Study gives insights into how human fat cells are affected by age – Mirage News

Posted: June 25, 2020 at 1:48 pm

It was once thought that the fat cell was fairly inactive, but we suspect that its active and controls a lot more than previously thought, says Niklas Mejhert, co-senior author of the paper and joint group leader with Rydn at the Department of Medicine, Huddinge, Karolinska Institutet. If we can regulate the accumulation of fat in a more controlled way, it could bring huge advantages.

The results of the study, which explain why adipose tissue becomes less effective and how lipolysis declines with age, are of interest to the efforts being made to find future treatments able to improve the function of adipose tissue.

We now plan to examine how different cells within the fat tissue are affected by age, continues Rydn. This is particularly interesting when it comes to stem cells, which have the unique and important ability to renew themselves and repair injury. Its something were keen to follow up on.

The study was conducted with grants from the Karolinska Institutet Strategic Research Programme in Diabetes, the Knut & Alice Wallenberg Foundation, the Swedish Research Council and the Novo Nordisk Foundation.

Age-Induced Reduction in Human Lipolysis: A Potential Role for Adipocyte Noradrenaline Degradation, Hui Gao, Peter Amer, Gallic Beauchef, Christelle Guere, Katell Vie, Ingrid Dahlman, Niklas Mejhert and Mikael Rydn. Cell Metabolism, online June 25, 2020, doi: 10.1016/j.cmet.2020.06.007

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Study gives insights into how human fat cells are affected by age - Mirage News

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