Research on Stem Cell Therapy | Liveyon Regenerative Medicine

Posted: July 10, 2017 at 6:48 am

Liveyon LLC is the exclusive worldwide distributor of a regenerative medicine product that is derived from umbilical cord. This product contains cells, stem cells and growth factors which may serve as a therapy for various degenerative diseases/disorders.

Stem cells and cell based therapies have shown tremendous promise; yet controlled studies are still needed in order to confirm its efficacy. Professional judgment and expertise is needed in using these therapies for any therapeutic use, and we urge anyone embarking on the use of stem cell therapies or any regenerative medicine product to consult the national health data bases to evaluate current information from clinical trials. The FDA websites on human tissue should also be consulted to get its current evaluation of any regenerative therapy.

Stem cells, like other medical products that are intended to treat, cure or prevent disease, generally require FDA approval before they can be marketed. FDA has not approved any stem cell-based or regenerative medicine products for use, other than cord blood-derived hematopoietic progenitor cells (blood forming stem cells) for certain indications. Basics/ucm194655.htm


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Research on Stem Cell Therapy | Liveyon Regenerative Medicine

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