Ask the Doctor: Diabetes – WTNH Connecticut News (press release)

Posted: February 16, 2017 at 7:40 am Staff Published: February 15, 2017, 6:01 pm Updated: February 15, 2017, 6:01 pm

(WTNH) In this weeks Ask the Doctor segment, we are talking about diabetes.

For more insight, News 8s Darren Kramer spoke with Dr. Beth Collins. Collins is double board certified in plastic and reconstructive surgery.

Diabetes affects more than 30 million people. A new study shows there is a genetic link between where you carry your body fat and your risk of diabetes.

Some of the questions we asked:

Many people miss the signs and symptoms of diabetes. What are they?

Theres Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. Whats the difference?

How are they treated?

Theres a new study that changes liver cells in pancreas cells to produce insulin. How does that work?

Check out the video above for Dr. Beths answers, and catch News 8 at 5 p.m. every Wednesday for our Ask the Doctor segments.

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Ask the Doctor: Diabetes - WTNH Connecticut News (press release)

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