Get to the core with epigenetics – Deccan Herald

Posted: November 20, 2019 at 1:50 pm

Epigenetics, or the study of biological changes that occur due to different chemical marks that alter the expression of our genes, proves that the beneficial effects of yoga penetrate deep into our minds and bodies and may even touch the very code of life that makes us who we are.

Do you feel stressed too often? Dont worry, youre not alone. The growing number of mentalhealth cases in India are pointing in the direction of a pressing need for attention. Research hasfound the top few sources of increasing stress in the lives of over one billion Indians to be money,work, family responsibilities, and health concerns.

Too much stress can take a significant toll on ones health. Not being able to copewith stress can lead to chronic diseases and accelerated ageing (but dont think about that toomuch, or risk adding it to your already lengthy list of issues inducing stress). If you have been trying to takemeasures to reduce therapy and have not achieved the desired outcome, there is still hope.

Epigenetic research has found that the ancient art of meditation, particularly mindfulmeditation, has numerous health and stress-reducing benefits.Yoga is the most ancient form of basic human wellness or unity of mind-body or in biologicalterms state of homoeostasis Homeo (resembling) stasis (equilibrium). In this state, all chemicalsand biochemicals in the body are in absolute balance state. All hormones calibrated (no excess orlittle testosterone, estrogen, cortisol), no excess or little adrenaline, dompamine(feel good) purged of all environmental toxins. Yoga helps in rhythmicbreathing which allows mind-body calibration resulting inneuroplasticity that fine tunes the brain or CNS to get calmer.

(The author isfounder,Vantage Enterprise)

Get to the core with epigenetics - Deccan Herald

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