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Stem Cell 100 – Powerful Rejuvenation and Anti-Aging …
Posted: July 17, 2016 at 6:40 am
Stem Cell 100 is formulated to rejuvenate your body and slow the aging process to help you feel and function more like a young person. This can help you feel better, look younger and improve your health. Most of the cells in your body lose function with age. Everyone has special cells called adult stem cells which are needed to rejuvenate damaged and old tissues, but adult stem cells themselves are also aging. Until now there was not much you could do about it. Stem Cell 100 rejuvenates adult stem cells and their micro-environments. Stem Cell 100+ is a more advanced and faster acting version of Stem Cell 100.
Developed by experts in the anti-aging field, patent-pending Stem Cell 100 is the only supplement proven to double maximum lifespan of an animal model. No other product or therapy including caloric restriction even comes close.
SK of Santa Fe, NM
I have been using Stem Cell 100 for about one year. Initially I noticed a boost in energy level, which now remains steady-hence not noticed I have experienced no adverse effects from taking this product. I heartily recommend Stem Cell 100 and plan to continue on it.
Stem Cell 100 has made a noticeable difference in me, including turning my gray hair back to its original color, which supposedly is impossible. The reversal of the gray hair to original color began a couple of months after starting the pill. After about 10 months, the gray hair is mostly gone. At the current rate of improvement, I expect my hair to completely be back to its original color within 1 to 2 months. I think my beard will take longer, but it was the first to gray. Also, my skin became smoother and younger looking. The skin and hair rely heavily on stem cells, and they seem to benefit strongly from this product. I'm so excited about telling people my results because there is nothing that can reverse the graying of hair. It will give me evidence that this supplement thing is really powerful. Unfortunately, I don't have before and after pictures because I didn't read any claims that the product would affect hair color. I would just say that I'm a person who totally believes that it does me no good to imagine things or interpret tings in a way favorable to what I want to believe. When I'm convinced enough to make a statement, you can count on it.
Joey of San Diego, CA
I am a 48 year old working woman. A friend of mine introduced me to Stem Cell 100. After taking Stem Cell 100 for about 4 months my anxiety level has really been diminished. Its a great supplement and I would recommend it to everyone!
Paul of San Diego, CA
I am an active 61 year old man in excellent health, but had experienced a serious drop in my energy level at the time I enrolled in a 4-month trial of Stem Cell 100. Within a month, my energy increased noticeably and I began to take to my physical activities (running, cycling) with a renewed enthusiasm and intensity level. My mood began to elevate steadily, and soon I had even lost those few stubborn pounds that had eluded me for years. I am very enthusiastic about Stem Cell 100. I look forward to continuing with the new, improved formulation, and would not hesitate to recommend it.
Mike, Texas
After taking the Stem Cell 100 for the last month my sinuses have also cleared, unplugging my ears for the first time since mid September.
Willie, California
As I was sprinting this morning around 6:00am I noticed that I was not hurting anymore! I have been having sore knees, ankles, hamstrings and back for the last couple of years. I usually just ran through it, but I noticed since I have been taking the Stem Cell 100 capsules for about 45 days now, those nagging pains are gone away!
Tom, Australia
Only after about 2-3 weeks of taking Stem Cell 100 my eye sight returned back to a level where I did not need glasses to work on my computer monitors. My eyes had always been good but had started to deteriorate about a year ago where 50% of the time I had to wear my glasses. I was shocked to find the improvement so quick. I found I was less stressed. No other changes to lifestyle yet a measureable difference. My fingers would sometimes get stiff in the mornings after long days on the keyboard. This stiffness disappeared. Some of my hair is getting darker. I have a full body of hair that had virtually all turned grey but I noticed that some of my hair was starting regrow brown - my original colour. I had some age spots in my left leg that are disappearing. Generally, I feel great.
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Harness the Power of Your Own Stem Cells
Millions of people suffer from chronic conditions of aging and disease. Based on international scientific studies in many academic and industry laboratories, there is new hope that many of the conditions afflicting mankind can some day be cured or greatly improved using stem cell regenerative medicine. Stem Cell 100 offers a way to receive some of the benefits of stem cell therapy today by improving the activity and effectiveness of your own adult stem cells.
Stem Cell 100 Helps to Support:
The statements above have not been reviewed by the FDA. Stem Cell 100 is not a preventive or treatment for any disease.
Help Rejuvenate Your Body by Boosting Your Own Stem Cells
As a child, we are protected from the ravages of aging and can rapidly recover from injury or illness because of the ability of the young regenerative stem cells of children have a superior ability to repair and regenerate most damaged tissues. As we age, our stem cell populations become depleted and/or slowly lose their capacity to repair. Moreover, the micro-environment (i.e. niches) around stem cells becomes less nurturing with age, so cell turnover and repair are further reduced. This natural progression occurs so slowly that we are barely aware of it, but we start to notice the body changes in our 20s, 30s, 40s, and especially after 50 years of age. Stem Cell 100 helps adults regain their youthful regenerative potential by stabilizing stem cell function.
Stem Cell 100 works differently than other stem cell products on the market
You may have seen a number of products that are advertised as stimulating or enhancing the number of stem cells. Each person only has a limited number of stem cells so using them up faster may not be a good strategy. Stem Cell 100 is about improving the effectiveness and longevity of your stem cells as well as preserving the stem cell micro-environment. That should be the goal of any effective stem cell therapy and is what Stem Cell 100 is designed to do and what other stem cell products cannot do.
Stem Cell 100 Extends Drosophila (Fruit Fly) Lifespan
In extensive laboratory testing Stem Cell 100 greatly extended both the average and maximum lifespan of Drosophila fruit flies. The study (see Charts below) included three cages of Drosophila fruit flies that were treated with Stem Cell 100 (Cages T1 to T3) and three cages which were untreated controls (Cages C1 to C3). Each cage started with 500 fruit flies including 250 males and 250 females. The experiment showed that median lifespan more than doubled with a 123% increase. While fruit flies are not people they are more like us than you might think. Drosophila have a heart and circulatory system, and the most common cause of death is heart failure. Like humans and other mammals (e.g. mice), it is difficult to increase their lifespan significantly. These observed results outperform every lifespan enhancing treatment ever tested - including experiments using genetic modification and dietary restriction.
The longest living fruit fly receiving Stem Cell 100 lived 89 days compared to the longest living untreated control which lived 48 days. It is possible that the single longest living fruit fly lived longer for other reasons such as genetic mutation, however, there were many others that lived almost as long so it was not just an aberation. The oldest 5% of the treated fruit flies lived 77% longer than the oldest 5% of the control group. It is also important that the study showed an improved ability of the fruit flies to survive stress and illness at all ages not just during old age. Even after the first few days of the study there were already more of the Stem Cell 100 treated fruit flies alive that survived youth than the control group of untreated fruit flies. For additional information about the study please go to our Longevity page.
Supplement Facts
Stem Cell 100 is a Patent-Pending Life Code Nutraceutical. All Life Code products are nutraceutical grade and provide the best of science along with the balance of nature.
All Life Code products are nutraceutical grade and provide the best of science along with the balance of nature.
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Stem Cell 100 Plus+ is a more powerful and faster acting version of Stem Cell 100.
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Serving Size: One type O capsule
Servings Per Container: 60 Capsules
Recommended Use: Typical usage of Stem Cell 100 is two capsules per day, preferably at meal times. While both capsules can be taken at the same time, it is preferable to separate the two capsules by at least 4 hours. Since Stem Cell 100 is a potent formulation, do not take more than three capsules per day. One capsule per day may be sufficient for those below 110 pounds.
Recommended Users: Anyone from ages 22 and up could benefit from Stem Cell 100. Those in their 20s and 30s will like the boost in endurance during sports or exercise, while older users will notice better energy and general health with the potential for some weight loss.
Active Ingredients in Stem Cell 100: There are ten herbal components that make up the patent-pending combination in Stem Cell 100. The herbal components are highly extracted natural herbs that are standardized for active components that promote adult stem cells and lower inflammation:
1) Polysaccharides, flavonoids, and astragalosides extracted from Astragalus membranaceus, which has many positive effects on stem cells and the cardiovascular and immune systems.
2) Proprietary natural bilberry flavonoids and other compounds from a stabilized nutraceutical grade medicinal Vaccinium extract. Activate metabolic PPARS and helps produce healthy levels of cholesterol and silent inflammation. Also has anti-fungal and anti-viral activity.
3) Flavonoids and oligo-proanthocyanidins (OPCs) extracted from Pine Bark, which greatly reduce oxidative stress, DNA damage, and inflammation.
4) L-Theanine, which is a natural amino acid from Camellia sinesis that reduces mental stress and inflammation while improving cognition and protecting brain cells from ischemic or toxic injury.
5) Pterocarpus Marsupium, which contains two stable resveratrol analogs which promote stem cells, lower inflammation, and stabilized metabolism.
6) Polygonum Multiflorium stem stem is a popular Chinese herbal tonic that fights premature aging and promotes youthfulness. Polygonum is reported to enhance fertility by improving sperm count in men and egg vitality in women. Polygonum is also widely used in Asia to strengthen muscle and is thus used by many athletes as an essential tonic for providing strength and stamina to the body. Modern research has supported Polygonum multiflorium stem in that animal studies have proven that it can extend lifespan and improve the quality of life. Polygonum appears to protect the liver and brain against damage, perhaps by improving immune and cardiovascular health. The stem sections of Polygonum multiflorium are also calming to the nervous system and promote sounder sleep. Life Code uses a proprietary Polygonum multiflorium stem extract.
7) Schisandra Berry is used by many Chinese women to preserve their youthful beauty. For thousands of years, Schisandra has been prized as an antiaging tonic that increases stamina and mental clarity, while fighting stress and fatigue. In Chinese traditional medicine, Schisandra berry has been used for liver disorders and to enhance resistance to infection and promote skin health and better sleep. Schisandra berry is classified as an adaptogen, which can stimulate the central nervous system, increase brain efficiency, improve reflexes, and enhance endurance. Modern research indicates that Schisandra berry extracts have a protective effect on the liver and promote immunity. A double-blind human trial suggested that Schisandra berry may help patients with viral hepatitis, which is very prevalent in China. Recent work indicates that the liver is protected by the enhanced production of glutathione peroxidase, which helps detoxify the liver. Life Code uses a proprietary Schisandra berry extract.
8) Fo-Ti Root (aka He-Shou-Wu) is one of the most widely used Chinese herbal medicines to restore blood, kidney, liver, and cardiovascular health. Fo-Ti is claimed to have powerful rejuvenating effects on the brain, endocrine glands, the immune system, and sexual vigor. Legend has it that Professor Li Chung Yun took daily doses of Fo-Ti to live to be 256 and is said to have outlived 23 wives and spawned 11 generations of descendents before his death in 1933. While it is unlikely that he really lived to such an old age there is scientific support for Fo-Ti as beneficial for health and longevity. Like the Indian Keno bark, Fo-ti contains resveratrol analogs and likely acts by various mechanism, which includes liver detoxification and protection of skin from UVB radiation. Life CodeTM uses a proprietary Fo-Ti root extract.
9 ) Camellia sinensis has many bioactive polyphenols including the potent epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG). A 2006 Japanese study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association reports that adults aged 40 to 79 years of age who drank an average of 5 or more cups of tea per day had a significantly lower risk of dying from all causes (23% lower for females and 12% lower for males). The study tracked more than 40,000 adults for up to 11 years and found dramatically lower rates of cardiovascular disease and strokes in those drinking 5 or more cups of tea. Many studies have found that adults drinking 3 or more cups of tea per day have significantly less cancer. Other studies have found that green tea helps protect against age-related cognitive decline, kidney disease, periodontal disease, and type 2 diabetes. Green tea also promotes visceral fat loss and higher endurance levels. Summarizing all of the thousands of studies on tea and tea polyphenols that have been published, it can be concluded that tea polyphenols preserve health and youth. This conclusion is backed up by gene studies showing that tea polyphenols decrease insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is a highly conserved genetic pathway that has been strongly linked to aging in yeast, worms, mice, and humans. If everyone could drink 4 to 5 cups of green tea each day, they could enjoy these important health benefits, but for most people drinking that much green tea can disturb their sleep patterns. Life Code uses a nutraceutical grade green tea extract that has 98% polyphenols and 50% ESCG that provides the polyphenol and ESCG equivalent of 4 to 5 cups of green tea with only 2% of the caffeine. Thus, most or all of the benefits of green tea are provided without concerns about disturbing sleep.
10) Drynaria Rhizome is used extensively in traditional Chinese medicine as an effective herb for healing bones, ligaments, tendons, and lower back problems. Eastern martial art practitioners have used Drynaria for thousands of years to help in recovering from sprains, bruises, and stress fractures. Drynaria has also helped in many cases of bleeding gums and tinnitus (ringing in the ears). The active components of Drynaria protect bone forming cells by enhancing calcium absorption and other mechanisms. Drynaria is also reported to act as a kidney tonic and to promote hair growth and wound healing. Life Code uses a proprietary Drynaria rhizome extract.
Active Ingredients in Stem Cell 100+ There are 11 herbal extracts in Stem Cell 100+ along with two nutraceutical grade vitamins Methyl Folate (5-MTHF) and Methyl B12 that are bioavailable vitamin supplements that are highly potent but rarely found. The highly extracted natural herbs are standardized for active components that promote adult stem cells and lower inflammation and have been tested as a synergistic herbal formulation with the proper dosage of each component:
1) Polysaccharides, flavonoids, and astragalosides extracted from Astragalus membranaceus, which has many positive effects on stem cells and the cardiovascular and immune systems. Astragalus has been used for thousands of years in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) to promote cardiovascular and immune health. Astragalus is also known as a primary stimulator of Qi (Life Force). Life Code uses a high quality proprietary TCM extract that tested highest in our longevity experiments.
2) Proprietary natural bilberry flavonoids and other compounds from a stabilized nutraceutical grade medicinal Vaccinium extract. Activate metabolic PPARS and helps produce healthy levels of cholesterol and silent inflammation. Also has anti-fungal and anti-viral activity.
3) Flavonoids and oligo-proanthocyanidins (OPCs) extracted from Pine Bark, which promote the vascular system and reduce oxidative stress, DNA damage, and inflammation.
4) L-Theanine, which is a natural amino acid from Camellia sinesis that reduces mental stress and inflammation while improving cognition and protecting brain cells from ischemic or toxic injury. Life Code tested supplement with Mass Spec to verify high purity.
5) Genistein, which is an isoflavone phytoestrogen, activates telomerase, metabolic PPARs, autophagy (cell waste disposal), and smooth muscles. It also inhibits DNA methylation and the carbohydrate transporter GLUT1. Life Code tested supplement with Mass Spec to verify high purity.
6) Harataki Extract (aka Terminalia chebula) contains rejuvenating tannin flavonoids that have doubled human cell longevity in culture while maintaining telomere length. In Traditional Indian Medicine, Harataki has been used to treat skin disorders and heart disease, among many other uses.
7) Two stable resveratrol analogs from extracts of Pterocarpus Marsupium, which promote stem cells, less silent inflammation, and better metabolism. Life Code uses a highly purified proprietary source that is only available to Indian doctors. Life Code does not recommend taking resveratrol supplements or synthetic analogs, as these supplements are inherently unstable.
8) He-Shou-Wu is one of the most widely used Chinese herbal medicines to restore blood, kidney, liver, and cardiovascular health. He-Shou-Wu is claimed to have powerful rejuvenating effects on the brain, endocrine glands, the immune system, and sexual vigor. Legend has it that Professor Li Chung Yun took daily doses to live to 256 years and is said to have outlived 23 wives and spawned 11 generations of descendants before his death in 1933. While it is unlikely that he really lived to such an old age, there is scientific support for He-Shou-Wu as beneficial for health and longevity. Life Code uses a proprietary TCM He-Shou-Wu root extract.
9) Schisandra Berry is used by many Chinese women to preserve their youthful beauty. For thousands of years, Schisandra has been prized as an antiaging tonic that increases stamina and mental clarity, while fighting stress and fatigue. In TCM, Schisandra berry has been used for liver disorders and to enhance resistance to infection and promote skin health and better sleep. Schisandra berry is classified as an adaptogen, which can stimulate the central nervous system, increase brain efficiency, improve reflexes, and enhance endurance. Life Code uses a proprietary TCM extract.
10) Drynaria Rhizome is used extensively in TCM as an effective herb for healing bones, ligaments, tendons, and lower back problems. Eastern martial art practitioners have used Drynaria for thousands of years to help in recovering from sprains, bruises, and stress fractures. The active components of Drynaria protect bone forming cells by enhancing calcium absorption and other mechanisms. Drynaria is also reported to act as a kidney tonic and to promote hair growth and wound healing. Life Code uses a proprietary TCM Drynaria rhizome extract.
11) BioPerine is a proprietary brand of peperine extracted from black pepper. BioPerine has been shown to enhance bioavailability of herbal extracts. Piperine has been shown in rats to have cognitive enhancing effects and to help control silent inflammation.
Safety: The extracts in Stem Cell 100 and Stem Cell 100+ are nutraceutical grade and have been individually tested in both animals and humans without significant safety issues. Those with pre-existing conditions of diabetes or hypertension should coordinate this product with your doctor, as lower blood glucose or reduced blood pressure can result from taking the recommended dose of this product.
Warnings: may lower glucose and/or blood pressure in some individuals. The supplement is not recommended for pregnant, lactating, or hypoglycemic individuals.
1. Yu, Q., Y.S. Bai, and J. Lin, [Effect of astragalus injection combined with mesenchymal stem cells transplantation for repairing the Spinal cord injury in rats]. Zhongguo Zhong Xi Yi Jie He Za Zhi, 2010. 30(4): p. 393-7.
2. Xu, C.J., et al., [Effect of astragalus polysaccharides on the proliferation and ultrastructure of dog bone marrow stem cells induced into osteoblasts in vitro]. Hua Xi Kou Qiang Yi Xue Za Zhi, 2007. 25(5): p. 432-6.
3. Xu, C.J., et al., [Effects of astragalus polysaccharides-chitosan/polylactic acid scaffolds and bone marrow stem cells on repairing supra-alveolar periodontal defects in dogs]. Zhong Nan Da Xue Xue Bao Yi Xue Ban, 2006. 31(4): p. 512-7.
4. Zhu, X. and B. Zhu, [Effect of Astragalus membranaceus injection on megakaryocyte hematopoiesis in anemic mice]. Hua Xi Yi Ke Da Xue Xue Bao, 2001. 32(4): p. 590-2.
5. Qiu, L.H., X.J. Xie, and B.Q. Zhang, Astragaloside IV improves homocysteine-induced acute phase endothelial dysfunction via antioxidation. Biol Pharm Bull, 2010. 33(4): p. 641-6.
6. Araghi-Niknam, M., et al., Pine bark extract reduces platelet aggregation. Integr Med, 2000. 2(2): p. 73-77.
7. Rohdewald, P., A review of the French maritime pine bark extract (Pycnogenol), a herbal medication with a diverse clinical pharmacology. Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther, 2002. 40(4): p. 158-68.
8. Koch, R., Comparative study of Venostasin and Pycnogenol in chronic venous insufficiency. Phytother Res, 2002. 16 Suppl 1: p. S1-5.
9. Rimando, A.M., et al., Pterostilbene, a new agonist for the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha-isoform, lowers plasma lipoproteins and cholesterol in hypercholesterolemic hamsters. J Agric Food Chem, 2005. 53(9): p. 3403-7.
10. Manickam, M., et al., Antihyperglycemic activity of phenolics from Pterocarpus marsupium. J Nat Prod, 1997. 60(6): p. 609-10.
11. Grover, J.K., V. Vats, and S.S. Yadav, Pterocarpus marsupium extract (Vijayasar) prevented the alteration in metabolic patterns induced in the normal rat by feeding an adequate diet containing fructose as sole carbohydrate. Diabetes Obes Metab, 2005. 7(4): p. 414-20.
12. Mao, X.Q., et al., Astragalus polysaccharide reduces hepatic endoplasmic reticulum stress and restores glucose homeostasis in a diabetic KKAy mouse model. Acta Pharmacol Sin, 2007. 28(12): p. 1947-56.
13. Schafer, A. and P. Hogger, Oligomeric procyanidins of French maritime pine bark extract (Pycnogenol) effectively inhibit alpha-glucosidase. Diabetes Res Clin Pract, 2007. 77(1): p. 41-6.
14. Kwak, C.J., et al., Antihypertensive effect of French maritime pine bark extract (Flavangenol): possible involvement of endothelial nitric oxide-dependent vasorelaxation. J Hypertens, 2009. 27(1): p. 92-101.
15. Xue, B., et al., Effect of total flavonoid fraction of Astragalus complanatus R.Brown on angiotensin II-induced portal-vein contraction in hypertensive rats. Phytomedicine, 2008.
16. Mizuno, C.S., et al., Design, synthesis, biological evaluation and docking studies of pterostilbene analogs inside PPARalpha. Bioorg Med Chem, 2008. 16(7): p. 3800-8.
17. Sato, M., et al., Dietary pine bark extract reduces atherosclerotic lesion development in male ApoE-deficient mice by lowering the serum cholesterol level. Biosci Biotechnol Biochem, 2009. 73(6): p. 1314-7.
18. Kimura, Y. and M. Sumiyoshi, French Maritime Pine Bark (Pinus maritima Lam.) Extract (Flavangenol) Prevents Chronic UVB Radiation-induced Skin Damage and Carcinogenesis in Melanin-possessing Hairless Mice. Photochem Photobiol, 2010.
19. Pavlou, P., et al., In-vivo data on the influence of tobacco smoke and UV light on murine skin. Toxicol Ind Health, 2009. 25(4-5): p. 231-9.
20. Ni, Z., Y. Mu, and O. Gulati, Treatment of melasma with Pycnogenol. Phytother Res, 2002. 16(6): p. 567-71.
21. Bito, T., et al., Pine bark extract pycnogenol downregulates IFN-gamma-induced adhesion of T cells to human keratinocytes by inhibiting inducible ICAM-1 expression. Free Radic Biol Med, 2000. 28(2): p. 219-27.
22. Rihn, B., et al., From ancient remedies to modern therapeutics: pine bark uses in skin disorders revisited. Phytother Res, 2001. 15(1): p. 76-8.
23. Saliou, C., et al., Solar ultraviolet-induced erythema in human skin and nuclear factor-kappa-B-dependent gene expression in keratinocytes are modulated by a French maritime pine bark extract. Free Radic Biol Med, 2001. 30(2): p. 154-60.
24. Van Wijk, E.P., R. Van Wijk, and S. Bosman, Using ultra-weak photon emission to determine the effect of oligomeric proanthocyanidins on oxidative stress of human skin. J Photochem Photobiol B, 2010. 98(3): p. 199-206.
25. Haskell, C.F., et al., The effects of L-theanine, caffeine and their combination on cognition and mood. Biol Psychol, 2008. 77(2): p. 113-22.
26. Owen, G.N., et al., The combined effects of L-theanine and caffeine on cognitive performance and mood. Nutr Neurosci, 2008. 11(4): p. 193-8.
27. Yamada, T., et al., Effects of theanine, a unique amino acid in tea leaves, on memory in a rat behavioral test. Biosci Biotechnol Biochem, 2008. 72(5): p. 1356-9.
28. Jia, R.Z., et al., [Neuroprotective effects of Astragulus membranaceus on hypoxia-ischemia brain damage in neonatal rat hippocampus]. Zhongguo Zhong Yao Za Zhi, 2003. 28(12): p. 1174-7.
29. Nathan, P.J., et al., The neuropharmacology of L-theanine(N-ethyl-L-glutamine): a possible neuroprotective and cognitive enhancing agent. J Herb Pharmacother, 2006. 6(2): p. 21-30.
30. Nobre, A.C., A. Rao, and G.N. Owen, L-theanine, a natural constituent in tea, and its effect on mental state. Asia Pac J Clin Nutr, 2008. 17 Suppl 1: p. 167-8.
31. Murakami, S., et al., Effects of oral supplementation with cystine and theanine on the immune function of athletes in endurance exercise: randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Biosci Biotechnol Biochem, 2009. 73(4): p. 817-21.
32. Kawada, S., et al., Cystine and theanine supplementation restores high-intensity resistance exercise-induced attenuation of natural killer cell activity in well-trained men. J Strength Cond Res, 2010. 24(3): p. 846-51.
Stem Cell 100 - Powerful Rejuvenation and Anti-Aging ...
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Stem Cells Sarasota, Tampa, Venice, Bradenton – Dr. Bennett
Posted: July 17, 2016 at 6:40 am
William F. Bennett, MD Board Certified Orthopedic Surgeon Designated one of the Top Orthopedic Surgeons in Sarasota by U.S. News and World Reports, Dr. Bennett has been practicing since 1995. He was ranked a Top Doctor for Orthopedic Surgery for 2013 by Sarasota Magazine and Castle Connolly Medical.
Yes, adult stem cells, not embryonic, nor fetal are found throughout our body ranging from our own blood to fat, to bone marrow, just to name a few. These cells have the ability to differentiate into bone, cartilage, tendons and ligaments and aid in the regeneration of injured tissue and accelerate healing. Dr. Bennett uses adult bone marrow derived stem cells typically procurred from the back of the pelvis bone.
There are three (3) sources of stem cells being used in orthopedics; cells from fat, cells from blood, and cells from bone marrow.
Why do we prefer bone marrow? Bone marrows progenitor/stem cells are better suited for regenerating cartilage, ligament and tendon and can be used as a direct application (in-office-injection) or as an adjunct in surgery to aid in regeneration and healing of injured tissue. This technique is point-of-care, the cells are not manipulated and are utilized as treatment at the same time of the harvest. The harvest is from the posterior (back) portion of the pelvic bone; a very short anesthesia is required. Patients rarely complain of any discomfort following the harvest, and the marrow taken grows back!
Evidence Based Applications! There continues to be expanding indications for the use of bone marrow derived adult stem cells. We are using them for cartilage damage, arthritis, rotator cuff tears, tendon tears and hip labral injuries.
Why do we not use stem cells from fat? The harvesting of cells from fat has carried over into orthopedic applications from plastic surgery applications. While they are a great source for plastic surgery and there are large numbers of them found in fat, cells, whilst lower in number, from the bone marrow are better suited for orthopedic applications.
Improvement from stem cell Injections? Early decrease in pain may be seen as quickly as 2 weeks, but the whole event may not be optimized for 3-4 months.
How long would you estimate this treatment would be effective?
This is an evolving field; and as such, it is still considered investigational from an insurance standpoint. However, the cells will help to regenerate new tissue in the proper environment and the science suggests that the tissue may be as robust as nor mal tissue. People who have had shoulder surgery and cartilage surgery with stem cells applied recovered quicker than those with the same surgery without stem cells.
What are the advantages of doing Stem Cell Therapy as opposed to a surgical procedure?
Firstly, as opposed to surgery, the risks associated with the procedure are minimal with the greatest risk being the possibility that it doesnt work. The bone marrow is replenished, rarely do hematomas form from the aspiration site and because only one aspiration from the pelvis is performed, the risk of any bone fracture is negligible. The advantages are similar in the sense that tissue regeneration may be achieved without surgery.
Bone marrow is aspirated. The aspirate is filtered to remove bone fragments. Using a special centrifuge with aspirate container, the cells are separated from the other main components The concentrated cells are suspended in plasma and injected with PRP.
What is Stem Cell Therapy?
Bennett Orthopedics utilizes only bone marrow aspirate concentrate with no manipulation of cells as an adjunct to treating arthritis, cartilage, tendons and rotator cuff injuries.
Below is a list of just a few articles in Medical Journals discussing the research on the benefits of using Stem Cell Therapy in orthopedic applications.
Osteochondral Lesions of the Knee: A new one step repair technique with Bone Marrow-Derived Cells. Robert Budaa, Journal Bone and Joint Surgery, 2011
-Application of Bone Marrow-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cell in a Rotator Cuff Repair Model Lawrence V Gullotta, MD, The American ]ournal of Sports Medicine, 2009
Concentration of Bone Marrow Total Nucleated Cells by a Point-of-Care Device Provides a High Yield and Preserves Their Functional Activity Patrick C. Herman Cell Transplantation Vol.16 2008
Dr. Bennett is an esteemed, experienced Sarasota orthopedic surgeon, internationally known as an expert shoulder and knee specialist. Designated one of the Top Orthopedic Surgeons in Sarasota by U.S. News and World Reports, Dr. Bennett has been practicing since 1995. As a sportsmedicine physician, he treats all injuries, but has been a pioneer in the areas of shoulder surgery, adult stem cells, and platelet rich plasma (PRP) treatment of joints. He sees patients from various parts of the world who seek his advanced expertise in treating hip, knee, elbow, and shoulder injuries. Arthroscopic rotator cuff surgery, minimally invasive custom knee replacement, cartilage regeneration, meniscus surgery, ACL reconstruction and hip arthroscopy are common procedures performed by Dr. Bennett. You will find you have come to the right place at Bennett Orthopedics and Sportsmedicine. Regenerating the Youth in You! Call at 941-404-2703 or submit our online form.
Additional Resources and Information about Stem Cells
What is Stem Cell Therapy?
Stem Cell Treatment Prices
Adult bone marrow derived Stem Cell treatment prices- $7800- in office
Adult Autologous Hematopoietic Stem Cells/PRP- $3,000
*Adult Autologous Bone Marrow Derived Stem Cells-$7,800
*Adult Autologous Bone Marrow Derived Stem Cells- bilateral-$14,000
Stem Cells: Cost, Controversy, and Clarification
Much of the controversy surrounding stem cell treatment is the result of common misunderstandings about the source of the stem cells used. The stem cells used by Dr. Bennett to treat hip, knee, and shoulder injuries come directly from the adult patients own body. No embryonic or fetal stem cells are ever used by Dr. Bennett! Your own body is a rich source of stem cells. They are present in every tissue: bone marrow, blood, fat, heart, tendonseven brain tissue. This fact is especially important, because certain types of stem cells (synovial cell derived, bone marrow, etc,) are better suited for certain types of injuries. Bone marrow and synovial stem cells are ideal for treating orthopedic injuries, while fat stem cells are more appropriate for plastic surgery.
To a lesser extent, there is also some lingering controversy about the newness and lack of long term studies of stem cells. However, Dr. Bennett, as a pioneer in the orthopedic use of stem cells, has been performing these procedures for years, which has allowed him to track his patients results and further refine his methods. As evidence of the effectiveness of stem cell treatments continues to grow, some have suggested that joint replacement surgeries will eventually be thought of as barbaric compared to less invasive injections of ones own cells.
This is a simple injection of stem cells into the knee. Research has shown that stem cells delay cartilage deterioration.
Another controversial aspect of stem cell treatment is the concern that storing stem cells damages DNA. This is not relevant to the treatment provided by expert orthopedic surgeon Dr. William Bennett, who uses the stem cells immediately after they are extracted from your bone marrow. Your stem cells are never sent to a lab or grown offsite. They are ready and used immediately to heal your injury.
Stem cells from the bone marrow are best for orthopedic bone, cartilage, tendon, ligament repair.
Some doctors are calling platelet rich plasma (PRP) stem cells, and offering the cheaper prices normally associated with PRP. While the blood and some types of PRP do have some stem cell content, these hematologic (blood-derived) stem cells are not the best-suited for regenerating tendons, bone, cartilage, or ligaments. Other doctors may offer fat cells, which are also less than ideal for specific orthopedic uses. Dr. Bennett, the Sarasota orthopedic surgeon who was one of the first in his field to include stem cells as a major part of his practice, only uses bone marrow derived stem cells to repair shoulders, knees, and hips. So while Dr. Bennetts price may not be the cheapest, he offers the best value, since you are getting the most appropriate cells most likely result in the best outcomes.
This patron polo player won the US Open Polo championship following adult stem cell treatment for a hip condition.
You might be wondering why, since stem cells are made by your own body, Dr. Bennett charges $7,800 for stem cell treatment. Dr. Bennetts $7,800 price includes extraction of cells from your bone marrow, and also one additional PRP injection, in order to optimize your results. Other doctors may quote cheap prices, but it is important to discern how many injections are in included and any facility or other add-on fees. Dr. Bennett prefers to provide his patients with a reliable, accurate price for the entire treatment, not just pieces of it. th stem-cells-knee-cartilage-injury-jpgThis patient was treated with stem cells following a patellar tendon disruption, one year earlier.
Dr. Bennett uses stem cells alone, instead of surgery, and he sometimes uses them in combination with surgery. As an expert shoulder specialist and knee specialist, he uses his years of stem cell experience to make the best recommendation for your unique case.
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Stem Cells Sarasota, Tampa, Venice, Bradenton - Dr. Bennett
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Stem Cell Therapy – Florida Spine & Joint Institute, Inc
Posted: July 17, 2016 at 6:40 am
Advances in regenerative medicine allow us to engage the healing potential of the body itself. What if you could directly deliver cells to the damaged tissue that can aid in your natural rehabilitation?We all have cells living dormant in our body that can be activated by disease, injury, or inflammation known as stem cells.
Stem cells are the earliest form of a cell. They are unspecialized and capable of self-regeneration. They have the potential to become any cell or tissues type. This is called, Multipotency.Stem cells can transform into a variety of tissue types, including nerve cells, muscle cells, blood, bone and more.This is called, DIFFERENTIATION.
Since their discovery in the 1960s, stem cells have been used to treat a myriad of ailments, including:Leukemia & Other forms of cancerParkinsons & Crohns Disease, Lou Gehrigs DiseaseDiabetes & Ocular degenerationHeart Disease, Arthritis, & moreThe Florida Spine and Joint Institute uses stem cell technology to treat disorders. We continually discover better ways to treat our patients and actively research to advance the field.WE DO NOT USE EMBRYONIC STEM CELLS!
Some stem cell treatments involve using stem cells from the patients own body. These are obtained from either fat or bone marrow. The cells are processed and re-injected. This has been routine therapy in the United States since the mid 1980s. Approximately one million patients have been treated since.But the quantity and quality of the stem cells differ from patient to patient. Research shows that as we age, the number of viable stem cells in our body depletes.
The stem cells we use are called Placental Matrix-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs) and are derived from placenta tissue called Chorion. Cells of the Chorion are derived from the fetal mesoderm, which is responsible in forming our musculoskeletal and connective tissue for:BonesLigamentsTendonsMuscles
These MSCs are harvested from donated human placenta after normal, healthy c-section deliveries in the United States. Donations are voluntary with informed consent from the mother. They are rigorously screened with a full medical and social history; and extensive laboratory studies including negative serology screen are performed.
The bodys immune system is unable to recognize placenta derived MSCs as foreign, therefore they are immune privileged and are not rejected
These stem cells are be processed then transferred via injection into painful, discs, joints, tissues, on tendons. Once injected, the stem cells can follow inflammatory signals from damaged tissues. They have multiple ways of repairing these damaged areas. The procedure lasts approximately ten minutes and can potentially improve your quality of life with a simple injection.The physicians at the Florida Spine and Joint Institute are Board-Certified, Fellowship trained experts on spine and joint disorders, with the experience necessary to utilize stem cell technology that may help you recover from your injuries or discomfort caused from your bodys wear and tear over time.
Treatment cost depends on the type of treatment required and will be discussed with you following your consultation. Insurance companies do not cover stem cell therapy. Yet, as an alternative to major surgery, you may decide this injection is the right choice for you.
We have a well-qualified team at the Florida Spine and Joint Institute dedicated to helping usher you through the process:EvaluationProcedurePost-procedure care.Well monitor your progress on a regular basis to follow up on your condition.
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Stem Cell Therapy - Florida Spine & Joint Institute, Inc
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Breakthrough Stem Cell Treatment Gives Stroke Victims …
Posted: July 17, 2016 at 6:40 am
June 2, 2016 6:02 PM
SAN FRANCISCO (CBS SF) Stroke victims in the Bay Area are seeing incredible recoveries, some literally overnight, thanks to a new kind of stem cell treatment at Stanford University.
5 years ago, 31-year-old Sonia Coontz suffered a devastating stroke that severely damaged her brain.
It partially paralyzed the young woman on her right side. She could barely speak.
Her speech was not very understandable she couldnt order food or communicate well, explained Stanford neurologist and neurosurgeon Dr. Gary Steinberg.
Sonia could not believe her life would end up with such a disability. So when she could, she searched the web and found an intriguing clinical study.
Two years later, the trial began. Even after her rehab and recovery, Sonia still couldbarely lift her arm.
But one day after the surgery she underwent for the small experimental treatment, the results were short of amazing.
Sonia could lift her arm over her head, move it to the side, and also to her front. And her words once again began to flow.
She described the feeling as her body waking up again.
I woke up and immediately I could speak better, said Sonia.
Shes what we call one of our miracle patients, said Dr. Steinberg. Dr. Steinberg is a world-renowned brain expert and the Lacroute-Hearst Professor of Neurosurgery and Neurosciences at Stanford University Medical Center.
He headed up the clinical trial. 18 chronic stroke patients were involved, 12 of them came to Stanford, including Sonia. Dr. Steinberg personally performed the procedure on all of those 12 patients.
The results have stunned the doctors involved with the stroke patients. The study was published Thursday in the journal Stroke.
In the trial, Dr. Steinberg drilled a tiny hole into the patients skull and using a very fine needle,injected modified human adult stem cells around the stroke.
We put them around the stroke and that where they do their thing to recover the function, said the neurosurgeon.
These stem cells are created by SanBio, a biotech company located in Mountain View.
Its very exciting for all the people involved in this, said Dr. Jay Stout. Stout is a Senior Vice-President for the company.
Scientists at SanBio derived these cells from the bone marrow of two adult donors, and then tweaked them to secrete a variety of growth factors and proteins.
These cells dont survive for long after transplantation.
But they appear to trigger a patients damaged brain to begin to heal itself.
We think that transplanting the stem cells is jumpstarting the circuits, explained Dr. Steinberg.
Most of the patients enjoyed a benefit that has lasted.
As for Sonia, her life is back on track.
Shes now married and pregnant with her first child, due in September.
Its a boy! she laughed as she hugged her husband and showed us the ultrasound.
Dr. Steinberg is very cautious and wants to replicate these findings in a controlled study. They are now recruiting patients.
For more information, please contact researchers at
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New research hints at stem cell treatments for cataracts
Posted: July 17, 2016 at 6:40 am
The first study, conducted by Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine in Japan and published Tuesday in the journal Nature, examined the use of induced pluripotent stem cells (aka iPS cells, those gathered from adult donors) as the basis for growing replacement corneas. They found that iPS cells could be coerced to grow into discs containing several types of eye tissue. These discs can be separated, their various cell types isolated and used in transplants. The Osaka University team successfully pulled corneal cells from one disc and managed to transplant them into the eyes of rabbits.
The second study, conducted by teams at UC San Diego and Sun Yat-sen University in Guangzhou, looked at whether doctors could get the body to regenerate its own corneas -- specifically in children born with cataracts. Doctors have long had issue with implanted artificial corneas becoming cloudy as the body's cells grew over them, now they want to simply do away with artificial lenses altogether. They found that lens epithelial stem/progenitor cells (LECs), did in fact, regenerate corneas if given the chance (about 3 months). After numerous animal trials, the team successfully regrew the corneas of 12 infant humans.
"This is just a change in a surgical procedure," James Funderburgh, a cell biologist at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, told Nature News. "They are not putting in an artificial lens: they are just letting the lens regrow." What's more, this new technique has a complication rate of just 17 percent compared to the 92 percent rate when implanting artificial lenses.
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Regenerative Medicine | Stem Cells Florida | Stem Cell …
Posted: July 17, 2016 at 6:40 am
CASE STUDY 75 year old, male with the chief complaint of CHRONIC SHOULDER PAIN. Pain is constant, 7/10, not relief by pain management, with minimal range of motion (he cant even read a newspaper since limited mobility). Treatments in the past had included: Surgery, Physical Therapy, Acupuncture, Narcotic medications. All this modalities of treatment had failed. He is desperate and in agonizing pain for several years. His goal is to alleviate at least 10 percent his pain. He said that he is not looking for miracles but at least look into an alternative. The patient met with the doctor and his team.
DIAGNOSIS: Degenerative Disease and minimal Range of Motion on his shoulder with severe pain affecting his quality of life.
PROCEDURE: A fat harvesting procedure is performed from his abdomen. This is done in the office with no general anesthesia. Fat is processed and then cells are obtained. Cells are injected into the affected shoulder.
RESULTS/FOLLOW-UPS: Pain is improved by at least 70 percent within 24 hours and by 95 percent by 48 hours. He is able to have more mobility on his shoulder and able to read his newspaper and even eat properly when moving the shoulder. In conclusion pain is relieved and more mobility improving his quality of life. No side effects, no complications reported.
CASE STUDY 65 year old Male. Chief complaint: Knee Pain on both sides. Mr. R described the pain on knees, very annoying, and aching and with intensity of 8/10. He was offered Surgery since knees were bone on bone. He is very Athletic and does weight and cardiovascular activities 5 days a week. His percentage of body fat is 9 %. He has fully developed abdominal 6 packs as well as quadriceps and chest muscles. The pain is becoming very debilitating and now he feels he cant do his exercise. He is on a low glycemic diet and eats every 3 hours. He is also concerned about the lack of volume on his face as well as face is dropping and development of wrinkles. He is also on hormone replacement: Testosterone Pellets.
He is looking for a surgery alternative and is not interested in anything that is artificial. The Team meets with the patient and the following is identified
DIAGNOSIS Severe Degenerative Joint Disease on both knees due to Osteoarthritis and overuse Injury due to his weight lifting and cardiovascular activity and aging process. On his Face: Lack of volume and wrinkles.
PROCEDURE The patient undergoes a miniliposuction (prior to that he was instructed to gain 10 pounds in order to have fat available). Fat is processed the same day. His own cells are injected in to both knees. No general anesthesia is used. At the same time Cell-Assisted Fat Transfer to the Face is performed
RESULTS/FOLLOWUP Knee Pain is resolved by 100 percent. Knee pain is resolved and now he is able to do all his work outs with no pain and he feels he can recover faster. He has been follow and the results are the same. Actually he describes more flexibility. His face volume is restored and now he is lifted and wrinkles started to go away. He canceled his knee surgery.
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Miami Stem Cell Treatment Center
Posted: July 17, 2016 at 6:40 am
The Advancement of Stem Cell Technology
At the Miami Stem Cell Treatment Center we provide consultation relating to clinical research and deployment of stem cell therapy for patients suffering from diseases that may have limited treatment options. Stem cell therapy is not for everyone but under the right circumstances and under the right conditions there may be an opportunity for stem cell therapy to be effective. But stem cell therapy is not, at present time, is not the holy grail we all would like it to be.
Our expertise involves a deep commitment and long-term understanding, knowledge and experience in clinical research and the advancement of regenerative medicine.
We firmly support respected guidance regarding stem cell therapy indicating that it should be autologous, include ONLY minimal manipulation of regenerative cells, and be consistent with homologous use.
We do NOT advise the addition of chemicals or enzymes to produce the stromal vascular fraction (SVF).
We believe that treatment protocols ought to be reviewed and approved by an IRB (Institutional Review Board) which is registered with the U.S. Department of Health, Office of Human Research Protection (OHRP) or United States F.D.A, or both.
Because we are committed to the principles and ideals of regenerative medicine, we are continuously updating, researching, and learning more on how to help patients and advance the state of the art of regenerative medicine. Accordingly we provide all patients who are interested in considering stem cell therapy an honest opinion as to the potential benefits and risks of stem cell therapy for their presenting condition.
At the Miami Stem Cell Treatment Center we will review your medical records and condition, and then consider an array of ongoing IRB-approved protocols, registered with, a service of the National Institute of Health and the National Library of Congress, to provide patients with a wide variety of treatment options and considerations for medical disorders that may benefit from adult stem cell-based regenerative therapy.
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Cristiano Ronaldo will undergo stem cell treatment as Real …
Posted: July 17, 2016 at 6:40 am
By Oliver Todd for MailOnline
Published: 17:22 EST, 27 April 2016 | Updated: 03:32 EST, 28 April 2016
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Cristiano Ronaldo will have stem cell treatment in a bid to rush the Real Madrid star back from a hamstring tear in time to face Manchester City on Wednesday.
Real welcome City to the Santiago Bernabeu in their Champions League semi-final second leg next week with the score locked at 0-0.
Having seen their star man miss the first leg on Tuesday, the Spanish giants are determined to race Ronaldo back in a bid to find the route to next month's final in Milan.
Cristiano Ronaldo will undergo stem cell treatment in his race to be fit to face Manchester City next week
Ronaldo posted two images on Instagram on Wednesday as he recovers from a torn hamstring injury
The Real Madrid star was left out of the side that played in the first-leg stalemate but hopes to return soon
Doctors use a sample of healthy cells from the players blood or bone marrow, which is then injected into the problem area to help speed up recovery.
That will see the forward, who has scored 47 goals this season, undergo the advanced treatment in the hope of being fit to face Manuel Pellegrini's side.
Ronaldo has already been ruled out of this Saturday's trip to Real Sociedad and Zinedine Zidane is not expected to know whether he will have the 31-year-old back until the day of the City game.
Real have kept quiet about Ronaldo's injury since his absence at the Etihad Stadium.
The Portuguese underwent new tests on Wednesday but the club did not publicly announce the extent of the problem or how long they expect him to be out for.
On Tuesday night at the Etihad, Ronaldo said: 'It's still sensitive. I'll wait for the next game. If it was a final I would have played.'
His mother, Aveiro, at the launch of a new biography of herself, 'Mother Courage', said: 'He is fine, he is not at 100 percent, but he is at 80 percent. I think that he will be back next week.'
Real Madrid are still unsure on whether they can rely on Ronaldo's fitness ahead of the semi-final clash
David Silva was withdrawn during the first leg with a hamstring injury and is expected to miss the second leg
After the game, Ronaldo posted on Instagram with the message: 'Don't worry, be happy.' He uploaded two images from the gym on Wednesday.
He had initially been expected to play in the first leg when manager Zidane said both he and team-mate Karim Benzema were '100 per cent' fit but the Frenchman had to be withdrawn at half-time.
City, meanwhile, are expected to be without playmaker David Silva after he was substituted with a hamstring injury of his own during the first leg.
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Florida Stem Cell Therapy | Stem Cell Treatments
Posted: October 31, 2015 at 5:40 am
Florida Stem Cell Therapy is one of the leading stem cell therapy and treatment providers for residents of Florida and across the nation. Our cutting edge technology and compassionate staff truly set us apart from the competition. We are a US based company that understands your needs and concerns when looking for a stem cell treatment center. Our treatment center is located in Cancun, Mexico.
Conditions we treat include but not limited to:
Getting Started With Your Stem Cell Therapy and Treatments Here at World Stem Cells LLC we try to make the process of receiving stem cell transplants as easy as possible. We will help you figure out what your needs are and help you reach your goals as fast as possible. Follow the steps below on what to do.
Option 1 1.) Go to any page on our website and fill out the contact form. 2.) Fill in the required information and select the condition you would like to treat with stem cell therapy. 3.) Be sure to include any special information in the comments section. 4.) Click the submit button and we will contact you in a timely manner. 5.) Thats it, youre done!!!
Option 2
Call 800-234-1693 and speak with a representative regarding your stem cell therapy needs and requirements.
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Stem cell treatments in India|StemRx BioScience Solutions
Posted: October 12, 2015 at 6:45 am
Bioscience Solutions Pvt. Ltd.,| Dr.Mahajan's Hospital
The StemRx BioScience Solutions Pvt. Ltd., is not offering stem cell therapy as a cure for any condition, disease or injury. No statements or treatments on this website have been evaluated or approved by the FDA. The StemRx BioScience Solutions Pvt. Ltd., is offering patient funded research to treat individual patients with their own autologous stem cells and is not involved in the use or manufacture of any investigational drugs.The StemRx BioScience Solutions Pvt. Ltd., does not claim that any applications or potential applications using these autologous stem cell treatments are approved by the FDA or are even effective. We do not claim that these treatments work for any listed nor unlisted condition, intended or implied. Any decision to participate in our patient funded experimental protocols is completely voluntary.
By applying the regenerative powers of stem cells, StemRx Bio Science Solutions Pvt. Ltd achieves the target of halting the aging degenerative process, improving the quality of life of people willing to maintain a young look and a real rejuvenation in the inside, with better functioning, re-energized and healthy organs as well as StemRx Therapies bring the benefits of bioscience to patients who have been diagnosed with chronic debilitating diseases offering viable and efficient therapeutic options. Many different conditions can be successfully treated using our special stem cell therapies with supportive treatments.The researches on stem cells bring hope of new ways to treat disease, it is important to store those cells. And the best source of stem cells to treat you is your own stem cells. StemRx Bio Science Solutions is right place to get treated and live healthy with help of your own stem cells. Though it is difficult to understand and looks critical but you can call it a miracle of science and for sure with anyone, miracles can happen.StemRx utilizes the most potent and safe adult stem cells in the world, today. Therapies are tailored for each individual, based upon their specific needs. Stem cells are sourced by the most modern technological method from your own body (autologous) as well in some particular condition , they are obtained from a source other than your (allogenic) i.e. umbilical cord/ cord blood/ amniotic fluid. Our transplant physicians and stem cell laboratory scientists have the most experienced and are at par best in the world. We assure that you will be receiving the most efficacious stem cell transplant in one of the world's most modern and well equipped facilities.
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