Stem Cell | Regenerative medicine | 2019 | Conference …

Posted: March 16, 2019 at 10:41 pm


The organizers holds no responsibilities orliabilities of the personal articles of attendees at the venue against any kindof theft, lost, damage, due to any reason whatsoever. Delegates are entirelyresponsible for the safety of their own belongings.


No insurance, of any kind, is included along withthe registration in any of the events of the organization.


Please note that transportation and parking is the responsibilityof the registrant, Allied Academies will not be liable for any actionshowsoever related to transportation and parking.


Press permission must be obtained from AlliedAcademies Conference Organizing Committee prior to the event. The press willnot quote speakers or delegates unless they have obtained their approval inwriting. The Allied Academies is an objective third-party nonprofitorganization and this conference is not associated with any commercial meetingcompany.

Requesting an Invitation Letter

For security purposes, letter of invitation will besent only to those individuals who had registered for the conference afterpayment of complete registration fee. Once registration is complete,

Cancellation Policy

All cancellations or modifications of registrationmust be made in writing to

If, due to any reason, Allied academies postpone anevent on the scheduled date, the participant is eligible for a credit of 100%of the registration fee paid. This credit shall only be used for another eventorganized by Allied academies within period of one year from the date ofrescheduling.

Postponement of event

If, due to any reason, Allied academies postpone anevent and the participant is unable or unwilling to attend the conference onrescheduled dates, he/she is eligible for a credit of 100% of the registrationfee paid. This credit shall only be used for another event organized by Alliedacademies within period of one year from the date of rescheduling.

Transfer of registration

All registrations, after payment of completeregistration fee, are transferable to other persons from the same organization,if in case the person is unable to attend the event. Request for transfer ofregistration must be made by the registered person in writing to Details mustinclude the full name of replaced new registrant, their title, contact phonenumber and email address. All other registration details will be assigned tothe new person unless otherwise specified. Registration can be transferred toone conference to another conference of Allied academies if the person isunable to attend one of conferences.

However, Registrationcannot be transferred if intimated within 14 days of respective conference.

The transferredregistrations will not be eligible for Refund.

This cancellation policywas last updated on April 04, 2015.

Visa Information

Keeping in view of increased security measures, wewould like to request all the participants to apply for Visa as soon aspossible.

Allied academies will notdirectly contact embassies and consulates on behalf of visa applicants. Alldelegates or invitees should apply for Business Visa only.

Important note for failed visa applications: Visaissues are not covered under the cancellation policy of Allied academies,including the inability to obtain a visa.

Refund Policy.

If the registrant is unable to attend, and is notin a position to transfer his/her participation to another person or event,then the following refund policies apply:

Keeping in view of advance payments towards Venue,Printing, Shipping, Hotels and other overhead charges, following Refund Policy

Orders are available:

Accommodation Cancellation Policy

Accommodation Service Providers (Hotels) have theirown cancellation policies which are applicable when cancellations are made lessthan 30 days prior to arrival. If in case the registrant wishes to cancel oramend the accommodation, he/ she is expected to inform the organizingauthorities on a prior basis. Allied academies will advise the registrant toensure complete awareness about the cancellation policy of your accommodationprovider, prior to cancellation or modification of their booking.

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Stem Cell | Regenerative medicine | 2019 | Conference ...

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