Stem Cells in GA – Georgia Bio

Posted: August 25, 2014 at 1:50 pm

During the 2006 Georgia General Assembly Session, Georgia Bio (GaBio) opposed passage of Senate Bill 596 that would have banned embyronic stem cell research and therapeutic cloning. The legislation was not approved. Subsequently Georgia Bio commissioned a poll of Georgia voters to assess their opinions on the issues. Results of the poll and other information related to the 2006 Legislative session are below.

During the 2007 General Assembly Session, GaBio opposed passage Senate Bill 148 as written. GaBio supported the efforts of SB 148 to establish a newborn umbilical cord blood bank and provide access to this tissue and blood for research and medical treatment; but opposed references in the bill to embryonic stem cell research as unnecessary to the bills purpose and in some cases unscientific. GaBio's press release on SB 148 is below.

During the 2009 General Assembly Session, GaBio opposed passage of Senate Bill 169. It would criminalize embryonic stem cell research and therapeutic cloning by defining an in vitro embryo as a human being, and prohibiting the creation of an embryo by therapeutic cloning or somatic cell nuclear transfer.

There are numerous scientific and medical organizations that fully support embryonic stem cell research. The area of stem cell research holds incredible promise for the developing treatments and cures for a host disease. GaBio has urged that all forms of stem cell research be pursued including adult stem cells, stem cells derived from post natal tissues and embryonic stem cells.

Georgia Bio, Stem Cell Research Position Statement, Adopted May 11, 2006, by the Board of Directors

Georgia Bio, Position Statement on SB 169, Adopted March 5, 2009

SB 169

Substitute SB 169

4/10/2007: GBP Urges Amending SB 148 To Remove Language Hostile to Stem Cell Research 9/30/2006: Poll: Significant Majority of Georgians Back Embryonic Stem Cell Research and Therapeutic Cloning 7/20/2006: Chambliss, Isakson Vote No on HR 810 7/14/2006: Governor Appoints Umbilical Cord Blood Research Commission 4/12/2006: GBP President Responds to Governor Perdues Order Creating a Cord Blood Research Commission 2/28/2006: Georgia Biomedical Partnership Responds To Georgia Senate Bills 596 and 537

Complete Press Packet (Includes Survey of Georgia Registered Voters Regarding Stem Cell Research issued by Ayres, McHenry & Associates, Inc.)

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Stem Cells in GA - Georgia Bio

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