Brain cell therapy ‘promising’ for Parkinson’s disease – BBC News

Posted: April 11, 2017 at 3:41 pm

BBC News
Brain cell therapy 'promising' for Parkinson's disease
BBC News
Scientists believe they have found a way to treat and perhaps reverse Parkinson's disease, by making replacement cells to mend the damaged brain. They say human brain cells can be coaxed to take over the job of the ones that are destroyed in Parkinson's.
Cell Therapy 2.0: Reprogramming the Brain's Own Cells for Parkinson's TreatmentScientific American
Brain Cell Therapy Reverses Parkinson's-Like Symptoms In MiceHuffington Post UK
Brain cells reprogrammed to make dopamine, with goal of Parkinson's therapyThe San Diego Union-Tribune
STAT -NHS Choices
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Brain cell therapy 'promising' for Parkinson's disease - BBC News

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