Plasma and stem cells: The future of regenerative medicine | WEAR – WEAR

Posted: March 23, 2017 at 4:42 am

Plasma and stem cells: The future of regenerative medicine

Blood platelet injections and stem cell treatments may sound like the future, but physicians at the Andrews Institute are already practicing these forms of regenerative medicine.

Weight lifting mixed with normal wear and tear left Howie Webber in constant pain.

"I probably felt it about four months ago," said Howie. "I did some stretching, thinking I could make it go away, but it just continued to get worse."

That's when Howie went to the doctor and found out he had two options: surgery or regenerative medicine; he picked the latter.

"I just added up the amount of time I'd be out of work and the cost of surgery, plus the copay and this whole thing just seemed like it would be a little faster and a little easier, and it ended up being just that," said Howie.

Physicians at the Andrew's Institute currently offer two different types of regenerative medicine, platelet rich plasma, or PRP and bone marrow aspirate concentrate, or BMAC.

With PRP, physicians take the patient's blood, separate the platelets and inject those platelets back into the patient at the site of injury. The idea is that platelets carry growth factors and molecules to stimulate the healing process.

BMAC utilizes platelets too, but also the patient's bone marrow harvested from the pelvis.

Both regenerative medicine methods have benefits, perhaps the biggest according to Dr. Brett Kindle, is avoiding invasive surgeries.

"If we need surgery, we need surgery, and that's what it is, but if we can avoid it, that often times is very beneficial from a financial standpoint, missing less work, etc.," said Dr. Kindle. "Also from a quality of life, to be able to get back to doing activities in a more timely manner."

The main difference between the two is price and neither are covered by insurance. BMAC costs upwards of $3,000, while PRP costs anywhere from $600 to $800. Howie opted for PRP.

"It hurt for about three days, then within a week I was pain free," said Howie. "Maybe a little discomfort that you would expect, but it wasn't near as bad as it was before."

Howie's issue was with his hamstrings, but Dr. Kindle said both PRP and BMAC can be used to treat a variety of aches and pains.

"Anything in the limbs," said Dr. Kindle. "Shoulders, elbows, hands, wrists, hips, knees, foot, ankle, all of those areas."

Recovery for both PRP and BMAC procedures is typically one to two weeks. Full effects of the injections don't usually kick in until six to eight weeks later. For more information about regenerative medicine or to schedule a consultation with an Andrews Institute physician, call (850) 916-8700.

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Plasma and stem cells: The future of regenerative medicine | WEAR - WEAR

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