Progencell | Stem Cell Therapy | Tijuana Mexico

Posted: March 1, 2015 at 7:45 am


Congratulations on taking the first step to improving your health!

PROGENCELL offers stem cell protocols with effective results. Many years of research and experience have resulted in substantial improvements in the health and conditions of patients with various diseases, even where other treatments have failed.

With the highest quality protocols, Progencell uses stem cells directly from the patient (autologous adult stem cells) in order to improve their health. The patients medical condition creates the appropriate environment in the body, resulting in a personalized therapy created specially for him.

We offer patients with certain degenerative diseases an opportunity to improve their health through cellular therapy, correcting their medical conditions from the source by regenerating the tissues and organs that are causing the ailments. Since we use stem cells from the patient, this therapy has no risk of tissue rejection, and minimal secondary effects.

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Progencell | Stem Cell Therapy | Tijuana Mexico

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