Stem Cells – Lonza

Posted: July 10, 2015 at 12:49 pm

Now Available:

The L7 hPSC Reprogramming Bundle, a xeno-free, fully defined system for generation of hiPSCs. When combined with the L7 hPSC Culture System, it provides a complete system for reliable reprogramming, expansion and maintenance of human pluripotent stem cells.

The L7 PBMC Priming-Recovery Kit is supplied with PBMC priming and recovery media, enhancers, and a detailed protocol for PBMC reprogramming utilizing episomal vector technology.

To learn more about the L7 System, click hereor listen to the archived stem cell webinar.

Listen to the archived pluripotent stem cellwebinar.

L7 hiPSC Reprogramming and hPSC Culture System In 2011 Lonza began development on a clinical grade master cell bank. During development it was determined thatexisting commercialproductsdid not provide the optimal xeno-free, defined conditionsfor human induced pluripotent stem cell (hiPSC) generation and human pluripotent stem cell (hPSC) culture so theL7 hiPSC Reprogramming and hPSC Culture System was created. Efficient and reliable reprogramming of human somatic cells towards hiPSCs has never been easier!

Stem Cell Transfection using Nucleofector Technology Transfection ofstem cells is typically a very difficult task using non-viral methods. With the Nucleofector Technology stem cells can be consistently transfected at high efficiency for various applications, comprising those that require co-transfection of several substrates:

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Stem Cells - Lonza

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