Soon, genetic testing for cancer treatment could match you with the perfect drug –

Posted: November 2, 2019 at 1:42 am

Your genes can effect how you respond to medicine. Genetic testing can help identify the right drug at the right dose for a patient. Courtesy of Mayo Clinic

Predicting whether a patient like KerriePrettitorewill have a fatal reaction to a chemotherapy drug or even whether adrugwill work at all is the future of medicine, and its coming soon.

Genetic testing can help predict how patients will respond to a drug,whether its designed to combat cancer or other illnesses. Eventually, that will enable doctors to individualize patient treatment, choosing a medication and dose to best match a patients genetic profile. The goal is to maximize benefit while minimizing harm.

Research inseveral areasalready is having an impact:

KerriePrettitore, a Ridgewood woman,suffered from a genetic abnormality called DPD deficiency, which prevents someone from breaking down the chemotherapy drug 5-FU, or fluorouracil.Agenetic test can help identify patients who may be at risk of developing such a reaction.

Frances national drug-regulating agency began recommending last year that all patientsprescribed5-FU and related drugs be screened for DPD deficiency beforehand. Two hundred people a year die in France because they receive the drug and have DPD deficiency, according to a company that performs such tests. The company recommends that the genetic test be combined with a blood test for maximum accuracy, a practice that has been used in the Netherlands for almost a decade.

In theUnited States, testing for DPD deficiency is not currently recommended by major cancer treatment organizations.But some scientists say change will come soon.

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Genetic testsmust be inexpensive,produce results quickly and provide clinically useful informationto be cost-effective, said RobertDiasio, an authority on DPD deficiency and director of the Mayo Clinic Cancer Center. The tests currently availablefor DPD deficiencydont yet meet that standard, he said.

The testsdont identify everyone atrisk,and they may identify a mutation in a person who turns out to be able to tolerate the drug, he said. Thats because they test for only a handful of mutations. They dont testfor all possible mutations because it is expensive andyieldsinformation that scientists dont yet know how to interpret.

But the cost of a complete genetic analysis is coming downandthe turnaround time is getting quicker, he noted. Moreknowledge is needed, however,about which mutations are important and which are irrelevant to doctorsmakingprescribing decisions,Diasiosaid.

At the Mayo Clinics Center for Individualized Medicine,astudy of 10,000 Minnesota patientsis underway. It will integratepatients genetic informationinto theirelectronic medical recordsto inform physicians about significant linkages when certain medications are prescribed.

As research advances, more linkages will be discovered and included in the individual records. The goal isto help patients get the right drug at the right dose for their disease personalized medicine at its best.

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Soon, genetic testing for cancer treatment could match you with the perfect drug -

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