Basic Genetics

Posted: September 26, 2016 at 7:45 am

Tour of Basic Genetics

What are Traits?

Explore traits, the characteristics that make us unique.

What are DNA & Genes?

Get to know the molecule that holds the instructions for building every living thing.

What is Inheritance?

Learn how traits pass from parents to offspring.

What is Mutation?

Take a look at how variation occurs.

We are pleased to offer you a partial preview of our new Tour of Basic Genetics.

More chapters will be available soon. But we wanted to make the new chapters available as soon as possible, especially for those who are using mobile devices or the most-recent version of web browsers that no longer support Adobe Flash content.

Our flash-based old tour is still available.

How do Scientists Read Chromosomes?

To read a set of chromosomes, scientists look for key features to identify their similarities and differences.

Make a Karyotype

Try your hand at organizing a profile of human chromosomes.

Using Karyotypes To Diagnose Genetic Disorders

Certain genetic disorders can be diagnosed by looking at a person's chromosomes.

Are Telomeres The Key To Aging And Cancer?

Protective tips at the end of our chromosomes get shorter as we age.

Related content from Pigeon Breeding: Genetic Linkage Sex Linkage

What are dominant and recessive?

The terms dominant and recessive describe the inheritance patterns of certain traits. But what do they really mean?

Sexual vs. Asexual Reproduction

Compare the two ways for organisms to pass genetic information to their offspring.

The 4 Types of DNA and Molecular Genealogy

DNA analysis can help build the family tree. Find out about autosomal, x chromosome, y chromosome, and mitochondrial DNA.

Types of Proteins

Explore the types of proteins and learn about their varied functions.

Transcribe and Translate a Gene

See how cells "read" the information in a DNA sequence to build a protein, then build one yourself!

What makes a firefly glow?

Walk through protein synthesis with this animated example.


Mad Cow and Creutzfeldt-Jakob are examples of prion diseases. What makes them unusual, and why are they controversial?

Observable Human Characteristics

Take a look at several inherited human characteristics and learn more about them. Which variations do you have?

Traits Activities

Do these fun activities about inherited traits and disease risk with your family or at public gatherings.

Build a DNA Molecule

Find out how the DNA code letters A, C, G, and T make a DNA molecule by building one yourself.

Anatomy of a Gene

Introns, exons, and regulatory sequences: Examine the parts of a gene from "start" to "stop."

Things You May Not KNow About DNA

Put an end to these common misconceptions about DNA and Heredity.

How do Cells Read Genes?

See how cells interpret DNA sentences.

PTC: The Genetics of Bitter Taste

An accidental discovery leads to important clues about human evolution.

Genes and Blood Type

Take a look at the inheritance of the ABO blood typing system and the genes behind it.

The Time of Our Lives

Learn about the genetic underpinnings of biological clocks.

DNA Day is April 25th. Check out the NHGRI DNA Day website.

RNA: The Versatile Molecule

RNA's chemical structure gives it the flexibility to take on a variety of shapes and functions.

RNA's Role In The Central Dogma

Learn the essential roles of the three most plentiful types of RNA messenger, transfer, and ribosomal in the processes of transcription and translation.

Beyond the Central Dogma

Learn about some of the less-known roles of RNA.

The Outcome of Mutation

Small changes to DNA can lead to big variations in traits.

Homeotic Genes and Body Patterns

Bizarre mutations in fruit flies led to the discovery of genes that guide development.

Test Neurofibromin Activity In A Cell

See how a mutated protein can affect normal cell division.

Mutation and Haplotypes

Genetic variations can provide clues about common ancestry.

APA format:

Genetic Science Learning Center. (2016, March 1) Basic Genetics. Retrieved September 23, 2016, from

CSE format:

Basic Genetics [Internet]. Salt Lake City (UT): Genetic Science Learning Center; 2016 [cited 2016 Sep 23] Available from

Chicago format:

Genetic Science Learning Center. "Basic Genetics." Learn.Genetics.March 1, 2016. Accessed September 23, 2016.

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Basic Genetics

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