Home | Eli and Edythe Broad Center of Regeneration …

Posted: March 25, 2022 at 2:05 am

In more than 140 labs across UCSF, scientists are carrying out studies in cell culture and animals with the goal of understanding and developing treatment strategies for such conditions as heart disease, diabetes, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, Parkinsons disease, Lou Gehrigs disease, spinal cord injury and cancer.

The Broad Center is structured around eight research pipelines aimed at driving discoveries from the lab bench to the patient. Each pipeline focuses on a different organ system, including the blood, pancreas, liver, heart, reproductive organs, nervous system, musculoskeletal tissues, skin and eyes. Each of these pipelines is overseen by two leaders of international standing one representing the basic sciences and one representing clinical research. This approach has proven successful in the private sector for driving the development of new therapies.

Like all of UCSF, the Center fosters a highly collaborative culture, encouraging the cross-pollination of ideas between scientists of different disciplines and years of experience. Researchers studying pancreatic beta cells damaged in diabetes collaborate with those studying nervous system diseases, because at the heart of their research are stem cells that undergo similar molecular signaling on the way to becoming both cell types. The opportunity to work in this culture has drawn some of the countrys premier scientists to the center.

UCSF Mourns the Loss of EliBroad(1933-2021)

The UC San Francisco community is deeply saddened to learn of the passing of EliBroad, a renowned entrepreneur and philanthropist whose generosity supported scientific and medical research, the arts, and high-quality educational opportunities for students across the U.S.

The Eli and EdytheBroadCenter of Regeneration Medicine and Stem Cell Research at UCSF will be forever grateful to Mr.Broadfor his extraordinary vision and generosity. His investments in UCSFs stem cell endeavors have enabled our scientists to accelerate our research, by bringing some of the worlds leading stem cell scientists together under one roof and providing them with a setting that promotes collaboration and an exchange of ideas, both key to making clinical advances to improve human health. His legacy will live on through the breakthroughs and improvements in patient care made possible by his support of our work.

In fact, Mr.Broads impact on stem cell science at UCSF and beyond will be felt for generations to come. Along with his wife of over 60 years, Edye, Mr.Broadsupported stem cell research at a time when the country most needed national leadership in this area of scientific inquiry. Eager to leverage his philanthropic dollars for maximum impact, Mr.Broadsaw an opportunity to fund stem cell research when Californians passed a proposition funding $3 billion in bonds to support stem cell research and research facilities in 2004. Shortly after President George W. Bush vetoed a bill that would have supported federal funding of stem cell research, the couples philanthropic organization, The Eli and EdytheBroadFoundation, made an initial investment of $65 million to create three newBroadStem Cell Centers at UCSF, UCLA, and the University of Southern California. The Foundation has since made supplemental gifts bringing their total contribution to these centers to $113 million. The efforts have made California a leading center of stem cell research in the country.

To learn more about the remarkable life of EliBroad, please visitthis link.

In Memoriam: Katja Brueckner, PhD

In Memoriam: Zena Werb, MD, PhD

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