Dr David Steenblock – Adult Stem Cells & Stem Cell Treatments

Posted: July 5, 2015 at 5:50 am

Personalized Regenerative Medicine

Stem Cells & Stem Cell Therapies

Over the years, the staff at his namesake research institute accumulated response and outcome data on over 1000 patients treated in Mexico. With his participation they also carried out an open label pilot study in Mexico during 2004 in which eight children with cerebral palsy were treated with a subcutaneous very small injection of 1.5 View Article

By the 1990s Dr Steenblock, like many physicians had become keenly aware of the work being done with embryonic stem cells and their purported promise to usher in a new age of regenerative medicine. However, as ethical objections to use of embryonic stem cells gained traction and then momentum in the US and studies appeared View Article

It was actually in the year 1908 that the Russian histologist Alexander Maksimov (18741928) proposed the use of the term stem cell at a hematologic society congress held right here in Germany, in Berlin2. He crafted this term to help describe something he had observed about blood; namely that all blood cells develop from a View Article

The adult stem cells in most of the bodys organs and tissues tend to be a mix of multipotent, oligopotent and unipotent stem cells. These terms refer to the potency of these stem cells. Briefly: Multipotent stem cells can differentiate into a number of somatic cell types, but only those of a closely related family View Article

Stem Cell Diet 2012

The ALS diet developed by Dr Steenblock has been built to help ALS patients heal their intestines and combat fungi and toxic bacteria. This linkage between yeast and ALS has received additional validation insofar as recent autopsy studies have shown that all or almost all ALS patients have a chronic yeast infection or else are View Article

The Widowmaker uncovers a conspiracy of silence around that most vulnerable of human organs the heart. Every minute of every year an American drops dead of a heart attack, a huge number without any warning or prior symptom. For thirty years a hidden battle has been fought inside Americas medical establishment that has condemned View Article

Bioengineered Patch, Molecular Booster Could Improve Stem Cells Ability Treat Heart Failure Since 2009, scientists have injected, transplanted and infused millions of different types of stem-cell derived treatments into dying human hearts with the goal of reversing heart disease but so far, the results have been mixed.

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Dr David Steenblock - Adult Stem Cells & Stem Cell Treatments

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