Cell Surgical Network Opening in Australia

Posted: April 9, 2014 at 3:43 am

(PRWEB) April 08, 2014


Originating in California, CSN is the worlds largest cell surgical network and first multidisciplinary Regenerative Medicine group. CSN is collaborating with the Australian Adult Stem Cell Foundation to bring the research network to Australia.

CSN HAS OVER 40 LOCATIONS within the United States and several more worldwide. CSN has recently been launched in Australia with hand selected approved board certified Physicians. The ASCF has played an important role to identifying physicians who are passionate about regenerative and integrated medicine with a strong interest in SVF cell transplants.

INTERNATIONAL PHYSICIAN GROUP- Physicians belonging to the CSN network join an international network of Board certified Physicians, creating a multidisciplinary team where they receive training, technology and IP transfer, education and support for physicians and staff, access to IRB approved research protocols, the opportunity to submit their own protocols for IRB approval, website presence, and access to a university quality research database that collects outcomes from all sites.

SVF PROCUREMENT- The CSN SVF isolation system is a completely closed sterile surgical procedure. There are no laboratory requirements (e.g. laminar flow hood or otherwise) avoiding issues of GMP maintenance or possible cross contamination from laboratory handling. Further, the unique double filtration system avoids any risks of Pulmonary Emboli (PE) or problems due to particulate matter. The CSN has over the last 4 years researched and designed equipment that supports new requirements supported by the FDA/TGA. As the CSN system is a closed sterile surgical system it can be done in a doctors office and adheres to FDA/TGA regulations.

IRB STUDIES- Areas of study by the Cell Surgical Network include Orthopedics, Urology, Neurology, Cardiac/Pulmonary, Auto-Immune Diseases, Lichen Sclerosis, Ophthalmology. See http://www.stemcellrevolution.com

JOINING CELL SURGICAL NETWORK - Physicians interested in participating in the Cell Surgical Network please contact Chris Lindholm for more information by emailing clindholm(at)cellsurgicalnetwork(dot)com or phone 800-231-0407.

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Cell Surgical Network Opening in Australia

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