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Category Archives: Stem Cell Treatments

Raiders' Rolando McClain: Stem-cell therapy worked well

Posted: April 23, 2012 at 1:10 pm

Oakland Raiders linebacker Rolando McClain turned to stem-cell therapy to deal with the aches and pains that come with being a professional football player, the Mobile Press-Register reported Sunday.

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According to the newspaper, McClain, who missed only one game last season but was hampered by knee pain and an ankle injury, had stem cells taken from his own fat and injected into his knee and leg. McClain credits the procedure for helping him do what he needs to do to prepare for the 2012 season.

"It feels a lot better," McClain told the newspaper, adding he has been able to work out "with hardly any pain at all."

Jason R. Williams, the radiologist who performed the procedure in Alabama, called the experimental therapy "the future of medicine." However, the newspaper also reported that the FDA has warned consumers about the possible pitfalls of stem-cell treatments.

"There is a potential safety risk when you put cells in an area where they are not performing the same biological function as they were when in their original location in the body," said Stephanie Simek, deputy director of the FDA's Office of Cellular, Tissue and Gene Therapies, in a statement.

The newspaper reported that McClain and fellow University of Alabama product Marquis Maze have sought the treatment. Peyton Manning, who recently joined the Denver Broncos after missing the 2011 season with neck issues, reportedly also had a similar procedure outside of the country.

While McClain might be feeling healthier, he has other issues to contend with this offseason. The Birmingham News reported earlier this month that the two-year NFL veteran settled with an Alabama student who claimed McClain struck him with a vehicle and physically assaulted him.

According to the News, McClain also is facing a May 17 trial after allegedly firing a gun in an altercation with a man in November.

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Raiders' Rolando McClain: Stem-cell therapy worked well

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New Stem Cell Discovered In The Brain

Posted: April 23, 2012 at 1:10 pm

April 21, 2012

Researchers have discovered a new stem cell in the adult brain a discovery which could lead to new treatments for strokes and neurodegenerative conditions.

The discovery was made by researchers at Lund University in Sweden, who found the stem cells located around small blood vessels in the brain while analyzing brain tissues obtained from biopsies.

These cells can proliferate and form several different cell types, including new brain cells, and while their exact function is unclear at this point, experts hope they can lead to the discovery of new methods in order to heal and repair diseases and injuries of the brain.

A similar cell type has been identified in several other organs where it can promote regeneration of muscle, bone, cartilage and adipose tissue, Dr, Patrik Brundin, senior author of the study, Head of the Neuronal Survival Unit at Lund University, and Jay Van Andel Endowed Chair in Parkinsons Research at Van Andel Institute (VAI), said in a press release on Thursday.

According to Sue Thoms of, stem cells have been proven capable of healing and repairing injuries in other organs, and if Brundin and his colleagues hope to achieve similar results with the stem cells found in the brain, they will first have to try to control and enhance the cells self-healing properties. The goal, they say, will be to carry out therapies targeted to a specific location within the brain itself.

Our findings show that the cell capacity is much larger than we originally thought, and that these cells are very versatile, said Dr. Gesine Paul-Visse, primary author of the study, which has been published in the journal PLoS ONE, and an associate professor of neuroscience at Lund University.

Most interesting is their ability to form neuronal cells, but they can also be developed for other cell types. The results contribute to better understanding of how brain cell plasticity works and opens up new opportunities to exploit these very features, Paul-Visse added. We hope that our findings may lead to a new and better understanding of the brains own repair mechanisms. Ultimately the goal is to strengthen these mechanisms and develop new treatments that can repair the diseased brain.

Source: RedOrbit Staff & Wire Reports

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New Stem Cell Discovered In The Brain

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Stem Cell Therapy – T6 Spinal Cord Injury (complete) at Stem Cell Institute Panama City, Panama – Video

Posted: April 18, 2012 at 7:11 pm

16-04-2012 16:52 Spinal cord injury patient, Chris Niles, discusses his improvements after undergoing stem cell therapy at the the Stem Cell Institute in Panama City, Panama. Chris now has sensation down to about a T10 level and has regained movement in his feet.

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Stem Cell Therapy - T6 Spinal Cord Injury (complete) at Stem Cell Institute Panama City, Panama - Video

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State: Grekos extracted tissue from stem cell patient who died, damaged patient's abdomen

Posted: April 18, 2012 at 7:11 pm

Photo by Allie Garza

Dr. Zannos Grekos, a cardiologist whose practice is in Bonita Springs, speaks with a seminar attendant after one of his educational seminars about stem cell treatment, using one's own stem cells, for treating heart disease and other medical conditions, on Monday, March 14, 2011, at the Collier County Library. Allie Garza/Staff


In a case involving a criminal investigation into the recent death of a 77-year-old man after stem cell treatment, state health authorities say Dr. Zannos Grekos extracted tissue from the patient while a second doctor later injected the patient with his own concentrated stem cells.

But when Grekos, a Bonita Springs cardiologist, initially harvested fatty tissue from Richard Poling's stomach on March 2, he unknowingly damaged the patient's abdomen which led to bleeding, according to a state Department of Health complaint.

New documents obtained by the Daily News shed more light on the case of Grekos and Dr. Konstantine Yankopolus, a Fort Myers obstetrician who assisted Grekos. They face potential disciplinary action from the state Board of Medicine for doing a stem cell treatment that the state says was experimental and dangerous.

The state issued separate administrative complaints against them in late March and early April, a few weeks after Poling died the same day of the treatment. He suffered a cardiac arrest in Grekos' practice on Bonita Beach Road and was pronounced dead at NCH North Naples Hospital.

The Lee County Sheriff's Office launched a criminal investigation in early March and it is ongoing, agency spokesman Larry King said.

Grekos also faces potential discipline when the state restricted his license in February, 2011 in connection to the death of a 69-year-old woman who went to him in 2010 for stem cell therapy.

She sought a remedy for neurological damage after chemotherapy for breast cancer. She fell in her home after the treatment, suffered a brain injury and later was taken off life support.

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State: Grekos extracted tissue from stem cell patient who died, damaged patient's abdomen

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CEO of stem cell company responds to FDA warning letter

Posted: March 29, 2012 at 12:50 am

The head of a stem cell company has responded to a warning letter issued by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration citing several violations at the company which derives stem cells from adipose tissue or body fat.

Dr. Steven Victor of IntelliCell BioSciences said it would be moving to a new facility next month that it believes will address the current good manufacturing practice issues referred to in the warning letter It has also hired consultants with FDA compliance experience that will help bring its new facilities in compliance with the FDA. Victor added that the company will address all of the FDAs observations on April 3.

The New York company received a warning letter dated March 13 that was published on the FDAs website yesterday. The letter said that the process that the company uses to produce stem cells from adipose tissue did not meet the FDAs definition of minimal manipulation for structural tissue such as adipose tissue.


That provision section 1271.10 of the Code of Federal Regulations for Food and Drugs requires that the products, in this case, stem cells, are used for the person the cells are taken from, or a first or secondary relative, not combined with anything else other than water, a preservative, or sterilizing or storage products. It also permits these cells to be used for reproduction. Treatments that do not fall within this provision are classified as a drug.

Although there are numerous clinical trials using stem cells to treat cancer and rare diseases, critics say the FDAs intransigence on stem cell treatments using adult stem cells has produced unintended consequences. Private clinics in the U.S. and outside the country are using adult stem cells for cosmetic surgery and treating other maladies like back pain with no clinical trials to prove their efficacy and safety.

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CEO of stem cell company responds to FDA warning letter

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Midlands Vet Uses Stem Cell Therapy for Pets in Pain

Posted: March 27, 2012 at 7:45 pm

Columbia, SC (WLTX) --What if your pet couldn't walk anymore? One Midlands vet is using stem cell therapy to help.

For Beth Phibbs it's almost like a turning back of the hands of time.

"I call her my little miracle dog, because she's doing things she used to do," said Phibbs. "Now she's not on any medication, and she can go up and down the steps and she runs and jumps and things that she used to do when she was five."

Phibbs has spent the last 13 years loving and looking after her pet dog Maggie, and when she pet began to develop arthritis and a limp she had to take action. But when the first treatments stopped working, Phibbs and Maggie had to look to another options, dog stem cell therapy.

"I had no idea that animals were able to have they type of procedures," she said.

Dr. Kenneth Banks a veterinarian with the Bank Animal Hospital, performed the surgery for Maggie using her own stem cells in the one day procedure.

Banks said the stem cell therapy not only cost less than some other options, but was less invasive and had a quicker recovery time as well.

Still with about three similar procedures under his belt, even he didn't expect to see a such change in maggie just 40 days after the surgery.

"I wasn't sure we were gonna get the results this fast, we were expecting results, maybe not a good as she's done. We're real happy with her results," said Banks.

Now, after three years on medication and walking with a limp, Maggie's getting used to a new way of life -- one with out pain in her golden years.

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Midlands Vet Uses Stem Cell Therapy for Pets in Pain

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9/11 Search And Rescue Dog Gets Stem Cell Treatment

Posted: March 20, 2012 at 1:27 pm

BURKE, Va. (WUSA) -- Red, a black lab from Annapolis, has spent the last ten years as a search and rescue dog. Her missions have included Hurricane Katrina, the La Plata tornadoes, and the Pentagon after 9/11.

"The search and rescue dogs at the Pentagon are credited with finding 70% of the human remains," said Heather Roche, Red's owner and handler. "That helped a whole lot of those families actually get closure."

At just under two years old, 9/11 was Red's first search. Today, she's one of the last 9/11 search and rescue dogs still alive. She retired last July due to severe arthritis.

"The last few months, she would like to be a couch potato but she can't even get on the couch any more," said Roche. "It would be nice if she could do those kinds of things that she misses."

Roche brought Red to the Burke Animal Clinic for stem cell regenerative therapy compliments of MediVet America, the company that developed the in-clinic stem cell technology.

"This is a small something that we can give back as a way of saying thanks for what you guys have done for us," said Dr. John Herrity at the Burke Animal Clinic. "We are just taking fat from Red's side and then we are going to spin it down, process it, extract the stem cells from there."

Red received her first injection just a few hours after she woke up from surgery. The rest of her extracted stem cells will be stored free of charge for use in follow-up treatments.

"We've done about 28 dogs and of those dogs we've had about 75-80% of them doing very well," said Dr. Herrity.

Two other 9/11 dogs that recently received the same stem cell therapy are able to run, climb, and play again. Dr. Herrity's own dog, Bradley, is living proof that the treatment works. Bradley received the same stem cell treatment about one year ago and he's made great progress.

"Hopefully in about 2-3 months, she will be more comfortable, moving around, wanting to play more," said Dr. Herrity.

9/11 Search And Rescue Dog Gets Stem Cell Treatment

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Stem Cell Therapy Anti Aging Skin Cream Review and Exclusive Deal – Video

Posted: March 19, 2012 at 9:44 pm

24-11-2011 12:45 The splendor & huge popularity of Stem Cell Therapy skin cream is that it makes use of the native assets already found inside the body & doesn't rest upon surgical anti aging treatments. Prior to now, individuals looking to bring back youthful skin appearance ended up being forced to resort to techniques which either cloaked the wrinkles & blemishes or included the use of invasive treatments. Stem Cell Therapy is different since it promises a solution to turning back the aging effects on the skin through natural methods. A person might say, via Stem Cell Therapy, Biologic Solutions has made an anti aging vaccine that's allowing 1000's to enjoy youthful skin renewal without undergoing surgical techniques.

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Prostate Cells – Prostate Cancer Stem Cell Treatment – Video

Posted: March 19, 2012 at 9:44 pm

27-12-2011 18:12 This video is about prostate cancer cells and how they work. It also looks at how stem cell therapy may help cure it. For more information please visit

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Prostate Cells - Prostate Cancer Stem Cell Treatment - Video

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L. Grozdinski, MD [Stem Cell Therapy | CCSVI Symposium 2011 – 38 of 46] – Video

Posted: March 19, 2012 at 9:44 pm

02-02-2012 08:37 CCSVI Symposium 2011 - Second Annual Meeting Crowne Plaza Hotel Times Square, Manhattan New York, NY July 15-17, 2011 Stem Cell Therapy L. Grozdinski, MD Angiology Sector Chief Tokuda Hospital Sofia, Bulgaria [38 out of 46 videos]

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