Personalized Medicine | Moffitt

Posted: January 25, 2019 at 12:42 pm

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Even though cancers may be found in the same part of the body and look similar under the microscope, we now understand that they can be quite different. That difference often appears in how that tumor type responds to therapy. Increasingly, that variation in response to treatment can reflect the changes that are found in the DNA of the tumor. Thats why Moffitt Cancer Center looks at every patients cancer as unique. We start with a precise diagnosis that tries to identify the specific DNA alternations in the tumor and then create an individualized treatment plan that has the best chance of beating your cancer. Our team approach ensures a full range of specialists are collaborating to look at your cancer from every perspective.

The ultimate goal of personalized medicine at Moffitt is to create and share new, targeted treatments that will improve outcomes, cure disease, extend survivorship and improve quality of life for patients regardless of where they live. This is accomplished through existing clinical programs as well as ongoing research into how best to develop the right diagnosis and treatment plan for each individual.

Our efforts include:

DeBartolo Family Personalized Medicine InstituteThe DeBartolo Family Personalized Medicine Institute provides the hub for personalized care and research at Moffitt. Created by a generous donation from the DeBartolo Family Foundation, the DFPMI was created in 2012 to revolutionize the discovery, delivery and effectiveness of cancer care on an international scale.

Department of Individualized Cancer ManagementThe Department of Individualized Cancer Management includes five high impact and clinically oriented departments under the leadership of Dr. Howard McLeod: Adolescent & Young Adult, Gene Home, Genetic Risk Assessment Service, Personalized Cancer Medicine and the Senior Adult Oncology Program. The Personalized Cancer Medicine department is comprised of the Personalized Medicine Clinical Service (PMCS) and Clinical Genomics Action Committee (CGAC). PMCS and CGAC were developed as pathways for direct clinical translation of results from genomic testing. PMCS provides consultation and interpretation of the tumor genetic sequencing results for Moffitt patients and serves as a resource to Moffitt Physicians for input and advice regarding personalized medicine. CGAC serves as Moffitts unique molecular tumor board and includes a diverse team with expertise from various disciplines. Dr. McLeod, a renowned expert on the role of genetics on the individuals response to cancer therapies, is the Medical Director for the DeBartolo Family Personalized Medicine Institute.

Total Cancer CareMoffitt Cancer Center's Total Cancer Care initiative is an ambitious research partnership between patients, doctors and researchers to improve all aspects of cancer prevention and care. Patients participate by donating information and tissue. Researchers use the information to learn about all issues related to cancer and how care can be improved. Physicians use the information to better educate and care for patients.

Clinical PathwaysMoffitts clinical pathways are a model for providing evidence-based, consensus-driven, cost-effective cancer care. Each of the 51 disease-specific pathways that Moffitt has developed offers a detailed road map for physicians to provide state-of-the-art cancer care. The pathways demonstrate how to integrate evidence-based medicine with available technology to standardize, benchmark, measure and improve cancer care.

Molecular Diagnostics LaboratoryThe Morsani Molecular Diagnostics Laboratory is revolutionizing cancer diagnostics by using the most advanced genetic testing tools available to improve the precision in the patient care we provide. Studies show as many as 30 percent of initial cancer diagnoses are revised to indicate a different type of cancer. This lab seeks to reduce that number by developing clinical biomarkers that can help identify the right drug for a particular patient or determine if a specific clinical trial is a good match for a patient with a certain tumor gene mutation.

ORIENThe Oncology Research Information Exchange Network (ORIEN) is a unique research partnership among North Americas top cancer centers that recognizes collaboration and access to data as the key to cancer discovery. Through ORIEN, founders Moffitt and The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center Arthur G. James Cancer Hospital and Richard J. Solove Research Institute in Columbus leverage multiple data sources and match patients to targeted treatments. Partners have access to one of the worlds largest clinically annotated cancer tissue repositories and data from more than 100,000 patients who have consented to the donation for research.

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Personalized Medicine | Moffitt

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