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6 LGBTQ2S+ musicians celebrate the artists who came before them –
Posted: August 14, 2022 at 2:40 am
Pride spans from June to August across Canada, depending on where you live, giving us a vibrant and wide-ranging landscape to celebratea movement thatisrooted in protest against police brutality, and whichwas originally led byqueer people of colour,includingMarsha P. Johnson.
To recognize those who came before, CBC Music asked Canadian LGBTQ2S+ musicians who has made a difference to them as artists, and why and what song they think is a must-hear from the artist they're celebrating. The result is a beautiful recognition of both industry veterans and contemporaries plus a perfect little playlist to mark the last month of Pride for 2022.
Artist: PartnerArtist to celebrate: Tegan and Sara
"We each found out about Tegan and Sara when we were in our teens. Like many, many, many other queer people of our age, something about the music and the look and the stories they told onstage spoke to us on a deep level. They made being gay seem exciting and cool but also relatable. Everything about them was aspirational. They had the coolest haircuts, used interesting chords, and seemed hilarious and wise.
"As a child, there were definitely musicians around who I knew to be queer, like Elton John and k.d. lang. They were very cool and glamorous but seemed to exist in a faraway different world. The thing that seemed exciting about Tegan and Sara was that they bridged that gap. Elton John lived in a castle, but Tegan and Sara seemed to live in an extremely exciting version of my own world, and they gave my friends and I a roadmap to a future we could be excited about."
Must-hear song: "Yellow"
"I love their entire back catalogue, but they also just put out a brand new single called "Yellow" so everyone should listen to that."
Artist: iskwArtist to celebrate: Ria Mae
"I've been a fan of Ria's for many, many years, and as luck would have it we were a part of some Juno programming together in 2018, which is when we met. Not only did we become friends from this, but Ria became an absolute shoulder I have leaned on manytimes while navigating this music industry, and all the many challenges and frustrations that come with representing ourselves honestly and with conviction. So not only was I able to befriend someone who I admired creatively, but I was able to lean on and learn from another strong creative in the biz."
Must-hear song: "Broken" featuring Tegan Quin
"This is just a really, really good song! I love the groove, I love singing along, the vocal harmonies and melodies, plus I love hearing both Ria and Tegan on the same tune!"
Artist: Mariel BuckleyArtist to celebrate: k.d. lang
"For obvious reasons, I had to choose k.d. lang, an absolutely unparalleled talent that defied gender and sexuality. Early in my career, when I was still woodshedding covers and working slowly on my original tunes, I played a ton of traditional country during happy-hour slots. I had a bassist who steered me toward[lang's 1989 album] Absolute Torch and Twang and it totally blew me away. I didn't really understand the importance of visibility, at the time. The early 2000s were not as evolved, and I assumed that gay folks were supposed to exist privately because that's what I mostly perceived. Thankfully, I've also lived through a lot of progress for acceptance and that's been awesome to see. I'm thankful to see steps forward every day, and I hope for more inclusion from artists to labels. The more representation we can secure, the safer and happier our next generations can be."
Must-hear song: "Western Stars"
"A lang song that I think people should hear is "Western Stars." It kicks off Shadowland, an incredible, deep and thoughtful work of country noir. The song is a masterclass in balanced production and vocal emotion."
Artist: Adria KainArtist to celebrate: Frank Ocean
"Growing up, I wasn't fully aware of my sexuality or that of others. I feel like it wasn't even as prevalent in music as it is now, so for me it didn't really leave an impact until I was much older and already a fully developed artist. The only artist who ever changed my perspective on things and really inspired me to take things with music to another level was Frank Ocean.
"Frank reminded me of my purpose outside of anything, and how that was and is always the most important thing over anything else so when I write, I write solely from that space. He reminded me that sometimes when you can't speak the words of what you're feeling, finding the melodies that compliment the amount of emotion can be another language. I'm naturally a very emotional person and before hearing Frank I didn't necessarily know how to truly express myself without giving away too much or being overly dramatic, so it was nice to stumble across an artist like him who I felt spoke the same language as me musically, and really just all around."
Must-hear song: "Dust"
"It's always so hard to just pick one Frank Ocean song, but one of my favourites is "Dust" from his very first project,Nostalgia Ultra. This song, to me, is so beautifully written. It's the first song that challenged me to write from a metaphoric place. To use the concept of a library and the reading of books to describe meeting someone new and thinking about the past things that you've both done and experienced, while learning to let go and try love regardless of fear and overthinking a masterpiece."
Artist: T. ThomasonArtist to celebrate: Lucas Silveira
"Lucas is often most recognized as the first openly trans man to be signed to a major label, and the frontman of his band the Cliks. That's how I became aware of him in high school, and when I opened for the Cliks in Toronto almost 10years ago it was a serious dream come true. We didn't stay in touch beyond following each other on social media, but a couple years after that show, I reached out to Lucas and he agreed to meet me at a little cafin west end Toronto. That was the beginning of an ongoing mentorship and friendship.
"Lucas has been so generous with his time, experienceand knowledge of the music industry over the years. When I decided I needed to transition with testosterone hormone replacement therapy [THRT], I was terrified I'd have to give up my singing career. Lucas reassured me this wasn't true, and shared his approach to THRT and continuing to sing. He connected me with my vocal coach, Ali Garrison, who I still work with. I would not have the career I do, or be the person I am today if, in 2015, Lucas had not been willing to meet up with a random kid he'd met once. I want to celebrate not only Lucas's fantastic talent and artistry, but his tenacity, graceand kindness as a trailblazer in this incredibly challenging industry."
Must-hear song: "Dream Lover"
"This song proves that transitioning with THRT and continuing to sing is absolutely possible. Lucas's vocal range is incredible and this song showcases it in such an impressive way. The way he blends from chest voice to such a strong and dynamic falsetto is stunning to listen to. Lucas then revisits the range in his blended register. It's amazing to hear the power and control he has. It's a stunning vocal performance that displays admirable (OK, enviable) technique even if you don't know about Lucas's journey to this current voice. It's a joy to listen to because it sounds like so much fun to sing. Listening to Lucas's voice brings home a very powerful truth about transness to me trans people defy what we are told is possible, we reject limitations presented to us as absolutes simply by finding and being ourselves. We create our own glorious realities and bring beauty to the world that is brand new and unique to each of us."
Artist: Shawnee KishArtist to celebrate: Melissa Etheridge
"I looked up to Melissa Etheridge ever since I can remember. I was five years old in the back of my mom's car on a road trip hearing the soul of Melissa's voice showcased through her stories of living in a world of love, life and heartbreak. Not fully knowing just how influential an artist like her was, even to me at that time, I look back and feel lucky to have known her music in such depth as a kid. She's out, proud, epically talented with a big voice and a career I admire so much now as an adult and musician.
"She is true music, true artistry and I hope one day to be able to look back at my own journey and to have created a long-lasting, meaningful career the same way she has. Her legacy to me is someone who paved the way as an out artist and woman making no apologies for herself or who she loves, and showcasing that through her music. I can assure you that would have come with its challenges challenges I have also faced in music at times. She was someone for people like me to look up to at a time when I needed it most, to know I wasn't alone out here."
Must-hear song: "Bring me Some Water"
"'Bring Me Some Water'is so clever. I love the writing, the passion and voice behind this track. It's a forever song with a sea of people singing back to Melissa in a live setting."
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‘I kept thinking I was having a heart attack but it was the perimenopause’ – iNews
Posted: July 27, 2022 at 3:09 am
Becky Maynard has spent 10 years working in many international humanitarian crises, dealing with everything from earthquakes to refugees, and then did a Masters in Disaster Management. Consequently, you might expect her to be more resilient than most in dealing with the perils of the perimenopause, but like so many women, she was knocked sideways by mystery symptoms.
Her problems began when she was 44, driving home to Cornwall, and pulled her car over three times. I kept thinking I was having a stroke or a heart attack, says Maynard, now 48. I drew into a lay-by, realising there was no way I could drive any further because I was going to die.
She asked a lorry driver parked nearby to help, saying, I dont know whats happening. I cant be alone. He tried some breathing exercises with her and called a friend. Three hours later, she managed to drive herself home.
She wondered if she was suffering from PTSD from her work, was diagnosed with panic attacks and offered cognitive behavioural therapy, which didnt help much. Then she was given antidepressants: [They] made no difference. I continue to have constant anxiety, gain weight and feel utterly miserable. When she began to suspect her problems might be linked to hormones, she asked about hormone replacement therapy [HRT], but her GP told her to come back two years after your periods have stopped.
But Maynard had been on a pill that meant she was not having periods. So she started researching her symptoms and discovered they are common in the years leading up to menopause. Its been a revelation finding out about perimenopause, and Ive decided to see a different GP to discuss HRT, she said.
Perimenopause is menopauses dastardly little sister. On no account should it be underestimated, as it moves by stealth. Women in their forties find themselves flummoxed by a raft of mental and physical symptoms, and blame themselves instead of their changing hormones, because they usually still have their periods.
Until recently, there was silence and ignorance around perimenopause among women and even doctors, and only now is it beginning to get the attention it needs. If you looked on the NHS website three months ago, there was only one vague mention of the word perimenopause, but now (in a slight improvement) the site describes symptoms of perimenopause and menopause as one item.
But the emotional and physical rollercoaster of perimenopause needs far more explanation than that: it is a time of anxiety, sleeplessness and physical change for most. Suicide peaks among women, and divorce rises. In midlife, usually when women are in their mid-to-late forties, oestrogen and progesterone unpredictably drain and refill like rip tides, and then decline along with testosterone, which is also a female hormone. Every day can be different.
It is not merely the onlookers, families and friends that dont realise whats going on. Women themselves (along with some non-binary people and trans men who go through this process) often have no idea. Perimenopause can seriously affect mental health.
I am the producer of two recent Davina McCall menopause documentaries for Channel 4, and it was the perimenopause rather than the menopause that caused havoc in the TV presenters life. McCall was 44 when she started getting hot flushes, anxiety and brain fog that stopped her reading the autocue: I thought I had early onset dementia, she said.
For me, the perimenopause brought peculiar symptoms: terrifying heart palpitations in the early hours and overwhelming anxiety, as well as sudden gaps in my memory bank. The heart palpitations led to an electrocardiogram, which was just fine Im a regular runner. The doctor concluded the cause was too much coffee. Menopause was never mentioned, but the palpitations disappeared and my memory rebooted as soon as I sought out HRT.
I was so astonished at the lack of reliable information that I wrote a book, Everything You Need to Know About the Menopause (but were too afraid to ask) and discovered there were huge gaps in research, particularly around perimenopause. I only found out how common some of my own symptoms were after we commissioned a Channel 4/Fawcett Society poll of 4,000 women aged 45-55 for the second programme, Davina McCall: Sex, Mind and the Menopause. It turned out that 41 per cent had experienced difficulties with heart palpitations, and 73 per cent had brain fog and memory problems.
With menopause coming on average at 51 (though it can be younger, particularly for Black and Asian women) it was important to include women in their late forties in the poll, and what resonated was that 69 per cent suffered anxiety and depression, and 84 per cent sleeplessness. There was one other key finding 44 per cent said they had uncomfortably heavy periods in perimenopause. These flooding, tsunami-style periods stop some women leaving the house, and others need more access to the bathroom at work.
Theres no one-size-fits-all set of symptoms that define perimenopause, say nutritionist Emma Bardwell and menopause specialist Dr Shahzadi Harper in their book, The Perimenopause Solution. Hot flushes are not always the signifier. NHS guidelines say that women under 45 can be given a blood test to see if their hormones are low. But if your blood test comes back normal, you might think you cant possibly be in perimenopause. What you need to know is this: its not about the numbers, its about how you feel.
Bardwell and Harper say: Many GPs are still reluctant to prescribe hormone replacement therapy to women in perimenopause who still have their periods, even when symptoms are signalling hormonal change and a call for help.
As Becky Maynard found, perimenopause is often not identified as a possible cause of mental-health symptoms. That means women may miss out on effective treatment for their anxiety or depression.
Menopausal depression is different from clinical depression, and usually responds to hormones. Patients who have never previously been depressed describe low mood, a grey, flat kind of feeling, a loss of joy, said Dr Rebecca Lewis, a GP turned menopause specialist at the Newson Heath Menopause and Wellbeing Centre in Stratford-Upon-Avon. The reason women come to see me most in the clinic is not the hot flushes, not the muscle pains, but the psychological changes. As eggs begin to run out in perimenopause, that starts fluctuations in hormones which affect the brains limbic system, which governs anxiety, mood, libido and concentration.
So what can women do if they suspect they are perimenopausal? Obviously paying attention to lifestyle choices really matters and Bardwell points out that changing hormones can cause bloating and even alcohol intolerance. A diet overhaul is a good idea, looking after your gut microbiome and making sure you get enough vegetables, vitamin D, fish oils and even magnesium, which can help with sleep.
Exercise has also been shown to reduce hot flushes, but nothing can replace lost hormones except hormones themselves, and the new body-identical HRT available on the NHS is safer than the older preparations. A body-identical progesterone pill and transdermal oestrogen in a patch, gel or spray showed no increased risk of breast cancer in a 2022 study of almost half a million womens records in the UK databank.
One of the best resources, with more detailed information than the NHS website, is the website, and the free Balance app. Balances chief executive Gaele Lalahy explains: The app allows users to track their symptoms and print an individualised health report which they can take to their doctor. More than 250,000 health reports have been downloaded, and more than half of women who had been using the app for more than five months said it had helped them to access treatment faster.
We need to empower women with accurate information, and in turn improve their physical and mental health, as well as their quality of life.
Weve had period power. Now we need to talk about the perimenopause power and take control of our hormones.
Everything You Need to Know About the Menopause (but were too afraid to ask) by Kate Muir (Gallery Books, 16.99) is out now
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'I kept thinking I was having a heart attack but it was the perimenopause' - iNews
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Obese women with high intake of vitamin C and B6 associated with lower breast cancer risk cohort study – NutraIngredients-Asia
Posted: July 27, 2022 at 3:09 am
The study was conducted by Hanyang University, with the findings published in Nutrients recently.
It assessed the relationship between micronutrient intake and breast cancer risk using a standardised semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire (FFQ).
A total of 103 food items, excluding dietary supplements, were included in the FFQ to assess the womens intake of micronutrients from their diets.
A total of 40,432 women without a history of cancer were included to take part in the survey. These women were selected to take part in the survey based on the Korean Genome and Epidemiology Study (KoGES).
After completing the survey, the researchers followed up on these women for an average of 4.9 years.
By the end of the follow-up, a total of 232 women reported that they had been diagnosed with breast cancer by a physician.
Breast cancer was the most common cancer in women, accounting for 23,647 (20.5%) cases of cancer, according to the 2018 cancer registration statistics in South Korea.
Risk factors include the lifestyle, the level of physical activity, alcohol consumption, as well as the age at which they gave birth, the number of births, breastfeeding experience and duration, and the use of hormone replacement therapy after menopause.
Findings showed that the intake of vitamin C and vitamin B6 above the daily recommended value based on the 2020 Dietary Reference Intakes for Koreans (KDRIs) was associated with a reduced risk in obese women.
However, no significant association was not observed in women with normal weight.
Obesity is associated with higher estrogen levels in postmenopausal women due to the aromatase change of testosterone to estrogen in adipose tissue, as well as chronic inflammation status with increased oxidative stress permanently.
Thus, the antioxidant effect of vitamin C may be more prominent in women with obesity, the researchers explained.
As for the impact seen from vitamin B6, the researchers said this could be because the vitamin was involved in insulin resistance and could control adipogenesis-related genes, or fat-related genes.
A protective association of high vitamin B6 intake was observed only in obese women. Studies have suggested that vitamin B6 is also involved in insulin resistance by controlling the expression of adipogenesis-related genes. Thus, the protective effect may be more prominent in women with obesity.
The research was supported by a National Research Foundation of Korea grant funded by the South Korean government.
Source: Nutrients
Association between Micronutrient Intake and Breast Cancer Risk According to Body Mass Index in South Korean Adult Women: A Cohort Study
Authors: Song, H.; Jeong, A.; Tran, T.X.M.; Lee, J.; Kim, M.; Park, B.
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Obese women with high intake of vitamin C and B6 associated with lower breast cancer risk cohort study - NutraIngredients-Asia
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Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market | Incredible Possibilities, Growth, Trend, Opportunities Detailed Analysis and Forecast to 2030 Travel…
Posted: July 19, 2022 at 2:00 am
Rising incidence of testosterone deficiency: Key Drivers
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Low on the Male Hormone? 5 Effective Ways to Boost It – Times Square Chronicles
Posted: July 19, 2022 at 2:00 am
You might have heard the saying, you are what you eat. Well, its true. If your diet contains processed foods, sugar, and other unhealthy things, then you wont feel very healthy. And if you are experiencing trouble growing hair or building muscle mass, these foods may be to blame. Men should have an optimal level of testosterone in order to have thicker hair on their heads and bodies as well as more energy throughout the day.
However, there are some things that can make this hormone worse than others. Its crucial for men over 30 years old to monitor their testosterone levels regularly so they can take action quickly if required.
Testosterone replacement therapy is a form of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) that makes use of testosterone as a way to treat hypogonadism and other diseases related to a deficiency in testosterone.
The treatment has been shown to be effective at managing these conditions and enhancing the quality of life. However, there are some side effects associated with testosterone replacement therapy, so its always a good idea to talk to your doctor before taking the treatment.
Various factors, such as the growing adoption of a hectic and sedentary lifestyle, high consumption of fast food, increased rate of smoking, and others, can be ascribed to the low level of testosterone in modern times. These situations are particularly prevalent in developed countries like the US. If you belong to Arizona and are facing similar problems, then you might want to try testosterone replacement therapy in Gilbert, Arizona.
Regular exercise is extremely important for a healthy body and mind. It helps to keep your body fit, and it can also help to boost testosterone levels. The following exercises are the most effective ways to increase your testosterone levels:
Excessive body fat is one of the common causes of low testosterone. When you have more than 10 percent body fat, this can be a sign of low testosterone levels.
The good news is that losing extra weight can help boost your T-levels and make you feel better about yourself. Moreover, some studies have proved that losing excessive fat helps improve sexual performance and overall health.
Its important to know how much fat is too much for your body when it comes to boosting testosterone levels and improving health.
Quality sleep leads to higher testosterone production. During sleep, the body repairs and regenerates itself in preparation for another day of activity. Its also a crucial part of your circadian rhythm, which helps regulate other crucial functions like temperature, hormone levels, and more.
Sleep is helpful to your body because it enables it to produce growth hormones that are necessary for muscle mass development and repair. In addition, melatonin is produced during deep sleep cycles known as rapid eye movement (REM) sleep; this hormone helps regulate your immune system, moods, and moreall of which can influence building muscle mass over time.
Supplements can be an excellent way to boost testosterone levels. Supplements come in the form of natural herbs, vitamins, and minerals that are known to boost your bodys production of testosterone.
When selecting a supplement for testosterone boosting, it is crucial to choose one that has been tested and proven effective. Some supplements have side effects which may not be worth it just for an increase in testosterone levels alone. Your best bet when looking at supplements is something backed by scientific studies.
It may take daily consumption of 2-3 months before you start seeing the results; however, some people may experience increased energy within a week of starting supplementation with these products.
I hope these five effective tips have given you some idea about how to boost your testosterone levels. Through testosterone replacement therapy, performing regular exercises, losing the extra fat, optimizing your sleep, and taking testosterone-boosting supplements, you will be able to see results quickly and easily.
Along with these five tips, diet also plays a major role in boosting testosterone levels. Some foods help you produce more male hormones, while others just hamper their development. Hence, its important to be careful while eating anything.
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Low on the Male Hormone? 5 Effective Ways to Boost It - Times Square Chronicles
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Trans teens: We need to be heard, counted. In Michigan, the backlash is harsh – Bridge Michigan
Posted: July 19, 2022 at 2:00 am
You cant understand what you dont measure
Numbers are hard to come by, but Prins is one of about 3,950 Michigan youths between ages 13 and 17 who identified as transgender in 2020, according to the Williams Institute of UCLA.
Nationwide, there are more than 60 gender clinics treating transgender and nonbinary adolescents using gender-affirming care, nine of which are in Michigan.
Overall, nonbinary youths are believed to represent less than 1 percent of the more than 640,000 adolescents in Michigan. Nationally, their numbers are believed to be rising fast, as more come out, according to estimates from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Cataloging their population is tough, though, because the federal government has not allowed school districts to report data on nonbinary students, just males and females.
That may soon change as federal officials consider changing policies to allow but not require schools to collect the data.
The proposal comes from the federal Office of Civil Rights, which is considering collecting data on nonbinary students for its 2021-22 report in December, which identifies chronic absenteeism, sexual assault, school safety, harassment and bullying.
Such information could steer help to trans students who report high rates of bullying and harassment, according to Cody Venzke, senior counsel for the Center of Democracy and Technology, a nonprofit based in Washington D.C. that focuses on technology policy.
You cant understand what you dont measure, but with any sensitive data, there are risks to the students and families youre collecting data on, said Venzke, who proposes the policy change..
Someone could collect that data for a legitimate purpose but then later on it is used for a different purpose, such as a state agency identify trans students and reporting it to Child Protective Services, Venzke said, pointing out that some states have passed laws that consider transgender care as child abuse.
That is the No. 1 risk that schools face when they try to be a responsible steward of students data, he said.
Parents Defending Education, a Virginia-based group that opposes LGBTQ education in schools, objected to the proposal, stating it would empower schools to actively question and engage with children on gender and sexual identification issues that fall outside of the purview of public schools and are matters to be dealt with exclusively by parents.
Jennie Knight, vice president of the Grand Rapids LGBTQ Healthcare Consortium, said collecting data on transgender youths is important at a time when people are ringing alarm bells about more people coming out.
Knight said she has a 9-year-old son who just finished third grade and she does not want anyone at school talking to him about sex right now.
But I do think he should learn about all the different kinds of families there are, Knight said.
Being able to talk about gender at an age when children developmentally notice differences between themselves and others is not harmful, said Jennifer Schwartz, behavioral program manager at Corner Health Center in Ypsilanti, which offers health services and support for young people.
It helps them learn who they are as people later on, Schwartz said.
In the absence of schools, Michigan counties have begun expanding surveys to include information on LGBTQ people in health reports used to identify community needs.
In the last four years, at least 11 of 83 counties have collected such information, but the number of LGBTQ respondents is still very low, which makes it hard to accurately represent the community.
Accurately representing the community not only makes people feel safer coming out, but it also helps health departments tailor their services to meet those peoples needs, said Maris Brummel, an epidemiologist for the Kent County Health Department.
In 2020, for the first time, Kent County included demographics on its LGBTQ community in a county health report that lays out its residents health status, needs and issues.
Of the people surveyed, 4 percent identified as LGBTQ and about 1 percent of them are transgender. The report found 6 percent of the countys surveyed middle schoolers and 8 percent of its high schoolers identify as lesbian, gay or bisexual. The report excluded information on transgender youths.
One barrier is that many LGBTQ males and non-binary people dont feel comfortable responding to the survey, Brummel said.
Eaton County, for instance, is among the counties in Michigan that dont include LGBTQ residents in their community health reports because so few people responded that they identify as LGBTQ, said Milea Burgstahler, the countys quality improvement coordinator.
Less than six people identified as LGBTQ in the survey of Eaton County, which has a population of about 109,000. Burgstahler said, we couldnt analyze the data to represent a sample that is representative of the population.
Estimates vary nationwide, but the percentage of people nationwide identifying as lesbian, bisexual, nonbinary, transgender has steady increased since Gallup began polling in 2012. The firm now estimates 7 percent of the public identifies as something other than straight.
In Michigan, the U.S. Census Bureau estimated in 2019 there are about 24,000 same-sex households, about 1.1 percent of Michigan couples. Nationwide, the rate is 1.5 percent.
The national wave of legislation involving trans youths is exacerbating mental health risks plaguing them, said Erin Knott, the executive director of Equality Michigan, the states largest LGBTQ advocacy group.
We have seen in Michigan an uptick in harmful rhetoric aimed at our trans and nonbinary youth, Knott said.
She works with The Trevor Project, a national suicide prevention and crisis intervention nonprofit for LGBTQ young people. Last year, its hotline received 6,200 calls from Michigan kids, Knott said.
That year, a national survey by The Trevor Project found that 42 percent of the 35,000 LGBTQ youths who were surveyedand over half of them being trans and nonbinary youthsseriously considered suicide within the prior year.
Social media is elevating more transgender roles models, but how safe a person feels depends on where they live, said Leisha Taylor, a bisexual woman in Hillsdale. Taylor said historically, religious and conservative communities like Hillsdale have not welcomed gender diverse people.
The words they have used to describe us are abomination and abhorrent, Taylor said.
Taylor noted recent controversies in Hillsdale targeting the LGBTQ community as a reason why friends and family who identify as transgender have to hide it because they dont feel safe coming out.
In May, one member of the Hillsdale Community Library Board suggested forbidding the library from buying books for people under age 18 that discuss sexual identity and gender identity.
Gender diverse people can become confused about their identity when their communities are not welcoming or lack representation of transgender people, according to Jay Dunn, a 38-year-old man who transitioned in his late 30s.
Dunn grew up in Galesburg, a small city in Kalamazoo County, and came out to his parents as a lesbian at age 17.
It was tough growing up there, said Dunn, adding he was one of three openly gay students at his high school and they were frequently bullied.
While Dunn identified as a lesbian because he liked girls, he said his adolescence was a confusing time and something always felt off. It was not until a family friend came out as transgender that Dunn realized his authentic self.
Today, Dunn is receiving hormone therapy and had his breasts removed. He says it is the happiest he has ever been, noting that his wife now says your confidence is through the roof.
The only thing I regret is not being able to start transitioning sooner, Dunn said.
One of the most effective methods of treating gender-associated distress is providing adolescents access to gender-affirming care, according to endocrinologist Daniel Shumer who founded the states first pediatric gender clinic at Motts Childrens Hospital in 2015.
Gender-affirming care was first founded in Germany in 1918, began in the United States in the late 1940s and was made available to adolescents in 2007.
There are three forms of gender-affirming care: puberty blocking medicine, hormone therapy and gender-confirmation surgery, like breast removal or implants.
Puberty blocking medicine is a non-invasive, reversible process that desensitizes the brain gland that releases puberty hormones and allows kids time and space to explore their gender identity, according to Shumer.
Natural puberty would pick up where it left off if a patient chooses to stop taking puberty blockers.
Hormone replacement therapy produces more testosterone or estrogen depending on the sex features a person wants expressed. Both forms of treatment cost thousands of dollars a year without insurance.
Shumer said transgender and nonbinary adolescents experience gender dysphoria, unease that a person may have because of a mismatch between their biological sex and their gender identity.
Children generally feel this discomfort around age 10 when they are about to hit puberty and their bodies change in ways that make them uncomfortable, according to Shumer. At that time, transgender children who are out start asking their parents about getting gender-affirming care.
Shumer said a vast majority of the kids who are distressed about puberty and receive treatment grow into happy, healthy, successful, well-adjusted adults.
They really feel like the treatment theyre getting is making a huge difference and its potentially life-saving for a lot of these young people, Shumer said.
Shumer said he was exposed to a pediatric gender clinic during his medical training and saw how helpful providing high quality care to transgender and gender diverse young people can be.
There was quite clearly a need for these services in Michigan, Shumer said, noting that when the clinic opened, he was getting referrals from all over the state and the clinic became very busy quite quickly.
Over time, Shumer said the number of referrals increased to 100 new patients each year and more adolescents between the ages of 10 and 18 were seeking care.
Its clear that in Michigan and across the country, young people are thinking more critically about gender identity and exploring gender identity is a normal process of adolescence, he said.
Before Shumers clinic opened, families like Roz Keiths often traveled out of state seeking such care. Keith is the board president of Stand With Trans, a nonprofit support group for transgender kids and families with transgender members.
Keith said she was getting transferred all over the place because Michigan did not have resources for transgender youths when her son Hunter Keith came out as a transgender male in 2012.
Hunter Keith said it took a year for him to be seen by a specialist who was based in Boston, Massachusetts and had a very long waiting list.
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Trans teens: We need to be heard, counted. In Michigan, the backlash is harsh - Bridge Michigan
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Ostarine MK-2866 | Review, Alternatives,Side Effects and Results-Health News – Firstpost
Posted: July 19, 2022 at 2:00 am
It works by combining the androgen receptors in the body, which assists in lowering body fat and promoting muscular building.
Ostarine is a SARM (selective androgen receptor modulator) of the second generation, also known as Enobosarm or MK-2866. You are thus at the correct spot since this article will provide you with information on Ostarine and amazing Ostarine MK-2866 alternatives.
Ostarine is a specific sort of androgen receptor modulator (SARM). It works by combining the androgen receptors in the body, which assists in lowering body fat and promoting muscular building. It is a non-toxic substance with minimal adverse effects.
Therefore, let's go more into Ostarine; at the end of this section, you will be aware of all the essential facts and other facets associated with the use of this substance.
In an effort to prevent the problem, a concerted effort was undertaken to devise a realistic, safer alternative. SARMs represent the next generation of T-Boosting medications.
SARM is an acronym for selective androgen receptor modulators. SARM pharmaceuticals are anabolic chemicals intended to bind to androgen receptors.
SARM compounds are being studied by medical experts as a possible treatment for complicated conditions such as osteoporosis, cancer, sexual impairments, Alzheimer's disease, multiple sclerosis, and muscle wasting.
Ostarine MK-2866 and other SARMs are often utilized by athletes for performance enhancement, lean muscle growth, fat loss, a rapid recovery rate, and enhanced strength and endurance.
Ostarine and SARMs were believed to have much fewer negative effects than steroids. However, the reality is exactly the reverse.
Prior to discussing what Ostarine is, it is necessary todefine a SARM. Androgens are a class of sexual habitats. The most prominent are testosterone and estrogen.
These androgens exert their effects via proteins known as androgen receptors.
The multiple functions of your body's androgen receptors include developing muscular growth and strength.
The acronym SARM stands for selective androgen receptor modulator. This family of medicinal drugs modulates the behavior of androgen receptors. In other words, SARMs (Ostarine,Rad 140,Ibutamorenetc..) induce your DNA to alter, resulting in quicker, larger, and stronger muscular growth.
The word selective is a crucial component of the SARM concept. If anabolic steroids are blunt instruments, SARMs are scalpels. Steroids also bind and modify androgen receptors. However, they may bind elsewhere in the body, leading to acne, hair loss, prostate issues, etc. SARMs, on the other hand, target androgen receptors exclusively and do not bind anywhere else in the body.
In the 1990s, SARMs were produced by accident. As a result of exploring therapies for numerous malignancies and muscle-wasting disorders, such as those connected with AIDS, this incident occurred. James T. Dalton, a scientist, and professor researching prostate cancer therapy discovered the first ever.
Through this procedure, he found the first SARM, the chemical andarine. Its benefits on muscle development were amazing, and he focused nearly exclusively on that chemical.
Dalton spent the next many years perfecting it, and Ostarine was the outcome of this work. It would shortly enter clinical trials, where it would again exhibit its potential to increase lean muscle mass, but would not reach the desired outcomes in terms of curing cancer.
Immediately after this study, Ostarine would be accessible on the illegal market. While it is currently an experimental medicine undergoing various clinical studies, bodybuilders utilize it all over the globe. TheWorld Anti-Doping Agencycontinues to classify it as a restricted drug around the globe.
Ostarine has connected itself to the body's androgen receptor. When it combines, the receptors are designated to expand muscles more rapidly. The process of focusing muscle development modifies genes. This technique further enhances muscle development by boosting protein synthesis.
The functioning mechanism is related to the anabolism in which tiny molecules are split to generate a superior, more complex molecule. All of these actions need additional energy, therefore Ostarine functions as an external force.
This enables the body's protein to work harder, resulting in an increase in lean muscle mass during intense exercises.
Additionally, the supplement assists in enhancing endurance and energy for extended training sessions.
This is good for you if a fat-burning diet has left you feeling very exhausted. Consequently, your lost muscles recover rapidly via exercise. Your body's muscular mass activity also increased. Thus, your physique will seem slimmer and more refined.
Several distinct kinds of amino acids are contained in this medicine, according to certain sources. One of the amino acids contained in Ostarine is leucine.
Leucine was used by bodybuilders as a meal replacement supplement. It is excellent foraccelerating muscle recoveryand lowering lactic acid buildup after intense training sessions.
The bodybuilders who use Ostarine MK2866 to grow muscle say that this supplement provides them a tremendous edge over their rivals. It not only increases the intensity of their training but also promotes faster muscle recovery.
Ostarine is a non-toxic dietary supplement with minimal adverse effects. Some potential adverse effects include:
Some may have headaches at first use. If someone has this issue, he must reduce the dose. It is recommended to take aspirin before taking this supplement.
Some individuals reported experiencing nausea after ingestion. This occurs when estrogen levels are adjusted to modify the dosage of a drug inside the body.
Some individuals claim that following extended usage of large dosages, they get despondent. However, this state is only brief. If someone is seeing an increase in emotional problems, he should stop using this SARM.
Some users develop joint aches. Since this supplement is meant to develop muscle, this issue should occur naturally. If this issue causes you pain, you should avoid using it for at least one to three weeks. Until your joint discomfort disappears totally.
Some users report gastrointestinal discomfort. Which results in an abundance of weakness.
At the conclusion of the cycle, several individuals complain about their facial acne and hyperpigmentation.
Click Here to Order the Legal Ostarine Alternative [Osta 2866 CrazyBulk]
OSTA 2866 is a 100 percent natural dietary supplement that inundates the body with herbs and essential minerals that mimic the performance-enhancing and muscle-building capabilities of Ostarine MK-2866 without causing severe health effects. The dietary supplement enhances muscle development by increasing testosterone production, promoting muscular blood flow, boosting energy, and accelerating fat loss.
People who want rapid muscle growth in a couple of weeks could begin utilizing OSTA 2866, which replicates the controversial bodybuilding component Ostarine perfectly. As the Food and Drug Administration of the United States has not approved Ostarine, its replacement is the safest option.
CrazyBulk, a health and wellness company with over a decade of expertise in the industry, is the manufacturer of OSTA 2866. The company has sold over two million bottles abroad. It is a strong ergogenic aid that enhances power output at constant perceived effort levels and delays the onset of fatigue after strenuous physical activity.
Each serving of CrazyBulk's OSTA 2866 comprises scientifically effective doses of performance-enhancing chemicals and essential minerals, which together promote lean muscle development.
Reishi Fungus Extract
Reishi mushroomsare powerful adaptogens that boost the production of metabolic energy (ATP), increase physical strength, and speed up muscle recovery. Each serving of CrazyBulk's OSTA 2866 includes 200 milligrams of Reishi mushroom extract.
Cinnamon (30:1 Extract)
Cinnamon moderates the insulin response and decreases post-meal glucose spikes. This decreases the body's storage of sugar as fat. Each serving of CrazyBulk's OSTA 2866 includes 200 mg of cinnamon.
Fennel (4:1 Extract)
Fennel is a dietary item that supplies the body with the necessary levels of vitamin C. It acts as a supplement to combat weariness and exhaustion during activity. Each serving of CrazyBulk's OSTA 2866 includes 400 mg of fennel.
Southern Ginseng
Southern ginseng, a herbaceous climbing vine native to South and East Asia, enhances adrenal gland function during exercise in order to boost endurance and build strength. CrazyBulk's OSTA 2866 includes 550 mg of southern ginseng.
The medicinal herb Salacia, which is native to India and Sri Lanka, enhances insulin sensitivity, boosts glucose metabolism, and promotes weight loss. The Salacia extract inside OSTA 2866 is responsible for its fat-burning effects. Each serving of CrazyBulk's OSTA 2866 includes 600 mg of Salacia.
Zinc (Zinc Citrate)
Zinc enhances muscular growth by boosting aerobic capacity, which measures the quantity of oxygen supplied to the muscles. A shortage of oxygen in the muscles may inhibit the ability to build muscle. The minerals also help in post-exercise tissue repair. OSTA 2866 from CrazyBulk includes 10 mg of the most bioavailable type of zinc, zinc citrate, in each dosage.
Magnesium (As Magnesium Oxide)
Magnesium improves exercise performance and promotes muscle development. Each serving of CrazyBulk's OSTA 2866 includes 35 mg of magnesium.
Click Here to Order the Legal Ostarine Alternative [Osta 2866 CrazyBulk]
Click Here to Order the Legal Ostarine Alternative [OstaBulk Brutal Force]
OstaBulk is a natural substitute for the now-prohibited SARM Ostarine MK28660.
It has the same results without negative side effects. It functions as an anabolic steroid and promotes muscular growth.
OstaBulk is made in the United States by Muscles Club Limited and distributed under the Brutal Force brand.
In the United Kingdom, Health Nutrition Limited owns the brand, Brutal Force.
Multiple products are available to meet the diverse needs of both professional and amateur bodybuilders. OstaBulk is 100% natural and fully safe to use.
It is formulated by combining numerous components. It encourages lean muscle development.
It is made and sold by well-known companies in the sector of dietary supplements.
B6 vitamin:
This product contains a substance that may help in the body's natural testosterone production. Additionally, it may assist in the decrease of recovery time and the enhancement of sleep habits. It may aid in muscle building and endurance.
D3 (calcium iodide):
Vitamin D3 from Ostabulk may help you restore the quality and strength of your muscular fibers. The recuperation period of bodybuilders is a drawback. This component may facilitate quicker recovery and enhanced muscle development.
K1 vitamin:
The quantity of vitamin K1 in the body affects muscular strength and performance. According to research, this element in Ostabulk may help maintain a high level of K1 in plasma and promote the development of enormous muscles.
This substance comprises both magnesium citrate and magnesium oxide. This might assist in maintaining muscular flexibility and preventing cramping. This product's citrate content may improve magnesium digestion in the body.
Zinc Citrate
This product's zinc citrate may help boost the immune system. It may boost endurance and facilitate severe exercise.
D-Aspartic Acid (DAA):
According to the study, D-AA may stimulate the brain's hormone production. This hormone boosts the synthesis of testosterone throughout the body. This may contribute to the growth of stronger muscles.
Stinging Nettle Leaf:
This contributes to the development of muscles. According to research, it may boost muscle development naturally and is safe to consume.
Korean Red Ginseng Root Extract:
Multiple studies have shown that Korean Red Ginseng assists sportsmen and bodybuilders in exercise, bulking, and injury recuperation. It may also increase the body's endurance and energy levels.
Seed Extract of Fenugreek:
It has the ability to develop strength and endurance naturally and safely. It may also help in increasing the body's testosterone level, which may promote muscular building.
Citrate of Boron:
This ingredient in Ostabulk may improve muscular coordination. Additionally, it may assist in the growth of strong bones and the production of testosterone.
Black Pepper Fruit Extract with BioPerine:
The mineral BioPerine is produced from black pepper berries. According to a number of observational studies, it may aid in weight reduction and energy levels, and sportsmen and bodybuilders are fond of it.
Click Here to Order the Legal Ostarine Alternative [OstaBulk Brutal Force]
MK 2866's effects are comparable to those of anabolic steroids. However, it must be remembered that the medicine is in no way a steroid.
The comparison between the two is based on their capacity to interact with Androgen Receptors. However, in contrast to anabolic steroids, its propensity to bind to the AR is limited to those in muscles and bones and no other organ.
Due to its limiting nature, MK 2866 functions similarly to steroids but does not have the same adverse effects.
Ostarine is a banned dietary supplement for a variety of reasons. It aids muscle development and quality that may have been impaired by an autoimmune illness or cancer.
Regarding recreational usage, it is advantageous for both men and women with muscle-building or muscle-definition objectives.
It burns fat beautifully to reveal a lean, muscular figure and provides superhuman power to improve your training volume.
It is reasonable to presume that MK 2866 may inhibit your hormones like other medications in its class. However, its effects are not as suppressive as those of several widely used SARMs that alter hormone levels globally.
Despite this, the chemical might obliterate your natural testosterone levels, which you can subsequently address with a PCT.
Although Ostarine is less potent than the original steroids, we cannot say that it is completely devoid of adverse effects.
There are potential risks associated with the usage of MK 2866.
It is also banned in the USA.
Some of them may include:
In general, Ostarine's bulking effects as a performance-enhancing medication are noteworthy.
Due to the fact that it stimulates the process of muscle regeneration, the majority of individuals like to utilize it to experience enormous muscular increases.
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Ostarine MK-2866 | Review, Alternatives,Side Effects and Results-Health News - Firstpost
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Testosterone Therapy Improves Erectile Function and Libido in …
Posted: July 11, 2022 at 2:51 am
Curr Opin Urol. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2018 Nov 1.
Published in final edited form as:
PMCID: PMC5649360
aBaylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX
aBaylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX
bScott Department of Urology, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX
cCenter for Reproductive Medicine, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX
bScott Department of Urology, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX
aBaylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX
bScott Department of Urology, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX
cCenter for Reproductive Medicine, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX
Erectile dysfunction (ED) and decreased libido are common complaints in the older male population. Recent studies have elucidated the role testosterone therapy (TTh) can play in men with low testosterone levels. The aim of this review is to provide an overview of these findings and the utility of TTh. We specifically examine the role of TTh on erectile function, co-administration with phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) inhibitors, and libido.
Recent publications suggest that TTh improves mild ED, though may be less useful in men with more severe ED. In men unresponsive to PDE5 inhibitors and with mild ED, TTh can further improve erectile function. Testosterone therapy has also shown consistent benefit in improving libido in men with low testosterone levels at baseline, with no additional improvements once testosterone levels are normalized.
The available literature supports a role for TTh in men with low testosterone levels, ED, and low libido, with symptomatic improvement in these men.
MeSH Keywords: Testosterone, Erectile Function, Phosphodiesterase 5 Inhibitors, Hypogonadal men
Multiple longitudinal studies have observed that as men age, they experience a decline in total serum testosterone beginning in the third decade of life [1, 2]. By age 70, 30% of men will have low testosterone levels [2]. The symptoms of low testosterone include decreased libido, erectile dysfunction (ED), decreased energy, depressive symptoms, and fatigue [3]. These symptoms can be frustrating to men, and can be at least partially reversed with testosterone therapy (TTh). In this review, we summarize the recent literature examining the relationship between low serum testosterone levels, ED, and decreased libido.
To identify articles for this review, the following search terms were used in Medline: testosterone, testosterone replacement therapy, erectile dysfunction, and libido. Relevant and recent articles were identified and presented in this review. Articles published within the last 18 months were prioritized in this review.
ED affects 1 in 5 men, with this frequency increasing with age and the prevalence of co-morbidities [4, 5]. The National Institute of Health (NIH) defines ED as the inability to achieve or maintain an erection that is satisfactory for sexual performance [6]. Subjective erectile function can be assessed using validated questionnaire metrics including the international index of erectile function (IIEF) with the erectile function domain (IIEF-EF) being the most specific for assessing ED. The IIEF-EF consists of 6 questions that inquire about frequency and hardness of erections, ability to penetrate during intercourse, ability to maintain an erection during intercourse, ability to maintain an erection to completion of intercourse, and confidence in a mans ability to get and maintain an erection [7]. The severity of ED is then classified as mild, mild to moderate, moderate, and severe dysfunction. The IIEF-EF is often used in studies to trend changes in erectile function, with a change of 2 IIEF-EF points being clinically significant for men with mild ED. The minimal clinically important differences (MCID) for moderate and severe ED are a change of 5 and 7 IIEF-EF points, respectively [8].
Erection requires a combination of vascular, neurologic, psychologic, and hormonal factors. Erections are initiated when nitric oxide and other neuroendocrine factors induce relaxation of the smooth muscles of the cavernous arteries and tissues resulting in increased penile blood inflow. As the corpus cavernosum fills with blood, the veins that drain the corpus cavernosum are compressed, resulting in maintained turgidity [9]. This initial release of nitric oxide is mediated in part by testosterone [10]. While evaluating neurologic, vascular, and psychologic factors can be difficult during a clinical visit, a hormonal etiology of ED can easily be assessed by measuring morning serum testosterone levels. The evaluation of testosterone levels in men with ED is recommended by the European Association of Urology guidelines and is indicated in select men with ED per American Urology Association guidelines [11, 12].
Numerous studies have examined the relationship between testosterone levels and erectile function. In cross-sectional studies, men with low testosterone (defined by the US Food and Drug Administration as levels less than 300 ng/dL) have a greater prevalence of ED when compared to men with normal testosterone levels [1315]. Studies have observed that men who have been placed on androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) for prostate cancer have a dramatic reduction in erectile function with a decrease in testosterone levels [1618]. Finally, numerous randomized controlled trials (RCTs) have demonstrated that erectile function improves when testosterone is given to men with low testosterone levels [1924].
In the past few years, several studies have shown that testosterone levels and erectile function are positively correlated. The recently published Testosterone Trials a set of RCTs of 790 men with late onset hypogonadism randomly assigned to either testosterone gel or placebo demonstrated that after 1 year of treatment that men who used testosterone gel had an IIEF-ED score 2.64 points [95% Confidence Interval (CI): 1.06 4.02] greater than men who had been assigned to the placebo arm [24]. It is important to note that men enrolled in this study on average had moderate ED, and so this improvement in erectile function was not considered clinically significant.
In early 2017, Corona et al. performed meta-analysis of 14 RCTs that studied the effect of TTh on erectile function in men with late onset hypogonadism, and compared pre- and post-IIEF scores [25]. Overall, when compared to placebo, TTh provided only a modest improvement in IIEF-EF, as the mean difference between groups was 2.31 points. The mean change in IIEF-EF, however, was greater when data were stratified by baseline testosterone level. In primary studies using a testosterone threshold <8 nM (231 ng/dL), IIEF-EF increased by 2.95 points, whereas in primary studies with testosterone threshold of <12 nM (346 ng/dL), only a 1.47 point increase in IIEF-EF was observed [25]. Given that a greater improvement in erectile function was observed in studies using a lower testosterone threshold, this supports the theory that once a threshold of normal testosterone level is achieved, higher testosterone levels do not further improve erectile function [26]. This definitive study by Corona et al. also suggests that TTh may be a useful monotherapy in men with mild ED.
Numerous studies have found that phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) is upregulated in the penis by androgens [27, 28], and when animals are castrated, a decline in both penile nitric oxide and PDE5 levels are seen [2830]. These early studies support the possibility that men with low testosterone may have a relative deficiency of PDE5, resulting in lower efficacy of PDE5 inhibitors [31]. In a randomized controlled trial by Shabsigh et al., dual treatment with sildenafil and testosterone was more effective than monotherapy with sildenafil for men with testosterone levels <400 ng/dL who had previously failed a trial of PDE5 inhibitors. Men receiving both testosterone and PDE5 inhibitors had an improvement of 4.4 IIEF points from baseline to 4 weeks while those receiving monotherapy only saw an increase of 2.1 IIEF-EF points (p=0.029) [32].
While Buvat et al. observed a positive effect in hypogonadal PDE5 inhibitor non-responders, other RCTs have not observed such a positive effect. In a 2012 RCT, Spitzer et al. studied 140 men on sildenafil and then randomly assigned them to either receive testosterone or placebo gel. All men had a testosterone level <330 ng/dL or a free testosterone level <50 pg/mL. At 14 weeks, those on dual therapy had an IIEF-EF score 1.01 points higher than those receiving sildenafil plus placebo gel (p=0.36). This study demonstrates that the giving testosterone to men who respond to PDE5 inhibitors may not further improve erectile function after normalization of testosterone levels. However, there is growing evidence supporting the use of testosterone in men with low testosterone and mild ED, especially in those who were previously non-responsive to PDE5 inhibitors [33, 34].
These recent studies suggest that TTh may be most effective as monotherapy in improving erectile function in men with mild ED, but not in men with more severe ED. Early studies have shown that TTh can improve the response to PDE5 inhibitors in non-responders.
Libido, or sexual drive, is affected by a multitude of factors, including physiologic ones, such as a defect in the hypothalamic-pituitary access or depression, or environmental ones, such as marital discourse or anxiety [3, 35, 36]. Changes in libido can variably affect individuals, with a wide range of clinical presentations. Longitudinal studies have found that libido declines with increasing male age [35]. When assessing libido, many studies use the sexual desire (SD) domain of the IIEF (IIEF-SD), which asks men to two libido-related questions: Over the past 4 weeks, how often have you felt sexual desire? and Over the past 4 weeks, how would you rate your level of sexual desire? Like the IIEF-EF domain, the IIEF-SD questions can be used to diagnose mild, mild to moderate, moderate, and severe dysfunction [7]. Other studies have used their own scale, such as the Sexual Arousal, Interest and Drive scale (SAID) a validated patient reported outcomes measuring 5 scored items, including sexual thought, arousal, as well as interest and drive [37].
Several early studies have demonstrated that TTh improves libido [38, 39]. Recently, the Sexual Function sub-trial of the Testosterone Trials examined sexual desire. This placebo-controlled trial included 470 men aged 65 years or older with testosterone levels less than <275 ng/dL [24]. When assessing the impact of TTh on sexual symptoms, the authors used the Derogatis Interview for Sexual Function-Sexual Desire Domain, comprised of 25 scored items, and found that libido improved proportionately with increase in testosterone levels, with an effect size of 0.44 [95% Confidence Interval: 0.32 0.56] [40]. Interestingly however, these trials found no threshold below which libido was universally affected for all men in the study.
The results of the largest placebo-controlled multicenter trial assessing the effect of testosterone on sexual function in hypogonadal men (715 men, 18 years of age and older) were published in 2016. Brock et al. found that 60 mg of topical testosterone 2% gel applied daily resulted in a significant increase in testosterone levels as well as libido, as measured using the SAID scale after three months of treatment. The study examined a cohort of hypogonadal men with a mean age of 55. Though not placebo-controlled beyond the third month, the open label continuation of the trial for both placebo and active treatment groups showed continued improvement in sexual function at 9 months when on continuous TTh, with no new adverse events [23]. In the group initially treated with placebo, 60% of men achieved normal testosterone levels at the end of the open label study, compared to 66% of the participants on TTh for the duration of the trial. Interestingly, the group that had received placebo before the 3-month time point and later placed on the open-label TTh achieved the same libido improvements as the group that had been on TTh for the entire 9 months. This finding suggests that benefits of TTh on libido plateau after 3 months of therapy. However, the study lacked a true control arm during the open-label portion of the trial, limiting the ability to make this conclusion. Furthermore, a post hoc analysis of the trials outcomes after 3 months further revealed that a lower testosterone level at the start of treatment and higher plasma concentration achieved at the end of treatment were associated with a greater patient reported improvement in libido [41].
The Corona et al. meta-analysis also assessed the impact of TTh on libido in hypogonadal men, finding that for 1,269 men across 14 randomized, placebo-controlled trials, the IIEF-SD significantly improved (p=0.001) [25]. These findings suggest that TTh may be more effective in improving sexual desire than in improving erectile function in men with moderate or severe ED. Citing previous studies that had failed to show improvements in libido on therapy, Corona et al. highlighted that many of these studies did not specifically examine a population with low testosterone at baseline and that in eugonadal men, TTh may be less beneficial in improving libido.
While TTh can improve libido, it is not without its risks [42]. Due to the wide-spread use of testosterone-related products for seemingly age-related symptoms and the potential cardiovascular risk, the FDA has commissioned a large clinical trial to assess the safety of testosterone products [43]. A joint patient-physician decision should be made whether the potential improvement in erectile function, libido, and energy with TTh outweighs the potential side-effects in each individual patient.
Many studies have demonstrated that TTh significantly improves libido in men. Moving forward, large RCTs specifically studying older men for more than a year of treatment are needed to better determine at what testosterone thresholds men demonstrate improvements or decrements in sexual function and desire. Finally, current measures of evaluating libido are either very narrow in their scope or not validated. As such, future work should focus on more clearly defining the impact of TTh on libido.
In men with low testosterone, normalizing testosterone levels has multiple benefits, most notably improved libido and improved erectile function when used as monotherapy in men with mild ED. For the latter, TTh is especially promising in hypogonadal men with mild ED who are unresponsive to phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors. Testosterone therapy may be ineffective in men with moderate and severe ED, as the etiology for these more severe pathologies often include advanced diabetes, radical pelvic surgery, or severe neurologic damage. In these cases, a hormonal factor is often not the primary cause of dysfunction, and thus while TTh should be considered, other treatments are likely to be more effective.
Key Points
Testosterone replacement monotherapy can improve erectile function in men with mild ED, but not moderate and severe ED.
In men with low testosterone who are unresponsive to PDE5 inhibitors, normalization of testosterone levels can improve the response to PDE5 inhibitors.
Testosterone therapy improves libido in men with low testosterone.
A.W.P. is a National Institutes of Health K12 Scholar supported by a Male Reproductive Health Research Career Development Physician-Scientist Award (HD073917-01) from the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Program (to Dolores J. Lamb).
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Low Testosterone and What You Can Do About It – The Epoch Times
Posted: July 11, 2022 at 2:51 am
Its possible you dont have the energy, libido, or mood you used to. There can be several reasons, but one may have to do with dropping testosterone.
Testosterone is a hormone found in all humans. However, it plays a far more prominent role in men than women. It plays a role in sex drive, bone and muscle mass, fat storage, and red blood cell production. It may also affect a mans mood.
Testosterone typically peaks in a mans 20s or early 30s before it starts tapering off slowly over time. But everybodys baseline testosterone level is different. Some men are born with a lot of testosterone, while others are born with less. Normal testosterone can be anywhere from 280 to 1,100 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dL), which is a huge range.
So, somebody who has 1,100 ng/dL may feel it a lot more if levels get to 950 ng/dL than someone who starts with 500 ng/dL and sees it drop to 100 ng/dL. The difference may be more pronounced.
What might it feel like?
Low testosterone may create some of the following symptoms:
Youll only learn if you have low testosterone through blood tests, and youll only understand the rate its dropping with several tests used to track changes over time.
What can you do about it? There are a few things that may halt testosterone loss or at least slow it.
Diet and exercise can both play a role in testosterone levels. Weight training is associated with higher testosterone, and so is eating a nutrient-rich diet that is low in processed food. Fruits, vegetables, nuts, lean proteins, legumes, etc., is the way to go.
Managing weight may also help.
Testosterone replacement therapy, or TRT, is a procedure that can help, as well. It is still under study, but talk to your doctor if you believe low testosterone affects your quality of life.
Mat Lecompte is a health and wellness reporter for Bel Marra Health, which firstpublishedthis article.
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Low Testosterone and What You Can Do About It - The Epoch Times
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TRT Testosterone Replacement Therapy Clinic – Peter Uncaged MD
Posted: July 3, 2022 at 2:19 am
TRT Testosterone Replacement Therapy Clinic - Peter Uncaged MD
We Guarantee To Be The Most Affordable TRT Clinic. If You Find a Clinic Cheaper We Will Discount 20%!
Peter Uncaged MD is officially the largest online mens health clinic in existence. With our unbeatable pricing and unmatched customer service we have defined the patient journey. Our large network of physicians possess the education and tools to reshape your future and re-energize your existence.
Peter Uncaged MD will give you a brand new life; a life free from sexual dysfunction, depression, anxiety, and fatigue. You will be filled with energy, focus and hold the power to live the life you DESERVE!
Wellness Services That Will Help You To Look And Feel Better
Live Your Best Life
Get StartedSign up for your perspective program. A representative will email you within 48-72 hours to begin the onboarding process. The process is very streamlined and automated due to our proprietary software.
Us Based Medical ServicesPeter Uncaged MD is a US-based clinic with a network of physicians throughout the country. All of our physicians are fully licensed to practice medicine in their respective state. All physicians require a high number of CEU in our specialty to stay on service.
Who Can Use Our Services?At this point, we only service US-based states that we have a fully licensed provider located. We are currently covering 47 states!
Medical documents will be emailed to you and signed via electronic signature. The process only takes 10 minutes to complete and all files are stored in your chart.
How Long Will It Take?We will typically get you scheduled for your clinician consult within 72 hours of us receiving all required documents! Depending on the service will determine the amount of time it takes to receive the product directly to your front door.
Medical ShippingWe only partner with highly regulated 503A compounding pharmacies that meet our high standards to produce your medications. Overnight shipping is available.
We believe heroes do not wear capes. Peter Uncaged MD is proud to give 5% of all proceeds to the Folds of Honor. Thank you for helping those who signed a blank check with their lives for our freedoms we enjoy today. God Bless!
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TRT Testosterone Replacement Therapy Clinic - Peter Uncaged MD
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