Opinion | April 16: Russian barbarism, a statue of Boris, standardize traffic lights and other letters – Hamilton Spectator

Posted: April 19, 2022 at 2:40 am

GMO debate is not over

In his op-ed Saving the planet one bite at a time, (April 7), Prof. Sylvain Charlebois says the new United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report is worth the read but it seems he did not actually read it himself. Charlebois says, The report sees global trade and genetic engineering as part of the solution, but the report doesnt even mention genetic engineering (genetically modified organisms or GMOs). Yet he then states, it is time to put the anti-GMO rhetoric to rest. Whatever reason he has for making this passionate statement, the IPCC is not it, and readers deserve correct information. Falsely reporting on the IPCC content trivializes the serious challenge before us. Furthermore, this attempt to shut down debate over GMOs comes at a time when we need more debate, not less: as the Canadian Food Inspection Agency and Health Canada are proposing to remove environmental and food safety assessments for some genetically engineered seeds and foods.

Lucy Sharratt, co-ordinator, Canadian Biotechnology Action Network (CBAN)

Brott deserves a statue

The sudden recent death of Boris Brott in such a tragic manner is truly heartbreaking. That it should happen on a street in Hamilton, the city he loved so well, is especially painful.

Boris Brott was a world renowned maestro, and a strong proponent of this city. The enthusiasm and obvious joy he brought to his performances was always uplifting to witness.

I was lucky to see him perform here in Hamilton and more recently at the National Arts Centre in Ottawa. His enthusiasm, energy and sense of fun was always evident.

I think a fitting and appropriate tribute to Boris Brott would be to have his likeness in a statue erected in Gore Park, honouring his decades long musical contributions to Hamilton. Honouring him this way would also promote his legacy of a love for music.

Perhaps it might replace the contentious statues of John A. Macdonald or Queen Victoria. The loss of a person of Brotts stature deserves a monument at the centre of this city.

Marion Shynal, Stoney Creek

Standardize traffic lights

Who knows when a green light with a red flashing hand signal is going to yellow and one second later to red? Or countdown lights some turn red at 0; other countdowns go from 0 to a red hand signal for you to guess at how long you have to go through the intersection safely. A quick glance into your review mirror tells you that the car behind you is on your bumper; to make a quick decision to stop could end up in a collision. Split second decision. I hate it! You slow down nearing an intersection not knowing weather you can safely make it through the light only having to speed up as the light hasnt yet changed and the guy behind you is honking his horn pushing you through. Then you worry if this was a red-light camera intersection. I ask myself every day, why cant Hamilton synchronize all the traffic lights for continuity, so that every driver knows when to slow down to stop?

Saving mine for buck-a-beer

The letter writers complaining about getting a refund on the licence stickers are getting tiring. Really? I never got a red cent back from their beloved Liberals, in fact I was gouged enough on everything from electricity to public services to make up for a centurys worth of overpayment to their provincial coffers.

I, for one, appreciate that I dont have to spend money on stickers for my vehicles and was grateful to get my refund. You want to donate your refund to Del Duca or any other cause, knock yourself out. Im saving mine for buck-a-beer.

In praise of journalists

If not for journalists, we would not have found out that the abundance of rapid tests in Ontario were given to private schools. In fact they were given more tests than LTC homes and paramedics put together. I am a proud supporter of my local newspaper and thankful for the truth seekers out there. Keep up the good work the general public needs to know the truth

Robin Magder Pierce, Hamilton

Depraved Russian soldiers

For the children, written in Russian, on the side of an exploded missile, in the midst of dozens of Ukrainian dead. Unarmed civilian, women, children and aged. Can we imagine much that is more barbaric, uncivilized and depraved? We wonder if this dedication was the sick humour of the commanding officer, or was a suggestion from petulant Putin personally. It certainly leaves no doubt as to their evil intentions. I shall never visit Russia.

Edward A. Collis, Burlington

Superrich of the world, unite!

Regarding Liberal-NDP deal will mean major tax hikes (April 1): The manifesto of the 21st century: Superrich of the world, unite!

Nicholas Christoforou, Ancaster

Continued here:
Opinion | April 16: Russian barbarism, a statue of Boris, standardize traffic lights and other letters - Hamilton Spectator

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