ArchiMed invests in PlasmidFactory, a German gene and cell therapy specialist – BSA bureau

Posted: October 4, 2022 at 2:05 am

PlasmidFactory is the second investment of ArchiMeds MED Platform II, which began fundraising in January

Trans-Atlantic private equity healthcare specialist ArchiMed has invested in Bielefeld, Germany-based PlasmidFactory. Founded in 2000, PlasmidFactory is the leading contract manufacturer and service provider for plasmid and minicircle DNA.

PlasmidFactory develops and manufactures exceptionally high-grade plasmids and minicircles, used to modify cells and produce viral gene therapy vectors like AAV, LV and mRNA for combating everything from viruses like COVID-19 to seemingly intractable diseases like cancer, cystic fibrosis, heart disease, diabetes, hemophilia and AIDs (including CAR-T cell applications). Plasmids are notably a key component for the production of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines.

PlasmidFactory is the second buy-and-build investment of ArchiMeds MED Platform II fund, which began fundraising in January. The fund currently exceeds in size its predecessor fund, the fully-invested, 1.5 billion MED Platform I fund. A final target size for MED Platform II has not been disclosed.

PlasmidFactory has seen its revenues grow an average of 100 percent annually since 2019. The company opened a new HQ (High Quality) production facility in May, 2022 that generates exceptionally pure, cutting-edge plasmids. With the investment and support of ArchiMed, PlasmidFactory will shortly fund the construction of an even larger GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) compliant facility.

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ArchiMed invests in PlasmidFactory, a German gene and cell therapy specialist - BSA bureau

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