‘Small Town Throwdown’ will benefit Zach Standen – Easton Courier

Posted: February 22, 2017 at 10:43 pm

Bobby Paultauf and his band will play the throwdown.

Those in the Redding, Easton area are probably aware of what happened to Joel Barlow High School student Zach Standen in the summer of 2016. Zach was in a devastating auto accident that left him partially paralyzed.

He needs hope and support from as many people as possible. He needs countless medical procedures in order to gain movement to his legs again through stem cell treatment due to a tragic car accident that made him paralyzed.

To help support Standens recovery, local musicians Bobby Paltauf, of the Bobby Paltauf Band, and Grayson Hugh, of Grayson Hugh & the Moon Hawks, will play a benefit show on Saturday, March 11 at the Fairfield Theater Company.

The family has started a GoFundMe account where people are able to donate to this expensive treatment. Lets all get together and help him walk again, Paultaufs mother, Tiffany, wrote in a press release.

Bobby Paltauf is a senior at Joel Barlow High School, where Standen goes.

Lets all get together and support local live music, especially where it benefits the hope of Zach being able to walk again, his mother wrote.

For the concert benefitting Standen, more information can be found on The Bobby Paltauf Band page on Facebook, and tickets are available at http://www.fairfieldtheatre.org.

Standen may be helped by stem cell medical treatments that can be administered in Panama.

The Standen family is in discussions and communication with the Cell Medicine Institute in that country and are pursuing this line of treatment for the young man, who is paralyzed.

We have done much research into stem cell therapy for spinal cord injuries here in the U.S. and Canada, and there just are no clinical trials or clinics that have the experience and track record like this one, the family said in a recent letter. Cell Medicine has been doing this specific treatment since 2006 and has a 60% to 70% success rate of some kind of improvements in most patients within a year.

Each procedure costs $37,200, which includes all medical procedures and ancillary needs. This is not covered by medical insurance.

The family is hoping everyone reading this could go to his GoFundMe page and donate $25, to help Zachs recovery.

To donate, visit: https://www.gofundme.com/stem-cell-therapy-for-zach-standen.

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'Small Town Throwdown' will benefit Zach Standen - Easton Courier

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