What is Cord Blood Banking? The Medical Potential of Newborn Stem Cells – Video

Posted: November 2, 2012 at 4:42 am

What is Cord Blood Banking? The Medical Potential of Newborn Stem Cells
Learn more at http://www.cordblood.com What is cord blood banking? What cord blood stem cell medicine is being researched? Listen in as leading pediatric neurosurgeon Dr. Baumgartner discusses the future potential of regenerative medicine. Cord blood stem cells are being used today to treat blood disorders and certain cancers. Researchers are also investigating therapies that may one day treat cerebral palsy, traumatic brain injury (TBI), and hearing loss. At Cord Blood Registry, connecting parents with the most up-to-date information on stem cell therapies and FDA-regulated clinical trials is central to our mission and purpose. For more information about the lifesaving potential of cord blood, sign up for a free CBR information kit http://www.cordblood.com Disclaimer: Ultimate use of cord blood stem cells will be determined by the treating physician who will consider if they are applicable for the condition and should come from the patient or a suitable donor (like an HLA matched sibling). There is no guarantee that treatments being studied in the laboratory or in clinical trials will be available in the future. CBR is the preferred choice of OB/Gyns. Source: blind survey, GfK Market Measures, 04/07, funded by CBR. © 2012 Cord Blood Registry. All rights reserved.From:cordbloodregistryViews:624 4ratingsTime:00:57More inScience Technology

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What is Cord Blood Banking? The Medical Potential of Newborn Stem Cells - Video

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