Fewer exams and better eye health? Aye-aye, finds type 1 diabetes study – National Institutes of Health (press release)

Posted: April 19, 2017 at 6:40 pm

National Institutes of Health (press release)
Fewer exams and better eye health? Aye-aye, finds type 1 diabetes study
National Institutes of Health (press release)
Adjusting the frequency of eye screenings for people with type 1 diabetes based on their risk of severe eye problems would result in fewer eye exams at lower cost and quicker diagnosis and treatment of advanced retinopathy, which can otherwise lead to ...
Targeted Retinopathy Screening Proposed in Type 1 DiabetesMedscape
Is Annual Eye Exam a Must for People With Type 1 Diabetes?Philly.com

all 3 news articles »

Read the rest here:
Fewer exams and better eye health? Aye-aye, finds type 1 diabetes study - National Institutes of Health (press release)

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