced spinal injuries. Such problems are common in some breeds, including dachshunds. The team first surgically removed cells from the dogs sinuses or the hollow spaces in the skull behind the nose. These are not stem cells. These particular cells instead encourage nerve cells in the nose to grow new axons. These cells help the pooches maintain their healthy sense of smell.

The scientists grew these sinus cells in the lab until they had reproduced to large numbers. Then the researchers injected the cells into the spinal cords of two out of every three doggy patients. Each treated dog received an injection of its own cells. The other dogs got an injection of only the liquid broth used to feed the growing cells.

Over several months, the dogs owners repeatedly brought their pets back to the lab for testing on a treadmill. This allowed the scientists to evaluate how well the animals coordinated their front and hind feet while walking. Dogs that had received the nasal cells steadily improved over time. Dogs that received only the liquid did not.

This treatment did not result in a perfect cure. Nerve cells did reconnect several portions of the spinal cord. But nerve cells that once linked to the brain remained disconnected. Still, these dog data indicate that nasal cells can aid in recovering from a spinal cord injury.

Such new developments in cellular research suggest that even more remarkable medical advancements may be just a few years away. Yamanaka, Cherry, Ahmad, Jeffery, Franklin and many other scientists are steadily unlocking secrets to cellular change. And while you cant teach an old dog new tricks, scientists are finding out that the same just isnt true of cells anymore.

cornea The clear covering over the front of the eye.

embryo A vertebrate, or animal with a backbone, in its early stages of development.

gene A section of DNA that carries the genetic instructions for making a protein. Proteins do most of the work in cells.

glaucoma An eye disease that damages nerve cells carrying signals to the brain.

immune cell White blood cell that helps protect the body against germs.

molecule A collection of atoms.

neuron (or nerve cell) The basic working unit of the nervous system. These cells relay nerve signals.

neuroscientist A researcher who studies neurons and the nervous system.

paralysis Loss of feeling in some part of the body and an inability to move that part.

retina The light-sensitive lining at the back of the eye. It converts light into electrical impulses that relay information to the brain.

sinus An opening in the bone of the skull connected to the nostrils.

spinal cord The ropelike collection of neurons that connect the brain with nerves throughout the body.

tissue A large collection of related, similar cells that together work as a unit to perform a particular function in living organisms. Different organs of the human body, for instance, often are made from many different types of tissues. And brain tissue will be very different from bone or heart tissue.

transfusion The process of transferring blood into one person that had been collected from another.

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Recent Research on Stem Cells | Stem Cell Of America

Posted: November 10, 2018 at 6:42 pm

The following are recent research journals from US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health's directory on the use of stem cells for various diseases and conditions:

Researchers said the treatment could be used for several conditions that include dementia.

By Stephen Feller | Oct. 15, 2015 at 4:30 PM

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Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a neurodegenerative disorder of upper and lower motor neurons, characterized by progressive muscular atrophy and weakness which culminates in death within 2-5years...

J Clin Neurosci. 2013 Oct 19. pii: S0967-5868(13)00357-3. Author: Meamar R, Nasr-Esfahani MH, Mousavi SA, Basiri K.

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Alzheimer's disease (AD) is an irreversible neurodegenerative disease, still lacking proper clinical treatment. Therefore, many researchers have focused on the possibility of therapeutic use of stem cells for AD...

Neurodegener Dis. 2013 Oct 23. Author: Chang KA, Kim HJ, Joo Y, Ha S, Suh YH.

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Interleukin-6 (IL-6) is a pleiotropic cytokine with significant functions in the regulation of the immune system. As a potent pro-inflammatory cytokine, IL-6 plays a pivotal role in host defense against pathogens and acute stress...

Pharmacol Ther. 2013 Sep 27. pii: S0163-7258(13)00193-9. Author: Yao X, Huang J, Zhong H, Shen N, Faggioni R, Fung M, Yao Y.

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BACKGROUND AIMS: Pre-clinical evidence indicates that autologous bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stromal cell (BM-MSC) transplantation improves motor function in patients...

Cytotherapy. 2013 Oct 5. pii: S1465-3249(13)00561-6. Author: Wang X, Cheng H, Hua R, Yang J, Dai G, Zhang Z, Wang R, Qin C, An Y.

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Adult neural stem cells contribute to neurogenesis and plasticity of the brain which is essential for central regulation of systemic homeostasis. Damage to these homeostatic components...

Rev Endocr Metab Disord. 2013 Oct 25. Author:Purkayastha S, Cai D.

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Despite significant therapeutic advances, the prognosis of patients with heart failure (HF) remains poor, and current therapeutic approaches are palliative in the sense that they do not address the underlying problem...

Circ Res. 2013 Aug 30;113(6):810-34. Author: Sanganalmath SK, Bolli R.

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Recent evidence suggests that enhanced neutrophil extracellular trap (NET) formation activates plasmacytoid dendritic cells and serves as a source of autoantigens in SLE. We propose that aberrant NET formation...

J Clin Invest. 2013 Jul 1;123(7):2981-93. Author: Knight JS, Zhao W, Luo W, Subramanian V, O'Dell AA, Yalavarthi S, Hodgin JB, Eitzman DT, Thompson PR, Kaplan MJ.

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Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is the leading cause of visual loss in the developed world in those of working age, and its prevalence is predicted to double by 2025. The management of diabetic...

Clin Med. 2013 Aug;13(4):353-7. Author: Williams MA, Chakravarthy U.

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Interleukin (IL)-10 is an important immunoregulatory cytokine shown to impact inflammatory processes as manifested in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) and in its animal model, experimental autoimmune...

Brain Behav Immun. 2013 May;30:103-14. Author: Payne NL, Sun G, McDonald C, Moussa L, Emerson-Webber A, Loisel-Meyer S, Medin JA, Siatskas C, Bernard CC.

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Stem cell transplantation is being tested as a potential therapy for a number of diseases. Stem cells isolated directly from tissue specimens or generated via reprogramming of differentiated cells require...

Hum Gene Ther. 2013 Oct 23. Author: Rozkalne A, Adkin C, Meng J, Lapan A, Morgan J, Gussoni E.

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IMPORTANCE Recent advances in stem cell technologies have rekindled an interest in the use of cell replacement strategies for patients with Parkinson disease...

JAMA Neurol. 2013 Nov 11. Author: Kefalopoulou Z, Politis M, Piccini P, Mencacci N, Bhatia K, Jahanshahi M, Widner H, Rehncrona S, Brundin P, Bjrklund A, Lindvall O, Limousin P, Quinn N, Foltynie T.

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Since several years, adult/perinatal mesenchymal and neural crest stem cells have been widely used to help experimental animal to recover from spinal cord injury. More interestingly...

Stem Cells. 2013 Oct 23. Author: Neirinckx V, Cantinieaux D, Coste C, Rogister B, Franzen R, Wislet-Gendebien S.

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Even after decades of intensive studies, therapeutic options for patients with stroke are rather limited. Thrombolytic drugs effectively treat the very acute stage of stroke, and several neuroprotectants...

Cell Transplant. 2013 Oct 22. Author: Yoo J, Seo JJ, Eom JH, Hwang DY.

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Although we have supplied the links above to research journals, we are not saying that any of these studies would relate to your particular disease or condition. Please note, stem cells are not a substitute for proper medical diagnosis and care.

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Recent Research on Stem Cells | Stem Cell Of America

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What is Stem Cell Research? (with pictures) –

Posted: August 23, 2018 at 9:46 pm

anon950526Post 156

Is there any impact due to this?

Obviously, some of you dont have kids. The life of a child is worth so much more than any adult. You got to live. What if that embryo happened to be you? Would you then feel that it is OK to conduct this research?

I am a mother of two, soon to be three. I don't care about any of that just long as my kids at least get a chance at living and there is a God. I had a 50 percent chance of having babies because of a huge benign tumor that grew on my left ovary and killed my left fallopian tube.

I prayed for my babies and got them every time. Besides that, everybody has their

I watched this gruesome abortion video and the lady was 12 weeks along. You could see the child trying to fight for its life. Murder is murder. Helping to save other people or not -- that's like you seeing a man trying to rape a woman and you shoot him dead. It's the same if you were trying to save her life but you get persecuted and convicted for taking matters into your own hands. I am sorry for those people who are sick and have sick babies. I know what it is like to lose loved ones over untreatable diseases. Im against embryo research and I'm not thinking about me. It is about a baby. Sure, it isnt completely formed, but it's still a child, or at least will grow into one, I wish harm on nobody. There is no harm meant and Im not trying to make someone mad. Im just trying to throw some new views into the situation.

Stem cell research can only benefit society and advance us as a species. If your argument is religious, the you are not thinking. You are letting your emotions and beliefs speak for you, not your logic or common sense. A bunch of cells is not a baby, and helping the living is not against "God's will". This is a good thing and it will continue regardless of religious views, because it makes sense.

I'm still kind of learning about this topic, but abortion is something I feel strongly against, but if a baby was taken from it's mother with the mother's okay and they were trying to save people's lives, I would be completely okay with that.

I believe that God does not exist, and that stem cell research is truly phenomenal. This research should not be controversial, nor should it be banned; it is helping the living.

Most of the people who say that stem cell research is bad are religious, but people living in the real world and believe in this thing called 'science' actually make a difference. Religion has only held back society and science. I wonder how many religious people would get angry if they knew that I was a homosexual, atheist physicist who believes in evolution and the big bang theory.

I am writing a persuasive essay on whether stem cell research should be legal or not (even though it already is in the U.S.). I was never a really religious person and stuck mainly to things that I knew for sure were happening. The thing is, most of the stem cells they are using for research are going to be discarded anyway. No one is claiming them, no one is caring about them, and they are just going to be thrown away. It is better for them to be used for a greater cause than just being thrown away and losing the chance to create treatments and cures for cancer and neurodegenerative diseases.

Without trying to offend anyone, please don't

bring God into this, like if you're going to simply take the stem cells and create babies with them. The cells could be considered early life, but you lose cells every day and no one gives it a second thought. I am thirteen years old and sorry if you believe that I am wrong.

This is a terrible thing. Stem cell research is just an excuse for making us Americans pay for other peoples' abortions. This stem cell research crap may have fooled my friends who claim abortion is when the baby isn't fully developed and that it's murder to kill a baby after it's born. What's the difference? Abortion is murder.

This country is so corrupt it will probably start killing the elderly and calling it abortion, or calling every day murder of people abortion. Well, I have had enough of this crap Obama is trying to trick us with. God says life is precious and an undeveloped baby is made of many cells and cells are alive. Think about that, America. Not only that, but abortion is unnecessary. If a girl gets raped, she can put the baby up for adoption instead of murdering the baby. Studies show many women who had abortions regret it.

So what you are all arguing about is if god exists and whats his plan for us, and why or why should we not use pre-embryo stem cells. It's completely your own opinion, but when does life start for a baby -- when the sperm reaches the egg or when you hear his heartbeat?

I, for one, say we should not use embryo stem cells because they are a living being. Also for all of you who say its gods plan for us, who created god? He could not just have created himself out of nowhere. These are just my thoughts. But these are all still questions we do not know the answer to.

I've been researching this Stem Cell subject for a long time, and I'm so amazed at everyone's stories from the news and sites on how stem cells has helped them recover from so many types of sicknesses and diseases. Even cancer can be cured by this type of treatment.

One big factor is that it's not a drug but it will just treat your body in a nice and natural way. Stem cell therapy is nice but I found this Laminine on the market. People keep on talking about it, saying it's the new science breakthrough and that I should give a try. It's not a literal stem cell but it is a stem cell enhancer, and safer than the usual way of Stem Cell Therapy.

I gave it a try and in just a few weeks I felt its proven power that I also recommend it to everyone out there.

How is that clump of cells considered a newborn? Those cells aren't a newborn because there's still a chance that once you implant those embryos they don't hold, so it's not a child. They don't take these people's cells then say, nope you can't have your child -- we're going to use them for someone else. They're leftovers. No one is going to use them and they are going to get discarded. If you consider it a human how is it humane to let it sit there frozen forever, discarded and unloved? People throwing god around are ignorant. Not everyone believes in your "creator" and don't throw it in my face. Believe in your beliefs, but don't force mine.

@post 52: If there is no God, who do you think made the universe? Your dad didn't make it, I didn't make, you didn't make, nor did any person. Only an eternal being must have made the universe.

Look. What none of you guys are realizing is that embryonic stem cell research doesn't focus solely on embryos.

I'm a student getting my masters degree in pediatric nursing, so you guys can't say I don't know this. But maybe if you did some research instead of arguing that everyone except yourself is wrong, you would realize there are valid points to both sides.

Embryonic stem cell research also focuses on umbilical cords and placentas, which does no harm to the baby whatsoever. Now none of you can say that's "murder" or against your religion because I'm Roman Catholic, which is one of the main religions against stem cell research and I am personally all for it.

Now if embryos

Enough about manipulating death and being religiously wrong. Enough said, simple as that.

A novel called "Living Proof" just came out in stores this week that explores the life and death issue of embryonic stem cell research for the first time as a story. It's getting a lot of buzz online and pertains directly to this discussion.

Most say stem cell research is bad because scientists are trying to pay God, but that's a bunch of crap. Like what others have said, God created us, knowing that one day we would come up with this knowledge to maybe find cures. Somebody else stated that we are ungrateful because we want to use this research, but that's not entirely true, because we are grateful for this new research to cure people like me. Yes I said me. I'm a 16 year old diabetic. I may not suffer as much as others with other diseases, but I have.

Also, this same person said that we should be the ones serving overseas. Well, if you've paid attention, we can't because

Anyway, most don't know what it's like to stick a big needle into their own skin every day, but I do. They also don't know what its like to wake up very weak due to a low blood sugar, or to throw up because you get ketones due to not having any more insulin going through their body.

Lastly, most of you probably aren't scared to go to bed, knowing that you might not wake up because you went low, with no one knowing and died. Yes, I know diabetes isn't the worse disease out there, but it's not easy either. I don't really like abortion, but at least the fetus could help cure many people, and not just get thrown away.

In a way, the government not allowing stem cell research, and the people against it can be considered murderers too, because they are standing in the way of curing people, which could save their lives. This is how our country is going downhill, not the other way around.

Finally, you say how a human life is so important, and yes it is, but who's to say that an animal's life isn't? People abuse animals, use them to test new products, that most people use, but I don't see you caring about that. Yes, some people do, but most don't give a crap. And I mean, didn't God create animals too, so shouldn't they be just as important as humans?

Yeah, so that's all I have to say. Hopefully this will make people use their brains a little more, because the people who are against it only really seem to care about themselves, not the people who are actually suffering!

The controversy surrounding the morality of stem cell research is centered around the creation, usage, and destruction of the human embryos. Currently, the limits of technological advancement require the destruction of the human embryo in creating the human embryonic stem cell. Various groups view an embryo as an early-aged human life. As a result, they are concerned with the rights and status of the embryo, and often go so far as to equate such research with murder because of the embryos destruction. However, despite scientific evidence suggesting that the early-stage embryos being used are not early-aged human life, the importance of these embryonic stem cells and their contribution to scientific advancement is tremendous.

Stem cells are cells in the human

John Stuart Mills principle of Utilitarianism also supports the morality of stem cell research. Utilitarianism states that an actions moral worth is determined solely by its contribution to the happiness of all parties involved. The phrase the greatest good for the greatest number of people is often used to describe this principle. But more precisely, the true morality of such research is exhibited in the concept of Negative Utilitarianism. Negative Utilitarianism requires us to promote the least amount of harm, or prevent the greatest amount of suffering for the greatest number of people.

Since science has established that are embryos not yet human, any harm inflicted on them does not weigh in on the moral worth of the action. However, the development of treatments that could potentially cure conditions such as Parkinsons disease and Alzheimers would weigh in on its moral worth. As a result, the prevention of suffering made possible by stem cell research and its potential medical advancements far outweigh any harm inflicted on the embryos, even if the embryos were given moral standing. Thus, by means of Negative Utilitarianism, the morality of stem cell research cannot be called into question.

This is modern day fascism. You shouldn't choose what life has more importance. Speaking as a veteran, people like this make me regret serving an ungrateful country, full of morally degraded people. These people who believe in this should have been the ones overseas. Then tell me how easy it is to choose one life over the other. Those people make me sick, and will be the downfall of this country.

Fundamentalists never fail to amaze me with their ability to only read half the story. The embryos used in stem cell research would be discarded anyway - stem cell research isn't denying them a chance at life, they had no chance at life in the first place. It isn't the same thing as abortion.

And I hope the fundies who are making comments along the lines of "We suffer because God wills it" never take antibiotics when they are sick - surely that would be messing with God's plan for you to die from a disease that modern science can easily cure?

Any opponent to stem cell research on the grounds of all this embryo is a human life crap is nothing but a ignorant idiotic hypocrite and the same goes for anti abortionists.

Why claim to give a crap at all about so called life when none of you seem to give a crap about the starving millions in underdeveloped countries, the starving on the street, those on death row etc.? What about those lives? Aren't they more convincing examples of 'life' than a pile of embryonic goo? Are they not deserving of all the fuss you make over the value of human life?

You people seem more concerned with spouting your ignorant, selfish beliefs and halting progress that could one

Is there any difference between you people in regards to this and those that shared the same beliefs that used to carry out witch hunts all those many years ago? one has to wonder.

i think that stem cell affords advancements to the medical industry. people should stop trying to use the phrase "who are we to play god". if that is the case then don't take medication to relieve pain because under those conditions would that also be playing god?

Remember that some stem cells are taken from the umbilical cord and adult tissue, not just embryos. You wouldn't call it murder if the cells were taken from an inanimate piece of flesh, would you?

I have been reading comments and "playing god" is stupid. Getting and giving shots are playing god implants and anything like that is playing god. you're not letting what happens happen. I read about a wife with four kids with Cystic Fibrosis. finding a cure for that would be playing god. That would be taking his power to save a child.

I think it's all right. People are going to abort fetuses no matter what you say or how you feel. You can say it's wrong and waste it or you can use it to support something new and know you helped to save a life. Would you honestly say that because of what you think you should throw away something that could help people just because its from something not even alive yet?

O.K. so it might be alive, but at an older age in the pregnancy. And people are right: if someone you love was dying, you would not just sit there and watch and say, oh well, too bad for you. You would try to help no matter what the cost.

I don't know what is so bad about trying to save life. Stem cell research has advanced into the stages of using actual cells from adults, (Somatic cells) and this is pushing research today. Take some time and do the "current" research about stem cells and educate yourselves.

As far as the religious perspective goes I am a Christian and "God" gave me the cells in my body and if those cells that "God" gave have a way of saving my life, then that is his will. Helping your body heal is not playing God, it is using what God gave you!

I'm curious; What defines something as "live"? When does life begin? Well, does it not begin at fertilization when the cells go through meiosis? And the DNA is replicated? Well here's what I have to say.

Again, what defines something as a "Live" human? Is it size? Level of development? Environment?

Degree of dependency?

If it's based on size, then isn't that size-ism? Does that mean our society is saying that the unborn aren't human because they aren't as big as us? Yes, an unborn baby isn't as big as a toddler, but a toddler isn't as big as a full grown adult. So does that mean that they toddler isn't human either? Or in any way less human

Level of development: Some argue that since the unborn aren't fully developed yet, they aren't human. I'm 15 and I'm not fully developed; does that mean I'm not human? No. I'm still growing. Development doesn't stop at birth. It starts at conception.

The most common argument in this category is the baby can't think, or feel pain, or even know that they exist. I beg to differ. There was an article published in a newspaper that said a doctor was performing an abortion, and on the screen, you could see the baby trying to get away from the tool trying to pull it out. In another, there was a case where the baby stuck its hand out and held onto the doctor's finger. Look it up.

We say that they can't feel pain, so they aren't human. But what about those with Sepa disease? They are born unable to feel pain; can we go and kill them too? They can't feel pain so they aren't human, so it's okay, right? Wrong.

Environment: Most common argument: The unborn baby isn't in the world yet, it's in the mother's body, and it doesn't even breathe air. This argument seems to be saying that the unborn child isn't human because it's in a different environment then we are. But, since when does where we are, determine who we are? In our day to day lives, we change our environment multiple times. But it doesn't change who we are as a person, unless you have a multiple personality disorder.

So here's a question; How does the eight-inch trip down the birth canal change who you are as a blob of tissue, into a valued human being with rights? Truth be told, it doesn't. Another argument is the unborn baby is in the mother's body, which is her body, so the mother should be able to do what ever she wants with that baby. So what's the difference between a baby the day before it's born, and one day after?

A day before: Not fully developed; dependent on the mother; in the mother's body -- her property.

A day after: Not fully developed; dependent on the mother; in the mother's house -- her property

What makes it okay to kill the one but not the other?

There was a case where a man went and murdered a pregnant woman and was charged with double murder. In that case, the government and court are considering that fetus is a life with value. However, in the same time, something like 32 abortions were performed under the protection of the law. How come those babies don't get the same justification? Is it because they aren't wanted? If an orphan was murdered, would no one care because they weren't wanted? Of course not. It's absurd to me the double standard in our society.

Degree of Dependency: Arguments are that if the unborn baby is still dependent on the mother, and can't survive on their own yet, they aren't human. Even a one week old baby is still dependent on the mother. It will be for a while.

Once again, I'm 15 and I can't survive on my own. I depend on my parents. I depend on my government and school system, I depend on my friends. I'm dependent. But do I not have value and rights?

What about those who depend on medical instruments? And life support?

Parents depend on others to provide them with jobs, food and money, with places for their children to go to get an education. Our classrooms are getting smaller and smaller due to the number of abortions each year. But again, does this affect a person's humanity in some way because they depend on someone? You're going through a divorce and you need someone to lean on; you're depending on them. Oh, yeah, sorry for the bad timing, but oh geez this is tough, you're not human, so we're going to have to kill you. No, I don't think so.

What about those on welfare? Can we kill them too because they depend on the government to provide them with money? I don't think so. We are all dependent on someone to a degree. But who goes around saying that those who depend on someone are less human or not human at all? No one. Why? Because it's hypocritical and illogical. But somehow, our society is able to accept this argument when it comes to unborn children. The faces of tomorrow. We are the people are today, and we're killing tomorrow's people.

So if we use these arguments to allow the killing of the unborn, then we should be allowed to kill: Any child; those on welfare; those with medical tools and medications; those with mental disabilities. They aren't what people consider "the norm"- are very dependent, usually have a difference in size, aren't developed as much as those who are not disabled, and depending on the case, their environment may be different then ours. And so on and so forth.

Of course not. We would never dream of doing that. It upsets many many people even using those cases as examples. So it should be clear that the unborn are human, as well as those with developmental disabilities, differences, different circumstances- welfare, etc., and the sick.

For people who don't understand, here is what I'm saying. I am pro choice- that women should have choices to do what they want in life from the unimportant (what flavor of ice cream I want) to the extremely important (what career I want to pursue) but should not have the "right" to make a choice about another person's life. You don't get to decide who lives or dies.

I do not believe we should use stem cells. If we can cure all diseases and grow back body parts then we will evidently live a very, very, very long time. This could potentially result in an overpopulation problem which we are currently starting to experience.

Humans were not meant to live forever, and maybe you should ask yourself: do you really want to live forever?

To those people who say that it's okay for scientists to do stem cell research, yes it's okay for them to do research to improve other people's lives without using stupid, dangerous chemicals on the cells. Some aspects of stem cell research, is not just against religious values, but also against our morals in general.

Thank you anon332, for trying to knock some sense into these people, who think that science always does good things. Wake up!

Religion is a vessel of our hopes, fears and a face of the unexplained. Without religion, science would grow like a cancer, and without science the other way around. Balance is what is needed.

For those who believe in God, it would not be that with stem cells we are playing God. The man or woman will live because God had willed it.

For those who don't, embryos are lives. A full life. Of course, this is only my opinion.

The world makes us what we are. It influences our choices and our minds. Everything around us at every moment is changing us.

In short, the world makes us what we are, but we make the world as how it is.

Science without religion is blasphemous. Religion without science is idiocy.

I believe stem cell research is definitely a good thing for people that are sick. I don't think people should be allowed to use a fetus for the research, but embryonic research is ethical. The embryo isn't yet developing human characteristics the way a fetus is.

I will begin by saying that I am a 14 year old girl of undecided religious beliefs. I have read many of these comments, and I have a few ideas which may help/clear up some misconceptions.

As of now, I do not officially believe in God. I do, however, understand many religions and I have accepted religious beliefs and ideas, especially those pertaining to abortion and stem cell research. Here are some of my views on the subject. I have tried to incorporate all the different positions on the subject:

1. Embryos are not fetuses and stem cell research is not the same as abortion. Fetuses are developed forms in which the cells have begun to specialize. Embryos are clusters

2. If an embryo is not used, it can be donated, either to research or to another parent, or it can be thrown away. Based on the dilemmas that seem to be arising, i am assuming that no one is of the belief that throwing away the embryos is in the best interest of anyone. That leaves donation to a parent or donation to research. If the decision is made to donate to another parent, then I think that is fine. If that idea is declined, then I don't see why a group of cells shouldn't be used to potentially help others. If a leftover embryo is just going to be thrown away, then why would the people throwing it away care if it were used. Remember, an embryo does not have even the most remote form of a brain or a heart.

3. If the argument is about whether or not the embryo has a soul, I cannot help. I do not believe that a random grouping of cells has a soul. I do not even necessarily believe in souls.

4. In this article, it says that the most common argument against stem cells is the belief in man not manipulating human life. I cannot say whether or not this is actually the big argument, but for those people who do believe that i will ask, "Have you been vaccinated? Have you ever taken any medicine for an illness? Is this not manipulating life?". If one believes that Man should not be allowed to manipulate life, then they should also believe that medicines and known cures should not be used. if a person gets pneumonia, should the doctors just let them die because they don't believe in manipulating life? Isn't that murder?

As for manipulating the embryo, I can only repeat that I do not personally believe that a group of unspecialized cells should be treated as humans.

5. I do not believe that stem cell research should be used for cloning. As for "creating another you" in case you get diseases later in life, watch or read "My Sister's Keeper".

6. As for the ethics, there are generally five ethical approaches: utilitarian-whatever does the most good and the least harm, Rights-whatever considers the rights of everyone involved, Fairness of Justice-treats all equally and proportionally, Common good-the values of Confucianism or putting the group before the individual, and Virtue-what will make me more of the person i want to be? If using an organism that is displaying the characteristics of life, but that is not developed into a fetus will help others, I don't see how it contradicts any of the ethical approaches.

6. If I decidedly believed in God, I would say, "God made us. I believe he made us for a reason. He gave us prayer and life. He also gave us doctors and medicine. we should use them".

7. For those who say "if your loved one was dying, then your view would change" you are correct. Their view would change, but do we really want a society where people make official decisions based on the health status of their loved ones, when they are stressed and not thinking clearly?

These are the things I have come up with. I didn't mean to offend anyone with my statements, and if I did, I am sorry.

Yeah, they are not using a fetus. they are using an embryo, which there is a huge difference.

Number one, they are not using a fetus; which i agree is human. The embryos used for stem cell research are four to five days old and have no specialized tissues, no nervous system, or heart. Each embryo contains about one-hundred cells, the cells of which are still undifferentiated (meaning that the cell has not decided what it is going to be).

For those of you saying that we are playing god. Is not God's greatest gift the gift of life? After IVF a woman has limited choices what to do with her leftover embryos. She may donate to another couple, donate to research, keep the embryos for maybe future implantation, or she may discard them.

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Stem Cell Research Facts | Charlotte Lozier Institute Project

Posted: July 29, 2018 at 10:44 pm

Learn the answers to questions like ..."Who is benefitting from stem cell research and therapies today?" and "What types of stem cells are working?" In addition, basic questions such as "What is a stem cell?""Why do we need stem cell research?" are answered.

The video patient profiles featured on this site emphasize ADULT stem cell advances with the goal of informing and the hope of inspiring you to take action. These stories represent a small sampling of people and the many diseases and conditions now being treated by adult stem cells naturally found in the human body. Stem Cell Research Facts illustrates how current adult treatments and therapies directly impact the lives of patients and their families today - as opposed to debating the merits of other types of stem cell research.

We invite you to discover, learn and share the incredible possibilities of stem cell research. We welcome your feedback and encourage you to return for the latest developments in the world of stem cell research. Thank you!

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Stem Cell Research Facts | Charlotte Lozier Institute Project

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Journal of Stem Cell Research and Therapy- Open Access …

Posted: July 26, 2018 at 3:45 pm

PUBMED NLM ID: 101586297 | Index Copernicus Value: 84.95 The Journal of Stem Cell Research & Therapy is an open access journal that showcases seminal research in the field of stem cell therapy. As stem-cells are flag-bearers of translational research, the field has an interdisciplinary feel by including oncology, clinical research, medicine and healthcare under the aegis of stem-cell therapy. It also includes scientific research related to the auxiliary areas of Biology by prioritizing scholarly communication milieu and transfers expert knowledge synthesized from the ever burgeoning stem-cell literature. In order to create such impactful content, the Journal of Stem Cell Research & Therapy brings together an expert Editorial Board, which comprises of noted scholars in the field of Cell Biology. Every single article is subjected to rigorous peer review by illustrious scientists. In addition to Research Articles, the Journal also publishes high quality Commentaries, Reviews, and Perspectives aimed at synthesizing the latest developments in the field, and putting forward new theories in order to provoke debates amongst the scholars in the field. The journal thus maintains the highest standards in terms of quality and comprehensive in its approach.The journal aims to provide the authors with an efficient and courteous editorial platform. The authors can be assured of an expeditious publishing process. In this regard, the journal also provides advance online posting of the accepted articles. The Journal of Stem Cell Research & Therapy ensures barrier-free, open access distribution of its content online and thus, helps in improving the citations for authors and attaining a good impact factor.

Scholarly Journal of Stem Cell Research & Therapy is using online manuscript submission, review and tracking systems of Editorial Manager for quality and quick review processing. Review processing is performed by the editorial board members of Journal of Stem Cell Research and Therapy or outside experts; at least two independent reviewers approval followed by editor approval is required for acceptance of any citable manuscript.

It is an undifferentiated cell which is capable of transforming into more cells of same type or multiple other types. They are found in multicellular organisms. They can differentiate into cells of blood, skin, heart, muscles, brain etc. In adult human being, they replenish the dead cells of various organs. Stem cells are being used for treatment of various diseases like diabetes, arthritis, few cancers, bone marrow failure etc.

Related Journals of Stem Cell

Insights in Stem Cells, Fertilization: In Vitro - IVF-Worldwide, Reproductive Medicine, Genetics & Stem Cell Biology,Stem Cells, Cell Stem Cell, Stem Cells and Development, Stem Cell Reviews and Reports, Current Stem Cell Research and Therapy, Stem Cell Research

They can develop into any cell type or organ in the body. A single totipotent stem cell can give rise to an entire organism. Fertilized egg or a zygote is the best example. Zygote divides and produces more totipotent cells. After 4 days the cells lose totipotency and become pluripotent.

Related Journals ofTotipotent Stem Cells

Breast Cancer: Current Research, Cancer Diagnosis, Reproductive Medicine, Genetics & Stem Cell Biology, Stem Cell Research and Therapy, Stem Cells International, Stem cells translational medicine, Current Protocols in Stem Cell Biology

They can differentiate into any cell type in the human body. Embryonic stem cells are mostly pluripotent stem cells. They have the ability to differentiate into any of three germ layers: endoderm, mesoderm, or ectoderm.

Related Journals ofPluripotent Stem Cells

Cancer Science & Therapy, Cervical Cancer: Open Access, Reproductive Medicine, Genetics & Stem Cell Biology, Stem Cell Reports, Hematology/ Oncology and Stem Cell Therapy, Journal of Stem Cells, International Journal of Stem Cells

These are multipotent stem cells normally found in the bone marrow and are derived from mesenchyme. They differentiate into adipocytes, chondrocytes, osteoblasts, myocytes and tendon. MSCs can also be extracted from blood, fallopian tube, fetal liver and lungs.

Related Journals ofMesenchymal Stem Cells

Insights in Stem Cells, Fertilization: In Vitro - IVF-Worldwide, Reproductive Medicine, Genetics & Stem Cell Biology, Journal of Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine, Stem Cells and Cloning: Advances and Applications, International Journal of Hematology-Oncology and Stem Cell Research

They are the multipotent stem cells derived from mesoderm and located in red bone marrow. They are responsible for production of red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. HSCs give rise to myeloid lineage (which forms erythrocytes, eosinophils, basophils, neutrophils, macrophages, mast cells and platelets) and lymphoid lineage (which forms T-lymphocytes, plasma cells and NK cells).

Related Journals ofHematopoietic Stem Cells

Insights in Stem Cells, Fertilization: In Vitro - IVF-Worldwide, Reproductive Medicine, Genetics & Stem Cell Biology, International Journal of Hematology-Oncology and Stem Cell Research, Open Stem Cell Journal, Stem Cell, Stem Cell Research Journal

They can differentiate into more than one cell type, but only into a limited number of cell types. Hematopoietic stem cells are considered multipotent as they can differentite into red blood cells, platelets, white blood cells but they cannot differentiate into hepatocytes or brain cells.

Related Journals ofMultipotent Stem Cells

Cancer Medicine & Anti Cancer Drugs, Colorectal Cancer: Open Access, Reproductive Medicine, Genetics & Stem Cell Biology, Blood, Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation, Pediatric Blood and Cancer, Blood Cells, Molecules, and Diseases, Blood Reviews

Cells with stem cell like abilities have been observed breast cancer, colon cancer, leukemia, melanoma, prostate cancer which can form new cells and lead to tumorigenesis. They cause relapse and metastasis by giving rise to new tumors. Scientists are developing methods to destroy CSCs in place of traditional methods which focus on bulk of cancer cells.

Related Journals ofCancer Stem Cells

Head and Neck Cancer Research, Lung Cancer Diagnosis & Treatment, Genetics & Stem Cell Biology, Cancer Research, Nature Reviews Cancer, Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Clinical Cancer Research, Cancer Cell, Cancer, International Journal of Cancer, British Journal of Cancer

They are derived from Hematopoietic stem cells. They differentiate into Erythrocyte progenitor cell (forms erythrocytes), Thrombocyte progenitor cell (forms platelets) and Granulocyte-Monocyte progenitor cell (forms monocytes, macrophages, neutrophils, basophils, eosinophils, dendritic cells).

Related Journals ofMyeloid Stem cells

Insights in Stem Cells, Fertilization: In Vitro - IVF-Worldwide, Reproductive Medicine, Genetics & Stem Cell Biology, Clinical Medicine Insights: Blood Disorders, Electrolyte and Blood Pressure, Integrated Blood Pressure Control, Indian Journal of Hematology and Blood Transfusion, Current Studies in Hematology and Blood Transfusion, Blood Research, High Blood Pressure and Cardiovascular Prevention, Blood Cancer Journal, BMC Blood Disorders, Blood Transfusion

They are the self-renewing, multipotent stem cells in the nervous system that differentiate into neurons, astrocytes and oligodendrocytes. They repair the nervous system after damage or an injury. They have potential clinical use the management of Parkinsons disease, Huntingtons disease and multiple sclerosis.

Related Journals ofNeural Stem Cells

Oncology & Cancer Case Reports, Prostate Cancer, Reproductive Medicine, Genetics & Stem Cell Biology, Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, Cortex; a journal devoted to the study of the nervous system and behavior, Child's Nervous System, Journal of the Peripheral Nervous System, Central Nervous System Agents in Medicinal Chemistry

They are derived from embryo in the blastocyst stage. They are pluripotent stem cells. They give rise to all derivatives of the three primary germ layers: endoderm (stomach, colon, liver, pancreas, intestines etc.), mesoderm (muscle, bone, cartilage, connective tissue, lymphatic system, circulatory system, genitourinary system etc.) and ectoderm (brain, spinal cord, epidermis etc.).

Related Journals ofEmbryonic Stem Cells

Human Genetics & Embryology, Breast Cancer: Current Research, Reproductive Medicine, Genetics & Stem Cell Biology, Birth Defects Research Part C - Embryo Today: Reviews, Advances in Anatomy Embryology and Cell Biology, Journal of Veterinary Medicine Series C: Anatomia Histologia Embryologia, Italian Journal of Anatomy and Embryology, Romanian Journal of Morphology and Embryology, Neuroembryology, Neuroembryology and Aging

Embryonic stem cells are derived from the fetus are used in treatment of various diseases. As ESCs are pluripotent, they can differentiate into any cell type. Researchers are able to grow ESCs into complex cells types like pancreatic -cells and cardiocytes. Fetal cell therapy is generating lot of controversy from religious groups and ethics committees.

Related Journals ofFetal Stem Cell Therapy

Insights in Stem Cells, Fertilization: In Vitro - IVF-Worldwide, Reproductive Medicine, Genetics & Stem Cell Biology, Archives of Disease in Childhood: Fetal and Neonatal Edition, Seminars in Fetal and Neonatal Medicine, Journal of Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine, Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy, Journal of Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Fetal and Pediatric Pathology, Fetal and Maternal Medicine Review, Journal of Maternal-Fetal Investigation, International Journal of Infertility and Fetal Medicine

Research is being done to use stem cells for the treatment of diabetes mellitus. Human embryonic stem cells may be grown in vivo and stimulated to produce pancreatic -cells and later transplanted to the patient. Its success depends on response of the patients immune system and ability of the transplanted cells to proliferate, differentiate and integrate with the target tissue.

Related Journals of Stem Cell Therapy for Diabetes

Endocrinology & Diabetes Research, Diabetes & Metabolism, Reproductive Medicine, Genetics & Stem Cell Biology, Diabetes Care, Diabetes, Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism, The Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology, Endocrine-Related Cancer, Best Practice and Research in Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, Journal of Endocrinology

The procedure to replace damaged cells (in cancers, aplastic anemia etc.) with healthy stem cells of the same person or in another compatible person to restore the normal production of cells. It can either be autologous or allogeneic. Bone marrow HSCs are generally used for the transplantation.

Related Journals of Stem Cell Transplant

Cancer Diagnosis, Cancer Science & Therapy, Cervical Cancer: Open Access, Gastrointestinal Cancer and Stromal Tumors, Genetics & Stem Cell Biology, Cell Transplantation, Journal of Cell Biology, Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology, Molecular Cell, Nature Cell Biology, Molecular and Cellular Biology, Cancer Cell, Current Opinion in Cell Biology

They are the totipotent, undifferentiated cells present in the meristems (shoot and root apices) of a plant. They never undergo aging process and can grow into any cell in the plant throughout its lifetime. They have numerous applications in production of cosmetics, perfumes, pigments, insecticides and antimicrobials.

Related Journals ofPlant Stem Cells

Plant Pathology & Microbiology, Plant Biochemistry & Physiology, Plant Physiology & Pathology, Genetics & Stem Cell Biology, Plant Cell, Plant Physiology, Plant Journal, Trends in Plant Science, Current Opinion in Plant Biology, Plant, Cell and Environment, American Journal of Transplantation, Plant Molecular Biology

Several types of dental stem cells have been isolated from mature and immature teeth, exfoliated deciduous teeth and apical papilla, MSCS from tooth germs and from human periodontal ligament. They are found to be multipotent and can give rise to osteogenic, adipogenic, myogenic and neurogenic cell lineages.

Related Journals of Dental Stem Cells

Oral Health and Dental Management, Research & Reviews: Journal of Dental Sciences, Dental Implants and Dentures: open access, Genetics & Stem Cell Biology, International Endodontic Journal, Dental Materials, Caries Research, Journal of Endodontics, Monographs in Oral Science, Molecular Oral Microbiology, Journal of Dentistry,International journal of oral science

Adipose tissue is a huge source of mesenchymal stem cells which differentiate into various cell types. They can be easily extracted in large numbers by a simple lipo-aspiration. They have good application potential in regenerative medicine. ASCs are found to have the ability to differentiate into bone cells, cartilage cells, nerve cells, adipocytes etc.

Related Journals of Adipose Derived Stem Cells

Childhood Obesity, Obesity and Eating Disorders, Reproductive Medicine, Genetics & Stem Cell Biology, International Journal of Obesity, Obesity, Obesity Surgery, Obesity Reviews, Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism, Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism, Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases, Pediatric obesity

Preservation of stem cells is critical for both research and clinical application of stem-cell based therapies. Properly preserved stem cells can be later used in the field of regenerative medicine for treating congenital disorders, heart defects etc. Currently there is no universal method for preserving stem cells and the existing methods are expensive.

Related Journals ofStem Cell Preservation

Oncology & Cancer Case Reports, Prostate Cancer, Fertilization: In Vitro - IVF-Worldwide, Reproductive Medicine, Genetics & Stem Cell Biology, Journal of Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine, Stem Cells and Cloning: Advances and Applications, International Journal of Hematology-Oncology and Stem Cell Research, Open Stem Cell Journal, Stem Cell, Stem Cell Research Journal

MSCs can be applied in osteoarthritis treatment through implantation and microfracture as well as intra-articular injections. Single injection studies have showed improvement from pain which decreased overtime. Multiple, regular MSC injections into joints may be necessary.

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