Community Oncologist: A Key Player in CAR-T Cell Therapy – Cancer Therapy Advisor

Posted: October 17, 2019 at 4:50 pm

Although administration of anti-CD19 chimeric antigen receptor (CAR)-T cell therapy takes place at authorized treatment centers, community oncologists still play an important role, particularly in the recognition of eligible patients and the management of adverse effects of the treatment.

Arecent piece in The Oncologist detailed this crucial element of CAR-Tadministration and highlighted key aspects of CAR-T cell indications andeligibility for community oncology providers.1

Tomaximize the chances of a patient receiving CAR-T cell therapy, communityoncologists should refer patients early and broadly, as the time of referralto CAR-T cell infusion can take 4 to 6 weeks.

Mostbroadly, patients with relapsed or refractory large B-cell lymphoma who havefailed on 2 or more prior therapies can be referred. Patients who have failedor relapsed after first-line immunochemotherapy may also be eligible.

Patientswho progress on first-line therapy should be referred directly to academiccenters whenever possible for management because high rates of relapse areobserved with second-line treatments, the authors wrote. Academic centers areequipped to facilitate a smooth and rapid transition to the next line oftherapy, especially CAR-T cell therapy, if patients are already receivingtreatment there, which may be particularly important for patients with rapidlyprogressing disease.

Aspart of this process, community oncologists should be aware of which centers intheir state offer CAR-T cell therapy.

Communityoncologists also play an important role in postinfusion care. Patients treatedwith CAR-T cell therapy are advised to carry a wallet card with them at alltimes that defines symptoms that could indicate a serious adverse event forwhich to seek medical attention. Any patient in response that does notexperience a serious adverse event after a 4- to 8-week stay returns home.

Thesepatients can experience prolonged hypogammaglobulinemia and B-cell aplasia, andsome patients may require supportive care with IVIG. Prolonged cytopenias canalso occur. Because the treatment causes immunosuppression, patients are atongoing risk for serious infections after discharge as well.

Coordinationand communication between the local oncologist and CAR-T cell treatment oncologistare important during the months after patients return home from their minimum4-week stay near the treatment center, the authors wrote. After this period,the authorized treatment center, in coordination with the local oncologist, mayhave patient follow-ups every 2 weeks until month 3, then decreasing infrequency to 6 months and 12 months after CAR T-cell infusion, then yearlyuntil 5 years after CAR T-cell infusion, the authors wrote.


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Community Oncologist: A Key Player in CAR-T Cell Therapy - Cancer Therapy Advisor

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