Genetic Modification in Medicine |

Posted: October 14, 2017 at 1:57 am

Posted by Ardent Editor on July 23rd, 2007

One of the most promising uses for genetic modification being eyed in the future is on the field of medicine. There are a number of advances already being done in the field of genetic modification that may be able to allow researchers to someday be able to develop a wide range of medicines that will be able to treat a variety of diseases that current medicines may not be able to.

There are many ways that genetic modification can be used in the development of new medicines in the future. One of them is in the production of some human therapeutic proteins which is used to treat a variety of diseases.

Current methods of producing these valuable human proteins are through human cell cultures but that can be very costly. Human proteins can also be purified from the blood, but the process always has the risk of contamination with diseases such as Hepatitis C and the dreaded AIDS. With genetic modification, these human proteins can be produced in the milk of transgenic animals such as sheep, cattle and goats. This way, human proteins can be produced in higher volumes at less cost.

Genetic modification can also be used in producing so-called nutriceuticals. Through this genetic modification can be used in producing milk from genetically modified animals in order to improve its nutritional qualities that may be needed by some special consumers such as those people who have an immune response to ordinary milk or are lactose intolerant. That is just one of the many uses that genetic modification may be able to help the field of medicine in trying to improve the quality of life.

Other ways of using genetic modification in the field of medicine concern organ transplants. In is a known fact to day that organ transplants are not that readily available since supply for healthy organs such as kidneys and hearts are so very scarce considering the demand for it. With the help of genetic modification, the demand for additional organs for possible transplants may be answered.

Genetic modification may be able to fill up the shortfall of human organs for transplants by using transgenic pigs in order to provide the supply of vital organs ideal for human transplants. The pigs can be genetically modified by adding a specific human protein that will be able to coat pig tissues and prevent the immediate rejection of the transplanted organs into humans.

Although genetic modification may have a bright future ahead, concerns still may overshadow its continuous development. There may still be ethical questions that may be brought up in the future concerning the practice of genetic modification. And such questions already have been brought up in genetically modified foods.

And such questions may still require answers that may help assure the public that the use of genetic modification in uplifting the human quality of life is sound as well as safe enough. Public acceptance will readily follow once such questions have been satisfactorily answered.

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Genetic Modification in Medicine |

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