DSU AgDiscovery 2015 – Investing in the Future of American …

Posted: June 1, 2015 at 11:44 pm

DELAWARE STATE UNIVERSITY JULY 619, 2015 Learn about the business aspects of protecting plants and animals while exploring careers in agribusiness. Students will live on the Delaware State University (DSU) campus in Dover and learn about a variety of administrative professions from university professors and agriculture employees. Contact: Harry Thayer, (302) 857-6434, hthayer@desu.edu http://www.desu.edu DSU, founded in 1891 as the State College for Colored Students, takes pride in its heritage as one of the countrys first land-grant educational institutions, rooted early on in agriculture and education. DSUs current population includes a 76-percent African American enrollment and an increasing number of Caucasian, Hispanic, Asian, and other international students.

ARE YOU... a middle or high school student looking for a unique summer internship with an opportunity to live and study on a college campus? a high school student looking to improve your resume for college? a teacher looking for opportunities to expand your students view of agriculture? a parent looking for learning opportunities for your teen? Look no further the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) offers you an opportunity of a lifetime. WHAT IS AGDISCOVERY? AgDiscovery is a summer outreach program to help teenagers learn about careers in plant and animal science, wildlife management, and agribusiness. The program allows students to live on a college campus and learn about agriculture from university professors, scientists, and administrative professionals who work for the U.S. Government in a variety of fields. They study the life cycles and habits of insects (entomologists); research micro-organisms, such as bacteria and viruses (biotechnologists); examine cells and tissues under a microscope to identify diseases (plant pathologists); work to conserve and manage wild animals and their habitats (wildlife biologists); carry out animal health programs (veterinarians); provide education on the humane care and treatment of animals (veterinarians and animal care inspectors); and manage the business aspects of protecting plants and animals (agribusiness). This 2- to 4-week summer outreach program for 2015 targets middle and high school students1 who are interested in learning more about plants, animals, and agribusiness. Students chosen to participate in AgDiscovery will gain experience through hands-on labs, workshops, and field trips. Students will also participate in character- and team-building activities and a variety of workshops.

WHO SPONSORS AGDISCOVERY? USDAs Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) partners with various universities and colleges to deliver the AgDiscovery program. Many of the Federal Governments professional plant scientists, biotechnologists, veterinarians, and wildlife biologists work for APHIS. The agency funds AgDiscovery each year, and partner universities host program participants on their local campuses. In 2015, there are 17 universities participating in AgDiscovery: Alcorn State University, Delaware State University, Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University, Fort Valley State University, Iowa State University, Kentucky State University, Lincoln University in Missouri, North Carolina State University, South Carolina State University, Tuskegee University, University of Arizona, University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff, University of Hawaii at Manoa, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, University of Maryland at College Park, University of Maryland Eastern Shore, and Virginia State University. Each universitys AgDiscovery program focuses on a specific area of interest to our Nations agriculture, such as plant health, entomology, veterinary science, animal care, biotechnology, and agribusiness. AgDiscovery is a unique opportunity for students to gain a first-hand look at the many career paths open to them in the agricultural sciences. For those interested in an agricultural career, AgDiscovery is a great way to get started. Read on to learn more about this years program, including dates, locations, cost information, eligibility, and how to apply.


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DSU AgDiscovery 2015 - Investing in the Future of American ...

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